How did the Knights of Labor differ from the American Federation of Labor? A. The Knights of Labor replaced the AFL. B. The AFL only allowed skilled laborers to join their union. C. The AFL was a political party formed by workers. D. The Knights of Labor only helped women.​


Answer 1

The membership standards, political objectives, and strategies used by the Knights of Labor and the AFL to organise and negotiate for workers' rights were different.

What distinguished the Knights of Labor from the AFL most significantly?

The AFL concentrated on using collective bargaining to secure financial advantages for its members. It served as a federation for a number of national craft unions that each continued to run independently. The Knights, in contrast, were a single national union that represented both skilled and unskilled workers.

How did the Wobblies and the Knights of Labor differ from the AFL?

In place of the American Federation of Labor, the Wobblies sought an alternative (AFL). In contrast to the AFL, the IWW allowed all employees to join, regardless of their talents, colour, or gender. It had objectives akin to  the Knights of Labor, a socialistic union from the nineteenth century. The IWW's leader was "Big Bill" Haywood.

To know more about Knights visit:-


Related Questions

. What did Madison's concept of government eventually be known as?


A strong national government with three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Answer: Vices of the Political System of the US

Hope this helped!

2. What does Richard Pratt think about policies like the Land in Severalty Bill?


It's important to note that opinions on policies can vary widely among individuals, and it's best to consult Richard Pratt's statements or writings on the matter for a more accurate understanding of his position.

What are policies?

Policies are guidelines or rules set by organizations, governments, or institutions to guide decision-making, actions, and behaviors. These policies are often based on a set of principles, values, and objectives that the organization or institution wants to achieve. Policies can cover a wide range of areas, including finance, human resources, information technology, health and safety, and environmental sustainability. Policies can be mandatory or discretionary, depending on the context and purpose of the policy. Policies are typically communicated to stakeholders through official documents or procedures, and are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant and effective. Effective policies can help organizations and institutions achieve their goals, maintain compliance with regulations, and promote fairness and consistency in decision-making.

To learn more about policies, visit:


Marking as brainiest please help !!

How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War 2?

- Make an introduction paragraph
And a
- body paragraph

Read the image checklist below


The Treaty of Versailles led to World War 2 because the Germans and the allies felt that the Germans had been unfairly treated by the treaty due to the punishments and all they lost to the treaty

How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War 2?


The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, officially marked the end of World War I. The treaty imposed heavy reparations on Germany, stripped it of its territories, and forced it to accept the sole responsibility for the war.

The treaty left Germany in a state of economic and political instability, which ultimately led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II. In this essay, we will examine how the Treaty of Versailles contributed to the outbreak of World War II.

Body paragraph:

The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh reparations on Germany, which included the payment of billions of dollars in damages to the Allied powers. The economic burden of these reparations, coupled with the loss of territories and resources, left Germany in a state of economic distress. Inflation soared, unemployment rates skyrocketed, and poverty became widespread. The German people felt humiliated and bitter about the terms of the treaty, and their resentment fueled the rise of extremist political parties, such as the Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler.

Hitler promised to restore Germany's glory and reclaim its lost territories, and his rhetoric appealed to many Germans who were eager to regain their national pride. As Hitler rose to power, he began to violate the terms of the Treaty of Versailles by rearming Germany and annexing neighboring countries, which eventually led to the outbreak of World War II.

In conclusion, the Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in the outbreak of World War II. Its harsh terms left Germany in a state of economic and political instability, which ultimately paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Hitler's aggressive policies violated the terms of the treaty, leading to the eventual invasion of neighboring countries and the outbreak of war. The Treaty of Versailles serves as a reminder of the importance of finding a fair and equitable resolution to conflicts to prevent the rise of extremist ideologies and the outbreak of war.

Read more on treaty of Versailles here:


Describe the relationship between a Lord and a Vassal in the Middle Ages.


Answer: A lord is a highly born who owned land, a vassal was someone who was granted permission of the land by the lord.


( in short )

In the Middle Ages, the relationship between a Lord and a Vassal was a key aspect of the feudal system that governed medieval Europe. The Lord, as a landowner, would grant a portion of his land to a Vassal, who would pledge his loyalty and service to the Lord in exchange. The Vassal's duties included providing military service, financial support, and counsel to the Lord, while the Lord provided protection, infrastructure, and legal and judicial support to the Vassal.

This relationship was formalized through a ceremony known as "homage," which created a mutual obligation and dependence between the Lord and Vassal. The feudal system based on these relationships provided a structure for medieval society, allowing for the governance of vast territories and the maintenance of law and order.


(full explanation)

In the Middle Ages, the relationship between a Lord and a Vassal was a fundamental aspect of the feudal system that governed medieval Europe.

A Lord was a landowner who held a fief or estate, which could range in size from a small plot of land to a large territory. The Lord had the power to grant a portion of his land to a Vassal, who was typically a lesser noble or knight. In exchange for this grant of land, the Vassal would swear an oath of loyalty and service to the Lord. This relationship was formalized through a ceremony known as a "homage," where the Vassal would kneel before the Lord and pledge his loyalty and service.

The Vassal's duties to the Lord included providing military service, financial support, and counsel. In times of war, the Vassal was obligated to provide a specified number of soldiers or knights to fight for the Lord. In peacetime, the Vassal was expected to provide financial support, including taxes or other forms of tribute. Additionally, the Vassal was often called upon to provide counsel to the Lord on matters of governance or strategy.

In return for these duties, the Lord provided the Vassal with protection and support. The Lord was responsible for maintaining the infrastructure of the fief, including roads, bridges, and fortifications. Additionally, the Lord provided legal and judicial protection to the Vassal and his family.

Overall, the relationship between a Lord and a Vassal was one of mutual obligation and dependence. The Vassal was granted land and protection in exchange for his service and loyalty to the Lord. The feudal system based on these relationships provided a structure for medieval society, allowing for the governance of vast territories and the maintenance of law and order.

The rise of radical Islamic Fundamentalism after the 1979 Iranian Revolution has brought about

a. An increase in women's rights

b.The introduction of Communism to the Middle East

c. An increase in incidents of global terrorism

d. Increased foreign control of oil reserves


The rise of radical Islamic Fundamentalism after 1979 Iranian Revolution, as well as other similar movements in the Middle East and beyond, has been associated with an increase in incidents of global terrorism.

What was the Iranian Revolution?

The Iranian Revolution, also known as the Islamic Revolution, was a series of events that led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of an Islamic republic in Iran. It began in 1978 with a popular uprising against the regime of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was seen as a puppet of the West. The revolution was led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a Shi-ite cleric who advocated for an Islamic government. After months of protests and violence, the shah fled the country in January 1979, and Khomeini returned from exile to assume power. The revolution led to major changes in Iranian society, including the implementation of Islamic law, the suppression of political opposition, and a shift towards a more anti-Western foreign policy.

To learn more about Iranian Revolution, visit:


Actividad 6

Escribe un comentario sobre el texto de Oswaldo Escobar Velado, comentado las características de su literatura y ejemplificando textualmente.

Nombra diferentes representantes de la generación del 44 y sus respectivas obras


Oswaldo Escobar Velado was a renowned Guatemalan writer, journalist, and teacher who made significant contributions to Central American literature. In his works, Velado depicts the complexities of Guatemalan society.

Its political issues, and the struggles of its people, often with a critical and sometimes satirical tone. His literature is characterized by a focus on social and political issues, a deep concern for human rights, and an unwavering commitment to advocating for justice.

Velado was part of the Generation of '44, a group of writers who emerged in Guatemala in the 1940s and made significant contributions to Central American literature. Other notable representatives of this generation include Miguel Angel Asturias, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1967 for his works such as "El Señor Presidente" and "Men of Maize," and Luis Cardoza y Aragón, a poet and diplomat who wrote "Cuentos de Guatemaltecos" and "Génesis del Presagio." These writers, along with Velado, shared a commitment to social justice and used their literature to expose the injustices and inequalities present in Guatemalan society.

Learn more about Oswaldo


Translated Question;

Activity 6Write a commentary on Oswaldo Escobar Velado's text, commenting on the characteristics of his literature and giving textual examples. Name different representatives of the generation of '44 and their respective works

which of the folowing statemtns regadring immigratiojn during the great depression is true? a. more people left the unityed stated than entered it during the great dewpression b. hoover creatyed a federal prohram to attract mexican laborers willing to work in low paying agricultural jobs c. the mexivcan born pipulation living in texan more than doubled in the great depression


The given statements 'More people left the United States than entered it during the Great Depression' and 'The Mexican-born population living in Texas more than doubled in the Great Depression' are true regarding immigration during the great depression.

A. The Great Depression was a period of economic hardship in the 1930s that affected the entire world. The resulting recession meant that fewer people were willing and able to immigrate to the United States. From 1930-1940, only about 200,000 people moved to the United States, whereas in the previous decade, over 4 million had done so. Additionally, many who were already living in the US were returning home.

B. Hoover did not create a federal program to attract Mexican laborers willing to work in low paying agricultural jobs. Although there were some Mexican immigrants during this time, Hoover’s policies did not encourage immigration.

C. The Mexican-born population living in Texas more than doubled in the Great Depression. The actual number of Mexican-born people living in Texas only increased by 8%, not more than doubling.

Know more about Great Depression here:


select all that apply which statements describe the twelve regional banks of the federal reserve system that were created in 1913? multiple select question.


Overseen by a board appointed by the president, introduced the nation to a new type of paper currency and each owned by the banks of their district are statements describing twelve regional banks of the federal reserve system.

The twelve regional banks of the Federal Reserve System were created in 1913 as part of the Federal Reserve Act.

These regional banks are responsible for carrying out the monetary policy set by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and provide banking services to commercial banks and other depository institutions in their respective regions.

The following statements describe the twelve regional banks of the Federal Reserve System:

1. Each regional bank is owned by member banks in its district.
2. Each regional bank is supervised by a nine-member board of directors.
3. Regional banks issue currency, manage discount window lending and check-clearing operations, and process electronic payments.
4. Regional banks are organized similarly to private corporations, but are subject to oversight by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
5. Regional banks are required to conduct financial and operational examinations of their member banks.
6. Regional banks can provide financial services, such as letters of credit, and make loans to depository institutions.
7. Regional banks have their own presidents, who have a vote on the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy.

The twelve regional banks of the Federal Reserve System are an important part of our nation's banking system and are responsible for carrying out the Federal Reserve's monetary policy. They provide essential banking services to depository institutions in their respective regions and are subject to oversight by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

To know more about Federal Reserve's monetary policy refer here :


Complete question

Select all that apply which statements describe the twelve regional banks of the federal reserve system that were created in 1913? multiple select question.

overseen by a board appointed by the presidentintroduced the nation to a new type of paper currencyeach owned by the banks of their district

true or false: the mughals were muslim, so they never represented figures in their manuscripts. instead, they used abstract forms, such as arabesques and vegetal designs.


True, Mughals were Muslims and in Islam portraying religious figures such as prophets and or god is prohibited.

The given satement, "the Mughals were muslim, so they never represented figures in their manuscripts. instead, they used abstract forms, such as arabesques and vegetal designs," is false (F) because while the Mughals were a Muslim dynasty, they did represent figures in their manuscripts.

They often depicted portraits, landscapes, and religious themes, as well as abstract forms such as arabesques and vegetal designs.

The Mughals did represent figures in their manuscripts, but there were some instances where they used abstract forms such as arabesques and vegetal designs as well. The Mughals were a Muslim dynasty that ruled India from the 16th to the 19th century, and they were known for their rich artistic traditions, including manuscript illustration. While it is true that Islamic art has a tradition of avoiding the representation of human figures, the Mughals were influenced by Persian and Indian artistic traditions that did include figural representation.

Therefore, Mughal manuscripts often feature portraits, scenes of court life, and depictions of animals and landscapes, in addition to decorative elements such as arabesques and floral motifs.

Learn more about Mughal Empire


Question 9
What actions of the British caused many colonists to desire independence even more than they had before
OA. Hiring German mercenaries (Hessians) and the Indians to fight the colonists
B.Announcing that any Virginian slave who fought for the British would be freed
C. Blockades of ports and removals of local governments
OD. All of the above
OE.Only A and C are true
Moving to another question will save this response.


All of the actions of British caused many colonists to desire independence even more than they had before.

Who is a colonist?

Colonist refers to a person who has migrated to and settled in a new area with the intention of establishing a permanent residence. Colonists can be individuals, families, or groups of people who leave their homeland to seek new opportunities or escape persecution, poverty, or other unfavorable conditions. Colonization has been a common practice throughout history, with various motivations ranging from religious or political persecution to economic gain. Colonists often face numerous challenges in adapting to their new environment, including language barriers, cultural differences, and unfamiliar terrain. They must also contend with the native inhabitants of the area they are settling, which can lead to conflicts and tensions. The legacy of colonization continues to have profound impacts on societies around the world.

To learn more about colonist, visit:


Based on the claims/complaints in the Declaration Of Independence, what were the 3 most important things the authors of the Declaration Of Independence believed a government must do, or not do, in order to be considered fair and just?



The authors of the Declaration of Independence believed that a fair and just government must:

Protect the unalienable rights of its citizens, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Obtain its power from the consent of the governed, meaning that it must be based on the will of the people and not a small group of elites.

Provide equal treatment and representation for all citizens, without discrimination or favoritism towards any particular group.

What was an effect of the publication of the pentagon papers?


The publication of the Pentagon Papers had a significant impact on the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War and on public trust in the government.

The Pentagon Papers were a classified government report on the history of US involvement in the Vietnam War, revealing previously unknown details about the government's decision-making process and the true nature of the war. In 1971, The New York Times published a series of articles based on the Pentagon Papers, and subsequent legal battles led to the papers' full publication.

The release of the Pentagon Papers had several effects. First, it confirmed suspicions that the government had been misleading the public about the war and the prospects for victory. Second, it damaged public trust in the government and increased skepticism of official statements. Third, it fueled opposition to the war and increased pressure on the Nixon administration to withdraw US troops from Vietnam.

Overall, the publication of the Pentagon Papers contributed to a growing disillusionment with the government and its handling of the war, and it played a significant role in shaping public opinion and policy decisions related to the conflict.

To know  more about  pentagon papers here


How long after the French Revolution did the Haitian Revolution start?


Answer:two months

Explanation:In May 1791 the French revolutionary government granted citizenship to the wealthier affranchis, but Haiti's European population disregarded the law. Within two months isolated fighting broke out between Europeans and affranchis, and in August thousands of slaves rose in rebellion.

why did california’s request for statehood cause alarm among southerners?


California's solicitation for statehood caused caution among southerners since California's new constitution restricts servitude. To fulfill the North, the trade-off given that California would be conceded as a free state.

In 1849, California mentioned statehood. California's new constitution, then again, banned subjugation. Numerous Southerners cautioned that conceding California as a free state would disturb the equilibrium between slave and free states, successfully making slave expresses a minority.

California's application for statehood created a ruckus since it was applying as a non-slave state. The slave states and non-slave states stayed away from the struggle by continuously having an equivalent measure of slave and non-slave states, be that as it may, California would agitate this equilibrium.

Learn more about southerners:


You are the leader of a country. If your ally is attacked, do you think your country would become involved in the conflict? Why or why not?



For example The NATO

What happens if a country a member country of NATO is attacked?

The NATO Alliance consists of 30 member states from North America and Europe. Article Five of the treaty states that if an armed attack occurs against one of the member states, it should be considered an attack against all members, and other members shall assist the attacked member, with armed forces if necessary.


16) Where does Hitter go after he conquers the Sudetenland?

17)) What was Churchill so mad at the British Prime Minister Chamberlain for?

18) What nation that was taken from Germany in the Treaty of Versailles does Hitter start to take over next?
How many people die in Stalin's Siberian work camps?

19) What was Blitzkrieg?

20) What is the final straw that pushes Britain back into war?

21) Why is Britain so difficult for Hitler to take Britain after he has conquered France?

22) Hitler can't match the strength of the British Navy, so what weapon/vehicle does he use instead?

23) Hitler can't match the strength of the British Navy, so what weapon/vehicle does he use instead?

24) 24. The largest ___
battle the world has ever known took place over ___
What islands does Japan want that belongs to the United States?

25) After Hitler is unable to conquer Britain, he believes he needs to go bigger, what country does he invade? How does that work out for him?

26) What resource does FDR cut off from Japan, essentially declaring economic war?


16. Hitler invaded and occupied the remainder of Czechoslovakia following his victory over the Sudetenland.

Write the Answer of other Questions

17. Churchill was enraged at British Prime Minister Chamberlain for his appeasement policy toward Hitler and Nazi Germany.

18. After he took control of Czechoslovakia, Hitler turned his attention to Poland, which he invaded in September 1939, which set off World War II.

19. During World War II, Nazi Germany employed the military tactic known as blitzkrieg.

20. Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939 was the final straw that brought Britain back into the war.

21. Due to the English Channel's protection, Britain was difficult for Hitler to conquer, making it difficult for Germany to successfully launch an amphibious invasion.

22&23. Hitler used the Luftwaffe, or German air force, to launch bombing raids and attempt to gain air superiority over Britain in his attack on Britain.

24. During World War II, the largest battle ever fought took place over Stalingrad.

25. In June 1941, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union after failing to conquer Britain.

26. By effectively declaring economic war, FDR denied Japan access to oil, an essential resource for its industrial and military capabilities.

To know more about FDR, visit:


while president, theodore roosevelt chose to label his reform proposals as the a square deal. b fair deal. c new deal. d big deal. e big stick.



A. Square Deal

Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program, also known as the "Square Deal," sought to ensure fair bargaining for all interests, including consumers, workers, and corporations. The correct answer is B: Fair Deal.

His Fair Deal proposed legislation to regulate the food, drug, and public utility industries, and aimed to help the poor.

Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program, known as the Square Deal, was built on the three major ideas of conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

He also sought to ensure fair bargaining for all interests, leading to his Fair Deal. This proposed legislation sought to regulate the food, drug, and public utility industries, and aimed to help the poor. The correct answer is B

To know more about Theodore Roosevelt refer to-


how did racial unrest in the north affect the journey of african americans during the great migration of the early 1900s a prigraph


During the Great Migration of the early 1900s, African Americans faced racial unrest in the North, which affected their journey. Specifically, the unrest made it difficult for African Americans to find employment and housing. In some areas, they were not welcomed by white residents and faced discrimination, segregation, and even violence.

As a result, African Americans were often forced to live in cramped, segregated areas and could only find employment in low-paying jobs.

1. During the Great Migration of the early 1900s, African Americans faced racial unrest in the North.

2. This unrest made it difficult for African Americans to find employment and housing.

3. In some areas, African Americans faced discrimination, segregation, and even violence.

4. As a result, African Americans were often forced to live in cramped, segregated areas and could only find employment in low-paying jobs.

To know more about Great Migration refer to-


according to the reading, what archaeological evidence indicates that guinea pigs were among the animals ritually sacrificed in the andes?


According to the reading, archaeological evidence such as fragmented bones and fragments of ceramic figurines have been found in archaeological sites in the Andes region that indicate that guinea pigs were among the animals ritually sacrificed.

These fragments of bones and ceramic figurines have been interpreted to show that guinea pigs were intentionally placed in graves and in ritual deposits, suggesting that they were among the animals that were sacrificed in the Andes.

To know more about archaeological evidence refer to-

what was the principal cause of the pueblo revolt in new mexico?group of answer choicesthe spanish had treated the pueblos unfairly when trading with them.the spanish had destroyed the pueblos' farms and raided their food stores.the spanish had attempted to keep the pueblos from practicing their native religion.none of these answer choices.


The principal cause of the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico was the Spanish attempt to suppress the Pueblo people's traditional religious practices, the correct option is C.

The Spanish colonization of the Southwest brought with it a forced conversion of the Pueblo people to Catholicism, which was accompanied by harsh treatment and suppression of their native culture and traditions. This included the banning of Pueblo religious ceremonies and the destruction of religious objects.

These actions caused significant resentment and resistance among the Pueblo people, who saw their way of life and cultural identity threatened. While the Spanish would eventually return to the region, the Pueblo Revolt remains a significant moment in the history of Native American resistance to European colonization, the correct option is C.

To learn more about Pueblo follow the link:


The complete question is:

What was the principal cause of the pueblo revolt in new mexico? group of answer choices

A. the Spanish had treated the pueblos unfairly when trading with them

B. the Spanish had destroyed the pueblos' farms and raided their food stores

C. the Spanish had attempted to keep the pueblos from practicing their native religion.

when a record 1.25 million immigrants are processed at ellis island?


In  the year 1907  Ellis Island processed around 1.25 million immigrants, hence marking the  busiest year in the history of Ellis Island. On average around 1900 immigrants used to be processed daily.  some Immigrants had to stay for weeks to finally enter Ellis Island.

Due to how busy the Island got and how much time it took to process every immigrant the  politician and nativists made a high level of restrictions on entering and also charged a fee. This led to a decrease in the number of arrivals as compared to before.

Hence,  Ellis Island is still regarded as the epitome of the arrival of most immigrants.

To learn more about Ellis Island,

The complete question is -

In what year was the record of 1.25 million immigrants processed  took place in Ellis Port?

During the Harlem Renaissance injustices were dealt with through the use of
A. art and literature
B. religion and politics
C. education and literature
D. religion and education



A. art and literature

Many Harlem Renaissance writers later moved to Brooklyn which had its own Renaissance


Harlem Renaissance Authors:

Langston Hughes - "Black Nativity", "The Weary Blues"

Zora Neale Hurston - "Their Eyes Were Watching God", "Moses, Man of the Mountain"

Nella Larsen - "Passing"

Langston Hughes - "The Weary Blues", "I, Too, Sing America", "Harlem"

Zora Neale Hurston - "Their Eyes Were Watching God", "Dust Tracks on a Road", "Mules and Men"

Countee Cullen - "Color", "Copper Sun", "The Black Christ and Other Poems"

Claude McKay - "Home to Harlem", "Banana Bottom", "Songs of Jamaica"

Jean Toomer - "Cane"

Nella Larsen - "Passing", "Quicksand"

Wallace Thurman - "The Blacker the Berry: A Novel of Negro Life", "Infants of the Spring"

James Weldon Johnson - "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man", "God's Trombones: Seven Negro Sermons in Verse"

Jessie Fauset - "Plum Bun: A Novel Without a Moral", "There Is Confusion"

Arna Bontemps - "Black Thunder: Gabriel's Revolt: Virginia, 1800", "God Sends Sunday"


how did the soviet union respond when the united states, great britain, and france introduced a separate currency in their zones within occupied berlin?


When the United States, Great Britain, and France introduced a separate currency in their zones within occupied Berlin, the Soviet Union responded by imposing a blockade of the city. The Berlin Blockade was a Soviet attempt to prevent the Western Allies from accessing their sectors of Berlin, which were located in the Soviet occupation zone.

The Berlin Blockade began on June 24, 1948, when Soviet troops blocked all road, rail, and water access to Berlin from the Western Allies' zones. The Soviet Union hoped to force the Western Allies to abandon Berlin or negotiate Soviet control over the entire city. This led to a tense standoff between the two superpowers that lasted for over a year.

In response to the Berlin Blockade, the Western Allies began airlifting food, fuel, and other essential supplies into the city. The Berlin Airlift was a massive logistical effort that involved hundreds of planes flying around the clock to keep the city supplied. The airlift was a resounding success, and by the time the blockade was lifted on May 12, 1949, the Western Allies had flown over 2.3 million tons of supplies into the city.

The Berlin Blockade was a turning point in the Cold War. It demonstrated the determination of the Western Allies to defend their interests in Europe and marked the beginning of a long struggle between the Soviet Union and the West.

Know more about Berlin Blockade here:


Drag each tile to the correct box.
Arrange the events that took place in Korea in the correct sequence.
Syngman Rhee’s forces in South Korea faltered against the invasion.
North Korean forces were pushed from South Korea back into North Korea.
The North Korean army invaded South Korea.
Communist China felt threatened and joined in the warfare.
US troops returned to defend South Korea.


On June 25, 1950, the Northern Korean People's Army invaded South Korea in a planned general attack, sparking the start of the Korean War after five years of simmering tensions on the Korean peninsula.

In Korea, what occasion is the most significant?

One of the largest and most significant holidays in Korea is Chuseok, also known as hangawi, which is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, together with Lunar New Year's Day.

Phase 3 of the Korean War: What happens?

General MacArthur granted Ridgway unheard-of autonomy to organize and carry out operations in Korea as the third phase of the Korean War came to a close. In response, Ridgway was prepared to go back on the attack.

To know more about Northern Korean People's Army  visit :-


the transition of Russia to communism following the October revolution occurred during which of these events.
A. cold war
B. world war 2
C. Spanish American war
D. world war 1



D. world war 1

Answer: World War I


by 1929, the united states produced more than 40 percent of the world's manufactured goods. group of answer choices true false


The statement, by 1929, the United States produced more than 40 percent of the world's manufactured goods, is true.

The year 1929 is important for many reasons, including the fact that the United States had already begun to develop as an industrial powerhouse at that time. By 1929, the United States produced more than 40 percent of the world's manufactured goods. It is the time when the Great Depression started.

On October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed, leading to the Great Depression, which lasted for nearly a decade. The United States also led the world in many aspects of industrial production.

The following are some of the industries in which the United States was a major player in 1929:

Iron and Steel Production of machinery, particularly of machine tools (the United States was a leading exporter of machine tools)Petroleum and natural gas Production of consumer goods, including automobiles, radios, and other appliances Construction and transportation products

In conclusion, the statement "by 1929, the united states produced more than 40 percent of the world's manufactured goods" is true. The United States was a leading player in many industries, and the country was already developing into an industrial powerhouse.

To know more about the year 1929, click on the link below:


in 1928, excavators discovered the second chamber of djoser's pyramid in the south side of the perimeter wall, and it contained:


In 1928, excavators discovered the second chamber of Djoser's pyramid in the south side of the perimeter wall, and it contained various items.

The chamber of Djoser's pyramid was found in 1928 on the south side of the perimeter wall, and it contained various items. Djoser was a pharaoh of the Old Kingdom's Third Dynasty who ruled from around 2670 BC to 2620 BC.

He built the Step Pyramid of Djoser, which is located in Saqqara, Egypt, and is one of the most famous pyramids in the world.The second chamber found in 1928 contained several items, including the gilded statue of the king.

The statue was most likely put in the tomb as an alternative home for the pharaoh's Ka spirit, which was supposed to reside in the mummified body. Various pottery and funerary goods were also discovered in the second chamber, along with some silver tools and stone vessels.

To know more about Djoser's pyramid refer here


How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War 2?

- Make an introduction paragraph
- body paragraph

Read checklist below


Always be wary of monocausal (single-cause) explanations for anything complex. Ever since WW2 and earlier, self-flagellation has been very fashionable in connection with this in Britain and America; and in pop history it is often given as the main or even sole reason for WW2. This is sometimes carried so far that Hitler’s role is not even mentioned, as in this question, for example.

Certainly, the Treaty of Versailles was harsh, but by the mid 1920s some of the most onerous terms had been mitigated. Germany had been admitted to the League of Nations, which ended its international ‘pariah’ status, reparations had been rescheduled and put on a more manageable footing in the Dawes Plan (1924) and Young Plan (1929). The occupation of the Rhineland ended early. These renegotiations were led by Gustav Stresemann, who died in October 1929. However, further negotiations could have been undertaken and would almost certainly have addressed the grievances that affected most ordinary Germans. Such negotiations would of course have presupposed good will on both sides. What was not on the cards was any significant change to Germany’s borders, let alone a wholesale overturning of the post WW1 settlement.

By the late 1920s Germany was enjoying modest prosperity following the stabilization of the currency in 1923–24 and there was apparent political stability. Except for political extremists, most parties were reconciled to living with the Weimar Republic, even if they were not enthusiastic about it. However, this was rapidly destroyed by the Great Crash and the mass unemployment that soon followed. The political extremists flourished, President Hindenburg began meddling in day to day politics, and by dismissing Chancellor Brüning in 1932 he (probably unintentionally) made parliamentary democracy unworkable in Germany, given the level of unemployment and the determination of the Nazis to destroy the republic. (There were over 100 political murders during the general election campaign of July 1932).

With the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor, Germany embarked on a policy of massive rearmament and boundless expansion. It was this policy, which went way beyond redressing the wrongs of Versailles, that led to WW2.

why did the ancient greeks build temples like the parthenon?


Answer: The Parthenon is one of the most well-known pieces of Ancient Greek architecture. The residents of Athens constructed the Parthenon at the time when they were at the height of their dominance. The Parthenon was mainly constructed as a temple for the Goddess Athena who was the chief deity worshipped by the residents of Athens.

Answer: The Parthenon was built in the 5th century BCE as a temple to Athena, the patron goddess of Athens.

Explanation: It was constructed during the height of Athenian power and was intended to be a symbol of that power. The temple was built to house a massive statue of Athena made of ivory and gold, which was created by the sculptor Phidias.

The Parthenon was also built to commemorate the Athenian victory over the Persians in the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE. The Greeks believed that their victory was due to the intervention of the gods, and so they built temples to honor them.

The Parthenon was designed by architects Ictinus and Callicrates and decorated with sculptures by Phidias. The building is considered one of the greatest examples of classical Greek architecture and is renowned for its beauty and symmetry.

The temple’s construction took approximately 15 years to complete and required a large amount of resources. It was built using Pentelic marble from Mount Pentelikon, which is located about 10 miles northeast of Athens.

Hope this helps, and have a great day!

What happened in Japan in 1945


Answer:It was the deployment of a new and terrible weapon, the atomic bomb, which forced the Japanese into a surrender that they had vowed never to accept. Harry Truman would go on to officially name September 2, 1945, V-J Day, the day the Japanese signed the official surrender aboard the USS Missouri.


we dropped the sun on them AKA a big thermonuclear nuke was dropped on nagasaki and hiroshima LOL take the L japan


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