How do I solve both of these?

How Do I Solve Both Of These?


Answer 1
For question 7 multiply 28 * 31 * 32.5

Related Questions

When you went to know the mass of a bowling ball what unit do you choose


Standard unit chose to measure the mass of a bowling ball is equal to kilogram .

The unit typically used to measure the mass of a bowling ball is the pound (lb) or the kilogram (kg).

It depends on the country as different countries have different standard unit for measuring mass.

In the United States, the weight of a bowling ball is often measured in pounds.

While in many other countries, the weight is measured in kilograms.

When measuring the mass of a bowling ball,

It is important to use a calibrated scale that is designed to handle the weight of the ball.

Some scales are specifically designed for weighing bowling balls.

And they may have a higher weight capacity than a typical bathroom scale.

It is also important to ensure that the scale is on a flat, stable surface to ensure an accurate measurement.

learn more about mass here


Please help me with these 4 questions


The total surface area of each figure are:

1)  2,557.3 yd²

2) 601.02 m₂

3) 3782.5 mm²

4)750 in²

How to find the total surface area?

1) The total surface area of a cylinder is:

2πrh + 2πr².


r is radius

h is height


TSA = 2π(11 * 26) + 2π(11)²

TSA = 2π(286) + 2π(121)

TSA = 2π(407)

TSA = 2,557.3 yd²

2) The total surface area is:

2(¹/₂ * 9 * 11.12) + (16 * 15) + (16 * 12) + (9 * 16)

= 25.02 + 240 + 192 + 144

= 601.02 m₂

3) The total surface area of a cylinder is:

2πrh + 2πr².


r is radius

h is height


TSA = 2π(14 * 29) + 2π(14)²

TSA = 2π(406) + 2π(196)

TSA = 2π(602)

TSA = 3782.5 mm²

4) The total surface area of the pyramid is:

TSA = (15 * 8) + (21 * 17) + (21 * 15) + (8 * 21)

TSA = 120 + 147 + 315 + 168

TSA = 750 in²

Read more about Total Surface Area at:


At the shop shirts cost 45£ each Tim buys 3 shirts Craig buys 5


Okay, so if each shirt costs £45, then the total cost for 3 shirts for Tim would be £45 x 3 = £135, and the total cost for 5 shirts for Craig would be £45 x 5 = £225.


Step-by-step explanation:

Tim shirts cost = 3*45

Craig shirts cost = 5*45

Total cost = 135+225


4/5 x 2 5/12 =?

Needs answered asap


The answer for 4/5 x 2 5/12 would be 29 over 15

the product of three distinct positive integers is 144. if the sum of the three integers is 26, what is the sum of their squares?


We can then check the sum of each set of three integers and see which one adds up to 26. We find that the set 2, 8, 16 has a sum of 26, so these are the three distinct integers that multiply to 144.Therefore, the sum of the squares of the three integers is 324.

To solve this problem, we can start by listing all the factors of 144 and looking for three distinct integers that multiply to 144. The factors of 144 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, and 144. We can eliminate any factor that is not a positive integer or is repeated, leaving us with the following possibilities:
- 1, 2, 72
- 1, 3, 48
- 1, 4, 36
- 1, 6, 24
- 2, 3, 24
- 2, 4, 18
- 2, 8, 9
- 3, 4, 12
- 3, 6, 8

To find the sum of their squares, we simply square each integer and add them together:
2² + 8² + 16² = 4 + 64 + 256 = 324

Learn more about positive integer here:


The sum of the squares of the three distinct positive integers is 589.

Let's denote the three distinct positive integers as a, b, and c. We know the following:
1. a * b * c = 144
2. a + b + c = 26
Our goal is to find the sum of their squares, i.e.,[tex]a^2 + b^2 + c^2.[/tex]
Find the prime factorization of 144. It is [tex]2^4 * 3^2[/tex]
We need to find three distinct factors of 144 that add up to 26.

By analyzing the factors, we find that the integers are 2, 3, and 24.
Calculate the sum of their squares:
[tex]a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 2^2 + 3^2 + 24^2 = 4 + 9 + 576 = 589[/tex].

For similar question on squares.


a cab was involved in a hit and run accident at night. two cab companies, the green and the blue, operate in the city. 85% of the cabs in the city are green and 15% are blue. a witness identified the cab as blue. the court tested the reliability of the witness under the same circumstances that existed on the night of the accident and concluded that the witness correctly identified each one of the two colors 80% of the time and failed 20% of the time. what is the probability that the cab involved in the accident was blue rather than green knowing that this witness identified it as blue?


From Bayes' Theorem, an events related to involved in a hit and run accident at night. The required probability that the blue cab involved in accident rather than green as well as witness also identified it as blue cab is equals to the 0.41 or 41% .

Bayes' Theorem states that the conditional probability of an event, is based on the occurrence of another event, is equal to the likelihood of the second event the first event multiplied by the probability of the first event. According to scenario, it is found that a cab was involved in a hit and run accident at night. Number of cab companies operates in city = 2 ( blue and green)

Probability that green cab involved in accident, P(G) = 85% = 0.85

Probability that blue cab involved in accident, P( B) = 15% = 0.15

Now, the cab which is identified by witness was a blue cab and after identification court also tested the witness's credibility. Here, probability that witness is correct to identification a blue cab = P(W/B) = 0.80

Probability that witness is wrong to identify the blue cab = P(W/G)

= 0.20

Using the Baye's theorem, Probability that accident was caused by blue cab provided witness identifies is, [tex]P( B/W) = \frac{ P(B ∩W )}{ P( W)} = \frac{ P( B) P( W/B)}{ P( W)} \\ [/tex]

Total Probability, P(W) = P(B)P(W/B) + P(G)P(W/G)

= 0.15 × 0.8 + 0.85 × 0.2 = 1.2 + 1.7 = 2.9

P(B/W) = (0.15 × 0.8)/2.9

= 1.2/2.9 = 0.41 = 41%

Hence, required probability value is 41%.

For more information about Bayes' Theorem, visit :


isabel owns a mexican restaurant that serves aguas frescas, cold drinks often made with fresh fruit, isabel wants to know which flavor of agua fresca is the most popular with customers at her restaurant. which sampling method would provide the best representation of the consumer population at isabel's restaurant?

a. selecting every customer during one lunch hour
b. selecting every customer who responds to an online poll
c. selecting every 20th customer over the period of a month
d. selecting every 3rd customer who purchases agua fresca in one day


Option (c) selecting every 20th customer over the period of a month, known as systematic sampling, may be time-consuming and may not accurately capture the daily fluctuations in customer preferences.

What is quadratic equation?

it's a second-degree quadratic equation which is an algebraic equation in x.

The best sampling method for Isabel to determine the most popular flavor of aguas frescas would be (d) selecting every 3rd customer who purchases aguas frescas in one day. This method, known as systematic sampling, ensures that the sample is randomly selected, while also allowing Isabel to collect data over a short period of time.

Option (a) selecting every customer during one lunch hour, may not provide a good representation of the entire customer population as customers who visit the restaurant during lunch hour may differ from those who visit at other times.

Option (b) selecting every customer who responds to an online poll would also not provide a good representation of the entire customer population as not all customers may have access to or be willing to respond to an online poll.

Option (c) selecting every 20th customer over the period of a month, known as systematic sampling, may be time-consuming and may not accurately capture the daily fluctuations in customer preferences.

To learn more about quadratic equation from the given link:


Compute the missing data in the table for the following exponential function f (x) = (3) Superscript x. x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 f(x) 3 9 ? 81 243 729 2187 a. 18 c. 32 b. 27 d. 45


The missing value in the table for the exponential function is 27.

An exponential function is a mathematical function of the form f(x) = a^x, where a is a positive constant called the base, and x is the variable.

To find the missing value in the table, we need to evaluate the exponential function f(x) = (3)^x for the missing value of x.

We can see that

f(1) = 3, f(2) = 9, f(4) = 81, f(5) = 243, f(6) = 729, and f(7) = 2187.

To find f(3), we can use the formula f(x) = (3)^x

f(3) = (3)^3 = 27

Therefore, the missing value is 27

Learn more about exponential function here


a tank contains 60 kg of salt and 2000l of water. a solution of a concentration 0.015 kg of salt per liter enters a tank at the rate 9l/min. the solution is mixed and drains from the tank at the same rate. (a) what is the concentration of our solution in the tank initially? (b) find the amount of salt in the tank after 3.5 hours. (c) find the concentration of salt in the solution in the tank as time approaches infinity.


(a) The concentration of the solution in the tank will be changing over time.

(b) The amount of salt in the tank after 3.5 hours is 63.292 kg.

(c) When the inflow and outflow rates are equal, the amount of salt in the tank will remain constant.

(a) To find the concentration of the solution in the tank initially, we can use the formula:

concentration = mass of salt / volume of solution

The mass of salt in the tank initially is 60 kg, and the volume of solution is 2000 liters.

Therefore, the initial concentration is:

concentration = 60 kg / 2000 L

concentration = 0.03 kg/L

However, we know that a solution with a concentration of 0.015 kg/L is entering the tank at a rate of 9 L/min.

Therefore, the concentration of the solution in the tank will be changing over time.

(b) To find the amount of salt in the tank after 3.5 hours, we can use the formula:

amount of salt = initial amount of salt + (concentration of incoming solution - concentration of solution in tank) x rate x time

The initial amount of salt is 60 kg, and the concentration of the incoming solution is 0.015 kg/L.

We need to find the concentration of the solution in the tank after 3.5 hours.

The rate of flow is 9 L/min, so the total volume of solution that has entered the tank after 3.5 hours is:

volume of solution = rate x time

volume of solution = 9 L/min x 210 min

volume of solution = 1890 L

The total volume of solution in the tank after 3.5 hours is:

total volume = initial volume + volume of incoming solution - volume of drained solution

total volume = 2000 L + 9 L/min x 210 min - 9 L/min x 210 min

total volume = 2000 L

Therefore, the concentration of salt in the tank after 3.5 hours is:

amount of salt = 60 kg + (0.015 kg/L - concentration of solution in tank) x 9 L/min x 210 min

amount of salt - 60 kg = (0.015 kg/L - concentration of solution in tank) x 1890 L

concentration of solution in tank = 0.015 kg/L - (amount of salt - 60 kg) / 1890 L

Now we can substitute the concentration of the solution in the tank into the formula and solve for the amount of salt:

amount of salt = 60 kg + (0.015 kg/L - (0.015 kg/L - (amount of salt - 60 kg) / 1890 L)) x 9 L/min x 210 min

amount of salt = 63.292 kg

Therefore, the amount of salt in the tank after 3.5 hours is 63.292 kg.

(c) To find the concentration of salt in the solution in the tank as time approaches infinity, we need to find the concentration that the solution will reach when the inflow and outflow rates of solution are equal.

At this point, the amount of salt in the tank will remain constant.

Let's denote the concentration of salt in the solution in the tank as c.

We know that the volume of solution in the tank remains constant at 2000 L, and that the inflow and outflow rates are both 9 L/min. Therefore, the amount of salt that enters the tank per minute is 0.015 kg/L x 9 L/min = 0.135 kg/min, and the amount of salt that leaves the tank per minute is c x 9 L/min.

When the inflow and outflow rates are equal, the amount of salt in the tank will remain constant.

Therefore, we can set the rate of inflow equal to the rate of outflow and solve for c:

0.015 kg/L x 9.

For similar question on concentration.





No, this triangle is NOT a right angle.

Step-by-step explanation:

The known fact is that the largest number is our hypotenuse. The other two numbers can go on either side.

A square plus B square equal C square is our equation

Let's plug in the numbers: 15^2+5^2=16^2

Now we solve.

Once we solve our squares and add them together, we get 250=256. Since these two number are not equal to each other, this triangle is NOT a right angle

much love to you.

An aircraft (at Z) is spotted by two observers (at X and Y) who are L = 1850 feet apart. As the airplane
passes over the line joining them, each observer takes a sighting of the angle of elevation to the plane,
as indicated in the figure. If A=25°, and B=25°, how high is the airplane?


Answer: We can use trigonometry to solve this problem. Let's call the height of the airplane H, and let's call the distance from observer X to the airplane D. Then the distance from observer Y to the airplane is L - D.

From the point of view of observer X, we can write:

tan(A) = H / D

tan(25°) = H / D

From the point of view of observer Y, we can write:

tan(B) = H / (L - D)

tan(25°) = H / (L - D)

We now have two equations with two unknowns (H and D). We can solve for one of the unknowns in terms of the other, and then substitute that expression into the other equation to eliminate one of the unknowns.

Let's solve the first equation for D:

D = H / tan(25°)

Substituting this expression for D into the second equation, we get:

tan(25°) = H / (L - H / tan(25°))

Multiplying both sides by (L - H / tan(25°)), we get:

tan(25°) (L - H / tan(25°)) = H

Expanding the left-hand side, we get:

tan(25°) L - H = H tan^2(25°)

Adding H to both sides, we get:

tan(25°) L = H (1 + tan^2(25°))

Dividing both sides by (1 + tan^2(25°)), we get:

H = (tan(25°) L) / (1 + tan^2(25°))

Now we can substitute this expression for H into the equation D = H / tan(25°) to get:

D = ((tan(25°) L) / (1 + tan^2(25°))) / tan(25°)

Simplifying, we get:

D = L / (1 + tan^2(25°))

Now that we know the distance D, we can use the equation tan(A) = H / D to find H:

tan(25°) = H / D

H = D tan(25°)

Substituting D = L / (1 + tan^2(25°)), we get:

H = (L / (1 + tan^2(25°))) tan(25°)

Plugging in the given values L = 1850 feet and A = B = 25°, we get:

H = (1850 / (1 + tan^2(25°))) tan(25°)

H ≈ 697.3 feet

Therefore, the airplane is about 697.3 feet high.

Step-by-step explanation:

a biologist claims that nearly 45 percent of all americans have brown eyes. a random sample of n=60 mizzou students found 24 with brown eyes. give the numerical value of the statistic p^


the sample proportion (p^) is 0.4 or 40%.

To calculate the sample proportion (p^) for the number of Mizzou students with brown eyes, use the following formula:

A set is a collection of objects or groups of objects. These objects are often called elements or members of a set. For example, a group of players in a cricket team is a set.

p = (number of students with brown eyes) / (total number of students in the sample)

In this case, there are 24 students with brown eyes out of a sample of 60 students. Therefore, the numerical value of the statistic p^ is:

[tex]p = \frac{24} { 60} = 0.4[/tex]

So, the sample proportion (p^) is 0.4 or 40%.

learn more about sample proportion


The numerical value of the statistic p^ for the random sample of 60 Mizzou students is 0.4, meaning 40% of the

sampled students have brown eyes.

To find the numerical value of the statistic p^ (sample proportion) for the given problem, you should follow these steps:

Identify the total number of students (n) in the sample, which is 60.

Identify the number of students with brown eyes (x), which is 24.

Calculate the sample proportion (p^) using the formula: p^ = x/n

Applying the formula:

p^ = 24/60

p^ = 0.4

So, the numerical value of the statistic p^ for the random sample of 60 Mizzou students is 0.4, meaning 40% of the

sampled students have brown eyes.

for such more question on statistic


A tree in Abdul's backyard grows 0.9 meters each month.If the tree is 5.76 meters tall,for how many months has the tree been growing?


To find out how long the tree has been growing, we can use the formula:

(time) = (height) / (growth rate)

Plugging in the values given in the problem, we get:

(time) = 5.76 / 0.9

Simplifying this equation, we get:

(time) = 6.4 months

Therefore, the tree has been growing for 6.4 months.


the tree has been growing for about 6 months and 12 days

Step-by-step explanation:

5.76/0.9 = 6.4



The result of 10 trials expressed in percentage is 70%.

List out the 10 trials in table format.

We can utilize the random number table to produce 10 random numbers between 0 and 1 to approximate Nestor's performance in the ten races. If a number is less than or equal to 0.79, it is considered a "medal," and if it is larger than 0.79, it is considered a "no medal." This approach can be repeated ten times to get a sense of the range of possible outcomes.

For ten trials, we get the following results using the random number table shown below:

To estimate the likelihood that Nestor will win at least six of the following ten races, we count how many trials resulted in six or more medals. Seven of the ten trials resulted in six or more medals. As a result, we estimate the likelihood to be 7/10, or 70%.

The likelihood is 70% when expressed as a percentage.

Learn more about trials here:


3. A sporting goods store received an order of 64 baseball caps, of which 16 were green. If 1 (1 point)
of the 64 caps is selected at random, what is the probability it will not be green?


The answer is option (b) 75%.

What is Probability?

Probability is a measure of the likelihood that a particular event will occur. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents an impossible event and 1 represents a certain event. The probability of an event can be determined by dividing the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of possible outcomes.

The probability of selecting a non-green cap is the number of non-green caps divided by the total number of caps:

P(non-green) = 48/64 = 3/4 = 0.75

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected cap will not be green is 0.75 or 75%.

So the answer is option (b) 75%.

to know more about probability


im stuck on this need a bit of help


The author of the poem, "Heritage," is the Jamaican-American poet, Claude McKay. Based on the poem, it is clear that he is nostalgic for the fruits and landscapes of Jamaica.

How to explain the poem

Here is an acrostic list of some of the things he might be nostalgic for:

J - Joyful memories of fruit-trees laden with bananas, cocoa, and alligator pears

A - Awe-inspiring mystical blue skies over the hills

M - Memories of dewy dawns

A - Alligator pears and avocados, also known as butter pears, grown in Jamaica

I - Images of low-singing rills, small streams or brooks

C - Crisp tangerines,

A - Appreciation for the highest prize at parish fairs, which celebrates the bountiful harvests of Jamaica

Learn more about poem on


group the data
1-5,6-10,11-15,16-20 to construct a tally chart and work out the frequency of each group


To construct a tally chart for the groups 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20 and work out the frequency of each group, we can do the following:

1-5: ||||| (5)
6-10: ||||| ||||| (10)
11-15: ||||| ||||| ||||| (15)
16-20: ||||| ||||| ||||| (15)

In the tally chart, each vertical line represents one data point. So, for example, the group 1-5 has 5 data points, which we represent with five vertical lines (|||||).

To work out the frequency of each group, we simply count the number of tally marks in each group. The frequency is the number of data points that fall within each group. Based on the above tally chart, we have:

1-5: 5
6-10: 10
11-15: 15
16-20: 15

Therefore, the frequency of each group is 5 for 1-5, 10 for 6-10, 15 for 11-15, and 15 for 16-20.

1. A trapezoid is defined as a quadrilateral with only 2 parallel sides. An
isosceles trapezoid is defined as a trapezoid with the non-parallel sides being
congruent. Prove that the base angles on an isosceles trapezoid ( are congruent.



A trapezoid is defined as a quadrilateral with only 2 parallel sides. An

isosceles trapezoid is defined as a trapezoid with the non-parallel sides being

congruent. Prove that the base angles on an isosceles trapezoid ( are congruent

A recent conference had 750 people in attendance. In one exhibit room of 70 people, there were 18 teachers and 52 principals. What prediction can you make about the number of principals in attendance at the conference?

There were about 193 principals in attendance.
There were about 260 principals in attendance.
There were about 557 principals in attendance.
There were about 680 principals in attendance.


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of unitary method comes out to be there were approximately 557 principals present.

What is an unitary method?

To complete the assignment, use the iii . -and-true basic technique, the real variables, and any pertinent details gathered from basic and specialised questions. In response, customers might be given another opportunity to sample expression the products. If these changes don't take place, we will miss out on important gains in our knowledge of programmes.


Let's determine the principals' proportion to everyone else in the display room:

=> Number of principals divided by the total number of visitors to the display room =

=> 52/70 (number of principals / total number of visitors).

to determine the approximate number of principals present at the conference:

Estimated number of principals attending the conference = Principals as a percentage of all attendees in the exhibit hall * Total attendees =

=>  (52 / 70) * 750

=> 557 principals are expected to have attended the meeting.

As a result, it is possible to forecast that there were approximately 557 principals present at the meeting,

which corresponds to the response option "There were approximately 557 principals present."

To know more about unitary method  visit:


if a garden box is 4x by 3x and the area of the box in square feet is equal to four times the perimeter in feet what is the value for x that satisfies these requirements


The answer to this question is  x = 6

In order to study the cause and effect relationship between two variables, a researcher must perform what type of study ?

A. correlational

B. descriptive

C. experimental

D. meta-analysis

of study?


Answer: C. experimental study.

Experimental studies are used to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables by manipulating one variable (independent variable) and observing the effect on another variable (dependent variable) while controlling for other potential factors. Correlational studies examine the relationship between two variables but do not establish causality, descriptive studies describe a phenomenon without manipulating variables, and meta-analysis is a statistical method that combines the results of multiple studies to provide an overall summary.

Step-by-step explanation:

4 out of 7 questions. PLEASE help me.


A tangent line is line GJ.

A secant line is line HF.

A chord is line GF.

What is the chord of a circle?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the chord of a circle can be defined as a line segment that typically join any two (2) points on a circle. This ultimately implies that, a chord simply refers to the section of the line that is used for connecting two (2) separate points on a circle such as line GF.

What is a secant line?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a secant line can be defined as a type of line that intersects the edge of a circle twice i.e it goes through the interior of the circle twice and intersects its boundary twice such as line HF.

In conclusion, a tangent line is a type of line that lies outside of a circle and intersects the edge of a circle exactly once i.e it touches the outside of the circle only once such as line GJ.

Read more on chord here:


a tank in the shape of a hemisphere has a diameter of 6 feet. if the liquid that fills the tank has a density of 53.3 pounds per cubic foot, what is the total weight of the liquid in the tank, to the nearest full pound?


The total weight of the liquid in the tank, to the nearest full pound, is calculated to be 3,012 pounds.

The volume of a hemisphere with diameter 6 feet is (2/3) x π x (6/2)³ = 56.55 cubic feet.

The weight of the liquid in the tank can be found by multiplying the volume of the liquid by its density:

Weight = Volume x Density = 56.55 x 53.3 = 3,012.32 pounds.

Rounding this to the nearest full pound gives a total weight of 3,012 pounds. Therefore, the total weight of the liquid in the tank is 3,012 pounds (to the nearest full pound).

Learn more about Hemisphere :




Step-by-step explanation:

I just did it

Suppose an earthquake can be felt up to 76 miles from its epicenter. You are located at a point 65 miles west and 40 miles south of the epicenter. Do you feel the earthquake?


The distance between your location and the epicenter is just slightly larger than the maximum distance that the earthquake can be felt (76 miles), so you would be able to feel the earthquake.

What is triangle?

A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. The sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. There are different types of triangles such as equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right-angled, obtuse-angled, and acute-angled triangles. Triangles are used in geometry and other fields of mathematics to solve problems related to areas, angles, and side lengths.


Yes, you feel the earthquake.

To see why, imagine drawing a circle around the epicenter with a radius of 76 miles. This circle represents the maximum distance that the earthquake can be felt. Then, draw a line from the epicenter to your location. This line represents the distance between you and the epicenter.

To determine whether you feel the earthquake, we need to calculate the distance between your location and the epicenter using the Pythagorean theorem:

distance = √(65² + 40²)

distance ≈ 76.06 miles

To know more about triangle,


Choose the word that makes this sentence true.

A square is ____ a rectangle.


Answer: the same as or equal to

Step-by-step explanation: The shapes are the same one's just stretched


A square is a special kind of a rectangle

Step-by-step explanation:

Every Square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square.

andy collects rocks. The lengths of the rocks are shown below

rock 1,2,3,4,5,6 length (inches) 2 7/8,3 1/2,2 7/8,2 1/8,2 1/8,2 4/8

use a data line to make a line plot

please help im struggling


A line plot is a type of graph that displays data points as dots or markers connected by straight lines. The resultant line plot is given below.

What is a line plot:

A line plot, also known as a dot plot, is a simple way to display data that consists of a number of discrete points. It is a one-dimensional graph that uses dots or Xs to represent individual data points. Each dot or X represents a single data point, and the number of dots or X's at a given location on the line represents the frequency or count of that data point.

Here we have

Andy collects rocks and the lengths of the rocks  

Rock                 1            2        3       4        5         6

length (in) 2 7/8, 3 1/2, 2 7/8, 2 1/8, 2 1/8, 2 4/8  

For simple calculations convert the given fractions into Improper fractions  and then into decimal numbers

2 7/8 = 23/8 = 2.875    

3 1/2 = 7/8 = 0.875

2 7/8 = 23/8 = 2.875

2 1/8 = 17/8 = 2.125

2 1/8 = 17/8 = 2.125

2 4/8 = 20/8 = 2.5

Now use the coordinates (1, 2.875) (2, 0.875) (3, 2.875) (4, 2.125) (5, 2.125) and (6, 2.5) to plot the line


A line plot is a type of graph that displays data points as dots or markers connected by straight lines. The resultant line plot is given below.

Learn more about Line plot


At midnight, the temperature in a city was 5 degrees celsius. The temperature was dropping at a steady rate of 2 degress celsius per hour. Write an inequalty that represents t, the number of hours past midnight, when the temperature was coler than -4 degrees celsius


( 5 - 2t ) < - 4 is an inequalty that represents t, the number of hours past midnight, when the temperature was coler than -4 degrees celsius.

What is  linear equation?

An algebraic equation with simply a constant and a first- order( direct) element, similar as y = mx b, where m is the pitch and b is the y- intercept, is known as a linear equation.

                         The below is sometimes appertained to as a" direct equation of two variables," where y and x are the variables. Equations whose variables have a power of one are called direct equations. One illustration with only one variable is where layoff b = 0, where a and b are real values and x is the variable.

The midnight temperature is 5 °C and the temperature is decreasing at the rate of 2°C per hour.

If t is the hours past midnight then after t hours the temperature will be ( 5 - 2t ).

Now, if this temperature is colder than - 4° C, then the inequality can be written as   ( 5 - 2t ) < - 4.

Learn more about Linear equation


The inequality that represents t, the number of hours past midnight, when the temperature was cooler than -4 degrees celsius( 5 - 2t ) < - 4

What is  inequality?

The term "inequality" is used in mathematics to describe a relationship between two expressions or values that is not equal to one another. Inequality results from a lack of balance. When two quantities are equal, we use the symbol '=', and when they are not equal, we use the symbol. If two values are not equal, the first value can be greater than (>) or less than (), or greater than equal to () or less than equal to ().

The midnight temperature is 5 °C and the temperature is decreasing at the rate of 2°C per hour.

If t is the hours past midnight then after t hours the temperature will be

=>  ( 5 - 2t ).

Now, if this temperature is colder than - 4° C, then the inequality can be written as   ( 5 - 2t ) < - 4.

To learn more about inequality refer the below link


What percent of U.S. vice presidents were at least 60 years old when they took office? Explain how you found your answer.

(Please help asap!!)


The percent of U.S. vice presidents were at least 60 years old when they took office is 26.5%

How to determine the percentage?

It may interest you that US America has had about 49 vice presidents till date

Out of this 49 vice presidents,

13 of them were more than 60 years at the beginning of their office

This implies that 13/49 * 100 = 26.53%

In conclusion the percentage of US America vice presidents is 26.53%

for clarity, read the article below.

Americans over 60 hold many of the highest offices in the U.S. government. An analysis of the current 117th Congress revealed that it’s the oldest, on average, of any Congress in at least the past 20 years. The average age of U.S.

Presidents are also being elected at older ages than in the past; at 70, President Donald Trump was the oldest to take office, though his record was quickly surpassed by his successor, President Joe Biden, who took office at age 78.

As the average age of elected officials has risen, some have questioned whether we should restrict individuals over a certain age from holding office. In 2019, former President Jimmy Carter expressed concern over the age of the presidential candidates in the 2020 election, stating:

Learn more about list of US of America vice presidents above 60 years on


17. Kade has $40 in savings and wants to purchase a video game console that costs $250 plus
8.25% sales tax. Kade wants to wait until he has enough in savings to cover the purchase. If Kade
saves $50 each week, what is the minimum number of weeks Kade should wait before making his
A. 3 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 5 weeks
D. 7 weeks


The minimum number of weeks Kade should wait before making his purchase is 5 weeks.

Given that, Kade has $40 as his saving, and he wants to buy a video game console that costs $250 plus 8.25% sales tax.

He saves $50 each week to buy the same, we need to find the number weeks in which he can buy the game,

Total cost of the game = 250 + 250 × 8.25%

= 250 + 250 × 0.0825

= 250 + 20.625

= 270.625

Hence, he needs to save = $270.625 - $40 = $230.625

Let the number of weeks be x,

∴ 50x = 230.625

x = 4.61 ≈ 5

Hence, the minimum number of weeks Kade should wait before making his purchase is 5 weeks.

Learn more about percentage, click;


a road perpendicular to a highway leads to a farmhouse located 1 1 mile away. an automobile traveling on the highway passes through this intersection at a speed of 45mph. 45 mph . how fast is the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse increasing when the automobile is 9 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road? the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate of miles per hour.


The distance traveling between them is increasing at a rate of miles per hour = 45 m/h.

The distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing by 45 mph, since the automobile is traveling at this speed.

When the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road, the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate of 45 mph, due to the automobile traveling at this speed.

When the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection of the highway and the road, the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing at a rate.


The rate at which the distance between the automobile and the farmhouse is increasing when the automobile is 9 miles past the intersection is 45 mph.

For similar question on distance traveling:


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