how might the histories of mexico and south america have been resistant to smallpox and other similar diseases?


Answer 1

Some indigenous communities practiced isolation and quarantine measures when members became sick, which may have helped to prevent the rapid spread of infections. The use of natural medicines and traditional healing practices may have also provided some protection against disease.

How have they been resistant to smallpox and other similar diseases?

The indigenous populations of Mexico and South America had not previously been exposed to diseases like smallpox, measles, and influenza, which had been circulating in Europe and Asia for centuries.

As a result, they lacked immunity to these diseases and were highly vulnerable to infection. However, some historians suggest that environmental factors and the social structures of indigenous societies may have contributed to a degree of resistance.

Read more about Diseases


Answer 2
Because the diseases did not happen or affect them, maybe because there were no outbursts of sicknesses so they did not need to treat it, until the Spanish came and brought diseases with them, such as smallpox, chicken pox, the flu, and more.

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What did the Supreme Court decide on the Montgomery bus segregation case?

A. Segregation should be slowly phased out.

B. Segregation was unconstitutional.

C. Segregation was constitutional.

D. Segregation should be expanded into other areas.


The answer is b. I been did this already so yeah
B.Segregation was unconstitutional

which type of democracy is ideal for a small city


The type of democracy that is ideal for a small city depends on various factors such as the size of the city, the cultural and social background of its residents, and the political goals and values of the community.

However, in general, a direct or participatory democracy can be a good fit for a small city. In a direct democracy, citizens have a direct say in the decision-making process, and they can participate in the decision-making process through town hall meetings, referendums, and other forms of direct participation. This can be particularly effective in a small city where the community is tight-knit and residents are more likely to know one another and have a shared sense of responsibility for the well-being of the community.

Another option could be a representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This can work well in a small city where residents may not have the time or resources to participate directly in every decision-making process. In this model, it's important to ensure that the representatives are accountable to the citizens they represent and that there are mechanisms in place for citizens to provide feedback and hold their representatives accountable.

Ultimately, the ideal form of democracy will depend on the specific needs and characteristics of the small city in question, and it's important to engage with the community to determine the most effective approach.

The type of democracy is ideal for a small city is direct democracy. Where people directly vote in determinations for cases or statute law.

What is democracy?

The term democracy refers to the independence. The citizen of the country are right to choose the appropriate government. The citizen is various right to freedom of the country. There are various country to well-developed and based on democracy. The citizen is main right to vote, and equal right to male and female.

The best kind of democracy for a small city relies on a number of variables, including the size of the city, the cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds of its citizens, and the political objectives and ideals of the locality.

In a direct democracy, voters have a direct say in how decisions are made and can take part directly through town hall meetings, ballot initiatives, and other means.

As a result, the significance of the type of democracy is ideal for a small city are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on democracy, here:


What is urine?

A) fluid used to transport oxygen
B) liquid waste
C) solid waste


Answer B, Liquid waste.

The answer is B) liquid waste

how has the population changed on the arabian peninsula? what kinds of challenges does this kind growth create for water supply? how are different countries addressing the problem?



In 2012 the Arabian Peninsula was home to approximately 68 million people, and the population is expected to reach 120 million by 2050



In 2012 the Arabian Peninsula was home to 68 million people, and the population is expected to grow to 120 million by 2050

Word history questions

Which of these would have had the highest position in BOTH classical Hindu and Confucian societies?A) women B) scholars C) priests EliminateD) merchants



Explanation:because scholars is from confucianism and they do stuff i think





Which European country was the first to launch large-scale voyages of exploration? Which country followed?


Portugal was the first European country to launch large-scale voyages of exploration, starting in the 15th century. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portuguese explorers discovered new trade routes to Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Some of the famous explorers who contributed to Portugal's exploration efforts include Vasco da Gama, who sailed around Africa to reach India, and Ferdinand Magellan, who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe.

Spain followed Portugal in launching large-scale voyages of exploration. Spanish explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, Hernán Cortés, and Francisco Pizarro, explored and conquered much of the Americas, and established Spanish colonies and trading networks in the region. These voyages of exploration by Portugal and Spain had a significant impact on world history, leading to the establishment of new trade routes, the colonization of new lands, and the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between Europe and the rest of the world.
Portugal was the first to begin sending out major voyages to include Portuguese explorer Henry the navigator
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