If anyone can help/remember, what was the rising action/climax in the Pocahontas 1995 film? Thank you!


Answer 1


Climax- Is basically when the tribe plans to kill John Smith infront of the Europeans.

Related Questions

is fire a gain or loss in essay ​



It depends on the context in which the fire is being discussed in the essay. In some cases, fire can be seen as a gain, while in others it can be seen as a loss.

This mode is used in academic writing to help explain why a story or idea is important, as well as the impact of an idea on the future.
3.Process Analysis
4.Problem and Solution
5.Cause and Effect


Example, compare/contrast, process analysis, problem and solution, and cause and effect are all modes of academic writing used to explain why a story or idea is important, as well as the impact of an idea on the future.

Example is used to provide a specific example to explain an idea. Compare/contrast is used to discuss the similarities and differences between two or more ideas. Process analysis is used to explain how something works or is done. Problem and solution is used to identify and offer solutions to a problem. Finally, cause and effect is used to explain the connection between a cause and its effect. Therefore, these five modes of academic writing are essential for providing a thorough explanation of an idea and its implications. Mode of academic writing is an important tool to explain why a story or idea is significant and to assess the impact of an idea on the future. Examples can be used to demonstrate the concept, comparison and contrast can be used to analyze the differences between two or more items, process analysis can be used to explain the steps of a procedure, and problem and solution can be used to identify and address a challenge. Additionally, cause and effect can be used to comprehend why something occurred, and the consequences of the event. Ultimately, these modes of academic writing can be employed to strengthen a thesis and support the author’s arguments.

Learn more about  academic writing  here



In the text, Kim felt like his Korean identity was not accepted at school in the Midwest. Have
you ever felt like a part of your identity was not accepted or encouraged? How did that
make you feel? What did you do?


Answer: There have been many times Where I felt that my identity was not accepted or encouraged. There are many people that don't seem to respect that people are different than them and want to hurt them for it or feel as if it's not important to respect. It is a truly awful feeling. Being in a state where you are made to feel as if there is a part of you that isn't important makes you feel unimportant as a whole. The best way to fight against this is to try and ignore those people and to try your best to surround yourself with people that will accept every part of you and honor yourself by loving every aspect that is apart of you.

Starting in the 1980's, juvenile offenders faced...
A rehabilitation more often than punishment.
harsher penalties for their crimes.
judges who were trained to deal with



b habilitation



In 5–7 complete sentences, summarize your Module One short story. Give specific details about the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Your response should address each element of plot. “condensed milk”


Narrative exposition is the process through which background knowledge is incorporated into a story or narrative. This information may be related to the locale, the characters' pasts, preceding storylines, the period in which it is set, etc.

Expository language that is weaved into the narrative is the traditional type of exposition in literature.

Rising action in literature refers to all the events that occur as a book builds to its climax. As the story goes on, the increasing action keeps us engaged by creating tension. It follows the first stage of the plot's exposition.

The climax is the point in a story when the reader is most interested and moved, whether it be dramatic or nondramatic.

The entire falling action, which takes place immediately following the climax, is referred to as such. To transition the story from a climax to a resolution, there must be falling action. It ranks among the most crucial elements of a story, along with the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.

With the resolution, the narrative is wrapped up. The CLIMAX is followed. Following the resolution of the CONFLICT, you learn what happens to the characters.

To know more about Module One short story, click on the link below:



In which two words is -ing added without changing the spelling of the root word?



The two words in which adding -ing without changing the spelling of the root word are pouting and soaring. The correct options are a and c.

What are suffix and prefix?

A prefix is a word component that is introduced at the beginning of a word to alter its meaning. A suffix is a word component that is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning.

A root word can stand alone as a word on its own, but you can create other words from it by prefixing and suffixing it (suffixes).

The spelling of pouting does not change because the spelling is pout and the spelling of soar also does not change.

Therefore, the correct options are a. pouting and c. soaring.

To learn more about suffixes and prefix, refer to the link:



it's some that can live their whole life out without asking about it and it's others has to know why it is, and this boy is one of the latters.


I'm not a good man, Nome," But I ain't the worst in the world either," The Misfit remarked after a little pause, appearing to have given her comments some thought.

My father claimed that I was a distinct breed of dog from my brothers and sisters. Daddy responded, "You know, some people can go their entire lives without wondering why something is, and other people have to know why it is, and this boy is one of the latters. He's going to be interested in everything! The Misfit recalls that his father knew that, in contrast to most people, The Misfit would desire to comprehend life and "know why it is." The father seems to be aware that his son would experience issues as a result of his curiosity.

To know more about good man refer to the link below :



Please help :(
When students use tablets, instead of textbooks, they are not learning the best way they can. Students can use tablets to access video games and email accounts, which are distractions in class. In the classroom, students should be concentrating on learning school tasks rather than playing games and socializing on their tablets. Additionally, students can use tablets to access the Internet where they can find quiz or test answers rather than learn the subject matter for themselves.
According to experts, excessive use of tablets causes eyestrain, headaches, and blurred vision for students. Health experts also say that using tablets can cause neck pain, shoulder pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Furthermore, tablets cost more money than traditional textbooks. It is estimated that schools which buy tablets for every student will pay almost five times more than they would for purchasing textbooks. Schools also have to consider theft or damage of tablets and purchase insurance for the devices. Moreover, replacement and upgrading costs need to be considered. Conversely, textbooks are less likely to be stolen. Also, oftentimes, damaged textbooks can be easily repaired with tape or glue.
Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two text structures does the author use to organize the ideas in the passage?
- order of importance
- compare and contrast
- problem and solution
- cause and effect
- chronological order


Compare and Contrast, Cause and Affect.

Identify the suffix that means "condition of" in the following words. Remember to use the phonetics in the following exercises to pronounce each word as you work.
21. alcoholism (AL-ko-hol-izm) (alcohol dependence) _______________________
22. insomnia (in-SOM-ne-ah) (inability to sleep; root: somn/o) _______________________
23. acidosis (as-ih-DO-sis) (acid body condition) _______________________
24. dysentery (DIS-en-ter-e) (intestinal disorder; root: enter/o) _______________________
25. psychosis (si-KO-sis) (disorder of the mind) _______________________
26. anemia (ah-NE-me-ah) (lack of blood or hemoglobin; root: hem/o) _______________________


The suffix that means "condition of" in the following words is:

21. alcoholism: -ism

22. insomnia: -ia

23. acidosis: -sis, -osis

24. dysentery: -y

25. psychosis: -sis, -osis

26. anemia: -ia

Here are the following phonetics for each word:

alcoholism: ælkəˌhɔˌlɪzəminsomnia: ɪnˈsɑmniəacidosis: ˌæsəˈdoʊsəsdysentery: ˈdɪsənˌtɛripsychosis: saɪˈkoʊsəsanemia: əˈnimiəWhat is a suffix?

A suffix is a letter or set of letters that is placed at the end of a word to create a new word, often of a different word class. Some suffixes have their own function in providing a new meaning: 

1.  adjective meaning: "Pertaining to"

→ -as, -al, -ar, -ary. -ic, -ical, -ous, -ile

2. mean "Condition Of"

→ -ia, --ism, -sis, -y

3. adjective meaning: "like or resembling"

→ -form

Here to learn more about Suffix:



Insert the wherever necessary. 1. We travelled by Jhelum Express. 2. Lotus is National flower of India. 3. Colourful balloons can be seen in sky. 4. Have you seen Principal? 5. English is easiest language to learn.



lotus is the natural flower of India,colourful balloons can be seen in the sky,have you seen the principal,English is the easiest language to learn,

the paschal mystery is the work of salvation through life,passion death resurrection and ascension accomplished by


The Paschal Mystery is the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

This work was accomplished in order to redeem humanity from sin and to reconcile them with God. The Paschal Mystery is also known as the Mystery of Jesus, and it signifies the culmination of Jesus' earthly ministry as he offered his life on the cross and was raised from the dead. Through this event, Jesus was glorified, and humanity was reconciled with God.

Learn more about The Paschal Mystery:



Following laws, as written in statues, regulations, and codes, and as interpreted by the courts is what type of behavior?
O Legal
O Civil
O Ethical


Civil because it just is
It’s between legal and civil

(100 POINTS!) How does the playwright Oscar Wilde use irony and symbolism to make a satire of Victorian culture and values?

In The Importance of Being Earnest, the society being poked fun at was England’s Victorian Era upper class. What message was Wilde trying to convey about Victorian sensibilities?

In other words, how is the play (The Importance of Being Earnest) a satire?


The playwright Oscar Wilde use irony and symbolism to make a satire of Victorian culture and values by highlighting their absurdity and superficiality

What was the importance of irony used?

In The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde uses irony and symbolism to satirize Victorian culture and values by highlighting their absurdity and superficiality. For example, the characters in the play place great importance on trivial matters such as social status, appearances, and proper etiquette, while ignoring more important issues such as honesty and integrity.

The use of the name “Earnest” as a double entendre, as well as the characters’ constant preoccupation with it, serves to mock the upper class’s obsession with appearances and social convention.

Wilde's message is that the Victorian society was too obsessed with superficial matters, and he wanted to convey the idea that people should be true to themselves and not be constrained by societal expectations. He also criticizes the Victorian society's rigid moral code which is reinforced by their hypocritical behavior.

Learn more about Oscar Wilde on:



By emphasizing the ridiculousness and superficiality of Victorian culture and morals, playwright Oscar Wilde satirizes them in his work.

Oscar Wilde satirizes Victorian culture and morals in The Importance of Being Earnest by drawing attention to their ridiculousness and superficiality. For instance, the play's protagonists give a lot of weight to unimportant things like social standing, outward appearances, and proper etiquette while ignoring more significant things like honesty and integrity.

The characters' persistent fascination with the name "Earnest" and its use as a double entendre combine to parody the upper class's preoccupation with outward appearances and social tradition.

Tuesdays With Morrie: Where did Morrie's father emigrate from? Why?


We can see here that in the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, Morrie's father emigrated from Russia.

What is  "Tuesdays with Morrie"?

"Tuesdays with Morrie" is a memoir by Mitch Albom about his time spent with his former college sociology professor Morrie Schwartz, who was dying of ALS. The book recounts the lessons on life and death that Albom learned during his visits with Morrie in the last months of his life. It was published in 1997 and has since become a bestseller. A stage play and a film adaptation of the book were also created.

Morrie's father and his family fled from Russia due to the persecution of Jewish people, which was rampant in the country at that time. They were seeking a better life and more opportunities in the United States.

Learn more about "Tuesdays with Morrie" on https://brainly.com/question/16637401


Using both evidence from the text in your own opinion, give two advantages and two disadvantages of traveling with a group.


safety and companionship.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of traveling in a group?

Also of the benefits of traveling in a group include safety and camaraderie, but there are some drawbacks, such as disagreements and physical strength. Though there are certain negatives, the overall benefits exceed the disadvantages.

The distinction between disadvantage and advantage as nouns is that disadvantage is a weakness or unwanted trait; a con, whereas advantage is any condition, scenario, opportunity, or method that is particularly conducive to success or any desired aim.

Disadvantaged location

Child from a low-income family.

Disadvantaged student.

Correctness in politics.




Exclusion from society.

Vulnerability in social situations.

To learn more about travelling in a group to refer:



"Economically speaking, aggregated [accumulated] capital will be more and more essential to the performance of our social tasks. Furthermore, it seems to me certain that all aggregated capital will fall more and more under personal control. Each great company will be known as controlled by one master mind. The reason for this lies in the great superiority of personal management over management by boards and committees. This tendency is in the public interest, for it is in the direction of more satisfactory responsibility. The great hindrance to the development of this continent has lain in the lack of capital. The capital which we have had has been wasted by division and dissipation, and by injudicious applications. The waste of capital, in proportion to the total capital, in this country between 1800 and 1850, in the attempts which were made to establish means of communication and transportation, was enormous. The waste was chiefly due to ignorance and bad management, especially to State control of public works. We are to see the development of the country pushed forward at an unprecedented rate by an aggregation of capital, and a systematic application of it under the direction of competent men. This development will be for the benefit of all, and it will enable each one of us, in his measure and way, to increase his wealth. We may each of us go ahead to do so, and we have every reason to rejoice in each other's prosperity. . . . Capital inherited by a spendthrift [person who spends money freely] will be squandered and re-accumulated in the hands of men who are fit and competent to hold it. So it should be, and under such a state of things there is no reason to desire to limit the property which any man may acquire."
William Graham Sumner, university professor, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, 1883
The excerpt best reflects which of the following economic developments in the late 1800s?


The excerpt best reflects "The increase in wealth inequality in United States society" in the wake of economic developments in the late 1800s. The correct answer is A.

The excerpt reflects the economic development of the increase in wealth inequality in American society in the late 1800s. Sumner argues that aggregated capital, controlled by individuals rather than boards or committees, will be essential to the performance of social tasks and will lead to more satisfactory responsibility. He also suggests that the lack of capital has hindered the development of the continent, and that the waste of capital in the past was due to ignorance and bad management.

He further states that the development of the country will be pushed forward by an aggregation of capital and a systematic application of it under the direction of competent men. He also implies that inherited wealth will be squandered by spendthrifts and re-accumulated in the hands of men who are fit and competent to hold it.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. The increase in wealth inequality in United States societyB. The reduction in conflict between managers and workers

The correct answer is A.

Learn more about economic developments here: brainly.com/question/25017714


In a well-developed paragraph of at least 5 sentences, use the TIE strategy (topic, information, express) to explain two central ideas of the textbook entry above. Be sure to include evidence from the text to support your response.


The central idea is expressed as follows:

Topic: The Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Information: The above text is about the history of Abraham Lincoln.


On February 12, 1809, Abram Lincoln was born in a log shanty on a lonely little farm in Kentucky. His father died when he was seven years old. Thomas Lincoln and his family relocated to Indiana. There, the youngster and his mother labored in the woods, assisting him in the construction of a new home.

He used to go out at night and sit beside her grave in the woods, reading his favorite novels. Abraham Lincoln was a kind of friendly giant. No one could swing an axe as deeply into a tree as he could. Abraham assisted his father in the construction of a nice log cottage, after which he and a man called John Hanks chopped walnut rails and fenced in fifteen acres of property.

What is a central idea?

The key concept or central idea is the tale's central, unifying theme, which connects all of the other parts of fiction employed by the author to create the story.

The primary notion is best defined as the story's prevailing impression or the universal, general truth.

Learn more about the central idea:

choose the word or phrase that best matches the word in italics she liked her bedroom but did not care for the hue of its walls


First, the noun hue refers to the colour of the walls. Hue is defined as a colour or a shade.

List is used as a synonym for plans, as can be seen in the statement, the speaker appears to be saying that while he does not want to hunt, he can assist anyone who want to do so. For more than a thousand years, the term "Holy Writ" has been used interchangeably with "Bible" in English. Appreciable, observable, ponderable, sensible, and tangible are some frequent synonyms for "palpable." a formal idiom. When something is something else written large, it is the same thing as it but bigger or more obvious: Hollywood is frequently compared to American society in its entirety.

To know more about word in italics click here:



After hearing Jordan's speech in the student council, Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head. Apparently Michael didn't agree with what Jordan said. Select one: a. Inductive, weak. b. Deductive, sound. c. Inductive, strong. d. Deductive, invalid. e. Deductive, valid


After hearing Jordan's speech in the student council, Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head. Apparently Michael didn't agree with what Jordan said. this is inductive and strong. The correct answer is C.

Arguments can be viewed as a set of premises in both logic and philosophy that aim to assess the degree of truth of the conclusion, which is the other statement. In inductive reasoning, the premises are referred to as evidence for the conclusion, yet they do not provide conclusive proof.

Inductive reasoning includes making generalizations about a problem based on one's own experiences or expertise. On the other hand, deductive reasoning entails employing broader problems to examine and reveal a particular discovery or observation.

Learn more about inductive at https://brainly.com/question/17303063


I'm sorry to contact you at such short notice, but I will be unable to come to work tomorrow. I went over on my ankle playing football and it is killing me. I am currently lying on a trolley in the hospital. I have had to be taken in for X-rays as the emergency doctor thinks I might have chipped a bone. I understand that this leaves you in the lurch. I am extremely sorry, and I will update you as soon as I know more.


Answer: Hope you feel better!


rite an objective summary that includes two to three central ideas from the dedication to Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.


Answer:In her argument, Wollstonecraft claims that both men and women must be educated in order to have the same knowledge. She explains that giving women equal rights will benefit both men and women because it will enable women to raise patriotic children and be better companions to men. She argues that because women are equally capable of reason, they are equally deserving of rights. She concludes by explaining that not giving women equal rights is unjust.


After reading 'The Ones Who Walk Away from Omegas, write a two page reflection on the following question. Would the Utilitarian live in Omegas or walk away? what would the plantain do? make sure you reference principles relevant to both moral theories in justifying your answers. ( please help i really need to pass this class i will return the favor to anyone who does this) also this is a philosophy class​



In the Explanation:


The story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin presents a moral dilemma in which the happiness and prosperity of a utopian society, Omelas, is dependent on the suffering of a single child locked in a basement. The question of whether a Utilitarian or a person following the principle of the "Greatest Happiness Principle" would live in Omelas or walk away is a complex one.

On one hand, the Utilitarian would likely argue that the overall happiness and well-being of the society as a whole justifies the suffering of the one child. According to the Greatest Happiness Principle, actions and decisions should be based on the potential for the greatest amount of overall happiness for the greatest number of people. In the case of Omelas, the happiness of the entire society is dependent on the suffering of the one child, and thus the Utilitarian would likely argue that it is morally justifiable for the society to continue living in Omelas.

On the other hand, the Utilitarian might also argue that the child's suffering is a negative consequence which outweighs the overall happiness of the society and thus it would be wrong to continue living in Omelas. The Utilitarianism also states that moral value of an action is based on its ability to promote overall happiness, and if the child's suffering outweighs the happiness of the society then it is not morally justifiable.

The plantain, as a metaphor for a person following the principle of "The greatest happiness principle" would likely walk away from Omelas. The Plantain is a symbol of sacrifice for the greater good and this is what the person would be doing by walking away from Omelas. The person would be sacrificing their own happiness for the sake of the one child and would not be able to live with the knowledge that the society's happiness is dependent on the suffering of one innocent child.

In conclusion, whether a Utilitarian would live in Omelas or walk away is a complex question that depends on the specific interpretation of the Greatest Happiness Principle. A Utilitarian might argue that the overall happiness of the society justifies the suffering of the one child, while also recognizing that the child's suffering outweighs the overall happiness of the society and thus it would be wrong to continue living in Omelas. The person following the principle of the "Greatest Happiness Principle" would likely walk away from Omelas as it would be sacrificing their own happiness for the sake of the one child.

describe serenas attitude toward the trip in the first half of the story.


Answer: His additude was mid.

Explanation: I feel like it could have been better, but it wasnt the worst.

Read the essay question that follows. Assess the ability of technology to ensure human happiness in the present society.
What key words might help you to define the scope of your response? [3]


The key words that might help you to define the scope of your response include happiness and technology.

What are key words?

Important words and concepts from your research question or thesis are known as keywords. Picking out the most crucial nouns from a research question or thesis is a quick and dirty way to extract keywords; all other words are unnecessary.

The range of content that belongs in an article is known as its scope, which also establishes what does not.

The work required to complete a project's objectives is simply referred to as the scope. In other words, the scope is the process of determining and describing the precise project objectives, goals, outcomes, milestones, tasks, costs, and timeline dates.

Learn more about scope on:



Just mercy chapter 10


Answer:is a books mercy

Explanation:ik ddds

10,11 mercy

What do these two changes have in common?
sauce burning on a stove
bleaching clothes


These two changes are brought about by increasing temperature, both are chemical changes, and they are mass-conserving changes.

How do these changes happen?The burning sauce begins to burn with increasing temperature.At high temperatures, the sauce molecules lose their molecular structure and therefore burn.The bleaching of clothes happens with the heating of molecules in cleaning products.This heating causes a reaction between product molecules and dirt particles.

Although there are transformations in the two cases shown above, these transformations act on the reaction of molecules and not on the mass of their products. For this reason, the masses remain the same, even if the temperature interferes with their molecules.

Your question is incomplete. The complete query can be seen below.

"What do these two changes have in common?

sauce burning on a stove

dry ice sublimating and becoming a gas

Select all that apply.

Both are caused by heating.

Both are only physical changes.

Both conserve mass.

Both are chemical changes."

Learn more about the conservation of mass:



Question 3
Use Sammi's model as an example to explain why cells are the building blocks for human bodies


Because cells are the fundamental units of life, they serve as the smallest units of life for human bodies, we have a variety of body parts, each with special  cell types with specialised activities.

How does Shammi's model work?

The heart, blood vessels, capillaries, and digestive tract are just a few of the parts that are depicted in the model. This shows that, just as cells serve a variety of purposes inside the human body, different organs have distinct tasks to play in order for blood to be pumped into the body. The digestive system extracts and absorbs nutrients from meals. These nutrients are transported to the remaining cells of the body through the circulatory system. Blood vessels, the heart, the villi, and the digestive tract are listed from left to right.

To learn more about Shammi's model visit



The two articles present the Lagina brothers differently. Using the
last paragraph from 'Why are treasure hunters fascinated with this
Canadian island?' and the first paragraph from 'The kool kidz diggin’
for Kidd's treasure', compare the way the brothers are presented.
Write 150 words. You should comment on:
the impression the writers give of the brothers
the language the writers use?




The two articles present the Lagina brothers differently. Using the

last paragraph from 'Why are treasure hunters fascinated with this

Canadian island?' and the first paragraph from 'The kool kidz diggin’

for Kidd's treasure', compare the way the brothers are presented.

Write 150 words. You should comment on:

the impression the writers give of the brothers

the language the writers use?

The text structure of this
passage is “sugar changed the world “



cause and effect


The passage describes the use of sugar by human beings. It also described the cause and their positive and mostly negative impacts of consuming sugar.

how does a plot and theme work together



a plot and theme work together because when your reading the plot of your book the theme starts to come along after like in 3 little pigs the first pig built his house with straws and the plot was the wolf blew his house down so the theme was do a job the right way so u don't have to do it again

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