in piaget's theory, the process of modifying existing cognitive structures in response to experience and new information is called


Answer 1

According to Piaget's theory, all process of accommodation entails changing one's preexisting theories (schemas) about how the world functions in response to fresh information and encounters.

Both adults and children may be accommodated through this technique, which is universal. Assimilation. Assimilation was coined by piaget's theory as the cognitive process of assimilating new knowledge into preexisting mental models, perceptions, and comprehension.

The new knowledge has no overall impact on people's views or conceptions of the world. Assimilation is a cognitive process that controls how new information is absorbed and integrated into our prior knowledge. This idea was created by Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, who is most known for his theory of how children's minds grow.

Learn more about piaget's theory Visit:


Related Questions

a culturally competent organization displays all of the following attributes except: group of answer choices a. values diversity b. relies on others to promote cultural competence c. institutionalizes cultural knowledge d. adapts services to fit needs


A culturally competent organization displays attributes such as valuing diversity, having an internal understanding of different cultures, actively engaging in cultural learning, and adapting services to fit the needs of different cultural groups.

The correct option is B.

However, a culturally competent organization does not rely on others to promote cultural competence. Instead, a culturally competent organization seeks to develop its own internal understanding of different cultures and to create its own internal cultural learning initiatives.

Additionally, a culturally competent organization should strive to create an organizational structure that is inclusive and respectful of all cultures, and should seek to continually improve on its own cultural understanding.

The correct option is B.

To know more about cultural competence, click here:


there is little controversy over the use of personality measures in personnel selection there is little controversy over the use of personality measures in personnel selection true false


The statement "there is little controversy over the use of personality measures in personnel selection" is False.

The use of personality measures in personnel selection is a topic of ongoing debate and controversy among professionals in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, human resources, and related areas.

While personality measures can provide valuable information about an individual's traits, behaviors, and potential fit for a particular job, there are also concerns and controversies surrounding their use in personnel selection.

Some of the controversies related to the use of personality measures in personnel selection include:

Validity and Reliability: Critics argue that some personality measures may not be valid or reliable in predicting job performance or other relevant outcomes. Validity refers to the extent to which a measure accurately measures what it is intended to measure, and reliability refers to the consistency of measurement over time.

There is ongoing debate about the extent to which different personality measures are valid and reliable in predicting job performance and other relevant outcomes.

Bias and Discrimination: There are concerns that personality measures may introduce bias and discrimination in personnel selection, as they may be influenced by cultural, gender, or other factors that could lead to unfair treatment of certain individuals or groups.

Critics argue that personality measures may perpetuate stereotypes or result in discrimination against individuals from diverse backgrounds.

to know more about personality measures  refer here

what is the key difference between focused attention (for) meditation and open monitoring (om) meditation?


The key difference between focused attention (FA) meditation and open monitoring (OM) meditation lies in their respective approaches to attention.

In FA meditation, the practitioner focuses on a specific object, such as the breath or a mantra, and aims to sustain their attention on that object for an extended period of time. OM meditation, on the other hand, involves monitoring one's thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment or attachment, allowing them to come and go freely.

While both types of meditation can be beneficial for cultivating mindfulness and reducing stress, FA meditation may be better suited for improving concentration and attentional control, while OM meditation may be more useful for increasing awareness and insight into the workings of one's mind.

Learn more about meditation


__________ are groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each other’s jobs.


Cross-functional teams are groups that bring together the knowledge and skills of individuals from various work areas or groups whose members have been trained to do each other's jobs.

Diverse Knowledge and Skills: Cross-functional teams are intentionally composed of members from different functional areas, such as marketing, finance, operations, and human resources, who bring diverse knowledge and skills to the team.

This diversity allows for a broader range of perspectives and expertise, which can lead to more creative problem-solving and decision-making.

Collaboration and Synergy: Cross-functional teams promote collaboration and synergy among team members. By pooling their diverse knowledge and skills, team members can combine their strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses, leading to better outcomes.

Collaboration within cross-functional teams can also foster a sense of ownership and accountability among team members, as they work together towards a common goal.

Interchangeability of Roles: One of the unique features of cross-functional teams is the ability of team members to perform each other's tasks. This interchangeability of roles allows for flexibility within the team, as members can step in and support each other as needed.

It also encourages cross-training and skill development among team members, leading to a more versatile and capable team.

To learn more about synergy, refer below:


Most personality and social psychologists agree that actual behavior is based on A. constant interaction between the individual's personality and the situation. B. the consistent behavior across a multitude of situations. C. extremely strong situations that constantly change behavior. D. the need to disagree.


Most personality and social psychologists agree that actual behavior is based on constant interaction between the individual's personality and the situation. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

This interaction between personality and situation is often referred to as the person-situation interaction, and it suggests that behavior is not solely determined by one's personality or the situation, but rather by the interplay between the two. This perspective highlights the complexity of human behavior and the need to consider both internal and external factors when trying to understand why people act in the ways they do.

Learn more about social psychologists


list odysseus' tales in the order that he tells them. What patterns of meaning do you find emerging from this order?


Odysseus tells his tales in the following order: Cicones, Lotus Eaters, Cyclops. The tales are told in such a manner initially as to describe why the gods turned against him.

The primary operating base of the Cicones during the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismari (or Ismarus), which is located at the foot of Mount Ismara on the southern coast of Thrace (in contemporary Greece). In Book 2 of the Iliad, it is claimed that they joined the conflict on the side of the Trojans led by Euphemus.

Odysseus and his warriors surprise Ismari in the ninth book of Homer's Odyssey, kill most of the Ciconians they come across, and take the women as slaves. Odysseus and his army are forced to flee on their ships when later Ciconia reinforcements attack and massacre a large portion of the invading Achaeans.

Learn more about Cicones Here:


Odysseus' tales can be found in Homer's epic poem, "The Odyssey." The tales are shared by Odysseus as he recounts his adventures to the Phaeacians. Here is the order in which he tells them:

1. Departure from Troy
2. The Cicones
3. The Lotus-Eaters
4. The Cyclops (Polyphemus)
5. Aeolus and the Winds
6. The Laestrygonians
7. Circe's Island
8. Journey to the Underworld
9. The Sirens
10. Scylla and Charybdis
11. The Cattle of the Sun (Helios)
12. Calypso's Island (Ogygia)

One pattern of meaning that emerges from this order is the theme of temptation and its consequences. In many episodes, such as with the Lotus-Eaters, Circe's Island, and the Cattle of the Sun, Odysseus and his crew face various temptations. Succumbing to these temptations often leads to negative consequences, delaying their journey home.

Another pattern is the concept of hospitality and its importance in ancient Greek society. Encounters with various characters, like the Phaeacians and Circe, showcase the value placed on being a good host and respecting guests.

Lastly, the sequence of events reveals the challenges Odysseus must overcome to prove his intelligence, cunning, and perseverance. This further emphasizes the traits of an epic hero and Odysseus' ability to survive against all odds.

Overall, the order of Odysseus' tales serves to illustrate the moral lessons, cultural values, and heroic traits valued in ancient Greek society.

To read more about The Odyssey click here


The leader most closely associated with the viewpoint in this excerpt was A)William Jennings BryanB) William McKinleyC) William Howard TaftD)Woodrow Wilson


Leader most closely associated"" and ""viewpoint."".The excerpt mentioned in the question likely refers to a specific political or historical context. Therefore, it is important to understand the viewpoint being discussed in order to determine which leader is most closely associated with it.

To identify the viewpoint, it is necessary to analyze the language and ideas presented in the excerpt. This may involve identifying key phrases, considering the historical context, and understanding the perspectives of different groups or individuals involved. Once the viewpoint has been identified, it becomes easier to connect it to a specific leader.

In the case of this question, the answer choices are all names of prominent leaders from a particular time period or political context. By understanding the viewpoint presented in the excerpt, a student can determine which leader is most closely associated with it. It is important to consider the context in which each leader operated, their political beliefs and actions, and any relevant historical events or movements in order to make an informed decision.

Click the below link, to learn more about Viewpoint:


what do the numbers tell us about which immigrants congress quizlewtconsidered most and least desirable? why do you think no quotas were established for countries in the western hemisphere?


The Immigration Act of 1924 established quotas for the number of immigrants that could enter the United States from various countries. The quotas were based on the percentage of each nationality present in the US population according to the 1890 census.

This favored immigrants from northern and western Europe, who were already well-represented in the US, while limiting immigration from southern and eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. This system was intended to restrict the influx of what many Americans at the time saw as "undesirable" immigrants, including Jews, Italians, and other groups.

No quotas were established for countries in the Western Hemisphere because it was believed that these countries would provide a steady stream of desirable immigrants who could help build the American economy.

Learn more about Immigration Act of 1924


How did Robert F. Kennedy’s actions promote equal treatment between races?


Robert F. Kennedy was an ardent advocate for civil rights and racial equality.

What is civil rights?

Civil rights are rights that protect individuals from discrimination based on their membership in a particular group or class. These rights are established by law and are intended to ensure that all individuals are treated equally regardless of their gender, race, religion, national origin, or other personal characteristics.

He worked as the United States Attorney General from 1961 to 1964 and during this time he put forward a number of initiatives to promote equal treatment between races. Kennedy worked to ensure the enforcement of civil rights legislation and the protection of African American voting rights. He also played a key role in the desegregation of the University of Mississippi in 1962. Furthermore, Kennedy worked to ensure that African Americans had access to quality education, employment opportunities and housing. He also worked to ensure that African Americans were represented in the justice system and he often spoke out against racial injustice. Through his work and advocacy, Kennedy made significant progress in promoting equal treatment between races.

To learn more about civil rights

absolute rulers from many cultures have claimed that their authority is a manifestation of the will of the gods (or god). but which, if any, of these artworks show rulers who derived their power specifically from a sun god?


Many absolute rulers throughout history claimed that their power was derived from the will of the gods, or a specific god, with the sun god being a common choice. The artwork of these cultures provides evidence of this belief, including the depictions of the ruler receiving the divine blessing or connecting with the sun god.

One of the most famous examples of a ruler who derived his power from a sun god is the Pharaoh Akhenaten of ancient Egypt. He was known for promoting the worship of Aten, the sun disk, as the supreme deity of Egypt. Akhenaten believed that he was the sole intermediary between Aten and the people, and his absolute power was derived from this connection to the sun god. This is evident in the artwork of his reign, such as the famous ""Boundary Stelae"" which depict Akhenaten receiving the rays of the sun directly from Aten.

In ancient Persia, the king was believed to be the earthly representative of Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian god of light and wisdom. Ahura Mazda was often associated with the sun, and the Persian kings claimed that their power was derived from this divine connection. This is reflected in the artwork of the Persian Empire, including the famous reliefs at Persepolis, which depict the king receiving the divine blessing from Ahura Mazda.

Click the below link, to learn more about Absolute rulers:


If suitable land for a graveyard was not available, the Christian community developed underground cemeteries, generally begun in abandoned quarries, known as __________.
Choose matching definition


If suitable land for a graveyard was not available, the Christian community developed underground cemeteries, generally begun in abandoned quarries, known as catacombs. The correct option is catacombs.

Catacombs are a network of tunnels and chambers that were excavated in soft rock, such as limestone, for the purpose of burying the dead. These underground cemeteries were common in ancient Rome, and they were often used by the early Christian community to bury their dead. The catacombs were also used as places of worship and refuge during times of persecution.

The catacombs were not only used for the burial of Christians, but also for Jews and pagans. The tunnels and chambers of the catacombs were often decorated with frescoes and sculptures, which depicted scenes from the Bible and early Christian history.

The catacombs served as a vital part of early Christian culture, and they remain an important archaeological and historical site today. Many catacombs have been preserved and are open to the public for exploration and study.

For more about catacombs:


In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are
a) incidental learning and structured routines.
b) direct instruction and structured routines.
c) direct instruction and variable routines.
d) indirect instruction and structured routines.


In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are: incidental learning and structured routines. The correct option is A.

Incidental learning is a key concept in supporting students with deaf-blindness, as they may miss out on opportunities to learn from their environment due to their sensory impairments.

Practitioners and parents should ensure that they provide these students with multiple opportunities to explore their surroundings and engage in meaningful experiences, promoting the development of essential skills.

Structured routines, on the other hand, provide a sense of predictability and security for students with deaf-blindness. By creating a consistent daily schedule and environment, these students can better understand and anticipate what is happening around them. This can lead to increased independence, self-confidence, and overall well-being.

To effectively support students with deaf-blindness, practitioners and parents should:

1. Provide a variety of experiences that promote incidental learning, such as tactile and sensory activities, social interactions, and opportunities to explore new environments.

2. Establish structured routines that help students understand the sequence of daily events, with consistent cues and expectations. This can be achieved by creating visual schedules, using tactile or auditory prompts, and maintaining consistency in the environment.

3. Regularly review and adjust routines and learning opportunities based on the individual needs and progress of the student, ensuring that they continue to grow and develop new skills.

By focusing on incidental learning and structured routines, practitioners and parents can support students with deaf-blindness in reaching their full potential and becoming active, engaged members of their community.

To know more about incidental learning, refer here:


Complete question:

In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are

a) incidental learning and structured routines.

b) direct instruction and structured routines.

c) direct instruction and variable routines.

d) indirect instruction and structured routines.

since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has


Since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has become more complex.

Since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has been observed through the following steps:

1. Increase in cohabitation: More couples are choosing to live together before getting married, leading to a higher number of cohabiting couples.

2. Different attitudes towards commitment: Couples who cohabit may have different attitudes towards commitment and marriage compared to those who do not cohabit before marriage.

3. Selection effect: People who choose to cohabit may be more likely to have characteristics that increase the risk of divorce, such as lower levels of education or lower income.

4. Relationship stability: Cohabitation before marriage may be associated with lower levels of relationship stability and satisfaction, potentially leading to a higher likelihood of divorce.

In summary, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce can be attributed to factors like differences in commitment levels, selection effect, and relationship stability. As more couples choose to cohabit, it becomes increasingly important to understand the potential implications on long-term relationship success.

For more about cohabitation:


Which of the following scholars emphasized the importance of race in modern society? 1. Max Weber 2. WEB DuBois 3. Emile Durkheim 4. Jane Addams


WEB DuBois emphasized the importance of race in modern society. He believed that African Americans could only achieve true equality and social justice by challenging the prevailing social norms that upheld racial hierarchy.

The correct option is B.

WEB DuBois was an African American sociologist and civil rights activist who emphasized the importance of race and its impact on modern society. He believed that race was a fundamental aspect of social organization that influenced all aspects of social life, including politics, economics, and culture.

DuBois also argued that race was a source of inequality in society, as it created a system of social stratification that disadvantaged people of color.

Through his writing and activism, DuBois made significant contributions to the study of race and racism in modern society. His work helped to inspire social and political movements aimed at promoting racial equality and challenging racial injustice. The correct option is B.

To know more about WEB DuBois


according to the modal model of memory, words presented early in a list are easier to remember than words presented later because


The modal model of memory, also known as the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, is a widely accepted theory that explains how information is processed and stored in our memory.

According to this model, words presented early in a list are easier to remember than words presented later because of two key processes: the primacy effect and the recency effect.

The primacy effect suggests that words presented at the beginning of a list are more likely to be stored in long-term memory because they receive more attention and are subject to more extensive rehearsal.

When we first encounter a list of words, we are more focused and able to fully encode the information into our memory system. These words are then transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory, where they can be retained for a longer duration.

On the other hand, the recency effect suggests that words presented at the end of a list are easier to remember because they are still fresh in our short-term memory. Short-term memory has limited capacity, and it can only hold a few items for a short duration.

to know more about Atkinson-Shiffrin model refer here


write an analytical paragraph comparing and contrasting shia and sunni islam. your paragraph should explain what the two sects have in common, where they differ, and whether the similarities and differences are more inportant


Shia and Sunni Islam share common beliefs but differ in leadership and interpretation, with the differences being more significant.

Interpretation refers to the act of explaining, understanding, or making sense of something, such as religious texts or teachings, based on one's own perspective, knowledge, and understanding.

In the context of religion, interpretation involves analyzing and comprehending the meaning and implications of religious doctrines, scriptures, and practices.

It often involves applying personal or collective understanding, cultural context, historical context, and scholarly insights to derive meaning and guidance from religious sources. Interpretation can vary among individuals, communities, and sects, leading to different understandings and perspectives on religious teachings and principles.

Learn more about interpretation here:


which association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions?


The prefrontal cortex association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions. Here option B is the correct answer.

The human frontal lobe is involved in a wide range of higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. Within the frontal lobe, the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in integrating information from other association areas and using this information to reason and plan actions.

The prefrontal cortex is located at the front of the brain, just behind the forehead, and is composed of several distinct regions. These regions are interconnected with other areas of the brain, allowing the prefrontal cortex to receive input from multiple sources and integrate this information to guide behavior.

Studies have shown that damage to the prefrontal cortex can result in deficits in executive functioning, including impairments in working memory, attention, and decision-making. These findings suggest that the prefrontal cortex is essential for integrating information from other association areas and using this information to plan and execute complex behaviors.

To learn more about prefrontal cortex


Complete question:

Which association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions?

A) Primary motor cortex

B) Prefrontal cortex

C) Somatosensory cortex

D) Occipital cortex

amphetamine psychosis is mostly closely resembles


Amphetamine psychosis is most closely taken after neurotic schizophrenia, a serious mental clutter characterized by daydreams, visualizations, cluttered considering, and unusual behavior.

Indications of amphetamine psychosis incorporate jumpy fancies, sound-related and visual visualizations, disarranged considering, and changes in temperament and behavior. These indications are comparable to those seen in neurotic schizophrenia and can be troublesome to recognize from this clutter.

Long-term use of amphetamines can lead to changes within the brain that take after those seen in schizophrenia, such as auxiliary changes within the prefrontal cortex and anomalies in dopamine neurotransmission. These changes can contribute to the advancement of maniacal side effects and other mental well-being issues.

To learn about amphetamine psychosis visit:


Amphetamine psychosis   is most closely resembles a form of acute psychotic disorder, which is characterized by symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and behavior, and paranoia.

Amphetamine is a strong stimulant of the central nervous system that is used to treat obesity, narcolepsy, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is frequently used as an addiction as well. Levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine are the two enantiomers of amphetamine, which was discovered in 1887.

It typically occurs in individuals who abuse or use high doses of amphetamines for an extended period of time. The symptoms usually subside once the drug use is stopped or reduced and appropriate treatment is given.

To know more about Amphetamine psychosis, click here:


nineteen-year-old angelo spent most of his adolescence exploring his values, possible career options, and political beliefs. angelo has high self-esteem, strong moral values, and favorable views toward college and work. angelo demonstrates characteristics of identity . question 6 options: a) achievement b) moratorium c) foreclosure d) diffusion


Based on the information provided, Angelo demonstrates characteristics of identity achievement. Identity achievement refers to the stage in which an individual has explored various options and has committed to a set of values, beliefs, and goals.

What do you mean by  identity achievement?

Angelo's exploration of his values, possible career options, and political beliefs suggests that he has gone through the process of exploring and considering various options.

Additionally, his high self-esteem, strong moral values, and favorable views toward college and work suggest that he has made commitments to certain goals and values. Therefore, Angelo's characteristics align with the definition of identity achievement.

To know more about identity achievement visit:


Lazarus' findings on hassles suggest that the effects of stress are: a. inconclusive b. non-existent c. cumulative d. mutually exclusive


Lazarus' findings on hassles suggest that the effects of stress are option a- cumulative.

This means that over time, the accumulation of daily hassles and minor stressors can have a significant impact on a person's overall level of stress and well-being.

In contrast to major life events or traumas, which are relatively rare and have a more immediate impact, the effects of daily hassles can be ongoing and persistent.

Lazarus' research highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the cumulative effects of daily stressors in order to promote better health and well-being. Therefore, the answer to the question is option C, cumulative.

Richard Lazarus was a prominent psychologist who conducted extensive research on stress and coping. He proposed the cognitive appraisal theory of stress, which suggests that an individual's perception and interpretation of a stressor is a key factor in determining their level of stress and their ability to cope with it.

Lazarus and his colleagues also conducted studies on daily hassles, which are minor stressors that are part of everyday life, such as traffic jams, long lines, or work-related deadlines. They found that daily hassles can have a cumulative effect on a person's stress level and well-being, and that they may be more significant predictors of stress and illness than major life events.

learn more about Lazarus here:


nicolas and adisa are very attentive parents. they are encouraging and warm, yet they are firm with boundaries and make sure the rules of the house are clearly communicated. when their kids make mistakes, nicolas and adisa try to use them as learning experiences, even when punishment is administered. what kind of parenting style is this?


The parents of Nicolas and Adisa are using the authoritative parenting as they are encouraging but firm with the boundaries.

Warm and encouraging parenting that also clearly defines boundaries and standards for behavior are characteristics of authoritative parenting.

Authoritative parenting the form of parenting where parents keeps the child under the boundaries but also encourage them to explore the world along with clearly following rules and straight communication.

When their kids make errors, they offer advice and encouragement and help them learn from the experience. Children under authoritative parenting tends to have a mature behavior as well as high self esteem and also better academics.

To know more about Authoritarian Parenting, visit,


according to veith, what is one negative side effect of postmodernism’s attacks on humanism?


Veith argues that one negative side effect of postmodernism's attacks on humanism is the loss of a shared understanding of what it means to be human.

Veith, a cultural critic and author, argues that postmodernism's rejection of traditional ideas and institutions, including humanism, has led to a loss of a shared understanding of what it means to be human.

Humanism, with its emphasis on reason, individualism, and the inherent value of human beings, provided a foundation for much of Western culture and thought. However, postmodernism's skepticism of grand narratives and the search for objective truth has undermined these ideas, leading to a fragmentation of identity and a lack of a unifying worldview.

This loss of a shared understanding of humanity has implications for ethics, politics, and society as a whole. Without a common understanding of human nature and values, it becomes difficult to create a stable and just society.

Veith's argument highlights the tensions between postmodernism and humanism and their effects on contemporary culture.

To know more about postmodernism’s attacks, refer here:

which of the following are true about persuasion? multiple select question. it can benefit a person's career. it is legitimate only when used in a professional setting. it is never a morally correct behavior. it can benefit a person's relationships.


Persuasion can benefit a person's career and relationships. It is not necessarily only legitimate in a professional setting, as persuasion can be used in many aspects of life.

The process of persuasion involves one person or entity attempting to change the views or behaviors of another individual or group of people. It differs from coercion in that those receiving the message have the option of acting on it or not.

Nothing you can say will persuade her to go if she doesn't want to. Persuasion is the act of getting someone to do or believe something by providing them with a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it.

However, it is important to use persuasion ethically and with consideration for others' perspectives and autonomy. Therefore, it is not true that persuasion is never a morally correct behavior.

To learn more about Persuasion, click here:


motivation what does it mean when we say that drive has multiple inputs or means of activation?


Motivation is the internal process that drives individuals to pursue goals and engage in behaviors to achieve those goals.

Drive is an important part of motivation and describes the zeal and fervour with which someone pursues a goal.

When we state that a person's drive can be activated by a variety of inputs or means, we indicate that there are numerous things that can have an impact on a person's drive.

These elements may include psychological elements like beliefs, values, and emotions as well as physiological requirements like thirst, hunger, and sleep.

In summary, drive has multiple inputs or means of activation because there are various factors that can influence and activate an individual's motivation and energy levels.

For such more question on Motivation:


a 14-year-old-girl is 42 inches tall (very short). at 6 years of age, the girl received massive head injuries in an automobile accident. hormone tests reveal very low plasma concentrations of somatomedins (igfs) and growth hormone (gh). an injection of growth hormone releasing hormone (ghrh) results in a marked increase in plasma concentrations of gh and somatomedins. this girl probably has:


Based on the information provided, it appears that the 14-year-old-girl's short stature may be due to her head injuries at the age of 6, which may have caused damage to her pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland is responsible for producing growth hormone (GH), which is essential for normal growth and development. Additionally, somatomedins (IGFs) are hormones that are produced in response to GH and play a key role in promoting growth.

The hormone tests revealing low plasma concentrations of GH and somatomedins suggest that the girl's pituitary gland is not producing enough of these hormones. However, the fact that an injection of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) resulted in a marked increase in plasma concentrations of GH and somatomedins indicates that the pituitary gland is still capable of producing these hormones when stimulated.

Overall, it is likely that the girl has a growth hormone deficiency as a result of her head injuries. Treatment with GH injections may help to promote growth and increase her final adult height. It is important to monitor her growth and hormone levels closely and work with a medical professional to determine the best course of treatment.

For more such questions on pituitary gland


which of the following would be experienced during a euphoric high? group of answer choices intense tactile sensation time distortion feelings of intense elation and pleasure feelings of despair


The feelings of intense elation and pleasure. During a euphoric high.

which is often associated with drug use or certain medical conditions, an individual may experience intense feelings of elation, pleasure, and happiness. They may have an elevated mood, increased energy, and a heightened sense of well-being.

Other possible experiences during a euphoric high may include increased confidence, decreased inhibitions, and enhanced sensory perception. It is important to note that euphoria induced by drug use may be temporary and can have negative consequences on one's health and well-being.

It is always recommended to seek professional help if you or someone you know is experiencing a euphoric high or other concerning symptoms.

to know more about intense elation refer here

dogs that had developed ________ after being strapped in a harness and given repeated shocks later did not try to escape when given the opportunity to do so.


Dogs that developed learned helplessness after being strapped in a harness and given repeated shocks, and how they later did not try to escape when given the opportunity to do so.

Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon where an individual, in this case, dogs, becomes conditioned to believe that they cannot change or control a situation due to previous repeated negative experiences.

In the experiment you mentioned, the dogs were strapped in a harness and subjected to repeated shocks, which they had no control over. As a result, they developed learned helplessness and started to believe that they could not escape or avoid the shocks, even if they tried.

When these dogs were later given the opportunity to escape from the shocks, they did not attempt to do so because they had already internalized the belief that their actions would have no effect on the outcome.

This demonstrates the powerful impact of learned helplessness on an individual's behavior and their willingness to engage in problem-solving or seeking a way out of a negative situation.

In order to overcome learned helplessness, it is crucial to retrain the individual to recognize that they do have control over their actions and can influence the outcome of a situation through their efforts.

To know more about learned helplessness, refer here:


in an experimental design, if awareness of the pretest poses a problem, a researcher is least likely to


In an experimental design, if the awareness of a pretest poses a problem, a researcher is least likely to employ a Solomon four-group design. Option C is correct.

The Solomon four-group design is a specific experimental design that includes four groups: two groups that receive the pretest and treatment, one group that receives only the treatment, and one group that serves as a control and receives neither the pretest nor the treatment. This design is used to address potential confounds and biases introduced by the pretest in experimental research.

In contrast, other options such as disguising the pretest, embedding the pretest in a set of irrelevant measures, or telling the participants what is being studied and why, are potential strategies that a researcher may use to address the issue of awareness of the pretest. These strategies aim to minimize the potential biases associated with participants' awareness of the pretest and ensure that the experimental results are not influenced by the pretest awareness.

Learn more about “  Solomon four-group design“ visit here;


Complete Question:

In an experimental design, which of the following is a researcher least likely to do if the awareness of a pretest poses a problem?

a. The researcher is least likely to disguise the pretest.

b. The researcher is least likely to embed the pretest in a set of irrelevant measures.

c. The researcher is least likely to employ a Solomon four-group design.

d. The researcher is least likely to tell the participants what is being studied and why.

the negative spiral sequence characterized by one partner wanting to talk about an issue, while the other continually avoids the issue is:


Avoidant partner, an issue is brought up, the partner avoids, the avoidant partner reinforces avoiding, and the cycle continues. A negative communication pattern hinders resolution and relationship satisfaction.

In the negative spiral sequence, one partner continuously avoids talking about a topic while the other partner brings it up for discussion. This avoidance behaviour makes the avoidant partner's propensity to avoid confrontation even stronger and makes it more difficult for the pair to settle problems and come to an agreeable agreement.

The avoidance of the avoidant spouse might be interpreted as a form of self-defence against perceived dangers or emotional pain. However, it could result in a bad communication style that causes annoyance, resentment, and a loss of intimacy and trust in the partnership.

Learn more about communication:


On which day of the week does negative affect tend to be the highest?
A) Sundays
B) Mondays
C) Tuesdays
D) Wednesdays
E) Thursdays


Negative affect tends to be the highest on Sundays because people start to think and plan the workload to be done in the week. The correct option is Option A.

Sundays are meant to relax and enjoy but due to the workload of the upcoming week, it does have negative effects.

Monday and other days of the week other than Sunday are working days and people are ready to work mentally and physically.

Sundays are the days on which people prepare themselves mentally and physically to work for the week.

It often creates negative effects on people and develops stress and anxiety.

Learn more about the Negative effect:


The answer is B) Mondays.  Mondays tend to have the highest negative effect because people often experience a transition from the freedom and relaxation of the weekend to the responsibilities and stress of the workweek.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and exhaustion. This is because it is the first day of the work or school week, and people may feel overwhelmed or stressed by the tasks ahead.

Additionally, many people may have indulged in unhealthy habits over the weekend (such as staying up late or drinking alcohol) which can also contribute to a negative mood on Monday.

To know more about anxiety, click here:


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