in shakespeare's the taming of the shrew, whose wife does not only refuse to answer the husband's call, but also asks the husband to come to her?


Answer 1


Katherina, also known as Kate


In Shakespeare's play "The Taming of the Shrew," it is Katherina, also known as Kate, who refuses to answer her husband's call and asks him to come to her. Kate is one of the main characters in the play and is famously portrayed as a strong-willed and independent woman who initially resists conforming to societal expectations of marriage and submission to her husband. Her husband, Petruchio, attempts to "tame" her through various methods, including withholding food and sleep, in an effort to assert his dominance over her. The dynamic between Kate and Petruchio forms the central plot of the play and is often interpreted as a comedic exploration of gender roles and power dynamics in relationships.

Related Questions

Select the word that means a written plan of events or activities. Proclaim


Program means a written plan of events or activities. So the option C is correct.

Proclaim: To make public or declare a fact, opinion, or belief; to announce officially. Proclaiming is a way of making something public or official. It can be done through speech, writing, or other forms of communication.

Produce: To create, make, or bring into existence; to bring forward for consideration or use. Produce is an action that brings something new into existence, or brings forward something that already exists for a particular purpose.

Program: A plan or system of action, especially one designed so as to be orderly and efficient; a set of instructions for a computer or other electronic device.

Protect: To guard or shield from harm or danger; to keep from being damaged or destroyed; to preserve from attack or violation. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about Program link is here


Read the passage. In 1803, Congress approved the treaty that finalized the Louisiana Purchase. The size of the United States almost doubled. Jefferson still held hope that the territory contained the famed and elusive Northwest Passage, a water route from the eastern United States to the Pacific Ocean, but because this land had not yet been explored by White settlers, Jefferson and Congress were in the dark about exactly what they had purchased. Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis, his private secretary, and William Clark, an associate of Lewis’s, to explore the territory. Without the help of Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman Lewis and Clark met in the Rocky Mountains, it is unlikely their expedition would have been as successful as it was. Which text structure is used in this passage? chronological order compare/contrast description problem/solution


I think it is description.

Based on the context of this excerpt, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed.
She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time.
She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano.
She does not want to shout at her mother.


Based on the context of this excerpt, She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time. Option 2 is correct.

What is the summary of the passage?

The speaker feels devastated and everyone is staring at them. On the bus ride home, the father hums a tune while the mother remains silent, which disappoints the speaker. They had been waiting for their mother to start shouting so they could shout back and blame her for their misery.

In this passage, the narrator describes a situation where they have done something wrong or disappointing, causing their mother to lose everything and react with a quiet, blank look. The narrator feels devastated, and others around them seem to be gawking or judging the situation. The family then travels home on a bus, with the father humming a tune and the mother remaining silent. The narrator is expecting the mother to shout and blame them for their mistake, but instead, she goes to the back bedroom without saying anything. The narrator is disappointed that they didn't receive the expected response from their mother.

Learn more about context of an excerpt here:


Full question is:

But my mother's expression was what devastated me: a quiet, blank look that said she had lost everything. I felt the same way, and it seemed as if everybody were now coming up, like gawkers at the scene of an accident, to see what parts were actually missing. When we got on the bus to go home, my father was humming the busy-bee tune and my mother kept silent. I kept thinking she wanted to wait until we got home before shouting at me. But when my father unlocked the door to our apartment, my mother walked in and went to the back, into the bedroom. No accusations. No blame. And in a way, I felt disappointed. I had been waiting for her to start shouting, so I could shout back and cry and blame her for all my misery.

Based on the context of this excerpt given above, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed. She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time. She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano. She does not want to shout at her mother.

3. Read "Tipping Point. " In 3–4 sentences, identify a tipping point in your life and explain how it

was similar to or different from the one Josh describes in the poem. Use specific details from

your life and text evidence from the novel to support your answer.


My tipping point was when I decided to leave my job and pursue a career in writing.

When I made the decision to quit my job and pursue a writing career, that was my tipping moment. Because it was a turning point in his life where he realized who he was and took charge of it, it was comparable to Josh's tipping point.

It was different because, in contrast to Josh, I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and had a strategy in place. I had previously done my homework and had a plan in place, whereas Josh's tipping point was more of an impulse choice.

According to Josh, "I chose my fate, my destiny, and I made my own fortune" (Line 28). My experience was comparable to this in that I decided to pursue a career that I was passionate about and invested a lot of effort in making it happen.

To learn more about pursue a career link is here


Describe how Romeo's perspective on Tybalt changed during the Fight Scene. Explain why he at first refused to fight Tybalt, but later was eager to kill him.




the fact that there was a rivalry between the two households and that they always had competition

Romeo responded peacefully and tried to defuse, refusing to engage in a fight. Romeo had recently married Juliet, who was Tybalt's cousin, and he wanted to avoidconflict that could cause harM his wife or her family.

Describe why he at first refused to fight Tybalt, but later was eager to kill him in brief?

Tybalt killed Romeo's close friend Mercutio, Romeo's perspective on Tybalt changed dramatically. Romeo became angry and sought vengeance for the death of his friend. He was no longer willing to turn the other cheek and wanted to fight Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death. Romeo's emotions got the best of him, and he acted impulsively, driven by the desire for revenge.

Romeo's transformation in the Fight Scene shows how emotions can cloud one's judgment and lead to rash decisions. It also highlights the dangerous consequences of conflicts and the need for peaceful resolution rather than violence. Romeo's refusal to fight at first and later eagerness to kill Tybalt can be seen as a reflection of the tension between the desire for peace and the human instinct for revenge.

To know more about romeo visit:


Mike said im going to see a movie this week


The indirect speech of the sentence is "Mike said he was going to see a movie that week."

Direct speech is when someone directly quotes what someone else said, word for word. It is written or spoken in quotation marks (“ ”).

Indirect speech is when someone reports what someone else said, without quoting them directly. It does not use quotation marks, and often includes reporting verbs such as 'say', 'tell', 'explain', etc. In indirect speech, the reporting subject may also change the original tense or pronoun of the direct speech.

As we know that first person is change according the subject of reported speech so we changed 'I' as 'He' and tense from present to past.

To learn more about direct and indirect speech link is here


The complete question is:

Mike said "I'm going to see a movie this week." Write the indirect speech.


Consider the Chinese proverb "when the wind of change blows some build walls while other build windmills. "Which does the family in this poem do ? Explore your ideas in a written argument -MAGIC ISLAND - Please just explain it more to me


The family in Mark Bussing's poem "Magic Island" must contend with a wind of change that could upend the tranquilly of their island home.

Instead of erecting barriers to keep the change out, they embrace it by constructing windmills that harness its energy and provide the island with power. This choice exemplifies the wisdom of the Chinese saying, which holds that people who embrace change rather than fighting it will discover ways to benefit from it.

The poem portrays the family's optimistic response to the winds of change. Instead than striving to ignore or dismiss the need to adapt to the changing world around them, they come up with an innovative way to use it. The windmills stand for their readiness to adapt to change and their resolve to make the most of the circumstances. They can continue to live in peace and keep their connection to nature thanks to this mentality and their way of life on their island.

The family in "Magic Island" demonstrates that, rather than erecting barriers to keep change out, it is possible to embrace it and exploit it to one's benefit. By doing this, they put into practice the Chinese saying that says that while some people build walls in response to change, others create windmills.

To learn more about Magic Island link is here


true or false. in the context of first-class levers, the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.


A First-class lever switch allows militant and negative muscle groups to contract contemporaneously on either side of a common axis. It's true.

First Class Regulators- The fulcrum is the center of trouble and stress. This type of switch is in the neck when watching football.

The neck muscles give trouble, the neck is the fulcrum, and the weight of the head is the weight.

A switch is a rigid body that can pivot on itself about a point. Depending on the position of the fulcrum, the cargo, and the force, the switch is divided into three types.

To know more about First-class levers,


True. In the context of first-class levers, the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.

First-class levers are a type of lever system where the load and the effort are on opposite sides of the fulcrum. Agonist and antagonist muscles are two muscle groups that work together to move a joint. The agonist muscle group contracts to produce the desired movement, while the antagonist muscle group contracts to oppose that movement. In a first-class lever system, both the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of the joint axis in order to produce the desired movement. This allows for a more efficient movement as both muscle groups can work together to move the joint more quickly and with more force.

To know more about simultaneously refer :


I suck at the subject of writing poems can some write me a poem it gotta have a sentence for each letter
(Yes please make it as dark as you can)



Succumbing to the darkness, I find myself in agony,

Unleashing all the pain, that torments me endlessly.

Innocence lost, betrayed by the ones I trusted,

Consumed by the hatred, that I once resisted.

In this moment, I feel like I have nothing left to live for,

Death seems like the only escape, that could end this war.

Eyes closed, I take one last breath, and finally let go.

Here's a poem with a sentence for each letter:

The Poem

S ilent screams echo in my mind,

U nderstanding seems impossible to find,

I n this darkness, I am confined,

C onstantly battling thoughts unkind,

I wish for peace, but it's hard to abide,

D espair takes over, and I feel hollow inside,

E nding it all seems like the only way to subside.

The poem is written in acrostic form, meaning that each line begins with a letter that spells out a word or phrase. In this case, the word is "S U I C I D E ," which is a very serious and heavy topic to write about.

Read more about poems here:


according to "the argument" in book 7, who requests that raphael tell adam the story of creation?


Adam asks Raphael to give him the creation tale in Book 7 of John Milton's "Paradise Lost." The argument encapsulates the exchange between the two characters in which Adam asserts his wish to learn about the origins of the cosmos. He acknowledges his ignorance of the world and expresses a desire to learn more. The creation of the stars and planets, which Adam views as proof of God's illimitable strength and wisdom, piques his curiosity in particular.

Raphael offers to instruct Adam and starts by telling him the creation narrative. He summarizes the events of each day and explains how God created the universe in six days. Raphael's account largely resembles the biblical account of creation, but he also includes his own interpretations and insights. He highlights the significance of free will and the negative effects of disobedience, themes that are present throughout the entire poem.

Ultimately, the discussion between Adam and Raphael prepares the reader for the later books of "Paradise Lost," which explore the hardships of the protagonists and the effects of their choices.

Learn more about Paradise Lost:


According to "the argument" in book 7 of John Milton's "Paradise Lost," it is Adam who requests that Raphael tell him the story of creation.

Adam is warned by Raphael about the devil's attempts to corrupt him. According to Raphael, the Son created light first, followed by the stars and planets, then the creatures we know as animals and people. Adam presses Raphael for additional information about the universe, but Raphael cautions him against obsessive learning. Analysis of Paradise Lost by John Milton. Genesis has been poetically rewritten in Paradise Lost. It details the demise of Satan and his associates, the origin of man, and most significantly the act of disobedience committed by man, as a result of which paradise was forfeited for us. It is a literary work with depth.

To know more about creatures refer :


When does gorman use anaphora? why might she have chosen to use it there? what effect does it have


When reciting her poem, Gorman typically uses anaphora to highlight a certain concept or feeling. For instance, she repeatedly utilizes the words "We...we...we" to emphasize the idea of coming together in her poetry "The Hill We Climb."

She emphasizes the value of unity and demonstrates that everyone must work together to achieve it by repeating this sentence. This anaphora's purpose is to inspire the audience to band together and work towards a better future by fostering a sense of unity and solidarity.

The speaker is highlighting the significance of group action in reaching a desired end by repeating the phrase "we must." Anaphora can also generate a sense of urgency and energy since it forces the listener to act when it is repeated.

To learn more about Anaphora link is here


________ have lost, through ________, the ability to grow on minimal medium.


Organisms have lost, through mutation, the ability to grow on minimal medium.

Many organisms, due to genetic mutations or evolutionary changes, have lost the ability to grow on minimal medium. Minimal medium refers to a nutrient-rich environment that contains only the essential nutrients necessary for an organism's growth, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace minerals.

However, some organisms have experienced genetic mutations that have resulted in the loss of certain metabolic pathways or transport systems required for growth on a minimal medium. These mutations may have occurred over time through natural selection or genetic drift, leading to the loss of specific abilities to synthesize or transport certain nutrients. As a result, these organisms may become dependent on more complex nutrient sources or require specific supplements in their growth medium to compensate for their metabolic deficiencies.

To learn more about minimal medium, visit here


Demonstrate how well you understand The Alchemist so far by completing this assignment: Write two paragraphs in response to the prompt below.

Sheep play an important role in Part One of The Alchemist—the novel opens with the shepherd Santiago thinking about his sheep. What does Santiago observe about their existence? How might the sheep symbolize the way some people live their lives?


In Part One of The Alchemist, Santiago is a shepherd who spends his days tending to his flock of sheep. As he watches the sheep graze, he observes that they live a very simple existence, following the same routine day after day. Santiago realizes that the sheep are content with their lives, as they have everything they need to survive, but they do not have any aspirations or dreams beyond their basic needs. This realization causes Santiago to question his own life and whether he too is content with his current existence.

The sheep in The Alchemist symbolize the way some people live their lives, following a routine and settling for a comfortable, but unfulfilling existence. They represent those who are content with the status quo and do not aspire to achieve their dreams or pursue their passions. Santiago's realization that he does not want to live his life like the sheep is a turning point in the story, as it sets him on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The sheep serve as a reminder to Santiago that life is more than just survival and that true happiness and fulfillment come from following one's dreams and passions.

Read the passage from chapter 5 of Animal Farm.

On the third Sunday after Snowball's expulsion, the animals were somewhat surprised to hear Napoleon announce that the windmill was to be built after all. He did not give any reason for having changed his mind, but merely warned the animals that this extra task would mean very hard work, it might even be necessary to reduce their rations. The plans, however, had all been prepared, down to the last detail. A special committee of pigs had been at work upon them for the past three weeks. The building of the windmill, with various other improvements, was expected to take two years.

That evening Squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon's papers. The windmill was, in fact, Napoleon's own creation. Why, then, asked somebody, had he spoken so strongly against it? Here Squealer looked very sly. That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's cunning. He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence. Now that Snowball was out of the way, the plan could go forward without his interference. This, said Squealer, was something called tactics. He repeated a number of times, "Tactics, comrades, tactics!" skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions.

How does Orwell use satire to achieve his purpose in this passage? Select two options.

He uses parody to show how dictators deflect blame to others.
He uses the three dogs to parody the idea that loyalty will be rewarded.
He uses reversal to show that dictators do not abide by their principles.
He uses Squealer's character to parody an indifferent follower of a corrupt leader.
He uses ridicule to make fun of how people are focused on economic gain.






How does Barbara Bush establish credibility as an appropriate speaker for the Commencement Address at Wellesley College?


She mentions her husband, George Bush, who was a U. S. President.


She points out that she was invited to speak at the college ten years prior.


She describes how she fits in with the women of her time, conforming to societal roles.


She indicates that the color of her hair coincides with the special color choice selected by the class of 1990


Barbara Bush establishes credibility as an appropriate speaker for the Commencement Address at Wellesley College by mentioning that she was invited to speak at the college ten years prior, in 1980 when her husband George H.W. Bush was running for president. Option B is correct.

This shows that she has a previous connection to the college, which helps to establish her credibility as a speaker. Additionally, she discusses her own experiences as a woman and a mother, which helps to establish a connection with the audience of young women graduates. While she does briefly mention her husband's presidency, it is not the primary way she establishes credibility.

She also does not mention her hair color as a way to establish credibility, as that is irrelevant to her qualifications as a speaker. Overall, Barbara Bush's credibility as a speaker comes from her previous connection to the college and her personal experiences as a woman and mother. Hence Option B is correct.

To learn more about Commencement Address, here


Write a story about someone calling you


Answer: okkkk


I woke up to a ringing on my phone, except the ringtone meant it was an unknown caller. I picked up my phone as I answered the call, now most people would say they don't answer unknown calls, but..- I have absolutely

no buts' I really shouldn't be picking up a call at 3:02 am But oh well..-

"Hi there.",

I cringed at the British accent not that I hate it or anything but it still gets pretty annoying I'm sure a small Irish accent can get annoying too. So, who am I to judge?


I don't recognize the voice at all. I hang up and turn on my side to sleep.

Hours later I woke up to the phone ringing. Again?

"You should've answered me when you had the chance now you won't have much of a chance to do Anything."


I whimpered. I heard a small crash. As I hopped out of bed to go check on it, I grabbed a bat from my high-school baseball competition as I saw a swift movement from they corner of my eye I whimpered a small sob,

That was last month, I survived a attempted Murder.

But why am I the one in a mental Asylum" You may ask?

Well that person, the one who broke in, was dead five years ago.

Things happen! Write a list of 10 crisis events that have happened to you. These events can be real or fictional, serious or humorous. Describe where each event takes place (setting), what happened, and how you responded (plot).



Explanation:i almost got hit with an firework when i was five in Nebraska during the fourth of july and i was traumatized due to my possible near death experience

Which of the following best matches a central idea from the text with a detail that
supports it?
A Central idea: Many important discoveries are made during experiments.
Supporting detail: Doctors began using X-rays to examine injured patients.
Central idea: Some important discoveries are not well understood at first.
Supporting detail: Artificial sweetener was based on a kind of coal tar.
Central idea: Some scientists make accidental discoveries that help people.
Supporting detail: Penicillin is still used in modern times to save lives.
Central idea: Dedicated scientists may accidentally become great inventors.
Supporting detail: Fleming used plates called petri dishes to grow bacteria.


"Doctors soon discovered that they could examine broken bones using X-ray images."  the one that most effectively pairs a text's main concept with a supplementary detail.

How x-rays function ?

Ionizing radiation is passed through the body in very small doses. This used to be recorded onto a sheet of unique film. Nowadays, x-ray exams are more likely to employ a tool that will record transmitted x-rays and produce an electronic image. Healthy bones appear white or grey because the calcium in bones prevents radiation from passing through. On the other hand, radiation is easily absorbed by air, which is why healthy lungs appear black.

To know more about X-rays visit:


What would be Tammy Duckworth super strengths and quality if she was a superhero?


Answer: Freedom and rights

Explanation: Senator Duckworth believes one of America's greatest strengths is our system of democratic values and constitutionally-protected freedoms and rights.

what are the advantages/disadvantages of having nick narrate the story of the great gatsby, rather than having gatsby tell the story himself?



Having Nick Caraway narrate The Great Gatsby builds up the mystery of Gatsby, his motivation, and history. Seeing an outsider, an everyman's perspective of the world of riches and fame eases us into the story. However, a disadvantage of having Nick as the narrator is we don't get as up close and personal as we could if Gatsby was the narrator. Gatsby has a lot of dialogue and actions but we never see his thoughts, which could enrich the story more.

I hope this helped :D

those ________ know tatiana should sign the card.


Those who know tatiana should sign the card.

Use of who, that and either:

In this case, the relative pronouns who and that are being used to connect the object of the sentence—that is, the entity being acted upon by the subject—to the subject of the phrase, or the noun that the sentence is about. These relative pronouns serve as a way of bringing up someone or something that was discussed in the past.

"Who" is a common term to refer to individuals.When referring to inanimate objects, such as that computer or piece of paper, the word "that" is always used."That" can also refer to a group or particular kind of individual, such as "that" team.

When describing a decision between two possibilities, the word "either" is employed. For instance: "Either you work hard, or you fail."

Learn more about relative pronouns:


Write a summary about the arguments for AND against including video gaming in the
Olympic Games.
Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long). You should use your own words as far as possible.
You will receive up to 8 marks for the content of your summary, and up to 8 marks for the style and accuracy of your language.


The debate about including video gaming in the Olympic Games is ongoing

Video Gaming

The topic of adding video games in the Olympic Games is still up for discussion. Video games are already a significant form of entertainment on a global scale, so integrating them in the Olympics, according to supporters, would draw a younger audience and increase the number of people who watch the games. They contend that video gaming should be recognised as a legitimate sport because it demands talent and strategy. Opponents counter that video games aren't physically demanding enough to qualify as a sport and that incorporating them in the Olympics will compromise the games' legitimacy. They contend that video games don't uphold Olympic ideals like fair play and athletic prowess. The International Olympic Committee's decision to allow video gaming in the Olympics will ultimately rest on whether

To know more about discussion, click on the link :


What does it mean to “trace a theme’s development” in a text?


I believe to "trace a theme's development" means to determine a theme or main idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text.

Hope this helped.

Discuss Okonkwo's character on Things Fall Apart novel by Chinua Achabe​


Answer: A self-made, well-respected member of Umuofia clan.

How does the author's style contribute to the tone of the passage?

a. The author's use of daunting language creates a frightening tone
b. The author's use of imagery creates a captivated tone
c. The author's use of negative language creates angry tone
d. The author's use of objective language creates an impartial tone


B. If you use the process of elimination, impartial tone is when the person feels unbiased towards whatever the text is about, but we know it's not the case for this text. It doesn't seem to use much daunting language, and the person doesn't seem to be frightened. The person to me does not seem to be angry but shows more of a desire for success. This means only B is left, I hope this helps you : )

B. Hope it helped answer your question!

Which sentence is an example of formal language?
• A. Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world.
• B. Soccer is awesome, and a ton of people love to play it.
C. Playing soccer is so fun and everyone should try it.
• D. I really love soccer and would play every day if I could?


Football is the sport that is played most frequently in the world. This statement is formal because it avoids the slang or informal idioms included in the formal language.

What makes you say "soccer"?

Football, often known as football or soccer, is a team sport in which two teams each consist of 11 players and is played on a rectangular area called a pitch.

What is an illustration of formal language?

Grammar is more intricate and phrases are typically longer in formal language. As an illustration: We regret to notify you that the delivery will be delayed owing to unfavourable weather [formal] We apologise, but the weather will cause the delivery to be delayed.

To know more about formal language visit :-


which of the following is punctuated correctly?i hung a picture; in the new conference room: it brightens the room.i hung a picture in the new conference room, it brightens the room.i hung a picture in the new conference room; it brightens the room.



I hung a picture in the new conference room; it brightens the room.


The other examples use comma splices or incorrectly use semi-colons and colons.

27.All of Paulo and Geneva's children have moved out, started families, and are working ontheir careers. According to the text, Paulo and Geneva's home is now a(n) _____.A)haven of quietB)empty nestC)lonely cavernD)house of mirrors


The text suggests that Paulo and Geneva's home is now an "empty nest," as all of their children have moved out, started families, and are pursuing their careers. Thus option B is correct.

All of Paulo and Geneva's children appear to have left home, established families, and begun jobs, according to the text. As a result, their house is now an "empty nest," as their kids are no longer living there. While for some parents this may be a huge shift, it can also provide a sense of tranquilly, sometimes referred to as a "haven of quiet."

The home is not likely to be described as a "lonely cavern" or "house of mirrors," as these expressions do not adequately convey an empty nest.

Learn more about families:


fatima was uncomfortable during her trip to japan, especially when walking on crowded sidewalks and riding in packed trains. she wasn't accustomed to being shoulder-to-shoulder and face-to-face with so many people. this scenario falls under which category of nonverbal communication?


Fatima was uncomfortable when a stranger sat very close to her on the bus, but when an attractive classmate moved closer to her to see what she was writing, she was delighted. This behavior falls under proxemics category of nonverbal communication. So the option A is correct.

Proxemics is a type of nonverbal communication that deals with the study of the physical space between individuals in a social situation. It looks at how people use and interpret the space around them, and how people's personal space affects their interactions with others.

In the example provided, Fatima's reaction to the two different people demonstrates how she is interpreting the space between them. When a stranger sat too close to her, her discomfort suggests that she felt her personal space had been invaded.

On the other hand, when an attractive classmate moved closer to her, her delight suggested that she felt the proximity was appropriate and comfortable. So the option A is correct.

To learn more about Proxemics link is here


The complete question is:

Fatima was uncomfortable when a stranger sat very close to her on the bus, but when an attractive classmate moved closer to her to see what she was writing, she was delighted. This behavior falls under which category of nonverbal communication?

A. proxemics

B. kinesics

C. paralanguage

D. haptics

you listen to the whole question, then repeat it. for what reasons is this important? select all that apply.


Repeating the whole question before answering is important for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the listener fully understands the question being asked and can provide an accurate and relevant response.

Secondly, it shows that the listener is actively engaged in the conversation and interested in the topic at hand. Thirdly, repeating the question can help to clarify any misunderstandings or ambiguities that may arise during the conversation.

Finally, it can also help to establish a sense of rapport and trust between the speaker and listener, as it demonstrates that the listener is attentive and respectful of the speaker's thoughts and ideas.

Learn more about speaker's thoughts


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Palacio.She can get really annoyed when people do something rude. Like, for instance, one time in the playground some older kids made some noises. I don't even know what the noises were exactly because I didn't hear them myself, but Via heard and she just started yelling at the kids.Based on the excerpt, which inference can be made?1.August is usually relaxed.2.August and Via have a close relationship.3.The older kids are teasing Via.4.Via is older than August. which are interventions used to manage and minimize the symptoms of dry mouth? select all that apply. Kira bought 14 pounds of flour for $7 . How many pounds of flour did she get per dollar? a familiar example of an agent is a: group of answer choices gardener hired to maintain the grounds at a large industrial complex. corporate officer who serves in a representative capacity for the owners of the corporation. no answer text provided. janitorial employee who does not deal with third parties. A client reports general malaise and has a temperature is 103.8F (39.9C). What is the rationale for administering a prescribed aspirin, an antipyretic, to this client?Antipyretics protect vulnerable organs, such as the brain, from extreme temperature elevation.Temperatures in excess of 99.5F (37.5C) can result in seizure activity.Lower temperatures inhibit the protein synthesis of bacteria.Most antipyretics have been shown to have little effect on core temperature but alleviate discomforts. Why is it unlikely that the increase in obesity between 1980 and the present resulted from an increase in the proportion of the population with the fto allele that predisposes people to obesity? which of the stream types had a statistically lower macroscopic invertebrate species diversity than the seasonal streams? responses transitional streams only transitional streams only intermittent streams only intermittent streams only perennial and intermittent streams only perennial and intermittent streams only transitional and intermittent streams only In October, 2013, Bandit Corporation distributed profits to its preferred shareholders before its common shareholders. What is the name of the preference that allows this?Select one:A. Dividend preferenceB. Treasury preferenceC. Liquidation preferenceD. Profits preference what are the economic benefits of investing in cleaner air, and how can these benefits be maximized? The current price of stock in Company XYZ is $45 and no ex-dividend dates are to occur for the next three months. The risk-free rate is 4.00% per year. The standard deviation for the period in question is 0.4. You are a financial advisor and one of your best clients is Mr. John Smith who is a senior-level manager at a Fortune 500 company. A portion of Mr. Smiths incentive compensation is paid in restricted stock in the company he works for which he cannot sell for a period of three years from the date of the award of the shares. Smith has been employed at the company for 35 years and he has been in a senior position for the last 20 years. Mr. Smith has a concentrated equity position in the company owning 1,000,000 shares. More than 80% of his wealth is in the company stock. Assume that due to contractual obligations, he cannot sell his stock over the next three months. Due to his concentrated position, he wants to hedge against the price of XYZ stock falling more than 20%. He can do this by buying put options with a strike price of $36.1. Assume that Mr. Smith does not have the necessary amount of liquid assets (other than his stock which he cannot sell) to be able to purchase these put options so he will have to enter into an equity collar. At what strike price should he strike the corresponding call options?2. If Mr. Smith decides that he can raise enough cash to put up $200,000 to pay for some of the puts, how will it affect the strike price on the call?3. If instead of three months, the restriction on his stock is six months, how will this change the hedge? Solve for the appropriate put and call strikes.4. Using your answers from a) above, assume that after one month, the stock price goes up to $70 and Mr. Smith wants to unwind his hedge. Describe how you would go about terminating this hedge. Determine what it would cost to terminate this hedge.5. Again, using your answers from a) above, if after one month the stock price went down to $28 instead and Mr. Smith wanted to terminate this hedge, what would be the economic repercussions? Calculate this amount.6. As Mr. Smiths financial advisor, would you recommend this strategy to Mr. Smith? Why or why not?7. List down the benefits and advantages of this strategy. g consider a semiconductor with 10 13 donors/cm 3 which have a binding energy of 10 mev. (a) what is the concentration of extrinsic conduction electrons at 300 k? (b) assuming a gap energy of 1 ev (and m* ? m 0 ), what is the concentration of intrinsic conduction electrons? (c) which contribution is larger? blake is a manager at a sporting goods store and needs to fill an open position for an assistant manager. austin works in the store as a sales associate and blake thinks he would be perfect for the job. why might blake be hesitant about promoting austin and giving him the job? Continue using at least five (5) sentences below in your responsesduring the Third Quarter. Please use your text and don't "guess" whatyou're trying to write about. Due Date: Wednesday, April 12 the gross profit rate is gross profit expressed as a percentage of net sales. group startstrue or false do you think the right to vote still needs to be protected and guarded? Why or why not? Consider a risky portfolio. The end-of-year cash flow derived from the portfolio will be either $60,300 or $160,500, with equal probabilities of 0.5. The alternative riskless investment in T-bills pays 5.8%. Required: (a)lf you require a risk premium of 6.5%, how much will you be willing to pay for the portfolio? (Round your answer to the nearest dollar amount. Omit the "$" sign in your response.) Price (b) Suppose the portfolio can be purchased for the amount you found in (a). What will the expected rate of return on the portfolio be? (Round your answer to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.) Rate of return % (c) Now suppose you require a risk premium of 9.5%. What is the price you will be willing to pay now? (Round your answer to the nearest dollar amount. Omit the "$" sign in your response.) Price