incentives that are too high-powered, such as an outsized bonus, may cause individuals to ______.


Answer 1

Incentives that are too high-powered, such as an outsized bonus, may cause individuals to engage in unethical behavior or take excessive risks.

Research has shown that when incentives are too large, individuals may be more likely to engage in behavior that is unethical or even illegal in order to achieve the desired outcome. This is because high-powered incentives can create pressure that leads individuals to prioritize the incentive over ethical behavior or long-term consequences.

For example, a financial advisor may be incentivized to sell a high-risk investment to a client in order to earn a large commission, even if it is not in the best interest of the client. In this scenario, the incentive of a large commission could cause the advisor to overlook the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with the investment.

Therefore, it is important for organizations to carefully design and monitor their incentive programs to ensure that they are motivating desired behaviors without creating unintended negative consequences.

Learn more about unethical behavior at


Answer 2

Incentives that are too high-powered, such as an outsized bonus, may cause individuals to engage in unethical behavior or take excessive risks. Research has shown that when incentives are too large.

individuals may be more likely to engage in behavior that is unethical or even illegal in order to achieve the desired outcome. This is because high-powered incentives can create pressure that leads individuals to prioritize the incentive over ethical behavior or long-term consequences. For example, a financial advisor may be incentivized to sell a high-risk investment to a client in order to earn a large commission, even if it is not in the best interest of the client. In this scenario, the incentive of a large commission could cause the advisor to overlook the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with the investment.


Learn more about unethical behavior here:


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many people belive that location is the most important factor to consider when seleting a home. true or false?


Answer is True:  Many people believe that location is the most important factor consider when selecting a home. The proximity to work, schools, shopping centers, and other amenities are all important factors that people take into consideration when choosing a home.

The perceptual process, which sharpens the understanding of inner and outward signs, is a vital instrument in interactions. It prompts critical reflections and makes people rethink their own views as a way of sustaining their quality of life and sense of self.The psychological contract that we "signed" at the start of the relationship may be used to (re)evaluate how you and I interact at work. It leads to moral issues that are connected to the practise and to each unique circumstance, which may only have an impact on you or many other individuals. Establishing what actions people must take in a specific circumstance in order to be viewed favourably, however, is a moral dilemma.

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Many people belive that location is the most important factor to consider when seleting a home a key tool in interactions is the perceptual process, improves knowledge of internal and external cues. The correct answer is True.

People are forced to reevaluate their own beliefs and engage in critical reflection as a means of maintaining their quality of life and sense of self.We may (re)examine our relationship in light of the psychological agreement we "signed" at the beginning of it.

It causes moral problems that are related to the practise and to each particular situation, which might only affect you or a lot of other people. The moral conundrum is determining what behaviour someone must exhibit in a certain situation in order to be regarded favourably. Many individuals think that when choosing a property, location should be the most significant consideration. When choosing a property, people take into account a number of crucial criteria, including the vicinity to job, schools, shopping areas, and other facilities.

To know more about factors visit:


You are considering an investment that has a nominal annual interest rate of 11.12 percent, compounded semiannually. Therefore, the effective annual rate, or EAR (annual percentage yield) is _____.
Round the answer to two decimal places in percentage form.


The effective annual rate (EAR), or annual percentage yield, for this investment is 11.49%.

This rate is calculated by taking the nominal annual interest rate of 11.12% and compounding it semiannually. The effective annual rate is determined by raising the nominal rate to the power of the number of compounding periods per year (2 in this case) and subtracting 1.

In this case, the equation is (1 + 0.1112/2)^2 – 1. The result of this equation is 0.1149, which, when expressed as a percentage, is 11.49%. This rate is higher than the nominal annual rate, and it is the rate that an investor should consider when comparing investments. This rate takes into account the compounding of the interest, and reflects the true return on the investment.

Know more about effective annual rate here


when determining the communication needs of a sports brand, managers should primarily evaluate the state of customer relationships in terms of


Managers must take into account the current condition of consumer interactions in terms of a number of aspects when assessing the communication demands of a sports brand.

Customer satisfaction should be the first element managers assess. A key statistic for assessing how effectively a brand's goods or services satisfy the demands of its target market is customer satisfaction.

Brand loyalty is another aspect that managers should assess. Customer commitment to a specific brand is referred to as brand loyalty.

When creating a communication plan, managers should assess client involvement as well. The degree of contact between customers & a brand is referred to as customer engagement.

Finally, managers should evaluate customer trust when developing a communication plan. Trust is an essential factor in building long-term relationships with customers.

To know more about consumer-


Managers must take into account the current condition of consumer interactions in terms of a number of aspects when assessing the communication demands of a sports brand.

Customer satisfaction should be the first element managers assess. A key statistic for assessing how effectively a brand's goods or services satisfy the demands of its target market is customer satisfaction. Brand loyalty is another aspect that managers should assess. Customer commitment to a specific brand is referred to as brand loyalty. When creating a communication plan, managers should assess client involvement as well. The degree of contact between customers & a brand is referred to as customer engagement. Finally, managers should evaluate customer trust when developing a communication plan. Trust is an essential factor in building long-term relationships with customers.

learn more about consumer here:


MIRR unequal lives. Singing Fish Fine Foods has $2,020,000 for capital investments this year and is considering two potential projects for the funds. Project 1 is updating the store's deli section for additional food service. The estimated after-tax cash flow of this project is $630,000 per year for the next five years. Project 2 is updating the store's wine section. The estimated annual after-tax cash flow for this project is $540,000 for the next six years. The appropriate discount rate for the deli expansion is 9.5% and the appropriate discount rate for the wine section is 9.1%. What are the MIRRs for the Singing Fish Fine Foods projects? What are the MIRRs when you adjust for unequal lives? Do the MIRR adjusted for unequal lives change the decision based on MIRRS? Hint: Take all cash flows to the same ending period as the longest project. .. If the appropriate reinvestment rate for the deli expansion is 9.5%, what is the MIRR of the deli expansion? % (Round to two decimal places.) If the appropriate reinvestment rate for the wine section is 9.1%, what is the MIRR of the wine section? % (Round to two decimal places.) Based on the MIRR, Singing Fish Fine Foods should pick the___project. (Select from the drop-down menu.) What is the MIRR adjusted for unequal lives of the deli expansion? % (Round to two decimal places.) What is the MIRR adjusted for unequal lives of the wine section? % (Round to two decimal places.) Based on the adjusted MIRR, Singing Fish Fine Foods should pick the___ project. (Select from the drop-down menu.) Does the decision change? (Select from the drop-down menu.)


Singing Fish Fine Foods should choose the deli expansion project based on both the MIRR and adjusted MIRR values.

What is the recommended project for Singing Fish Fine Foods based on MIRR and adjusted MIRR values?

To answer your question, we'll first calculate the MIRR for both projects and then adjust for unequal lives. Finally, we'll determine which project Singing Fish Fine Foods should choose based on the MIRR and adjusted MIRR values.

Calculate the MIRR for the deli expansion:
- Discount rate: 9.5%
- Reinvestment rate: 9.5%
- Cash flows: $630,000 per year for 5 years
Using the MIRR formula, the MIRR for the deli expansion is 9.50%. (Round to two decimal places.)

Calculate the MIRR for the wine section:
- Discount rate: 9.1%
- Reinvestment rate: 9.1%
- Cash flows: $540,000 per year for 6 years
Using the MIRR formula, the MIRR for the wine section is 9.10%. (Round to two decimal places.)

Based on the MIRR, Singing Fish Fine Foods should pick the deli expansion project.

Calculate the MIRR adjusted for unequal lives:
- Deli expansion: 9.50%
- Wine section: 9.10%

To adjust for unequal lives, we need to take all cash flows to the same ending period as the longest project (6 years). We can do this by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the project lives. In this case, the LCM of 5 and 6 is 30. We'll then repeat the cash flows for each project until they reach the LCM:

- Deli expansion (5-year cycle, repeated 6 times): MIRR remains 9.50%
- Wine section (6-year cycle, repeated 5 times): MIRR remains 9.10%

Based on the adjusted MIRR, Singing Fish Fine Foods should pick the deli expansion project. The decision does not change when adjusting for unequal lives.

Learn more about MIRR


For the past 4 years, the complex relationship between Europe
and the U.S. is in disarray. What explains the causes of that
disarray? There are multiple and include military, political, and
economic f


The disarray between Europe and the US can largely be attributed to a number of factors. Most notably, military tensions have arisen since the US withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018.

This has been compounded by trade tensions and other economic issues, such as tariffs imposed by the US against European allies. On the political front, Europe has been reluctant to support some of the US's foreign policy objectives, such as the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Additionally, Europe has been critical of the US's immigration policies, particularly the controversial travel ban. All of these issues have exacerbated the already strained relationship between the two entities. As a result, many analysts believe the US and Europe are on the brink of a new era of divergence.

Know more about Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action here


You're about to buy a new car for $10,000. The dealer offers you a one-year loan where you pay $905.42 every month for the next 12 months. Since you pay $905.42 * 12 = $10,865 in total, the dealer claims that the loan's annual interest rate is (10,865-10,000)/10,000 = 8.65%.
1. What is the actual effective annual rate?
2. What rate should the dealer quote by law?


1) The actual effective annual rate of the loan is 8.86%, which is calculated by taking the actual cost of the loan, which is $10,865, and dividing it by the principal of $10,000.

What is annual rate?

An annual rate is a type of rate that is applied to a given amount over the course of one year. It is used to calculate the interest due on various types of loan and savings accounts. The annual rate is usually expressed as a percentage and is based on the amount of the loan or account balance. It is also used to measure the amount of return on investment and dividends paid to shareholders.The annual rate is determined by the lender or financial institution offering the loan or savings account.

2) By law, the dealer should quote the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which is a measure of the cost of credit, expressed as a yearly rate. It is the true cost of credit, taking into account all fees and costs associated with the loan. The APR for this loan would be 9.04%.

To learn more about annual rate


Investors require an 8% rate of return on Mather Company’s stock (i.e., r = 8%).
What is its value if the previous dividend was D0 = $1.25 and investors expect dividends to grow at a constant annual rate of (1) -2%, (2) 0%, (3) 3%, or (4) 5%?b. Using data from part a, what would the Gordon (constant growth) model value be if the required rate of return was 8% and the expected growth rate was (1) 8% or (2) 12%? Are these reasonable results? Explain. c. Is it reasonable to think that a constant growth stock could have g>rs ? Why or why not?


a. Using the formula V0 = D1/(r-g), the values of Mather Company's stock for (1) -2%, (2) 0%, (3) 3%, and (4) 5% growth rates are: $27.08, $15.63, $22.92, and $31.25, respectively.

b. Using the Gordon (constant growth) model with a required rate of return of 8%, the values of Mather Company's stock for (1) 8% growth rate and (2) 12% growth rate are: $31.25 and $41.67, respectively. These results are not reasonable because the growth rate cannot exceed the required rate of return in perpetuity, as this would imply an infinite value for the stock.

c. It is not reasonable for a constant growth stock to have a growth rate (g) greater than the required rate of return (rs) because this would imply an infinite value for the stock, which is not realistic. Additionally, a constant growth rate assumes a steady and predictable growth pattern, which would not be possible if the growth rate is greater than the required rate of return.

For more questions like Rate click the link below:


Angelo's Sushi House has $14,500 of debt outstanding that is selling at par and has a coupon rate of 7%. The tax rate is 21%. What is the present value of the tax shield? A. $2,480 B. $3,045 C. $4,765 D. $3,290


The present value of the tax shield is $3,045. the correct option is (B).

The present value of the tax shield can be calculated using the formula:

PV(Tax Shield) = Tax rate x Debt

where the tax shield is the tax benefit of the interest payments on the debt, and is equal to the interest payments multiplied by the tax rate.

The interest payments on the debt are equal to the coupon rate multiplied by the face value of the debt, which is equal to the outstanding debt since the debt is selling at par:

Interest payments = Coupon rate x Face value = 7% x $14,500 = $1,015

Therefore, the tax shield is:

Tax shield = Tax rate x Interest payments = 21% x $1,015 = $213.15

To calculate the present value of the tax shield, we need to discount the tax shield at the before-tax cost of debt. Since the debt is selling at par, the before-tax cost of debt is equal to the coupon rate:

Before-tax cost of debt = Coupon rate = 7%

Using the formula for the present value of an annuity, we can calculate the present value of the tax shield:

PV(Tax Shield) = Tax shield x Present value factor

PV(Tax Shield) = $213.15 x (1 - 1 / (1 + 7%)¹) / 7%

PV(Tax Shield) = $3,045

To know more about present value click here


Shares in Growth Corporation are selling for $60 per share. There are 13 million shares outstanding. The stock pays a 45 percent stock dividend. After the dividend: How many shares will be outstanding? What will be the price per share? Please state your answer in millions and to 2 decimal places. Outstanding shares = Number million Price per share = Number


The number of outstanding shares after the dividend is 18.85 million and the price per share is $41.36 (to two decimal places).

A 45 percent stock dividend means that for every 100 shares owned, 45 additional shares will be issued. Therefore, the number of new shares issued will be:45/100 * 13 million = 5.85 millionSo the total number of outstanding shares after the dividend will be:13 million + 5.85 million = 18.85 millionTo calculate the new price per share, we need to consider the total value of the company after the dividend. Since the dividend does not change the overall value of the company, the market capitalization of the company remains the same.

Market capitalization before the dividend = $60 per share * 13 million shares = $780 millionMarket capitalization after the dividend = $780 millionSo the new price per share will be:$780 million / 18.85 million shares = $41.36 per shareTherefore, the number of outstanding shares after the dividend is 18.85 million and the price per share is $41.36 (to two decimal places).

Learn more about Growth Corporation here:


suzanne wants to understand what tasks are involved in performing the jobs required by the members of her staff. what tool will help her uncover that information?


Suzanne can use a job analysis tool to uncover the tasks involved in performing the jobs required by the members of her staff.

This tool will provide a detailed breakdown of the tasks, responsibilities, and duties associated with each job, and help Suzanne gain a better understanding of the skills and knowledge required for each position. Job analysis is a valuable tool for organizations to ensure that they are hiring and training the right people for the right jobs.

Learn more about Job analysis -


miguel is working with a client who is very verbal. what might he try to control the client’s verbal output?


Miguel might try to control the client's verbal output with option E: using psychoeducation and asking more related questions.

Verbal communication is the exchange of information via the use of words or sounds. For instance, Susan employed verbal communication when she expressed her unhappiness. The main purposes of verbal communication are to express our thoughts and feelings.

The verbal communication skill of questioning can be used to elicit more specific information and encourage clients to examine the problems that brought them to therapy. Building a meaningful relationship with clients requires effective communication between the counselor and the clients, which is essential to having a positive counseling experience.

To know more about verbal communication, refer:


Complete question:

Miguel is working with a client who is very verbal. What might he try to control the client's verbal output?

a. Use psychoeducation

b. Directly tell the client to be quiet

c. Progressively ask more closed questions

d. All of the above

e. Only a and c

Miguel might try to use reflective listening to control the client's verbal output.

In counseling and therapy, the use of reflective listening encourages patients to explore their ideas and emotions while also controlling the discourse. Miguel can give the client a secure and encouraging place to express themselves while also subtly directing the conversation towards particular topics or difficulties by employing reflective listening. Reflective listening entails listening intently to the client, summarising and paraphrasing what they have said, and reflecting back on the sentiments and feelings they have expressed. By doing so, you can assist the dialogue move more slowly, keep the client from feeling overburdened, and keep the conversation's main focus on his or her objectives and requirements. Miguel can help the client have a more fruitful and fulfilling counseling encounter by managing the client's verbal output in this way.

learn more about client's verbal output here:


in reading the employment contract, the hourly rate is $20 per hour and you are paid time and a half for anything over 40 hours. what would be your gross pay if you work 50 hours in a week?


According to the employment agreement, the hourly pay is $20, and you are paid time and a half for any hours worked in excess of 40. if you work 50 hours per week, your gross pay would be $1100.

Which of the following best describes a payment system where a physician receives a set sum per period of time?

Under a capitation system, whether or not a patient seeks care, the healthcare provider (a doctor or group of doctors) receives a predetermined payment for each enrolled patient assigned to that doctor or group of doctors.

What proportion of the US gross domestic product does the overall cost of healthcare in the US typically represent?

US health spending as a percentage of GDP from 1960 to 2021. The United States' national health spending as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021 was 18.3 percent, the second-highest figure during the period covered. In developed nations, the United States spends the most on health care relative to GDP.

To Know more about United States'


You are a portfolio manager and have been assigned a new client. Your client has her portfolio invested in two assets: a small stock fund and the market. The expected return on the small stock fund is 11% and its standard deviation is 33%. The market has an expected return of 8% and a standard deviation of 17%. The risk free rate is 3%. Currently, your client has a portfolio which is 90% in the small stock fund and 10% in the market. Assume the CAPM holds. a.) What is the beta of the small stock fund? b.) What is the beta of your client's current portfolio? c.) What is the covariance between the small stock fund and the market? d.) Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of your client's current portfolio e) You want to show your client that she can earn a higher expected rate of return without taking additional risk. Create an efficient portfolio that has the same standard deviation as your client's initial portfolio. What is the expected return on the new portfolio? [Efficient portfolios are portfolios consisting of the market asset, i.e., S&P 500, and the Rf asset]. Hint: remember that the standard deviation of the Rf asset= 0.


(a). Beta = (11% - 3%) / (8% - 3%) = 1.6

(b). Beta of Current Portfolio =  1.45

(c). Covariance = 0.028572t

(d). Standard deviation of the current portfolio   = 28.872%

(e). Expected Return =  9.31%

a) How to calculate the beta of the small stock fund?

To calculate and optimize the Portfolio Management of a new client with existing assets in small stock fund and the market using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

To calculate the beta of the small stock fund, we need to use the CAPM equation:

Beta = (Expected Return of Small Stock Fund - Risk-Free Rate) / Market Risk Premium

where the market risk premium is the difference between the expected return of the market and the risk-free rate. Thus:

Beta = (11% - 3%) / (8% - 3%) = 1.6

b) How to calculate the beta of the current portfolio?

To calculate the beta of the current portfolio, we need to use the weighted average of the betas of the two assets:

Beta of Current Portfolio = 0.9 * Beta of Small Stock Fund + 0.1 * Beta of Market

= (0.9 * 1.6) + (0.1 * 1) = 1.45

c) How to calculate the covariance between the small stock fund and the market?

The covariance between the small stock fund and the market can be calculated as:

Covariance = Beta of Small Stock Fund * Standard Deviation of Small Stock Fund * Standard Deviation of Market

Correlation between Small Stock Fund and Market

= 1.6 * 33% * 17% * Correlation between Small Stock Fund and Market

Assuming a correlation coefficient of 0.5, we get:

Covariance = 1.6 * 33% * 17% * 0.5 = 0.028572

d) How to calculate the expected return of the current portfolio?

The expected return of the current portfolio can be calculated as:

Expected Return = Weight of Small Stock Fund * Expected Return of Small Stock Fund + Weight of Market * Expected Return of Market

= (0.9 * 11%) + (0.1 * 8%) = 10.3%

The standard deviation of the current portfolio can be calculated as:

Standard Deviation = (Weight of Small Stock Fund * Standard Deviation of Small Stock Fund)^2 + (Weight of Market * Standard Deviation of Market)^2 + 2 * Weight of Small Stock Fund * Weight of Market * Covariance

= (0.9 * 33%)^2 + (0.1 * 17%)^2 + 2 * 0.9 * 0.1 * 0.028572

= 28.872%

e) How to create an efficient portfolio with the same standard deviation?

To create an efficient portfolio with the same standard deviation as the client's initial portfolio, we need to use the formula for the optimal weight of the market asset:

Weight of Market = (Expected Return of Portfolio - Risk-Free Rate) / (Market Risk Premium * Variance of Market)

= (10.3% - 3%) / (8% - 3%) * (17%)^2

= 0.338

Thus, the weight of the small stock fund in the new efficient portfolio is 1 - 0.338 = 0.662. The expected return of the efficient portfolio can be calculated as:

Expected Return = Weight of Small Stock Fund * Expected Return of Small Stock Fund + Weight of Market * Expected Return of Market

= (0.662 * 11%) + (0.338 * 8%) = 9.31%

Therefore, the expected return on the new efficient portfolio is lower than the expected return on the client's initial portfolio but achieved with less risk.

Learn more about Portfolio Management


Details of a limit order book are as follows. BIDS ASKS QUANTITY PRICE PRICE QUANTITY 10 52 54 54 25 51 56 10 12 49 57 10 An investor submits a limit sell order for 40 shares at a price of 48. The total price paid for the shares purchased is closest to: a. $1,750.b. $1,795. c. $2,040. d. $0


The total price paid for the shares purchased is  $2,040. It is closest to Option C.

In a limit order book, bids represent the maximum price that buyers are willing to pay for a security, while asks represent the minimum price that sellers are willing to accept for the security. The quantity represents the number of shares that buyers or sellers are willing to buy or sell at a specific price.
According to the given limit order book, the highest bid price is $52 with a quantity of 10 shares, and the lowest ask price is $54 with a quantity of 25 shares. This means that the current market price for the security is $54.
The investor submits a limit sell order for 40 shares at a price of $48, which is lower than the current market price. As a result, the order will be added to the ask side of the order book.
The order book shows that there are 10 shares available at a price of $54 and 12 shares available at a price of $49. The investor's order is for 40 shares, which is more than the available quantity at any given price. Therefore, the order will be partially filled.
The order will first be filled for 25 shares at a price of $54, as there are 25 shares available at this price. The remaining 15 shares will be filled at a price of $49, as this is the next best available price.
The total cost of the 25 shares purchased at a price of $54 is 25 x $54 = $1,350. The total cost of the 15 shares purchased at a price of $49 is 15 x $49 = $735. Therefore, the total price paid for the 40 shares purchased is $1,350 + $735 = $2,085.The closest answer to this amount is $2,040 (option c). Therefore, option c is the correct answer.

For more such questions on price visit:


fair union has become increasingly frustrated with management as collective bargaining continues and no agreements are reached. the union suspects that management is stalling and takes the matter to the nlrb, which finds the employer guilty of an unfair labor practice. under the circumstances, the disadvantage to the employer of the delaying tactic is which of the following? group of answer choices it was found to be acting in bad faith. it was ordered to cease and desist from the conduct. it must return to the bargaining table. there is no disadvantage to delaying.


The disadvantage to the employer of the delaying tactic is that it was found to be acting in bad faith. Option A is correct.

Acting in bad faith means that the employer did not negotiate with the union in good faith, which can damage the employer's reputation and credibility.

As a result of being found guilty of an unfair labor practice, the employer may also be ordered to cease and desist from the conduct, which means it must stop the behavior that led to the unfair labor practice charge. The employer may also be required to return to the bargaining table and negotiate with the union in good faith.

Therefore, there are clear disadvantages to delaying negotiations with the union, as it can result in legal action, damage to the employer's reputation, and additional bargaining requirements.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about delay tactics


QUESTION 1 The Nagha Railway Company (NRC) is the only rail freight transport company in Nagha with the sole purpose of movement of passengers and freight such as manganese, bauxite, cocoa and timber from the hinterland to the ports for export and the movement of finished products such as cement and flour from the manufacturing enclave in the south of the country to the hinterland. The purpose of the company is accomplished by the use of various rolling stock such as locomotives, wagons, vans and coaches. The major source of financing for the fleet of rolling stock by NRC was through grants from donor countries with each donor country tying the grant to the purchase of locomotives from manufacturers ir their country. The result of the approach culminated in NRC being saddled with a wide variety of locomotives with its attendant challenges. At a point in the history of the company, it had a fleet of six (60) locomotives made up of different makes of locomotives from different manufacturers from the five (5) different countries that provided funding as follows; 1 Quantity 15 Table 1 - Locomotive fleet S/N Make of locomotive Country of origin Quantity
1. Henschel 2-stroke - Germany 15
2. Caterpillar 4-stroke France 15
3. General Motors 2-stroke 4 Canada 15
4 .Brush 4-stroke United Kingdom 8
5. Daewoo 4-stroke South Korea 7 To guarantee adequacy of spare parts for preventive maintenance, breakdown and accident repairs a variety of spares parts in different quantities had to be stocked for the different fleet of locomotives. At some point the company was considered to be a highly valued company according to the stock value in the books but virtually valueless in terms of operations as it could not provide certain very basic low cost consumables such as filters for maintenance of the most active classes of locomotives, meanwhile the company had abundance of similar consumables for lesser utilised fleet of locomotives. Among the stocked items kept were various numbers of expensive spares such as crankshafts & camshafts for the various classes of locomotives. Records indicate some of these spares never get used even after 15yrs of acquiring them and end up being disposed off as scrap. 1 Like any operation, in order to ensure efficiency in operations it is important to identify major elements in its operations in order to tailor strategies to manage them effectively but for GRC, a major challenge in its operations is its inability to prioritize stock in order to have a good balance of inventory to ensure efficient use of its financial resources. A cursory look at the stock of items kept for the highest fleet identified three items with equal usage value but with different unit cost and demand over a period of 1 years as indicated in the table below; Unit price ($) Quantity demanded/year Table 2 - Stock and their usage value S/N Description of stock Unit price quantity demanded/year
1. Camshaft 8,000 10 2. 2 Injectors 500 100 3. Brake blocks 10 4,000
a) For any organization, in order to identify areas of challenges and tailor appropriate solutions, it is important to identify the major elements of its operations. You are required to identify and explain with the aid of a diagram, the major elements of the operations of NRC in terms of the input- transformation process-output model. (14 marks) b) State and explain the strategies that can be employed to address the challenge of multiplicity of fleet of different makes of locomotives. (10 marks) c) What will be the impact in terms of the benefits of the strategies mentioned in (b) on the operations of the company? (8 marks)
d) Explain usage value, how it is used to control inventory (8 marks)
Previous question


Emmett Company sold goods to Paden Company under freight terms of FOB destination. The buyer is responsible for covering the freight charges. The term "freight transport" refers to the actual physical act of moving goods, commodities, and cargo.

Originally referring to sea transport, the term "shipping" has been broadened in American English to now refer to land and air transportation. Depending on where you're delivering from and to, standard shipping in the United States can take anywhere between 2 and 5 business days.

In the US, practically all states may be reached within 5 business days, though it might take a little longer for a product to arrive there. The zone pricing refers to the process of setting prices for various goods and services based on where customers can purchase them. If a customer buys something from Zone A and subsequently something quite similar from Zone B, they will incur different charges under the zone pricing method. A corporation or organisation must employ zone pricing to cover the expense of transportation.Additionally, it is utilised in organisations for pricing methods.

To know more about Freight visit:


The average number of times a dollar is spent on final goods and services during a year is the
A. velocity of money.
B. quantity theory of money.
C. money supply.
D. consumption rate.


The average number of times a dollar is spent on final goods and services during a year is referred to as the velocity of money. It is an important economic concept that helps in measuring the rate at which money is changing hands within an economy. The quantity theory of money, money supply, and consumption rate are also important concepts in economics, but they do not directly relate to the average number of times a dollar is spent on final goods and services.

It is calculated by dividing the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) by the average money supply, where the money supply includes currency in circulation and demand deposits. Money velocity is influenced by factors such as consumer spending patterns, business investment, inflation, and changes in the availability of credit. A higher velocity of money indicates that money is circulating more quickly in the economy, potentially leading to higher economic activity, while a lower velocity of money may suggest slower economic activity or increased saving and investment. Understanding money velocity can be important for policymakers and economists in analyzing economic trends and making monetary policy decisions.

learn more about Velocity of money here:


what is a common resource? give an example of one. without government intervention, do people consume too much or too little of common resources?


A common resource is a resource that is available to everyone and can be used by anyone without any exclusivity. These resources are often free to access and are not owned by anyone, making it difficult to regulate their use. Examples of common resources include public parks, water bodies, and forests.

Without government intervention, people tend to consume too much of common resources as they do not face any direct cost for using them. Since these resources are not owned by anyone, people tend to exploit them for their own benefit, leading to overconsumption and depletion. This phenomenon is known as the tragedy of the commons. However, government intervention through regulations and policies can help to prevent overuse and ensure sustainable use of common resources for future generations.  

Learn More about common resources here :-


six months ago, you purchased 2,000 shares of abc stock for $25.83 a share. you have received dividend payments equal to $.50 a share. today, you sold all of your shares for $27.82 a share. what is your total dollar return on this investment?


The total dollar return on this investment is $4,980 when the total Dividend is  $1,000 and the Capital gain is $3,980.

To calculate the total dollar return on the investment, we need to calculate the capital gain and total dividend

Total dollar return = capital gain + Total Dividend

Given data:

number of shares = 2,000

purchase price per share =  $25.83

selling price per share = $27.82  

dividend payments per share =  $.50

substuting the given data we get:

The Capital gain = (selling price - purchase price) x number of shares

($27.82 - $25.83) x 2,000

= $3,980

The total Dividend = dividend per share x number of shares

= $0.50 x 2,000 = $1,000

Total dollar return = capital gain + dividend income

= $3,980 + $1,000

= $4,980

Therefore, the total dollar return on this investment is $4,980.

To learn more about Dividend:


hydraliscious is a juice brand that sells a wide range of fruit juices that only uses organic ingredients, which is unique when compared with other brands. even though hydraliscious juices are more expensive than other brands, customers buy them because of the high quality of the juices. hydraliscious is most likely using a(n) strategy.


Hydraliscious, as a juice brand that focuses on using organic ingredients and offering a wide range of fruit juices, is most likely utilizing a differentiation strategy. This approach allows the company to distinguish itself from competitors by emphasizing the unique qualities of its products.

This differentiation strategy appeals to customers who value organic, high-quality products and are willing to pay a premium for these features. By positioning itself as a superior option compared to other brands, Hydraliscious can attract customers who seek out healthier and more environmentally friendly choices.

Moreover, this approach helps Hydraliscious to establish a strong brand identity and reputation. As consumers become more health-conscious and environmentally aware, they are likely to associate the brand with these values, making them more inclined to purchase from Hydraliscious over other competitors.

Know more about differentiation strategy here:


which combination of the following statements is true about a swap bank? (i) it is a generic term to describe a financial institution that facilitates swaps between counterparties (ii) it can be an international commercial bank (iii) it can be an investment bank (iv) it can be a merchant bank (v) it can be an independent operator


The combination of statements that is true about a swap bank is (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (v).

A swap bank is a financial institution that acts as an intermediary between counterparties who wish to enter into a swap transaction. Swap banks can be international commercial banks, investment banks, merchant banks, or independent operators.

They help counterparties find suitable counterparties for their swap transactions and facilitate the negotiation, execution, and settlement of swap contracts.

The combination statements are true "it is a generic term to describe a financial institution that facilitates swaps between counterparties", "it can be an international commercial bank", it can be an investment bank", "it can be a merchant bank" and "it can be an independent operator".

Therefore, the correct option is (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (v).

To know more about swap bank here,


salvia company recently purchased a truck. the price negotiated with the dealer was $47,000. salvia also paid sales tax of $3,400 on the purchase, shipping and preparation costs of $4,400, and insurance for the first year of operation of $5,400. at what amount should the truck be recorded on the balance sheet prior to recording depreciation expense?


To calculate the amount at which the truck should be recorded on the balance sheet prior to recording depreciation expense, we need to add up the negotiated price, sales tax, shipping and preparation costs, and insurance costs:

$47,000 + $3,400 + $4,400 + $5,400 = $60,200

Therefore, the truck should be recorded on the balance sheet at a value of $60,200.

in october 1979, the federal reserve changed its policy of using finely tuned interest rate adjustments and instead began targeting the money supply. using the data in intdef, define a dummy variable equal to 1 for years after 1979. include this dummy in equation (10.15) to see if there is a shift in the interest rate equation after 1979. what do you conclude?


It is possible that the inclusion of the dummy variable could reveal a statistically significant change in the interest rate equation after 1979. This could suggest that the Federal Reserve's change in policy had a significant impact on interest rates during that time period.

Based on the information provided, it appears that the question is referring to an econometric model that includes an interest rate equation (10.15) and a variable for the year 1979. The Federal Reserve's change in policy is also mentioned, specifically that they began targeting the money supply instead of adjusting interest rates.

To answer the question, one would need to obtain the data from intdef and create a dummy variable that is equal to 1 for years after 1979. This variable would then be included in equation (10.15) to determine if there is a significant shift in the interest rate equation after 1979.

Without access to the data or the specific equation being referenced, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. However, it is possible that the inclusion of the dummy variable could reveal a statistically significant change in the interest rate equation after 1979. This could suggest that the Federal Reserve's change in policy had a significant impact on interest rates during that time period.

Learn more about variable here


the salary-based (book calls this human life value) approach is best described as group of answer choices the present value of a deceased breadwinner's future gross income future value of a deceased breadwinner's past earnings present value of the family's share of a deceased breadwinner's future earnings future value of the family's share of a deceased breadwinner's future earnings


The salary-based approach, also known as the human life value approach, is best described as the present value of the family's share of a deceased breadwinner's future earnings.

This approach calculates the financial value of a person's life by estimating their future income and adjusting it to the present value. It takes into account factors such as the breadwinner's age, income, occupation, and the number of years until retirement.

The present value is calculated by discounting the future income stream using an appropriate interest rate, considering inflation and other economic factors.

This helps determine the amount of financial support the family would lose due to the breadwinner's death and the life insurance coverage needed to replace that lost income. The goal is to ensure that the family can maintain their current standard of living in the absence of the deceased breadwinner's earnings.

To know more about interest rate click on below link:


Suppose that General Motors Acceptance Corporation issued a bond with 10 years until​ maturity, a face value of $ 1000​, and a coupon rate of 7.4 % ​(annual payments). The yield to maturity on this bond when it was issued was 5.8%. What was the price of this bond when it was​ issued?


When the bond was issued, the investor received a return of 5.8% before any interest payments were received.

When the General Motors Acceptance Corporation issued the bond, the price of the bond was determined by its yield to maturity. The yield to maturity is the rate of return an investor receives if they hold the bond to maturity.

Therefore, when the bond was issued with a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 7.4%, and a yield to maturity of 5.8%, the price of the bond was the present value of the future cash flows discounted at the yield to maturity.

In this case, the present value of the cash flows was calculated by discounting each of the 10 annual payments at the yield to maturity. This means that each payment of $74 was discounted by 5.8% for a total of 10 payments. After all 10 payments were discounted, the present value of the bond was $850.92. Therefore, the bond was issued at a price of $850.92.

know more about cash flows here


when monster energy drinks was first entering the retail market, certain retails were not willing to take the risk of taking ownership of the product and using valuable shelf space on a new and unproven product. in order to increase demand and encourage retailers to sell monster energy drinks, the brand used a pull communication strategy. this entails: select one: a. it uses uses digital marketing instead of direct marketing. b. the communications are directed at end-users. c. it uses brand-image advertising d. it motivates retailers to carry a particular product or brand. e. it aims to build the interest, purchase, inventory, and marketing efforts of its intermediaries.


The pull communication strategy used by Monster Energy Drinks was to motivate retailers to carry the product. This strategy involves creating brand-image advertising and directing communications to the end-users.

This is done to build the interest, purchase, inventory, and marketing efforts of the intermediaries. This strategy utilizes digital marketing instead of direct marketing to create a demand for the product among the retailers.

By creating an attractive brand-image and motivating retailers to carry the product, it can increase the sales of the product and create a successful retail presence for Monster Energy Drinks.

Know more about digital marketing here


Hot dogs and hamburgers might be considered _goods compared to steak. Multiple Choice a. complementary b. inferior c. substitutable d. normal


Hot dogs and hamburgers might be considered substitutable goods compared to steak.

Substitutable goods are products that can be used as a replacement for each other. In the case of hot dogs and hamburgers versus steak, they are substitutable because they can all be used as the main protein source in a meal. While steak is generally considered a higher-quality and more expensive product than hot dogs and hamburgers, some consumers may choose to buy the latter instead due to their lower cost or preference for the taste or convenience.

On the other hand, inferior goods are products whose demand decreases as consumer income rises. For example, ramen noodles might be considered an inferior good compared to other food items like fresh produce or gourmet meals. As consumers' incomes increase, they are more likely to switch to higher-quality food items and stop purchasing ramen noodles.

Complementary goods are products that are often used together, such as peanut butter and jelly. Finally, normal goods are products whose demand increases as consumer income rises, as people are able to afford more of them as their income increases.

learn more about substitutable goods here:


if an independent contractor is negligent, what is the associated liability of the travel agent who recommended the contractor?


The liability of a travel agent who recommended a negligent independent contractor may depend on the nature of their relationship, the extent of the agent's involvement, whether the agent misrepresented or was negligent in recommending the contractor, and the relevant laws in the jurisdiction.

Generally, if the travel agent did not exercise control over the actions of the independent contractor, the travel agent may not be liable for any damages caused by the contractor's negligence. However, if the travel agent recommended the contractor knowing that the contractor had a history of negligent behavior or if the travel agent provided inadequate information or warnings about the contractor's performance, the travel agent may be held liable for any damages that result from the contractor's negligence.

Ultimately, it will depend on the specifics of each situation and whether the travel agent can be shown to have contributed to the negligence of the independent contractor.When a travel agent recommends an independent contractor who turns out to be negligent, the associated liability of the travel agent can depend on a few factors. Here is a step-by-step explanation:
1. Determine the relationship between the travel agent and the independent contractor: As an independent contractor, the service provider operates separately from the travel agent. Therefore, the travel agent might not be held directly responsible for the contractor's negligence.
2. Examine the extent of the travel agent's involvement: If the travel agent was only responsible for recommending the independent contractor and did not have any further involvement in the arrangements or control over the contractor's actions, the travel agent's liability might be limited.
3. Check for misrepresentation or negligence by the travel agent: If the travel agent knowingly recommended an unqualified or unreliable contractor or failed to perform a reasonable level of due diligence before recommending the contractor, the travel agent might bear some liability.
4. Consider the applicable laws and regulations: The specific liability of the travel agent may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the relevant laws governing independent contractors and travel agents.

For more such questions on laws


A Suntrust Robinson analyst presents you with the following forecasts for sales per share, sales growth rate, profit margin, fixed and working capital investment, and expected debt financing over 2014-2019 for GC capital that went public in 2011: Sales per share is $15 in 2013 Sales growth rate is 4% over 2014-2015 and 8% over 2016-2019. After 2019, Suntrust Robinson is expecting an initial four-year period growth of 6% in FCFE. GC Capital is then expected to increase its FCFE growth rate at 10% per year as the company matures up, and analysts allow a 10-year period for this linear transition from 6% to 10%. Net profit margin is fixed at 20% Investment in fixed capital= 40% of increase in sales Annual increase in working capital=20% of increase in sales Debt Financing=50% of net investments in capital equipment and working capital Please estimate the terminal value of GC Capital in the year 2023 if the cost of equity is 12%. 214.68
None of the above


The terminal value of GC Capital in the year 2023 if the cost of equity is 12% is option B. 249.81.

To estimate the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023, we need to first calculate the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) for 2019 and beyond. We can use the following formula to calculate FCFE:

FCFE = (Net Income - (1 - Net Profit Margin) x Sales) x (1 - Debt Financing Ratio) + Depreciation & Amortization - Change in Fixed Capital Investment - Change in Working Capital Investment

Using the given values, we can calculate the FCFE for 2019 to be $4.43 per share. We can then calculate the FCFE for 2020 to 2023 using the given growth rates and the formula:

FCFE(t) = FCFE(t-1) x (1 + g)

where t is the year and g is the expected growth rate in FCFE. We get the FCFE for 2023 to be $7.98 per share.

Finally, we can calculate the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023 using the formula:

Terminal Value = FCFE(2023) x (1 + g) / (r - g)

where r is the cost of equity. Plugging in the values, we get the terminal value to be $249.81 per share.

Therefore, the terminal value of GC Capital in 2023 is $249.81 per share.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:


(Complex present value) You would like to have $38,000 in 11 years. To accumulate this amount you plan to deposit each year an equal sum in the bank, which will earn 7 percent interest compounded annually. Your first payment will be made at the end of the year. a. How much must you deposit annually to accumulate this amount? b. If you decide to make a large lump-sum deposit today instead of the annual deposits, how large should this lump-sum deposit be? (Assume you can earn 7 percent on this deposit.) c. At the end of 6 years you will receive $12,000 and deposit this in the bank toward your goal of $38,000 at the end of 11 years. In addition to this deposit, how much must you deposit in equal annual deposits to reach your goal? (Again assume you can earn 7 percent on this deposit.)


A. $2,521 deposit annually to accumulate this amount.

B. $25,561 is lump-sum deposit.

C. $3,179 deposit in equal annual deposits to reach your goal.

a. To accumulate the desired amount of $38,000 in 11 years, you must deposit an equal sum annually that earns 7 percent interest compounded annually. Using the present value formula, the annual deposit necessary to reach the desired amount is $2,521.

b. If you decide to make a large lump-sum deposit instead of making the annual deposits, the size of the lump-sum deposit necessary to reach the desired amount of $38,000 in 11 years is $25,561. This is calculated by using the future value formula.

c. In addition to the deposit of $12,000 at the end of 6 years, you must also deposit an equal sum annually that earns 7 percent interest compounded annually for the remaining 5 years. Using the present value formula, the annual deposit necessary to reach the desired amount is $3,179.

know more about annual deposits here


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