La fecha del primer sabado es


Answer 1
sabado is saturday, the day before would be viernes (friday)
Answer 2
The date of the first Saturday is

The date of the upcoming Saturday is

Related Questions

Tómas *

Does anybody get this like is it 1234 or 5






it means you take


Hope this helps




1. Yo Abro la Lata de soda.

2. Yo asito a la clase de ciencias.

3. Tengo que decidir si ponerme la camisa azul o la camisa violeta.

4. Yo descubri que mi amigo no hizo la tarea.

5. A mi me gusta escribir.

6. Se me ocurrio una idea.

7. Mi padres me permiten jugar afuera.

8. Yo recibí un correo.

9. Yo vivo en la Florida.

Hopes this help you my friend


Abrir, asistir, decidir, descubrir, escribir, ocurrir, permitir,  recibir

"Ayer asistí a un festival de música y escuche aquella pieza instrumental que mejor describe mi personalidad""Al abrir la puerta descubrí algo maravilloso: tú""En la librería decidí adquirir el libro de aquel autor afamado" "La carta que le escribí al director de la escuela me permitió descubrir porque él insiste en sus consejos"  "Si, te permito que te inscribas en aquel curso de superación y desarrollo intelectual"

plz HELPPPP I BEG YOUU Machuca / dicotomías

El objetivo de este documento es facilitar que todos participen y que los que tengan problemas con su wifi se enteren de lo que pierden.

Escribe una escena de la peli como evidencia y luego escribe qué dicotomía representa. Finalmente, escribe una “lección” que esa escena demuestra utilizando las dos partes de la dicotomía.

Las dicotomías:


Answer: trust me just put this through google translate and the answers will be there

Explanation: trust me

Which of the following conjugations is the SAME as the POSITIVE command conjugation?
1. él/ella
2. yo
3. tú
4. nosotros



1: el/ella


El / ella en inglés y spanish

How do I say “He is wearing a shirt, shorts, and shoes.” in Spanish?


"Lleva camisa, pantalones cortos y zapatos."

--¡Ten un día maravilloso!


Lleva camisa, pantalones cortos y zapatos.


I took spanish for 4 years and ik this stuff hehe. Good luck!!

La clase es ___.
a. Aburrido
b. Aburrida


B. aburrida (boring)

What is nosotros/nosotras/ vosotros/vosotras?



nosotros: U.S.

nosotras: we

vosotros: you

vosotras: you


nosotros/nosotras/ vosotros/vosotras?

both of two means:


vosotros/vosotras = only apply in Spain

Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta según la lectura. Read the paragraph and respond to the question according to the reading.

La poesía afroantillana por Carmen Lydia Pérez

La poesía afroantillana, de Luis Palés Matos, destaca los rasgos culturales ancestrales de la raza africana: su carácter, su temperamento, su constitución física, sus ritmos y sus bailes. Por otra parte, algunos de sus poemas resaltan la constitución mestiza del puertorriqueño, en particular, y del antillano, en general. Por eso, el propio Palés, en un artículo periodístico nos dice: "Yo no he hablado de una poesía negra ni blanca ni mulata; yo solo he hablado de una poesía antillana que expresa nuestra realidad de pueblo en el sentido cultural de este vocablo".

The purpose of the text is ________.

to clarify the author’s intention
to describe different ethnicities
to defend the people’s rights
to encourage visiting a continent




The purpose of the text is: To clarify the author´s intention, since at the very las part of the paragraph It´s quoted what the author said in regards to his intention when it comes to this paragraph.

It says "I haven´t spoken of black, white or mulatto poetry; I´ve only spoken about antillano which expresses our town´s reality and culture".

So he´s no really describing ethnicities, defending people´s rights nor encouraging to visit a continent, he´s just explaining his intention

help me w/ this pls .. will mark brainliest


Hope this helped :)
Los estudiantes son *serios*
Ella es *simpatica*
Ella es *organizada*
El es *guapo*
Mi tio es *gracioso*
Los alumnos son *talentosos*
El es *gracioso*
(These are the right answers, the other ones are wrong, my first language is spanish ;)

Terminación en el panel ?


Do you mean translating?

Terminating on the panel

Answer the following questions in complete sentences using the correct forms of the verb ir. Follow the model, and remember to use correct capitalization and punctuation.



Si, nosotros, mi familia y yo, vamos a ir al parque está tardeSi, mis profesores van a ir de excursión con toda mi clase.No, este año no voy a practicar deportesNo, nosotros, mi hermano y yo, no vamos a jugar tenis el sábadoNo, ellas, Carolina y Martha, no van a tomar el sol hoy.

choose the correct set of conjugations for the following verb: abrir



the 2nd and the 3rd one depend on tense (past, present and future)



abro, abres, abre, abrimos, abrís, abren


I searched up "abrir conjugations."

que otros recursos utilizan los anuncios para persuadir alas personas a consumir los productos​



La publicidad se vale de variados recursos para persuadir (convencer a alguien a hacer algo) o disuadir (convencer a alguien que no haga algo). Algunos de estos recursos son las figuras retóricas (metáforas, hipérboles, personificación, etc.).

Which of these activities should be done before starting a weight-training session?

A- relajación

B- levantamiento

C- calentamiento

D- estiramiento


D) Estiramiento (stretching)

Answer: C) calentamiento (warm up)


Before starting a weight training session, you should always warm-up first, which I have learned from taking weight training.

Choose one slang expression used in each country.
1. República Dominicana
2. Ecuador
3. Puerto Rico
4. México
5. Uruguay
6. Chile
7. España

A. bacán
B. bacano
C. óptimo
D. macanudo
E. padrísimo
F. qué chiva
G. qué chulo




I am sorry that they are not in order, I am just answering this from the back of my head.

7. España

F. G. qué chulo

4. México

E.  padrísimo

6. Chile

A.  bacán

Those are the only ones that I know, I hope these can at least get you on the right track x :)

Identifies different seeds used in their area.​



Spanish traslation:

"Identifique las diferentes semillas utilizadas un su área"

Choose the correct translation of the following time. 1:00 Es una. Es la una. Son la una. Son las una.



Es la una



es la una






A. Ser vs. Estar Escribe la forma correcta de ser o estar en cada espacio. 1. Mi amiga dice que ella  Esta ________________ muy bien hoy. 2. María _____________es_____ alta y rubia. 3. Los ojos de mis hermanos ________son___________ verdes. 4. Mi papá _______________esta_____ en Boston trabajando hoy. 5. ¿______estan____________ ustedes de Nueva York?    

B. Stem Changing Verbs Completa las siguientes oraciones usando el presente de los verbos. querer entender dormir volver almorzar 6. Nosotros volvemos_______________ a mi casa a las ocho. 7. Yo ________Almuerzo_______ a las doce en la cafetería. 8. Juana y yo __________entendemos_____ la lección de  

español. 9. Pablo y Paco Duermen_______________ a las diez de la noche. 10. ¿Tú _______Quieres________ jugar el futbol americano

C. Irregular Verbs Completa las oraciones usando el presente de los verbos.  Ir saber hacer tener poner  11. Tú _________tienes______ que cerrar el libro y poner attención. 12. Yo ___hice ____________ la tarea para español mañana. 13. Los estudiantes no _____van __________ a la escuela todos los días. 14. Elena _______pone________ una pizza en la mesa para cena. 15. Yo no  se_______________ la respuesta para el examen


I am doing PowerPoint (google slides) and I really need help on searching the info and knowing what to write in the slides! I am doing “ La Segua/Cegua” ( I think that’s how you write it) please help someone help me do this if you could give me the answers and I will display it in the slides
(Can you read the picture ?)


the answer is:

la mi amiga

¿Qué palabra describe mejor el proceso de independencia de México?





it took a long time to end

Identifica las clases de Claudia según la hora. (Identify Claudia's classes according to the time.)
modelo: a la una y diez
A la una y diez Claudia tiene la clase de español.
1. a las once menos cuarto
2. a las siete y media
3. a las doce
4. a las nueve menos veinte
5. a las nueve y cuarto
6. a las dos y media


1. A las once menos cuarto / 11:45. 2. A las siete y media/ 7:30. 3. A las doce 12:00. 4. A las nueve menos veinte/ 9:00. 5. A las nueve y cuarto/ 9:14. 6. A las dos y media/ 2:30.

Según Savater, ¿cuál es el papel central del maestro en el aula?
Crear un ambiente donde el maestro y el estudiante son iguales
Fomentar la transmisión de humanidad por medio de la educación
Asegurarse que los estudiantes sepan cómo usar las herramientas (tales como el ordenador o el Internet) necesarias para navegar el mundo profesional
Establecer una jerarquía en el aula


C Según Savater, ¿cuál es el papel central del maestro en el aula?
Crear un ambiente donde el maestro y el estudiante son iguales
Fomentar la transmisión de humanidad por medio de la educación
Asegurarse que los estudiantes sepan cómo usar las herramientas (tales como el ordenador o el Internet) necesarias para navegar el mundo profesional
Establecer una jerarquía en el aula


Fomentar la transmisión de humanidad por medio de la educación


I need help writing the questions and answers for each of these


Answer: If you use google translate you will have the answers

Explanation:trust me I have done it before

PLEASEEE HELP Escribe una escena de la peli Machuca como evidencia y luego escribe qué dicotomía representa. Finalmente, escribe una “lección” que esa escena demuestra utilizando las dos partes de la dicotomía.



6 ¿Quién?
Escribir Escribe el pronombre que corresponde. (Write the corresponding pronoun.)
modelo: ella


1. Ellos
2. tu or ella (I’m not sure)
3. Yo
4. El
5. Nosotros
6. Ellas

why is it important to learn the definitios of the parts of speech?​



because they show us how the words relate to each other.


so you can know what each word mean o hope this helps

Un automóvil y un camión de envíos comienzan desde un punto detenido y aceleran con la misma tasa. Sin embargo, el automóvil acelera durante dos veces la cantidad de tiempo que el camión. ¿Cuál es la distancia que recorrió el automóvil en comparación con el camión? *




l automóvil en comparación con el camión?

¿Por que la mayoría de la población nativa había desaparecido de la isla alrededor de 1517?


La mayoría había sido exterminada debido a las enfermedades, el suicidio, y el maltrato de los españoles.


Para 1517, Sólo seis años después del arribo de Velázquez, la mayoría de la población nativa había sido exterminado debido a las enfermedades, el suicidio y el maltrato de los españoles


Give one example of each use of the verb HABER as an Impersonal expression with at least 5 words per sentence. You will have 3 sentences total.


Haber as an Auxiliary Verb in Compound Tenses

When used as an auxiliary verb, haber is the equivalent of the English auxiliary "to have" (which is much different than the English "to have" when it means "to possess"). Haber is used to form what is known as the perfect tenses because they refer to actions that have been or will be completed. ("Completed" used to be a common meaning of "perfect.") As in English, the perfect tenses are formed by following a form of haber with a past participle.

He comprado un coche. (I have bought a car.)

Haber for 'There Is" or 'There Are'

Hay dos sillas en la cocina. (There are two chairs in the kitchen.)

Haber in Idioms

Haber can be used in a number of idioms, which are phrases that have a meaning apart from the meanings of the words in them. The one you'll run into most often as a beginner is haber que, which means "to be necessary" when followed by an infinitive. When used this way in the present tense, the hay form of haber is used.

Hay que conocerlo para comprenderlo. (It is necessary to know him in order to understand him.)

The question is

Mi prima (acompañar) a su hermanita a la escueal​





Mi prima acompaña a su hermanita a la .escuel​a

Mi prima acompaña a du hermanita s la escuela?
Other Questions
Give one example of each use of the verb HABER as an Impersonal expression with at least 5 words per sentence. You will have 3 sentences total. The U.S. Capital building includes a statue on top representing freedom. If a person stood outside the building with a direct line-of-sight of 983 feet to the top of that statue and an angle of elevation of 17o , what would be the distance from the ground below the statue to the top of the statue? Why was sugar so highly valued by Europeans (from the Middle Ages and on)? Please respond to the prompt below in complete sentences.In the introduction to this lesson, you learned that Ralph Waldo Emerson actually wrotethe line "shot heard round the world", but the line has taken on greater meaning since thatline was written in 1837.Based on your knowledge of this lesson:Why do you think this "shot" was heard around the world"?What made it so important to people around the world who were not directlyinvolved in the American Revolution?Why do you think it is still referred to this way over 200 years later? Felipe has a flower bed with area 25/4 square feet. He expands the flower bed to have area 75/4 square feet. How many square feet of space does the larger flower bed have for every square foot of the smaller flower bed? Write your answer as a ratio (a:b) * i will give u brainliest Questions my teacher asked me that are on my SAT exam. Why do we wait until night to 'call it a day?'How does turbulence work?How do we store and retrieve memories?Why do we dream? All the following are characteristics of a tradable market except a. Easy Access b. Parity c. Liquidity d. Fungibility e. Lack of a Trend Select the correct answers.What are examples of real-time applications?A.) news updatesB.) blog postsC.) stock market valuesD.) emailE.) online money transfers Refer to the Newsela article, "Doctoral Student Played a Big Part in First Black Hole Photo."How was the image of the black hole created? 1.Scientists used the black hole's size and density to create an image of what it might look like. 2.Researchers used information about similar objects in space. 3, Scientists invented a telescope that takes pictures from space. 4. Researchers developed an algorithm that combined many pieces of data into one image. Ryan, a baker, measured the weights of cakes baked in each batch at his bakery and found that the mean weight of each cake is 500 grams. He performed a hypothesis test to find the mean weight of each cake by setting H subscript 0 equals 500 and H subscript a less than 500. Select the statement that indicates a Type I error. a) Rejecting the mean weight of each cake as 500 grams when H subscript 0 equals 500. b) Rejecting the mean weight of each cake as 500 grams when H subscript 0 less than 500. c) Failing to reject the mean weight of each cake as 500 grams when H subscript 0 equals 500. d) Failing to reject the mean weight of each cake as 500 grams when H subscript 0 less than 500. that doesn't give the answer Which Article of the United States Constitution creates the Executive Branch of government?O a. Article 11O b. Article 1O c. Article vO d. Article 111 a.15. What was the primary consequence of the War of 1812?Boost in American nationalismb. Addition of western territoryC. Collapse of the Bank of the United Statesd. Defeat of the Republican Party Three explorers are getting kidnapped by an evil tribe deep in the jungle, and their life now depends on their ability to correctly answer the following challenge the evil tribe's chief has for them. The explorers are tied to three trees facing each other and are presented with the chief's 5 wives: 3 brunettes, and 2 blondes. The three explorers are now blindfolded, and the chief picks three of his five wives to stand behind the trees the explorers are tied to, one behind each tree. The remaining two wives disappear from view. Then the blindfolds come off, and each explorer is able to see the two wives that are standing behind his two colleagues, but not the one behind himself. Each explorer now has up to 10 minutes time to think, after which each has to correctly answer what hair color the wife has that is standing behind him, or lose his life. When you, as one of the three explorers, gain your sight after the blindfold comes off, you see two brunettes standing behind your two colleagues. And now your life depends on figuring out who is behind you: a blonde or a brunette? Match each novel description to the fiction genre it belongs to. The planet's hawks and block their near each other in the door again system the dworkin's have very advanced technology and a dork and scientist want to increase the pull of gravity between the 2 planets which proposals with the scientists make to accomplish this goal check all that aply Which line in this poem best supports the theme that words can be both pleasing and harmful?A Line 6B Line 9CLine 15D Line 24 Kim Co. purchased goods with a list price of $175,000, subject to trade discounts of 20% and 10%, with no cash discounts allowable. How much should Kim Co. record as the cost of these goods a water sample is found to have a cl- content of 100ppm as nacl what is the concentration of chloride in moles per liter