Plants could not survive without water's__________ability.


1 adhesion


3 solvent


Answer 1

Plants could not survive without water's adhesion ability. Hence, the correct option is 1.

Adhesion is the attractive force between unlike molecules, such as between water molecules and the surfaces of plant tissues. This allows water to adhere to the surfaces of plant cells and move upward through the xylem from the roots to the leaves.

Adhesion is also responsible for the formation of a concave meniscus in a narrow tube, such as a capillary tube, which helps to draw water upward against gravity. In addition to adhesion, water's cohesion ability also plays an important role in plant survival by allowing water molecules to stick together and form a continuous column in the xylem, which helps to maintain the water potential gradient necessary for water uptake and transport.

Hence, the correct option is 1.

To know more about Plants here


Related Questions

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2. Chemical reactions
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b. In a chemical reaction, is it possible to change the number of products by changing the number of reactants? Why?
c. When you combine vinegar and baking soda, a gas is produced. Why is the gas considered evidence that a chemical reaction occurred?
d. In the vinegar and baking soda reaction, can you continue to add more and more of one reactant and expect to get more and more product? Why or why not?
e. Can atoms that are not in the reactants end up in the products of a chemical reaction? Why or why not?

3. Heat Transfer
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b. In such a situation which principle of heat do you perceive?
c. What is the difference between diffusion and radiation heat transfer?
d. How does heat transfer related to temperature
e. Describe a situation in which heat transfer occurs. What are the resulting forms of energy?
f. Explain briefly the process of heat transfer by radiation!
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4. Conduction
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5. Convection
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During the daytime, sunlight emits light energy. This energy is absorbed by the tent. Since it has a dark color, it will absorb light from most of the wavelengths, while the light colors cannot absorb light from all wavelengths and will emit light. This light energy absorbed by the tent is transferred into heat energy and the tent becomes hot.

The tent gets hot from the sunlight through radiation. The heat from the tent is transferred through the air. This process is called convection. So, through convection, heat will reach you and you will experience heat.

Thus, you will experience heat while sitting under a dark-colored tent through radiation and convection.

which of the following is true about glucagon's action? group of answer choices glucagon is a signal (that indicates starvation) to stimulate glycogen degradation. glucagon acts mainly on muscle cells to stimulate glycogen breakdown in those cells. glucagon acts directly on a membrane protein called adenylate cyclase which then produces cyclic amp. glucagon is synthesized in the liver. glucagon triggers synthesis of glucose in the liver.


It is true that glucagon acts as a signal (that denotes famine) to promote glycogen breakdown. Option 1 is Correct.

A crucial factor in controlling the metabolism of glucose is the hormone glucagon, which is generated by the alpha cells of the pancreas. As blood glucose levels drop, the hormone glucagon is released into the bloodstream to tell the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream to keep blood glucose levels stable.

Moreover, glucagon encourages gluconeogenesis, or the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources including fatty acids and amino acids. Glucagon stimulates glycogen breakdown and glucose production by acting on liver cells rather than muscle cells. It works by activating an adenylate cyclase-coupled G protein-coupled receptor on the cell membrane, which causes the synthesis. Option 1 is Correct.

Learn more about glucagon Visit:


Correct Question:

which of the following is true about glucagon's action? group of answer choices

1. glucagon is a signal (that indicates starvation) to stimulate glycogen degradation.

2. glucagon acts mainly on muscle cells to stimulate glycogen breakdown in those cells.

3. glucagon acts directly on a membrane protein called adenylate cyclase which then produces cyclic amp.

4. glucagon is synthesized in the liver. glucagon triggers synthesis of glucose in the liver.

How are the 3:1 and 9:3:3:1 ratios related to each other?


The 9:3:3:1 ratio linked with a phenotypic ratio (BbEe BbEe) is a classic Mendelian exemplar of independent assortment.

What exactly is a genetic marker in blood?

 exactly is RBC phenotyping  RBC phenotyping (the identification of the kind of genes located on the RBC refers to finding out the kind of antigens present here on RBC. The ABO/Rh type is determined in the 'type but also screen' procedure on all patients who require transfusions. An extended antigen phenotype, on the other hand, may be performed.

What exactly is phenotypic variation?

The diversity in phenotypes which it occurs in a population is thus referred to as phenotypic variation. People, for example, are of all shapes or sizes: height, weight, but instead body structure are all variable phenotypes. Variable phenotypes include hair color, eye color, and also the ability to flip your tongue.

To know more about phenotypic visit :


The spleen is essentially a giant lymph node, because it is encapsulated, has trabeculae, and filters lymph to remove antigens. a) True b) False


The given statement, The spleen is essentially a giant lymph node, because it is encapsulated, has trabeculae, and filters lymph to remove antigens is False.

While the spleen shares some similarities with lymph nodes, it is not accurate to say that the spleen is essentially a giant lymph node. Both the spleen and lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system and are involved in immune responses, but they have distinct functions and structures.

The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body and is primarily responsible for filtering blood, rather than lymph. It removes old or damaged red blood cells, recycles iron, and stores platelets. Additionally, the spleen produces white blood cells called lymphocytes, which play a crucial role in the immune response against pathogens.

On the other hand, lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures located throughout the body. Their primary function is to filter lymph, a clear fluid that transports white blood cells, proteins, and waste products. As lymph passes through the lymph nodes, foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells are trapped and destroyed by the immune cells within the nodes.

know more about spleen here


investigators have engineered a gene that encodes a protein bearing an er signal sequence followed by a nuclear localization signal. what would be the likely fate of that protein?


The likely fate of that protein that it will be recognized by an SRP and enter the ER

The protein with an ER signal sequence followed by a nuclear localization signal is most likely to enter the endoplasmic reticulum after being recognised by a signal recognition particle. This happens because the protein is directed to the ER by the ER signal sequence, and the SRP attaches to the sequence to help the protein enter the ER.

A polypeptide sequence found at a protein's N-terminus, sometimes referred to as an endoplasmic reticulum signal, guides the protein's transit to the endoplasmic reticulum. A nuclear localization signal is a brief sequence of amino acids that serves as a signal for the movement of molecules via the nuclear pore complex from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.

Read more about protein on:


the only reason why saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells ferment in the presence of oxygen is because



Because yeast only produces alcohol and CO²


(which produces carbonation) through the fermentation pathway, the presence of O2 will prevent any build-up of either alcohol or CO².

I hope this helps! :)

the assimilation of co2 into organic compounds (triose phosphates) in green plants: group of answer choices involves condensation of the two-carbon compound acetate with co2 to form 3-phosphoglycerate. requires nadph. results in the production of atp. takes place at equal rates in light and darkness. takes place in the cytosol.


The assimilation of CO2 into organic compounds (triose phosphates) in green plants involves the Calvin cycle, which takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts.

What is Calvin cycle?

The Calvin cycle, also known as the light-independent reactions or the dark reactions, is a series of biochemical reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms such as plants, algae, and some bacteria. The Calvin cycle is responsible for the synthesis of organic molecules, such as glucose, from atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2).

The Calvin cycle can be summarized as follows:

Carbon fixation: CO2 is incorporated into an organic molecule, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), to form a six-carbon compound that is immediately split into two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG).

Reduction: ATP and NADPH, generated during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, are used to convert 3PG into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P).

Regeneration: Some of the G3P produced is used to regenerate RuBP, while the rest is used to synthesize other organic molecules such as glucose and starch.

Therefore, the correct options for the given question would be:

involves the condensation of CO2 with a five-carbon compound (RuBP) to form 3-phosphoglyceraterequires NADPH (in addition to ATP) generated during the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesisresults in the production of ATP (in addition to NADPH)takes place predominantly in the light, as the light-dependent reactions that generate ATP and NADPH occur only in the light.takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts, where the enzymes of the Calvin cycle are located.

To know more about light-independent reaction, visit:


these structures helped define space, symbolized nature, and were essential to ceremonies, in addition to performing such mundane functions as refuge from flooding


Mounds helped define space, symbolized nature, and were essential to ceremonies, in addition to performing such mundane functions as refuge from flooding.

A mound is an accumulated mass of dirt, pebbles, gravel, sand, or other material. Mounds are typically earthen forms like hills and mountains, especially if they look to be man-made. Any circular area with a higher topographic height on any surface is considered to be a mound.

Mounds were primarily flat-topped clay pyramids that served as platforms for temples, homes for priests and officials, and sites for ceremonial gatherings. In certain communities, revered people were buried in mounds as well.

To know more about Mounds visit:


The structures that helped define space, symbolized nature, and were essential to ceremonies, while also providing refuge from flooding, were likely structures built by ancient civilizations near bodies of water.

These structures could include temples, pyramids, or other architectural marvels that were designed to withstand floods and provide a safe haven for people during times of high water levels.

In addition to being practical, these structures often had symbolic and cultural significance, representing the power of nature and the importance of religious ceremonies.

By building these structures, ancient civilizations were able to create a sense of order and stability in an unpredictable and sometimes dangerous environment, while also expressing their values and beliefs through architecture and design.

For more such answers on Ancient civilizations near water bodies


1.Use one of the contemporary sociological perspectives to help analyze the view that opposes vouchers.

2.Use one of the contemporary sociological perspectives to help analyze the view that supports vouchers.

Please help someone !!



Using sociological perspectives to analyze the views on vouchers can provide insights into the social implications and consequences of educational policies.

What is the Conflict Theory?

Let's use the Conflict Theory as a contemporary sociological perspective to analyze the view that opposes vouchers, and the Symbolic Interactionism perspective to analyze the view that supports vouchers.

Analysis from Conflict Theory (opposing vouchers):

Conflict Theory, developed by Karl Marx, focuses on the ways in which power dynamics and social inequalities shape society. From a conflict theory perspective, those who oppose vouchers may argue that vouchers exacerbate social inequalities in education by creating a system where only those who can afford private education or have the resources to access better schools through vouchers can receive a quality education.

Those who oppose vouchers may argue that vouchers perpetuate the gap between the rich and the poor by providing advantages to those who can afford better education options, while leaving those who cannot afford vouchers at a disadvantage. They may also argue that vouchers redirect public funds from public schools to private schools, which can lead to underfunding and further deterioration of public schools, particularly in low-income areas. This can result in an unequal distribution of educational resources and opportunities, leading to social conflict and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

Analysis from Symbolic Interactionism (supporting vouchers):

Symbolic Interactionism, developed by George Herbert Mead, focuses on how individuals create meaning through interactions and interpretations of symbols and how these meanings shape their behavior. From a symbolic interactionism perspective, those who support vouchers may argue that vouchers empower parents and students to have more choices and control over their education, leading to positive changes in their attitudes and behaviors towards education.

Those who support vouchers may argue that vouchers promote competition and innovation in education, as parents and students have the freedom to choose the school that best meets their needs and preferences. They may also argue that vouchers foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among parents and students towards their education, as they are actively involved in decision-making processes. This can lead to increased motivation and engagement in education, positively impacting academic achievement and social mobility.

Learn more about Conflict Theory here:


true or false: for humans and other animals, the ability to move is essential to maintaining homeostasis.


True. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a stable internal environment within the body, and movement is an essential part of this process.

Movement promotes healthy body temperature regulation, oxygen and nutrient circulation, and waste product elimination.

The immune system and the cardiovascular system both benefit from regular movement.

For people, exercise promotes stress reduction, a healthy weight, and mental well-being.

Animals who are in motion are more likely to find food, water, and shelter. Other physiological functions like migration and reproduction depend on movement as well.

Therefore, sustaining homeostasis requires mobility in both people and animals.

Complete Questions:

Humans  and other animals need to move in order to maintain homeostasis:

True or False?

To learn more about Homeostasis visit:


The graph shows the populations of two species over time. Species 2 is a
parasite of Species 1. No other species is interacting with Species 1 or
Species 2: 65 PA
Population vs. Time
Species 1
Species 2


The type of symbiotic relationship that the graph represents is a mutualistic relationship; option B.

What is mutualism in symbiotic relationships?

Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship in which both organisms involved benefit from the interaction.

In mutualistic relationships, each organism provides a service or resource that the other needs, resulting in a positive outcome for both. This type of relationship is considered a win-win scenario because both partners benefit from the interaction.

A common example of mutualism in nature is the relationship between bees and flowers. Bees collect nectar from flowers as a source of food, and in the process, they help to pollinate the flowers, which allows the plants to produce seeds and reproduce. The flowers benefit from the pollination, and the bees benefit from nectar, resulting in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Learn more about mutualism at:


Complete question:

The graph shows the populations of two species over time. Which type of symbiotic relationship does the graph represent?

A. commensal

B. mutualistic

C. parasitic

D. parent-offspring

E. predator-prey

A student studies the diagram shown.

What can be concluded about the relationship between genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits?

Group of answer choices

An organism obtains one allele for a gene of a specific trait from one parent on one chromosome.

An organism obtains two alleles for a gene of a specific trait from each parent on two chromosomes.

An organism obtains one allele for a gene of a specific trait from each parent on one chromosome.

An organism obtains two alleles for a gene of a specific trait from each parent on one chromosome.


Genes are the basic units of heredity, and they are located on chromosomes. Chromosomes are long strands of DNA that carry genetic information, including the genes that determine inherited traits.

What are  chromosomes ?

A chromosome is a long, thread-like structure made up of DNA molecules that contain the genetic information (genes) that determine inherited traits in living organisms. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of every living cell, and they are responsible for carrying and passing down genetic information from one generation to the next.

Each chromosome is made up of two identical strands of DNA that are tightly coiled around each other, forming a structure known as a double helix. The DNA molecule is composed of a sequence of nucleotides, which are arranged in a specific order to code for different traits.

To know more about chromosome visit :


What body counts the Electoral College votes?


The body responsible for counting the Electoral College votes is the United States Congress, specifically during a joint session.

The Electoral College is a group of electors chosen by each state who formally cast votes for the President and Vice President of the United States. These votes are based on the popular vote results in each state during the presidential election.

After the electors cast their votes in December, the sealed vote certificates are sent to the President of the Senate, who is also the Vice President of the United States. In early January, a joint session of Congress convenes to count the electoral votes.

During this session, the President of the Senate opens the vote certificates in alphabetical order by state and presents them to four "tellers" (two from the Senate and two from the House of Representatives), who count the votes.

The candidate with a majority of electoral votes (currently 270 or more) is declared the winner of the presidential election. In case no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives chooses the President from the top three contenders, with each state delegation having one vote. The Senate selects the Vice President from the top two contenders, with each Senator having one vote.

This process is outlined in the U.S. Constitution and the 12th Amendment, ensuring a systematic and democratic method for selecting the President and Vice President of the United States.

Learn more about  Electoral votes here:


which of the following statements about the medical term pyloric stenosis is not true? question 4 options: it breaks into pylor (gatekeeper) ic (pertaining to) sten (narrowing) osis (condition). it is a plan of treatment for acid reflux. it is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract. it means the narrowing of the sphincter at the base of the stomach. it refers to one of three sphincters in the body, all of which are part of the gastrointestinal system.


The statement about the medical term pyloric stenosis is not true is it means the narrowing of the sphincter at the base of the stomach, option D.

A rare disorder in neonates called pyloric stenosis prevents food from entering the small intestine.

The small intestine and stomach normally have a muscle valve that keeps food in the stomach until it is prepared to move on to the next stage of digestion. The pylorus valve is the name of this valve. The pylorus muscles stiffen and swell abnormally in pyloric stenosis, preventing food from passing into the small intestine.

Dehydration, weight loss, and compulsion vomiting are all side effects of pyloric stenosis. Babies who have pyloric stenosis may appear to be constantly hungry.

Although the exact causes of pyloric stenosis are unclear, environmental and genetic factors may be involved. Pyloric stenosis often does not exist at birth and likely appears later.

Learn more about pyloric stenosis:


protein and blood cell leakage into the filtrate that occurs in many forms of glomerular disease is a result of changes in the structure and function of the glomerular:


Blood cell and protein leakage into the filtrate which occurs in various forms of glomerular disease is an outcome of changes in the structure and function of the glomerular basement membrane.

Glomerular disease is the disease which reduces the filtration ability of the kidneys. This results in the disturbed balance of certain substances like ions in the blood stream. The most common glomerular diseases are diabetic kidney disease or diabetic nephropathy.

Glomerular basement membrane is the part of the extracellular membrane which is made up by the fusion of endothelial cell and podocyte basal laminas. Its function is to restrict the water flow.

To know more about glomerular basement membrane, here


a researcher wanted to test the hypothesis that rats that had greater expression of a gene called pgc-1alpha would spend more time running around their cages. which type of graph would be best to explore a relationship between pgc-1alpha expression and time spent running?group of answer choicesline graph (with error bars)bar graphscatter plotline graph (no error bars)


If you want to find out how PGC-1alpha expression and time spent running a scatter plot are related, the type of graph you should use is the best one. The correct answer is (C).

Dots are used to represent the values of two distinct numerical variables in a scatter plot, also known as a scatter chart or a scatter graph. The place of each speck on the level and vertical hub demonstrates values for a singular data of interest. The relationship between variables can be observed with the help of scatter plots.

The scatter plot is used to show how one variable changes when another variable is changed. To test a theory that the two variables are related, the scatter plot is used.

With a certain confidence interval, a scatter plot can suggest a variety of correlations between variables. Weight and height, for instance, would be shown on the y-axis, while height would be shown on the x-axis. Positive (rising), negative (falling), or null (uncorrelated) correlations are all possible.

To learn more about scatter plots here


Q- A researcher wanted to test the hypothesis that rats that had greater expression of a gene called PGC-1alpha would spend more time running around their cages. Which type of graph would be best to explore a relationship between PGC-1alpha expression and time spent running?

a. line graph (no error bars)

b. line graph (with error bars)

c. scatter plot

d. bar graph

2. Discuss three distinguishing characteristics that organisms in the animal kingdom



All of them are multicellular, eukaryotic and are heterotrophic

the length of an unknown dna segment is able to be determined in gel electrophoresis by what method?



The length of an unknown DNA segment can be determined in gel electrophoresis by comparing it to known DNA fragments of known sizes. In gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments are separated based on their size and charge as they move through a gel matrix under the influence of an electric field. The gel matrix acts as a sieve, with smaller fragments moving more easily through the pores than larger fragments.

To determine the length of an unknown DNA segment, the DNA is first cut into fragments using a restriction enzyme. These fragments are then run alongside known DNA fragments of known sizes on a gel. As the DNA fragments move through the gel, they separate based on size, with smaller fragments traveling further than larger ones. By comparing the distance that the unknown DNA fragment has traveled to the distances traveled by the known DNA fragments of known sizes, the length of the unknown DNA fragment can be estimated.

This estimation can be made more precise by using a standard curve, which is a plot of the migration distances of known DNA fragments of known sizes. By comparing the migration distance of the unknown fragment to the standard curve, the length of the unknown DNA fragment can be more accurately determined.

Discuss what happens to red blood cells when added to distilled water and to 0.4 M NaCl. Consider the respective appearance of the solutions themselves. Both solutions are reddish, but one is transparent and the other is opaque. Why?


When red blood cells (RBCs) are added to distilled water, they will undergo a process called hemolysis, which is the rupture or destruction of the cell membrane.

This is because the distilled water has a lower solute concentration compared to the cytoplasm of the RBCs, which causes water to move into the cells in an attempt to achieve equilibrium. As water enters the cells, they will start to swell and eventually burst, releasing the hemoglobin pigment into the surrounding solution.

In contrast, when RBCs are added to 0.4 M NaCl solution, they will undergo a process called crenation, which is the shrinkage of the cell due to the movement of water out of the cell. The 0.4 M NaCl solution has a higher solute concentration than the cytoplasm of the RBCs, which causes water to move out of the cells, leading to cell shrinkage and deformation.

Learn more about red blood cells


When red blood cells are added to distilled water, they undergo a process called hemolysis. This is because distilled water has a lower concentration of solutes compared to the inside of the red blood cells.

As a result, water molecules move into the cells through osmosis, causing them to swell and eventually burst.

This leads to the release of the red pigment called hemoglobin, which gives the solution a reddish appearance. However, the solution is transparent because there are no other particles or solutes present in the distilled water.

On the other hand, when red blood cells are added to 0.4 M NaCl, they undergo a process called crenation. This is because the concentration of solutes in the NaCl solution is higher than that inside the red blood cells. As a result, water molecules move out of the cells, causing them to shrink and become wrinkled.

This leads to the concentration of hemoglobin inside the cells, making the solution even redder. However, the solution is opaque because the presence of salt particles makes it cloudy and turbid.

Learn more about distilled water here:


describe three unintended consequences that have occurred in marine ecosystems when top predators are removed


Smaller, lower trophic level fish populations are kept from destroying ocean ecosystems by top predators. The fact that top predators would feed first on the diseased, disabled, and elderly members of lower trophic levels helps to maintain the health of marine ecosystems.

If top predators are eliminated from a coral reef ecosystem, smaller fish may multiply, allowing for an increase in algae on the corals, which in turn inhibits coral growth. In the absence of predators, prey can overpopulate. In addition to causing disease outbreaks that may spread to domesticated animals, this may also cause harm to nearby flora. Small predators like coyotes are subjugated by top predators like wolves, which controls their populations as well.

To know more about ecosystems, click here:

To know more about


Describe three examples of unintended consequences that have occurred in marine ecosystems when top predators are removed.

which type of media is designed to inhibit the growth of some microbes while allowing the growth of others


Selective media is a type of media designed to inhibit the growth of some microorganisms while allowing the growth of others. Here option A is the correct answer.

Selective media are designed to encourage the growth of certain microorganisms while inhibiting the growth of others. These media contain specific nutrients or chemicals that inhibit the growth of unwanted microorganisms and promote the growth of the desired ones.

The selectivity of the media is achieved by incorporating inhibitors that target the metabolism of certain microorganisms, such as antibiotics, dyes, or high concentrations of certain nutrients. Selective media are used in microbiology to isolate and identify specific types of microorganisms from complex samples.

For example, MacConkey agar is a selective medium used to isolate Gram-negative bacteria while inhibiting the growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Mannitol salt agar is another selective medium used to isolate Staphylococcus species while inhibiting the growth of other bacteria.

To learn more about microorganisms


Complete question:

Which type of media is designed to inhibit the growth of some microbes while allowing the growth of others?

A) Selective media

B) Differential media

C) Nutrient media

D) Enrichment media

can someone send a link on this topic or help me do it in any way?? its due tomorrow



You should explain more...


Describe how a saprophytic fungus such as mould obtains it’s food


Saprophytic fungi play an important role in the ecosystem by breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the environment. Without these organisms, dead organic matter would accumulate, and the nutrients contained within it would become unavailable for use by other living organisms.

Molds grow by sending out thread-like structures called hyphae, which branch out and penetrate the substrate on which they are growing. Saprophytic fungi, such as molds, obtain their food by breaking down dead organic matter.  

When , the organic matter has been broken down, the mold can absorb the resulting nutrients through its cell walls. The nutrients are then transported to the rest of the fungus for use in growth and reproduction.

To learn more about Saprophytic fungi  , here


how was the bacterium e.coli played a role in the development of biotechnology


Answer:The bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli for short) is crucial in modern biotechnology. Scientists use it to store DNA sequences from other organisms, to produce proteins and to test protein function.


most people develop wisdom teeth by early adulthood. wisdom teeth can cause pain or crowd out their other teeth, so many people have these teeth removed. wisdom teeth in modern humans do not perform a crucial life function.which statement best describes the importance of wisdom teeth to human evolution?(1 point)responsesthey are evidence that humans have never evolved.they are evidence that humans have never evolved.they are evidence that humans cannot evolve.they are evidence that humans cannot evolve.they are vestigial structures that never performed a necessary function for human ancestors.they are vestigial structures that never performed a necessary function for human ancestors.they are vestigial structures that once performed an important function for human ancestors.they are vestigial structures that once performed an important function for human ancestors.


The statement best describes the importance of wisdom teeth is They are vestigial structures that once performed an important function for human ancestors, option C.

Your molars, or strongest, broadest teeth, which crush food, are called wisdom teeth. However, not everyone has all of their wisdom teeth. They are the ones that adult lips are lacking the most frequently. Some people contend that changes in our food over time have caused changes in our jaws.

These molars are more susceptible to problems than any other teeth. In the United States, around 10 million wisdom teeth are pulled annually. Impaction, in which the tooth may not have enough space to emerge from the gum as it should, is one of the main causes.

Most wisdom teeth that exhibit illness symptoms or have obvious issues should be removed. Among the causes are:

cavities or infectionsLesions damage to the teeth closeloss of bone around roots

Learn more about Wisdom tooth:


stomata are pores in the epidermis of plants that open and close to control gas exchange and transpiration. if a plant has a lower concentration of co2 inside, compared to the higher co2 concentration in the air, this plant's stomata would most likely be found:


The stomata would most likely be found open, allowing the plant to take in the higher concentration of [tex]CO2[/tex] from the air.

Stomata are essential to a plant's ability to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Carbon dioxide is required by plants for photosynthesis, the process by which they create energy. In order to do this, the concentration of [tex]CO2[/tex] inside a plant must be lower than outside.

When this is the case, the stomata will open and allow [tex]CO2[/tex] to enter from outside. This will then reduce the concentration difference between inside and out, allowing for gas exchange to occur. The stomata also play an important role in releasing excess water vapor from inside the plant,

which happens when transpiration occurs.

To know more about  stomata visit:


Age estimation in juveniles can be performed using all of the following indicators except: A. auricular surface changes B. dental development C. fusion of epiphyses D. appearance of primary ossification centers E. appearance of secondary ossification centers


Age estimation in juveniles can be performed using all of the following indicators except auricular surface changes.

Auricular surface changes are a method of age estimation that is used in adults, not juveniles. This method involves examining the surface of the ilium bone in the hip joint, which undergoes distinct changes as a person ages.

Dental development, fusion of epiphyses, appearance of primary ossification centers, and appearance of secondary ossification centers are all indicators that can be used to estimate the age of a juvenile. Dental development, for example, involves observing the eruption and development of teeth, while fusion of epiphyses involves the fusion of the growth plates at the ends of bones. The appearance of primary and secondary ossification centers also provides information about the timing of skeletal development in juveniles.

To know more about juveniles  here


Age estimation in juveniles can be performed using all of the following indicators except auricular surface changes. The correct option is A.

Age estimation in juveniles is a complex process that requires the analysis of various indicators.

The indicators used in age estimation include auricular surface changes, dental development, fusion of epiphyses, the appearance of primary ossification centers, and the appearance of secondary ossification centers.

However, one of these indicators is not used in age estimation, and that is auricular surface changes.

The auricular surface changes are used in adult age estimation, but not in juveniles.

Dental development is the most commonly used indicator in age estimation in juveniles, followed by the fusion of epiphyses and the appearance of primary and secondary ossification centers.

It is important to note that age estimation is not an exact science, and the results should always be interpreted with caution.

Therefore, it is recommended to use multiple indicators and to consider other factors, such as the individual's medical history and developmental milestones, when estimating the age of juveniles.

The correct option is A, auricular surface changes.

For more such answers on auricular surface changes


Light has entered Joelle's eyes. After being detected by the photoreceptors, the information will be passed on to ______cells


Light has entered Joelle's eyes. After being detected by the photoreceptors, the information will be passed on to bipolar cells.

Bipolar cells are specialized neurons that receive information from photoreceptors and transmit it to ganglion cells, which then send the information to the brain. The bipolar cells play a crucial role in visual processing, as they combine information from multiple photoreceptor cells to create a more complete picture of the visual world.

This process allows us to perceive shapes, colors, and movement in our environment. The bipolar cells also help to regulate the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the sensitivity of the photoreceptors. In this way, they play an important role in maintaining visual function in different lighting conditions.

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the doctrine of superiority by which one group justifies the dehumanization of others based on their distinctive physical features in


The doctrine is called "racial superiority," which is the belief that one race or ethnic group is inherently superior to others based on physical or cultural differences. This belief has been used historically to justify the dehumanization and oppression of minority groups, leading to discrimination, segregation, and even genocide.

In this context, the group claiming superiority uses the doctrine as a way to rationalize their actions and maintain a sense of entitlement and control over the marginalized group leading to the dehumanization of others . This belief system is often fueled by prejudice, stereotypes, and a desire to maintain power and dominance. Steps to counteract this harmful doctrine include promoting education and awareness, fostering empathy and understanding, and advocating for equal rights and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their physical features.

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The concept you're describing is known as racial or ethnic superiority, which is a belief system that asserts the superiority of one group over others based on their distinctive physical features. This doctrine often leads to the dehumanization and marginalization of certain groups, reinforcing social inequalities and perpetuating discrimination.

The doctrine of superiority refers to the belief that one group of people is inherently better or more valuable than another. This belief can manifest in various ways, but one common form is the idea that certain physical features or characteristics make one group superior to others. This justification for dehumanization is often used to justify discrimination, oppression, and even violence against those who are perceived as different. Examples of such physical features might include skin color, ethnicity, or religion, and the dehumanization can take many forms, such as denying basic rights and freedoms, or treating individuals as objects rather than human beings. Ultimately, this doctrine of superiority is a deeply harmful and dangerous belief that must be challenged and dismantled in order to create a more just and equitable society.

Learn more about doctrine here:-


potent and essential organic compounds that promote growth and help to maintain life and health are group of answer choices A. additives. B. vitamins. C. minerals. D. nutrients.


Potent and essential organic compounds that promote growth and help to maintain life and health are known as nutrients. Nutrients are substances that are required by the body for normal growth, development, and maintenance of health.

They include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Of these, vitamins are potent and essential organic compounds that are required in small amounts to promote growth and maintain health.

Vitamins play a vital role in many metabolic processes in the body, including energy production, immune function, and cell growth and division. They are essential for the proper functioning of various organs and systems in the body, including the nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular system.

Overall, vitamins are important nutrients that are required in small amounts to promote growth and maintain health, and they should be included as part of a balanced and healthy diet.

To know more about organic compounds, refer here:


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