will mark brainliest!

PLEASE ANSWER ASAP!will Mark Brainliest!


Answer 1


A.cranial capacity increased over time


Related Questions

inherited metabolic diseases are caused by a deficiency or absence in one or more ____ needed for a metabolic pathway to function properly


Inherited metabolic diseases are caused by a deficiency or absence in one or more enzymes needed for a metabolic pathway to function properly.

These enzymes are responsible for breaking down, converting, or producing specific molecules in the body. When one or more of these enzymes is missing or not working effectively, the metabolic pathway can't function correctly, which leads to the accumulation of certain substances or the deficiency of others.

This imbalance can result in a wide range of symptoms and health issues.

Inherited metabolic diseases, also known as inborn errors of metabolism, are often the result of genetic mutations that are passed down through families. These mutations can be inherited in various ways, such as autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, or X-linked inheritance patterns.

Some common examples of inherited metabolic diseases include phenylketonuria (PKU), galactosemia, and Tay-Sachs disease.

Diagnosis of these conditions typically involves biochemical testing, genetic testing, and sometimes imaging or other diagnostic procedures. Treatment options may include dietary management, enzyme replacement therapy, or other supportive care measures, depending on the specific disease and its severity.

Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing many inherited metabolic diseases and improving long-term outcomes for affected individuals.

To know more about enzymes refer here:


the fact that genetic differences can be amplified by nurture demonstrates that group of answer choices


The fact that genetic differences can be amplified by nurture demonstrates that nature and nurture both play a role in shaping individual characteristics.

This interplay between nature and nurture helps explain why two individuals with similar genetic makeup can end up with very different outcomes.

Nurture refers to environmental influences such as parenting, education, and culture, which can interact with genetic makeup to influence an individual's development and behavior. For example, a genetic predisposition for aggression can be amplified by a hostile home environment.

Conversely, a genetic predisposition for intelligence can be enhanced by a stimulating home environment. Thus, both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) are important factors in determining an individual's characteristics and behaviors.

This interplay between nature and nurture helps explain why two individuals with similar genetic makeup can end up with very different outcomes.

In conclusion, the fact that genetic differences can be amplified by nurture demonstrates that both nature and nurture have an important role to play in individual development. Genetics provides the blueprint, but it is the environment which helps determine how that blueprint will be expressed.

Know more about Genetic differences here


sarah enjoys taking walks each evening. the light energy from objects hits sarah's retina and is translated into a neural code that is interpreted by her brain. this process is called ______.


The process in which light energy from objects hits Sarah's retina, gets translated into a neural code, and is interpreted by her brain during her evening walks is called "visual perception."

Visual perception refers to the process by which the brain interprets and makes sense of the information it receives from the eyes. It is a complex and dynamic process that involves the integration of information from different sensory modalities, as well as the application of prior knowledge and expectations.

The visual perception process begins with the capture of light by the eye's sensory receptors, known as rods and cones, which are located in the retina. These receptors detect the different wavelengths of light that correspond to different colors and shades of brightness.

The information gathered by the rods and cones is then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. Once it reaches the brain, this information is processed by a complex neural network in the visual cortex.

In the visual cortex, the information is first analyzed and broken down into its basic features, such as lines, edges, and shapes. These features are then combined to form more complex objects and scenes.

Learn more about neural :  


which traits are shared by all eukaryotic cells, and what are the three major lines of evidence that mitochondria arose from endosymbiosis with proteobacteria?


All cells have DNA, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and a plasma membrane.All eukaryotic cells have DNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm, and the plasma membrane seen in prokaryotes.

Structures are shared by bacterial and eukaryotic cells.Many organelles are connected by membranes made of phospholipid bilayers enmeshed with proteins to compartmentalise processes like the storage of hydrolytic enzymes and protein synthesis.

By examining a few crucial characteristics, it is possible to see proof that these organelles have extracellular origins: Double membrane-bound membranes The vulnerability to antibiotics (Replication method) division

While, the micro-organism lacking mitochondria may nonetheless contain certain mitochondrial proteins,

similarities between the genetic coding of proteobacteria and mitochondria, and mitochondrial DNA contains genes that are not present in the nuclear DNA, indicating genetic similarities.

To know more about eukaryotic cells please check the following link


the chromosomes of offspring are not identical to those of their parents or siblings because ______ is shuffled during meiosis. multiple choice question.


The chromosomes of offspring are not identical to those of their parents or siblings because genetic information is shuffled during meiosis.

The study of genes, genetic diversity, and heredity in organisms is known as genetics. It is a significant branch of biology since heredity is essential to the evolution of organisms. Gregor Mendel, a Bohemian Augustinian nun working in Brno in the nineteenth century, was the initial individual to do scientific research on genetics.

A genome is an organism's entire collection of genetic information. It contains all of the data that the organism needs to function. The genome is preserved in lengthy molecules of DNA named chromosomes in living organisms.

All of the proteins that an organism may ever synthesize are encoded in its genetic blueprint stored in its DNA. DNA is found in a cell's nucleus of eucaryotes. A DNA molecule is made up of two complementary nucleotide chains.

learn more about genetic information here:


Complete question:

The chromosomes of offspring are not identical to those of their parents or siblings because ______ is shuffled during meiosis.

The chromosomes of offspring are not identical to those of their parents or siblings because genetic material is shuffled during meiosis.

This process involves the separation and recombination of homologous chromosomes, leading to the creation of unique combinations of genes in each offspring.

Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms, leading to the production of haploid gametes that contain only one set of chromosomes.

During this process, the chromosomes of the parent cells undergo various stages of division and recombination, resulting in the creation of genetically diverse offspring.

The shuffling of genetic material during meiosis is essential for genetic diversity and adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Thus, offspring are not identical to their parents or siblings because of the shuffling of genetic material during meiosis.

For more such answers on genetic material


Explain how humans rely on the biodiversity of an ecosystem to provide necessary resources, and give an example. (Ik I did a lot of q’s tonight but I have this assignment to do and it’s really late but I need to turn it in )


Biodiversity of an ecosystem provides the foundation for human well-being by providing the essential resources we need for survival and prosperity. Biodiversity provides the essential building blocks of our food, medicine, and industrial products.

In general , biodiversity is also essential for providing the raw materials for medicine. Many of the drugs used to treat diseases are derived from natural products found in plants, fungi, and bacteria. Industrial products are another example of how humans rely on the biodiversity of an ecosystem. Many materials used in manufacturing, such as wood, fibers, and oils, are obtained from plants and animals.

Also, lack of biodiversity can lead to overexploitation of natural resources, such as timber, and may result in the extinction of species. In addition, the loss of biodiversity can reduce the genetic diversity of domesticated species, such as livestock, which can lead to reduced resistance.

To learn more about Biodiversity , here


how does a replay attack work in the context of session hijacking


In the context of session hijacking, a replay attack involves an attacker intercepting and recording a legitimate session between a client and a server.

To carry out a replay attack, the attacker waits until the legitimate client ends their session, and then replays the recorded session to the server.

The server, which assumes that the request is coming from a legitimate client, responds as if the request is valid, granting the attacker access to the system or sensitive information.

Replay attacks can be prevented by implementing countermeasures such as using a nonce (a random number or string) that is generated by the server and included in each message exchanged between the client and the server.

Learn more about replay attacks at


A replay attack is a type of attack where an attacker intercepts and replays previously captured data to gain unauthorized access to a system. In the context of session hijacking, a replay attack can occur when an attacker intercepts the session ID of a legitimate user and replays it to gain access to the system as that user.

Session hijacking involves an attacker taking control of a user's session on a website or application, typically by stealing the session ID. This allows the attacker to impersonate the user and carry out actions on their behalf, such as making purchases or accessing sensitive data.

In a replay attack, the attacker intercepts the session ID of a legitimate user and replays it to gain access to the system. This can happen if the session ID is transmitted over an insecure network, such as an unencrypted HTTP connection, and the attacker is able to intercept it. Once the attacker has the session ID, they can use it to impersonate the user and carry out actions on their behalf.

To prevent replay attacks in the context of session hijacking, it is important to use secure protocols such as HTTPS and to implement measures such as session timeouts and session ID regeneration to limit the lifespan of session IDs. Additionally, implementing two-factor authentication can provide an extra layer of security by requiring the user to provide a second form of authentication, such as a code sent to their phone, before allowing access to their account.

To know more about replay attack click here:


The primary gluconeogenic organ in animals is: A) skeletal muscle. B) kidney medulla. C) kidney cortex. D) liver. E) heart muscle


The primary gluconeogenic organ in animals is D) liver. So the correct option is option d).

Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrate sources, such as amino acids, lactate, and glycerol. This process is essential for maintaining blood glucose levels during periods of fasting or low carbohydrate intake, as glucose is a critical energy source for many cells, including those in the brain.

The liver is the primary organ responsible for gluconeogenesis due to its unique ability to regulate the production and release of glucose into the bloodstream. The liver can store glucose in the form of glycogen and break it down when necessary to maintain a stable blood glucose level. When glycogen stores are depleted, the liver turns to gluconeogenesis to create glucose from other sources.

The other options provided, such as A) skeletal muscle, B) kidney medulla, C) kidney cortex, and E) heart muscle, do not primarily carry out gluconeogenesis. While the kidney cortex can also perform gluconeogenesis, it plays a secondary role to the liver. The skeletal muscle, kidney medulla, and heart muscle have other primary functions and are not significantly involved in gluconeogenesis. Therefore, option d) liver is the correct answer as the primary gluconeogenic organ in animals.

Know more about liver here:


Individual inferior fungi are often.

more colorful
much smaller
much larger
more advanced
than superior fungi.


Individual inferior fungi are often much smaller than superior fungi.

What is fungi?

The kingdom of fungi is a varied collection of creatures that is distinct from those of bacteria, plants, and mammals. Because they act as decomposers, breaking down decaying organic materials and recycling nutrients, fungi play significant roles in ecosystems.

Inferior fungi are thought to be less developed and structurally complex than superior fungus. They frequently lack the intricate characteristics present in superior fungus, such as gills or holes, and generally have simpler fruiting structures, such as cups or cushions. Aside from that, lesser fungus could be smaller in size and generate fewer spores overall.

On the other hand, superior fungi are often thought to be more complicated in their growth and structure. They frequently have more intricate fruiting structures, like mushrooms, and may have unique spore-dispersal characteristics like gills or pores. Additionally, superior fungus could be bigger and make more spores than inferior fungi.

It's crucial to remember, though, that due to the extensive and diverse diversity of the fungi kingdom, these labels are not always appropriate or applicable. Furthermore, the labels "inferior" and "superior" have a negative connotation and are not frequently employed in contemporary mycology.

To know more about fungi, visit:


the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the ser. the rough endoplasmic reticulum is the rer. in what order would the secreted horomone insulin go through these organelles? group of answer choices


Insulin, a protein hormone, is synthesized and processed in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of the beta cells of the pancreas.

After the synthesis of insulin, it undergoes post-translational modifications, such as folding and addition of carbohydrate groups in the RER. Then, it moves to the Golgi apparatus through the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) for further modifications, including sorting and packaging. In the Golgi apparatus, insulin undergoes further modifications, such as glycosylation, before being packaged into vesicles for secretion.

Therefore, the order of passage for insulin through the endoplasmic reticulum would be RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum) first, followed by the SER (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) before reaching the Golgi apparatus for further processing and secretion.

Learn more about endoplasmic reticulum


Insulin, a hormone, is synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and then transported to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) for further processing and packaging before being secreted by the cell.

Insulin is synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), where it undergoes post-translational modifications such as folding and glycosylation. After processing in the RER, insulin is transported to the Golgi apparatus for further modification and packaging into vesicles. These vesicles then move towards the plasma membrane for secretion. Therefore, the order would be RER -> Golgi apparatus -> secretion.

to know more plasma membrane please vist :-


Before testing for starch, chlorophyll has to be removed from the leaf as it interferes in the test for starch due to its green colour
true or false


The given statement, "Before testing for starch, chlorophyll has to be removed from the leaf as it interferes in the test for starch due to its green color," is true because the color of chlorophyll masks the color change during starch testing.

Chlorophyll is the green colored pigment present in plant cells, and a few bacterial and fungal cells. The chlorophyll provides color to the plants as well as is very essential for the process of photosynthesis.

Starch testing is the test carried out to check for the presence of starch in any compound. The color change in the test indicates the presence of starch. If the color of the compound changes to blue-black, it depicts a positive test.

To know more about chlorophyll, here


Question 6
6. A pea plant with yellow seeds (YY) is crossed with a pea plant with
green seeds (yy)., All seeds from the resulting plants are yellow. Yellow is:
a. dominant
Ob. recessive
c. heterozygous
No answer text provided.
5 pts
< Previous



A. dominant


if you were asked to remember a list of items while scuba diving, your ability to recall that list would be worse if you were asked to do so while back on dry land. this is due to


If you were asked to remember a list of items while scuba diving, your ability to recall that list would be worse if you were asked to do so while back on dry land. This is due to a phenomenon called context-dependent memory.

This is about the effect of scuba diving on the ability to recall a list of items.  This is due to a phenomenon called context-dependent memory. Context-dependent memory suggests that our ability to recall information is better when we are in the same environment in which we learned the information. So, when you learn the list underwater while scuba diving, you may struggle to recall it on dry land because the context has changed.

To know more about Ability to recall in scuba diving visit


A woman decided to see what effects the presence of plants would have on the carbon dioxide levels in a fish tank. In one fish tank, she placed a lot of plants, while the other tank did not have any plants. She measured the production of carbon dioxide in both tanks every 10 minutes for one hour. What results and conclusion would she likely find?

A. The tank without plants would have a lower amount of carbon dioxide due to increased cellular respiration of the fish.
B. The tank without the plants would have a higher amount of carbon dioxide due to decreased cellular respiration of the fish.
C. The tank with the plants would have a higher amount of carbon dioxide due to a lack of photosynthesis of the plants.
D. The tank with the plants would have a lower amount of carbon dioxide due to photosynthesis of the plants.




A cellular reaction with a AG of 8.5 kcal/mol could be effectively coupled to the hydrolysis of a single molecule of ATP (AG of-7.3 kcal/mol). True False


A cellular reaction with a ΔG of 8.5 kcal/mol could be effectively coupled to the hydrolysis of a single molecule of ATP (ΔG of -7.3 kcal/mol). This statement is False.

The Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) of a coupled reaction is the sum of the individual ΔG values. To couple effectively, the overall ΔG should be negative, indicating that the reaction is spontaneous. In this case:

ΔG of cellular reaction: +8.5 kcal/mol
ΔG of ATP hydrolysis: -7.3 kcal/mol

Combined ΔG: 8.5 + (-7.3) = +1.2 kcal/mol

Since the combined ΔG is positive (+1.2 kcal/mol), the reaction is not effectively coupled to the hydrolysis of a single molecule of ATP.

To know more about the cellular reaction refer here :


Part A
A student is writing a research paper about legislation related to driverless cars. Which conclusion can the student make based on the evidence provided in “The Pros and Cons of Driverless Cars”?

Part B
Which sentence from the passage best supports the answer to part A ?

This is reading


Part A: The student can draw the conclusion that there is a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty around the rules relating to driverless automobiles based on the material presented in "The Pros and Cons of Driverless Cars".

Therefore, B is the right response. The laws are surrounded by a great deal of uncertainty and misunderstanding.

What is driverless cars?

Autonomous or self-driving automobiles, usually referred to as driverless cars, are autos that can operate without a driver thanks to sensors, cameras, and sophisticated software. These automobiles are built to operate autonomously, navigating roadways, according to traffic regulations, seeing impediments, and making judgments.

Part B:

The phrase from the passage that exemplifies the response to Part A the best is: C. Some states are now updating their own legislation, but because not every state is doing this, what happens if you cross a state border in a driverless car?

This phrase emphasizes the fact that states are presently reviewing their own rules pertaining to autonomous vehicles, demonstrating the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding the law in this field.

To know more about driverless cars, visit:


_________ is the term that encompasses adverse responses to antimicrobial drugs such as hives, respiratory difficulties, and anaphylaxis.


Drug allergy is the term that encompasses adverse responses to antimicrobial drugs such as hives, respiratory difficulties, and anaphylaxis.

Antibiotic allergy is a type of drug allergy, which is an immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction to an antimicrobial medication. In the case of antibiotic allergy, the immune system overreacts to an antibiotic, leading to the release of histamines and other chemicals that cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is important to identify antibiotic allergies as they can cause serious or even life-threatening adverse reactions like anaphylaxis, and alternative treatments may be needed to avoid further exposure to the offending antibiotic.

Learn more about anaphylaxis here:


about a day after fertilization, the zygote undergoes ________, which is a rapid series of cell division.


About a day after fertilization, the zygote undergoes cleavage, which is a rapid series of cell division.

After fertilization, the zygote undergoes cleavage, which is a rapid series of cell divisions that results in the formation of a multicellular organism. Cleavage occurs in the absence of cell growth, resulting in smaller and smaller cells with each division. These smaller cells are called blastomeres, and they will eventually form the embryo.

Cleavage is an important process because it is the first step in the development of the embryo. During cleavage, the zygote goes through a series of mitotic cell divisions, producing a ball of cells known as the morula. The morula is a solid ball of cells that is made up of blastomeres and is about the same size as the zygote. The morula will eventually become the blastula.

As the blastomeres divide, they begin to arrange themselves into layers. The outer layer of cells is called the trophoblast, which will become the placenta. The inner layer of cells is called the embryoblast, which will become the embryo. The embryoblast then divides into two layers, the epiblast and the hypoblast.

Cleavage is a rapid process that occurs within the first few days after fertilization. It is an essential process in the development of the embryo and is the first step in the formation of all multicellular organisms.

Know more about cleavage here:


If a ray-finned fish is to both hover (remain stationary) in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively, then what other structure besides its swim bladder will it use?
A) its pectoral fins
B) its lateral line system
C) its caudal (tail) fin
D) its operculum


If a ray-finned fish is to both hover (remain stationary) in the water column and ventilate its gills effectively, then what other structure besides its swim bladder will it use is D) its operculum.

The operculum is a bony structure that covers and protects the gills of ray-finned fish. It allows for effective ventilation of the gills while the fish hovers in the water column. The swim bladder helps with buoyancy control but does not directly aid in gill ventilation. The pectoral fins and caudal fin aid in movement and maneuverability, but not specifically in hovering or gill ventilation. The lateral line system helps the fish sense changes in water pressure and movement, but is not directly involved in either hovering or gill ventilation.

Learn More about operculum here :-


A ray-finned fish along with the swim bladder use its operculum to cover and protect its gills. Hence the correct answer is option d.

The operculum is a bony structure that covers and protects the gills of a fish which enables efficient ventilation. When a fish is stationary or hovering, it needs to ventilate its gills to obtain oxygen from the water. The operculum helps to create a constant flow of water over the gills, allowing for efficient gas exchange. It will use its pectoral fins to help maintain a stationary position in the water column, also known as hovering. This along with the swim bladder allows the fish to control its buoyancy and position effectively. The lateral line system, caudal (tail) fin, and other structures play important roles in the fish's movement and navigation but are not primarily used for hovering and ventilating gills.So the correct answer is option d.

know more about operculum here :


Please answer all the questions


Normal male (XY) x Heterozygous carrier female (XH Xh)

      XH         Xh



The Punnett square shows that there is a 50% chance of having a male child with normal blood clotting (XY) and a 50% chance of having a female child who is a heterozygous carrier (XH Xh).

Hemophiliac male (Xh Y) x Carrier female (XH Xh)

       XH         Xh



The Punnett square shows that there is a 50% chance of having a son with hemophilia (Xh Y), a 25% chance of having a son with normal blood clotting (XH Y), a 25% chance of having a daughter who is a heterozygous carrier (XH Xh), and no chance of having a daughter with hemophilia.

Color-blind male (Xh Y) x Heterozygous carrier female (XH Xh)

       XH         Xh



The Punnett square shows that there is a 50% chance of having a daughter who is a heterozygous carrier (XH Xh), a 25% chance of having a son with normal color vision (XH Y), and a 25% chance of having a son who is color-blind (Xh Y). There is no chance of having a daughter who is color-blind because the father only contributes a Y chromosome to his daughters.

Learn more about hemophilia:


amylase is an enzyme that breaks apart starch molecules (polysaccharides) into the disaccharide maltose (dimer). from there maltose is broken down into glucose by maltase. a mouse with a mutation in the gene that codes for amylase produces a dysfunctional enzyme. but it has a functional gene for maltase and makes plenty of functional maltase enzyme. the mouse is put on a diet of pure starch. what is the most likely outcome?


If a mouse has a mutation in the gene that codes for amylase, it means that it cannot produce a functional amylase enzyme, which is responsible for breaking apart starch molecules into maltose.

As a result, the mouse would not be able to digest starch effectively, and there would be a buildup of undigested starch in its digestive tract.

However, since the mouse has a functional gene for maltase and can produce plenty of functional maltase enzyme, it would still be able to break down maltose into glucose. This means that the mouse would still be able to obtain some energy from the diet of pure starch, although it would not be able to fully digest it.

In terms of the most likely outcome, the mouse may experience digestive discomfort, such as bloating or constipation, due to the undigested starch in its digestive tract. It may also have lower overall energy levels due to the incomplete digestion of the starch.

know more about amylase enzyme here


this tends to be the longest cytoplasmic projection from a neuron.


The longest cytoplasmic projection from a neuron is the "axon."

The axon is a long, slender cytoplasmic projection that extends from the cell body of a neuron and transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscle cells, or glands. The length of an axon can vary widely, ranging from a few micrometers to over a meter in length in some cases.

Axons are specialized for rapid and efficient transmission of nerve impulses, and they are covered by a fatty insulating layer called myelin, which helps to speed up the transmission of impulses. At the end of the axon, specialized structures called synaptic terminals allow the neuron to communicate with other neurons or target cells through the release of neurotransmitters.

Learn more about neuron :


Desert plants are characterized by

A. Broad leaves

B. Succulent stems

C. Deciduous leaves


Desert plants are characterized by Succulent stems .

The correct option is B .

Broad leaves are generally not common in desert plants because they lose water through transpiration, which is the process of water loss from plant leaves. Therefore, desert plants have evolved to have small or narrow leaves to minimize water loss. Succulent plants are a good example of this adaptation. Succulents are characterized by their thick, fleshy stems and leaves, which are able to store large amounts of water for long periods of time.

Also,  many desert plants have evolved to retain their leaves year-round, instead of shedding them seasonally like many other types of plants. This adaptation helps to conserve water, as shedding leaves is another way of losing water.

Hence , B is the correct option

To learn more about Succulent plants , here


some antacid drugs block histamine receptors, resulting in reduction of the production and excretion of stomach acid. these drugs have the biggest effect on this cell type , responsible for hcl secretion?


Parietal cells are the primary cells responsible for hydrochloric acid (HCl) secretion in the stomach.

These cells are found in the gastric glands of the stomach and are stimulated by histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine to produce and secrete HCl. When antacids block the histamine receptors on these cells, they reduce the production and excretion of stomach acid.

This is because blocking the histamine receptors prevents the cells from responding to the histamine stimulus and secreting HCl. Antacids are also known to directly reduce the amount of HCl being produced by these cells, which further reduces the amount of acid in the stomach. This helps to reduce the symptoms of heartburn and other acid-related conditions.

Know more about Gastric glands  here


which of the following statements is correct? multiple choice all plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship. most plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship. some plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship. only a few plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship.


The correct statement is  most plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship.

The correct option is B.

In general , majority of plants maintain a mycorrhizal relationship. However, there are some plants that do not form mycorrhizae, such as members of the Brassicaceae family (mostly having mustard and cabbage), as well as some orchid species that have evolved alternative strategies for nutrient acquisition.

Also, Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between plant roots and fungi, where the fungus provides the plant with nutrients  and the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrates.

Hence , B is the correct option

To learn more about Mycorrhizae , here


in the electron micrograph images of mitosis, what structures were stained fluorescent blue?



In electron micrograph images of mitosis, structures are typically not stained fluorescent blue, as electron microscopy uses electrons rather than light, and does not involve the use of fluorescent dyes.

However, if we consider fluorescence microscopy images of mitosis, which use fluorescent dyes to visualize specific cellular structures, the structures that are stained fluorescent blue will depend on the specific dyes used.

In general, dyes that stain DNA, such as DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), Hoechst, or SYTOX, will stain the chromatin in the nucleus of the cell blue. During mitosis, the chromatin condenses into distinct chromosomes, which can be visualized as blue structures in fluorescence microscopy images.

It's important to note that the specific structures stained fluorescent blue may vary depending on the experimental setup and the specific dyes used.

- glycolysis- investment phase: the phosphorylation of glucose is indicated with balls and colors. indicate the molecules in it 2- glycolysis- phase: indicate the figure for the carrier electrons 3- what process of cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm and what processes of cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria and where in the mitochondria?


Glycolysis - Investment Phase: The molecules involved in the phosphorylation of glucose in the investment phase of glycolysis are ATP (adenosine triphosphate), glucose, and enzymes such as hexokinase and phospho glucose isomerase.

Glycolysis - Payoff Phase: The figure for carrier electrons in the payoff phase of glycolysis is NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). During glycolysis, NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is reduced to NADH by accepting electrons from the oxidation of glucose to form pyruvate. NADH is an important carrier of electrons that can be used in the later stages of cellular respiration to generate ATP.

Processes of Cellular Respiration in Cytoplasm: Glycolysis, which is the initial step of cellular respiration, occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. It is a series of enzymatic reactions that convert glucose into two molecules of pyruvate, producing a small amount of ATP and NADH in the process.

Processes of Cellular Respiration in Mitochondria: After glycolysis, the pyruvate molecules produced are transported into the mitochondria, where further processes of cellular respiration occur.

Learn more about “ phase of glycolysis “ visit here;


Glycolysis is the process of cellular respiration happening in the cytoplasm. Krebs cycle and electron transport chain happens in the mitochondria.

Cellular respiration happening in cytoplasm and mitochondria:

1. The molecules involved in the investment phase of glycolysis, where glucose is phosphorylated, are ATP and glucose. ATP is used to transfer a phosphate group to glucose, forming glucose-6-phosphate. Then, another ATP molecule is used to transfer another phosphate group to glucose-6-phosphate, forming fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.

2. In the pay-off phase of glycolysis, carrier electrons are passed on to NAD+ to form NADH. The figure for carrier electrons is NADH, which is produced during the conversion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.

3. Glycolysis, which occurs in the cytoplasm, is the process of breaking down glucose into pyruvate. The processes of the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain, which involve the use of oxygen and occur in the mitochondria, are responsible for producing the majority of ATP in cellular respiration. The Krebs cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, while the electron transport chain occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.

To know more about cellular respiration, visit:


bats are the only mammals to evolve powered flight. they group of answer choices appear in eocene time are small, shrew-like mammals are mostly insectivores all of the above


Bats are the only mammals to evolve powered flight. They  d. all of the above.

About 55 million years ago, during the Eocene period, bats first emerged. They are a varied group of mammals, although the majority are little, and some of them resemble shrews. Through the utilisation of sound wave reflection, the bats employ ultrasound to quickly dispatch their prey.

The ultrasonic signal is created by the bats and is reflected off of the prey as it gets closer to the bats' ears. This aids the bat in determining the prey's distance. Bats also mostly consume insects, however some species also consume fruit, nectar, and blood. In addition, powered flight is a remarkable and rare adaptation that has only been acquired by bats, allowing them to fill a range of ecological niches.

Complete Question:

Bats are the only mammals to evolve powered flight. They

a. appear in Eocene time

b. are small, shrew-like mammals

c. are mostly insectivores

d. all of the above

Read more about Bats on:


the maculopapular rash shown in this image is associated with the measles, and is caused by which type of microorganism?


The maculopapular rash shown in the image is indeed associated with measles, which is caused by the measles virus.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that is transmitted through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes. The virus then enters the body through the nose or mouth and spreads to the lymphatic system, causing fever, cough, runny nose, and conjunctivitis.

The characteristic rash of measles typically appears a few days after the onset of these symptoms, starting on the face and then spreading to the rest of the body. Measles is a preventable disease, and vaccination is the most effective way to protect against it.

Learn more about maculopapular rash


an inappropriately managed injury to the periosteum may develop into


An inappropriately managed injury to the periosteum may develop into further damage, bone callus, delayed healing, or even chronic pain.

The periosteum is a thin layer of connective tissue that covers the bones and plays a crucial role in bone healing and repair. If an injury to the periosteum is not properly diagnosed and treated, it can lead to complications and hinder the body's natural healing process. It is important to seek medical attention for any injury, especially those involving the periosteum, to ensure appropriate management and prevent further damage.

Injury to the periosteum can occur due to trauma, such as a fracture or dislocation, or due to a chronic condition such as osteomyelitis. If the injury is not appropriately managed, it can lead to the formation of a bone callus, which is a mass of bony tissue that forms at the site of the injury as part of the healing process.

While a bone callus is a normal part of the bone healing process, an inappropriately managed injury can result in the formation of a larger or irregular callus, which can cause pain, stiffness, and a limited range of motion. In severe cases, the callus may need to be surgically removed to restore proper function and movement.

Learn more about periosteum here:


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