The answers are written below:
To change something or make better---- Reform
An idea that emerged inn the US focused in self reliance and had a big impact on American literature---- transcendentalism.
The right to vote --- Suffrage
He was a runaway slave who taught himself to read and write and fought to end slavery---Frederick Douglass.
Frederick Douglass's newspaper ---- The North Star
She was a prominent abolitionists and women's right advocate--- Sojourner Truth.
William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist who also had a newspaper named --- The Liberator.
She fought to reform the prison system and was responsible for juvenile centers and hospitals for the mentally ill --- Dorothea Dix.
He is considered the father of public education--- Horace Mann.
She was an important advocate for women's rights and fought for equal and education for women---- Susan B. Anthony.
Eu queria saber se alguém que já viu 15 animes que somam 2.300 episódios é um otaku ou não, pq tem um mano meu que não aceita.
Aot, y wonder egg
b) Os textos 1, 2 e 3 são trechos, respectivamente,
das três partes que constituem a obra Os sertões
"Aterra", "O homem" e "Aluta". Por que se pode
afirmar que a própria estrutura da obra revela
uma concepção naturalista?
Answer is in a photo. I can only upload it to a file hosting service. link below!
true or false
1)Accurate for casting can be done with inaccurate historical data. If the forecasting model is a good one, it will improve the input used.
2)If quantitative data is available on which to base a forecast, it is unnecessary to consider qualitative information.
3)In a good forecast, about half of the forecast misses should be randomly scattered above the actual results and half below the actual results.
For a forecasting model to be as accurate as possible, it needs to be based on accurate historical data as this would influence the model in such as way as to produce more accurate results.
Even when sufficient quantitative data is available, qualitative date is also needed because not everything can be explained by numbers.
A good forecast model brings out results such that half of them are above the actual results and half are below. That way the average will be more aligned with the actual results.
What type of figurative language is her quick eyes would glow with firelight fancies?
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
,Przewinienie oznacza karę". Udowodnij tę tezę i napisz rozprawkę, odwołując się do ,,Dziadów cz.II oraz innej dowolnej lektury.
Offense means punishment. Prove this thesis and write an essay, referring to "Dziady part. II and any other reading. Write an essay, referring to the " Dziady part. II and any other reading.
what language is this? Привет, люди, я надеюсь, что у вас здесь хороший день, возьмите эти баллы
Throughout the history of film and theater in the United States, was there a period when Deaf actors may have had an advantage over hearing actors? Why or why not? Do you think that is the case today?
This isn't related but I literally came across this question for my ASL class and saw this question was posted on my birthday lol, anyways it's because of Silent films didn't need any verbal cues or voice lines so deaf actors had the upper hand in this era.
How do I say, "Blood for the blood god." In russian?
Answer: Кровь для бога крови
العام السعودي لا ينكس ابدآ