Please show your work so we can see how you got your answers
1. You have a "small clean room" that is 144" x 144" square with a ceiling height of 120" and 6 HEPA filters in the ceiling that deliver 600 cfm each and 1 access door that is currently closed.
For the above room, answer the following questions;
• What is the area of the room in Sq. Ft?
• What is the volume of the room in Cu. Ft? • What is the Air Change (AC's) Rate if the equation for Air Change Rate is N=60Q/vol
N = # AC’s per hour
Q = Total CFM
Vol = Space volume in cubic ft.
• If the door to this room were now opened, would the room differential pressure with respect to the adjacent hallway, be;
o Positive
o Negative
• Neutral

Please Show Your Work So We Can See How You Got Your Answers 1. You Have A "small Clean Room" That Is


Answer 1

The area of the room is 144 sq. ft. The volume of the room is 1,440 cu. ft. The rate of change in air is 150 ACs per hour. The room differential pressure with respect to the adjacent hallway, be negative.

What is a HVAC system?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It is a system designed to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. The HVAC system works by controlling the temperature, humidity, and air quality within a building. It does this by using a combination of heating, cooling, ventilation, and air filtration. The heating component of the system can be achieved through furnaces, boilers, or heat pumps, while the cooling component can be achieved through air conditioning units or heat pumps. Ventilation is provided through the use of ductwork and fans that circulate fresh air throughout the building, and air filtration is achieved through the use of filters that remove contaminants from the air. Overall, the HVAC system is a vital component of modern buildings, as it ensures that indoor spaces are comfortable, healthy, and safe for occupants.

• We need to convert inches to feet, so divide it by 12. Therefore, the area of the room in square feet is:

Area = (144/12) x (144/12) = 12 x 12 = 144 sq. ft.

• To find the volume of the room in cubic feet, we need to multiply the area of the floor by the height of the room:

Volume = Area x Height = 144 sq. ft. x (120/12) ft. = 1,440 cu. ft.

• The total CFM of the HEPA filters is 6 x 600 = 3,600 CFM.

The rate of change in air can be calculated as:

N = 60Q/Vol = 60 x 3,600/1,440 = 150 ACs per hour

• If the door to the room were opened, the room differential pressure with respect to the adjacent hallway would most likely become negative because the air would flow out of the room into the hallway due to the pressure gradient.

Therefore, the answer is Negative.

Note: The final pressure differential direction will depend on several factors, such as the number of air changes per hour, the size of the door, and the location of the HVAC system. It is always best to consult with an HVAC professional for specific cases.

To know more about HVAC system visit:


Related Questions

A factory uses 4 5/6 barrels of raisins in each batch of granola bars. Yesterday, the factory used 9 2/3 barrels of raisins. How many batches of granola bars did the factory make yesterday?



To find the number of batches of granola bars the factory made, we need to divide the total amount of raisins used by the number of raisins used per batch.

First, we need to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

4 5/6 = 29/6

9 2/3 = 29/3

Next, we can divide:

29/3 ÷ 29/6 = 29/3 x 6/29 = 6

Therefore, the factory made 6 batches of granola bars yesterday.

Hank Itzek manufactures and sells homemade wine, and he wants to develop a standard cost per gallon. The following are required for production of a 50-gallon batch.

2,450 ounces of grape concentrate at $0.07 per ounce
54 pounds of granulated sugar at $0.50 per pound
60 lemons at $0.85 each
200 yeast tablets at $0.29 each
250 nutrient tablets at $0.11 each
2,900 ounces of water at $0.005 per ounce

Hank estimates that 2% of the grape concentrate is wasted, 10% of the sugar is lost, and 25% of the lemons cannot be used.

Compute the standard cost per gallon. (of wine)


Answer: First, let's calculate the total cost of all the inputs:

Cost of grape concentrate = 2,450 * $0.07 = $171.50

Cost of granulated sugar = 54 * $0.50 = $27

Cost of lemons = 60 * $0.85 = $51

Cost of yeast tablets = 200 * $0.29 = $58

Cost of nutrient tablets = 250 * $0.11 = $27.50

Cost of water = 2,900 * $0.005 = $14.50

Next, let's calculate the amount of each input that is actually used:

Grape concentrate used = 2,450 * (1 - 0.02) = 2,401 oz

Sugar used = 54 * (1 - 0.10) = 48.6 lbs

Lemons used = 60 * (1 - 0.25) = 45

Yeast tablets used = 200

Nutrient tablets used = 250

Water used = 2,900 oz

Now, we can calculate the total cost of the inputs that are actually used:

Total cost of inputs used = $171.50 + $27 + $51 + $58 + $27.50 + $14.50 = $350.50

Finally, we can calculate the standard cost per gallon:

Standard cost per gallon = Total cost of inputs used / Number of gallons produced

Number of gallons produced = 50

Standard cost per gallon = $350.50 / 50 = $7.01 per gallon

Therefore, the standard cost per gallon of wine is $7.01.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation shows how to find a percentage?


The equation that shows how to find a percentage is:

part/whole = percent/100

This equation can be used to solve for any of the three variables, given the values of the other two.

Write an expression for the total length of the line segments, and simplify it. z z 8 and x x x


None of the given numbers make the equation 8/y² + 2 true

What is algebra?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with mathematical operations and symbols used to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas. It involves the study of variables, expressions, equations, and functions.

To solve this problem, we can substitute each of the given numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) for y in the equation 8/y² + 2 and see if the equation is true.

Substituting y=0 would make the denominator of the fraction zero, which is undefined, so y=0 is not a valid choice.

Substituting y=1 would give us:

8/1² + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10

So, 1 is not the answer.

Substituting y=2 would give us:

8/2² + 2 = 8/4 + 2 = 2 + 2 = 4

So, 2 is not the answer.

Substituting y=3 would give us:

8/3² + 2 = 8/9 + 2 = 0.888 + 2 = 2.888

So, 3 is not the answer.

Substituting y=4 would give us:

8/4² + 2 = 8/16 + 2 = 0.5 + 2 = 2.5

So, 4 is not the answer.

Therefore, none of the given numbers make the equation 8/y² + 2 true.

To learn more about algebra from the given link:


Determine the scale factor used to create the image. one half 2 one fourth 2.5



What is a Scale Factor?

The scale factor is the ratio of the corresponding side lengths in the original figure and the image.

If the image was created by reducing the size of the original figure, then the scale factor is less than 1.

If the image was created by enlarging the size of the original figure, then the scale factor is greater than 1.

The given options for the scale factor are "one half" and "two fourths".

"One half" is equivalent to 0.5.

"Two fourths" is equivalent to 0.5 as well (since 2/4 can be simplified to 1/2, which is 0.5).

Therefore, the scale factor used to create the image is 0.5 or one half, which suggests that the image was created by reducing the size of the original figure by a factor of 0.5.

Oscar’s dog house is shaped like a tent. The slanted sides are both 5 feet long and the bottom of the house is 6 feet across. What is the height of his dog house, in feet, at its tallest point.


Using Pythagorean theorem, the height of Oscar's dog house, at its tallest point, is approximately 7.81 feet.

What is Pythagorean Theorem?

The Pythagorean Theorem is a fundamental concept in mathematics that relates to the sides of a right triangle. It states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. The theorem is expressed mathematically as:

a² + b² = c²


Let's height of the house = "h":

Using Pythagoras

a² + b² = c²

Where "a" and "b" are the lengths of the slanted sides and "c" is the height of the house. We know that "a" and "b" are both 5 feet long, and the bottom of the house is 6 feet across. Let's use this information to find "c":

a = b = 5 feet

b = 6 feet

c² = a² + b²

c² = 5² + 6²

c² = 25 + 36

c² = 61

c = √(61)

c ≈ 7.81 feet

So the height of Oscar's dog house, at its tallest point, is approximately 7.81 feet.

To know more about Pythagorean theorem visit the link


please help me with my math




Step-by-step explanation:

percentage for corn =30

total no. of acres of the land=48

=30 × 48



Working with Actual Interest Earned
Daniela puts $550 in a CD that earns 3.5% APR, compounded quarterly,
for 2 years. She is taxed at a rate of 15% on the interest she earns.
The total amount of interest is $33.75.
What percentage of the original principal is this?


We can use the procedures below to calculate what proportion of the original principal the overall amount of interest represents. This total amount of interest received corresponds to about 5.34% of the initial investment.

What is an interest?

Divide the principal even by rate of interest, the time period, and other factors to arrive at simple interest. Simple return Equal principal + interests + hours is the marketing formula.The most typical technique to figure out interest is to use a portion of the principal sum. He would only pay his share of the 100% interest, for example, if somebody borrows $100 from the a partner and pledges to repay the loan with 5% interest. $x (0.05) = $5. When, you must pay interest.when you lend money after borrowing it and adding interest. Interest is often determined as an indicator of the overall of the loan total. The interest rate of the loan is the name given to this percentage.

Determine the total interest that was earned in Step 1.

It states that $33.75 was earned in interest overall.

Step 2: Determine the interest generated before to taxes.

The sum of the interest earned after tax can be determined by dividing the entire sum of the interest by (1 + rate of taxation), where the rate of tax is given as a decimal. Daniela was subject to a tax of 15% on the investment earnings. The tax rate in this instance is 15%, which really is equal to 0.15.

Interest gained before taxes is equal as $33.75 / (1 Plus 0.15), that results in a value of $29.35.

3. Determine the initial principal.

The $550 that Daniela first put into the CD is referred to as the original primary.

Compute the proportion of the initial principle in step four.

By dividing the sum of interest generated after tax by the original principal and multiplying the result by 100 as express it as a percentage, one can determine what proportion of the original principal the entire amount of interest represents.

(Interest paid before taxation / Original principal) / 100 equals the percentage of the original principal.

= ($possess / $550) w x 100

≈ 5.34%

Hence, the total interest earned is equivalent to roughly 5.34% of the initial capital.

To know more about interest visit:


A satellite calculates the distances and angle shown in the figure below (not to scale).Find the distance between the two cities. Round to the nearest tenth.


The distance between city A and city B is approximately 442.3 km.

What is the law of cosine?

The Law of Cosines, also known as the Cosine Rule, is a mathematical formula that relates the lengths of the sides of a triangle to the cosine of one of its angles. Specifically, it states that:

c² = a² + b² - 2ab cos(C).

We can use the Law of Cosines to find the distance between City A and City B. Let's call this distance d.

From the information given, we know that:

The distance between the satellite and city A is 450 km.

The distance between the satellite and city B is 340 km.

The angle between city A, the satellite, and city B is 1.5 degrees.

Using the Law of Cosines, we have:

d² = 450² + 340² - 2(450)(340)cos(1.5)

d² = 202500 + 115600 - 2(450)(340)cos(1.5)

d² = 318100 - 122328.8

d² = 195771.2

d = √195771.2

d ≈ 442.3

Therefore, the distance between city A and city B is approximately 442.3 km (rounded to the nearest tenth).

To learn more about the law of cosine visit:


The length of a rectangle is 2 units more than the width. The area of the rectangle is
24 square units. What is the width, in units, of the rectangle?


The width of the rectangle is 4 units.

What is rectangle?

Rectangle is a four sided polygon or specifically a particular type of parallelogram having two opposite sides are equal and one angle is right angle that is 90°. It has four vertices and two diagonals intersect each other.

Given that,

The length of a rectangle is 2 units more than the width.

Let, the width of the rectangle is w units.

Then the length of the rectangle is w+2 units.

Area of any rectangle is length × width

                                        = (w+2)×w square units

Given that,

The area of the rectangle is   24 square units.

Equating both  the values we get,

                    w(w+2)= 24

We have to solve the equation for w.

    Multiplying the bracket term with w we get,

w²+ 2w = 24

⇒ w² + 2w- 24=0

⇒ (w+6)(w-4)=0

so either w= -6 or w=4

As width cannot be negative so w= 4.

Hence, the width of the rectangle is 4 units.

To know more about rectangle           from the link.


A survey team is trying to estimate the height of a mountain above a level plain. From one point on the plain, they observe that the angle of elevation to the top of the mountain is 30∘. From a point 1500 feet closer to the mountain along the plain, they find that the angle of elevation is 34∘ How high (in feet) is the mountain?


The mountain has a total height of 6520 feet

How high (in feet) is the mountain?

Let the height of the mountain be denoted by h, and let x be the distance from the first observation point to the base of the mountain.

From the first observation point, we can form a right triangle with the mountain top and the point of observation, with angle of elevation 30 degrees.

Therefore, we have:

tan(30) = h/(x + 1500)

From the second point, we have

tan(34) = h/x

So, we have

h = x * tan(34)

This gives

tan(30) = x tan(34)/(x + 1500)

So, we have

tan(30) * (x + 1500) = x * tan(34)


0.58 * (x + 1500) = x * 0.67

This gives

x = 9667

Recall that

h = x * tan(34)

So, we have

h = 9667 * tan(34)


h = 6520

Hence, the height is 6520 feet

Read more about elevation distance at


Solve the following methods:
a) y''-2y'-3y= e^4x
b) y''+y'-2y=3x*e^x
c) y"-9y'+20y=(x^2)*(e^4x)



a) To solve the differential equation y''-2y'-3y= e^4x, we first find the characteristic equation:

r^2 - 2r - 3 = 0

Factoring, we get:

(r - 3)(r + 1) = 0

So the roots are r = 3 and r = -1.

The general solution to the homogeneous equation y'' - 2y' - 3y = 0 is:

y_h = c1e^3x + c2e^(-x)

To find the particular solution, we use the method of undetermined coefficients. Since e^4x is a solution to the homogeneous equation, we try a particular solution of the form:

y_p = Ae^4x

Taking the first and second derivatives of y_p, we get:

y_p' = 4Ae^4x

y_p'' = 16Ae^4x

Substituting these into the original differential equation, we get:

16Ae^4x - 8Ae^4x - 3Ae^4x = e^4x

Simplifying, we get:

5Ae^4x = e^4x


A = 1/5

Therefore, the particular solution is:

y_p = (1/5)*e^4x

The general solution to the non-homogeneous equation is:

y = y_h + y_p

y = c1e^3x + c2e^(-x) + (1/5)*e^4x

b) To solve the differential equation y'' + y' - 2y = 3xe^x, we first find the characteristic equation:

r^2 + r - 2 = 0

Factoring, we get:

(r + 2)(r - 1) = 0

So the roots are r = -2 and r = 1.

The general solution to the homogeneous equation y'' + y' - 2y = 0 is:

y_h = c1e^(-2x) + c2e^x

To find the particular solution, we use the method of undetermined coefficients. Since 3xe^x is a solution to the homogeneous equation, we try a particular solution of the form:

y_p = (Ax + B)e^x

Taking the first and second derivatives of y_p, we get:

y_p' = Ae^x + (Ax + B)e^x

y_p'' = 2Ae^x + (Ax + B)e^x

Substituting these into the original differential equation, we get:

2Ae^x + (Ax + B)e^x + Ae^x + (Ax + B)e^x - 2(Ax + B)e^x = 3xe^x

Simplifying, we get:

3Ae^x = 3xe^x


A = 1

Therefore, the particular solution is:

y_p = (x + B)e^x

Taking the derivative of y_p, we get:

y_p' = (x + 2 + B)e^x

Substituting back into the original differential equation, we get:

(x + 2 + B)e^x + (x + B)e^x - 2(x + B)e^x = 3xe^x

Simplifying, we get:

-xe^x - Be^x = 0


B = -x

Therefore, the particular solution is:

y_p = xe^x

The general solution to the non-homogeneous equation is:

y = y_h + y_p

y = c1e^(-2x) + c2e^x + xe^x

c) To solve the differential equation y" - 9y' + 20y = x^2*e^4x, we first find the characteristic equation:

r^2 - 9r + 20 = 0

Factoring, we get:

(r - 5)(r - 4) = 0

So the roots are r = 5 and r = 4.

The general solution to the homogeneous equation y" - 9y' + 20y = 0 is:

y_h = c1e^4x + c2e^5x

To find the particular solution, we use the method of undetermined coefficients. Since x^2*e^4x is a solution to the homogeneous equation, we try a particular solution of the form:

y_p = (Ax^2 + Bx + C)e^4x

Taking the first and second derivatives of y_p, we get:

y_p' = (2Ax + B)e^4x + 4Axe^4x

y_p'' = 2Ae^4x +

Find the slope of every line that is parallel to
the line on the graph
Enter the correct answer.



slope of every parallel line is - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

calculate the slope m of the given line using the slope formula

m = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

with (x₁, y₁ ) = (- 2, 7) and (x₂, y₂ ) = (1, - 5) ← 2 points on the line

m = [tex]\frac{-5-7}{1-(-2)}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-12}{1+2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-12}{3}[/tex] = - 4

• Parallel lines have equal slopes

Thus the slope of any line parallel to the given line is m = - 4

Determine if the collection is not well defined and therefore not a set.
The collection of whole numbers greater than one trillion


Answer: The collection of whole numbers greater than one trillion below is well defined and is a set. It consists of all whole numbers greater than 1 trillion and less than infinity. Although the set may be infinite, it is still well defined and can be defined using set-builder notation as:

{ x ∈ ℤ | 1,000,000,000,000 < x < ∞ }

or using interval notation as:

(1,000,000,000,000, ∞)

Step-by-step explanation:

Winston made a batch of cookies to decorate. He wants to put one decorated cookie in a gift bag for each of 12 friends. He has 90 minutes to decorate the cookies and prepare the gift bags. After the cookies are decorated, it takes him 2 minutes to prepare each gift bag. Which inequality can be used to determine how many minutes Winston can take to decorate each cookie?​


This means that he can take up to 5.5 minutes to decorate each cookie and still have enough time to prepare the gift bags within the 90-minute time limit.

What is inequality?

In mathematics, an inequality is a statement that compares two values or expressions, indicating whether they are equal, not equal, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to each other. Inequalities are represented using symbols such as < (less than), > (greater than), ≤ (less than or equal to), and ≥ (greater than or equal to).


To determine how many minutes Winston can take to decorate each cookie, we need to use an inequality that takes into account the total time available and the time it takes to decorate each cookie and prepare each gift bag.

Let x be the number of minutes it takes Winston to decorate each cookie.

The total time Winston has available is 90 minutes, and he needs to decorate 12 cookies and prepare 12 gift bags. The time it takes him to prepare each gift bag is 2 minutes. Therefore, the total time it takes him can be expressed as:

Total time = Time to decorate 12 cookies + Time to prepare 12 gift bags

Total time = 12x + 12(2)

Total time = 12x + 24

To determine the maximum time Winston can take to decorate each cookie, we need to find the largest value of x that satisfies the total time constraint. Since he has exactly 90 minutes, we can use the inequality:

12x + 24 ≤ 90

Subtracting 24 from both sides, we get:

12x ≤ 66

Dividing both sides by 12, we get:

x ≤ 5.5

Therefore, the inequality that can be used to determine how many minutes Winston can take to decorate each cookie is:

x ≤ 5.5

To know more about inequality,


How many 5 digit numbers can be formed?



Step-by-step explanation:

a lot (90,000) (i think)

Ejercicio 1.9. En el ΔPQR, A y B son los puntos medios de PQ y RQ respecvamente.
Si RP = 16, m∠P = 58° y m∠Q = 38°, obtenga
AB y m∠BAQ.


The length of line segment AB is equal to 8 units.

The magnitude of m∠BAQ is equal to 58°.

What is a perpendicular bisector?

In Mathematics and Geometry, a perpendicular bisector can be defined as a line that bisects or divides a line segment exactly into two (2) equal halves and forms an angle that has a magnitude of 90 degrees at the point of intersection.

This ultimately implies that, the length of line segment AB can be calculated by using the following mathematical equation;

RP = 2AB

AB = RP/2

AB = 16/2

AB = 8 units.

Since A and B are the midpoints of PQ and RQ respectively, we have the following angles;

m∠P + m∠Q + m∠R = 180° (sum of all interior angles of ∆PQR)

58° + 38° + m∠R = 180°

m∠R = 180° - (58° + 38°)

m∠R = 84°

Since PR || AB, we have;

m∠R = m∠ABQ = 84° (corresponding angles).

m∠Q + m∠ABQ + m∠BAQ = 180° (sum of all interior angles of ∆ABQ).

m∠BAQ = 180° - (84° + 38°)

m∠BAQ = 180° - 122°

m∠BAQ = 58°.

Read more on perpendicular bisectors here:


Complete Question:

In the ΔPQR, A and B are the midpoints of PQ and RQ respectively. If RP = 16, m∠P = 58°, and m∠Q = 38°, obtain AB and m∠BAQ.

What is the average rate of change of h(x) over the interval [4, 8]?




Step-by-step explanation:

the average rate of change of h(x) in the interval [ a, b ] is


here the [ a, b ] = [ 4, 8 ] , then

h(b) = h(8) = 3 ← point (8, 3 ) on graph

h(a) = h(4) = 9 ← point (4, 9 ) on graph


average rate of change = [tex]\frac{3-9}{8-4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-6}{4}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex]

7. Suppose you begin to work selling ads for a newspaper. You will be paid $50/wk plus a
minimum of $7.50 for each potential customer you contact. What is the least amount of
money you earn after contacting eight businesses in 1 wk?


Answer: 50 Dollars

Step-by-step explanation:

Minimum pay: $50 / week

Bonus: $7.5 or more / Potential Customer

The least amount of money you can earn after contacting eight businesses in 1 week is $50, since there is a possibility none of the eight businesses you contacted is a potential customer.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :)

Need help with this (SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY)


Answer: d=10

Step-by-step explanation:

Ralph Chase plans to sell a piece of property for ​$160000. He wants the money to be paid off in two ways a ​short-term note at ​11% interest and a​ long-term note at ​8% interest. Find the amount of each note if the total annual interest paid is ​$15350.



Let x be the amount of the short-term note and y be the amount of the long-term note.

We know that the total amount of the two notes is $160,000:

x + y = 160,000

We also know that the total annual interest paid is $15,350:

0.11x + 0.08y = 15,350

To solve for x and y, we can use the first equation to solve for one variable in terms of the other:

y = 160,000 - x

Substitute this expression for y in the second equation:

0.11x + 0.08(160,000 - x) = 15,350

Simplify and solve for x:

0.11x + 12,800 - 0.08x = 15,350

0.03x = 2,550

x = 85,000

Substitute this value for x in the equation y = 160,000 - x to find y:

y = 160,000 - 85,000 = 75,000

Therefore, the amount of the short-term note is $85,000 and the amount of the long-term note is $75,000.

"answer. y and X
the question is given regular pentagon


The value of Y is 54 degrees

What is a pentagon?

A pentagon is described as any five-sided polygon or 5-gon that has a sum of the internal angles in a simple pentagon is 540°.

we know that every side of a regular pentagon is same.

So we have an isosceles triangle. The  correspond angle of y, must equal to y (degree) too.

we also have that every inner angle of a regular pentagon is 360/5=72.

So we can calculate angle y, by the equation y+y+72=180.

Therefore y=54

In conclusion,  the regular pentagon each interior angle measures 108°, and each exterior angle measures 72°

Learn more about a pentagon at:


Complete question is attached in image;




x = 58.03°

Step-by-step explanation:


17 cm is the length of the hypotenuse9 cm is the length of the adjacent side

Solve for x:

cos x = adjacent / hypotenusex = [tex]cos^{-1}(\frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse})[/tex]

1. [tex]x=cos^{-1}(\frac{9}{17})=58.03[/tex]


So, the measure of angle x is equal to 58.03.

Will mark brainliest if answer is correct


Using factorization and simplifying the equations, the points of intersections are (-2, 0), ( [ -1 - 3√(7) ] / 2, 4[ -1 - 3√(7) ] / 2 - 11 ) and ( [ -1 + 3√(7) ] / 2, 4[ -1 + 3√(7) ] / 2 - 11 )

What is the points of intersection of both functions

We are given two equations:

y = 4x² - 3x + 3

y = x³ + 7x² - 3x + d

and we know that they intersect at x = -4, so we can substitute -4 for x in both equations:

y = 4(-4)² - 3(-4) + 3 = 49

y = (-4)³ + 7(-4)² - 3(-4) + d = -64 + 112 + 12 + d = 60 + d

So, at x = -4, we have y = 49 and y = 60 + d. Since the graphs intersect, these two equations must be equal:

49 = 60 + d

Solving for d, we get:

d = -11

Therefore, the two equations become:

y = 4x² - 3x + 3

y = x³ + 7x² - 3x - 11

We can now set them equal to each other:

4x² - 3x + 3 = x³ + 7x² - 3x - 11

Simplifying and rearranging, we get:

x³ + 3x² - 8x - 14 = 0

We can try to factor this expression by testing possible roots. One possible root is x = 2, because if we substitute 2 for x, we get:

2³ + 3(2)² - 8(2) - 14 = 8 + 12 - 16 - 14 = -10

Since this expression evaluates to a non-zero value, x = 2 is not a root. Similarly, we can test x = -1:

(-1)³ + 3(-1)² - 8(-1) - 14 = -1 + 3 + 8 - 14 = -4

This expression also evaluates to a non-zero value, so x = -1 is not a root. Finally, we can test x = -2:

(-2)³ + 3(-2)² - 8(-2) - 14 = -8 + 12 + 16 - 14 = 6

This expression evaluates to zero, so x = -2 is a root. Using long division or synthetic division, we can divide the cubic polynomial by x + 2 to get:

x³ + 3x² - 8x - 14 = (x + 2)(x² + x - 7)

The quadratic factor x² + x - 7 can be factored using the quadratic formula, giving us:

x² + x - 7 = [ -1 ± √(1 + 4*7) ] / 2

= [ -1 ± 3√(7) ] / 2

Therefore, the three intersection points are:

(-2, 0)

( [ -1 - 3√(7) ] / 2, 4[ -1 - 3√(7) ] / 2 - 11 )

( [ -1 + 3√(7) ] / 2, 4[ -1 + 3√(7) ] / 2 - 11 )

Learn more on point of intersection here;


A fruit basket contains 12 apples and 7 pears. How many pears do you need to add to the basket to make the ratio of apples to pears as 2:3?



35 pears

Step-by-step explanation:

To make the ratio of apples to pears in the fruit basket 2:3, we need to find out how many pears we need to add.

The current ratio of apples to pears is 12:7. To make it 2:3, we need to multiply both sides of the ratio by a common factor that will transform 12 into 2 and 7 into 3.

Let's find that common factor:

12 : 2 = 6

7 : 3 = 2.333...

Since 12 can be transformed into 2 by dividing by 6, and 7 can be transformed into 3 by multiplying by 2, the common factor is 6.

Now, let's multiply both sides of the original ratio by 6:

12 * 6 : 7 * 6 = 72 : 42

So, the ratio of apples to pears after adding the appropriate number of pears to the basket to make it 2:3 would be 72:42.

To find out how many pears we need to add, we can subtract the current number of pears (7) from the desired number of pears (42):

42 - 7 = 35

Therefore, we need to add 35 pears to the basket to make the ratio of apples to pears 2:3.

Solve the system of linear equations.
Solve using a graph and explain the steps.


The solution to the system of linear equations is (x,y) = (0,1).

Describe Linear Equation?

A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which the highest power of the variable is one. It represents a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane.

Linear equations are used to model many real-world situations, such as distance versus time, cost versus quantity, and temperature versus time. They are also used to solve problems in mathematics, physics, engineering, economics, and many other fields.

The slope of a line represents the rate of change of y with respect to x, and can be calculated by dividing the change in y by the change in x between any two points on the line.

In summary, a linear equation is a mathematical expression that represents a straight line and is used to model and solve problems in many fields.

To solve this system of linear equations:

1/3x + y = 1 --------(1)

2x + 6y = 6 --------(2)

We can use the elimination method, which involves adding or subtracting the equations to eliminate one of the variables.

Multiplying equation (1) by 6, we get:

2x + 6y = 6

Now we can subtract equation (1) from this to eliminate y:

(2x + 6y) - (2x + 2y) = 6 - 2

4y = 4

y = 1

Substituting y = 1 into equation (1), we get:

1/3x + 1 = 1

1/3x = 0

x = 0

Therefore, the solution to the system of linear equations is (x,y) = (0,1).

To know more about elimination visit:


The half-life of Radium-226 is 1590 years. If a sample contains 300 mg, how many mg will remain after 2000 years? ---------



data given

half life of Ra is 1590 years

time for decay is 2000 years

initial amount 300mg

Required final amount

Step-by-step explanation:




nt is final amount

no is initial amount

t is time for decay

t1/2 is half life





nt= 0.42×300


: .it will remain 126gm

The Giant Wheel at Cedar Point is a circle with diameter 126 feet which sits on an
12 foot tall platform, resulting in an overall height of 138 feet. Find an equation for the wheel assuming that its center lies on the y-axis and that the ground is the x -axis.


The equation of the Giant Wheel is: x²+ y² - 150y + 1656 = 0

what is a circle?

A circle is a closed, two-dimensional object where every point in the plane is equally spaced from a central point. The line of reflection symmetry is formed by all lines that traverse the circle. Additionally, every angle possesses rotational symmetry around the centre.

what is equation of a circle?

The group of points whose separation from a fixed point has a constant value are represented by a circle. The radius of the circle, abbreviated r, is a constant that describes this fixed point, which is known as the circle's centre. The usual equation for a circle with a centre at (x 1, y 1 ) and a radius of r is ( x- x 1 )² + ( y- y 1 )² = r²

We can start by finding the center of the circle. Since the circle is centered on the y-axis, we know that the x-coordinate of the center is 0. To find the y-coordinate, we can use the fact that the platform is 12 feet tall and the overall height of the wheel is 138 feet. This means that the center of the circle is 12 + 63 = 75 feet above the ground, so the y-coordinate of the center is 75.

Next, we can use the formula for the equation of a circle centered at (h, k) with radius r:

(x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

Since the center of the circle is at (0, 75) and the diameter is 126 feet, the radius is 63 feet. Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

x² + (y - 75)² = 63²

Simplifying, we have:

x² + y² - 150y + 5625 = 3969

x² + y² - 150y + 1656 = 0

So the equation of the Giant Wheel is:

x² + y² - 150y + 1656 = 0

To know more about circle visit:


The manager of Tea for Us has been ordering stock based on the assumption that 51% of her customers prefer black teas. The following hypotheses are given:

H0: p = 0.51

H1: p ≠ 0.51

She sampled 158 of her customers and found that only 41% of those preferred black teas. At the 0.10 significance level, can the null hypothesis be rejected?

a. State the decision rule. (Negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. Round the final answers to 2 decimal places.)

(Click to select)
(Click to select)
H1 if z >
or z <

b. Compute the value of the test statistic. (Negative answer should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)

Value of the test statistic

c. What is your decision regarding the null hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is
(Click to select)


a. The decision rule for this hypothesis test is: Reject H0 if the test statistic z is less than -1.645 or greater than 1.645. b. The test statistic for this hypothesis test is:  -2.05.

What is hypothesis?

In statistics, a hypothesis is an assumption or claim about a population parameter that can be tested by collecting and analyzing sample data.

According to given information:

a. The decision rule for this hypothesis test is:

Reject H0 if the test statistic z is less than -1.645 or greater than 1.645.

b. The sample proportion of customers who prefer black teas is:

= 0.41

The population proportion under the null hypothesis is:

p = 0.51

The sample size is:

n = 158

The test statistic for this hypothesis test is:

[tex]z = ( - p) / \sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n)[/tex]

[tex]= (0.41 - 0.51) / \sqrt(0.51 * 0.49 / 158)[/tex]

[tex]= -2.05[/tex]

c. The test statistic z of -2.05 is less than the critical value of -1.645, so we can reject the null hypothesis H0. At the 0.10 significance level, there is enough evidence to suggest that the proportion of customers who prefer black teas is not 0.51, and the manager of Tea for Us should consider adjusting their stock orders accordingly.

To know more about hypothesis visit:


Lily has 4 cup of grape juice and Lela hqs 7 cup of orange juice they combine the juice to make punch juice how many 1/2 cup serving of punch juice can they make?


22. 4+7=11, but you want to only use half cups not whole, so multiply by 2
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