powerful people are likely to a. touch others. b. all of these. c. smile.


Answer 1

Option b is correct. Powerful people are likely to touch others and smile. It's a common perception that those in positions of authority smile more frequently than those who don't.

Studies have found that those in leadership posts frequently exhibit more pleasant emotions, such as smiling, than those in subordinate roles, giving some credence to this concept.

This phenomenon may be explained by the fact that persons in positions of authority tend to be more at ease and expressive since they feel more secure and confident in their position. Furthermore, leaders can utilize smiling to generate rapport and trust with others.

Another idea contends that since influential people frequently engage with others in social and professional contexts, they may just have more opportunity to smile.

Learn more about Powerful people



Related Questions

Donald unthinkingly assumes his younger brother will agree with a plan of his. (cognitive dissonance/explicit attitude/implicit attitude)


Donald is assuming that his younger brother will agree with his plan without considering the possibility that his brother might have a different perspective.

This behavior is related to implicit attitudes, which are the unconscious beliefs and assumptions that people have about others based on social and cultural conditioning.

Implicit attitudes are often formed through repeated exposure to certain ideas or stereotypes, and they can influence our behavior without our conscious awareness.

In this case, Donald's implicit attitude might be that his younger brother is subservient to him or lacks the ability to make decisions independently.

However, this behavior can also be seen as an example of cognitive dissonance, which is the mental discomfort that arises when a person's beliefs or attitudes are challenged by new information.

In this case, Donald's assumption that his brother will agree with him is challenged by the possibility that his brother might have a different opinion, which creates a sense of discomfort or dissonance.

Overall, it is important to recognize and challenge our implicit attitudes and assumptions to ensure that we are making informed and respectful decisions in our interactions with others.

By acknowledging the potential for cognitive dissonance, we can also be more open to considering new perspectives and ideas.

To know more about Implicit attitudes here



how can the jtc commander ensure liaison officers from other agencies, as well as his/her outgoing liaison officers, be successful?


The JTC commander can ensure the success of liaison officers from other agencies as well as outgoing liaison officers by implementing effective communication and coordination protocols.

It is important to establish clear lines of communication and ensure that all parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Regular meetings and briefings can be conducted to ensure that all parties are up-to-date on current developments and can coordinate their efforts accordingly.

Another important aspect is to establish a common operating picture (COP) to ensure that all parties have a shared understanding of the situation. This can be achieved through the use of technology and data sharing platforms. The JTC commander can also establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure that all liaison officers are following a consistent approach and are aware of best practices.

In addition, the JTC commander can provide training and support to liaison officers to ensure they are adequately prepared for their role. This can include training on communication protocols, cultural awareness, and conflict resolution. Finally, it is important for the JTC commander to establish a culture of collaboration and mutual support among all liaison officers to ensure that everyone is working together towards a common goal.

For more such questions on liaison officers



true or false a type of non-physician health care provider who typically completes a 33-month graduate curriculum and may provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive health care services.


A network is a group of doctors who have signed a contract with a third-party payer to provide health care to people who are enrolled in the payer's health plan. The answer is true.

We refer to a provider as being in the network when they accept your health insurance plan. We likewise call them taking part suppliers. At the point when you go to a specialist or supplier who doesn't take your arrangement, we express they're out of the organization.

An organization alludes to the gatherings of specialists, labs, clinics, medical procedure places, and other people who have an agreement with your medical services supplier to give clinical consideration. If you use service providers outside of the network, some plans restrict your options or charge you more.

Whether the patient is in an ambulatory or hospital setting, the physician provides ongoing care. They deal with and treat a wide range of medical conditions, including minor cuts, mental health, palliative care, and surgical procedures.

To learn more about health care here



True. The type of non-physician health care provider described in the question is likely a nurse practitioner. They typically complete a graduate-level nursing program and are authorized to provide a range of health care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

The enhancement of health through the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration, or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental disabilities in humans is known as health care, or healthcare. Health professionals and other allied health areas provide healthcare.

The term "health care services" refers to any services rendered by a health care professional or by a person operating under their direction.

Every Indian citizen has access to free public healthcare. 18% of all outpatient treatment and 44% of all inpatient care are provided by the public health sector in India. In India, people of middle and high class tend to use public healthcare less frequently than people with lower standards of living.

To know more about health care services, click here:



ethanol is the type of alcohol found in spirits, beer and wine. true false


False. While ethanol is a type of alcohol, it is not the only type found in spirits, beer, and wine.

Methanol and isopropanol are also types of alcohol, but they are not typically consumed as they can be harmful to humans. Ethanol, however, is the type of alcohol that is safe for human consumption and is found in alcoholic beverages.

It is important to note that not all alcohols are the same and some can be dangerous or even toxic. Ethanol is the type of alcohol that is safe for human consumption and is found in various alcoholic beverages.

To know more about ethanol click on below link :



what is the term for abstract ideas that exist independent of whether they are observed or practiced?


The term for abstract ideas that exist independent of whether they are observed or practiced is "a priori concepts" or "a priori knowledge." These ideas or concepts are considered innate, existing independently of observation or experience.

A priori ("from the earlier") and a posteriori ("from the later") are Latin phrases used in philosophy to distinguish types of knowledge, justification, or argument by their reliance on empirical evidence or experience. A priori knowledge is independent from current experience (e.g., as part of a new study). Examples include mathematics, tautologies, and deduction from pure reason. A posteriori knowledge depends on empirical evidence. Examples include most fields of science and aspects of personal knowledge. The terms originate from the analytic methods found in Organon, a collection of works by Aristotle. Prior analytics (a priori) is about deductive logic, which comes from definitions and first principles. Posterior analytics (a posteriori) is about inductive logic, which comes from observational evidence.

Learn more about priori knowledge here:



the ________ promotes free trade by reducing obstacles to international commerce and enforcing fairness among nations in trading practices.


The World Trade Organization (WTO) promotes free trade by reducing obstacles to international commerce and enforcing fairness among nations in trading practices.

The WTO is an intergovernmental organization that was established in 1995 and currently has 164 member countries. Its primary goal is to facilitate global trade by promoting the reduction of trade barriers and the negotiation of trade agreements.

The WTO also provides a forum for member countries to discuss and resolve trade-related issues and disputes. By promoting free and fair trade, the WTO aims to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and raise living standards around the world.

Learn more about World Trade Organization (WTO)



The World Trade Organization (WTO) promotes free trade by reducing obstacles to international commerce and enforcing fairness among nations in trading practices.

An international group called the World Trade Organization (WTO) exists to advance free and equitable commerce between nations. The company's headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland, and it was founded in 1995. The WTO's primary duties include negotiating and putting into effect trade agreements, settling disputes between members, and offering developing nations technical help and training. 164 nations make up the WTO, which represents more than 98% of global trade. Its main objective is to contribute to making commerce as easy, predictable, and free as possible. Additionally, the group works to guarantee that trade benefits all people and nations, especially those in developing nations. The WTO is governed by a set of policies and guidelines that are accepted by all of its member nations.

Learn more about World Trade Organization here:



pablo doesn't like cartoons, and he doesn't like playing games. obviously, he does not like children. this is an example of .


Pablo's behaviour is an example of a hasty generalization fallacy.

A hasty generalization is a fallacy in which a conclusion is drawn based on insufficient or unrepresentative evidence. In this scenario, the statement "obviously, he does not like children" is a hasty generalization because it jumps to a conclusion about Pablo's feelings toward children based on limited information about his preferences for cartoons and games.

While it may be true that some people who dislike cartoons and games also dislike children, this does not necessarily mean that Pablo falls into this category. It is important to avoid making sweeping generalizations about people based on limited information or stereotypes, and to seek out more complete and accurate information before drawing conclusions.

To know more about behaviour, click here.



which aspect of attention is most important to consider when giving verbal instructions about how to perform a motor skill?


In the context of giving instructions, it is important to ensure that the learner's attention is focused on the specific cues and details necessary for successful execution motor skill. This can be achieved by providing clear and concise instructions, minimizing external distractions, and using visual aids or  demonstrations to help the learner focus their attention on the relevant aspects of the task.

The easiest way to define playing the piano is as a discrete motor ability. Discrete motor skills entail precise, defined movements with a distinct start and finish.

Each note when playing a song on a piano is a discrete movement that is timed and done precisely. While playing the piano may require some broad motor skills, such as moving the hands across the keys, the exact finger movements needed to play each note are more appropriately classified as discrete motor abilities.

Learn more about motor skills here



The most important aspect of attention to consider when giving verbal instructions about performing a motor skill is "focused attention." Focused attention ensures that the learner can concentrate on the essential elements of the motor skill and follow the instructions effectively, leading to better skill acquisition and performance.

When giving verbal instructions about how to perform a motor skill, it is important to consider the selective attention aspect. Selective attention involves the ability to focus on relevant information while ignoring distractions. Therefore, it is crucial to provide clear and concise instructions that highlight the most important aspects of the motor skill while minimizing any unnecessary information or distractions. This will allow the learner to effectively attend to the relevant information and perform the motor skill accurately.

Learn more about motor skill here:



many trait theorists believe personality id not innate but is shaped by one's ?


Many trait theorists believe that personality is not innate but is shaped by one's environment and experiences.

In this context, personality traits are influenced by various external factors, such as upbringing, social interactions, and cultural influences, rather than being solely determined by genetic factors. This perspective emphasizes the role of environmental factors in shaping one's personality throughout one's life.

These theorists argue that while genetics may play a role in determining certain aspects of personality, such as temperament and predispositions, environmental factors such as upbringing, culture, and socialization also have a significant impact on the development of personality traits.

Therefore, personality is seen as the result of both nature and nurture, with both genetic and environmental factors influencing its development.

Learn more about personality:



21. which part of the prefrontal cortex seems to be particularly involved in working memory functions?


The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex part of the prefrontal cortex seems to be particularly involved in working memory functions.

Working memory function is vital in the prefrontal cortex. According to a particular interpretation, this brain area is directly involved in information storage. Nevertheless, the PFC additionally has a connection to working memory control.

The majority of existing information implies that the hippocampus alongside other similar structures in the frontal lobe performs memory activities.

The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is being discovered to be engaged in superordinate control functions for a variety of cognitive activities including decision-making, novelty detection, a memory that works, conflict resolution, mood regulation, theory of mind manufacturing, and timing.

Learn more about the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex here:



in their research on group dynamics, lewin, lippitt, and white found the ____ group to be highly aggressive.
a. democratic
b. authoritarian
c. laissez-faire
d. largest


In their research on group dynamics, Lewin, Lippitt, and White found the authoritarian group to be highly aggressive. The correct option is B

This research aimed to study the impact of different leadership styles on group dynamics and behavior. The authoritarian group was characterized by a leader who made all the decisions, demanded obedience, and controlled the members.

This leadership style led to a high level of aggression among group members, as they were not allowed to participate in decision-making and felt controlled. In contrast, the democratic group, which allowed for member participation and decision-making, demonstrated lower aggression levels.

The laissez-faire group, with minimal leader involvement, also showed less aggression. Overall, the authoritarian leadership style was found to be the most aggressive in terms of group dynamics.

To know more about authoritarian refer here:



barbara has been having problems with her boss. every time she gets in a big argument with him, she finds herself talking about it with her friends and family. barbara is using the coping strategy also known as:


After having disagreements with her supervisor, Barbara is utilizing the coping method of social support by talking about her issues with her friends and family.

What is the main distinction between the triggers for problem-focused and emotion-focused coping?

Problem-focused coping is confronting stress head-on and taking steps to address the root cause. Instead of solving the issue, emotion-focused coping emphasizes managing your feelings and your reaction to it.

What is an illustration of a behavioral stress?

Behaviors include avoiding tasks, having sleep issues, having trouble finishing work projects, fidgeting, trembling, tensing up, clenching their fists, sobbing, and altering their eating, smoking, or drinking habits.

To know more about coping visit:



hiring more police officers might not reduce crime because ________.


Hiring more police officers might not reduce crime because the relationship between the number of police officers and crime rates is not always straightforward.

While having more police officers on the streets can deter some crimes, it may not necessarily lead to a significant decrease in crime rates.

One reason for this is that simply adding more officers may not address the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of education, and mental health issues. In addition, if police officers are not well-trained, well-equipped, and well-supported, their presence may not be effective in preventing or solving crimes.

Furthermore, increasing the number of police officers can be costly, and may not be sustainable in the long term without adequate funding and resources. This could lead to a situation where police departments are stretched thin, and officers may not have the time or resources to effectively address all the issues they are facing in their communities.

Ultimately, reducing crime requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond simply hiring more police officers. This could include addressing social and economic factors that contribute to crime, investing in community-based programs and services, and improving the quality of policing and law enforcement practices.

To know more about police officers, visit:



what function is not lateralized in one of the cerebral hemispheres? creativity language-related recognition emotion facial recognition


One of the brain hemispheres DOES NOT lateralize the function of creativity. Option b is Correct.

The left and right halves of lateralized brains may do separate tasks concurrently (e.g., monitoring for predators while searching for food). By avoiding redundancy, one is able to think more clearly. The Broca's and Wernicke's areas, two language centers, are located in the left hemisphere, which is also connected to language functions including vocabulary and grammar formation.

More visuospatial processes including vision, depth perception, and spatial navigation are related to the right hemisphere. The two cerebral hemispheres' functional specialization is referred to as cerebral lateralization. While producing language, most individuals' left hemispheres are more active than their right ones; nevertheless, when doing activities requiring visuospatial skills, the opposite tendency has been seen (Springer and Deutsch 1993). Option b is Correct.

Learn more about lateralized Visit: brainly.com/question/29392860


Correct Question:

What function is NOT lateralized in one of the cerebral hemispheres?

a) emotion

b) creativity

c) facial recognition

d) language-related recognition

consider a public road that anyone is allowed to drive on. if the road is often congested, the road would be considered a ? identify the graph that depicts the good described in the quest


If a public road is often congested, it would be considered a common-pool resource. Therefore, the answer is (a) common resource.

A common-pool resource is a type of resource that is owned and used by a group of people or a community, and where the use of the resource by one individual affects its availability to others. Examples of common-pool resources include fisheries, forests, grazing lands, and irrigation systems.

These resources are often subject to overuse or depletion because individuals have the incentive to take as much as they can, as quickly as possible, before others can do the same. To avoid overuse and depletion, common-pool resources often require some form of collective management, such as rules, regulations, or community governance systems.

Learn more about  common-pool resource



Full Question: Consider a public road that anyone is allowed to drive on. If the road is often congested, the road would be considered a

a. common resource

b. club good

c. public good

d. private good

one challenge to the trait approach to personality is that traits may not be as stable across situations as we think they are. an explanation for this instability is that personality:


one challenge to the trait approach to personality is that traits may not be as stable across situations as we think they are. an explanation for this instability is that personality: is shaped by the situations that we are exposed to.

A different variation of an organism's phenotypic feature is referred to as a phenotypic trait, simply trait, or character state. Phenotypic traits can be inherited or acquired through exposure to the environment, though they frequently result from a combination of the two.

For instance, having eyes is a trait of an organism, whereas the colours blue, brown, and hazel are characteristics. The word "trajectory" is frequently used in genetics to refer to the phenotypic expression of various allele combinations in various individuals within a single population, as in the case of the famous purple vs. white bloom coloring in Gregor Mendel's pea plants.

Learn more about trait here:



Matthew seldom uses language that would imply Jesus' deity. Peter plays a more prominent role in Matthew than in the other Synoptic Gospels. When Jesus commissions and sends out the twelve in Matthew 10, he tells them to go only to "the lost sheep of Israel", not yet to the gentiles.


Matthew uses the language that would imply Jesus deity he uses the language of Greek. Also Peter plays the role that is Synoptic Gospels.

The story of Jesus is provided where the Gospels includes about Messiah, King, Lord and also The Son of David, Son of Man etc. The Gospels had an special interest over the the Jewish Church where Gospels had to apologies to the objection around the Jews. The Jews would also understand the language of Hebrew and Aramaic.

Later Moses would present Jesus as the teacher for Israel with the discourses. There was five subjects that were discoursed to Jesus by Moses. The story of Matthew is about his life where he would be a tax collector and then he started to follow Jesus. As he was Jewish and also an agent in a company he was not so popular compared to other character.

He was an well educated person and he knew to read and write well, he was also good in arithmetic and could write in many languages including Greek.  The Gospels were about the law and righteousness and about the ethic in love between two people. Finally it is all about how people started to follow Jesus. It is a scripted text that shows about a shepherd who had a many number sheep, but astray was a sheep in a hundred sheep where he went in search of the missing sheep.

Here he also discover the principles that includes the 12 principles where he derive the spirits and the mental disorder and also the sickness, diseases and also the authority. Jesus also tells that he lost one of the Kingdom of the God also he also says that the sinners will punished and strayed from the god. The king James in the Bible also states that the lost sheep in the Israel so Jesuses states that he was sent to find the lost sheep of Israel.

To know more about the story about Jesus that includes Peter, Matthew, Gospels follow the link below:



Based on your question, it seems like you are wondering about the way Matthew portrays Jesus in his gospel. It is true that compared to the other Synoptic Gospels, Matthew seldom uses language that would imply Jesus' deity. However, this does not mean that he denies Jesus' divinity altogether. In fact, throughout his gospel, Matthew presents Jesus as the Son of God and emphasizes his authority and power over creation.

One way in which Matthew emphasizes Jesus' authority is through the way he portrays Peter. In Matthew's gospel, Peter is often portrayed as a representative of the disciples and a leader in the early church. This is especially evident in Matthew 16, where Jesus gives Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven and declares that he is the rock upon which he will build his church. This emphasis on Peter's role may be seen as a way of emphasizing Jesus' own authority as the founder and head of the church.

Another way in which Matthew emphasizes Jesus' authority is through his commissioning of the twelve in chapter 10. Although Jesus instructs them to go only to "the lost sheep of Israel" at this point, this is not a denial of his universal authority. Rather, it is a recognition that his primary mission was to the Jewish people, who were the first recipients of God's covenant and promises. Later in Matthew's gospel, Jesus will commission his disciples to go to all nations and make disciples of all people (28:19).

In summary, while Matthew may not use explicit language to imply Jesus' deity, he does present him as the Son of God and emphasizes his authority and power over creation. Additionally, the prominent role of Peter in Matthew's gospel may be seen as a way of emphasizing Jesus' authority as the founder and head of the church. Finally, Jesus' commissioning of the twelve to go to "the lost sheep of Israel" is not a denial of his universal authority, but a recognition of his primary mission at that time.

To read more about Jesus click here



During the Second Great Awakening, some people had sudden religious experiences, such as feeling that they were in the presence of God. Sometimes, these experiences inspired them to change both their lives and the world. One person who had a religious experience was an African American woman named Isabella Baumfree. Place the following events from her life in order.


1. After escaping slavery, Baumfree had a powerful religious experience and became dedicated to practicing Christianity.

2. Baumfree was born into slavery in New York, but she escaped when she was 29 years old.

3. When people questioned whether women should be anti-slavery speakers, Truth stood up for her right to keep speaking.

4. Inspired by her faith, Baumfree changed her life and later changed her name to Sojourner Truth. She traveled the country giving anti-slavery sermons.



2, 1, 4 3


i think i have done this before this should be correct

in the story of the widow and her offering, jesus was impressed with the widow because she _______________________________.


In the story of the widow and her offering, Jesus was impressed with the widow because she gave all she had, while the wealthy people gave only a small portion of their wealth.

The story is found in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4 in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. According to the story, Jesus was in the temple observing people making their offerings. Many wealthy people gave large sums of money, but a poor widow came and gave two small coins, which was all she had.

Jesus then remarked that the widow had given more than all the others because she had given all she had, while the others had given only a small portion of their wealth. The story is often interpreted as a lesson in giving and the importance of giving from the heart, rather than giving for the sake of appearances or obligation.

To know more about Jesus, click here.



An individual's personal estimate of the chance of loss is a(n)
A) objective probability.
B) objective risk.
C) subjective probability.
D) a priori probability.


Subjective probability is an individual's personal estimate of the chance of loss. It is based on an individual's beliefs, values, and experiences and is not necessarily based on empirical data.

Subjective probability is a subjective assessment of how likely it is that a particular event will occur. This type of probability is often more difficult to measure than objective probability, which relies on empirical data.

For example, an individual may estimate the probability of winning the lottery based on their beliefs and values, rather than the actual probability of winning the lottery based on empirical data.

Subjective probability is an important factor to consider when making decisions, as it can affect the decisions an individual makes and the risks they are willing to take.

Know more about empirical data here



in obsessive-compulsive disorder, compulsions relieve or offset troubling obsessions. in the terminology of operant conditioning, compulsions are therefore maintained through:


In obsessive-compulsive disorder, compulsions relieve or offset troubling obsessions. In the terminology of operant conditioning, compulsions are therefore maintained through negative reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement is a process whereby a behavior is strengthened by the removal or avoidance of a negative or aversive stimulus.In the case of OCD, the negative or aversive stimulus is the distress or anxiety caused by the obsessive thoughts or intrusive impulses.

The compulsive behaviors serve to relieve or offset this distress, providing temporary relief or a sense of control. As a result, the compulsive behaviors are reinforced through negative reinforcement, increasing the likelihood that they will be repeated in the future.

To know more about disorder, click here.



terms such as "first world, second world, and third world" have come to be considered politically insensitive although they are often still used. today, these are more frequently referred to as


Terms such as "first world, second world, and third world" have come to be considered politically insensitive, and today they are more frequently referred to as "developed countries," "developing countries," and "least developed countries."

The terms "first world, second world, and third world" originated during the Cold War and were used to describe the geopolitical division between capitalist countries (first world), communist countries (second world), and the non-aligned countries (third world). However, these terms are now considered outdated and offensive because they are associated with a time when countries were grouped together based on political ideologies rather than their level of development.

The use of the terms "developed countries," "developing countries," and "least developed countries" is more accurate and less politically charged. Developed countries refer to those with advanced economies and high standards of living, while developing countries are those with less developed economies and lower standards of living.

learn more about developed countries here:



whenever alessandra experiences problems in her relationship with her partner, she typically talks to her family about her troubles. alessandra is using a(n) coping strategy called .


Whenever Alessandra experiences problems in her relationship with her partner, she typically talks to her family about her troubles. Alessandra is using a coping strategy called "social support seeking".

This strategy involves seeking emotional, informational, or practical support from other people in one's social network during times of stress or difficulty. By seeking support from her family, Alessandra is using their relationship to help her manage her relationship with her partner.

When faced with challenging circumstances, people look for social assistance. They might ask for help, express their emotions and opinions, or request resources from others. Problem-solving was highly connected with seeking social help. Nearly all of us, according to experts, benefit from social and emotional support. In addition, having great social support might actually increase your ability to handle challenges on your own by boosting your sense of autonomy and self-worth.

To learn more about Social support seeking, click here:



how is the data from polls processed and used by political actors in the formation of policy


The data from polls is processed and used by political actors to gain insights into public opinion on various issues, candidates, and policies.

This information is used to shape political campaigns, craft messaging, and develop policy platforms. Political actors use data analysis techniques to identify trends and patterns in the data, and then use this information to make strategic decisions. For example, if a poll indicates that a particular policy is not popular with voters, a politician may choose to adjust or abandon that policy position.

Polls can also help politicians identify which issues are most important to their constituents and tailor their messaging accordingly. Overall, polls serve as a tool for politicians to gauge public sentiment and make informed decisions in their policy-making process.

To learn more about data from polls, here



When cooking a hamburger, how many times should you even out the patty?


Option A is correct, When cooking a hamburger, you should even out the patty once.

The meat will get tough and dry if it is turned over frequently, and it will stick if you flip the burgers too quickly. For rare, medium-rare, medium, and well-done, cook for two, three, four, and five minutes per side, respectively. Each burger's juice just flows out onto the flame when the cook presses down on it with a spatula, carrying all of its flavor and moisture with it. Let your hamburgers cook in solitude and retain their natural juiciness. The terms 4/1 (four patties to a pound) and 3/1 (three patties to a pound), which results in somewhat thicker patties, are used.

To learn more about hamburger, click at:



When cooking a hamburger, it is recommended to even out the patty just once before placing it on the grill or in the pan. Hence, option A is correct.

The word "hamburger" is derived from Hamburg, Germany, when a dish resembling minced beef was first developed. All of our burgers are created with entire cuts of beef that are 100% British and Irish, and nothing else is added after the meat has been cooked but a dash of salt and pepper. A hamburger, or simply burger, is a sandwich made up of a patty of ground meat—typically beef—that is sandwiched between two slices of bread. One distinction between a burger and a sandwich is that the latter is made by assembling the ingredients of meat and greens between two slices of flatbread. On the other hand, the former is made by sandwiching the dressing between two bun slices.

This helps to ensure even cooking and a uniform shape. So the answer is one time.

To learn more about hamburger, click here:



the degree to which people put forth effort to achieve their target refers to what component of motivation


The degree to which people put forth effort to achieve their target refers to the intensity component of motivation.

Intensity component of motivation is the level of effort and energy that an individual puts into achieving a goal. It is a measure of how much an individual wants to succeed in a task or goal. High intensity indicates high motivation, while low intensity suggests low motivation.

Therefore, the degree of effort exerted towards achieving a target is an indicator of the intensity of motivation.

To know more about motivation click on below link :



a state in which the fluid outside an axon has a mostly postitive charge and the fluid inside the axon has a mostly negative harge is called what?


This state is called the "resting membrane potential." In the resting membrane potential, the outside of the axon has a mostly positive charge, while the inside of the axon has a mostly negative charge. This difference in charge is maintained by ion channels and pumps, such as the sodium-potassium pump, which help regulate the flow of ions across the axon membrane.

The resting membrane potential is a type of electrical potential energy that exists across the plasma membrane of a neuron when it is not being stimulated. This potential difference is generated by the uneven distribution of ions, such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and calcium (Ca2+), inside and outside the axon

In the resting state, there is a higher concentration of Na+ ions outside the cell, and a higher concentration of K+ ions inside the cell. This creates an electrochemical gradient, where the positively charged Na+ ions are attracted to the negatively charged interior of the neuron, while the positively charged K+ ions are repelled by it.

To know more about axon - https://brainly.com/question/2015960


In the past, observations in uncontrolled case studieswere often made in retrospect.


In the past, observations in uncontrolled case studieswere often made in retrospect. In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and famine, the body enters a state of ketosis. This statement is True.

When your body is in ketosis, it switches to burning fat for energy instead of glucose. The ketogenic diet may help with weight loss, energy boosts, and the treatment of chronic illnesses, among other things.

However, the diet might have undesirable side effects, like constipation and "keto" breath. In physiological ketosis, blood ketone levels rise over normal ranges, but the body's acid-base balance is kept in check.Contrastingly, ketoacidosis causes metabolic acidosis, a medical emergency, and is characterised by an unchecked synthesis of ketones in pathologic situations. The most frequent cause of ketoacidosis in people with type 1 diabetes or late-stage type 2 diabetes is total insulin insufficiency. Ketone levels can be detected in the range of 0.5 to 0.5 in blood, urine, or breath

To know more about Ketosis visit:



In the past, observations in uncontrolled case studies were often made in retrospect. In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and famine, the body enters a state of ketosis. This statement is True.

When your body is in ketosis, it switches to burning fat for energy instead of glucose. The ketogenic diet may help with weight loss, energy boosts, and the treatment of chronic illnesses, among other things.However, the diet might have undesirable side effects, like constipation and "keto" breath. In physiological ketosis, blood ketone levels rise over normal ranges, but the body's acid-base balance is kept in check.Contrastingly, ketoacidosis causes metabolic acidosis, a medical emergency, and is characterised by an unchecked synthesis of ketones in pathologic situations. The most frequent cause of ketoacidosis in people with type 1 diabetes or late-stage type 2 diabetes is total insulin insufficiency. Ketone levels can be detected in the range of 0.5 to 0.5 in blood, urine, or breath

learn more about effects here:https://brainly.com/question/30664353


the amish, the hutte rites, and the mennonites are all examples of societies that live in the violent united states without, for the most part, having become violent themselves. what is a similar type of nonviolent culture that resides in southern mexico?


A similar type of nonviolent culture that resides in southern mexico is Zapata.

Despite being known for their nonviolent beliefs and lifestyles, the Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites, and Zapata communities do occasionally engage in violent acts. Although there may be disagreements inside these groups or with outside parties, these issues are often resolved without violence by measures like as forgiveness, reconciliation, or avoidance.

In Mexico's southern state of Chiapas, there is a group of indigenous people referred to as Zapata. They have a distinctive culture and language and are descendants from the ancient Maya civilisation. The Zapata people have a strong bond with the land and have historically engaged in subsistence farming. Conflicts with the Mexican government and drug gangs have also resulted in bloodshed and relocation for these people.

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ethnicity is a. a characteristic distinguished by common cultural background b. increasingly diverse in american and canadian societies c. still the source of difference in pastime interests d. all of the above e. a and c only


Ethnicity is  a characteristic distinguished by common cultural background. furthermore, It is increasingly diverse in American and Canadian societies. But, It is not considered as the source of difference in pastime interest.

Therefore, the correct answer after evaluating the given question is Option D.

Ethnicity refers to a large group of people that share a common culture, language, history, set of traditions, morals, etc. It helps to recognize the difference between people mostly based on the subject of language along with shared culture.

Its core meaning depends on cultural attributes such as practices, beliefs, and language. Some examples of Ethnicity are


To learn more about Ethnicity,



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