Question 2

1 pts

Here people line up to lay claim to government-subsidized apartments. The

government seeks to meet the basic needs of all people. Every citizen receives free

education, free medical service, organized vacation trips, pensions, and access to day

care centers for small children of working parents.



O Freedom


Answer 1

Customers of health care services may be taken advantage of by private vendors, particularly monopolies, as they have limited knowledge about the caliber of facilities offered.

The decision of a nation's government to offer free medical care to its population depends on a variety of factors. Explanation: It ought to do so because: Health care facilities' effects on their patients are long-lasting and irreversible. Health care facilities are a basic human right, but in a developing nation many people will not be able to afford them from high-priced private vendors. Customers of health care services may be taken advantage of by private vendors, particularly monopolies, as they have limited knowledge about the caliber of facilities offered. However, as was already said, if people have access to health care as a fundamental amenity, it may lower their motivation to work and make them unmotivated to do so.

Learn more about Health care facilities here:


The complete question is:

Here people wait in line to claim government subsidized apartments. The government seeks to meet the basic needs of all people. Every citizen receives free education, free medical services, organized vacations, and a pension. Working parents receive access to day-care centers for small children.

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What is the Columbian Exchange ? Explain in 1 sentence.



In Explanation


The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres following the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. The exchange was a result of the increased contact between the Old World and the New World that began with the voyages of Columbus and other European explorers.

The exchange had a profound impact on the environment, economy, and society of both hemispheres. New World crops such as corn, potatoes, and tomatoes were introduced to Europe, Africa, and Asia, which allowed for the growth of larger populations and led to a significant increase in agricultural productivity. Old World animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs were also introduced to the Americas and had a significant impact on the environment and the economy.

The exchange also brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza to the Americas, which decimated the indigenous population.

The exchange was a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that had far-reaching consequences for the people and environments of both the Old World and the New World.

(Please give Brainlist)

Overall,are theses laws regarding family just ? This is ,are they fair to the accused? Yo the victim? To society as a whole ?


King Hammurabi's Code was fair because it protected the weak in family, injury, and property problems.

Hammurabi's code was just because it restored property, protected the weak, and helped people through bad times. First of all, Hammurabi's code was just to family laws. The Code of Hammurabi includes many harsh punishments, sometimes demanding the removal of the guilty party's tongue, hands, breasts, eye, or ear.

But the code is also one of the earliest examples of an accused person being considered innocent until proven guilty. If a man sets his face to disinherit his son and says to the judges.


Yes, the laws regarding family were just.

The Hammurabi laws established norms for business dealings and imposed fines and penalties to satisfy the demands of justice. Because it returned property, defended the weak, and assisted individuals in difficult times, the law was just. First of all, only family laws were covered by Hammurabi's code. The law stipulated a number of severe penalties, some of which called for the removal of the offender's tongue, hands, eye, or ear.

They were also approved because, in one of the physical laws, they were defending the cheating wife, and in the other, they were defending the father. According to Hammurabi, his code was created to safeguard the helpless. But the code is also among the oldest instances of the idea that a person is presumed innocent unless and unless proven guilty. If a man says to the judges that he wants to disinherit his son.

Read more about family laws on:


what were the main features of the articles of confederation? how well did the articles of confederation and constitution promote the ideas in the declaration of independence?


The United States' first constitution, the Articles of Confederation, was ratified by the Continental Congress. The Articles of Confederation were not ratified by all thirteen states, nevertheless.

The 13 states of the United States of America, originally the Thirteen Colonies, came to an agreement known as the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, which functioned as the country's initial system of governance. The Second Continental Congress adopted it on November 15, 1777, following lengthy discussion between July 1776 and November 1777, and it was then forwarded to the states for ratification. On March 1, 1781, the Articles of Confederation became operative after being ratified by every state. Establishing and upholding the states' independence and sovereignty was one of the Articles' guiding principles. Only those powers that the former colonies had acknowledged as being the property of the monarch and parliament were granted to the feeble central authority constituted by the Articles.

Learn more about Articles of Confederation here:


what templar is this


Answer: order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Est. 1099

All of the following contributed to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment legislating Prohibition in 1919 EXCEPT
A. The continued efforts of the Anti-Saloon League
B. The fervor of the First World War lending patriotism to the cause of prohibition
C. The Progressive belief in social reform
D. The cumulative impact of state prohibition laws
E. The high death toll from alcohol-related automobile accidents


The high death toll from alcohol-related automobile accidents did not contribute to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment legislating Prohibition in 1919. Thus option E is the correct.

The passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, which legislated Prohibition in the United States, was influenced by a number of factors. One of the main factors was the continued efforts of the Anti-Saloon League, a powerful lobbying group that had been pushing for prohibition for decades.

The fervor of the First World War, which was seen as a patriotic cause, also lent support to the prohibition movement.

Progressives believed in social reform and saw prohibition as a way to improve society. Additionally, many states had already enacted their own prohibition laws, which helped to build momentum for a national prohibition law.

Learn more about EXCEPT:


southern supporterds pf slavery in the mid-1800s generallly believed that


Southern supporters of slavery in the mid-1800s generally believed that:  B. states had the right to leave the United States at any time.

Who are the Southern supporters of slavery?

The Southern supporters of slavery were those that  were in support of slavery in the mid 1800s based on the fact that they do not want slavery to be abolish.

This southern supporters of slavery do not want an end to be put to slavery because they believed that slavery was what help to put food on the table of the   people that were been used as slaves.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Learn more about  Southern supporters of slavery  here:


The complete question is:

Southern supporters of slavery in the mid-1800s generally believed that:

OA. only a small minority of people in the North opposed slavery.

O B. states had the right to leave the United States at any time.

OC. the Constitution was an outdated document that needed to be


OD. the federal government should have more power over the states.

Which of the following contributed to Spain's importation of enslaved people
to the Americas?


The increasing use of indentured servants in the Caribbean .The spread of Spanish missionaries into portions of Florida.

How did the seasoning period affect European colonists and enslaved Africans?

Following their arrival in the Americas, African slaves were subjected to a period of adjustment known as "seasoning," or "the Seasoning." Though this word has occasionally been used in contemporary studies to allude to the brief period of acclimatization that European immigrants to the Americas went through, it most usually and properly referred to the process that enslaved people went through.

In this colonial setting, slave dealers used the term "seasoning" to describe the process of acclimating the enslaved Africans to the foreign terrain, ecology, cuisine, and climate of the Americas. The phrase described the process of an enslaved individual adjusting to their new physical surroundings as well as their new social milieu, work schedule, and language.

to learn more about slaves click:


What happened to the influence of the Catholic Church as the crusades were not successful?


Answer: The Crusades were successful failures because they did not meet many of their goals, but left lasting effects


which powers does the constitution grant the president?


Executive orders are documents that the president can issue to direct executive offices or to explain and advance current laws.

Executive orders are documents that the president can issue to direct executive offices or to explain and advance current laws. Additionally, the President has the authority to grant clemencies and pardons for federal offences.

The Presidency's Powers

serve as the military's commander in chief. Armed forces officers are promoted. Pardon and grant reprieves for federal offences (except impeachment) Call extraordinary sessions of Congress.

The United States has only one President. This one individual must simultaneously perform a variety of duties. These positions are the commander in chief, chief diplomat, chief administrator, chief executive, chief lawmaker, chief of the executive branch, chief of the party, and chief citizen.

The President has the authority to grant clemencies and pardons for federal offences.

For more questions on Power of President


The Constitution grants the President of the United States several powers, including Executive power, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Power of veto, and Pardon power.

Executive power: The President is the head of the executive branch of the government and is responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces: The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States and has the power to send troops into battle, make treaties with other nations, and appoint military leaders.

Power of veto: The President has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress, though Congress can override a veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Pardon power: The President has the power to grant pardons and amnesty to individuals convicted of federal crimes.

To learn more about President


Imagine eeing a fitting monument to Black American in the Civil War. Decribe what it would look like and ound like. Explain how it would make you and other viitor feel.


There are numerous Black Americans who should be honored for their contributions during the Civil War.

One more is Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, a Union officer and college professor who received the Medal of Honor for his valor during the Battle of Gettysburg. Black Americans' efforts to the Civil War should not be forgotten because they had a big impact on the war's result and the eventual abolition of slavery. Their bravery and sacrifices need to be honored. There are numerous options for a memorial honoring Black Americans who fought in the Civil War. A statue or bust of a notable Black American military personage, like Robert Smalls or Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, is one concept. A memorial wall or plaque with the names of all Black Americans who served in the military is another possibility.

Learn more about Black Americans here:


Which of the following headlines might one find in an early Roman news epistle?
O Local News: Runaway Chariot Runs Over Pedestrians on Coliseum Drive
Government Section: The Latest Senate Ruling on the Taxation of Bread
Weekend Sports: Gladiators vs. the Wild Beasts: A Fight to the Death!
O Gossip Column: Julius Caesar Takes a Vacation in Egypt: Trouble Ensues!


Weekend Sports: Gladiators vs. the Wild Beasts: A Fight to the Death! could be a potential headline one can find in an early Roman news epistle.

What is a news headline?

A newspaper headline is a very brief summary of a news story. It is usually written in large letters above the report.

Headlines' grammar is frequently non-standard, making them difficult to read. The main characteristics of headline grammar are the use of a series of nouns and the use of ellipsis (leaving out words which are not necessary). We frequently omit articles (a/an, the) and verbs (especially the verb to be):

Even when the report refers to a past event, headlines frequently use the present simple. This is done to make the news appear more dramatic and immediate.

Learn more about newspaper headline


What doe preident harding mean when he ay that liberty and civilization are ineparable?


President Harding means that a free society and the progress of civilization are dependent on one another, and cannot be separated.

President Harding is expressing the idea that liberty and civilization are dependent on each other, they are inextricably linked. He is saying that without individual freedom, society and civilization cannot progress and without progress, individuals cannot be truly free.

He believes that the concept of liberty, or the freedom of individuals, is essential for the advancement of civilization. The progress of society and the development of culture, technology, and institutions rely on the presence of freedom and individual rights.

He is emphasizing that the two concepts are mutually dependent on one another and cannot be separated. This statement is a reflection of President Harding's political ideology, which emphasizes individual rights, freedom, and democracy.

For more questions like President Harding click the link below:


What does President Harding mean when he say that liberty and civilization are ineparable?

battles where first shots of american revolution were fired is


The Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, marked the official start of the Revolutionary War, which had been preceded by years of turmoil and intermittent violence.

DeCosta 29 July 1775 The "Shot Heard Round the World" began with the opening salvos fired at Lexington, Massachusetts shortly after sunrise on April 19. A group of 500 colonial militiamen were outnumbered and first forced to flee.

The British army fired its first shot of the First World War in tiny Togo, then known as Togoland, in West Africa, not on the Western Front. On August 7, 1914, three days after Britain declared war on Germany, it happened.

The complete Question is-

In which battles the first shots of American revolution were fired?

To know more about War, click here:


which resource management task enables resource coordination


Track and Report resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident.

Resource tracking is done by incident managers using defined processes from mobilisation to demobilisation. Prior to, during, and after an incident, resources are tracked.

Planning, estimating and obtaining resources, developing and managing people, and regulating physical resources are all aspects of resource management.

The complete Question is-

Which resource management task enables resource coordination throughout the incident?

To know more about resource, click here:


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence about civic institutions.

Civic institutions that create and enforce laws are _____.

Civic institutions involved in education include _____.

Civic institutions for people with a common faith are _____.

People with common _____ might join a political group.


Governments, public schools, religious organizations, concerns.

in 1821, mexico won its independence from which european nation? Italy


In 1821, Mexico won its independence from Spain.

Even though the Spanish crown first disapproved of O'Donoj's declaration of Mexican independence, it is today accepted that the country officially broke away from the old country on August 24, 1821. After a protracted period of time as part of the Spanish Empire, Mexico attained independence and established the First Mexican Empire under the command of military leader Agustin de Iturbide, a royalist.

A federal republic was established by the Constitution of 1824 three years later. The nation was left in a dire situation after winning independence in 1821. Over 500,000 Mexicans died during the war, and agricultural, mining, and industrial production all declined. Mexico was a young nation that was having trouble becoming a nation.

The correct answer is option C.

Know more about Mexico here


one factor essential to the development of early civilizations was?


Answer: Fertile Land.

Explanation: Fertile land is essential for farming and plant growth, which feeds animals. AS my history teacher actually says, "If you cant feed your people, you die."

w(sourcing) what paper did this appear in? what do you know about this paper and, in particular, its stance on annexation?


The paper "Impact of annexation in the Mexican region" discusses the impact of the annexation on the Mexican region.

This was published in the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. and it also offers a solution to the problem of how to best manage the region's economy and social fabric.

The Mexican region is one of the regions most affected by the ongoing process of annexation by the United States. The region has seen a significant drop in its trade with the United States, as well as a drop in its investments in the United States.

The Mexican region is also experiencing a decline in access to essential US services such as health care and education. The article does not advocate the annexation of the Mexican region, but rather offers a plan to better manage the region's economy and social fabric.

To know more about Annexation:


What does Hoover say that American acceptance of either paternalism or socialism will mean to American way of life


Rugged individualism, a concept derived from the word "individualism," refers to one's independence and reliance on oneself rather than on outside assistance, usually provided by the state or the government.

What did Hoover think about how the American government operated?

He favored a limited role for government because he believed that excessive federal intervention harmed capitalism and individuality. He thought that helping people ought to be done locally and voluntarily. Hoover therefore vetoed a number of proposals that would have provided needy Americans with immediate assistance.

Why is the history of America better because of Herbert Hoover? He is who?

Herbert Hoover was praised as "The Great Humanitarian" before taking office as the 31st President of the United States in 1929–1933 for his work supplying food to war-torn Europe during and after World War I. As a mining engineer, he also achieved success internationally.

Learn more about Herbert Hoover:


In many aspects, the Freedom Riders and attendees of the Freedom Schools are modern-day heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. How did they change everyday life for citizens of the South?



In the explanation


The Freedom Riders and attendees of the Freedom Schools were key figures in the Civil Rights Movement and played a significant role in changing everyday life for citizens of the South.

The Freedom Riders were activists who rode interstate buses throughout the South to challenge the non-enforcement of the Supreme Court decision that banned racial segregation in interstate travel. Their actions, along with the support of civil rights organizations and the federal government, helped to desegregate bus terminals across the South and improved the mobility of African Americans.

The Freedom Schools were also important in the Civil Rights Movement as they provided education and training to African American students, who were often denied equal educational opportunities due to segregation. The Freedom Schools were created to give African American students an education that was more in line with the Civil Rights Movement and more politically active, by teaching them about their rights, political activism and creating a sense of empowerment.

Both Freedom Riders and attendees of the Freedom Schools were risking their lives and freedom to change the status quo, and their actions helped to bring about changes in the law and in the attitudes of many white Southerners. They helped to end the legal segregation and discrimination in public transportation and education, and paved the way for further civil rights gains in the years that followed.

In summary, the Freedom Riders and attendees of the Freedom Schools were key figures in the Civil Rights Movement and played a significant role in changing everyday life for citizens of the South. Their actions helped to desegregate bus terminals, improve the mobility of African Americans, and provide them with better education opportunities.

Need help ASAP
1. Today, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, many U.S. citizens and residents of Arab/ Muslim/South Asian ancestry have expressed fear for their lives and worry about their own futures. Sixty years had passed since World War II in 2001; what were the similarities and differences you noted in the quotes?



The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and the fear and worry expressed by U.S. citizens and residents of Arab/ Muslim/South Asian ancestry in the aftermath of those attacks are similar to the fear and worry expressed by Japanese Americans in the aftermath of World War II. In both cases, there was a sense of fear and insecurity among a specific group of people due to their perceived association with a perceived enemy.

One similarity is that both groups of people were targeted and discriminated against as a result of their perceived association with the enemy. After the 9/11 attacks, many Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and South Asian Americans faced discrimination, harassment, and violence. Similarly, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, many Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and were interned in camps due to their perceived association with the enemy.

Another similarity is that both groups of people experienced a loss of civil liberties and constitutional rights. After the 9/11 attacks, many Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and South Asian Americans were subject to surveillance, racial profiling, and other forms of government scrutiny. Similarly, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, many Japanese Americans were forced to give up their homes, businesses, and possessions and were interned in camps without due process or any evidence of wrongdoing.

However, there are also differences between the two situations. One main difference is the scale of the government action. The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II was a larger scale and longer-term government action than the post-9/11 discrimination and harassment of Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and South Asian Americans. Additionally, the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was a formal and official government policy, while the post-9/11 discrimination and harassment of Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and South Asian Americans were more informal and not officially sanctioned by the government.

Another difference is the legal response. The internment of Japanese Americans during WWII was later deemed as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States (1944), while the post-9/11 discrimination and harassment of Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and South Asian Americans have not yet received any legal repercussions.

In conclusion, while there are similarities between the fear and worry expressed by U.S. citizens and residents of Arab/ Muslim/South Asian ancestry in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the fear and worry expressed by Japanese Americans in the aftermath of World War II, there are also important differences, such as the scale and legal response of the government actions.

History! Help Me!! Please Giving Brainlest
What does President Mckinley mean when he says “the United States has not been an indifferent spectator”


In 1898, President William McKinley hesitated before launching a war against Spain. The previous president who fought in the Civil War declared that he had witnessed too much carnage at battles like Antietam to be enthused about going to war with Spain.

What actions did President McKinley take to ensure the safety of Americans living in Cuba, and what results did they produce?

McKinley still sent the American battleship Maine to Havana harbor in response to skirmishes between pro-Spanish protestors there in January 1898 in order to defend American residents and property as well as to demonstrate that the United States still valued Spain's alliance. This contrasted with Spain's more permissive policies.

What motives did McKinley have?

In order to avert a conflict, President McKinley persuaded the Spanish government to deal diplomatically with the Cuban separatists. It was too late to stop the American public from demanding participation once the Spanish government eventually caved.

Learn more about President William McKinley:


Which of the following was a significant cause of the data shown in the table?
Select one:

increased tariffs and other taxes

more restrictive trade regulations

less reliance on immigrant laborers

decreased production costs


All of the above may be the reasons that may lead to the cause of the data that is in the table.

How does increased tariffs and other taxes affect the table

When the tariff and taxes are increased, it would affect the cost of doing business. It would cause a drop in the table.

How does more restrictive trade regulations affect the table

This would make less people to be able to do business. This is especially in the aspect of imports and exports.

less reliance on immigrant laborers

This would lead to increase in labor cost because more experienced labor would be used.

decreased production costs

This would be positive because it would create an easier way and cheaper way of doing business. There would be a rise of figure in the table.

Read more on increased tariffs here:


Complete question not found

4.) As time went on, the Federal Reserve's role evolved. Following the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve
became responsible for the so-called "dual-mandate" which means they needed to
a.) Keep unemployment high and inflation low
b.) Keep exports high and imports low nojam
c.) Keep unemployment low and inflation low
d.) Keep the money supply low and interest rates high


Following the great depression, the federal reserve became responsible for the so-called "dual-mandate" which means they needed to keep unemployment low and inflation low.

What results from the dual mandate?

The federal reserve system is charged with two tasks: promoting price stability and maximum employment as economic objectives. It achieves this through implementing monetary policy, which is the management of financial conditions that promote progress toward the dual mandate objectives.

The federal reserve must implement monetary policy "so as to effectively achieve the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates," as described by the act of federal reserve.

Know more about dual mandate-


What is a counterclaim?
A: An idea that nobody actually believes in
B: A personal and emotional stance on a topic
C: An idea that presents a contrasting perspective
D: An alternate word for a claim


Answer: C: An idea that presents a contrasting perspective


Pretty sure it's right

Use your own words to describe what happened to the civil rights bill in the senate?


The Senate passed the bill on June 19, 1964, by a vote of 73 to 27. In 2014 the US Senate remembered the 50th commemoration of the Social liberties Act, endorsed into regulation on July 2, 1964, with an extraordinary element that features the Senate's significant job in that authoritative story.

President Lyndon Johnson marked it into regulation only a couple of hours after it was passed by Congress on July 2, 1964. The demonstration banned isolation in organizations like theaters, eateries, and lodgings.

Johnson pushed the bill forward. The US Place of Delegates passed the bill on February 10, 1964, and following a 72-day delay, it passed the US Senate on June 19, 1964. The last vote was 290-130 in the Place of Agents and 73-27 in the Senate.

Learn more about civil rights bill:


is quest diagnostics open on martin luther king day


Yes, quest diagnostics open on Martin Luther King Day. Located in Secaucus, New Jersey, Quest Diagnostics is a clinical health services laboratory.

American Clinical Laboratory Quest Diagnostics Incorporated was founded in 1967. It was initially a Metropolitan Pathology Laboratory before evolving into a separate organization. Quest operates in the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Brazil and is included among the Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, Quest works with other hospitals and clinics across the world. The business provides diagnostic services for cancer, infectious diseases, neurological illnesses, and cardiovascular diseases.

A few businesses close on Martin Luther King Jr. Day because it is a federal holiday. Here is a list of things to expect, however keep in mind that corporate offices, government offices, and banks will be the main entities closed for the day. Most shops, grocers, and restaurants are open.

Know more about Martin Luther:


What was the political impact of the Justinian Code?




The Code of Justinian rationalized hundreds of years' worth of preexisting Roman laws, even though it was not, in and of itself, a new legal code. Conflicts and inconsistencies were resolved, and any prior laws that were not covered by it were repealed.

Additionally, Justinian's Code imposed restrictions on Jews in the Byzantine Empire and started to revoke their right to practice what had previously been a legitimate religion. The code permitted the state to become involved in Jewish religious disputes, and Justinian frequently did so. He put Rome back in charge of the majority of the empire.

The Justinian Code is significant because it provides information on the laws that were in place at the time and the requirements that people had to abide by them.

Why would Britain be more willing to settle
the boder dispute after the Great Wigon Train of 1843?


On June 15, 1846, the Treaty of Oregon was signed by the United States and Great Britain, ending their 28-year occupation of the Pacific Northwest together.

How did Britain and the United States settle their Oregon dispute?

On June 15, 1846, the Treaty of Oregon was signed by the United States and Great Britain, ending their 28-year occupation of the Pacific Northwest together. The border between the two nations was established by the treaty at the 49th parallel.

What was stated in the Oregon Treaty?

Although Vancouver Island remained a part of British North America, the agreement extended the border from the 49th parallel to the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, it was agreed that British residents of Oregon Territory south of the 49th parallel would keep their right to navigate the Columbia River.

Learn more about Treaty of Oregon:


provide at least 12 examples of Bias that you detected throughout the Dont look up Film.


Some examples of biases in the movie Don't look up are:

Government officials do not take the threat seriously because the scientists are not well-knownThe government dismisses their claims that a comet is heading toward earth (America)There is a total wipeout of the earth as the comet hits the earthBy not taking the warning seriously, they failed to shoot down the comet on timeThe president is too "occupied" with "more important things" to take climate change seriouslyWhen the threat is finally taken seriously, the President wants to take credit for finding out about it and "acting quickly"There is more concern about getting more votes in the next election than there is a concern about climate change.

What is Bias?

Bias refers to a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way that is considered unfair. Bias can appear in many forms, including but not limited to, race, gender, age, and political views.

The biases are given above.

Read more about bias here:


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(b) find the average force exerted by the bat on the ball if the two are in contact for 2.0 x 10-3 s convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide is called ? a muon is moving 11 m/s north when it experiences a constant acceleration of 8 m/s2 south. during this period it has a displacement of 444 m south. determine how long the muon was accelerating and what its velocity was when it finished accelerating. Barbara ranafter lunch.3of a mile before lunch and of a mile812How far did she run in all? why does the author argue that enterprise integration is insufficient for future sustainability efforts? Will give brainliestThe arrival of the conquistadors affected every Indigenous people group they encountered. In this activity, you will write letters from the point of view of an Incan and a conquistador. Research the topic on the internet or at the library before writing. 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