Resolved: "That Saw is the best horror movie ever" is an example of which type of proposition?
A. fact
B. value
C. policy
D. definition


Answer 1

The statement "That Saw is the best horror movie ever" is an example of a value proposition.

A fact proposition would be a statement that can be proven or verified as true or false, such as "The Earth revolves around the sun."

A policy proposition would be a statement that proposes a course of action or a solution to a problem, such as "We should implement stricter gun control laws."

A definition proposition would be a statement that defines or explains the meaning of a word or concept, such as "A democracy is a system of government in which power is held by the people."

In contrast, the statement "That Saw is the best horror movie ever" expresses a subjective opinion or value judgment rather than a verifiable fact, a proposed course of action, or a definition of a concept.

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Answer 2

The proposition "That Saw is the best horror movie ever" is an example of a categorical proposition.

Specifically, it is a proposition of quality, stating that Saw is of the highest quality in the category of horror movies. Categorical propositions have a subject and a predicate, and can be either affirmative or negative in quality, and either universal or particular in quantity. In this case, the subject is "Saw" and the predicate is "the best horror movie ever".

The proposition is affirmative in quality, asserting that Saw is the best, and it is particular in quantity, referring to a specific movie rather than all horror movies. Categorical propositions are a fundamental part of traditional logic, and understanding their structure and types can help with critical thinking and analysis.

For more question on categorical  proposition


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the approach of william lloyd garrison and the liberator can be seen as directly challenging the approach of


The approach of William Lloyd Garrison and his newspaper, The Liberator, can be seen as directly challenging the approach of gradual abolitionists and colonizationists.

Garrison was a staunch advocate for the immediate and complete abolition of slavery, rejecting any compromises or incremental measures. In contrast, gradual abolitionists favored a more cautious, step-by-step method to end slavery over time, while colonizationists sought to resettle freed slaves in Africa or other locations.

Through The Liberator, Garrison expressed his unyielding commitment to the cause, using powerful and uncompromising language to condemn slavery as a moral evil. His forceful arguments and refusal to entertain compromise made him a polarizing figure in the abolitionist movement.

Garrison's approach, therefore, stood in stark contrast to that of other anti-slavery advocates who sought a more gradual, pragmatic path towards abolition.

By demanding immediate emancipation, Garrison and The Liberator exposed the shortcomings of gradualism and colonization, pushing the abolitionist movement towards a more radical stance and contributing to the growing tensions between the North and the South leading up to the American Civil War.

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explain one way in which an image such as these can be seen as an example of the political uses of art in the twentieth century


Picasso's Guernica is an example of the political uses of art in the twentieth century, as it was created as a protest against the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica by German and Italian warplanes during the Spanish Civil War, and became an iconic symbol of anti-war activism.

The political uses of art refer to the ways in which artists have used their work to make political statements or to engage with political issues. Throughout the twentieth century, many artists have created works that were explicitly political in nature, often as a response to war, oppression, or social injustice. Examples of politically engaged art from this period include the work of the German expressionists during World War I, the Soviet socialist realist movement, and the American pop art of the 1960s. By using their art as a form of political expression, these artists sought to engage with and influence public discourse and to create a more just and equitable society.

Learn more about political uses of art here:


Which two territories of the Ottoman Empire became British territories because of League of Nations mandates?



The two territories of the Ottoman Empire that became British territories because of League of Nations mandates were Palestine and Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq).

The League of Nations, which was established after World War I, was responsible for assigning mandates to various colonial powers to administer former territories of the defeated Ottoman Empire. The League of Nations mandate for Palestine was granted to the British in 1922, and the mandate for Mesopotamia was granted to the British in 1920.

Under these mandates, the British were responsible for administering the territories and promoting their development, with the eventual goal of preparing them for self-rule. However, the mandates were controversial and faced resistance from local populations, particularly in Palestine, where tensions between Jewish and Arab communities complicated British efforts to govern the territory.


2. Who has the ability to declare war? 3. What does it mean to impeach? 4. How does impeachment work?​



2. The legislative branch has the ability to declare war

3. To impeach means to charge someone (typically a government official) with misconduct (for ex. a serious crime, bribery, treason, or corruption) potentially having them being removed from office

4) The House of Representatives charge the federal government by approving, through a simple majority vote, articles of impeachment; subsequently goes to the senate where a trial takes place to determine whether the official will get impeached or not. If ruled by a two-thirds majority, the official is then impeached and removed from office

in addition to the brutality of the encomienda system, what other factor contributed most to the decline in population among the indigenous peoples of the caribbean in the early sixteenth century?


The major factor that contributed to the decline in population among the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean in the early sixteenth century was the introduction of infectious diseases, which were brought to the region by European explorers and colonizers.

The indigenous populations lacked immunity to these foreign diseases, leading to widespread illness and high mortality rates. In addition to the brutality of the encomienda system, the factor that contributed most to the decline in population among the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean in the early sixteenth century was the introduction of diseases by the Europeans. The indigenous peoples had no immunity to diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, which the Europeans brought with them. As a result, these diseases spread rapidly and decimated the native population, reducing it by up to 90% in some areas. The combination of the encomienda system and the introduction of diseases proved to be a deadly combination for the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean.

Learn more about European explorers here:


In addition to the brutality of the encomienda system, the most significant factor contributing to the decline in population among the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean in the early sixteenth century was the introduction of diseases from Europe.

The Europeans, particularly the Spanish, brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza to the Caribbean, which the indigenous peoples had never encountered and had no immunity against.

These diseases spread rapidly among the native populations, causing widespread illness and high mortality rates. The combination of forced labor, violence, and malnutrition under the encomienda system further weakened the indigenous peoples, making them more susceptible to the devastating effects of these diseases.

As a result, the indigenous population in the Caribbean experienced a rapid and severe decline in the early sixteenth century, significantly altering the demographics and cultural landscape of the region.

For more such questions on encomienda system, click on:


Textbook pages 329-330: Identify 2 democratic changes (reforms) that took place during Jackson's Presidency


Jackson's presidency saw the expansion of suffrage, which eliminated property ownership as a requirement for voting and led to a significant increase in voter participation.

He also implemented the Spoils System, which rewarded his supporters with government positions, creating a more loyal political party, but also led to corruption and inefficiency in government.

What is Jackson's presidency?

During Andrew Jackson's presidency, there were several democratic changes or reforms implemented in the United States. Two of these reforms are:

1. Expansion of suffrage: Jackson's presidency saw a significant expansion of voting rights in the United States. He supported the elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting, which meant that more white men were eligible to vote. This reform led to a significant increase in voter participation in presidential elections, with the number of voters almost doubling between 1824 and 1828.

2. The Spoils System: Jackson also implemented the Spoils System, which was a reform that allowed him to appoint his supporters to government positions as a way of rewarding their loyalty. This was a significant change from previous administrations, where government positions were often awarded based on merit or seniority. The Spoils System allowed Jackson to create a more loyal and cohesive political party, but it also led to corruption and inefficiency in government, as many of the appointees were not qualified for their positions.

To know more about Spoils System, visit:


how did countries in latin america, africa, and asia integrate themselves into the global economy in the late twentieth century? select all that apply.



In the late twentieth century, countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia integrated themselves into the global economy in a variety of ways, including:

Export-oriented growth: Many developing countries pursued export-oriented growth strategies, which involved focusing on the production and export of goods for the global market. This approach was particularly popular in Latin America and Asia, where countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and South Korea became major exporters of manufactured goods and commodities such as oil, soybeans, and electronics.Foreign direct investment: Another way in which developing countries integrated themselves into the global economy was through foreign direct investment (FDI), which involved attracting investment from foreign companies and investors. This approach was particularly popular in Africa, where countries such as Nigeria and South Africa attracted significant FDI in sectors such as mining and telecommunications.Liberalization and privatization: Many developing countries also pursued policies of economic liberalization and privatization, which involved reducing government regulation and control of the economy and promoting private enterprise. This approach was particularly popular in Latin America, where countries such as Chile and Argentina implemented market-oriented reforms in the 1990s.Regional integration: Some developing countries also integrated themselves into the global economy through regional integration, which involved forming economic alliances and integrating their economies with those of neighboring countries. This approach was particularly popular in Latin America, where countries such as Mexico and Brazil were members of regional trading blocs such as NAFTA and Mercosur.

Overall, the integration of developing countries into the global economy in the late twentieth century involved a range of approaches, including export-oriented growth, foreign direct investment, liberalization and privatization, and regional integration. While these approaches brought some benefits, such as increased trade and investment, they also posed challenges, such as increased competition and volatility in global markets, and uneven distribution of benefits within and between countries.

What are 3 ways city life changed in the 1800s


Due to the massive workforces that industrial enterprises required and the requirement for housing for both the employees' families and themselves, cities developed. Millions of immigrants arrived in the country in quest of work and a better life in the cities and industries.

How did conditions improve in the 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution produced many great results. A few of these included an increase in wealth, the output of goods, and the standard of living. The populace had access to less expensive goods, finer homes, and a more nutritious food. During the Industrial Revolution, education made enormous advancements.

Due to the growth of industry and population, cities all around the nation saw tremendous change. Noise, air pollution, slums, traffic jams, and other problems with sanitation and health became commonplace. As public transit took the form of trolleys, cable cars, and subways, skyscrapers began to dominate cityscapes.

The early adoption of technology in the 1800s and its subsequent development have had a significant impact on our lives today. A few examples are the internal combustion engine in the first usable car, the battery, photography, sewing machines, pasteurization, dynamite, the telephone, and Coca-Cola.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution:


Neumann used Borromini's Baroque design as the basis for his church in _____.
A. Rome
B. London
C. Paris
D. Würzburg


Neumann used Borromini's Baroque design as the basis for his church in Rome.

The correct option is A.

Neumann was able to incorporate some of the most iconic features of Borromini's Baroque architecture, such as the curved façade and the oval plan. Due to Neumann's incorporation of the Baroque style, the church is considered to be a masterpiece of Italian Baroque architecture. This is evident in the ornate façade, the elaborate dome, and the detailed interior decorations.

The church was built in the 1700s and has become a popular tourist attraction in Rome. Neumann's incorporation of the Baroque style in the church has also influenced other churches and architecture in the city, making it an important contribution to the history of Italian Baroque architecture.

The correct option is A.

To know more about Baroque style, click here:



2. What are the requirements to run for Senate? 3. What are the requirements to run for the House of Representatives? 4. What is the best known job of Congress?​




- must be at least 30 years of age

- have been a citizen of the US for at least 9 years

- must be a resident of the state they represent


- must be at least 25 years of age

- been a US citizen for at least 7 years

- must be a resident of the state and/or district they represent

4) The Congress is most known for making laws

mao zedong, the leader of the revolution, needed military protection and economic aid. what country did he seek help from?


The nations that Mao Zedong ruled The People's Republic of China's Chairman from 1954 to 1959; the CPC Central Military Commission's Chairman from 1954 to 1976; the National Defiance Council's President and Chairman from 1954 to 1959.

What was the economic benefit of Mao Zedong?

To do this, Mao developed a centralized economic structure, and all efforts were focused on the growth of the agriculture sector, which at the time constituted the backbone of the then-agrarian Chinese economy. The agriculture sector underwent significant adjustments during the Great Leap Forward (1958–1962).

Which nation was Mao Zedong the leader of?

The People's Republic of China was founded by Mao Zedong, a Chinese Communist revolutionary who lived from December 26, 1893, to September 9, 1976.

To Know more about Defiance


Mao Zedong, the leader of the revolution, sought military protection and economic aid from the Soviet Union to support his efforts in China.

During the Chinese Civil War, the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong sought the help of the Soviet Union for military protection and economic aid. The Soviet Union provided weapons, supplies, and military advisers to the Communist forces, which helped them to gain an advantage over the Nationalist forces led by Chiang Kai-shek. The Soviet Union also provided economic aid to the Communist Party. In 1949, the Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship, alliance, and mutual assistance with the newly established People's Republic of China, which provided for economic aid and military cooperation between the two countries. The close relationship between the Soviet Union and China began to deteriorate in the 1960s due to ideological and strategic differences, and by the late 1960s the two countries had become bitter rivals. However, during the early years of the Communist Party's rule in China, the Soviet Union played an important role in supporting the Party's military and economic efforts.

Learn more about Nationalist here:


peacefully practicing religion civil liberty or civil right? explain


Both religious liberty and civil rights are critical to ensuring individual freedom and equality in society. Religious liberty refers to the right to practice one's religion freely without any suppression or coercion by the government or any other external entity. This right is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Civil rights, on the other hand, refer to the rights that are guaranteed to all individuals by the government in areas such as education, employment, housing, and public accommodations. These rights are intended to ensure that people are protected from discrimination on the basis of their race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.

In many ways, religious liberty is a subset of civil rights. The ability to practice one's religion freely is essential to ensuring individual autonomy and freedom. However, it is important to recognize that there can be conflicts between religious liberty and civil rights. For example, an individual's religious beliefs may conflict with laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. In such cases, it is essential to find a balance between individual religious liberty and the protection of civil rights for all individuals.

The Puritans invested a great deal in their children and their children's upbringing. Describe three ways in which that investment has trickled down to the 21st Century. Provide at least 3 specific examples.



The Puritans emphasized the importance of education, discipline, and moral values in the upbringing of their children. This investment in their children's development has had a lasting impact on American culture and society, and can be seen in several ways in the 21st century. Here are three examples:

Emphasis on education: The Puritans believed that education was essential for the moral and intellectual development of their children, and they invested heavily in schools and universities. This emphasis on education has continued in American society, with a strong focus on academic achievement and lifelong learning. For example, the United States has one of the highest rates of college enrollment in the world, and there is a large and diverse network of public and private schools and universities throughout the country.Strong work ethic: The Puritans placed a high value on hard work, discipline, and self-reliance, and these values have been passed down through generations of Americans. In the 21st century, there is still a strong emphasis on the value of hard work and personal responsibility in American culture. For example, many Americans work long hours and place a high value on career success and financial stability.Moral values: The Puritans placed a strong emphasis on moral values such as honesty, integrity, and community service, and these values have continued to influence American society. For example, many Americans place a high value on volunteering and charitable giving, and there are many organizations and initiatives dedicated to promoting ethical behavior and social responsibility. Additionally, many Americans hold strong religious beliefs, which are often linked to moral values and social norms.

Overall, the Puritans' investment in their children's upbringing has had a lasting impact on American culture and society. The emphasis on education, discipline, and moral values has helped to shape the values and behaviors of generations of Americans, and continues to influence American culture and society in the 21st century.

the occupation of the ruhr by france accomplished all of the fllowing except quzlet


The occupation of the Ruhr by France accomplished several goals, such as asserting French dominance in the region and gaining control over Germany's industrial heartland. However, it did not involve the creation of a "quzlet".

France , officially the French Republic  is a country located primarily in Western Europe. It also includes overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans,[XII] giving it one of the largest discontiguous exclusive economic zones in the world. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea; overseas territories include French Guiana in South America, Saint Pierre and Miquelon in the North Atlantic, the French West Indies, and many islands in Oceania and the Indian Ocean. Its eighteen integral regions (five of which are overseas) span a combined area of 643,801 km2 (248,573 sq mi) and had a total population of over 68 million as of January 2023. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre; other major urban areas include Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, and Nice.

Learn more about France here:


9. What was the reflection of the USA on their views of Carter?


The Carter Doctrine, a position that President Jimmy Carter articulated in his State of the Union Address on January 23, 1980, states that the United States will take military force, if necessary, to preserve its national interests in the Persian Gulf.

How did the Carter administration affect US history?

As a result of his development of the national park system, 103 million acres of Alaskan land were made protected. To increase human and social services, he created the Department of Education, improved the Social Security program, and appointed a record number of women, blacks, and Hispanics to federal jobs.

How has Carter's emphasis on human rights influenced US foreign policy?

Carter's increased focus on the issue spurred Congress to pass legislation requiring the Department of State to annually provide "a full and complete report" on global human rights advances. Information for the 1976 calendar year was included in the first edition of the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, which was published in 1977.

Learn more about Social Security program:


Read the passage from the opinion of the court in Brown
v. Board of Education, written by Justice Warren.
We come then to the question presented: Does
segregation of children in public schools solely on the
basis of race, even though the physical facilities and
other "tangible" factors may be equal, deprive the
children of the minority group of equal educational
opportunities? We believe that it does.
... To separate them from others of similar age and
qualifications solely because of their race generates a
feeling of inferiority as to their status in the community
that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely
ever to be undone.
Segregation of white and colored children in public
schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored
children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction
of the law, for the policy of separating the races is
Mark this and retumn
What reason does Warren give for believing that
"separate but equal" does not give minority children
equal educational opportunities?
• the findings of the court in Plessy v. Ferguson
regarding equal educational facilities
• the reduced effects of segregation when it is
sanctioned by federal regulations
• the findings that a sense of inferiority affects the
motivation to learn
O the differences in educational and mental
development in public and private schools
Save and Exit


The reason that Warren give for believing that "separate but equal" does not give minority children equal educational opportunities is the findings that a sense of Inferiority affects the motivation to learn. The correct option is c.

This is part of Chief Justice Warren's opinion of the Brown v. Board of Education case, for which the Justice ended up deciding that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. According to the Justice, the "separate but equal" doctrine did not mean equality for everyone at all.

Warren, who delivered the opinion of the Court, believed that  segregation of white and colored children in public schools had an important negative effect upon the colored children, which, at the same time, ended up affecting their mental development and; therefore, their performance at school.

Learn more about Warren, here:


3. Which of the following factors encouraged the conquest of Africa?
a. Steamboats, Social Work, and Industrial Weapons
b. Social Darwinism, Classic Conditioning, and Weapons Steamboats, Lasso of Truth and an Invisible Jet d.
Steamboats, Social Darwinism, and Industrial Weapons


Steamboats, Social Darwinism, and Industrial Weapons encouraged the conquest of Africa.

European nations attempted to take control of Africa using a variety of strategies in the late 19th century. Through navigable rivers, steamboats made it simple to reach the interior of Africa and made it easier to carry troops, supplies, and equipment. African weapons were inferior to industrial weapons like repeating rifles and machine guns, which made it simpler for Europeans to subjugate African cultures.

In Europe, Social Darwinism—the theory that some races or ethnic groups are innately superior to others—became popular around the same period. The colonization of Africa as a means of bringing the "inferior" African people into the modern world was justified by this ideology of European superiority.

Overall, these elements helped European powers exploit and colonize Africa under favorable conditions.

learn more about the conquest of Africa here


What internal factors caused the collapse of empires in the early 20th century?


Economic decline, political instability, and military weaknesses led to the collapse of empires in the early 20th century.

The empires of the early 20th century, such as the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Russian Empire, faced significant internal challenges that ultimately led to their collapse. Economic decline, due to factors such as outdated economic systems and competition from industrialized nations, weakened their financial stability.

Political instability, including ethnic and nationalist tensions, weakened their authority and caused social unrest. Military weaknesses, including outdated technology and poor leadership, made it difficult to defend against external threats. These internal factors, combined with external pressures such as World War I, ultimately caused the collapse of these empires and the redrawing of national boundaries.

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the assassination of this country's arch-duke triggered the start of wwi.


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, triggered the start of World War I.

When a young Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip fatally shot the Archduke and his wife. This assassination set off a chain reaction of events as the major powers of Europe were intertwined in a complex web of alliances.

Austria-Hungary held Serbia responsible for the attack and issued an ultimatum with demands that would have compromised Serbia's sovereignty. When Serbia failed to fully comply, Austria-Hungary declared war on July 28, 1914. Russia, bound by a treaty to protect Serbia, began to mobilize its forces. Germany, allied with Austria-Hungary, declared war on Russia in response.

Subsequently, France, which was allied with Russia, began to mobilize its own forces. Germany then declared war on France and invaded Belgium to outflank the French army. This action led Britain, which had guaranteed Belgium's neutrality, to declare war on Germany. As a result, the intertwined alliances caused a localized conflict to escalate into a global war involving the major powers of the time.

For more such questions on Archduke Franz Ferdinand, click on:


an enlightened theravadin buddhist monk is called an


Answer: Arhat


What is the Soviet Union's response to the United States's note?


Even though the aid was available to all European nations, Stalin made a Soviet plan as a response to the Marshall Plan and instructed the Eastern Bloc to reject American aid.

What was the Soviet Union's response to the UN?

In September 1987, the Soviet Union made the announcement that it would repay a portion of its debt to the United Nations. However, the Soviet Union's foreign policy positions did not garner support at the United Nations. In response to the plan, the Soviet Union interpreted it as an attempt to influence Soviet affairs.

In the Soviet Association, the Economic crisis of the early 20s hardened Joseph Stalin's grasp on power. Stalin implemented a planned economy in 1928. His First Five-Year Plan called for the rapid industrialization of small, government-controlled peasant farms and their "collectivization."

The US and USSR entered into a bilateral agreement known as the INF Treaty. It was the first treaty to reduce nuclear weapons rather than establish a limit on them.

To learn more about USSR visit :


Santa Anna chose to attack the Alamo because it was strategically necessary and it contained a significant land and water route for toop conveyance T/F?


The statement  "Santa Anna chose to attack the Alamo because it was strategically necessary and it contained a significant land and water route for troop conveyance." is true because the Alamo became emblems of bravery and sacrifice, and their memory continues to inspire Texans and Americans today.

The Alamo was a former mission located in San Antonio, Texas, that had been converted into a military outpost by Texan rebels during the Texas Revolution. Santa Anna, the leader of the Mexican forces, recognized the importance of capturing the Alamo in order to regain control over Texas.

The Alamo was strategically located along a major trade route that connected Mexico to Texas, making it an important site for controlling transportation and commerce. Additionally, the Alamo provided a strategic advantage for any army that could control it due to its high walls and central location in San Antonio. These factors made it a crucial target for Santa Anna's forces during the Texas Revolution.

Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, a small group of Texan rebels led by William Barret Travis chose to defend the Alamo against Santa Anna's forces. Ultimately, the Texan defenders were defeated after a 13-day siege, but their sacrifice and bravery inspired other Texans to continue fighting for independence. The Battle of the Alamo became a symbol of Texas' struggle for independence and is still remembered today as a defining moment in American history.

For more such questions on Alamo, click on:


It is FALSE that Santa Anna chose to attack the Alamo because it was strategically necessary and it contained a significant land and water route for troop conveyance.

Santa Anna did choose to attack the Alamo, but it was not for strategic reasons related to land or water routes. The Alamo was a former mission located in San Antonio, Texas, that had been converted into a military fortress by a group of Texan rebels who were fighting for independence from Mexico.

Santa Anna, who was the President of Mexico and the commander of the Mexican army, viewed the Texan rebellion as a threat to Mexican sovereignty and sought to crush the rebellion by capturing the Alamo and other key locations in Texas.

The battle of the Alamo took place in March 1836, and despite being vastly outnumbered, a group of Texan defenders held out against the Mexican army for 13 days before being overwhelmed. The battle became a symbol of Texan resistance and helped to galvanize support for the Texan cause.

To know more about Santa Anna


cotton production in the south began in louisiana and texas and rapidly spread eastward. true false question. true false


True. Cotton production in the South did begin in Louisiana and Texas and rapidly spread eastward.

Cotton production in the South was first introduced in Louisiana and Texas in the early 1800s, and the crop quickly spread eastward into Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and other southern states. This was due to the favorable climate and soil conditions in these regions, as well as the increasing demand for cotton in the textile industry. By the mid-1800s, cotton had become the dominant cash crop in the South, fueling the region's economy and contributing to the growth of the slave trade. The widespread cultivation of cotton had significant social, economic, and political impacts on the South, including the rise of plantation agriculture, the expansion of slavery, and the development of a distinctive southern culture.

Learn more about cotton production here:


Discuss food systems and the difference between global systems and community food systems.
Please explain in your own words




relationships in the globalized industrial food system where farmers and eaters are firmly separated, a community food system envisions a value chain where farmers are as important as consumers, distributors, processors and retailers.

In 754 CE the ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty, al-Mansur, relocated his capital from Baghdad to Damascus in order to be closer to the former glory of the Egyptian pharaohs.A. TrueB. False


The given statement is "In 754 CE the ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty, al-Mansur, relocated his capital from Baghdad to Damascus in order to be closer to the former glory of the Egyptian pharaohs" is False because (In 754 CE, the ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty, al-Mansur, did relocate his capital from Kufa to a newly constructed city named Baghdad).

This was done for political and strategic reasons, as Baghdad was located in a central location that allowed for easier control over the empire's territories. There is no evidence to suggest that al-Mansur relocated his capital to Damascus in order to be closer to the former glory of the Egyptian pharaohs.

In fact, Damascus was already an established city with a rich history and culture, and its proximity to the Mediterranean made it an important trading hub. The Abbasid Dynasty did, however, draw inspiration from the achievements of ancient civilizations, including the pharaohs of Egypt.

This can be seen in their architecture, art, and literature, which often referenced the achievements of the past.

For more question on capital


B. False

In 754 CE, al-Mansur, the ruler of the Abbasid Dynasty, did not relocate his capital from Baghdad to Damascus to be closer to the former glory of the Egyptian pharaohs. In fact, al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad as the new capital of the Abbasid Caliphate in 762 CE, replacing the former capital of Damascus.

The Abbasid Dynasty's second ruler, Al-Mansur, actually moved the capital from Kufa to a new city that he founded in 762 CE called "Madinat al-Salam" (City of Peace), which later became known as Baghdad. The reason for the move was strategic, as the location provided a more central location for the administration of the vast Abbasid Empire. Additionally, Baghdad was located on the eastern side of the Tigris River, which made it easier to control the vast territories in Persia and Central Asia.

Learn more about Abbasid Dynasty here:


short-staple cotton multiple choice helped to keep the south a predominantly agricultural region. was less coarse than long-staple cotton. was easier to process than long-staple cotton. was only grown in the coastal regions of the upper south.


"Short-Staple Cotton helped to keep the south a predominantly agricultural region. Plants with individual fibers measuring 11/8" are known as short staple cotton, which is the most common type used."

What is short staple cotton?

Short staple fibers produce a cotton that is gr-eat for basic, every day use. The most com-mon short staple cotton is kno-wn as Upland cotton. Up-land is primarily used to make denim jeans & flannel clothing thanks to its soft, strong, & low main-tenance fibers. Primarily due to its low-er price, short staple cotton is quicker & cheaper to grow, process, & weave than long staple cot-ton.

To know more about cotton click below:


Which country seems like it will be the first to explore the Louisiana Territory? What would that mean for claims of ownership?


Answer: Britain

Explanation: Britain was the first to explore the Louisiana Territory.

Compare and contrast the reactions to European visitation in two of the following regions: Nester Africa, Eastern Africa, Indian Ocean, and the Americas, How did people respond (or of respond) to the Europeans? Be specific. Describe specific societies and individuals in ur essay. Important: the focus of your essay is not on what the Europeans did but on w people reacted to what they did or wanted.



During the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Europeans started to come over to the new world, they discovered a society of Indians that was strikingly different to their own.  To understand how different, one must first compare and contrast some of the  very important differences between them, such as how the Europeans considered the Indians to be extremely primitive and basic, while, considering themselves civilized.  The Europeans considered that they were model societies, and they thought that the Indians society and culture should be changed to be very similar to their own. The Europeans and the Indians had very contrasting ideas of personal wealth and ownership.  The Europeans believed that only the rich should own land, and…show more content…

This was a very sharp contrast to the Europeans, whom had for centuries, been the top of their social hierarchy.  In Europe, the women had a very relatively primitive, limited role in society.  They were not allowed to attend or partake in political affairs, with very few exceptions.  Now, on the other hand, in Indian society there was a council of chiefs, whom was all male, but they were appointed by an elder women.  Also, during their deliberation over issues, the males made the final decision, but would be expelled from the council, if they didn't conclude to the same decision that the elder woman came to.  The women's main job in Indian society, was being in charge of cultivation of, harvest of, and distribution of food.  When the men left to go hunting, women were left to run society. The Europeans simply believed that the males were far superior to the family, which is why women could not have jobs, and were left to only clean, cook, and various other household chores. Coming from an economic standpoint, the Europeans and Indians were such total opposites, it often led to misunderstanding.  Indians had very large trading routes well before the time of European colonization.  Their experience in trade only made it easier to exchange goods with the Europeans.  For Indians, trading was a way to acquire goods they wanted, but also a way to share the wealth of their land with other tribes that didn't have the same items to trade as they did.  To the..


the iliad is a work that describes events related to the group of answer choices founding of minoan culture. mycenaean attack on the coastal city of troy.


The Iliad is a work that describes events related to the Mycenaean attack on the coastal city of Troy. It does not focus on the founding of Minoan culture, which is a separate historical topic.

The Iliad is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still widely read by modern audiences. As with the Odyssey, the poem is divided into 24 books and was written in dactylic hexameter. It contains 15,693 lines in its most widely accepted version. Set towards the end of the Trojan War, a ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Mycenaean Greek states, the poem depicts significant events in the siege's final weeks. In particular, it depicts a fierce quarrel between King Agamemnon and a celebrated warrior, Achilles. It is a central part of the Epic Cycle. The Iliad is often regarded as the first substantial piece of European literature. The Iliad, and the Odyssey, were likely written down in Homeric Greek, a literary amalgam of Ionic Greek and other dialects, probably around the late 8th or early 7th century BC.

Learn more about Iliad here:


What was true about the gulf og tonkin resolution apex?


The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized the US President to use military force in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed in response to two alleged attacks by North Vietnamese naval vessels against US Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. It gave President Lyndon B. Johnson broad powers to use military force in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war from Congress.

The resolution became a turning point in the Vietnam War and led to a significant escalation of US involvement in the conflict. However, it was later revealed that the second attack may not have actually happened, which has led to controversy and criticism of the decision to pass the resolution and the use of presidential power to escalate the war without proper congressional oversight.

To learn more about Gulf follow the link:


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