Sequencing Copy the organizer
below. Use it to place into sequence
the important events in the record
of British imperialism in North and
East Africa


Answer 1

Organizer: race towards Africa, Berlin Meeting, British rule over Egypt, Omdurman Battle of the Mahdist War, British rule over Sudan, Kenya was colonised by the British, 'Mau Mau' movements for independence in uprising

Use it to place into sequence the important events in the record of British imperialism in North and East Africa

In the late 19th century, the Scramble for Africa—a period of intense colonisation and exploitation of Africa by European powers—began. The Berlin Conference, which included Britain, was held in 1884 to divide Africa among the European powers. Following its 1882 takeover of Egypt, Britain waged the Mahdist War against rebels in Sudan from 1884 to 1899, which culminated in the Battle of Omdurman. Up until the country's independence in 1956, the Sudan remained under British rule. Because of political unrest and economic inequality, many African nations are still suffering from the effects of British imperialism in North and East Africa.

To Know more about Battle of the Mahdist Visit:


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