Slave labor so dominated the rice plantations of ________ from its founding that by 1730 a majority of its population was black.
A) Georgia
B) Florida
C) Virginia
D) South Carolina


Answer 1

Slave labor so dominated the rice plantations of D) South Carolina from its founding that by 1730 a majority of its population was black.

In the early years of its founding, South Carolina relied closely on slave labor for its agricultural manufacturing, specially within the cultivation of rice.

The labor-in depth technique of developing and harvesting rice required a big workforce, and slaves have been added in from Africa to work at the plantations. via 1730, the majority of the population in South Carolina become made of black slaves, and the financial system turned into in large part primarily based on agriculture, with rice being the number one crop. the use of slave exertions continued in South Carolina for decades, and it turned into no longer till after the Civil conflict that slavery become ultimately abolished and the economic system began to diversify.

Learn more about South Carolina:-


Answer 2

Slave labor so dominated the rice plantations of South Carolina from its founding that by 1730 a majority of its population was black

South Carolina was a major center of slave labor in the United States from the colonial period through the Civil War. The state's economy was largely built on the labor of enslaved African Americans, who were brought to South Carolina from the 17th century through the 19th century to work on plantations, in mines, and in other industries.

Enslaved Africans in South Carolina worked in a variety of industries, including rice and indigo cultivation, timber harvesting, mining, and domestic service. The labor of enslaved Africans was critical to the economic success of the state, and slave owners in South Carolina were some of the wealthiest in the country.

Conditions for enslaved Africans in South Carolina were harsh and brutal. They were often subjected to physical abuse, forced labor, and harsh living conditions. Families were often separated, with children being sold away from their parents. Slaves were denied basic human rights and freedoms and were treated as property rather than people.

Visit here to learn more about Slave labor


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Of all the newly opened territories west of the Appalachians in the early nineteenth century, which state was the first to attract settlers and also was the seedbed of revivalism?


Kentucky was the first state to attract settlers west of the Appalachians and also became known as the seedbed of revivalism due to the significant religious revivals that took place there in the early nineteenth century.

"Significant religious" is a term that refers to a religion or belief system that has a notable impact on society, culture, or history. These religions have millions of followers worldwide and have a significant influence on the way people think, behave, and interact with one another. Examples of significant religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, among others. These religions often have their own set of beliefs, practices, and rituals that are considered sacred by their followers. They have also played a crucial role in shaping the world's history, art, and architecture, and have contributed to the development of philosophy, science, and literature.

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OF all the newly opened  territories at the west of the Appalachians in the early nineteenth century, the first to attract settlers and also was the seedbed of revivalism was Kentucky.

Kentucky's fertile lands and navigable waterways made it an ideal location for settlers to establish new homes and communities. Additionally, the region was less prone to conflicts with Native Americans compared to other western territories, making it a more appealing destination.

Kentucky also became the seedbed of revivalism during this period. The Second Great Awakening, a religious revival movement, gained significant momentum in Kentucky in the early 1800s. The movement emphasized individualism, religious fervor, and a renewed commitment to personal faith.

The Cane Ridge Revival in 1801, which took place in Bourbon County, Kentucky, is a notable example of this revivalist fervor. Thousands of people gathered to hear fiery sermons, participate in emotional worship, and commit themselves to a more devoted Christian life.

The revivalism in Kentucky played a vital role in shaping the social and cultural landscape of the region. It encouraged the growth of new Protestant denominations, such as the Baptists and Methodists, and led to an increase in church membership. The religious fervor also contributed to various reform movements, including temperance and the abolition of slavery, and helped establish a sense of shared moral values among the settlers.

In summary, Kentucky was the first state to attract settlers west of the Appalachians due to its favorable geographic features and relatively peaceful relations with Native Americans. The state also served as the seedbed of revivalism, as the Second Great Awakening ignited religious passion and social reform throughout the region.

To learn more about Kentucky refer here:


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