Solving systems by eliminations; finding the coeficients
please write all the problems down, 10 points for each problem, and Brainliest


Answer 1

As this is a contradiction, the system cannot be solved. The parallel lines of the two equations do not intersect.

what is equation ?

A mathematical expression called and equation demonstrates the parity of two factors or values. It typically includes exponents, parameters, constants, and mathematical like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Finding an unknown variable's value or expressing a correlation between a number of variables is the goal of an equation. To simulate real-world occurrences and address issues, equations are utilised in many mathematical areas, science, and engineering. Systems of equations, linear equations, and quadratic equations are a few types of equations.


We can multiply the first equation by two and then add the second equation to the system to find the solution via elimination. This results in:

[tex]2(x - 3y = 7) = 2x - 6y = 14\\2x - 6y = 12[/tex]

To remove x, we may now subtract the second equation from the first equation:

[tex](2x - 6y = 14) - (2x - 6y = 12) = 0[/tex]

That amounts to:

0 = 2

As this is a contradiction, the system cannot be solved. The parallel lines of the two equations do not intersect.

To know more about equation visit:


Related Questions

A football team consists of:
• 10 sixth graders
• 14 seventh graders
• 16 eighth graders

A student on the team will be randomly chosen to participate in the coin toss each of the 40
games of the season.
What is a reasonable prediction for the number of times a sixth or seventh grader will be


A reasonable prediction for the number of times a sixth or seventh grader will be chosen is 24 out of the 40 games.

What is reasonable prediction?

A reasonable prediction is a prediction made with a reasonable degree of accuracy or likelihood, based on available information and knowledge. It is based on facts, past events, and logical assumptions, and is not based on conjecture or guesswork. Reasonable predictions can be made about future events, trends, and outcomes, and can be used to inform decisions, plans, and strategies.

The total number of sixth and seventh graders on the team is:

10 sixth graders + 14 seventh graders = 24 students

The total number of students on the team is:

10 sixth graders + 14 seventh graders + 16 eighth graders = 40 students

To find the expected number of times a sixth or seventh grader will be chosen in the coin toss, we can use the proportion of sixth and seventh graders to the total number of students:

(expected number of times) = (proportion of sixth and seventh graders) * (total number of coin tosses)

(expected number of times) = (24/40) * 40

(expected number of times) = 24

Therefore, a reasonable prediction for the number of times a sixth or seventh grader will be chosen is  24.

To learn more about reasonable prediction


Thabo opens an investment account and invest an amount of money at 8. 00% interest per year, compounded monthly. After a number of years, he has accumulated an amount of R 7 365. 00 in the account. The investment earned R2 000. 00 interest in this period. If the accumulated amount is left in the account with the same interest rate, for another period that is one year longer than the first period, the accumulated amount in the account will then be?


The accumulated amount in the account at the end of the second period will be 8,829.71.

We can use the formula for compound interest to solve this problem. The formula is,

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

where A is the accumulated amount, P is the principal (initial amount invested), r is the interest rate (as a decimal), n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year, and t is the time (in years) for which the money is invested.

Let's use this formula to find the initial principal, P

7,365 = P(1 + 0.08/12)^(12*number of years)

We can solve for P by dividing both sides by the right-hand side and simplifying,

P = 7,365 / (1 + 0.08/12)^(12*number of years)

Now we know that the initial principal was P, and it earned R2 000.00 in interest during the first period. Therefore, the accumulated amount at the end of the first period was,

A1 = P + R2 000.00

A1 = P + P(0.08/12)

A1 = P(1 + 0.08/12)

Now, we want to find the accumulated amount at the end of the second period, which is one year longer than the first period. We can use the same formula as before, but with a time of (number of years + 1),

A2 = P(1 + 0.08/12)^(12*(number of years + 1))

We know that A1 = P(1 + 0.08/12), so we can substitute this into the formula for A2,

A2 = A1(1 + 0.08/12)^(12)

A2 = (P(1 + 0.08/12))(1 + 0.08/12)^(12)

A2 = P(1 + 0.08/12)^13

Now we can substitute the expression we found for P earlier,

A2 = (7,365 / (1 + 0.08/12)^(12*number of years))(1 + 0.08/12)^13

A2 = 7,365(1 + 0.08/12)^(12*number of years + 13)

A2 = 7,365(1.007)^((12*number of years) + 13)

A2 = 8,829.71

To learn more about accumulated amount here:


Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the area of the base is 19. 6 ft 2 19. 6 ft 2 and the height of the pyramid is 11. 6 ft 11. 6 ft. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic foot


If the area of the base is 19. 6 ft^2 and the height of the pyramid is 11. 6 ft, the volume of the pyramid is approximately 79.1 cubic feet.

The formula for the volume of a pyramid is given by:

V = (1/3) × base area × height

In this case, we are given that the pyramid has a square base, so the base area is simply the area of a square with side length s:

base area = s^2 = 19.6 ft^2

We are also given the height of the pyramid:

height = 11.6 ft

Substituting these values into the formula for the volume of a pyramid, we get:

V = (1/3) × base area × height

= (1/3) × 19.6 ft^2 × 11.6 ft

≈ 79.1 ft^3 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

To learn more about volume click on,


An angle measures 37.6° more than the measure of its complementary angle. What is the measure of each angle?


The pair of required complementary angles are 26.2° and 63.8° respectively.

What are complementary angles?

Two angles are said to be supplementary angles because they combine to generate a linear angle when their sum is 180 degrees.

When two angles add up to 90 degrees, however, they are said to be complimentary angles and together they make a right angle.

If the total of two angles is 90o (ninety degrees), then the angles are complementary.

A 30-angle and a 60-angle, for instance, are two complementary angles.

So, to find the 2 angles which are complementary:

x + x + 37.6 = 90

Now, solve it as follows:

x + x + 37.6 = 90

2x = 90 - 37.6

2x = 52.4

x = 52.4/2

x = 26.2

Now, x = 26.2 and the second angle x + 37.6 is = 26.2 + 37.6 = 63.8°.

Therefore, the pair of required complementary angles are 26.2° and 63.8° respectively.

Know more about complementary angles here:


!!!!!!I NEED THIS ASAP!!!!!
Find x,y, and z


Applying the right triangle altitude theorem and the leg rule, we have:

5. x = 6; y ≈ 6.7; z ≈ 13.4       6. x = 32; y ≈ 35.8; z ≈ 17.9

What is the Right Triangle Altitude of a Theorem?

The right triangle altitude theorem states that the altitude drawn on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the geometric mean of the two line segments into which the altitude divides the hypotenuse.

5. To find x, apply the right triangle altitude theorem, which is:

x = √(3*12)

x = √36

x = 6

Using the leg rule, we can find y and z. It is expressed as:

hypotenuse/leg = leg/part

Therefore, substitute and find y:

(3 + 12) / y = y / 3

Cross multiply:

y² = 15 * 3

y = √45

y ≈ 6.7

Find z using the leg rule:

15/z = z/12

z² = 180

z = √180

z ≈ 13.4

6. Use the same theorem and leg rule as done in question 5:

Find x:

16 = √(8 * x)

16² = 8x

256 = 8x

x = 256/8

x = 32

Find y using the leg rule:

(8 + 32) / y = y/32

y² = 40 * 32

y = √1,280

y ≈ 35.8

Find z:

40/z = z/8

z² = 40 * 8

z = √320

z ≈ 17.9

Learn more about the right triangle altitude theorem on:


armer needs a fenced-in 1 square kilometer rectangular region. on one of the four sides, she decides to use fencing that costs three times as much as the fencing on the other three sides. what dimensions will minimize the cost of the fence?


The dimensions will minimize the cost of fence 3555C, armer needs a fenced-in 1 square kilometer rectangular region.

Let the length of the rectangular region be 'l' and the width be 'w'. The area of the rectangular region is given by:

A = lw = 1 sq. km = 1000 x 1000 sq. m

We need to minimize the cost of the fence, which consists of three sides with fencing of cost C and one side with fencing of cost 3C. The total cost of the fence is given by:

Cost = 3Cw + C(2l + w) = 2C(l + w) + Cw

To minimize the cost, we take the derivative of the cost function with respect to w and set it equal to zero:

dCost/dw = 2C - C[tex]w^{(-2)}[/tex]l = 0

Solving for l, we get:

l = 2w

Substituting this value of l in the area equation, we get:

w(2w) = 1000000

2w² = 1000000

w² = 500000

w = √(500000) m = 707.1 m

So, the width of the rectangular region is 707.1 m and the length is 2w = 2 x 707.1 m = 1414.2 m.

Therefore, the dimensions that minimize the cost of the fence are 707.1 m x 1414.2 m and the minimum cost of the fence is:

Cost = 2C(l + w) + Cw = 2C(1414.2 + 707.1) + C(707.1) = 3555C.

Learn more about the dimensions at


Write a sine function that has an amplitude of 3, a midline of y =2 and a period of 1


the sine function that meets the given conditions is:
[tex]y(t) = 3 \times sin ((2\pi / 1200) \times t) + 2[/tex]

Function with the given characteristics.

The terms and their definitions we need to consider:

The maximum displacement from the midline (in this case, 3)

The horizontal line that passes through the center of the wave (y = 2)

The length of one complete cycle of the wave (1200)
Now, let's write the sine function:
[tex]y(t) = A \times sin (B \times t) + C[/tex]
y(t) is the sine function with respect to time (t)
A is the amplitude (3)
B is the frequency (to be determined)
C is the midline (2)
First, we need to find the frequency (B).

The period and frequency are related by the following formula:
[tex]Period = 2\pi / B[/tex]
In this case, the period is 1200:
[tex]1200 = 2\pi / B[/tex]
Now, solve for B:
[tex]B = 2\pi / 1200[/tex]
Now, we can plug in the amplitude (A), frequency (B), and midline (C) into our sine function:
[tex]y(t) = 3 \times sin((2\pi / 1200) \times t) + 2[/tex]

For similar questions on Function


a rectangular poster is to contain 392 square inches of print. the margins at the top and bottom of the poster are to be 2 inches, and the margins on the left and right are to be 1 inch. what should the dimensions of the poster be so that the least amount of poster is used?


The dimensions of the poster be so that the least amount of poster is used are A = 6L + 4W + 412.

Let the length and width of the printable area of the poster be L and W, respectively. Then, the total dimensions of the poster can be expressed as L + 2(2) and W + 2(1), since there are 2-inch margins at the top and bottom, and 1-inch margins on the left and right.

We know that the area of the printable area of the poster is 392 square inches. Therefore, we can write the equation: LW = 392

We want to minimize the total area of the poster, which is given by:

A = (L + 2(2))(W + 2(1)) = (L + 4)(W + 2)

Expanding this expression, we get:

A = LW + 2L + 4W + 8

Substituting the equation for LW, we get:

A = 392 + 2L + 4W + 8

Simplifying, we get:

A = 2L + 4W + 400

To minimize this expression, we can take the partial derivatives with respect to L and W and set them equal to zero:

[tex]∂A/∂L = 2 = 0 => L = 0[/tex]


∂A/∂W = 4 = 0 => W = -100[/tex]

These values do not make sense in the context of the problem. Therefore, we can conclude that the dimensions of the poster that minimize the amount of poster used cannot be found using this method.

Instead, we can use the fact that the printable area of the poster has a fixed area of 392 square inches, and that the margins have fixed dimensions. We can express the area of the poster as:

A = (L + 4)(W + 2) = LW + 4L + 2W + 8

Substituting the equation for LW, we get:

A = 392 + 4L + 2W + 8

Simplifying, we get:

A = 4L + 2W + 400

To minimize this expression, we can again take the partial derivatives with respect to L and W and set them equal to zero:

[tex]∂A/∂L = 4 = 0 => L = 0[/tex]

[tex]∂A/∂W = 2 = 0 => W = -200[/tex]

These values do not make sense in the context of the problem. Therefore, we can conclude that the dimensions of the poster that minimize the amount of poster used cannot be found using this method either.

We can try a different approach. We can use the fact that the printable area of the poster has a fixed area of 392 square inches, and that the total area of the poster is given by:

A = (L + 4)(W + 2) + 2(L + 4) + 2(W + 2)

Expanding this expression, we get:

A = LW + 6L + 4W + 20

Substituting the equation for LW, we get:

A = 392 + 6L + 4W + 20

Simplifying, we get: A = 6L + 4W + 412

To minimize this expression, we can take the partial derivatives with respect to L and W and set them equal to zero:

[tex]∂A/∂L = 6 = 0 => L = -2/3[/tex]

[tex]∂A/∂W = 4 = 0 => W = -3/2[/tex]

Learn more about dimensions here:


1. how many paths are there? 2. the critical path is the a) longest path. b) shortest path. c) path with the most activities. d) path with the fewest activities.


Answer to the question is (a) longest path. The critical path is determined by identifying all the possible paths and calculating their durations, and the one with the longest duration is identified as the critical path.

Explain how many paths are there?

The number of paths can vary depending on the specific situation or system being analyzed.

The critical path is the longest path in terms of duration or time required to complete all its activities. It is the sequence of tasks or activities that must be completed in order to complete the project within the minimum possible time.

The critical path determines the total duration of the project, and any delay in the critical path activities will cause a delay in the project's completion time.

Therefore, the answer to the question is (a) longest path. The critical path is determined by identifying all the possible paths and calculating their durations, and the one with the longest duration is identified as the critical path.

The critical path method (CPM) is a popular technique used in project management to identify and manage the critical path.

Learn more about critical path.


What is the remainder? Equation is below.



-23. In my explanation I will include in my picture how this will look in your final answer

Step-by-step explanation:

So to solve this, I first set x + 3 = 0. This means that x = -3, which we will use soon. Now, here's how you would work out this problem. It would be confusing if I explained over text, so I included a picture of my work.

You would first set up your problem like it is in the picture. Then, bring 2 down. Next, multiply 2 by -3 (for future problems, you would multiply the number you brought down by whatever number is on the side). -3 × 2 = -6, so you would put that under 3 (as shown in the picture). Now, add 3 and -6 (which = -3). Repeat this step each time.

I hope this made sense! Please let me know if you have any questions.

a grocery store company wanted to know how well some of their local stores were doing. in order to find out, they hired three different reviewers to rate 10 local stores. the test statistic was 2.3, what is the p value?


Assuming a two-tailed test with 9 degrees of freedom (10 stores minus 1), the p-value for a t-value of 2.3 is approximately 0.040.

In order to calculate the p-value, we need to know the specific test being used and the significance level of the test. Let's assume that the test is a two-tailed t-test with a significance level of 0.05.

Since the test statistic is 2.3, we need to find the probability of getting a t-value of 2.3 or greater (in absolute value) under the null hypothesis. We can use a t-distribution table or a statistical software to find the corresponding p-value.

Assuming a two-tailed test with 9 degrees of freedom (10 stores minus 1), the p-value for a t-value of 2.3 is approximately 0.040. Therefore, if the significance level of the test is 0.05, we would reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the ratings given by the three reviewers.

To know more about statistic here


if p is a prime number and a is a positive inte- ger, how many distinct positive divisors does pa have?


If p is a prime number and a is a positive integer, then pa has (a+1) distinct positive divisors.

A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1, which is divisible only by 1 and itself. Divisors are the numbers that evenly divide a given number.

For a prime number p raised to the power of a (p^a), the number of distinct positive divisors can be found using the following formula:

Number of divisors = (a + 1)

This is because each power of p from 0 to a can divide p^a without any remainder, giving us a total of a + 1 distinct divisors. These divisors are:

1, p, p^2, p^3, ..., p^(a-1), p^a

For example, if p = 2 (a prime number) and a = 3 (a positive integer), then the number of distinct positive divisors for 2^3 (which is 8) would be:

Number of divisors = (3 + 1) = 4

The divisors for 2^3 (8) are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Learn more about Prime numbers here:


the weights of newborn baby boys born at a local hospital are believed to have a normal distribution with a mean weight of 3245 grams and a standard deviation of 625 grams. if a newborn baby boy born at the local hospital is randomly selected, find the probability that the weight will be greater than 2620 grams. round your answer to four decimal places.


The probability that the weight of a randomly selected newborn baby boy born at the local hospital will be greater than 2620 grams is 0.9099 (rounded to four decimal places).

The probability can be calculated using the standard normal distribution as follows:

P(Z > (2620 - 3245) / 625) = P(Z > -1.335)

Using a standard normal distribution table, we find that the probability of Z being greater than -1.335 is 0.9099.

We use the standard normal distribution because we know the mean and standard deviation of the population of newborn baby boys' weights. We convert the raw score of 2620 grams to a z-score, which tells us how many standard deviations the raw score is away from the mean.

Learn more about probability


these four geometry questions i’m not quite sure how to do and have been struggling in them for a while and it’s due tomorrow!!!!


The total areas of each composite shape are:

1) 121 in²

2) 150m²

3) 14.03 ft²

4) 538.36 cm²

How to find the area of the composite figure?

1) Formula for area of a rectangle is:

Area = Length * width


Area of composite shape = (9 * 8) + (7 * 7)

= 121 in²

2) Formula for area of rectangle is:

Area = Length * width

Area = 12 * 5 = 60 m²

Area of triangle = ¹/₂ * base * height

Area = ¹/₂ * 12 * 15

Area = 90 m²

Area of composite shape = 60 + 90 = 150m²

3) Area of triangle = ¹/₂ * 3 * 7 = 10.5 ft²

Area of semi circle = ¹/₂ * πr²

= ¹/₂ * π * 1.5²

= 3.53 ft²

Total composite area = 10.5 ft² + 3.53 ft²

Total composite area = 14.03 ft²

4) Total composite area = (¹/₂ * π * 7.5²) + (30 * 15)

= 538.36 cm²

Read more about Area of composite figure at:


Which statement is true?
Please help


The answer is A .

Lucia has three separate pieces of ribbon. Each piece is 5 yards long. She needs to cut pieces that are 27 inches long to decorate folklorico dance dresses. What is the greatest number of 27-inch pieces that she can cut from three pieces of ribbon?

A 20
B 18
C 7
D 6


The greatest number of 27-inch pieces that she can cut from three pieces of ribbon is found to be 19. So, option B is the correct answer choice.

Each yard is equal to 36 inches, so 5 yards are equal to 180 inches. Therefore, each piece of ribbon is 180 inches long.

To find out how many 27-inch pieces Lucia can cut from each piece of ribbon, we divide 180 by 27.

180/27 = 6.67

Since Lucia can only cut whole pieces, she can cut 6 pieces of ribbon from each piece of ribbon.

Therefore, she can cut a total of 6 x 3 = 18 pieces of ribbon from the three separate pieces of ribbon.

Learn more about Division :


In a triangle PQR,the sides PQ, QR and PR measure 15 in, 20 in and 25 in respectively.


Triangle PQR's perimeter is **60 inches**.

What is the triangle's perimeter?

The lengths of a triangle's sides added together form its perimeter.

Pythagorean triplet: what is it?

The Pythagorean theorem asserts that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse's length (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides 1. A Pythagorean triplet is a group of three positive integers that satisfies this condition.

Triangle PQR has sides PQ = 15 inches, QR = 20 inches, and PR = 25 inches.

A triangle's perimeter is equal to the sum of its sides. Triangle PQR's perimeter is 15 + 20 + 25= **60 inches**.  as a result.

To know more about perimeter of triangle visit:


Twins Isaac and Isaiah were just born. Isaac weighs
66 pounds
22 ounces and Isaiah weighs
55 pounds
44 ounces.
How many ounces do Isaac and Isaiah weigh together?


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of unitary method comes out to be  Isaac and Isaiah are 182 ounces in total.

Definition of a unitary method.

Use the tried-and-true fundamental method, the actual variables, and any relevant information gleaned from general and specific questions to complete expression the assignment. Customers may be given another chance to taste the products in response. If these adjustments don't happen, we'll lose out on significant advancements in our understanding of programmes.


We must first change the weights of Isaac and Isaiah from pounds and ounces to ounces before adding them to determine their combined weight.

Weight of Isaac: six pounds 2 ounces = 6 * 16 + 2

= 96 + 2

= 98 ounces

Isaiah is 5 pounds in weight.

= 5 * 16 + 4

= 80 + 4

= 84 ounces

Together, Isaac and Isaiah weighed

98 ounces + 84 ounces = 182 ounces

As a result, Isaac and Isaiah are 182 ounces in total.

To know more about unitary method visit:


State the amplitude, period, phase shift, and vertical shift of the function kt=cos2pit/3



The given function is k(t) = cos(2πt/3).

The general form of a cosine function is A*cos(Bx - C) + D, where:

A is the amplitudeB is the frequency (which is related to the period)C is the phase shiftD is the vertical shift

Comparing this form to the given function, we can see that:

The amplitude of k(t) is A = 1, since the maximum value of the cosine function is 1 and the minimum value is -1.The frequency of k(t) is B = 2π/3, since the argument of the cosine function is 2πt/3. The frequency is related to the period T by the formula T = 2π/B. Therefore, the period of k(t) is T = 3.The phase shift of k(t) is C = 0, since there is no horizontal shift in the argument of the cosine function.The vertical shift of k(t) is D = 0, since the average value of the cosine function over one period is zero.

Therefore, the amplitude of k(t) is 1, the period of k(t) is 3, the phase shift of k(t) is 0, and the vertical shift of k(t) is 0.

8x+4= 2y is the question. What is the slope and the y-intercept?



m = 4

Y-intercept: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

8x + 4 = 2y

We rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form y = mx + b

m = the slope

b = y-intercept

8x + 4 = 2y

-2y + 8x + 4 = 0

-2y = -8x - 4

y = 4x + 2

m = 4

Y-intercept: 2

Rewriting the equation in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) makes it easier to tell the slope and y-intercept. The rewritten form is y = 4x + 2. Since 'm' represents the slope, the slope of the equation is 4. 'b' represents the y-intercept, so the y-intercept is 2.

what is a data analysis technique commonly used when an insurer knows a general problem it wants to solve but does not know the variables it must analyze to do so is


EDA can be especially useful when dealing with complex or large datasets, as it allows for a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the data.

The data analysis technique commonly used in this scenario is exploratory data analysis (EDA). EDA is a method of analyzing data to discover patterns, relationships, and insights that may not be immediately apparent. It involves visualizing and summarizing data to understand its underlying structure and identify potential variables that may be important in solving the problem at hand. EDA can be especially useful when dealing with complex or large datasets, as it allows for a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding of the data.

learn more about The data analysis technique


A data analysis technique used by insurers when they are aware of a general problem but uncertain of the variables to analyze.

The technique I will discuss is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

This technique is particularly valuable in the insurance industry, where understanding complex relationships between variables can directly impact risk assessment, pricing, and claims management.

EDA is a commonly used data analysis technique that helps insurers identify and understand the variables involved in a particular problem.

It is particularly useful when the insurer knows the general problem but is unsure of the specific variables that need to be analyzed.

EDA allows insurers to summarize, visualize, and analyze data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships among variables.
The process of EDA typically involves the following steps:
Data Collection:

Gathering relevant data from multiple sources to gain insights into the problem at hand.
Data Cleaning:

Preprocessing and cleaning the data to eliminate errors, inconsistencies, and missing values.
Data Summarization:

Summarizing the data using descriptive statistics, such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation, to provide a general understanding of the data.
Data Visualization:

Creating visual representations, such as histograms, bar charts, scatter plots, and heatmaps, to explore patterns and trends within the data.
Pattern Identification:

Identifying patterns, trends, and relationships between variables in the data to uncover hidden insights.
Hypothesis Generation:

Formulating hypotheses based on the insights gained from EDA, which can later be tested using confirmatory data analysis techniques.
EDA, insurers can gain a better understanding of the variables involved in a problem, helping them make informed decisions and develop effective solutions.

For similar questions on Variable


You select a marble without looking and then put it back. If you do this 24 times, what is the
best prediction possible for the number of times you will pick a marble that is not orange?


Step-by-step explanation:

24 times, as there are no orange marbles in the set.

so, every pull will produce a marble that is not orange with 100% certainty.

in general, we have 12 marbles.

let's change the problem description into picking a marbles that is not blue.

we have 6 blue marbles.

the chance to pick a blue marble is therefore 6/12 = 1/2.

and the probability to not pick a blue marbles is 1 - 1/2 = 1/2.

so, in 24 pulls, we expect 24× 1/2 = 12 times to get a marble that is not blue.

or change it to "not green" marbles.

5 green marbles.

the probability to pick a green marble is 5/12.

the probabilty to not pick a green marble = 1 - 5/12 = 7/12.

in 24 pulls we expect 24 × 7/12 = 14 times to get a marble that is not green.

it change it to "not purple" marbles.

1 purple marble.

the probability to pick a purple marble is 1/12.

the probabilty to not pick a purple marble = 1 - 1/12 = 11/12.

in 24 pulls we expect 24 × 11/12 = 22 times to get a marble that is not purple.

what is the probability that abby, barry, and sylvia win the first, second, and third prizes, respectively, in a drawing if 200 people enter a contest and winning more than one prize is allowed?


The probability that Abby, Barry, and Sylvia win the first, second, and third prizes, respectively, is 1 in 8,000,000 or 0.0000125%

How to calculate the probability?

Assuming that each prize is drawn independently of the others and that any person can win any of the prizes, we can find the probability that Abby, Barry, and Sylvia win the first, second, and third prizes, respectively, by using the multiplication principle of probability.

The probability of Abby winning the first prize is 1/200, since there are 200 people in the contest and only one of them can win the first prize. Similarly, the probability of Barry winning the second prize is also 1/200, and the probability of Sylvia winning the third prize is also 1/200.

Since winning more than one prize is allowed, the probability of all three of these events occurring simultaneously is simply the product of their individual probabilities:

P(Abby wins 1st prize AND Barry wins 2nd prize AND Sylvia wins 3rd prize) = (1/200) * (1/200) * (1/200) = 1/8,000,000

Therefore, the probability that Abby, Barry, and Sylvia win the first, second, and third prizes, respectively, is 1 in 8,000,000 or 0.0000125%

Learn more about probability


In ▰STUV, if SW= -3y+5 and UW= 2y-6, find the value of y to the nearest tenth.


There are different ways to approach this problem, but one common method is to use the fact that in a triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the third side.

Find the value of y to the nearest tenth?

Applying this to triangle STU, we get:

ST + TU > SU (1)

ST + US > TU (2)

TU + US > ST (3)

Substituting the given values, we get:

(-3y+5) + (2y-6) > UW

-y-1 > y-6

-2y > -5

y < 2.5

So we know that y must be less than 2.5 for the triangle to be possible. Now we can check the other sides of the triangle:

ST + TU > SU (1)

(-3y+5) + (2y-6) > ST

-y-1 > ST

ST + US > TU (2)

(-3y+5) + UW > TU

(-3y+5) + (2y-6) > TU

-y-1 > TU

TU + US > ST (3)

UW + (-3y+5) > ST

(2y-6) + (-3y+5) > ST

-y-1 > ST

Since we want to solve for y, we can simplify each inequality by isolating the variable on one side:

-y-1 > ST (4)

-y-1 > TU (5)

-y-1 > ST (6)

Now we can combine the three inequalities:

(-y-1) + (-y-1) + (-y-1) > ST + TU + US

-3y - 3 > ST + TU + US

Substituting the given values, we get:

-3y - 3 > (-3y+5) + (2y-6) + UW

-3y - 3 > -y - 1

Simplifying this inequality, we get:

-2y > 2

y < -1

This contradicts our earlier result that y must be less than 2.5, so there is no solution for y that makes the triangle possible. This means that there must be an error in the given values of SW and UW, or the problem is not well-defined.

to know more about triangle




Step-by-step explanation:

the integers from 1 to 15, inclusive, are partitioned at random into two sets, one with 7elements and the other with 8. what is the probability that 1 and 2 are in the same set?


The chance/




, or roughly 0.485 that 1 and 2 are in the

same set.

Let's say we divide the range of numbers from

1 to 15

into two sets, each containing seven and eight numbers, respectively. Finding the likelihood that the numbers 1 and 2 are included in the same


is our goal.

We can determine the

total number

of ways to divide the numbers into the two sets of




in order to begin solving this issue. Calculating this yields the result 6435 using a formula.

The number of ways in which the pairs 1 and 2 can be found in the same set must then be determined. Considering that there are

seven numbers

in the set, we must select six more from the remaining thirteen to complete the set, presuming that one is among the seven .There are


ways to do this. The number of methods remains the same, 1716, even if we suppose that 2 is among the set of 7 numbers.

Hence, there are


different ways to combine the numbers 1 and 2 into one set. The chance is 16/33, or roughly 0.485, when we divide this number by the total number of possible


of the numbers.

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You are helping with some repairs at home. You drop a hammer and it hits the floor at a speed of 4 feet per second. If the acceleration due to gravity (g) is 32 feet/second 2, how far above the ground (h) was the hammer when you dropped it? Use the formula:


Step-by-step explanation:

vf = vo + at      vo = 0 in this case  ( you dropped it from 'at rest')

4 f/s = 32 t

t = 1/8 s

df = do + vot + 1/2 at^2                  df = final position = 0 ft (on the ground)

0 = do  + 0   + 1/2 (-32)(1/8)^2

   solve for do = 1/4 foot

A pancake company uses the
function f(x) = 1.5x² to calculate
the number of calories in a
pancake with a diameter of x cm.
What is the average rate of change
for the function over the interval
10 A.) 150 calories per cm of diameter
B.) 33 calories per cm of diameter
C.) 65calories per cm of diameter
D.) 215 calories per cm of diameter



To find the average rate of change of the function f(x) = 1.5x² over the interval [10, 11], we need to calculate the change in f(x) over the interval, and divide by the change in x.

The change in f(x) over the interval [10, 11] is:

f(11) - f(10) = (1.511^2) - (1.510^2) = 165 - 150 = 15

The change in x over the interval [10, 11] is:

11 - 10 = 1

Therefore, the average rate of change of the function over the interval [10, 11] is:

(15/1) = 15

This means that for every 1 cm increase in diameter (i.e., for every 1 unit increase in x), the number of calories in the pancake increases by an average of 15 calories per cm of diameter.

Therefore, the answer is (A) 150 calories per cm of diameter.

Julian goes to a store an buys an item that costs � x dollars. He has a coupon for 20% off, and then a 4% tax is added to the discounted price. Write an expression in terms of � x that represents the total amount that Julian paid at the register.


The expression that represents the total amount that Julian paid at the register in terms of x is 0.84x.

What is Percentage?

Percentage is a way of expressing a proportion or fraction as a quantity out of 100. The word "percent" means "per hundred," so percentages are often denoted by the symbol %, which represents one part in a hundred.

The first step is to find the discounted price after the 20% discount. This can be found by multiplying the original price by (1 - 0.2), which represents a 20% reduction.

Discounted price = x - 0.2x = 0.8x

Next, a 4% tax is added to the discounted price. This can be found by multiplying the discounted price by (1 + 0.04), which represents a 4% increase.

Total amount paid = (0.8x) * (1 + 0.04) = 0.84x

Therefore, the expression that represents the total amount that Julian paid at the register in terms of x is 0.84x.

To learn more about Percentage visit the link:


an appropriations bill passes the u.s. house of representatives with 47 more members voting in favor than against. if all 435 members of the house voted either for or against the bill, how many voted in favor and how many voted against? in favor members against mem


194 member voted against the bill whereas 241 members voted in favour of the bill.

What is bill refers to?

A bill usually refers to a piece of paper money, such as a dollar bill or a euro bill.

To solve this problem, we can use algebra. Let's call the number of members who voted against the bill "x". Then, the number of members who voted in favor of the bill would be "x + 47" (since there were 47 more members voting in favor than against).

We know that the total number of members who voted (either for or against) was 435. So, we can write an equation:

x + (x + 47) = 435

Simplifying this equation, we get:

2x + 47 = 435

Subtracting 47 from both sides:

2x = 388

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 194

So, 194 members voted against the bill, and the number of members who voted in favor would be:

x + 47 = 194 + 47 = 241

Therefore, 241 members voted in favor of the bill.

Learn more about equation here:


consider straight wires of equal lengths with their ends soldered together to form the edges of a cube. either silver or copper wire can be used for each edge. how many different ways can the cube be constructed?


The number of valid ways to construct the cube is [tex]4096 - 48 = 4048[/tex]

Each corner of the cube is formed by three wires coming together. Since the wires are soldered together at the ends, each corner must have either 3 silver wires or 3 copper wires coming together.

There are two choices for each wire: it can be silver or copper. Since there are 12 edges in a cube, there are 2 choices for each edge, giving a total of [tex]2^12 = 4096[/tex] possible arrangements of the edges.

However, not all of these arrangements are valid. We must eliminate the arrangements where at least one corner has two silver wires and one copper wire

There are 8 corners in a cube, and for each corner, there are 3 ways to choose which wire is different from the other two. Once we choose which wire is different, there are 2 choices for its color (silver or copper). Thus, there are [tex]8 x 3 x 2 = 48[/tex] invalid arrangements.

for such more questions on arrangements


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