southwest u's campus book store sells course packs for $16 each. the variable cost per pack is $11, and at current annual sales of 55,000 packs, the store earns $75,000 before taxes on course packs. how much are the fixed costs of producing the course packs?


Answer 1

-$200,000, Since fixed expenses can never be negative, this result is illogical. Therefore, we must have made a calculation or assumption error somewhere.

Which cost is variable?

A variable cost is a business expense that changes depending on how much is produced or sold. Depending on a company's production or sales volume, variable costs grow or fall. They climb as production rises and reduce as production declines.

Operating income divided by sales at a ratio of 0.3125 equals ($75,000 minus fixed costs) divided by $880,000.

$75,000 - Fixed Costs = $275,000

$75,000 minus $275,000 equals $200,000 in fixed costs.

To know more about fixed expenses visit:


Related Questions

1.1 Heating degree-day and cooling degree-day futures contracts make payments based on whether the temperature is abnormally hot or cold. Explain why the following businesses might be interested in such a contract: a. Soft-drink manufacturers. b. Ski-resort operators. c. Electric utilities. d. Amusement park operators. 1.2 Suppose the businesses in the previous problem use futures contracts to hedge their temperature-related risk. Who do you think might accept the opposite risk?


Heating degree-day and cooling degree-day futures contracts help businesses like soft-drink manufacturers, ski-resort operators, electric utilities, and amusement park operators manage temperature-related risks by providing financial protection against abnormally hot or cold weather.

a. Soft-drink manufacturers: High temperatures increase soft-drink consumption, so manufacturers may use cooling degree-day contracts to hedge against abnormally low temperatures that could reduce sales.

b. Ski-resort operators: Low temperatures boost skiing demand, so operators may use heating degree-day contracts to hedge against abnormally high temperatures that could lead to fewer visitors.

c. Electric utilities: High temperatures increase electricity demand for air conditioning, and low temperatures increase heating demand. Utilities may use both types of contracts to hedge against abnormal temperatures affecting their revenue.

d. Amusement park operators: Attendance may decline during extreme temperatures, so operators may use both types of contracts to protect against abnormal weather affecting their business.

For question 1.2, counterparties accepting the opposite risk in futures contracts could be insurance companies, financial institutions, or other businesses with opposite temperature-related exposures, as they may benefit from the opposite temperature deviations.

To know more about futures contracts click on below link:


forgoing current consumption so that those resources can be used to produce new capital is called: a. scarcity. b. absolute advantage. c. comparative advantage. d. saving. e. investment.


Ongoing current consumption so that those resources can be used to produce new capital is called investment. The correct answer is e  Investment

Investment refers to the process of forgoing current consumption so that those resources can be used to produce new capital. In this context, "capital" represents physical assets or resources used to produce goods and services, such as machinery, buildings, or technology.

When individuals or businesses decide to invest, they are choosing to sacrifice immediate consumption or satisfaction in order to potentially increase their productivity or income in the future. This decision is driven by the desire for economic growth and a higher standard of living over time.

Investment is distinct from the other options listed. Scarcity (a) refers to the limited availability of resources; absolute advantage (b) describes a country's ability to produce a good more efficiently than another country; and comparative advantage (c) is the ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another country. Saving (d) is the act of setting aside money or resources for future use, but it does not necessarily involve using those resources to create new capital, as investment does.

For more questions on:  investment


The 30-day forward rate for the Yen is $0.01500, while thecurrent spot rate of the Yen is $0.01060. What is the annualizedforward premium of the Yen?


The annualized forward premium of the Yen is 41.51%.

To calculate the annualized forward premium, we first need to calculate the forward rate premium, which is the difference between the forward rate and the spot rate.

Forward rate premium = Forward rate - Spot rate

= $0.01500 - $0.01060

= $0.00440

Next, we need to annualize the forward rate premium by dividing it by the spot rate and multiplying by 365/30 (assuming a 360-day year).

Annualized forward premium = (Forward rate premium / Spot rate) x (365/30)

= ($0.00440 / $0.01060) x (365/30)

= 0.4151 or 41.51%

Therefore, the annualized forward premium of the Yen is 41.51%.

For more questions like Rate click the link below:


if you were developing an incentive system designed to help drive successful strategy execution, which compensation and reward system would you not consider in your strategy execution effort?


The salary and reward system should be in line with the overall strategy and goals of the firm.

However, in general, any system that incentivizes activities that are inconsistent with the company's principles or that may lead to unethical practices should be avoided. A system that primarily pays salespeople based on the number of sales they generate, for example, may push them to use aggressive or dishonest tactics to complete deals.

As a result, it is critical to carefully analyze the incentive system's design and ensure that it promotes behaviors that support the company's vision and goal.

To know more about reward system, click here.


A subsistence economic system implies nearly total self-sufficiency of its members. The von Thünen model is based on the observation that the value of agricultural land is determined based on soil fertility and climate.


True. The von Thünen model is an economic theory that explains how agricultural land use is determined based on the location of the land and the cost of transportation. The theory was developed by Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a German economist and farmer, in the early 19th century.

One of the key assumptions of the von Thünen model is that a subsistence economic system implies nearly total self-sufficiency of its members. In other words, people who live in a subsistence economy produce most of what they consume and rely little on trade or market exchange.

The model is based on the observation that the value of agricultural land is determined based on soil fertility and climate. The most fertile land is typically located close to the city, where it can be easily transported and sold in the market. As one moves further away from the city, the land becomes less fertile and more difficult to transport, leading to lower land values.

The von Thünen model assumes that farmers will choose to cultivate crops that are most profitable given the location of their land and the cost of transportation.

On the other hand, if a farmer has land located far from the city, they are more likely to grow crops that are less perishable and have a lower value per unit of weight, such as grains and livestock.

The von Thünen model provides a useful framework for understanding how agricultural land use is determined based on location and transportation costs. While the model is not without limitations, it continues to be an important tool for economists and geographers studying agricultural systems and rural development.

Learn more about self-sufficiency here:


Complete question is:

A subsistence economic system implies nearly total self-sufficiency of its members. The von Thünen model is based on the observation that the value of agricultural land is determined based on soil fertility and climate. True/False

The von Thünen model is based on the assumption that farmers in a subsistence economy prioritize their needs based on proximity to the market.

The von Thünen model is an economic theory that explains the spatial distribution of agriculture in a hypothetical, isolated, and subsistence economy. It assumes that farmers prioritize their needs based on the proximity to the market, with more perishable goods being produced closer to the market and fewer perishable ones further away. In a subsistence economy, farmers focus on self-sufficiency and prioritize the production of food and other essential items needed for survival. The model also assumes that the value of agricultural land is determined by soil fertility and climate, which can vary with distance from the market. As a result, the model predicts that farmers will produce crops with the highest value per unit of land closest to the market and move outwards to less valuable crops as they move further away.

learn more about economic theory here:


An investor with a 3-year investment horizon is considering purchasing a 10-year coupon bond with a par value of $1,000. The annual coupon rate is 10% and the price is $1,000. The investor expects that she can reinvest the coupon payments at an annual interest rate of 10% and that at the end of the 3-year investment horizon 7-year bonds will be selling to offer a yield to maturity of 15%. What is the total return for this bond?


The total return for this bond over the 3-year investment horizon is 2.7% when the yield to maturity is 15%.

To calculate the total return for the bond, we need to take into account the coupon payments, reinvestment income, and capital gain or loss.

First, let's calculate the annual coupon payment. The coupon rate is 10%, so the annual coupon payment is:

$1,000 x 10% = $100

The bond has a 10-year maturity, but the investor only plans to hold it for 3 years. At the end of the third year, there will be 7 years left until maturity.

Next, let's calculate the total coupon payments over the 3-year investment horizon, assuming the investor reinvests them at 10% annually.

- Year 1: $100 coupon payment, reinvested at 10%, gives $110 at the end of the year

- Year 2: $100 coupon payment, reinvested at 10%, gives $121 at the end of the year

- Year 3: $100 coupon payment, reinvested at 10%, gives $133.10 at the end of the year

So the total reinvestment income at the end of the 3-year horizon is $110 + $121 + $133.10 = $364.10

Next, let's calculate the capital gain or loss when the investor sells the bond at the end of the third year. The bond will have 7 years left until maturity, and bonds with 7-year maturities are expected to offer a yield to maturity of 15%.

Using a bond calculator, we can find that the price of a 7-year bond with a 15% yield to maturity and a par value of $1,000 is:

PV = $1,000 / (1 + 0.15) = $386.48

So if the investor sells the bond at the end of the third year, they will receive $386.48.

Since the investor bought the bond for $1,000, the capital loss is:

Capital loss = $1,000 - $386.48 = $613.52

Finally, let's calculate the total return:

Total return = reinvestment income + captal gain or loss / initial investment

Total return = $364.10 + ($613.52) / $1,000 = 0.027 = 2.7%

Learn more about total return here:


Your banker has analyzed your company account and has suggested that her bank has a cash management package for you. She suggests that with a concentration banking system, your float can be reduced by four days on average. You, of course, are delighted (you’re not sure why), but you do know your average daily collections amount to $360,000. Your opportunity cost of funds is 8 percent. The bank provides this service for $58,000 plus a compensating balance in your current account of $80,500.
1. is this package worth it?
2. by how much? (annual saving)


The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

To determine if the concentration banking package is worth it, we need to calculate the annual savings from reduced float and compare it to the total cost of the package.2. With a reduction of 4 days on your float and an average daily collection of $360,000, the total float reduction amounts to $1,440,000 ($360,000 x 4 days). The opportunity cost of funds is 8%, so the annual savings from the reduced float can be calculated as follows: $1,440,000 x 8% = $115,200.Now, let's calculate the total cost of the package.

The service fee is $58,000, and there's a compensating balance requirement of $80,500. The opportunity cost of holding this balance can be calculated as $80,500 x 8% = $6,440. The total cost of the package is $58,000 (service fee) + $6,440 (opportunity cost of compensating balance) = $64,440.The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

Learn more about concentration banking here:


A US company expects to pay 4,000,000 Japanese yen 30 days from now. It decides to hedge thee position by buying Japanese yen forward. The current spot rate of the yen is $.0089, while the forward rate is $0.0077. The firm expects the spot rate in 30 days to be $.0094. Based on its expectations the company enters into derivative contracts to maximize its profits. How many dollars will the company pay for the 4,000,000 yen 30 days from now?


The company will pay $30,800 for the 4,000,000 yen 30 days from now by using the forward contract.

How company hedge its position by using Japanese yen forward contract?

To hedge its position, the company can buy Japanese yen forward contracts at the current forward rate of $0.0077 per yen. Therefore, the cost of buying 4,000,000 yen forward would be:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0077/yen = $30,800

In 30 days, the company will have to convert the 4,000,000 yen into dollars at the prevailing spot rate. Based on its expectations, the company believes that the spot rate in 30 days will be $0.0094 per yen. Therefore, the cost of converting 4,000,000 yen into dollars would be:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0094/yen = $37,600

However, the company has already locked in the forward rate of $0.0077 per yen, so it will pay:

4,000,000 yen x $0.0077/yen = $30,800

by using the forward contract. This represents a savings of:

$37,600 - $30,800 = $6,800.

Learn more about hedge


what is the present value of a stream of 5 end-of-year annual cash receipts of $500 given a discount rate of 14%?


The present value of a stream of 5 end-of-year annual cash receipts of $500, given a discount rate of 14%, is approximately $1,716.05.

To calculate the present value of a stream of 5 end-of-year annual cash receipts of $500, given a discount rate of 14%, you can use the present value of an annuity formula.

Step 1: Identify the variables:

Cash receipt amount (C) = $500

Discount rate (r) = 0.14 (or 14%)

Number of years (n) = 5

Step 2: Use the present value of an annuity formula:

PV = C * [(1 - (1 + r)^-n) / r]

Step 3: Plug the variables into the formula:

PV = $500 * [(1 - (1 + 0.14)^-5) / 0.14]

Step 4: Calculate the present value:

PV = $500 * [(1 - (1.14)^-5) / 0.14]

PV = $500 * [(1 - 0.5195) / 0.14]

PV = $500 * [0.4805 / 0.14]

PV = $500 * 3.4321

Step 5: Determine the final present value:

PV = $1716.05

To know more about present value, refer here:


What loan alternative would you choose? (just take into account the interest rate):
a. loan at 15.5% per annum, computed annually
b. loan at 15% per annum, computed quarterly
(please use the formula method)


Using the basis of interest rates, the loan alternative which should be chosen is loan a.

To compare the loan alternatives and choose the better option, we will use the effective annual rate (EAR) formula. The EAR allows us to compare loans with different compounding periods on an equal basis. The formula for EAR is:

EAR = (1 + i/n)^(n) - 1

where i is the nominal interest rate, and n is the number of compounding periods per year.

For loan a:

i = 15.5% (0.155) and n = 1 (annual compounding)

EAR_a = (1 + 0.155/1)^1 - 1 = 0.155 = 15.5%

For loan b:

i = 15% (0.15) and n = 4 (quarterly compounding)

EAR_b = (1 + 0.15/4)^4 - 1 ≈ 0.15856 = 15.856%

Comparing the two loans, loan a has an effective annual rate of 15.5%, while loan b has an effective annual rate of 15.856%. Based on the interest rates, I would choose loan a, as it has a lower effective annual rate (15.5%) compared to loan b (15.856%).

Learn more about Interest rate:


Suppose pound sterling is quoted against the dollar at $1.4419-36, and the Swiss franc is quoted at $0.6250-67. What is the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms? A. 2.3020-50 B. 2.3018-88 C. 2.3035-70 D. 2.3008-98


In direct terms, the cross exchange rate in Zurich is 2.3008 to 98. the correct option is d.

To calculate the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms:
1. Identify the bid and ask rates for both currencies:
  - Pound sterling: $1.4419 (bid) and $1.4436 (ask)
  - Swiss franc: $0.6250 (bid) and $0.6267 (ask)
2. Calculate the bid rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the bid rate of the pound sterling by the ask rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4419 / 0.6267 = 2.3018
3. Calculate the ask rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the ask rate of the pound sterling by the bid rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4436 / 0.6250 = 2.3098
4. Write the cross-exchange rate in direct terms:
  - 2.3018-98
The correct answer is D. 2.3008–98.

For more such questions on rate, click on:


Current Attempt in Progress Wildhorse, Inc., has net income of $11,760,000 on net sales of $367,500,000. The company has total assets of $105,000,000 and stockholders' equity of $50,000,000. Use the extended DuPont identity to find the return on assets and return on equity for the firm. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 12.25 or 12.25%.) Profit margin % Total assets turnover times ROA % ROE %


Using the extended DuPont identity, the return on assets (ROA) for Wildhorse, Inc. is 11.20% and the return on equity (ROE) is 23.52%.

To find the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) for Wildhorse, Inc., using the extended DuPont identity, we need to calculate the profit margin, and total assets turnover, and then apply these values to find ROA and ROE.

1. Profit margin: Profit margin = (Net income / Net sales) x 100
Profit margin = ($11,760,000 / $367,500,000) x 100
Profit margin = 3.20%

2. Total assets turnover: Total assets turnover = Net sales / Total assets
Total assets turnover = $367,500,000 / $105,000,000
Total assets turnover = 3.5 times

3. ROA: ROA = Profit margin x Total assets turnover
ROA = 3.20% x 3.5
ROA = 11.20%

4. ROE: ROE = ROA x (Total assets / Stockholders' equity)
ROE = 11.20% x ($105,000,000 / $50,000,000)
ROE = 11.20% x 2.1
ROE = 23.52%.

To know more about extended DuPont identity refer here:


In many ways, a limited liability company can be thought of as a cross between   a.  a corporation and a franchise.   b.  a joint venture and a partnership.   c.  a corporation and a partnership   d.  a sole proprietorship and a social enterprise.


A limited liability company (LLC) can be thought of as a cross between a corporation and a partnership

LLC combines the limited liability protection of a corporation, where owners are not personally responsible for the company's debts and liabilities, with the pass-through taxation benefits and operational flexibility of a partnership.

A business arrangement where several people share ownership is a partnership. This can be one, two, or more people who decide they wish to start a business and proceed legally. A corporation is a separate entity with a distinct legal and financial framework.

Why are partnerships different from corporations?

How the owners are kept apart from the firm is the key distinction between a corporation and a partnership. Contrary to corporations, which are distinct from their owners, partnerships allow owners to share in the risks and profits of the business. When two or more people want to run a business together, they create a partnership.

To know more about Limited liability Companies visit:


What is the Effective Annual Yield of a 135-day T-bill priced at $9,942.00? Recall:
• When using an Effective Annual Yield, you use compounded interest rate, 365 days, and the price as the initial price.


The effective annual yield is determined using the formula (1+r/n)n-1. Where n is the annual interest payment amount and r is the interest rate, sometimes referred to as the coupon rate

What is Effective Annual Yield?

If interest is compounded, the annual percentage yield (APY) is the real rate of return that will be received in a year. Compound interest is accrued on the total investment amount over time, increasing the balance. Each interest payment will be more expensive due to the increased debt.

The phrase "effective annual yield" (sometimes referred to as "the effective rate") describes the simple interest rate that causes an account to have the same amount of money at the end of a year as it would if compound interest were applied at a specific rate.

There is a simple formula that may be used to compute compound interest. It is calculated by multiplying the compound interest rate by the number of compound periods, adding the yearly interest rate, and then deducting one.

Learn more about Annual Yield:


Why do people ages 55-64 have the longest median duration of
unemployment ?


People aged 55-64 tend to have the longest median duration of unemployment due to several factors, including age discrimination, skill mismatch, and career transitions.

Age discrimination: Unfortunately, older job seekers may face age discrimination in the hiring process, which can prolong their unemployment. Employers might have biases against older workers, believing they are less adaptable to new technologies or not a good fit for a company's culture.

Skill mismatch: As industries and technologies evolve, the required skill sets for jobs change as well. Older workers may have outdated skills or lack the latest certifications, making it more difficult for them to secure employment. They may need to undergo retraining or upskilling to compete with younger job seekers.

Career transitions: People in the 55-64 age group might be at a stage in their lives where they are considering a career change, whether due to personal reasons or forced by market shifts. Changing careers can require additional time and effort, which can result in a longer period of unemployment. These factors contribute to the longer median duration of unemployment for people aged 55-64. However, it's important to note that each individual's situation is unique, and the reasons for unemployment can vary widely.

To know more about unemployment, refer here:


A $1,000 par value bond with a maturity of five years has a current price of $835 and annual interest payments are $60. what is the yield to maturity?



We can use the present value formula to solve for the yield to maturity of the bond:

PV = C / (1 + r)^1 + C / (1 + r)^2 + ... + C / (1 + r)^5 + FV / (1 + r)^5

where PV is the current price of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the yield to maturity, and FV is the face value of the bond.

Plugging in the given values:

PV = $835

C = $60

FV = $1,000

n = 5

Solving for r using trial and error or a financial calculator, we find that the yield to maturity of the bond is approximately 8.00%.

Therefore, the yield to maturity of the bond is 8.00%.

LRW Corporation has a beta of 1.6. The risk-free rate ofinterest is 0.03, and the return on the stock market overall isexpected to be 0.11. What is the required rate of return on LRWstock?


The required rate of return on LRW stock is 15.8%.

To calculate the required rate of return on LRW stock, we can use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula. The CAPM formula is:

Required Rate of Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Market Return - Risk-Free Rate)

Given that LRW Corporation has a beta of 1.6, the risk-free rate of interest is 0.03, and the expected return on the stock market overall is 0.11, we can plug in these values into the formula:

Required Rate of Return = 0.03 + 1.6 * (0.11 - 0.03)


1. Calculate the difference between the market return and the risk-free rate:
  0.11 - 0.03 = 0.08

2. Multiply this difference by LRW's beta:
  1.6 * 0.08 = 0.128

3. Add the risk-free rate to the result from step 2:
  0.03 + 0.128 = 0.158

So, the required rate of return on LRW stock is 0.158 or 15.8%.

Learn more about CAPM:


Marginal benefit minus price equals: A. consumer surplus. B. economic equity. C. producer surplus. D. economic efficiency.


Marginal benefit minus price equals A. consumer surplus.

What is meant by consumer surplus?

Consumer surplus is the difference between the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay for a good or service (i.e., marginal benefit) and the actual price they pay. Therefore, marginal benefit minus price equals consumer surplus.

Marginal benefit represents the additional benefit a consumer receives from consuming an additional unit of a good or service, while price represents the cost of that unit. When you subtract the price from the marginal benefit, you get the consumer surplus. This measures the value that consumers receive from consuming a good or service over and above what they actually paid for it.

To know more about marginal benefit visit:


You are looking at an investment that has an effective annual rate of 7 percent. a. What is the effective semiannual return? b. What is the effective quarterly return?c. What is the effective monthly return ?


a. The effective semiannual return is 3.46%.

b. The effective quarterly return is 1.72%.

c. The effective monthly return is 0.58%.

To calculate the effective semiannual return, we need to use the formula:

(1 + annual rate)^1/2 - 1 = (1 + 0.07)^1/2 - 1 = 0.0346 or 3.46%.

To calculate the effective quarterly return, we need to use the formula:

(1 + annual rate)^1/4 - 1 = (1 + 0.07)^1/4 - 1 = 0.0172 or 1.72%.

To calculate the effective monthly return, we need to use the formula:

(1 + annual rate)^1/12 - 1 = (1 + 0.07)^1/12 - 1 = 0.0058 or 0.58%.

These calculations are important in finance as they allow investors to compare returns on investments with different compounding frequencies.

For more questions like Investment click the link below:


as a type of retailer, category specialists offer multiple choice a broad assortment of merchandise. highly trained personnel throughout the stores. high prices and high-end merchandise. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.


As a type of retailer, category specialists offer d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

Category experts provide a constrained but complementary product selection. Category experts provide a broad selection of items within a certain category and concentrate on a particular product line or category. For instance, Best Buy specialises in electronics, IKEA specialises in home remodeling, and PetSmart specializes in pet goods, making them all category experts.

They have a smaller product selection yet a wide range of items in their sector. Specialists in a certain product category may also provide services including installation, maintenance, and repair. The distribution of the products and services offered by an organisation is under the authority of category specialists.

Complete Question:

As a type of retailer, category specialists offer

a. a broad assortment of merchandise.

b. highly trained personnel throughout the stores.

c. high prices and high-end merchandise.

d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

e. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.

Read more about category specialists on:


2. Have you ever experienced what you thought to be an attempt at phishing, or have you ever
received a phone call that sounded like a scam? Describe the situation below and what you did to
protect your personal or financial information.
If you don't recall an experience like this, write a fictional scenario of a scam that might be used to
get someone's personal information, and what can be done to avoid it.
(8 points: 4 points to describe the act of phishing or scam; 4 points to describe what was done to
avoid the situation)


One possible scenario of a scam to get someone's personal information is a phishing email scam.

What happens in an email scam ?

In this scenario, a person receives an email that appears to be from a legitimate company, such as a bank or an online retailer. The email may claim that there is a problem with the person's account or an unauthorized transaction has been made.

The email will then provide a link or attachment for the person to click on to resolve the issue. However, the link or attachment will direct the person to a fake website or download malicious software that can steal the person's personal information, such as their login credentials or credit card details.

To avoid falling victim to this scam, there are several things that can be done. First, always be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages. Second, do not click on any links or attachments in emails or messages, especially from unknown sources.

Find out more on phishing at


a company would like to invest in a capital budget project. in 40 years, the project will be worth $500,000 in today's dollars. how much should this company invest today, assuming an average inflation rate of 2% and a 10% annual return?


The company should invest approximately $87,890 today to yield a future value of $500,000 after 40 years, assuming an average inflation rate of 2% and a 10% annual return.

To determine how much the company should make investment today, we need to adjust the future value of the project to today's dollars by accounting for inflation.

Using the formula for present value, we can calculate that the company should invest approximately $87,890 today to yield a future value of $500,000 after 40 years, assuming an average inflation rate of 2% and a 10% annual return.

Therefore, in conclusion we can say that the company should be willing to invest $87,890 today to receive a return of $500,000 after 40 years, adjusted for inflation and factoring in the annual rate of return.

Learn more about Inflation :


chuck, a single taxpayer, earns $76,600 in taxable income and $11,700 in interest from an investment in city of heflin bonds. (use the u.s. tax rate schedule.) required: if chuck earns an additional $40,000 of taxable income, what is his marginal tax rate on this income? what is his marginal rate if, instead, he had $40,000 of additional deductions? note: for all requirements, do not round intermediate calculations. round percentage answers to 2 decimal places.


Chuck's marginal tax rate on the additional $40,000 of taxable income is 24%. Chuck's marginal tax rate with $40,000 of additional deductions is 12%.

To determine Chuck's marginal tax rate on the additional $40,000 of taxable income and the impact of $40,000 in additional deductions, we need to refer to the U.S. tax rate schedule.

First, let's determine Chuck's current tax bracket based on his taxable income of $76,600. According to the U.S. tax rate schedule for a single taxpayer, this falls within the 22% tax bracket (income between $40,526 and $86,375).

Next, let's calculate his new taxable income if he earns an additional $40,000. His new taxable income would be $76,600 + $40,000 = $116,600. With this new taxable income, Chuck moves into the 24% tax bracket (income between $86,376 and $164,925).

Now, we can determine his marginal tax rate on the additional $40,000 of taxable income. The marginal tax rate is the tax rate applied to the last dollar of income earned. In this case, it is 24%.

If Chuck had $40,000 in additional deductions instead, his new taxable income would be $76,600 - $40,000 = $36,600. In this scenario, he would fall within the 12% tax bracket (income between $9,951 and $40,525). Therefore, his marginal tax rate with the additional deductions would be 12%.

Hence, Chuck's marginal tax rate on the additional $40,000 of taxable income is 24% and with $40,000 of additional deductions is 12%.

Learn more about Marginal tax:


​(Individual or component costs of capital​) Compute the cost of the​ following:
a. A bond that has ​$1,000 par value​ (face value) and a contract or coupon interest rate of 8 percent. A new issue would have a floatation cost of 9 percent of the $1,145market value. The bonds mature in 7 years. The​ firm's average tax rate is 30 percent and its marginal tax rate is 37 percent. What is the​ firm's after-tax cost of debt on the​ bond?_____%
b. A new common stock issue that paid a $1.70 dividend last year. The par value of the stock is​ $15, and earnings per share have grown at a rate of 11percent per year. This growth rate is expected to continue into the foreseeable future. The company maintains a constant​ dividend-earnings ratio of 30 percent. The price of this stock is now $31​, but 8percent flotation costs are anticipated. What is the cost of external common​equity? ______%
c. Internal common equity when the current market price of the common stock is ​$46. The expected dividend this coming year should be $3.30, increasing thereafter at an annual growth rate of 12 percent. The​ corporation's tax rate is 37 percent. What is the cost of internal common​ equity? _______%
d. A preferred stock paying a dividend of 9 percent on a ​$100 par value. If a new issue is​ offered, flotation costs will be 13 percent of the current price of ​$169. What is the cost of capital for the preferred​ stock? ______%
e. A bond selling to yield 14 percent after flotation​ costs, but before adjusting for the marginal corporate tax rate of 37percent. In other​ words, 14 percent is the rate that equates the net proceeds from the bond with the present value of the future cash flows​ (principal and​ interest). What is the​ after-tax cost of debt on the​ bond? ______%


a. The after-tax cost of debt on the bond is 5.27%.

b. The cost of external common equity is 15.95%.

c. The cost of internal common equity is 19.05%.

d. The cost of capital for the preferred stock is 5.26%.

e. The after-tax cost of debt on the bond is 8.82%.

a. The calculation for after-tax cost of debt on the bond is as follows:

First, we need to calculate the current market value of the bond:

Market value = Par value + (Par value x Coupon rate x (1-Flotation cost))

Market value = $1,000 + ($1,000 x 8% x (1-9%))

Market value = $928.00

Next, we need to calculate the after-tax cost of debt:

After-tax cost of debt = Coupon rate x (1 - Tax rate)

After-tax cost of debt = 8% x (1 - 30%)

After-tax cost of debt = 5.60%

Finally, we adjust for flotation costs:

After-tax cost of debt = [(Coupon payment x (1 - Tax rate)) / Net proceeds] + Flotation cost

After-tax cost of debt = [(80 x 70%) / $928] + 9%

After-tax cost of debt = 5.27%

b. The calculation for cost of external common equity is as follows:

First, we need to calculate the expected dividend for next year:

Dividend = Dividend per share x (1 + Growth rate)

Dividend = $1.70 x (1 + 11%)

Dividend = $1.89

Next, we need to calculate the cost of external common equity:

Cost of external common equity = (Dividend / Net proceeds) + Growth rate + Flotation cost

Cost of external common equity = ($1.89 / $31) + 11% + 8%

Cost of external common equity = 15.95%

c. The calculation for cost of internal common equity is as follows:

First, we need to calculate the expected dividend for next year:

Dividend = Dividend per share x (1 + Growth rate)

Dividend = $3.30 x (1 + 12%)

Dividend = $3.70

Next, we need to calculate the cost of internal common equity:

Cost of internal common equity = (Dividend / Current stock price) + Growth rate

Cost of internal common equity = ($3.70 / $46) + 12%

Cost of internal common equity = 19.05%

d. The calculation for cost of capital for the preferred stock is as follows:

First, we need to calculate the current market value of the preferred stock:

Market value = Par value / Current price

Market value = $100 / $169

Market value = $0.59

Next, we adjust for flotation costs:

Cost of capital for preferred stock = (Dividend / Net proceeds) + Flotation cost

Cost of capital for preferred stock = (9% x $100 x (1 - 37%)) / ($169 x (1 - 13%)) + 13%

Cost of capital for preferred stock = 5.26%

e. The calculation for after-tax cost of debt on the bond is as follows:

First, we need to adjust for the marginal corporate tax rate:

After-tax cost of debt = Pre-tax cost x (1 - Tax rate)

After-tax cost of debt = 14% x (1 - 37%)

After-tax cost of debt = 8.82%

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which of the following is true regarding price? multiple choice question. it should be based on the value that the customer perceives. it should be as high as legally allowed. it should always be based on competitors' prices. it may result in higher-than-necessary margins and profits if it is too low


The statement which is true regarding price is a. it should be based on the value that the customer perceives.

Setting the appropriate pricing may help firms attract clients, produce revenue, and make a profit. Pricing is a crucial component of marketing strategy. Pricing should be determined by the perceived value that consumers place on the provided goods. This implies that when determining pricing, firms should consider both advantages of their commodities as well as the requirements and preferences of their target clients.

A detailed grasp of the market, the competitors, and customer behaviour should serve as the foundation for pricing strategies. Pricing decisions can have a detrimental effect on sales and earnings. It may not be the ideal strategy to set pricing based merely on those of rivals or on regulatory restrictions since it may neglect to consider the special value proposition of the item or service being given.

Complete Question:

Which of the following is true regarding price?

a. it should be based on the value that the customer perceives.

b. it should be as high as legally allowed.

c. it should always be based on competitors' prices.

d. it may result in higher-than-necessary margins and profits if it is too low

Read more about price on:


blue water homes has 8 percent bonds outstanding that mature in 13 years. the bonds pay interest semiannually. these bonds have a par value of $1,000 and are callable in 5 years at a call price of $1050. what is the yield to call if the current price is equal to $1110.92? a. 3.125 percent by. 9.66 percent c. 4.83 percent d. 7.93 percent e. 6.25 percent


The value of YTC is approximately 3.125 percent (Option A).

How to calculate the yield to call if the current price

Blue Water Homes has 8 percent bonds outstanding that mature in 13 years and pay interest semiannually.

The bonds have a par value of $1,000 and are callable in 5 years at a call price of $1,050. The current price of the bonds is $1,110.92.

To determine the yield to call (YTC), we need to calculate the internal rate of return on the bond's cash flows, considering the bond's current price, call price, and interest payments.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet software, input the following values:

N = 10 periods (5 years * 2 semiannual periods), P

V = -$1,110.92 (negative because it's an outflow),

PMT = $40 (8% * $1,000 / 2 semiannual periods), and FV = $1,050.

Solve for the interest rate (I) which represents the YTC. The calculated YTC is approximately 3.125 percent (Option A).

This is the yield an investor would receive if they purchase the bond at its current price and the bond is called at the call price in 5 years.

Learn more about YTC at


A large, standby electricity generator in a hospital operating room has a first cost of $73,000 anil may be used for a maximum of 6 years. Its salvage value, which decreases by 15% per year, is described by the equation S = 70,000(1 - 0.15)", where n is the number of years after purchase. The operating cost of the generator will be constant at $75,000 per year. At an interest rate of 12% per year, what are the economic service life and the associated AW value?


The economic service life of the generator is 6 years, and its associated AW value is -$873,458.38. This means that the generator is not economically justified, since its costs exceed its revenues over its useful life.

To find the economic service life and the associated annual worth (AW) value, we need to calculate the present worth (PW) of the generator's costs and revenues over time, and then use the PW to calculate the AW.

Let's start by calculating the salvage value (S) of the generator at the end of each year, using the given equation:

S = 70,000(1 - 0.15)^n

where n is the number of years after purchase.

After 1 year: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^1[/tex]= 59,500

After 2 years: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^2[/tex] = 50,575

After 3 years: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^3[/tex]= 42,989

After 4 years: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^4[/tex] = 36,541

After 5 years: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^5[/tex] = 31,065

After 6 years: S = 70,000(1 - 0.15[tex])^6[/tex]= 26,410

Next, let's calculate the PW of the costs and revenues associated with the generator, using the given interest rate of 12% per year. We'll assume that the generator is purchased at the beginning of year 1.

Year 0:

First cost: PW = -$73,000

Years 1-6:

Annual operating cost: PW = -$75,000(P/F,12%,1) - -$75,000(P/F,12%,2) - ... - -$75,000(P/F,12%,6)

= -$75,000(3.0374) = -$227,805.24

Salvage value: PW = $59,500(P/F,12%,1) + $50,575(P/F,12%,2) + ... + $26,410(P/F,12%,6)

= $59,500(0.8929) + $50,575(0.7972) + ... + $26,410(0.3349)

= $133,411.69

The total PW of the costs and revenues is:

PW = -$73,000 + $133,411.69 - $227,805.24

= -$167,393.55

Finally, we can use the PW to calculate the AW, using the formula:

AW = PW(A/P,12%,6)

where A/P is the factor for an arithmetic gradient of 0% over 6 years, which is 5.2166.

AW = -$167,393.55(5.2166)

= -$873,458.38

Therefore, the economic service life of the generator is 6 years, and its associated AW value is -$873,458.38. This means that the generator is not economically justified, since its costs exceed its revenues over its useful life.

Learn more about  economic service


Airbus sold an A400 Aircraft to Delta Airlines, a U.S Company,and billed $30 million payable in six months. Airbus is concernedabout the euro proceeds from international sales and would like tocont rol exchange risk. The current spot exchange rate is 1.05 $/euro and the six-month forward rate exchange rate is 1.10 $/euro. Airbus can buy a six-month put option on U.S. dollars with a strike price of 0.95 euro/$ for a premium of .02 euro per U.S. dollar. Currently, the six-month interest rate is 2.5% in the eurozone and 3% in the United States.Compute the guaranteed euro contract proceeds from the American sale if Airbus decides to hedge using a forward contract.


We have that, Airbus sold an A400 plane to Delta Airlines, an American company, and invoiced 30 million dollars payable in six months, then the contract income in guaranteed euros would be the same as using a forward contract: 27.27 million euro.

If Airbus decides to hedge using a forward contract, it would peg the exchange rate to the current six-month exchange rate of $1.10/euro. Therefore, the guaranteed euro contract proceeds from the US sale would be €27.27 million ($30 million divided by $1.10/euro). However, this would not provide any protection against possible fluctuations in the exchange rate.

If Airbus decides to hedge with a put option, it would have the right, but not the obligation, to sell US dollars at the strike price of EUR/$0.95. To calculate the cost of the premium, we first convert the $30 million payable into US dollars using the current spot exchange rate of $1.05/euro. This gives us $31.43 million. The put option premium would be €0.02 per US dollar, so the total cost of the premium would be €628,600 (€0.02 x US$31.43 million).

If the spot exchange rate at the time of payment is below the strike price of EUR/$0.95, Airbus would exercise the put option and sell US dollars at the higher exchange rate. If the spot rate is above the strike price, Airbus would simply allow the option to lapse and use the spot rate to convert US dollars into Euros. Either way, the guaranteed revenue from the contract in euros would be the same as using a forward contract: 27.27 million euros.

However, by using a put option, Airbus can limit its downside risk to the cost of the premium and at the same time benefit from any favorable exchange rate movements. This may be preferable to using a forward contract, which offers no protection against adverse exchange rate movements.

See more information on the exchange rate at:


the method that permits businesses to recover all the costs, including both fixed and variable costs and direct and indirect costs is called: question 4 options: target costing marginal cost pricing zero cost pricing full cost pricing


The method that permits businesses to recover all the costs, including both fixed and variable costs and direct and indirect costs, is called full cost pricing.

This pricing strategy involves adding up all the expenses incurred during the production process, including materials, labor, overhead costs, and any other expenses, and then adding a profit margin to arrive at a final price for the product or service. Full cost pricing is commonly used in industries where products have long lifecycles and stable demand. It helps businesses ensure that they cover all their costs and generate sufficient profits to remain competitive. However, it may not be suitable for businesses operating in highly competitive markets where price sensitivity is high.

For more such questions on cost , click on:


The informational content of dividends refers to a link between dividends and future earnings. In other words, investors view a change in dividends, up or down, as a signal that management expects future earnings to change in the same direction.
Select one:


The statement is true because the informational content of dividends theory suggests that changes in dividends (increase or decrease) can provide information to investors about the future prospects of a company.

The informational content of dividends refers to the idea that changes in dividends can convey valuable information about the company's future prospects. For example, if a company increases its dividend payment, it may signal that management is confident in the company's future earnings potential and expects that it will continue to generate strong cash flows.

On the other hand, if a company decreases or eliminates its dividend payment, it may signal that the company is experiencing financial difficulties or expects lower future earnings potential. This can cause investors to become concerned about the company's future prospects, leading to a decrease in demand for the company's stock and a decrease in its share price.

Learn more about dividends


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