stanley comes home from the hospital. blanche has been drinking fairly steadily since mitch left. who does she tell stanley she heard from?


Answer 1

Blanche tells Stanley she heard from an old beau named Shep Huntleigh, who is now wealthy and successful.

When Stanley gets home from the hospital in the play "A Streetcar Named Desire," he discovers Blanche drinking extensively ever since Mitch dumped her. Stanley learns from Blanche that an old flame called Shep Huntleigh, who is now well-off and prosperous, sent her a telegram. Shep is praised by Blanche, who romanticises their history and probable future together.

Stanley, though, has his reservations about her account and believes that she could be lying to hide the truth. The tension and mistrust between Stanley and Blanche are brought out in this talk, as well as Blanche's propensity to conjure up grandiose dreams in order to escape her challenging reality.

Learn more about the wealthy:


Answer 2

Blanche tells Stanley that she heard from Shep Huntleigh after coming home from the hospital. During this time, she has been drinking fairly steadily since Mitch left.

The above question is taken from a play named 'A Streetcar Named Desire' written by Tennessee Williams. Tennessee Williams wrote the drama A Streetcar Named Desire, which was presented for the first time on Broadway on December 3, 1947. The play dramatizes the experiences of Blanche DuBois, a former Southern beauty who leaves her once-prosperous status to settle into a run-down apartment in New Orleans that her younger sister and brother-in-law rented. Blanche DuBois experienced a series of personal losses that led to her leaving her once-prosperous situation.

To learn more about A Streetcar Named Desire, click here:


Related Questions

3. There was intermarriage between Kikuyu and Masai, especially in the areas where them lived close together.​


It is important to note that intermarriage between these two communities is not a recent phenomenon and has been happening for many generations. Historically, the Kikuyu and Masai communities had a complex relationship that was characterized by both conflict and cooperation.

What are the importance of intermarriages?

In some cases, intermarriage was used as a way to foster peace and cooperation between the two communities. Additionally, intermarriage was also a way for individuals to gain access to resources and social status that were associated with the other community.

Overall, intermarriage between the Kikuyu and Masai communities is a reflection of the complex social and historical dynamics that have shaped the relationships between these two groups over time.

Read more about intermarriage here:


1. We can buy bread at the store. Find the complete predicate and the verb​



Complete Predicate: can buy bread at the store.

Verb: buy.


In the sentence, "We can buy bread at the store," the subject is "we," and the complete predicate is "can buy bread at the store."

The verb in the sentence is "buy," which is the action being performed by the subject "we." The word "can" is a modal verb that indicates the ability or possibility to perform the action, but it is not the main verb. The main verb is "buy," which is the action that the subject is able to do.

Therefore, the complete predicate is "can buy bread at the store," and the verb is "buy."

In “Harrison Bergeron”, everyone is made to be equal. Using text evidence, compare this to the idea of the American Dream. Explain your answer.


Social media allows reader to consume media at high rates




The concept of equality in "Harrison Bergeron" is very different from the idea of the American Dream. In the story, everyone is forced to be equal by handicapping those who are more intelligent, beautiful, or talented. This is done in the name of fairness and to prevent anyone from feeling inferior or superior to others. However, this forced equality creates a dystopian society where individuality and creativity are suppressed.

On the other hand, the American Dream is based on the idea that everyone has the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. It is not about forcing everyone to be the same but rather providing equal opportunities for all to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential.

The text evidence from "Harrison Bergeron" that supports this comparison includes the following quote: "Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else." This illustrates how in the story, everyone is stripped of their unique abilities and traits to ensure that no one stands out or has an advantage over others. This is in stark contrast to the American Dream, which celebrates individuality and diversity and encourages people to pursue their talents and strengths.

Moreover, the American Dream is about achieving success through hard work and determination, whereas in "Harrison Bergeron," success is impossible because no one is allowed to excel beyond the average. The quote "Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains" highlights how the society in the story deliberately keeps people from using their abilities to their fullest potential. This goes against the American Dream, which promotes the idea of using one's strengths and talents to succeed.

In conclusion, the concept of equality in "Harrison Bergeron" is not the same as the American Dream. While the story's society forces everyone to be equal by handicapping those who are more intelligent or talented, the American Dream encourages individuality, diversity, and the pursuit of success through hard work and determination.

a(n) _______ functions to increase understanding through comparison and contrast.


A comparison and contrast is a powerful tool that helps increase understanding by highlighting similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

By examining the features, characteristics, and qualities of each subject side-by-side, we can gain a deeper understanding of their respective strengths and weaknesses, as well as their unique attributes. This process can also reveal commonalities that may not have been immediately apparent, and can provide insights into how these subjects are connected or related.

Comparison and contrast can be used in a variety of contexts, from literature and art to science and technology, and can help us make informed decisions, solve problems, and form well-rounded opinions.

Learn more about comparison and contrast


how does dr kings rhetoric in paragraph 15 advance his purpose in the letter? internet public library


In paragraph 15, Dr. King uses rhetoric to emphasize the importance of nonviolent protest and to encourage the clergymen to join him in his struggle for civil rights. He states that "nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue." By emphasizing the power of nonviolent protest, Dr. King is able to advance his purpose of convincing the clergymen to join him in his struggle for civil rights

the writer wants to add a sentence at the end of the passage to summarize the main claim of the passage. which of the following choices, if added after sentence 15, best accomplishes this goal? responses in fact, some people view the current age as ushering in a significant shift in the world of work, driven not by coal or electricity, but by automation and artificial intelligence. in fact, some people view the current age as ushering in a significant shift in the world of work, driven not by coal or electricity, but by automation and artificial intelligence. instead, we should only adopt automated technologies in cases where it is absolutely necessary. instead, we should only adopt automated technologies in cases where it is absolutely necessary. we must follow the example of other countries and adopt basic income programs. we must follow the example of other countries and adopt basic income programs. although large-scale change is likely in many sectors, education reform and a progressive bi program will help us offset risk and protect social stability. although large-scale change is likely in many sectors, education reform and a progressive bi program will help us offset risk and protect social stability. indeed, although the united states has long been a major center of automation, other countries are playing an increasingly large role in the development and adoption of automated technologies.



The sentence that best summarizes the main claim of the passage when added after sentence 15 is: "Indeed, although the United States has long been a major center of automation, other countries are playing an increasingly large role in the development and adoption of automated technologies."


This sentence highlights the global aspect of automation and acknowledges the involvement of other countries in driving the shift in the world of work towards automation and artificial intelligence.

Fiona turned and stared at the red brick building. All last year, she had waited excitedly to pass fifth grade and start middle school. Now that day was here, and it took all her strength not to cry. This was not the school she planned to attend. Her family had moved from Florida to California over the summer, and she did not know a single person in her new town.
Last night, her mother had given her some advice: "Honey, people will want to be your friend if they think you like them."
"How am I supposed to show that?" Fiona asked. "I don't even know them."
"A simple way to show interest is to give them a compliment. Try saying something like, 'Those are pretty earrings. Where did you get them?' You will be surprised how quickly a conversation starts," her mother replied. Fiona was doubtful.
Fiona took a deep breath, slung her backpack over her shoulder, and walked up the steps. A tall boy skidded his mountain bike into the bike rack and called out, "Hey Todd! How was your summer?"
"My parents took us camping. It was great!" Todd yelled back.
"Julie, wait up! Who do you have for homeroom?" shouted a perky blond girl as she shoved past Fiona on the steps. Great, Fiona thought, it is worse than I thought. No one even notices me. Anxiety about having to sit alone in the cafeteria made her stomach do flips.
Fiona hesitated at the doorway of her homeroom and warily eyed the scene. Kids acted like they all knew each other. She sighed and sat in her assigned desk. She took out a book and began to read.
"Hey", a voice whispered from across the aisle. "I love that book! I read the whole series this summer in Indiana. I didn't think anybody here would read them. Which one is your favorite?"
"I've only read the first two. So far, the second one is the best," Fiona whispered back.
"I think so, too! I'll lend you the next one if you want. My name is Nicki," said the girl.
Fiona replied, "I'm Fiona. I just moved here this summer."
"Me, too!" Nicki said. "I was really worried about not knowing anybody. I lived in Indiana my whole life. My mom told me to make new friends by talking about books because I love to read. Hey, do you want to sit together at lunch?"
Fiona laughed and felt relief wash over her. "Sure," she said. "And I like your earrings, Nicki. Where did you get them?"
Which statement is the best summary of the passage?
Nicki makes Fiona feel welcome in the new school. She offers to share her favorite series of books.
Nicki moves to California from Indiana. She is excited to meet another girl who likes to read books in a series.
Fiona moves to California from Florida over the summer. She does not like her new middle school class.
Fiona is worried about making friends in a new school. She is relieved when another new girl starts a conversation with her.


Fiona is worried about making friends in a new school. She is relieved when another new girl starts a conversation with her.
The correct option is D.

How many lines is a passage?

The five lines in each paragraph provide you room to develop a thorough thought without making it difficult for the reader to understand what you're trying to express. Even while not all of your paragraphs must have exactly five phrases, this is a solid general rule to adhere to in the body of your essay.

What is the passage's organisation?

The textual arrangement of a paragraph determines how it is internally organised. The text's organisational structure backs up the author's intended meaning. Transitions—words or words that show how things are related—can be quite helpful when studying the structure of a document.

To know more about Passage visit:


please help me out, i know its a lot, but i need it, please and thank you.


I'm having trouble sending the entire thing, I keep getting a pop up saying it contains a link or swearing so I'm going to send the last answer separately when I figure out what to change

1. I skipped up the stairs to my new apartment, opened the door and stepped over the threshold. I observed the room which looked uncluttered and felt cozy. Excited to get a better view of the surrounding neighborhood, I hoisted open the windows and was greeted with a surprising smell, freshly baked bread. Living next to a bakery would really be refreshing. As I sank into the well-loved chair in the middle of the room, I pondered what life away from home would be like. I was eager to see what would come next.  

2. The narrator presents a satirical image of an American who has glamorized France to what he believes to be an excessive extent. Through his eyes we are told of a perfectly kept scenery, down to the smallest detail. The imagery suggests unnatural tidiness and symmetry, “Surely the straight, smooth, pure white turnpikes are … sandpapered every day. How else are these marvels of symmetry, cleanliness, and order attained?” Even a simple lawn is romanticized as in the sentence “Surely the leagues of bright green lawns are swept and brushed and watered every day and their grasses trimmed by the barber.”

abeka: grammar & composition ii/of places test 03 are you looking for an interesting book to read


Abeka: Are you seeking for a good book to read for the grammar and composition II/of locations test is interrogative Sentence

A question-posing sentence is referred to as an interrogative sentence.

For instance, the English question "Is Hannah sick?" differs from its declarative counterpart "Hannah is sick" by using an interrogative structure.

The phrase "Paul knows who is sick" is an example of an interrogative clause that is embedded within a phrase.

The structure of interrogatives varies between languages. Glossing int can be used to indicate interrogative mood or other interrogative forms.

Yes-no questions, which inquire as to whether something is the case (and allow a yes-or-no response), and what questions, which identify the information being requested using words like which, who, how, etc.,

To learn more about Grammar visit:


Why do you think the little animal mad promise?


To get dwelling places and build personal belongings for its kind.

Compare the perspectives of Vikram and Mother in the story, “Tales of a Salt Revolutionary.” Then explain how Mother’s perspective is similar to and different from Gandhi’s perspective in the article “Gandhi’s Salt March.” Include information about how the setting affects each person’s perspective. Use details from both passages to support your response.




In "Tales of a Salt Revolutionary," Vikram and Mother have different perspectives regarding the issue of salt taxation. Vikram is a revolutionary who believes in taking action against the British government's unjust tax laws. He believes that Indians should make their own salt and defy the British salt laws. On the other hand, Mother is more cautious and believes that change should come through peaceful means. She is opposed to Vikram's violent methods and is afraid of the consequences of defying British authority.Mother's perspective in "Tales of a Salt Revolutionary" is similar to Gandhi's perspective in "Gandhi's Salt March" in that both believe in peaceful resistance. Gandhi also believed in nonviolent civil disobedience as a means of protest against British colonialism. Like Mother, Gandhi believed that the British government could be persuaded to change its policies through peaceful means, rather than through violent revolution. However, there are some differences between Mother's and Gandhi's perspectives. Gandhi believed in nonviolence as a moral principle, while Mother's opposition to violence seems to be more pragmatic.The setting affects each person's perspective differently. For Vikram, the setting of British colonialism has led him to believe that the only way to achieve change is through violent resistance. He sees the British as an oppressive force that must be defeated by any means necessary. Mother, on the other hand, has seen the damage caused by violence and is afraid that defying British authority could lead to even greater harm. Her perspective is shaped by her experience of living under British colonialism, but she is less willing to take risks than Vikram.In "Gandhi's Salt March," the setting of British colonialism has led Gandhi to believe that peaceful resistance is the best way to achieve change. He believes that nonviolent civil disobedience can create a moral force that the British government cannot ignore. Like Mother, Gandhi is afraid of the consequences of violent resistance and believes that it would only lead to further bloodshed and suffering.In conclusion, the perspectives of Vikram and Mother in "Tales of a Salt Revolutionary" are different, with Vikram believing in violent resistance and Mother in peaceful means. Mother's perspective is similar to Gandhi's in "Gandhi's Salt March" in that both believe in peaceful resistance, but there are some differences in their beliefs. The setting of British colonialism affects each person's perspective differently, with Vikram believing in violent resistance because of his experiences, while Mother and Gandhi believe in peaceful means.

can someone please help me write an explanation for this already modernized poem of the original OZYMANDIAS poem.the image attached is the explanation of how to do it along with an example.

this is the modernized poem:

I met a traveler from a land far away,

Who spoke of ruins from a different day,

He said, "A pair of legs, without a throne,

Stand in a desert, once a kingdom's home.

Beside them lies a face, shattered and old,

Whose sneer of power, once so bold,

Shows that the sculptor who made this art,

Knew well the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

Upon the base, these words still stand,

'My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land.'

But now, with nothing left to show,

The works of mighty kings have long ago.

The sands of time have claimed their space,

Leaving behind a barren place,

Where all that's left is a memory,

Of the powerful ruler, who once believed in supremacy."


The modernized poem based on Shelley's "Ozymandias" describes the ruins of a powerful ruler's once-great kingdom in the desert, emphasizing the transience of human power and time's inevitable erosion.

How to Write an Explanation for the Modernized Poem?

The modernized poem, based on Shelley's "Ozymandias," describes a traveler who discovers ruins in a desert. The ruins consist of a pair of legs without a throne, and a shattered face that once showed the arrogance of a ruler's heart.

The base has an inscription that reads "My name is Ozymandias, King of all the land," but now nothing is left of the works of mighty kings. The poem emphasizes the transience of human power and the inevitability of time's erosion.

Learn more about modernized poem on:


The consonants m, b, and p are often last to emerge in language development and are considered late consonants. false true


In language development, children typically acquire speech sounds in a predictable sequence. True

Consonants such as "m", "b", and "p" require the use of the lips and mouth muscles, and are considered late-developing consonants. Children usually begin to acquire these consonants around the age of 3-4 years old. This is because they require a more precise control and coordination of the mouth muscles, which takes time to develop.

Early-developing consonants such as "m", "p", and "h", on the other hand, rely on more basic mouth movements and are typically acquired earlier. Understanding the typical sequence of speech sound acquisition can help parents and speech-language pathologists identify potential speech sound delays or disorders.

Learn more about language development


Use your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots to find the word which best replaces the underlined word.

His _belligerent_ disposition made him completely unlikable.

a. Mean

C. Devious

b. Sweet



Answer: Quarrelsome


4. what evidence is there in the song that this girl has chosen of her own will to work in the silk factory?


In the song, there are lyrics that suggest the girl has made the decision to work in the silk factory on her own.

For example, the lyrics may describe her journey to the factory or her pride in her work. Additionally, there may be no mention of external pressure or coercion to work in the factory, further indicating her choice. Overall, the evidence in the song points to the girl voluntarily choosing to work in the silk factory. Songs like this are ones that honour women. Item songs do objectify women, that much is undeniable. According to "Chikni Chameli," an item song is one in which the item girl is objectified and has guys swooning over her. Gomez makes it clear that she is not that girl by singing in the third person about her former self. Here are the lyrics from Genius with annotations of what Gomez has revealed about her history.

To know more about lyrics refer :


How does the evidence in the passage support
Roosevelt's claim that the UDHR should be passed
without delay?
By mentioning the rejection of an identical proposal,
Roosevelt indicates why a delay is not needed.
By showing that there was a similar proposal
earlier, Roosevelt proves that a delay is definitely
By declaring that the UDHR required hard work and
effort, Roosevelt thoroughly supports the Soviet
By stating that the Soviet proposal requires no
comment, Roosevelt proves that the UDHR is a
faulty document.


The correct answer about the UDHR is option A, "By mentioning the rejection of an identical proposal, Roosevelt indicates why a delay is not needed."

What is the UDHR?

The UDHR is a global agreement that outlines the fundamental rights and liberties of individuals. It was adopted by the United Nations assembly. Eleanor Roosevelt, the First Lady of the United States, was an advocate for the swift passage of the UDHR bill, citing a previous failed attempt at passing similar legislation. This suggests that Roosevelt believed the UDHR bill should be approved.

Having that in mind, we can identify option A as the right answer. Roosevelt mentions the rejection of another proposal to show the need for action now.

The missing passage is attached below.

Learn more about Eleanor Roosevelt here:


According to the passage, why did the

Columbian Exposition planners not want to

build a tower 500 feet taller than the Eiffel



The Columbian Exposition planners did not want to build a tower 500 feet taller than the Eiffel Tower because they wanted to focus on the celebration of American technology, ingenuity, and craftsmanship, rather than trying to outdo the accomplishments of Europe.

The planners of the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893 had a clear vision for the event. Rather than competing with Europe and trying to outdo the renowned Eiffel Tower, they wanted to showcase American technology and ingenuity.

The focus was on the celebration of American industry, craftsmanship, and innovation, as well as the advancement of knowledge across the world. The Exposition was a platform for the display of American advancements in architecture, engineering, and design, and the planners sought to inspire American pride and innovation, rather than attempting to outdo Europe.

To that end, they chose to create a variety of buildings and exhibits that would emphasize the nation's achievements. By doing so, they hoped to inspire a new wave of creativity and invention in the U.S., rather than competing with Europe.

To learn ore about Columbian Exposition link is here


elana is horrified by what she sees when she visits the village with georyn.


Elana is horrified by what she sees when she visits the village with georyn Jarel and elana intends to send Elana and Georyn to the research facility together so that they can support one another.

He tries to flee. Georyn and Elana will be taken to the Research Centre together for support the one thing Elana asks Jarel for herself She begs him not to abandon her defenceless. The Invaders would instantly depart if they learned.

That the Andrecians had a weapon they did not comprehend such as psychic abilities. She is at stage one of sleep. You're fighting to keep your eyes open at this point. Your muscles begin to relax. Around you, the tangible world starts to disappear. The "presentation into rest" refers to this initial stage of rest. Occasionally, it can be seen by observing a person's head movement while they tune in to a boring address. This stage can be distinguished by a reduction in mental activity and the beginning of physical relaxation.

To know more about Jarel and Elana visit:


underline the noun in this following

there is no death penalty for criminals puerto rico

the "explorer," crammed with scientific instruments was launched on January 31 1985

new Mexico was admitted as a state in twentieth century

Chester Arthur was nominated for vice president by the republican party in 1880

winston Churchill was the man whose courage led the nation from defence on victory


The noun are as follows:

Mexico, Chester Arthur, Churchill, death.

 A noun is a word that usually refers to an individual thing or group of things, like living things, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or concepts.

Examples of nouns are:

actorboy dadmother cousinsistercamera businessanimal fishevidenceframebuilding historyairport etc

to know more about noun

The story ¨is our gain also our loss?¨

¨The question is Does Caliln seem negative or positive when she describes the technology of her youth?¨

I'll give you 25 brainly points to the first person who answers.


Cailin makes her descriptions of the technology of her youth look either favorable or bad by drawing comparisons between the present and the past.

Who is Cailin Loesch ?

In her piece "Is Our Gain Also Our Loss," Cailin Loesch discusses how technology has altered our way of life. We have abandoned certain customs and are embracing new ones as a result of the new gadgets and technological advancements.

In a few years, when new technologies will make those from her generation appear dated and odd, she will feel regretful for the loss and concerned about how technology would affect both the future generations and her generation.

To know more about Cailin Loesch visit:


The complete question is -

Does Cailin seem negative or positive when she describes the technology of her youth?¨

Which words define the characteristics of an effective research question?



Answer: answerable, clear, focused

Explanation: The words that define the characteristics of an effective research question are:

Answerable: An effective research question should be able to be answered through research and investigation.  It should not be too vague or subjective, but rather have clear parameters and objectives that can be addressed.

Clear: An effective research question should be unambiguous and easy to understand.  It should clearly communicate the specific topic or issue being investigated, as well as the purpose of the research.

Focused: A research question should have a narrow focus and specific scope.  It should address a particular aspect or aspect of a topic, rather than being too broad or general.  This allows for a more focused and in-depth investigation.

Learn more about effective research questions here:

Which of the following words is most likely to appear in an analytical research essay about how smart phones affect the way Americans work and play?

a. socioeconomic

b. Social norms

c. Transcendentalism

d. Cultural representation


The word most likely to appear in an analytical research essay about how smart phones affect how Americans work and play is "Social norms" (Option b).

What is the explanation for the above response?

The word that is most likely to appear in an analytical research essay about how smart phones affect the way Americans work and play is "Social norms" (Option b).

This is because the essay is likely to analyze the impact of smartphones on the behavior and habits of people in their work and leisure time, which involves examining how they align with or challenge the social norms that govern these activities.

The other options (a. socioeconomic, c. Transcendentalism, and d. Cultural representation) are less relevant to the topic of the essay.

Learn more about analytical research essay at:


In Brighton Beach Memoirs, how is the historical context of 1937 best conveyed through the character of Eugene Jerome? with hir harente This was a common challenge​


Eugene Jerome is the protagonist of Brighton Beach Memoirs, and his experience of life during the Great Depression of the 1930s is central to the play's story.

The protagonist of Brighton Beach Memoirs is Eugene Jerome, and the play's plot revolves around his observations of life in the 1930s during the Great Depression. Eugene is acutely aware of the financial difficulties of the moment because his family is struggling to make ends meet.

Due to the fact that he and his Jewish family live in a predominantly white neighborhood, he must also deal with the racial tensions of the time. The historical setting of 1937 is accurately and effectively represented through Eugene's observations of his family and other characters.

To learn more about Brighton Beach Memoirs link is here


An atlas is a reference source of information.


Please help 20 points.


True atlas can be a source of bibliography or dictionaries

What does Gregor's room tell about Gregor?​




Gregor's room can provide insights into his character and his state of mind.

In paragraph 7, Mrs. Harris thinks that Mr. Harris will “spring to earth on reaching the summit, and lean in a careless and graceful attitude against the machine, waiting for her.” What does this reveal about her point of view?


This reveals that Mrs. Harris has a romanticized view of Mr. Harris and her relationship. She imagines him as a dashing figure, eagerly awaiting her arrival.

What is relationship ?

Relationship is an emotional connection between two or more individuals. It can be a close friendship, a romantic partnership, a family bond, or an association between colleagues or business partners. Relationships can be built on a variety of factors, such as mutual respect, trust, loyalty, shared interests and values, physical attraction, or even a sense of convenience. Relationships often take time and effort to develop, as individuals must learn to communicate effectively, understand one another’s needs and wants, and respect each other’s boundaries.

To learn more about relationship


Chapter 7 identifies five goals of document design. One goal is to make a good impression on readers. What are two other goals mentioned in the chapter?
a. to help readers find the information they need
b. to use several different colors
c. to help readers remember the information
d. to help readers get through the document quickly
e. to prevent readers from becoming bored or distracted


Two other goals of document design mentioned in Chapter 7 are: (a)to help readers find the information they need and d) to prevent readers from becoming bored or distracted

a. To help readers find the information they need: Document design should facilitate easy navigation and information retrieval for readers. This can be achieved through clear headings, subheadings, logical organization, the use of bullet points or numbered lists, and other visual cues that guide readers to locate the specific information they are looking for efficiently.

d. To help readers get through the document quickly: Document design should be optimized for readability and ease of scanning. This can be achieved by using appropriate fonts, font sizes, and spacing, as well as employing visual elements such as white space, margins, and formatting techniques like bold, italic, or underline to draw attention to important information. This helps readers quickly grasp the main points of the document without getting bogged down by unnecessary details.

To learn more about Document design, visit here


How do paragraph 2 and 3 contribute to the development of ''Excerpt from A Home for the President


i would love to help you but i need more information in order to answer your problem

Read the passage. Two eggs, room temperature. Three quarters of a cup of milk, room temperature. A stick of butter, room temperature. I looked at the ingredients lined up on the counter. In just a few minutes, the community baking contest would begin. I was ready. I could bake this cake in my sleep. I’d practiced enough times. The main judge lifted a tiny bell. "Jing-a-ling,” it sang. That was my cue. I jumped right in. This was my contest to win. Which stylistic element most contributes to the narrator’s confident voice? the use of formal language to emphasize expertise the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness the use of correct grammar to suggest authority the use of figurative language to create vivid imagery


Either the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness or the use of figurative language to create vivid imagery. I believe it is the use of short sentences to emphasize readiness. :)

What does "the context in which the source was created" mean


I assume this is for an essay. This can be used in multiple situations. Let’s start with history. Say you are writing a DBQ (document based question), and you are using a source. For simplicity let’s say it was a document on George Washington. You would provide the context to that document. For instance George Washington was a great commander who led many people in the American revolution. He was the first US president however many wanted him to be king of the US. But per his own words he stated that the US should not have a king and follow a democracy. This the constitution. However when you are providing context, the context should follow the prompt in which you are writing. So if the prompt was about generals and who was the best, you would provide the context of the American revolution. But if it said context of “should the us have a monarchy or a dictatorship” you would provide the context of what he stated.

The same can be done for english, however it does require a little bit more thought to it. If you are writing about a book you need to provide the context or situation to the quote or evidence.
Other Questions
a new home buyer requests help finding a loan and wants the lowest rate. theyve heard that interest rates are increasing. who sets the base or prime rate? what percentage of teenage girls reported using a contraceptive during the most recent time they had sex Carrie exhibits anorexia nervosa. When she looks in a mirror, she is most likely thinking"I'm so fat!""I'm so big!""I'm so tall!": draw the reflection of the triangle across the y axis true or false the animals found popularity in the united states with the ""manchester sound."" mateo has drawn a line to represent the parallel cross-section of the triangular prism. is he correct? explain. riangular prism lying on a rectangular face and a line drawn along the length of a rectangular face Do you feel that the Golden Age of al-Andalus, Muslim Spain, was truly a time of religious tolerance? Do you think the Muslims treated the Jews and Christians living in their kingdoms unfairly? Persuade your classmates with reasons that support your argument. Use this weeks issue and your own research. leadership is a leader's ability to understand the complexities of both the organization and its environment and to lead change in the organization so as to enhance its competitiveness. (true or false) Project L costs $65,000, its expected cash inflows are $12,000 per year for 11 years, and its WACC is 9%. What is the project's payback? Round your answer to two decimal places.years ??Project L costs $35,000, its expected cash inflows are $11,000 per year for 7 years, and its WACC is 11%. What is the project's NPV? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Do not round your intermediate calculations.Project L costs $55,000, its expected cash inflows are $8,000 per year for 8 years, and its WACC is 10%. What is the project's MIRR? Round your answer to two decimal places. Do not round your intermediate calculations. anyone smart enough fa this ? Which answers are results of Russian intervention in Ukraine?Select all that applyA. devastated infrastructureB. a president appointed by RussiaC. high civilian death tollD. violations against LGBT groups Siblings who are 8 years apart in age may have a greater _____ than siblings who are 2 years apart.shared environmentnonshared environmentgenetic concordanceheritability coefficient What are the answers to these questions?A. f(x) > 0 at x = ?B. f'(x) > 0 at x = ?C. f(x) is increasing at x = ? D. f'(x) is increasing at x = ? E. The slope of f(x) is negative at x = ? F. The slope of f'(x) is negative at x = ? a thin glass rod is submerged in ethanol. part a what is the critical angle for light traveling inside the rod? 1. The pay-for-delay tactics are more fully described in Federal Trade Commission, Pay-for-Delay: How Drug Company Pay-Offs Cost Consumers Billions. Staff Study, January 2010.2. A recent Supreme Court outcome is discussed in Edward Wyatt, Supreme Court Lets Regulators Sue Over Generic Drug Deals, New York Times, June 17, 2013.1. Explain how a patent creates a kind of monopoly and what benefits a patent conveys to the owner. 2. Explain what happens in a market when patent protection for a technology runs out. 3. Explain the effects of pay-for-delay actions on producers and consumers. 4. Discuss whether pay-for-delay tactics should no longer be allowed, or should continue. Be sure to support your conclusion using economic arguments. Which of the following is not part of the three-part view of trust? a. Calculus-based trust b. Reward-based trust c. Knowledge-based trust d. Identification-based trust what are five most common forms of social interaction ? Given an example of how you nigh employ a few forms of interaction while participating in a sporting event. the nurse is aware that serotonin syndrome can occur when a client is prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (snri's) and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (snri's). what are some signs and symptoms of serotonin syndrome Washington produces 70 percent of which agricultural good in the UnitedStates?A. PotalesB. ApplesC. ShellfishD. Wheat Alex scored 7/20 of the points in a basketball game. How many of the team's 120 points did Alex score?