ted gets hurt at work. however, the injury was all due to ted's own negligence. ted files for worker's compensation. will ted receive worker's compensation?


Answer 1

It is unlikely that Ted will receive worker's compensation for an injury that was caused by his own negligence.

Worker's compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. However, in order to be eligible for worker's compensation benefits, the injury or illness must have occurred in the course of employment and must not have been caused by the employee's own misconduct.

If it is determined that Ted's injury was caused by his own negligence or misconduct, he may be ineligible to receive worker's compensation benefits. The specific laws and regulations governing worker's compensation vary by state and country, so it is important to consult with an attorney or other legal professional for guidance in these matters.

Click the below link, to learn more about Worker's compensation:



Related Questions

workers from the parent company of an organization are called ______. multiple choice question. expatriates inpatriates host-country nationals third-country nationals


Workers from the parent company of an organization are called expatriates. The correct option is A

Expatriates are employees who have been sent by their parent company to work in a foreign subsidiary or branch of the organization. They often have specific skills or expertise that the company needs in the host country.

In contrast, inpatriates are employees from a foreign subsidiary who are transferred to the parent company's headquarters. Host-country nationals are local employees hired by a multinational organization in the country where the subsidiary is located.

Lastly, third-country nationals are employees hired from a different country than both the parent company and the subsidiary. Expatriates play a crucial role in the global expansion of an organization, bringing valuable knowledge and experience to the host-country operations.

To know more about parent company refer here:



Suppose that the index model for stocks A and B is estimated from excess returns with the following results: RA = 2.8% + 1.0RM + eA RB = -1.0% + 1.3RM + eB σM = 18%; R-squareA = 0.27; R-squareB = 0.13 What is the covariance between each stock and the market index? (Calculate using numbers in decimal form, not percentages. Do not round your intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)


The covariance between stock A and the market index is 0.032 (rounded to 3 decimal places), and the covariance between stock B and the market index is 0.042 (rounded to 3 decimal places).

To find the covariance between each stock and the market index, we'll use the following formula:

Covariance (stock, market) = Beta(stock) * σ²M

First, we'll convert the given percentages to decimals:

RA = 0.028, RB = -0.01, RM = 1.0, σM = 0.18, R-squareA = 0.27, R-squareB = 0.13

Next, we'll find the covariance for each stock:

Covariance (stock A, market) =[tex]Beta(A) * σ²M = 1.0 * (0.18)^2 = 0.0324[/tex]
Covariance (stock B, market) = [tex]Beta(B) * σ²M = 1.3 * (0.18)^2 = 0.04212[/tex]

So, the covariance between stock A and the market index is 0.032 (rounded to 3 decimal places), and the covariance between stock B and the market index is 0.042 (rounded to 3 decimal places).

To learn more about covariance, refer below:



Can you Put the steps of starting a business in order?
identify a location
conduct market research
obtain permits
name the business
open a bank account for the business
develop a business structure
obtain funding
register the business
create a business plan
obtain federal and state tax ID numbers
n 0


The steps of starting a business can be put in order as follows:

Conduct market researchDevelop a business structureCreate a business planName the businessObtain fundingIdentify a locationObtain permitsRegister the businessObtain federal and state tax ID numbersOpen a bank account for the businessDOD (date of delivery or launch)

How to start a business

There are some basic measures that should be put in place while considering starting up a business. The first step to take will be to conduct market research. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a demand for your product or service, and identify potential customers and competitors.

Next you have to develop business plan, choose a business name, and register the business. Funding and opening a social media account are also important.

Learn more about business start ups here:



if variable costs per unit decreased because of a decrease in utility rates, the break-even point would a. remain the same b. decrease c. increase or decrease, depending on the percentage increase in utility rates d. increase


If variable costs per unit decreased because of a decrease in utility rates, the break-even point would: decrease. The correct option is B.

The break-even point is the point where total costs (fixed costs + variable costs) equal total revenue. When variable costs per unit decrease, the total variable costs will also decrease, assuming the number of units produced remains the same. As a result, the total costs will decrease as well.

Now, let's consider the break-even point formula:

Break-even point (in units) = Fixed Costs / (Selling Price per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit).

Since variable costs per unit have decreased, the denominator of this equation will increase. When the denominator increases, the result of the equation (break-even point in units) will decrease.

So, if variable costs per unit decreased because of a decrease in utility rates, the break-even point would (b) decrease. This is because the total costs will decrease, and fewer units will need to be sold to cover the costs, resulting in a lower break-even point.

To know more about break-even, refer here:



Complete question:

if variable costs per unit decreased because of a decrease in utility rates, the break-even point would

a. remain the same

b. decrease

c. increase or decrease, depending on the percentage increase in utility rates

d. increase

The full set of short-run cost curves for a firm tells us...a. how many employees the firm has hired.b. how many other firms are competing with that firm.c. the cost-minimizing level of output.d. the profit-maximizing level of output.


Option c: By considering the full set of short-run cost curves for a company, the cost minimum output level can be used to determine the output level.

A short-run marginal cost curve (SRMC) plots the relationship between output and marginal (or incremental) costs incurred by a firm in producing a product or service in the short run.

In economics, the difference in total costs caused by increasing output is called the marginal cost, sometimes called the cost of increasing output. Depending on the context, it can refer to an increase in output by 1 unit, or it can refer to the percentage change in total cost for a small increase in output.

As you can see, total cost is expressed in dollars and marginal cost is expressed in dollars per unit. Marginal cost is the slope of total cost, or the rate at which it increases with production. Marginal cost is the difference between the average costs, i.e.Total cost divided by number (no.) of units produced.

To learn more about short-run cost curves, here:



The full set of short-run cost curves for a firm provides important information on the relationship between production costs and output. It helps the firm to determine the cost-minimizing level of output, which is a crucial factor in achieving maximum profitability. The correct option is c.

The full set of short-run cost curves for a firm tells us the cost-minimizing level of output. The short-run cost curves are representations of the relationship between the cost of production and the level of output produced. There are different types of short-run cost curves such as the average variable cost (AVC), average total cost (ATC), and marginal cost (MC) curve.The AVC curve shows the variable cost of producing each unit of output.

The ATC curve shows the total cost of producing each unit of output. The MC curve shows the additional cost of producing an extra unit of output. By analyzing these cost curves, a firm can determine the level of output at which the cost of producing one more unit of output is equal to the revenue generated by selling that unit. This is known as the profit-maximizing level of output.

However, before a firm can reach the profit-maximizing level of output, it needs to first determine the cost-minimizing level of output. The cost-minimizing level of output is the level of output where the firm's total cost is at its lowest. This occurs where the MC curve intersects the ATC curve at its lowest point.The correct option is c.

For more such questions on cost curves



Crystal Glass Co. projects to pay $3.80, $4.10, and $4.25 as dividends at the end of the next 3 years, respectively. After that, beginning 4 years from now, the dividend is expected to increase by 2.25 percent annually. What is one share of this stock worth to you today if you require a 12.5 percent rate of return? A. $33.38 B. $36.39 C. $39.38 D. $38.72 E. $45.38


One share of this stock is worth $39.38. The correct answer is C.

The present value of the dividends for the first three years can be found using the formula for the present value of a growing perpetuity:

[tex]PV = D / (r - g) * (1 - (1 + g)^{-n})[/tex]

where D is the dividend, r is the required rate of return, g is the growth rate, and n is the number of periods.

PV1 = 3.80 / (0.125 - 0.0225) * (1 - (1 + 0.0225)⁻³) = 28.53

PV2 = 4.10 / (0.125 - 0.0225) * (1 - (1 + 0.0225)²) = 33.53

PV3 = 4.25 / (0.125 - 0.0225) * (1 - (1 + 0.0225)⁻¹) = 38.50

The present value of the dividends starting in year 4 can be found using the formula for the present value of a growing annuity:

[tex]PV = PMT / (r - g) * (1 - (1 + g)^{-n}) / (1 + r)^n[/tex]

where PMT is the payment, r is the required rate of return, g is the growth rate, and n is the number of periods.

[tex]PV4 = 4.25 * (1 + 0.0225) / (0.125 - 0.0225) * (1 - (1 + 0.0225)^{-\infty) / (1 + 0.125)^3 = 90.85[/tex]

The total present value of the dividends is the sum of the present values of the dividends for the first three years and the present value of the dividends starting in year 4:

PV = PV1 + PV2 + PV3 + PV4 = 191.41

Therefore, one share of this stock is worth $39.38 to an investor who requires a 12.5 percent rate of return. The correct answer is C. $39.38.

To know more about One share, refer here:

a triangular arbitrage, if following one direction (for examplepound, then euro, then dollar, then back into pound) gives noprofit or loss, what would happen if we go in the oppositedirection (for


The answer is that going in the opposite direction of a triangular arbitrage would also result in no profit or loss.

In a triangular arbitrage, the goal is to exploit pricing inefficiencies between three different currencies. By following a certain sequence of currency exchanges, the arbitrageur aims to end up with more of the original currency than they started with.

However, if the exchange rates are such that following the sequence in one direction results in no profit or loss, then going in the opposite direction would also yield the same result.

This is because exchange rates are bidirectional - the rate at which currency A can be exchanged for currency B is the reciprocal of the rate at which currency B can be exchanged for currency A. Therefore, any inefficiencies in one direction should also exist in the opposite direction, assuming the same exchange rates.

For more questions like Currency click the link below:



rbs corp reports the following information at year-end: estimated book value cash flows fair value building $ 500,000 $ 380,000 $ 360,000 patent $ 35,000 $ 40,000 $ 38,000 copyright $ 40,000 $ 38,000 $ 39,000 machine $ 100,000 $ 120,000 $ 85,000 based on the above information, what is the total amount of impairment loss that rbs corp should record at year-end? select one: a. $141,000.


You should record the impairment loss as the difference between the book value and fair value if the book value is higher than both the fair value and the projected cash flows. Therefore, RBS Corp. should register a $140,000 impairment loss as a whole at year's end.

1. Building:

  Book Value: $500,000

  Fair Value: $360,000

  Estimated Cash Flows: $380,000

  Impairment Loss: $500,000 - $360,000 = $140,000 (since book value is higher than both fair value and estimated cash flows)

2. Patent:

  Book Value: $35,000

  Fair Value: $38,000

  Estimated Cash Flows: $40,000

  Impairment Loss: $0 (since book value is lower than both fair value and estimated cash flows)

3. Copyright:

  Book Value: $40,000

  Fair Value: $39,000

  Estimated Cash Flows: $38,000

  Impairment Loss: $0 (since book value is higher than fair value but lower than estimated cash flows)

4. Machine:

  Book Value: $100,000

  Fair Value: $85,000

  Estimated Cash Flows: $120,000

  Impairment Loss: $0 (since book value is higher than fair value but lower than estimated cash flows)

Now, add up the impairment losses for each asset:

$140,000 (Building) + $0 (Patent) + $0 (Copyright) + $0 (Machine) = $140,000

So, the total amount of impairment loss that RBS Corp should record at year-end is $140,000.

Learn more about Book Value :- https://brainly.com/question/23057744


The apple headquarters building is an example of this level of culture: O Beliefs and Values O Structural O Artifacts O Assumptions.


The Apple headquarters building, also known as Apple Park or the "spaceship" campus, is an example of the artifacts level of culture. Artifacts are the visible and tangible elements of culture, such as architecture, clothing, symbols, and technology.

The design of the Apple headquarters building is iconic and reflects the company's values of innovation, simplicity, and attention to detail. The circular shape of the building, the use of sustainable materials, and the integration of nature into the architecture are all examples of artifacts that reflect Apple's beliefs and values. The building also incorporates state-of-the-art technology and design elements, such as massive glass panels that create a seamless connection between the interior and exterior spaces.

While the artifacts level of culture is the most visible, it is also the most superficial and can be subject to change more easily than the deeper levels of beliefs, assumptions, and values that underlie it.

To learn more about “elements” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/25748522


The Apple headquarters building is an example of artifacts in the company's culture. The building's design and layout, including the use of glass and natural elements, reflect Apple's emphasis on innovation and creativity. However, beliefs and values, structural organization, and assumptions.

The Apple headquarters building is an example of artifacts in the company's culture. When a person conducts a thorough scientific study of human history or produces data as a result of such study, that individual is referred to as an archaeologist. Archaeology is the field of study that an archaeologist pursues.

In archaeology, the fossils that the archaeologist finds while excavating a site are used to aid in the study. They may uncover the remains of ancient humans or any other living species while excavating the site, including jewellery, utensils, bones, and a variety of other items. The methods employed by archaeologists to conduct research are referred to as radiocarbon dating, often known as carbon dating.

Learn more about artifacts here



the number of clicks for a search text ad is 50 and the number of impressions is 5,000. the click-through-rate (ctr) would be


The click-through rate (CTR) for a search text ad is calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions and then multiplying by 100 to express the result as a percentage.

Using the given values, the CTR for the search text ad can be calculated as follows:

CTR = (Clicks ÷ Impressions) x 100

CTR = (50 ÷ 5,000) x 100

CTR = 0.01 x 100

CTR = 1%

Therefore, the CTR for the search text ad is 1%. This means that for every 100 times the ad was displayed (impressions), it was clicked on once (clicks). The CTR is an important metric in digital advertising as it indicates the effectiveness of an ad in generating clicks from potential customers.

A higher CTR generally indicates a more effective ad, as it suggests that the ad is relevant to the audience and is encouraging them to engage with it.

To learn more about “click-through rate” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/29987743


A transfer disclosure statement would not be required in the sale of which of the following properties?
a. mobile home when sold along with the real property to which it is attached
b. three-unit multi-family dwelling
c. single-family home listed for sale by owner
d. retail space in commercial district


Retail space in commercial district. A transfer disclosure statement is required for the sale of residential real property, which includes a mobile home when sold along with the real property to which it is attached, a three-unit multi-family dwelling, and a single-family home listed for sale by owner. However, commercial property such as retail space in a commercial district is not subject to the same disclosure requirements.

The transfer disclosure statement would not be required in the sale of properties that are exempt from disclosure laws, such as new construction properties that have never been occupied, properties transferred by court order, properties acquired through foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, and properties transferred between co-owners or spouses due to divorce or death.  properties sold by government entities, properties located in designated natural hazard areas that are being sold to a government agency, and certain types of commercial properties may also be exempt from the requirement of a transfer disclosure statement. It is important to note that disclosure laws vary by jurisdiction, and it is always best to consult with a qualified real estate professional or attorney to determine the specific requirements for a particular property sale.

learn more about Transfer disclosure here:



Cost of equity: SML Stan is expanding his business and will sell common stock for the needed funds. If the current risk free rate is 6.1% and the expected market return is 15.3%, what is the cost of equity for Stan if the bota of the stock is a. 0.622 b. 0.82? c. 1.022 d. 1.272 a. What is the cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62? 0% (Round to two decimal places.)


The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 is 11.804%.

The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 can be calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):

The return a company gives to equity investors, such as shareholders, as compensation for the risk they took by investing their money, is known as the cost of equity.

Cost of equity = Risk-free rate + Beta x (Expected market return - Risk-free rate)

Substituting the given values, we get:

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x (15.3% - 6.1%)
Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x 9.2%
Cost of equity = 6.1% + 5.704%
Cost of equity = 11.804%

For more such questions on  cost of equity, click on:



The cost of equity for Stan if the beta of the stock is 0.62 can be calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):The return a company gives to equity investors, such as shareholders, as compensation for the risk they took by investing their money, is known as the cost of equity.

Cost of equity = Risk-free rate + Beta x (Expected market return - Risk-free rate).

Substituting the given values, we get:

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x (15.3% - 6.1%)

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 0.62 x 9.2%

Cost of equity = 6.1% + 5.704%

Cost of equity = 11.804%

To know more about cost of equity, click here:



Assume a society consisting of two individuals and two states,
where neither state Pareto dominates the other. Can either state be
called Pareto efficient? Discuss with an example.
Please include clea


In a society consisting of two individuals and two states, neither state can be called Pareto efficient if neither state Pareto dominates the other. Pareto efficiency refers to a state where no individual can be made better off without making another individual worse off.

For example, let's say there are two individuals, A and B, and two states, X and Y. In state X, A has 3 apples and B has 4 apples. In state Y, A has 4 apples and B has 3 apples. Neither state Pareto dominates the other because A prefers state Y (more apples) and B prefers state X (more apples).

However, neither state can be called Pareto efficient because if we were to redistribute the apples such that A has 4 apples and B has 3 apples (in either state X or Y), both individuals would be made better off without making the other individual worse off. Therefore, neither state can be considered Pareto efficient in this scenario.

To know more about Pareto efficient, refer here:



The table shows the tax revenues and the outlays of a nation of each level of real GDP.
1. What is the budget deficit when real GDP is $4 trillion?
2. When real GDP is $4 trillion, the budget deficit is _____ trillion.
Real GDP Tax revenues (trillions of dollars) Outlays
3 0.1 0.5
4 0.2 0.4
5 0.3 0.3
6 0.4 0.2
7 0.5 0.1


1- The budget deflict when real GDP is $4 trillion is $0.2 trillion, 2- . When real GDP is $4 trillion, the budget deficit is $0.2 trillion.

To calculate the budget deficit, we need to subtract the tax revenues from the outlays:

Deficit = Outlays - Tax Revenues

At a real GDP of $4 trillion, the tax revenues are 0.2 trillion and the outlays are 0.4 trillion, as given in the table. Therefore, the budget deficit can be calculated as:

Deficit = 0.4 - 0.2 = 0.2 trillion

When real GDP is $4 trillion, the budget deficit is 0.2 trillion. A budget deficit occurs when a government's expenditures exceed its revenues (i.e., tax revenues and other income). This means that the government is spending more money than it is taking in, and it must either borrow money or print more currency to cover the difference. In the context of macroeconomics, the budget deficit is an important indicator of a country's fiscal policy and its impact on the overall economy. A large budget deficit can lead to increased government debt, higher interest rates, and inflation, while a smaller deficit or surplus can help stabilize the economy and promote growth.

learn more about budget deficit here:



Question 7 (1 point) Education is the most crucial form of economic development. O True O False Question 8 (1 point) Open markets liberate the poor better than any known alternatives. O True O False Q


The answer can be both true and false depending on the context. For Question 7, the answer is subjective and can vary based on different perspectives. Some may argue that education is crucial for economic development as it can lead to an increase in skills, innovation, and productivity.

Others may argue that other factors such as investment in infrastructure and technology are equally important. Therefore, the answer can be both true and false depending on the context.

For Question 8, the answer can also be subjective and dependent on the context. Some may argue that open markets can provide opportunities for the poor to participate in the economy and improve their livelihoods.

Others may argue that open markets can lead to exploitation and inequality, and that alternative economic systems such as cooperatives or state-led economies may better serve the needs of the poor. Therefore, the answer can be both true and false depending on the context.

To know more about economic development, refer here:



the charlton co. had three operating segments with the following information: pens pencils erasers sales to outsiders $ 11,450 $ 5,800 $ 8,900 intersegment revenues 960 1,500 2,070 in addition, revenues generated at corporate headquarters are $1,500. combined segment revenues are calculated to be


All three segments have revenue of the minimum requirement of $1,022.67, so they are all considered separately reportable.

To determine if a business segment is considered separately reportable, the segment's revenue must be at least 10% of the combined revenue of all operating segments.

First, we need to calculate the total revenue of all operating segments by adding the sales to outsiders and intersegment revenues for each segment:

Total revenue of all operating segments = $11,450 + $5,800 + $8,900 + $960 + $1,500 + $2,070

= $30,680

Calculate the minimum revenue required for each segment to be considered separately reportable by multiplying the total revenue by 10% and then dividing the result by 3, since there are three operating segments:

Minimum revenue for each segment = ($30,680 x 10%) ÷ 3

= $1,022.67

To learn more about revenue follow the link:



The complete question is:

The Charlton Co. had three operating segments with the following information:

Pens Pencils Erasers

Sales to outsiders $11,450 $5,800 $8,900

Intersegment revenues 960 1,500 2,070

In addition, revenues generated at corporate headquarters are $1,500.

What is the minimum amount of revenue that each of these segments must earn to be considered separately reportable?

what happens to the efficiency in the long run as firms enter and exit a monopolistically competitive market, and where do price and the average cost meet?


In the long run, as firms enter and exit a monopolistically competitive market, the efficiency of the market increases. This is because increased competition leads to lower prices for consumers and a more efficient allocation of resources.

As new firms enter the market, they increase the level of competition which forces existing firms to improve their products, reduce costs, and lower prices. Conversely, as firms exit the market, there is less competition, which allows remaining firms to increase their prices and profits.

However, this increase in profits may attract new firms to enter the market, ultimately leading to increased competition and lower prices. In a monopolistically competitive market, price and the average cost meet at the point where the firm is making normal profits, known as the breakeven point.

This occurs when the firm is producing at the level where total revenue is equal to total cost, including both fixed and variable costs. At this point, the firm is covering all of its costs but is not making any additional profits. If the firm raises its price above this point, it will lose customers to competitors. Conversely, if the firm lowers its price below this point, it will not be able to cover its costs and will eventually exit the market.

For more about monopolistically:



Metal company budgeted $563,000 manufacturing direct wages, 2,000 direct labor hours, and had the following manufacturing overhead:
(Overhead Cost Pool) (Budgeted (Budgeted Level (Overhead Cost Driver)
Overhead Cost) for Cost Driver)
Materials handling $ 160,000 4,000 pounds Weight of materials
Machine setup 18,800 470 setups Number of setups
Machine repair 1,860 31,000 machine hours Machine hours
Inspections 14,400 240 inspections Number of inspections
Requirements for Job #971 which manufactured 4 units of product:
Direct labor 25 hours
Direct materials 210 pounds
Machine setup 40 setups
Machine hours 15,800 machine hours
Inspections 20 inspections
Using ABC, the materials handling overhead cost assigned to Job #971 is:
Multiple Choice


As a result, utilizing ABC for direct wages , Work #971's overhead cost for materials handling comes to $8,400. Option C is the Correct answer.

We need to first identify the predefined overhead rate for each overhead cost pool in order to compute the materials handling overhead cost associated with Task #971 using ABC:

Budgeted Overhead Cost divided by the budgeted Level of Cost Driver yields the predetermined overhead rate.

To handle materials:

This predefined overhead rate can be used to establish the materials handling overhead cost related to Work #971:

Predetermined Overhead Rate = $160,000 / 4,000 pounds

Predetermined Overhead Rate = $40 per pound

Materials handling overhead cost assigned to Job #971 = Actual Level of Cost Driver * Predetermined Overhead Rate

Materials handling overhead cost assigned to Job #971 = 210 pounds * $40 per pound

Materials handling overhead cost assigned to Job #971 = $8,400

Learn more about direct wages Visit: brainly.com/question/26527325


Correct Question:

Metal company budgeted $563,000 manufacturing direct wages, 2,000 direct labor hours, and had the following manufacturing overhead:

(Overhead Cost Pool) (Budgeted (Budgeted Level (Overhead Cost Driver)

Overhead Cost) for Cost Driver)

Materials handling $ 160,000 4,000 pounds Weight of materials

Machine setup 18,800 470 setups Number of setups

Machine repair 1,860 31,000 machine hours Machine hours

Inspections 14,400 240 inspections Number of inspections

Requirements for Job #971 which manufactured 4 units of product:

Direct labor 25 hours

Direct materials 210 pounds

Machine setup 40 setups

Machine hours 15,800 machine hours

Inspections 20 inspections

Using ABC, the materials handling overhead cost assigned to Job #971 is:

Multiple Choice

1. $3,250.

2. $1,200.

3. $8,400.

4. $948.

5. $1,600.

The manufacturing overhead rate is $65.80 per direct labor hour, and the total manufacturing overhead is $131,600.

Determine the direct labor rate per hour.
Direct labor rate per hour = Total direct wages / Total direct labor hours
Direct labor rate per hour = $563,000 / 2,000 hours
Direct labor rate per hour = $281.50
Calculate the total cost for machine setups.
Total cost for machine setups = Number of setups * Cost per setup
Total cost for machine setups = 40 setups * $3,250
Total cost for machine setups = $130,000

Calculate the total manufacturing overhead.
Total manufacturing overhead = Machine setup costs + Other overhead costs
Total manufacturing overhead = $130,000 + $1,600
Total manufacturing overhead = $131,600
Calculate the manufacturing overhead rate per direct labor hour.
Manufacturing overhead rate = Total manufacturing overhead / Total direct labor hours
Manufacturing overhead rate = $131,600 / 2,000 hours
Manufacturing overhead rate = $65.80 per direct labor hour
For more  such questions on manufacturing



sharon wiley is a sales representative employed by a leading producer of pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine. recently she attended a university-sponsored seminar that focused on new research findings in selected areas of veterinary medicine. ms. wiley is most likely attempting to develop a


Sharon Wiley, a sales representative employed by a leading producer of pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine, attending a university-sponsored seminar that focused on new research findings in selected areas of veterinary medicine is most likely attempting to develop her product knowledge and expertise.

As a sales representative for pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine, Sharon Wiley's success will depend on her ability to effectively communicate the benefits and features of her company's products to veterinarians and other customers. To do this, she needs to have a deep understanding of the products and the scientific principles behind them.

By attending a seminar focused on new research findings in veterinary medicine, Sharon Wiley is taking steps to deepen her knowledge of the field and the products she is selling. This can help her to better understand the needs of her customers and provide them with more effective solutions.

To learn more about   representative employed.. here



ogliopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers. True or False


The statement: Oligopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers is TRUE.

An oligopoly is an industry with only a small number of producers. In an oligopoly, each producer has a significant market share, giving them a degree of market power to influence prices and other market variables. Because there are only a few firms in the industry, each firm's decisions and actions can have a significant impact on the market as a whole.

Oligopolies can take many forms, depending on the level of concentration in the industry and the nature of the competition among firms. In some cases, oligopolies may engage in collusive behavior, such as price fixing or market sharing, to maintain their market power and profits. In other cases, firms may compete aggressively on price, quality, or other factors to gain market share and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Examples of oligopolies include the telecommunications industry, where a few large companies dominate the market, and the automotive industry, where a handful of major manufacturers control the majority of sales.

To know more about Oligopoly, refer here:

all of the following are prohibited practices under finra rules except: a backing away b interpositioning c free riding d arbitrage trading


All of the following are prohibited practices under FINRA rules except arbitrage trading.

Backing away, interpositioning, and free riding are all practices that violate the rules set by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

Backing away is when a market maker fails to honor a quoted price for a security.

Interpositioning refers to inserting a third party between the customer and the best available market price, causing the customer to pay more than necessary.

Free riding occurs when an investor buys and sells a security without providing the necessary funds for the transaction.

On the other hand, arbitrage trading is a legal practice where investors take advantage of price differences between two or more markets, buying in one market and selling in another, to make a profit.

To know more about FINRA rules  refer here:



check my work in 1989, the cpi was 124.0. in 1990, it was 130.7. what was the rate of inflation over this period?


The rate of inflation between 1989 and 1990 was 5.40%.

To calculate the rate of inflation between 1989 and 1990, we can use the formula:
(rate of inflation) = [(CPI in 1990 - CPI in 1989) / CPI in 1989] x 100%
(rate of inflation) = [(130.7 - 124.0) / 124.0] x 100%
(rate of inflation) = (6.7 / 124.0) x 100%
(rate of inflation) = 5.40%
Therefore, the rate of inflation between 1989 and 1990 was 5.40%.

Learn more about Inflation rates- https://brainly.com/question/29754544


Statements True False Capital budgeting involves planning and forecasting cash flows, sometimes many years into the future.


True. Capital budgeting involves planning and forecasting cash flows, possibly years in advance.

The capital budget selects projects that add value to the company.  The capital budgeting process includes almost everything from acquiring real estate to purchasing physical assets such as new trucks and machinery. Companies use a variety of metrics to track the performance of potential projects and have different capital budgeting methods.

Capital budgets are often prepared for long-term ventures and re-evaluated while the project or venture is in progress. Organizations often re-plan their capital budgets periodically as projects progress. The importance of the capital budget is to proactively forecast large cash outflows. This cash outflow, once started, should not be stopped unless the company is willing to face the cost of delaying a large project or the potential loss.

To learn more about Capital budgeting, here:



The given statement " Capital budgeting involves planning and forecasting cash flows, sometimes many years into the future" is true.

Capital budgeting is a process that involves planning and forecasting cash flows for long-term investments, which typically involve large sums of money. Companies use capital budgeting techniques to evaluate investment opportunities and decide whether to allocate funds to these projects based on their potential profitability and risk.To make investment decisions, companies use various tools such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period. These tools help in estimating the cash inflows and outflows that are expected to be generated by the investment over its useful life.

The company then compares the expected cash flows with the investment cost to determine whether the investment is worth pursuing.In addition to forecasting future cash flows, capital budgeting also involves assessing the risk associated with an investment. Companies must consider various factors such as the project's size, complexity, competition, and regulatory requirements, which could affect its cash flows and profitability.

.Overall, capital budgeting is a crucial process that helps companies allocate resources to the most profitable and viable long-term investment opportunities. By planning and forecasting cash flows, companies can make informed investment decisions that contribute to their growth and profitability in the long run.

For more such questions on Capital budgeting



on the mission statement page of the acga website, they state that community gardening improves people's _____ by providing a catalyst to multiple community and personal benefits.


On the mission statement page of the ACGA website, they state that community gardening improves people's well-being by providing a catalyst to multiple community and personal benefits.

The Asian Corporate Governance Association (ACGA) is a membership organization that is independent and not for profit. Its mission is to collaborate with investors, businesses, and regulators to implement efficient corporate governance practices throughout Asia.

These benefits can include access to fresh produce, increased physical activity, social connections, environmental education, and improved mental health. Overall, community gardening has been shown to strengthen communities, promote sustainability, and enhance the overall health and happiness of participants.

To learn more about community: https://brainly.com/question/24452126


managing a knowledge intensive workforce is very challenging. the best way for a firm to manage its workforce is to .


The best way for a firm to manage its knowledge-intensive workforce is to create a supportive and collaborative work environment that fosters continuous learning, skill development, and knowledge sharing.

Managing a knowledge-intensive workforce requires a different approach than managing traditional employees. Knowledge workers are often highly skilled and motivated, and they require an environment that allows them to learn, grow, and collaborate with their peers.

The best way for a firm to manage its knowledge workers is to create a culture that values and supports continuous learning and skill development.

This can be achieved by offering training and development programs, providing opportunities for cross-functional collaboration, and creating an open and supportive work environment that encourages knowledge sharing.

Firms should also consider offering flexible work arrangements and providing access to the latest tools and technologies that can help knowledge workers stay connected and productive.

By creating a supportive and collaborative work environment, firms can attract and retain top talent and maximize the value of their knowledge-intensive workforce.

For more questions like Technology click the link below:



A project has the following estimated data: price = $95 per unit; variable costs = $42.75 per unit, fixed costs = $5,700; required return = 13 percent; initial investment = $12,000; life = six years. Ignore the effect of taxes.
What is the degree of operating leverage at the financial break-even level of output?


At the financial break-even point, the degree of operating leverage is infinite or undefined. This means that a small change in sales volume beyond the financial break-even point can have a significant impact on the company's operating income.

To calculate the DOL at the financial break-even level of output, we first need to determine the financial break-even point. The financial break-even point is the level of sales where the company's total revenue equals its total costs, including fixed costs and variable costs.

Financial break-even point = (Fixed costs) / (Price - Variable costs), Financial break-even point = $5,700 / ($95 - $42.75), Financial break-even point = 200 units.  At the financial break-even level of output, the company's total revenue is equal to its total costs, including fixed costs and variable costs. Therefore, the company's operating income is also equal to its fixed costs.

Operating income at financial break-even point = Total revenue - Total variable costs - Fixed costs, Operating income at financial break-even point = (200 units x $95 per unit) - (200 units x $42.75 per unit) - $5,700 Operating income at financial break-even point = $9,500

Therefore, at the financial break-even point, the DOL is infinite or undefined. This means that a small change in sales volume beyond the financial break-even point can have a significant impact on the company's operating income

Know more about break-even here:



firms have decided to raise fees and lower service for those customers who barely pay their way and to coddle big spenders to retain their patronage as long as possible. this is an example of organizing customers by .


This scenario where firms are raising fees and lowering service for less profitable customers, while focusing on retaining big spenders, is an example of organizing customers by customer profitability segmentation.

What  is customer profitability.

Customer profitability (CP) is the profit the firm makes from serving a customer or customer group over a specified period of time, specifically the difference between the revenues earned from and the costs associated with the customer relationship in a specified period. According to Philip Kotler,"a profitable customer is a person, household or a company that overtime, yields a revenue stream that exceeds by an acceptable amount the company's cost stream of attracting, selling and servicing the customer."Calculating customer profit is an important step in understanding which customer relationships are better than others. Often, the firm will find that some customer relationships are unprofitable. The firm may be better off (more profitable) without these customers. At the other end, the firm will identify its most profitable customers and be in a position to take steps to ensure the continuation of these most profitable relationships. However, abandoning customers is a sensitive practice, and a business should always consider the public relations consequences of such actions.

To know  more about customer relationship



When underwriting a residential mortgage, what are the benchmark
numbers they look for? Numbers for credit, capacity, and


Lenders typically consider credit score, debt-to-income ratio, loan-to-value ratio, credit history, employment history and income stability, and property appraisal when underwriting a residential mortgage

When underwriting a residential mortgage, lenders typically look at several key benchmarks related to credit, capacity, and collateral. Here are some of the key numbers and ratios that lenders may consider:

Credit Score: One of the most important factors in determining a borrower's creditworthiness is their credit score. Generally, a higher credit score indicates that the borrower is more likely to make their mortgage payments on time. While different lenders may have different standards for minimum credit scores, a score of 700 or above is generally considered good.

Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio: The DTI ratio compares a borrower's monthly debt payments to their monthly gross income. Lenders typically prefer a DTI ratio of 43% or lower, although some may allow higher ratios depending on the borrower's other qualifications.

Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio: The LTV ratio measures the loan amount as a percentage of the appraised value of the home. In general, lenders prefer an LTV ratio of 80% or lower, meaning that the borrower is making a down payment of at least 20% of the home's value.

Credit History: Lenders will also look at a borrower's credit history to see if they have a track record of making payments on time and managing their debts responsibly.

Employment History and Income Stability: Lenders want to see that borrowers have a stable source of income and are likely to continue earning enough to make their mortgage payments on time.

Property Appraisal: Finally, lenders will order an appraisal to ensure that the property is worth the amount being borrowed and that there are no major issues with the property that would affect its value or the borrower's ability to repay the loan.

Overall, each lender may have slightly different requirements and benchmarks for underwriting a mortgage, but these are some of the key factors that they will typically consider.

learn more about credit score here:



You pay your friend $50 in exchange for the awesome shoes she is selling. Your friend puts that $50 into her backpack. Two weeks later she uses the $50 to buy a book for class. This is an example of:A.The future value of moneyB.store of valueC.time value of moneyD.Exchange rate


This scenario is an example of B. store of value. In this case, your friend received the $50 for the awesome shoes she was selling and kept it in her backpack for two weeks. Then, she used it to buy a book for class, illustrating that money can be stored and used for future purchases.

Store of value refers to the ability of money or other assets to retain their value over time. In this example, the $50 that was received in exchange for the shoes is stored in the friend's backpack for two weeks before being used to purchase a book for class. During that time, the value of the $50 did not decrease, meaning that it was able to retain its purchasing power. This is an important function of money, as it allows individuals to save and accumulate wealth over time. Store of value is one of the three functions of money, along with medium of exchange and unit of account. A store of value is an asset that can be saved, retrieved, and exchanged at a later time, and it is expected to retain its value or purchasing power over time. Overall, the store of value function of money is an important aspect of modern economies, as it allows individuals and organizations to save and accumulate wealth over time, and helps to ensure economic stability and prosperity.

Learn more about economies here:



B. Store of value. When your friend received the $50 from you, she stored it in her backpack as a way to hold onto its value until she was ready to use it.

Two weeks later, she was able to use the same $50 to buy a book for class, demonstrating the concept of a store of value.

The future value of money refers to how much that money will be worth at a later time due to factors like inflation or interest, which is not relevant in this scenario.

The time value of money refers to how the value of money changes over time due to interest, which is also not applicable here.

The exchange rate refers to the value of one currency compared to another, which is also not relevant in this scenario.

The correct option is B. Store of value

To learn more about “exchange rate” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/2202418


Finance: (Please choose business as a new app similar to Venmo the digital wallet.
Start-Up Expenses
Download and complete the Start-Up Expenses template. In working on this Business Plan, you should already have gathered most, if not all, of the information you need. In the body of this section, be sure to explain all of the assumptions behind the figures. How did you come up with these expenses? If you’ve secured or expect to secure loans, explain the source/s, amount/s and terms. If you’ve secured or expect to secure investors, explain how much each investor will contribute and what percentage of ownership each receives in return.
Be sure to include extra capital for unexpected expenses. Opening a new business almost always ends up costing more than expected, and you need to be prepared. List this figure in the Start-Up Expenses template under "Reserve for Contingencies." How much should you set aside for contingencies? You can talk to other business owners in your industry to get a ballpark figure. If you can’t come up with a figure this way, a good rule of thumb is to set aside 20% to 25% of your total startup costs for contingencies.
Opening Day Balance Sheet
Download and complete the Opening Day Balance Sheet. Use it to detail the expected state of your business finances on opening day. As with the Start-Up Expenses sheet, be sure to explain the assumptions behind the figures.
Personal Financial Statement
If you are using the business plan to seek financing, include personal financial statements for each owner and each major stockholder. The personal financial statements should detail each person’s assets and liabilities outside of the business and their personal net worth. Investors and/or lenders typically expect business owners to use personal assets to finance a startup, and they’ll want to see how much capital you have available from your personal finances.


The start-up expenses template will provide an overview of all expenses needed to get a new business up and running. This includes expenses such as rent, equipment, and supplies.

The assumptions behind the figures will be based on market research and industry knowledge. Loans and investors will also be taken into account when filling out this template. The opening day balance sheet provides a detailed view of the expected state of the business finances on opening day.

This includes the current cash balance, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and any other liabilities or assets. The assumptions behind the figures will be determined by the amount of money available for start-up expenses and the expected income from the business.

Additionally, a reserve for contingencies should be set aside to cover any unexpected costs. Lastly, personal financial statements should be included if seeking financing.

These statements should detail each person’s assets and liabilities outside of the business, as well as their personal net worth. This will provide investors and/or lenders with an idea of the amount of capital that is available and that can be used to finance a startup.

Know more about liabilities here



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