the ancient cities of london, rome, and alexandria all share what common feature that encouraged settlement and urban growth?


Answer 1

The ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria all share the common feature of being located on major rivers, which encouraged settlement and urban growth.

London: The city of London is situated on the River Thames, which provided a natural transportation route for goods and people. The river allowed for trade, commerce, and communication, enabling the growth of the city as a major economic and cultural center.

Rome: Rome is located on the banks of the Tiber River, which served as a crucial waterway for transportation and trade. The river facilitated the movement of goods, people, and ideas, and played a significant role in the expansion and prosperity of the city during the ancient Roman civilization.

The presence of these major rivers and access to water transportation provided these ancient cities with key advantages, such as trade opportunities, urban growth, access to resources, and communication networks, which encouraged settlement and urban growth over time. These rivers played a vital role in the development of these ancient cities and their significance as important cultural, economic, and political hubs in their respective regions.

To learn more about urban growth, visit here


Answer 2

The common feature that encouraged settlement and urban growth in the ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria is their strategic locations near major waterways.

The ancient cities of London, Rome, and Alexandria all share the common feature of being located along major waterways, which encouraged settlement and urban growth.

The River Thames in London, the Tiber River in Rome, and the Nile River in Alexandria provided access to water for drinking, irrigation, and transportation, as well as opportunities for trade and commerce.

This made the cities desirable places to live and led to the development of urban centers that played important roles in the history of their respective civilizations.

These waterways provided easy access to trade, transportation, and resources, which were essential for the development and expansion of these cities.

Visit here to learn more about Ancient Cities:


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To know more about forest dwellers , click here:


The Question-

Which factors forced many forest dwellers to migrate?

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