the description of the apartment, what ideas does it develop about myrtle's position in society and tom's life?


Answer 1



he is depressed and lonely

Answer 2

The description of the apartment in 'The Great Gatsby' reveals Myrtle's social aspirations and Tom's infidelity.

The description of the apartment in the novel 'The Great Gatsby' develops ideas about Myrtle's position in society and Tom's life. The apartment serves as a symbol of Myrtle's desire to move up in social class. It is located in the Valley of Ashes, representing the decay and corruption of the lower class. The apartment also represents Tom's affair with Myrtle and his disregard for his marriage.

The description of the apartment both reveals hidden and morally questionable aspects of Tom's life and reinforces the idea that Myrtle is lower in society than Tom and his wealthy circle.

Learn more about  'The Great Gatsby' here:


Related Questions

when considering the demographic and situational characteristics of the audience, it demonstrates that as a speaker: group of answer choices you are able to guess their religious affiliation. you plan to use any means necessary to persuade the audience. you are avoiding controversial topics. you chose a topic that was of your own interest. you are keeping the audience in mind throughout the speech making process.


When considering the demographic and situational characteristics of the audience, it demonstrates that as a speaker, you are keeping the audience in mind throughout the speech-making process.

This is an important aspect of effective communication with any audience. The demographic and situational characteristics of an audience refer to the traits, characteristics, and behaviors of the individuals who will be listening to a speech or presentation. The demographic characteristics of an audience may include factors such as age, gender, education level, occupation, income level, and religious affiliation.

Situational characteristics of an audience may include factors such as the time of day, location, the purpose of the speech, the occasion, the type of audience, and their previous experience with the topic. It is important for a speaker to take into account the demographic and situational characteristics of their audience when preparing their speech. By doing so, the speaker can tailor their message to better suit the needs and interests of their audience, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their communication.

You can learn more about Situation characteristics at:


Task: write a persuasive speech about anything you hate with good reasons to persuade the audience to dislike the thing again. (Examples: apples, people on phones when driving car, etc.)



Yo I’m sending from gdocs debating speech


Good morning chairperson, opposition and audience.

The topic for today’s debate is: Is Climate Change real?We, the For team, believe that the answer for this question is that Climate Change is real.We are in the midst of a Climate Change emergency; our planet and the existence of our very species are being threatened like never before. We must act before it is too late - before it is too late to reverse the damage that has already been done. I stand before you today because the time to act is now. We cannot possibly wait a single second longer. We cannot wait any longer because, if we do, we will have missed the last opportunity that we have been given to save our species. This is a call to every single man, woman and child, in every single country on this precious planet, to change their lifestyles and help to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions before we experience the devastating effects of Climate Change.We define the topic ‘Climate Change’ as a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Our belief is that Climate change does exist and its reason for existence is because human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas), which produces heat-trapping gases. This is evident as certain scientific government agencies, such as NASA, define Climate Change as an emergency caused by humans. Human activity has caused Climate Change since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700’s as many industries are powered by the use of fossil fuels. We know this because statistics showing the difference of human fossil fuel usage from before the Industrial Revolution to the present day show that as the global climate has gradually become warmer, the use of burning fossil fuels has become increasingly higher. In a sense, we are literally cooking ourselves into extinction of the human species by burning too many fossil fuels. If we burn fossil fuels and create excessive carbon dioxide for our own gain, who is going to use this when humans are also creating deforestation problems, making excessive carbon dioxide a huge issue, and when we are also burning ourselves to extinction?In addition to this, taking journeys on electric buses and trains is far more planet-friendly than driving in petrol-fuelled cars or using planes. This means that in order to save our planet and save our species from extinction, we must use more public transport and travel less to other countries. Whilst this may seem unfair - especially for those younger generations who are yet to experience other cultures on the scale experienced by elder generations; it is absolutely essential if we are to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions and keep the planet at a temperature which is able to sustain our species. Another modern day comfort, air conditioning, is something which will have to be limited if we are to attempt to save our planet. We lived without comfort cooling for thousands of years, so shouldn’t we be able to live with limiting it now? Fluorinated gases used in air conditioning are the worst pollutants for our atmosphere - some lasting for centuries. Scrapping the air conditioning we already have would be doltish and would create unnecessary waste to go to a landfill, but where possible, we must try to limit our use of air conditioning when not needed; we should also try to not install cooling units where it is not absolutely necessary, like in mortuaries or server rooms for example. This is such a seemingly trivial thing that could make such a large difference to the prospects for our planet.In closing, I, as the speaker of the For team, hope that you can see how ridding ourselves of a few luxuries, like using more electric-based travel and limiting our air conditioning usage, can help reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions on a tremendous scale, reduce the anthropologic damage to the planet and save our species from extinction. We are in the midst of a Climate Change emergency and the time to act is now. This is our last chance, our final opportunity - let’s not waste it!

This is a graded discussion: 5 points possible
Unit 4 Discussion
Please post detailed answers to the following questions. Please use complete sentences.
Where do you go or look when you want to learn about something new? List and explain three ways that you try to discover new information,
and include the pros/cons of each as well. Here is an example of ONE. Remember this example is only one part of three that you need to list.
1. Encyclopedias - I look in reference books when I want to learn something new. The pro is that they are well-edited and revised, so the
information is accurate. The con is that they are not updated frequently.

I need an answer asap


1. Online research - When I want to learn something new, I often search online. The pro is that I can quickly access a wealth of information, often with varying perspectives.

What is Online research?

Online research is the process of using the internet to discover and collect information on a given subject. It involves using search engines, websites, social media, and other online resources to gather data, analyze it, and form conclusions or insights. Online research can be used to investigate a wide range of topics, from current events and news to medical developments, education, and business.

The con is that it can be difficult to evaluate the accuracy of the information I find.

2. Talking to experts - I also like to talk to people who are knowledgeable in the subject I'm researching. The pro is that I can get firsthand knowledge and advice, often tailored to my specific situation. The con is that it can be difficult to find an expert who is willing to talk to me.

3. Learning from experience - Finally, I often learn best through experience. The pro is that I can gain a deep understanding of the subject I'm researching. The con is that it can be time-consuming and costly to gain experience in some fields.

To learn more about Online research


Select the correct text in the passage. which set of lines from act i, scene v, of shakespeare's twelfth night is a plea to olivia to come out of mourning, get married, and have children? viola: 'tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on: lady, you are the cruel'st she alive, if you will lead these graces to the grave, and leave the world no copy. … i see you what you are: you are too proud; but, if you were the devil, you are fair. my lord and master loves you. o, such love could be but recompens'd though you were crown'd the nonpareil of beauty!


The set of lines from Act I, Scene V, of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night that is a plea to Olivia to come out of mourning.

Plea to get married, and have children is "Lady, you are the cruel'st she alive, if you will lead these graces to the grave, and leave the world no copy." This line is spoken by Viola, who is disguised as Cesario and is trying to persuade Olivia to return Orsino's love. Viola is urging Olivia to let go of her mourning and embrace life, love, and the possibility of having children, as she believes that Olivia's beauty and graces should not be wasted by being buried with her in mourning. This passage is a reflection of the societal expectations of women in the Elizabethan era, where marriage and motherhood were considered essential for women.

To know more about Twelfth Night, visit:


In one to two sentences, describe a theme of the excerpt. Self porptrait


The excerpt "Self Portrait" theme is introspection and self-reflection as the speaker contemplates their own identity and place in the world.

In "Self Portrait," the speaker explores their thoughts and emotions deeply, seeking to understand their identity and how it relates to the world around them. Through introspection, the speaker reflects on their experiences and relationships, examining how they have shaped who they are and how they see themselves.

The theme of self-portraiture is also present in the excerpt, as the speaker attempts to capture their own essence through language. Just as an artist might use a canvas and paint to represent themselves visually, the speaker uses words to create a verbal self-portrait, providing a glimpse into their inner world.

Overall, the theme of introspection and self-reflection is at the heart of "Self Portrait," as the speaker delves into the complexities of their own identity, seeking to understand themselves on a deeper level. The excerpt encourages readers to engage in their own process of self-exploration, encouraging them to reflect on their experiences and relationships to gain greater insight into who they are and how they fit into the world.

To learn more about Self Portrait, visit here


Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 4 of The Tragedy of Macbeth. Macbeth has just learned that Fleance escaped the murderers Macbeth sent.

Macbeth. Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect;
Whole as the marble, founded as the rock

What does Macbeth mean when he says, "I had else been perfect; / Whole as the marble”?

A. Macbeth is now cold and solid because he has plotted against his king and country.
B. Macbeth feels like a well-rounded king until he hears the murderer speak.
C. Macbeth reacts to the murderer’s bad news by freezing up like a statue.
D. Macbeth is calm and confident until he learns that the attack on Fleance failed.



The answer is D. Macbeth is expressing regret about his current state, stating that he had previously been 'perfect' and 'whole as the marble'. This suggests that he was once calm and confident in his reign as king, but the news of Fleance's escape has shaken him and caused him to lose his sense of security.


In 2016, American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first musician to ever receive the award. The award sparked debates about whether a musician qualifies for the award. Educate yourself about both sides of the argument and form your own opinion about the topic. Read the four articles provided here to learn more about both sides of the argument.

Write an essay to present an argument that either supports or opposes the decision to award a singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature. Your argument should include a clear claim, logical reasons, and evidence that is relevant and sufficient.

can u pleaze write it for me if you've done I alr, I'm late on my assignments.



own opinion about the topic. Read the four articles pr

I say that every prince ought to desire to be considered clement and not cruel. nevertheless he ought to take care not to misuse this clemency. cesare borgia was considered cruel; notwithstanding, his cruelty reconciled the romagna, unified it, and restored it to peace and loyalty. and if this be rightly considered, he will be seen to have been much more merciful than the florentine people, who, to avoid a reputation for cruelty, permitted pistoia to be destroyed. therefore a prince, so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal, ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty; because with a few examples he will be more merciful than those who, through too much mercy, allow disorders to arise, from which follow murders or robberies; for these are wont to injure the whole people, whilst those executions which originate with a prince offend the individual only. –the prince, niccolò machiavelli machiavelli’s claim in the passage is that leaders must___. machiavelli’s evidence includes____.


Machiavelli’s claim in the passage is that leaders must find a balance between kindness and cruelty.

Machiavelli’s evidence includes Historical example.

During the Renaissance, Niccol di Bernardo dei Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat, writer, philosopher, and historian, flourished. The Prince, a political treatise he wrote around 1513 but didn't print until 1532, is the work for which he is best remembered.

Philosopher from Florence in the 16th century, Machiavelli is best known for his political theories. The Prince and the Discourses on Livy, his two most well-known philosophical works, were released after his passing.

To Know more about this Passage , Click here:


2. Infer: On page 51, Wiesel writes about receiving
his engraved number. He states, "I became A-7713.
After that I had no other name." On a non-literal
level what is he telling you about the effect of his
experiences at the camp? You should reference
your answer to #1 when answering this question.
Book: Night


Frankl and his surviving family members were deported to Auschwitz in 1944, where his mother and brother were murdered in the gas chambers.

Summary of Man's Search

In his nonfiction book Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl discusses his time spent in Nazi concentration camps as well as his logotherapy method of psychotherapy. Frankl never provides the reader with a chronological account of his experiences in the camps; instead, he focuses on describing how the hardships of camp life affected the mental health of its residents. He thus only shares specifics about his experience when they may be utilised to support his psychological ideas.According to Frankl's observations of his fellow prisoners, the typical prisoner experiences three mental stages: shock in the first few days following his arrival, apathy, and "emotional death" once he has adjusted to life in jail.

To know more about Mental Health,click on the link :


Bildunsgroman narratives are a subgenre of realistic fiction. What is the defining characteristic of these narratives?


There is always a young protagonist with a journey from childhood to adulthood (or immaturity to maturity) in Bildungsroman. A Bildungsroman story provides a focus on the trials and misfortunes that affect the character's growth.

What could the shattered glass paperweight symbolize here?

Select one:
a. Mr. Charrington’s broken dreams.
b. Big Brother’s shattered control over Winston.
c. The destruction of Winston’s private world.
d. The falling apart of Winston’s family.


The destruction of Winston’s private world.


Winston Smith agrees to rent the upstairs room for his affair with Julia from Mr. Charrington, the owner of the junk shop where Winston purchased the diary and the glass paperweight. Winston is waiting for Julia when he notices a prole woman singing a popular song written by a versificator, a machine that writes songs without human intervention. He ponders the folly of taking the room and what it will ultimately mean — capture and death.Julia arrives with Inner Party luxuries such as real coffee, sugar, bread, jam, and tea. Julia puts on make-up and perfume, both of which are illegal. Winston considers the glass paperweight and what it represents for himself, Julia, and their life together.The conversation at the end of Chapter 3 exemplifies Winston and Julia's fundamental differences: Winston is the eternal pessimist, while Julia is the eternal optimist. "We are the dead," Winston says, to which Julia responds, "but we are not dead yet." Julia brushes his remark aside and, as is her wont, focuses on the physical by embracing him. Julia is preoccupied with her physical appearance, whereas Winston is more introspective. Being opposed to the Party, on the other hand, is enough to keep them connected.

To know more about Sugar click on the link :


THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS how does the quoted the contribute to developement of the ideas in texts


The Scottsboro Boys trials, which took place in the 1930s, exposed the blatant prejudices and shortcomings in the criminal justice system in the United States.

Nine black teens were involved in the trials; they had been wrongly accused by two white women, and they had to go through a terribly unfair legal procedure that was stained by racism and discrimination. The results of the study were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA) and published in the journal Psychological Science. By highlighting the necessity for more extensive social and legal reforms to address racial inequality and discrimination and by highlighting the significance of respecting the ideals of justice and equality for all individuals, this helped to develop the ideas in the book.

To know more about racism, visit:


can someone please write me a non fiction story that is 34 words :)


The non friction story is: In the early morning light, the runner laced up her shoes and set out for her first 5k. With each step, doubts and fears fell away as she discovered her inner strength and determination.

What is the non fiction story?

The tips on how to write a non-fiction story in 34 words are:

Start with a clear and concise message or theme.Use vivid imagery to paint a picture for your readers.Focus on the most important details and events.Use active verbs and avoid unnecessary words.Make sure the story has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Therefore, Here's another example of a 34-word non-fiction story:

"Two hearts beat as one. The transplant a success. The patient, grateful. The donor, honored. The surgeon, fulfilled. Three lives forever intertwined by a single act of kindness."

Learn more about  non fiction from


the type of vocal variation that gives a speaker vitality and helps indicate meaning and emotion is referred to as


The type of vocal variation that gives a speaker vitality and helps indicate meaning and emotion is referred to as inflection.

Inflection refers to the manner in which a person adjusts or modifies the tone, pitch, and volume of their voice while speaking. Inflection can affect the overall meaning of the phrase and the way the speaker is perceived by the listener. The most important aspect of inflection is that it adds to the speaker's vitality and emphasizes the meaning and emotions conveyed by the speaker.

A speaker who uses inflection well can more effectively communicate meaning and emotion. It is also useful for conveying how one feels about what is being said. In addition, it makes what is being said more fascinating and engaging for the listener.

A good example of inflection is when someone tells a story. Using different tones and pitches, they can convey emotion and meaning. By using inflection, they can make the story more interesting, add suspense, or show that something is funny.

Learn more about emotion


in this section of the memoir, eliezer mentions a number of events that take place for the last time. what are some? why do you think wiesel chose to draw attention to them?


In this section of the memoir, Eliezer mentions a number of events that take place for the last time. Some of the events are as follows: Reciting the Kaddish for Akiba Drumer on Yom Kippur. Witnessing a band play Beethoven on an empty stomach.Marching out of Buna for the last time.Marching out of Gleiwitz for the last time. Eliezer mentions that events take place for the last time in his memoir Night. The reason for mentioning these events is to show how his life is changing for the worse.

The fact that Eliezer knows that he will never perform these things again shows the reader how life is fleeting and that one must cherish every moment they have. This also shows how the dehumanizing situation that the Jews are forced into is affecting them psychologically, as well as physically.

You can learn more about memoirs at:


at the beginning of an oral presentation, skyler uses a quotation from abraham lincoln. skyler is attempting to .


At the beginning of an oral presentation, Skyler uses a quotation from Abraham Lincoln. Skyler is attempting to set a tone of respect and importance for the presentation by using a quotation from a highly respected figure.

Skyler introduces an oral presentation with a quote from Abraham Lincoln. By quoting a well-known person, Skyler is seeking to establish a tone of deference and importance for the presentation.

This conveys that the subject of the presentation is of significant importance and should be taken seriously. It also serves as an inspiration to the audience to give the presentation their full attention.

To learn more about oral presentation link is here


Read the text and write in Spanish.

You are a student from Puerto Rico. Your baseball coach wants you to explain your activities after school. Write two (2) complete sentences in Spanish to describe what you do. Remember to use the vocabulary words from this lesson/course only. Use the following suggestions as a guide for your answer:

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.

Write one complete sentence using the correct form of the verb competir to talk about something you do in your free time and one piece of clothing that you wear or don’t wear. (e.g., I compete in soccer with a T-shirt.)
Write one complete sentence using the correct form of the verb tener to describe whether you are hot or cold when you participate/play in this activity. (e.g., I am hot when I play


In English:

You are a student from Puerto Rico. Your baseball coach asks you to explain your activities after school. You tell him that go to practice and when you’re done, your mom picks you up and you go home. When you go home you usually grab a snack and sit down to do your homework. By the time you’re done with your homework, it’s time for supper. After supper you have freetime until it’s time for bed.

Translate to spanish:

Eres un estudiante de Puerto Rico. Tu entrenador de béisbol te pide que le expliques tus actividades después de la escuela. Le dices que vayas a la práctica y cuando termines, tu mamá te recoge y te vas a casa. Cuando llegas a casa, normalmente tomas un refrigerio y te sientas a hacer tu tarea. Para cuando hayas terminado con tu tarea, es hora de cenar. Después de la cena tienes tiempo libre hasta la hora de dormir.


Which of these lines from "A
Piece of String" illustrates
Matre Hauchecome's
A. "...he took a turn in the village...He only
met with incredulity. It made him ill at
B. "Along all the roads around Goderville
the peasants and their wives were coming
toward the burgh..."
C. "The news had spread."




C. "The news had spread

Part 1: What do you like best about your book so far? Why does your favorite part so far appeal to you?
Part 2: What is your favorite genre of book, and does this book seem to fit that genre? Why/why not?


you would have to tell me the name of the book in order to answer this question

This comes from the "I have a Dream" speech in commonlit:

PART A: Which of the following identifies the central idea of the text?
A. King believes that African Americans should not be denied their civil rights, and
encourages others to be relentless in their non-violent fight for freedom.
B. King's dream is for African Americans to be free, and makes it clear he will do anything to achieve this, no matter the consequences.
C. King does not believe that America is ready to grant African Americans their freedom, but is hopeful for a future in which this is possible.
D. King knows that equality is not something he will see during his lifetime, but is
confident that his children will eventually live in a world of equality.

2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." (Paragraph 3)
B. "In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred." (Paragraph 8)
C. "I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and
tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells." (Paragraph 14)
D. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
(Paragraph 20)

3. PART A: What is the meaning of "tribulation" in paragraph 14?
A. adventure
B. uncertainty
C. difficulty
D. desperation

4. PART B: Which clue from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "we will not be satisfied until 'justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.'" (Paragraph 13)
B. "And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left
you battered by the storms of persecution" (Paragraph 14)
C. "go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed." (Paragraph 14)
D. "Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends." (Paragraph 15)

5. PART A: How does paragraph 4 contribute to the development of ideas in the text?
A. It emphasizes that African Americans have been cheated the civil rights that the nation owes them.
B. It demands that African American receive financial compensation for the injustices they have suffered.
C. It proves that African Americans are never going to stop fighting for their civil rights
and freedom.
D. It shows how essential African Americans' civil rights are to them by comparing rights to money.

6. PART B: Which quote from paragraph 4 best supports the answer to Part A?
A. "In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check."
B. "When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note"
C. "This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the 'unalienable Rights' of 'Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'"
D. "Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check"


Answer:           1.  A. King believes that African Americans should not be denied their civil rights, and encourages others to be relentless in their non-violent fight for freedom.

2.   A. "But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination." (Paragraph 3)

3.  C. difficulty

4.  B. "And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution" (Paragraph 14)

5.  A. It emphasizes that African Americans have been cheated the civil rights that the nation owes them.

6.  A. "In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check."


Please Help Me I Will Give Out Extra Points And The Crown
Re-read the poem The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams and answer the question that follows:

so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
What type of figurative language is being used?
Question 1 options:









William makes use of several literary devices in 'The Red Wheelbarrow'. These include examples of alliteration, juxtaposition, and imagery. Imagery is one of the most important techniques at work.

When I betray myself, I see others, myself, and the world in ways that make me feel what?


Erm girl what I don’t even know w u talking bout

how is jacques feeling emotionally at the beginning of chapter 7? what passages from the text support your answer?


Jacques is feeling sad and miserable emotionally at the beginning of Chapter 7. Jacques, in the beginning of chapter 7, feels very down and sad because of the weather.

He states that it’s not just the grey and rainy sky that makes him unhappy. “I think it’s me.” Jacques says. He goes on to explain that he feels lost without the people who used to help him navigate life. Jacques’ feelings are supported by the following passage: “It isn’t just the dull sky that is making me feel so miserable.

I think it’s me. I’m just feeling so lost and without the people who have always been around to guide me.” He’s feeling very low due to the gloomy weather and his longing to go home to France. Furthermore, he's feeling anxious about confronting the family who wronged him. These feelings are exacerbated by the fact that he is in unfamiliar territory and is no longer able to rely on the friends and family he used to be able to turn to for comfort.

know more about gloomy weather here


Read the excerpt from "Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. " by Alice Walker. There is a cemetery near our family church where she is buried, but because her marker was made of wood and rotted years ago, it is impossible to tell exactly where her body lies. In the same cemetery are most of my mother’s people, who have lived in Georgia for so long nobody even remembers when they came. And all of my great-aunts and -uncles are there, and my grandfather and grandmother, and, very recently, my own father. Which type of rhetoric does Walker use to show that she has strong roots in Georgia? pathos irony ethos zeugma


The rhetoric device used by Walker to show that she has strong roots in Georgia is option A: pathos, as she has tried to evoke feelings.

Alice Walker uses pathos in “Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” to show that she has strong roots in Georgia. She describes her family’s burial place and how it is impossible to tell exactly where her great-grandmother’s body lies because her marker was made of wood and rotted years ago.

She also mentions that most of her mother’s people are buried there and that all of her great-aunts and -uncles are there, as well as her grandfather and grandmother, and very recently, her own father.

Pathos is an emotional appeal used to arouse feeling in a crowd. It is one of the three main persuasion techniques, along with ethos and logos. Alice Walker employs pathos in "Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." to elicit pity and compassion from her readers by detailing her family's burial location and how it is difficult to locate her great-grave grandmother's because her monument was made of wood and rotted years ago.

To know more about rhetoric device, refer:


Complete question is:

Read the excerpt from "Choice: A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. " by Alice Walker. There is a cemetery near our family church where she is buried, but because her marker was made of wood and rotted years ago, it is impossible to tell exactly where her body lies. In the same cemetery are most of my mother’s people, who have lived in Georgia for so long nobody even remembers when they came. And all of my great-aunts and -uncles are there, and my grandfather and grandmother, and, very recently, my own father.

Which type of rhetoric does Walker use to show that she has strong roots in Georgia?





Answer: C Ethos


A worried boy comlete story


Boy George (Douglas Booth) and Jon Moss (Mathew Horne) are the two main characters of of 'Worried About the Boy'. Young George O'Dowd (Boy George) fights with his parents over being a woman in 1980 and settles into a squat with Peter, who dresses as Marilyn Monroe and goes by the name Marilyn.

Explain the plot of 'Worried About the Boy'.

The biography of an English musician named Boy George's  is the subject of the 2010 British  drama television film 'Worried About the Boy', which was written by and directed by Julian Jarrold. Up until he meets musician Kirk Brandon, George has had poor luck in his relationships with men. Kirk introduces George to the dashing drummer Jon Moss, who becomes his crush. George comes to Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren to continue his musical career after being fired by the Blitz and rejected by Kirk.

However, in 'Worried About the Boy' fan Mikey Craig is impressed and encourages George to sing in a group he is establishing, where George meets Jon Moss once more. George's stint with McLaren's band Bow Wow Wow is cut short when the rest of the group disclose to McLaren how much they despise George. They establish a relationship, and Culture Club, their band, becomes incredibly popular. Yet four years later, under pressure from the tabloid media and allegations of his drug use, a depressed George turns to Jon for guidance on his future.

To learn more about biography, visit:


The complete question is:

Worried About the Boy, what is the complete story?

22. according to the origin of language, what is the difference between a closed communication system and an open communication system?


According to the origin of language, the difference between a closed communication system and an open communication system is: A closed communication system is a language that is used only by a particular group of people.

Whereas an open communication system is a language that is used by people in different communities or countries.

A closed communication system refers to a language that is limited to a particular group of people or community. This language is often used in a specific region or area and is not widely spoken outside the area. In other words, it is a language that is not spoken by people in different countries or communities.

Examples of a closed communication system include indigenous languages like Native American or Australian aboriginal languages. An open communication system refers to a language that is used by people in different countries or communities. This language is widely spoken and understood by people in different regions and countries. It is a language that is not limited to a specific area or community. Examples of an open communication system include English, French, and Spanish.

know more about communication system here


cambrianne tells juan about her new dog, a canine named skippy. discussing her new pet, cambrianne is using the meaning of the word dog. multiple choice question. alliterative denotative abstract connotative


Cambrianne tells juan about her new dog, a Canine named skippy. Discussing her new pet, Cambrianne is using the denotative meaning of the word dog. So the option B is correct.

The denotative meaning of the word dog is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that is generally kept as a pet and is related to the wolf, fox, jackal, and other members of the canine family.

The alliterative, denotative, abstract, connotative is a phrase that describes four different ways to interpret language. Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words.

Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, while connotation is the implied meaning of a word. Abstract language is language that is not concrete or literal and can refer to ideas and concepts. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about denotative meaning link is here


The complete question is:

Cambrianne tells Juan about her new dog, a Canine named skippy. Discussing her new pet, Cambrianne is using the meaning of the word dog.

multiple choice question.

A. alliterative

B. denotative

C. abstract

D. connotative

What is the cause of the conflict between A. J. And coach Carson?


Coach Carson is arbitrarily switching AJ's spot with some other competitors, which is what causes the dispute among AJ and Coach Carson.

This is how we can determine the solution

AJ works really hard while remaining committed to helping her team win.

He feels that he has succeeded with his aims of helping the club win games and considers himself to be a very valuable player.

Coach Carson, however, insisted on exchanging him for other players.

The adjustments, in AJ's opinion, are unnecessary.

He feels they are pointless and are merely there to undermine him. The confrontation between both the two is brought on by AJ's displeasure with the adjustments as well as the implied animosity which Coach Carson appears to have toward him.

To know more about Coach click here


what is the age order of the twelve olympians in order from oldest to youngest? i know aphrodite is the oldest then hestia, demeter, hera, hades, poseidon, zeus then who comes


As you know Aphrodite is the oldest then Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus then comes Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus.

Olympian gods were the principal gods in Ancient Greek religion. The gods of Olympus were considered to be the most powerful gods in the Ancient Greek pantheon. They lived on the top of Mount Olympus, a mountain in northern Greece, and were believed to control the fate of humanity.

In Greek mythology, the first Olympian gods were the six siblings born of the union of Cronus and Rhea: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. Following them came their children, including Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and Dionysus. Aphrodite was born from the sea after Cronus castrated their father, Uranus.

To learn more about Olympians link is here


The complete question is:

What is the age order of the Twelve Olympians in order from oldest to youngest, beginning with Aphrodite and ending with Dionysus?

An acronymic sentence can list the information you are trying to remember in a specific order as well as in any sequence of your choosing.t/f


An acronymic sentence is a mnemonic device that can help you remember information in a specific order or in any sequence of your choosing is true.

This technique involves creating a sentence or phrase using the first letter of each piece of information you want to remember. The sentence is typically easy to recall and often has a memorable or catchy quality.

For example, suppose you need to remember the order of the planets in our solar system. You can create the acronymic sentence "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles" to represent Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The sentence itself is not related to the planets, but it provides a memorable and fun way to remember the order.

know more about acronymic sentence here


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