The Phanerozoic Eon extends from about 540 million years ago to the present. true or false


Answer 1


If we are being very precise, 541 million years ago would be the correct answer. This would make the answer false if its was very accurate but if its not exact, then true. Depends on your preference or say so.

What is the Phanerozoic eon?

The Phanerozoic Eon is the current geologic Eon in Earth’s geologic time scale and is the Eon in which the majority of animals and plants lived in. The Eon is divided into 3 Eras which are the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic Era and has lasted from 540 million years ago to the present day.

Timeline of Attachments:
Cambrian (1)

- Cambrian Explosion(2)

Caption: Appearance of Fish, Vertebrates, Arthropods, Coral, and other major animal phyla

Molluscs become dominant and the Ordovician biodiversification event takes place

Silurian (3)

Jawed fish appear and big predatory Arthropods also appear like Jakelopterous or Pterygotus

(4) Devonian

Jawed Fish predators like Dunkleousteus appear and life on land is now abundant and insects and amphibians appear

It continues.

NOTE: ICE AGE and Humans later take over the world and all of human history takes place in this period


The Phanerozoic Eon Extends From About 540 Million Years Ago To The Present. True Or False
The Phanerozoic Eon Extends From About 540 Million Years Ago To The Present. True Or False
The Phanerozoic Eon Extends From About 540 Million Years Ago To The Present. True Or False

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how did eisenhower present his political ideas during his campaign for president in 1952?​



Many of his radio and television commercials discussed topics such as education, inflation, ending the Korean War, and other issues that were thought to appeal to women. The Eisenhower campaign was one of the first presidential campaigns to make a major and concerted effort to win the female vote.



The Eisenhower campaign was one of the first presidential campaigns to make a major and concerted effort to win the female vote. Many of his radio and television commercials discussed topics such as education, inflation, ending the Korean War, and other issues that were thought to appeal to women.


hope that it helps you

Question 14
Which of the following was a trigger for Asian American activism in the 1960s and 1970s?
O Korean and Vietnam Wars
O The Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education 1954
O The Nazi holocaust
O The creation of the state of Israel
2 pts
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Korean and Vietnam Wars

I’m what ways did people protest against the war?



just learned this in my AMH college class

College students protesting is a big one but there's more below


There were many ways that people protested against the Vietnam War, including:

1. Demonstrations and marches: Large-scale protests and marches were held in cities across the United States, with some drawing hundreds of thousands of participants.

2. Civil disobedience: Some protesters engaged in civil disobedience by refusing to comply with draft laws or by disrupting government operations.

3. Student activism: College campuses became centers of protest activity, with students organizing rallies, teach-ins, and other events.

4. Draft resistance: Many young men who opposed the war refused to be drafted, either by fleeing the country or by openly refusing to report for duty.

6. Media coverage: Journalists and filmmakers brought the realities of the war to the American public, which helped to galvanize opposition to the conflict.

7. Conscientious objection: Some individuals refused to participate in the war on moral or religious grounds, leading to legal challenges and debates over the limits of individual freedom.

8. Political activism: Anti-war groups worked to elect candidates who opposed the war, and put pressure on elected officials to change course.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that people protested against the Vietnam War, and the movement against the war was diverse and multifaceted.

During the Vietnam War, people protested against the war in various ways. The antiwar movement was mainly led by peace activists, college students, artists, intellectuals, and the hippie movement. Many songs, such as "Give Peace a Chance" and "Imagine," became anthems for peace [1]. The SDS-organized March Against the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C., in 1965, was the largest anti-war demonstration in the US to date, with 15,000 to 20,000 people [2]. The protests gained momentum, and by 1967, the war had become unpopular and had cost the US $25 billion per year. Martin Luther King Jr. joined the antiwar movement, calling the war "a blasphemy against all that America stands for" [1]. The Tet Offensive in 1968 resulted in even more protests, including from Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and a Gallup poll showed that 50% of the population disapproved of Johnson's handling of the war [1].


[1] Vietnam War Protests: Antiwar & Protest Songs

[2] List of protests against the Vietnam War

[3] 55d. The Antiwar Movement


What are push and pull factors? Why did so many immigrants come to the United States? What was Ellis Island?


Im not sure what Ellis Island is but I know the answer to the other questions.

Pull factors were freedom of religion, cheap farming land, and job opportunities.

Push factors were religious and political restrictions, crop failure, wars, overpopulation, changes in farming techniques, and the overpowering industrial work.

So many immigrants came to the United States for freedom from religious persecution, cheap farmland, and job opportunities. The Irish came because of the potato famine and not being able to own land. Most immigrants came because land at their home country was expensive.

What is this cartoon saying about third parties?
Your answer:


The political cartoon that shows the third party or minor party candidate (man in the bath robe) wants to join the others in the bath tub reveals that third parties are eager to join others.

What is cartoon?

A cartoon is a type of illustration, usually drawn in a simplified or exaggerated style, that is used to convey a humorous or satirical message. Cartoons can be found in newspapers, magazines, comic books, and on television, and often feature characters or situations that are intended to be funny or entertaining.

Cartoons can also be used to comment on current events or social issues, and may contain political or social commentary.

Learn more about cartoon on


state two problems faced by cities in the United States in the late 1800s?



During the 1800s, there was issues such as no piped water, which lasted till 1948, when they fixed the problem. There was also rarely any sanitation, making everything dirty. Other mainstream problems were rapid expansions around industrial cities, making things overpopulated for a city that was supposed to be originally for a small crowd of people.


Hope this helped you.

research essay
what role did south African women play against valuation of human rights from the 1950s to 1960s​



South African women played a significant role in the struggle for human rights during the 1950s and 1960s. They were involved in various campaigns and protests against the apartheid regime, which systematically violated the human rights of non-white South Africans³.

One of the most notable events was the Women's March to the Union Buildings in Pretoria in 1956. Women throughout the country put their names to petitions and indicated their anger and frustration at having their freedom of movement restricted by the hated official passes. The bravery of these women, who risked official reprisals including arrest, detention and even bannings, is applauded¹.

The ANC Women's League (ANCWL) also played a significant role in ensuring that women's demands were included in the Freedom Charter in 1955. In 1960, when the ANC was banned, the ANCWL was also affected as many leaders went into exile⁴.

Issues that concerned women in the 1950s can be described as 'bread and butter' matters, such as housing, food prices, and permits¹. However, their activism and resistance played a crucial role in bringing global attention to the widespread suffering and indignity faced by non-white South Africans during this period.


(1) Violation of Human Rights in South Africa: A Dark Decade (1950-1960). Accessed 11/04/2023.

(2) History of Women’s Struggle in South Africa. Accessed 11/04/2023.

(3) Women and the struggle against Apartheid | South African History Online. Accessed 11/04/2023.

(4) History of women's rights in South Africa - Wikipedia. Accessed 11/04/2023.

P.S. Sorry the essay is quite short, as there was not much I could find. Hope this helps!

What event made the US enter world war 1?


The event that led the united states to enter world war 1 was the unrestricted submarine battle campaign by means of Germany.

In 1915, Germany began sinking American and other neutral ships without warning with the intention to cut off Britain's elements. The sinking of the British passenger deliver RMS Lusitania in may also 1915, which killed 1,198 human beings which include 128 americans, sparked outrage inside the US  

President Woodrow Wilson initially maintained a coverage of neutrality, but after the resumption of unrestricted submarine conflict by using Germany in 1917 and the invention of the Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany tried to form an alliance with Mexico in opposition to the usa, Wilson requested Congress to declare battle on Germany. the us officially entered international battle 1 on April 6, 1917.

Learn more about world war 1:-


How were mounds important to early American Indians peoples in what is today Georgia?
What kind of evidence has been found to support this conclusion?



I don't understand the question

in need of a help please would help greatly


The European settlers have been matched with their settlements as follows:

Pennsylvania - Quakers, Catholics, and JewsNew Sweden - Swedes, Dutch, Finns, and GermansNew Amsterdam - French, Dutch, Scandinavians, Italians, and Irish

What is a settlement?

A settlement refers to a permanent or semi-permanent community of people who have established a residential or commercial presence in a particular geographic location.

They may be formed for various reasons, including the availability of natural resources, trade, and the search for better living conditions. The Eurpeans migrated in large numbers to many North American settlements.

Learn more about settlements here:


state two reasons for giving women the right to vote.


1. To promote gender equality and justice and

2.To ensure that women's voices and concerns are heard in the political process. are the two reasones  for giving women the right to vote.

What is gender equality?

Granting women the right to vote ensures that women have a say in the laws and policies that affect their lives. This promotes gender equality by recognizing women as full and equal citizens who are entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as men. Additionally, having more women represented in government can lead to better policies that reflect women's concerns and priorities, such as reproductive rights, equal pay, and access to healthcare.

What are the political rights?

Political rights are those rights that enable individuals to participate in the governance and decision-making processes of a society or country. Examples of political rights include the right to vote, the right to run for public office, the right to free speech and expression, the right to assembly, the right to petition the government, and the right to access public information. These rights are usually protected by law and are essential for ensuring that individuals have a say in the laws and policies that affect their lives. Political rights are a fundamental aspect of democracy and are essential for promoting fair and just governance.

To know more about gender equality, visit:


what changed brought about by rescinding apartheid laws in 1994​


The rescinding of apartheid laws in 1994 brought about significant changes in South Africa, including the end of legalized racial segregation, political reforms, social and economic changes, efforts towards reconciliation and nation-building, and improved international relation.

What is Law?

Law refers to a set of rules and regulations established by a governing body or authority to regulate human behavior and maintain order in a society. It is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions, such as courts, to ensure compliance and resolve disputes. Law is designed to provide a framework for the orderly conduct of individuals and groups, and it encompasses various areas such as criminal law, civil law, administrative law, and international law, among others.

End of Legalized Racial Segregation: Apartheid laws, which enforced racial segregation and discrimination, were repealed, bringing an end to the legalized system of racial separation in South Africa.

Political Reforms: The end of apartheid led to political reforms, including the establishment of a multi-racial democracy in South Africa.

Learn more about Law from the given link


What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
A. Prevent West Berliners from invading East Berlin
B. Prevent West Berliners from leaving
C. Physically divide Northern Berlin from Southern Berlin
D. Prevent East Germans from leaving


The purpose of the Berlin Wall was:

D. Prevent East Germans from leaving

As they worked to try to keep their land and sovereignty, the Cherokee took a case to the Supreme Court - Worcester v. Georgia - to argue that Georgia couldn't just give their land away. What happened in that case and after?

A. The Cherokee won the case, meaning they had the power to decide who lived on or bought their land. President Jackson and the leaders of Georgia respected this decision and told Georgians to leave the land.

B. The Cherokee lost the case, meaning they did no have the power to decide who lived on or bought their land, they were allowed to stay on their land and write a new treaty that would better protect their rights?

C. The Cherokee won the case, meaning they had the power to decide who lived on or bought their land. President Jackson and the leaders of Georgia refused to enforce this ruling, meaning the Cherokee still lost their land.

D. The Cherokee lost the case, meaning they did not have the power to decide who lived on or bought their land, they were forced to leave their land on the Trail of Tears


C. The Cherokee won the case, meaning they had the power to decide who lived on or bought their land. However, President Jackson and the leaders of Georgia refused to enforce this ruling, meaning the Cherokee still lost their land. In fact, Georgia passed laws that nullified Cherokee laws and asserted state control over Cherokee territory. This led to the forced removal of the Cherokee from their ancestral lands in what is known as the Trail of Tears, a forced relocation that caused the death of thousands of Cherokee people.

4. Compare and contrast two of the following types of government:
Be sure to describe both the similarities and the differences between the types you select.


Oligarchy and democracy are two different types of government that have different structures and processes for making decisions.

How do Oligarchies compare to democracies ?

Oligarchy is a form of government where a small group of individuals or organizations hold all the power. These groups can be composed of wealthy individuals, business leaders, military leaders, or other powerful elites.

In contrast, democracy is a form of government where power is held by the people. In a democracy, individuals have the right to vote and participate in the decision-making process.

One key difference between oligarchy and democracy is who holds the power. In an oligarchy, power is held by a small group of people, often those who are wealthy, influential, or connected.

Find out more on oligarchies at


If you worked for a federal agency, would you report a wrongdoing or keep quiet? Explain your answer.


Report a wrongdoing because if you keep quiet and they find out about it anyways there’s always a chance you can get caught with knowing about it so that’s why it’s always good to report a wrongdoing then just not say anything.

How do these historical themes affect people living today? |




The historical themes of colonialism, imperialism, and racism have had lasting effects on people living today, particularly those who are descendants of colonized peoples. Here are a few ways in which these historical themes continue to affect people today:

Economic Inequality: The legacy of colonialism has left many countries with deep economic disparities. Colonized countries were often stripped of their resources, and their economies were structured to benefit the colonizing powers. This has left many countries in a state of poverty and underdevelopment, which continues to impact people living in these countries today.

Cultural Identity: The imposition of European culture and values on colonized peoples led to the suppression and erasure of local cultures and traditions. This has had a lasting impact on the cultural identity of many people, particularly those who are descendants of colonized peoples. The loss of language, traditions, and practices has made it difficult for many people to connect with their heritage and cultural identity.

Racism and Discrimination: The creation of racial hierarchies during the colonial era has had a lasting impact on the treatment of people of color around the world. The legacy of racism and discrimination continues to impact people's lives today, from systemic racism in institutions and policies to individual acts of discrimination and prejudice.

International Relations: The legacy of colonialism and imperialism continues to impact international relations today. Many countries that were once colonized by European powers continue to have strained relationships with those countries, and the effects of colonialism are still felt in global politics and economics.

Overall, the historical themes of colonialism, imperialism, and racism have had a profound and lasting impact on people living today. The effects of these themes continue to be felt in economic, cultural, social, and political spheres around the world.


What space events happened in 1980's?​



Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, and Atlantis.


The saddest and most tragic one was the Challenger explosion.

How the Integration of whites and Blacks has helped to perpetuate inequality and racism in South Africa​


The integration of whites and blacks in South Africa has not necessarily led to elimination of inequality and racism, but rather has sometimes perpetuated it.

What is inequality?

Inequality refers to the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and power among individuals or groups within a society. It can manifest in different forms such as income and wealth inequality, gender and racial discrimination, unequal access to education, healthcare, and social services. Inequality can have negative impacts on individuals' well-being and can lead to social unrest and instability. In addition, it can limit economic growth and hinder the development of a society as a whole. Addressing inequality requires policies and actions that aim to promote fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their background or social status.

To learn more about inequality, visit:


Complete Question:

How has the Integration of whites and Blacks helped to perpetuate inequality and racism in South Africa​?

List 2 of the three issues that often went unchallenged in rural areas.


Population changes, workforce development, capital availability, infrastructure, health, land use and environment, and community preservation present difficulties for rural communities .

Which two factors contribute to rural decline?

Less births, more deaths, and more people leaving than moving in were the causes of the rural population reduction. Although population gains were minimal in rural counties that were close to urban counties, population losses were largest in isolated rural counties.

What are the two biggest issues facing those living in poverty in rural areas?

Lack of access to markets, education, good infrastructure, career prospects, healthcare, and financial services are common causes of rural poverty. Living conditions that are poor or dangerous in terms of sanitization, employment, and personal safety frequently accompany urban poverty.

To know more about Rural communities visit :-


Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs gave the government a more active role in
deregulating businesses.
deregulating “brain trusts.”
creating a laissez-faire economy.
creating jobs.


The New Deal initiatives of Franklin Roosevelt gave the government a more active role in job creation. The answer is option (d).

What is New Deal according to Franklin Roosevelt?

Several ambitious work plans, laws, and monetary reforms known as the "New Deal" were put forth by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1936, during the height of the Great Depression. Only in opposition to the "Great Depression" were these measures implemented. The arrangement placed a strong emphasis on protecting the banking system in order to strengthen the economy and help the country's manufacturing sector.

Following its approval by the Congress and the President's implementation during the Roosevelt Presidency, it was put into effect. One of Roosevelt's most well-known and lauded accomplishments was his ability to improve the country's economic situation during the Great Depression.

To know more about Franklin Roosevelt, visit:



creating jobs


When analysing Britain’s reputation “as an open and tolerant society”, how important is it to consider the irony of colonialism and empire? p. 73


The irony of colonialism and empire made a very important pillar in the open and tolerant society of Britain. The colonialism ensured all the profits incurred from expansion were sent to Britain.

                     The expansionists and colonialists of Britain would learn the culture of the places they wished to expand in Asia, Africa, and America. They would devise al means to trade and capture maximum resources, products, and services to the British throne, as well as adding up tremendously to the economy of Britain, and Europe.
              Therefore, based on the given statements, it can be clearly pointed out that  the irony of colonialism had a profitable impact in the open and tolerant society of Britain.

To know more about the impact of colonialism and empire on the open, and tolerant society of Britain:

It is crucial to consider the irony of colonialism and empire when analysing Britain's reputation as an open and tolerant society, as they represent a contradiction to the values of openness and tolerance. The legacies of colonialism and empire continue to shape contemporary Britain's social, economic, and political landscape.

What was the irony of colonialism?

Colonialism was characterized by many ironies, including the fact that the very countries and peoples that were colonized often possessed rich cultural and natural resources that were exploited by the colonizers for their own benefit.

This exploitation was often accompanied by a narrative of "civilizing" and "improving" the colonized peoples, despite the fact that colonial powers frequently committed egregious acts of violence, subjugation, and oppression.

Furthermore, colonialism often led to the erasure and destruction of indigenous cultures and languages, as well as the displacement of populations and the imposition of arbitrary borders that continue to cause conflict to this day.

Perhaps the greatest irony of colonialism, however, is that the colonizers often failed to recognize the immense harm that they were inflicting on the people and lands they sought to control, and instead saw themselves as benevolent and enlightened leaders. This blindness to the reality of their actions only served to perpetuate the cycle of exploitation and domination that characterized colonialism.

Learn more about the irony here:


evaluate the impact of pseudoscientific Ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946.​


The pseudoscientific ideas of race propagated by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 had a devastating impact on the Jewish nation.

The Nazis believed in the concept of Aryan superiority and used it to justify their policies of persecution and genocide against Jews. They developed a racial hierarchy that placed Jews at the bottom, and used this as a basis for their policies of forced labor, ghettoization, and ultimately, the Holocaust.

These ideas also had an impact on the Jewish community outside of Germany, as they were subjected to discrimination and persecution in other countries as well.

The long-lasting impact of these pseudoscientific ideas of race is still felt today, as the world continues to grapple with the legacy of the Holocaust and work towards building a more just and equitable society.

To learn more about Nazi Germany, visit:

How did technology change during the 1800s? north and south slavery



here is the answer


According to some, the development and application of steam engines and electricity to various tasks such as transportation and the telegraph, affected human life by increasing and multiplying the mechanical power of human or animal strength or the power of simple tools.

The civil war changed technology during the 1800s north slavery and South slavery.

The Industrial Revolution was used by the Civil War to bring about significant shifts in technological and industrial development. Railroad and riverine transportation advances were utilized by both the North and the South.

However, the Union was technologically far more advanced than the Confederate states. As a result, the Union utilized advancements in transportation, military medicine, and field artillery more effectively than the Confederacy did.

Indeed, the Union states' industrial might was a major factor in the Northern victory.

to know more about civil war

ing events in order (1-5) from earliest to latest: Alexander the Great conquers the Persian empire Greeks colonize parts of the Mediterranean Greeks revolt against Persian rulers Mycenaeans conquer Minoans and control the Aegean The Peloponnesian War begins​


Minoans conquered by the Mycenaeans and control the Aegean, Greeks colonize parts of the Mediterranean, Greeks revolt against Persian rulers, Alexander the Great conquers Persian empire, Peloponnesian War begins.

What is revolt?

Revolt refers to a violent or nonviolent uprising against authority or government, typically motivated by a desire for political, social, or economic change. Revolts can take many forms, ranging from peaceful protests and civil disobedience to armed resistance and insurrection. Revolts often arise when people feel that their rights and freedoms are being violated, or when they are facing social or economic injustice. They can be sparked by a variety of factors, including corruption, oppression, discrimination, or lack of representation. Revolts have played a significant role in shaping history, often leading to significant changes in political and social systems and are a manifestation of people's desire for self-determination and autonomy.

To learn more about revolt, visit:


which interest groups are formed to represent the economic goals of specific types of businesses or industries
A. Economic interest groups
B. Public interest groups
C. Single issue interest groups
D. Special interest groups



Interest groups are organizations that aim to influence public policy by promoting the interests of their members or a particular cause. Economic interest groups are formed to represent the economic goals of specific types of businesses or industries. These groups often lobby the government to pass policies that benefit their industry or block policies that may negatively impact their industry. For example, the National Association of Manufacturers is an economic interest group that represents manufacturers in the United States. They lobby for policies that promote economic growth and job creation for the manufacturing industry, such as tax incentives and deregulation. Other examples of economic interest groups include the American Petroleum Institute, the American Farm Bureau Federation, and the National Retail Federation.

Therefore the answer is: A. Economic interest groups.

How did the North and the South differ economically during the Civil War?

A: The North had more people than the South, so it could produce more goods.

B: The South had more immigrants the North, so it had a more diverse economy.

C: The South had better technology than the North, so it made better weapons.

D: The North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply.



none of the above


E: The North had a more diversified economy based on manufacturing and industry, while the South was largely dependent on agriculture and the labor of enslaved people.

Before the Civil War, the North had a strong industrial base and was rapidly expanding its infrastructure, including railroads and factories. This allowed it to manufacture and produce goods at a faster rate than the agrarian South. The North's economy was also more diversified, with a variety of industries and businesses contributing to its economic growth.

In contrast, the South was heavily reliant on agriculture, particularly cotton, which was grown on large plantations using the labor of enslaved people. The South did not have the same level of industrialization as the North and was therefore not able to produce goods at the same rate. Additionally, the South's economy was largely dependent on exports, particularly cotton exports to European markets.

These economic differences played a significant role in the outcome of the Civil War, as the North's industrial strength and diversified economy allowed it to better support and sustain its war effort, while the South's reliance on agriculture and enslaved labor made it more vulnerable to economic disruption and collapse.

The North and the South differ economically during the Civil War because the North had more enslaved people than the South, so it could produce goods more cheaply. The correct option is D.

How was the North affected economically after the Civil War ended?

Following the Civil War's end, the North's economy grew significantly. With compensation in hand, returning soldiers were able to build sizable new customer bases for a range of various businesses.

With a focus on commerce and manufacturing, the economy in the North was more industrialized. On the other hand, the South's agricultural economy was highly dependent on the labor of slaves. In contrast to the North, which produced more food crops, the South exported cash commodities like cotton. The North also possessed a more advanced transportation network, with more railroads and canals, which facilitated the movement of both commodities and people.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about North America here:


How does gerrymandering change the relationship between the voter and the elected official


Gerrymandering changes the relationship between the voter and the elected official by allowing the elected official to be less accountable to the voter.

What is elected official?

An elected official is a person who holds an elected public office in a government. They are usually elected by the people of a particular jurisdiction, such as a state or a city, to represent their interests and carry out the business of the government. Elected officials may hold a variety of different positions, including president, governor, mayor, county commissioner, legislator, and judge.

Gerrymandering is the practice of manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency to favor one group or party over another. This practice makes it easier for the elected official to win re-election and less likely to be held accountable for their performance. Gerrymandering can also lead to a lack of proportionality in representation, meaning that the votes of certain groups are not accurately reflected in the elected body. This can lead to a feeling of disenfranchisement among voters, as they may feel that their voices are not being heard or represented. Ultimately, gerrymandering can undermine the trust between the voter and the elected official, making it more difficult to build relationships and work together to find solutions to problems.

To learn more about elected official

What role did the United States play in the Mexican Revolution?



The U.S. played a huge role in the evolution of the Mexican Revolution. It supported the anti-reelectionist movement, agreed with Bernardo Reyes and Félix Díaz's revolt against Francisco I. Madero, helped the revolutionaries defeat Huerta, and invaded Veracruz in 1914.


list three difficulties that the USA faced in 1



Some challenges for example, the farm crisis, national debt and the collapse of international trade, this was a result from the Depression, and it's era.


Hope this helps you out.

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