Two poles on the ground are 90 feet apart. The shorter pole is 7.5 feet tall. The angle of depression
from the top of the taller pole to the top of the shorter pole is 28°. How tall is the longer pole? Round
to the nearest tenth.


Answer 1


The longer pole is approximately 55.4 ft tall

Step-by-step explanation:

Modeling the description will help you visualize and find the answer easier. By alternate interior angles theorem, the angle at the bottom (shown in picture below) is congruent to the angle of depression. Therefore, we can use tangent to find x.

tan 28=x/90

x=90*tan 28 (isolate the variable)

x is approx 47.9

to find the pole's height, you must add the shorter pole's height as well

h is approx 47.9+7.5

therefore, the longer pole's height is approx 55.4 ft tall

Two Poles On The Ground Are 90 Feet Apart. The Shorter Pole Is 7.5 Feet Tall. The Angle Of Depressionfrom

Related Questions

Your cousin bought a used car. He paid a total of $12,755 for the car. The total cost includes: • The list price of the car, x • A 7% sales tax on the list price . Plus $450 in additional fees.
What is the price of the car your cousin bought?

List price:​


Let's use the variable x to represent the list price of the car.

The total cost your cousin paid for the car is the list price plus a 7% sales tax on the list price, plus $450 in additional fees.

We can write this as an equation:

Total cost = List price + 0.07(List price) + 450

We know that the total cost your cousin paid was $12,755, so we can substitute that into the equation:

12,755 = x + 0.07x + 450

Simplifying the right side:

12,755 = 1.07x + 450

Subtracting 450 from both sides:

12,305 = 1.07x

Dividing both sides by 1.07:

x = 11,500

Therefore, the list price of the car your cousin bought was $11,500.

The list price of the car your cousin bought was $11,500.

What is an expression?

An expression contains one or more terms with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

We always combine the like terms in an expression when we simplify.

We also keep all the like terms on one side of the expression if we are dealing with two sides of an expression.


1 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an

3 + 4 is an expression.

2 x 4 + 6 x 7 – 9 is an expression.

33 + 77 – 88 is an expression.

We have,

Let's start by setting up an equation to represent the total cost of the car:

Total cost = List price + 7% of List price + $450

We know that the total cost is $12,755, so we can substitute that in:

$12,755 = List price + 0.07(List price) + $450

Simplifying this equation, we get:

$12,755 = 1.07(List price) + $450

Subtracting $450 from both sides, we get:

$12,305 = 1.07(List price)

Dividing both sides by 1.07, we get:

List price = $11,500


The list price of the car your cousin bought was $11,500.

Learn more about expressions here:


do less republicans (group a) than democrats (group b) favor the government investing billions of dollars to improve the country's train system? one thousand republicans and one thousand democrats were asked if they favored spending billions to improve the country's train system. how would we write the alternative hypothesis?


The alternative hypothesis can be written as H₁: pA < pB.

The alternative hypothesis would be that there is a difference in the proportion of Republicans (Group A) and Democrats (Group B) who favor the government investing billions of dollars to improve the country's train system. Expressly, it would state that the proportion of Republicans who favor this investment is less than the proportion of Democrats who favor it:

H₁: pA < pB

where pA denotes the proportion of Republicans who favor the investment and pB denotes the proportion of Democrats who favor the investment.

In the alternative hypothesis, we actually create the relationship between the variables which are being tested in that situation. According to these, we come across the comparison among the variables and how much they differ from each other. The alternative hypothesis is the statement the researcher tries to prove by conducting a statistical analysis.

Learn more about alternative hypothesis;


n each of the following scenarios, researchers plan to conduct either a hypothesis test for a population mean or for the difference in two population means. are the conditions for use of a t-model met? in a random sample of 100 university students, the distribution of time spent at university


libraries is approximately normal

Yes, the conditions for use of a t-model are met. The sample size is large enough (100) and the distribution of time spent at university libraries is approximately normal.

Help asap Thank you in advance


The ball will hit the ground after 4 seconds (x2 = 4).

How to solve

Given the formula h(x) = -16x^2 + v0x + h0, we can plug in the values for the initial velocity (v0) and the initial height (h0) to find the equation that describes the ball's height as a function of time.

v0 = 64 ft/s (initial velocity)

h0 = 12 ft (initial height)

Now, we can write the function for the ball's height:

h(x) = -16x^2 + 64x + 12

To find when the ball hits the ground, we need to solve for x when h(x) = 0:

0 = -16x^2 + 64x + 12

This is a quadratic equation, and we can solve it using the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

In this case, a = -16, b = 64, and c = 12.

x = (-64 ± √(64^2 - 4*(-16)12)) / 2(-16)

First, we find the discriminant (b^2 - 4ac):

64^2 - 4*(-16)*12 = 4096 + 768 = 4864

Now we can plug the discriminant back into the quadratic formula:

x = (-64 ± √4864) / (-32)

We have two possible solutions:

x1 = (-64 + √4864) / (-32)

x1 = (-64 + 64) / (-32)

x1 = 0

x2 = (-64 - √4864) / (-32)

x2 = (-64 - 64) / (-32)

x2 = 128 / 32

x2 = 4

Since x1 = 0 represents the initial time when the ball is kicked, we discard this solution.

Therefore, the ball will hit the ground after 4 seconds (x2 = 4).

Read more about velocity here:


The height, in feet, after x seconds of an object launched straight up can be found by the function h(x)=−16x2+v0x+h0, where v0 is the initial velocity of the object and h0 is the initial height.

A ball is kicked straight up into the air from a height of 12 ft with an initial velocity of 64 ft/s. After how many seconds does the ball hit the ground?

The value of a new 2022 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon was $67,035 when it went on the market. The value of the car depreciates at a rate of 9.7% per year. Which function models the car's value, V, t years since 2022?


If the value of the 2022 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon depreciates at a rate of 9.7% per year, then its value after t years can be modeled by:

V(t) = 67,035(1 - 0.097)^t

Simplifying the right side:

V(t) = 67,035(0.903)^t

Therefore, the function that models the car's value, V, t years since 2022 is V(t) = 67,035(0.903)^t.

What is the value of the expression?
12.325-(2.24 times 3.9)
Please hurry!


3.589. I’m just adding the rest so I meet minimum answer requirements

there are 90 people in the restaurant. the probability of someone ordering a drink with the food is 60%. use normal approximation of binomial distribution to answer the following 6 questions. 1. what is the mean of the normal distribution? 2. what is the standard deviation of the normal distribution? 3. what is the probability that exactly 50 people will order a drink? 4. what the probability that more than 50 people will order a drink? 5. what is the probability that less than 50 people will order a drink? 6. what is the probability that between 52 or more and 56 or less people will order a drink?


1. Mean = 54

2. Standard Deviation = 6.3

3. Probability = 0.077

4. Probability = 0.845

5. Probability = 0.155

6. Probability = 0.323

1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.
3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.
4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.
5. Determine the molar mass of Co.
6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.


The Number of atoms ≈ 5.119 x 10^24 atoms

The Mass ≈ 248.0 g

Mass ≈ 248.0 g

How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?

To find the number of atoms, we use Avogadro's number, which is 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mole.

Number of atoms = (8.500 moles) * (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mole)

Number of atoms ≈ 5.119 x 10^24 atoms

Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.

To find the mass, we need the molar mass of oxygen, which is 16.00 g/mole.

Mass = (15.50 moles) * (16.00 g/mole)

Mass ≈ 248.0 g

Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 10^8 g of helium.

To find the number of moles, we need the molar mass of helium, which is 4.00 g/mole.

Number of moles = (1.953 x 10^8 g) / (4.00 g/mole)

Number of moles ≈ 4.883 x 10^7 moles

Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.

To find the number of atoms, we first need to find the number of moles of sulfur, and then use Avogadro's number. The molar mass of sulfur is 32.07 g/mole.

Number of moles = (147.82 g) / (32.07 g/mole)

Number of moles ≈ 4.609 moles

Number of atoms = (4.609 moles) * (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mole)

Number of atoms ≈ 2.772 x 10^24 atoms

Determine the molar mass of Co.

The molar mass of cobalt (Co) is 58.93 g/mole.

Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.

To find the formula mass, we need to add up the molar masses of all the elements in the compound.

Ca3(PO4)2 contains 3 calcium (Ca) atoms, 2 phosphorus (P) atoms, and 8 oxygen (O) atoms.

Molar mass of Ca = 40.08 g/mole

Molar mass of P = 30.97 g/mole

Molar mass of O = 16.00 g/mole

Formula mass = (3 * 40.08) + (2 * 30.97) + (8 * 16.00)

Formula mass = 120.24 + 61.94 + 128.00

Formula mass ≈ 310.18 g/mole

Read more on Atoms here:


How many seconds will it take the model rocket to reach its maximum height?


The answers to the following prompts are give as follows:

9 (c) the time taken for rocket to hit the ground is 5

10 (c) the maximum height is 4

11 (b) the solutions of 16x² - 64 = 0  are  -4 and 4

What is the explanation for the above response?

9) To find the time it takes the rocket to hit the ground, we need to find the value of s when h(s) = 0 since h(s) represents the height of the rocket.

So we need to solve the equation: -3s^2 + 6s + 45 = 0.

Factoring, we get -3(s - 5)(s + 3) = 0. So s = 5 or s = -3. Since time cannot be negative, we take s = 5.

Therefore, the answer is (c) 5.

10 ) The maximum height of the rocket occurs at the vertex of the parabola given by the function h(s) = -3s^2 + 6s + 45. The s-coordinate of the vertex is given by s = -b/2a, where a = -3 and b = 6. So s = -6/-6 = 1. Therefore, the answer is (a) 1.

11) We can solve the equation 16x² - 64 = 0 by factoring out the greatest common factor, which is 16: 16(x² - 4) = 0.

Then, we can factor the quadratic expression as a difference of squares: 16(x + 2)(x - 2) = 0. Therefore, the solutions are x = -2 and x = 2, and the answer is (b) -4 and 4.

Learn more about  maximum height  at:


Callie owns a business and wants to know if the majority of her customers are satisfied. She surveys a random sample of 25 customers, and 17 customers report being satisfied. In a second random sample of 25 customers, 12 customers report being satisfied. The results of the third and fourth surveys of random samples of 25 customers finds 14 and 9 satisfied customers, respectively. Which statement BEST describes the sample mean absolute deviation for this data set?


Therefore, the statement "The sample mean absolute deviation is likely to be higher for the samples with lower satisfaction rates" would be the BEST description of the MAD for this data set.

To calculate the mean absolute deviation (MAD), we first need to find the mean of each sample.

Sample 1:[tex]17/25 = 0.68[/tex]

Sample 2: [tex]12/25 = 0.48[/tex]

Sample 3: [tex]14/25 = 0.56[/tex]

Sample 4: [tex]9/25 = 0.36[/tex]

Next, we calculate the deviation of each observation from its respective sample mean:

Sample 1: |0.68 - x1|, |0.68 - x2|, ..., |0.68 - x25|

Sample 2: |0.48 - x1|, |0.48 - x2|, ..., |0.48 - x25|

Sample 3: |0.56 - x1|, |0.56 - x2|, ..., |0.56 - x25|

Sample 4: |0.36 - x1|, |0.36 - x2|, ..., |0.36 - x25|

where xi is the satisfaction rating (0 or 1) of the Ith customer in the sample.

The MAD is the average of these deviations:

MAD = (|0.68 - x1| + |0.68 - x2| + ... + |0.36 - x25|)/100

Since we don't know the actual ratings of the customers, we cannot calculate the MAD exactly. However, we can say that the MAD is likely to be higher for samples 2 and 4, which have lower satisfaction rates, compared to samples 1 and 3, which have higher satisfaction rates. Therefore, the statement "The sample mean absolute deviation is likely to be higher for the samples with lower satisfaction rates" would be the BEST description of the MAD for this data set.

To know more about average visit:


3x - 1 <_ 2x what is the answer




Step-by-step explanation:

Imma assume the _ is a - soo




help me please with this question what is 11/12 divided by 4




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{11}{2}[/tex] ÷ 4 = [tex]\frac{11}{2}[/tex]  x [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{11}{8}[/tex]

So, the answer is [tex]\frac{11}{8}[/tex]

[tex](7^{4} ) ^{4}[/tex]


The outcome of given exponential expression [tex]{(7^4)}^4[/tex] will be  [tex]{(7)}^{16}[/tex].

What is an Exponential expression in mathematics?

A number raised to a specific power is represented mathematically by an exponential expression. It is drafted in the style of "a" is the base, and "b" is the exponent. The base "a" is b times multiplied by itself.for eg:

                      In  [tex]5^{9}[/tex] => 5 is base and 9 is exponent

In mathematics, exponential expression or exponential notation is frequently employed to conveniently and succinctly describe big or tiny quantities. Also, it is employed in fields where exponential growth or decay are important, such as computer programming and finance.

Now, Given:


we know,

[tex]{(a^b)}^c = {(a)}^{b\cdot c}[/tex]

Hence, for given exponential expression, we get,

[tex]{(7^4)}^4 = {(7)}^{4\cdot4[/tex]

[tex]{(7)}^{4\cdot4} = {(7)}^{16[/tex]

Thus, option a.) is correct answer.

Learn more about Exponents here:


Complete Question: What is the outcome of multiplying 7 raised to the power of 4 by itself, raised to the power of 4  or [tex]{(7^4)}^4[/tex]?





Write the absolute value equations in the form lx-bl is greater than or equal to or lx-bl is less than or equal to write an absolute value inequality that has the following solution set x < or equal to -9 or x > or equal to -5


The final absolute value inequality that represents the solution set x ≤ -9 or x ≥ -5 is |x + 7| ≥ 2.

If the absolute value expression is greater than or equal to a number (e.g. |x| >= 5).

We can write it as two separate inequalities: x >= 5 or x <= -5.
The absolute value expression is less than or equal to a number (e.g. |x| <= 3)

We can write it as the single inequality: -3 <= x <= 3.
Using these rules:

We can write an absolute value inequality that has the solution set x <= -9 or x >= -5200 as follows:
| x + 2604 | >= 5193
To see why this works,

Let's first look at the case where x is less than or equal to -9. In this case, we have:
x + 2604 <= -9
x <= -2613
Plugging this into our inequality:
| -2613 | >= 5193
Which is true, since |-2613| = 2613 >= 5193.
Now let's look at the case where x is greater than or equal to -5200. In this case, we have:
x + 2604 >= -5200
x >= -7804
Plugging this into our inequality, we get:
| -7804 | >= 5193
Which is also true, since |-7804| = 7804 >= 5193.
Therefore, the inequality | x + 2604 | >= 5193 has the solution set x <= -9 or x >= -5200, as desired. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Midpoint = (-9 + (-5)) / 2 = -7
The absolute value inequality will have the form |x - (-7)|.
|x + 7| ≥ 2, since the distance between -9 and -7 is 2.
|x + 7| ≤ -2, since the distance between -5 and -7 is -2.

An absolute value cannot be negative, so the second inequality doesn't make sense. Therefore, we'll only use the first inequality.
For similar question on absolute value :


Find the area of the parallelogram 13cm 13cm 16cm


angle opposite 16 = [tex]sin-1(\sqrt(1 - cos2(angle opposite 16))[/tex] angle opposite 16 = [tex]sin-1(\sqrt(1 - (-0.442)2)[/tex]angle opposite 16 = 118.7 degrees

What is parallelograms?

In Euclidean geometry, a parallelogram is a simple quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides. A parallelogram is a kind of quadrilateral in which both sets of opposite sides are parallel and equal. Parallelograms are classified into four types, three of which are unique. The four distinct shapes are parallelograms, squares, rectangles, and rhombuses. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram when it has two sets of parallel sides. The opposing sides and angles of a parallelogram are both the same length. The internal angles on the same side of the horizontal line are also angles. The total number of internal angles is 360.

To calculate the area of a parallelogram, multiply the base by the height. Nevertheless, the height is not mentioned in this situation. Alternatively, we may use the following formula to calculate the area of a parallelogram:

The area is defined as follows: base x height x sin (angle between base and height)

[tex]16^2 = 13^2 + 13^2 - 2(13)(13) (13)[/tex]

cos(opposite angle 16) 256 = 338 − 338

cos(opposite angle 16) cos(opposite angle 16) = -0.442

We know the angle is between 90 and 180 degrees since the cosine is negative. To get the angle in that range, we may use the inverse sine function:

angle opposite 16 = [tex]sin-1(\sqrt(1 - cos2(angle opposite 16))[/tex] angle opposite 16 = [tex]sin-1(\sqrt(1 - (-0.442)2)[/tex]angle opposite 16 = 118.7 degrees

To know more about parallelograms visit:


Graph the image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5, centered at the origin.


The image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5 centered at the origin is a smaller square with vertices J'(-0.4, 0.4), K'(0.4, 0.4), L'(-0.4, -0.4), and M'(0.4, -0.4).

What is graph?

A graph is a visual representation of data, relationships or functions, typically consisting of points, lines, and curves plotted on a coordinate system.

To graph the image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5 centered at the origin, we need to perform the following steps:

Plot the vertices of the square JKLM.

Draw lines connecting the vertices to form the square.

Find the coordinates of the image vertices after dilation with a scale factor of 1/5 centered at the origin.

Plot the image vertices and connect them to form the image square.

Here's a step-by-step guide to performing each of these steps:

Plot the vertices of square JKLM:

J(-2, 2)    K(2, 2)


    |      |

    |      |


L(-2, -2)   M(2, -2)

Draw lines connecting the vertices to form the square:

      J(-2, 2)    K(2, 2)


          |      |

          |      |


L(-2, -2)         M(2, -2)

Find the coordinates of the image vertices after dilation with a scale factor of 1/5 centered at the origin:

To find the coordinates of the image vertices, we need to multiply the coordinates of each vertex by the scale factor of 1/5:

[tex]J' = (-2 * 1/5, 2 * 1/5) = (-0.4, 0.4)\\K' = (2 * 1/5, 2 * 1/5) = (0.4, 0.4)\\L' = (-2 * 1/5, -2 * 1/5) = (-0.4, -0.4)\\M' = (2 * 1/5, -2 * 1/5) = (0.4, -0.4)\\[/tex]

Plot the image vertices and connect them to form the image square:

        J'(-0.4, 0.4)    K'(0.4, 0.4)


            |      |

            |      |


L'(-0.4, -0.4)         M'(0.4, -0.4)

The image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5 centered at the origin is a smaller square with vertices J'(-0.4, 0.4), K'(0.4, 0.4), L'(-0.4, -0.4), and M'(0.4, -0.4).

To know more about Graph visit :


The image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5, centered at the origin, is a smaller square centered at the origin.

To graph the image of square JKLM after a dilation with a scale factor of 1/5, centered at the origin, we can follow these steps:

Draw the original square JKLM.

Draw a line segment from the origin to each vertex of the square.

Multiply the length of each line segment by 1/5.

Draw a new square centered at the origin, with side lengths equal to the lengths of the new line segments.

For such more question on square


a blanket measures 1 1/4 yards on each side. how many square yards does the blanket cover?



Add 1 1/4 x 1 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

When Ranim started karate, her highest kick went


110, degrees from the ground. Her instructor asked her to practice until her highest kick goes


155, degrees from the ground. Which equation will tell us the measure of the additional angle,
aa, that Ranim's kick needs to go to reach


155, degrees from the ground?
Choose 1 answer:


The equation that will tell us measure of additional angle, a, that Ranim's kick needs to go to reach 155 degrees from the ground is given option 155 - 110 = a.

Highest kick went when Ranim started karate from the ground is

= 110 degrees

Highest kick limit given by instructor from the ground = 155 degrees

This equation represents the difference between the final desired angle of 155 degrees and the initial angle of 110 degrees.

Which Ranim's kick went when she started karate.

The result of this subtraction will give us the measure of the additional angle, a.

That Ranim needs to add to her kick to reach the new desired angle.

Therefore, equation representing the measure of the additional angle a, of Ranim karate kick is equal to 155 - 110 = a.

Learn more about measure here


The above question is incomplete, the complete question is:

When Ranim started karate, her highest kick went 110 degrees from the ground. Her instructor asked her to practice until her highest kick goes 155 degrees from the ground. Which equation will tell us the measure of the additional angle, a, that Ranim's kick needs to go to reach 155 degrees from the ground?





A box of chocolates contains five milk chocolates, three dark chocolates, and four white chocolates. You randomly select and eat three chocolates. The first piece is milk chocolate, the second is white chocolate, and the third is milk chocolate. Find the probability of this occuring.
A. 28/165
B. 1/8
C. 180/1331
D. 2/33


The answer will be B. 1/8

the reason why we need to have leap years is because group of answer choices the year does not contain an exact multiple of 30-day months. the year does not contain an exact multiple of 7-day weeks. the year does not contain an exact multiple of 24-hour days. some years are longer than others because sometimes it just takes a little longer to go once around the sun.


A year is approximately 365.24 days long, so without leap years, our calendar would slowly become out of sync with

the Earth's orbit around the sun.

The reason why we need to have leap years is because the year does not contain an exact multiple of 24-hour days.

This would eventually cause the seasons to occur at different times of the year.

To keep the calendar aligned, we add an extra day (February 29th) to the calendar every four years, making the year

366 days long.

A year is approximately 365.24 days long, so without leap years, our calendar would slowly become out of sync with

the Earth's orbit around the sun.

This ensures that the calendar year stays in sync with the astronomical year.

for such more question on calendar


John buys new baseball equipment for $2000. The purchase made is with a credit card that has a 19% APR. John makes a $150 payment monthly. How many months will it take John to pay off the balance?


It will take John approximately 17 months to pay off the balance.

What is simple interest?

Simple Interest (S.I.) is the method of calculating the interest amount for a particular principal amount of money at some rate of interest.

Assuming that John does not use the credit card for any other purchases and that the credit card company uses a simple interest calculation method, we can use the following steps to calculate the number of months it will take John to pay off the balance:

Calculate the monthly interest rate by dividing the annual percentage rate (APR) by 12:

Monthly interest rate = 19% / 12 = 0.01583

Calculate the monthly finance charge by multiplying the outstanding balance by the monthly interest rate:

Monthly finance charge = $2000 x 0.01583 = $31.66

Subtract the monthly payment from the monthly finance charge to get the amount that will be applied to the outstanding balance:

Payment applied to balance = $150 - $31.66 = $118.34

Divide the outstanding balance by the payment applied to balance to get the number of months it will take to pay off the balance:

Number of months to pay off balance = $2000 / $118.34 = 16.9

(rounded up to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, it will take John approximately 17 months to pay off the balance.

To learn more about the simple interest visit:


Hungry Harry is a giant ogre with an appetite that fluctuates throughout the day. H(t) models the weight

of sheep (in kg) that Harry would like to swallow t hours after he wakes up. Here, t is entered in radians.

H (t) = 12 sin (2/24t) +15

What is the second time after Harry wakes up that he feels like consuming 17 kg of sheep?

Round your final answer to the nearest tenth of an hour.


The second time when harry feel like consuming 17 kg of sheep after he wakes up is equal to 39.7 hours ( round to nearest tenth of an hour).

Function is equal to

H (t) = 12 sin (2/24t) +15

Where  H(t) models the weight of sheep in kg that Harry like to swallow in 't' hours after wakes up.

't' in radians.

Harry wants to consumes 17kg

⇒ H(t) = 17 for t.

Substituting the given expression for H(t), we get,

⇒ 12 sin(2/24 t) + 15 = 17

⇒ 12 sin(2/24 t) = 2

⇒ sin(2/24 t) = 1/6

⇒ 2/24 t = sin^(-1)(1/6)

We know that sin^(-1)(1/6) = 0.167

Substitute the value we get,

⇒ t = 12 × 0.167

⇒ t = 2.004 radians

This gives us the first time after Harry wakes up that he feels like consuming 17 kg of sheep.

For the second time,

Add one full period to the first time, since the function H(t) has a period of 12π/2 = 6π.

The second time is,

t = 2.004 + 6π

  = 2.004 + 6×3.14

 = 20.844 radians

To round to the nearest tenth of an hour,

Since there are 12 hours in a full revolution.

Convert radians to hours by dividing by 2π and then multiplying by 12.

t = 20.844/(2π) ×  12

 = 3.31 × 12 hours

 = 39.69

  = 39.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Attached graph.

Therefore, the second time after Harry wakes up that he feels like consuming 17 kg of sheep is approximately 39.7 hours after he wakes up.

learn more about time here


which of the following questions does a test of significance answer?a) is the sample or experiment properly designed?b) is the observed effect due to chance?c) is the observed value correct?d) is the observed effect important?


The significance test is a test that claim on the basis of p-value and cannot check if the observed effect and it is the observed effect due to chance. So, the right choice for the answer is option(b).

We have to determine the statement that reflects the test of significance in a number of statements. We check the each option one by one. A significance test tests the claim made. This test used to investigate the claim by considering the null and alternate hypothesis. It cannot used to check about the sample or the experiment are properly design or not. Now, the significance test determines that the observed effect is due to chance. Because it measures the observed difference between the group using the p-value ( probability or chance).

If the p-value<α, then accept the null hypothesis.If the p-value ≥α then reject null hypothesis.

A significance test, tests the claim. It cannot say if the observed effect is important or not. It is only based on test the claim on the basis of p-value and cannot check if the observed effect is important. Hence, option( b) is right.

For more information about significance test, visit :


The points (2, −4) and (2, 7) are on a
coordinate plane. What is the distance
between the points?


The distance between the points (2, -4) and (2, 7) is 11 units.

What is distance?

In mathematics, the distance between two points is a numerical value that represents the amount of space between them. The distance between two points is calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, which applies to any two points in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional space.

The two points have the same x-coordinate of 2, so they lie on a vertical line. To find the distance between them, we need to find the difference between their y-coordinates.

The y-coordinate of the first point is -4 and the y-coordinate of the second point is 7. Therefore, the difference between the y-coordinates is:

7 - (-4) = 7 + 4 = 11

So the distance between the two points is 11 units.

Therefore, the distance between the points (2, -4) and (2, 7) is 11 units.

To learn more about distance visit the link:


The figure shown is created by joining two rectangles..
3 ft
10 ft
3 ft
3. ft
Enter the area of the figure, in square feet. Need help please


The area of the figure is 39ft²

What is area of a rectangle?

The area of a shape is the space occupied by the boundary of a plane figures like circles, rectangles, and triangles.

Area of a rectangle is expressed as ;

A = l × w

where l is the length and w is the width.

Dividing the shape into two;

The area of shape 1 = l× w

= 3× 7 = 21ft²

The area of shape 2 = l× w

= 6 × 3 = 18 ft²

therefore the total area = 21+18 = 39 ft²

therefore the area of the figure is 39ft²

learn more about area of rectangle from


Use the times and corresponding closing prices of the stock to create coordinate pairs. Let x represent the number of weeks since the first data point, and let y represent the closing price at each time. So, x = 0 represents the data point from 5 years ago. There are 52 weeks in a year, and you can write the time for each closing price recorded in terms of weeks that have passed since 5 years ago, when x = 0. Fill in the table to represent your data as coordinate pairs.

x (Weeks Since 5 Years Ago) y (Closing Price, in $)

most recent 260

7 days ago 259

1 month ago 256

6 months ago 234

1 year ago 208

3 years ago 104

5 years ago 0


The complete table is:

x (weeks since 5 years ago)         y (in $)

260                                                 150.01

259                                                 150.06

256                                                 149.42

234                                                 142.03

208                                                 152.79

104                                                   97.65

0                                                       70.43

The coordinates are given by (260, 150.01), (259, 150.06), (256, 149.42), (234, 142.03), (208, 152.79), (104, 97.65), (0, 70.43).

The X axis suggests the weeks since 5 years ago and Y axis suggests the closing price at each time.

Number of weeks in a year is 52 weeks.  

Most recent time suggests, x = 52*5 = 260

when x = 260, then y = 150.01

7 days ago that is 1 weeks ago, x = 260 -1 = 259

The value of y then = $ 150.06

1 months ago that is 4 weeks ago, x = 260 - 4 = 256

The closing price then is, y = 149.42

6 months ago, x = 260 - 52/2 = 260 - 26 = 234

The closing price then is, y = 142.03

1 year ago that is 52 years ago, x = 260 - 52 = 208

The closing price was then, y = 152.79

3 years ago, x = 260 - 52*3 = 260 - 156 = 104

The closing price was then, y = 97.65

5 years ago, x = 260 - 52*5 = 260 - 260 = 0

The closing price was then, y = 70.43.

Then the coordinates are (260, 150.01), (259, 150.06), (256, 149.42), (234, 142.03), (208, 152.79), (104, 97.65), (0, 70.43).

To know more about coordinates here


can someone please help me with these 3 there due tomorrow!!



mean= 56.9

median= 55.5

mode= 64

on september 23, 2013, president obama had an approval rating of 46% (according to a gallup poll). suppose a sample of 100 americans is taken that same week. what is the probability that the sample proportion has between a 42% and a 47% approval rating? (use 4 or more decimal places in your computations!)


If a sample of 100 Americans is taken that same week, then the probability that "sample-proportion" has between a 42% and a 47% approval rating is 0.7693 or 76.93%.

To calculate the probability that the sample-proportion falls between 42% and 47% for a sample of 100 Americans, we use the standard normal distribution.

The Sample size (n) is = 100,

The Sample proportion (p) = 46% or 0.46,

The "Standard-deviation" (σ) = √(p×(1-p)/n) = √(0.46×(1-0.46)/100) ≈ 0.0497,

We now calculate the "z-scores" corresponding to the lower and upper bounds of the desired range,

We know that, the value of "z" is (x - μ)/σ,

where x = desired proportion, μ = mean proportion, and σ = standard deviation,

So, The probability that the sample proportion has between a 42% and a 47% "approval-rating", is written as :

⇒ P(0.42 < x < 0.47) = P[(0.42 - 0.46)/0.0497 < z < (0.47 - 0.46)/0.0497],

⇒ P(0.42 < x < 0.47) = P[-0.807 < z < 2.015],

⇒ P(0.42 < x < 0.47) = 0.9783 - 0.209,

⇒ P(0.42 < x < 0.47) = 0.7693,

Therefore, the required probability is 0.7693 or 76.93%.

Learn more about Probability here


Homework 18.1.-trigonometric ratios

Find the 3 trigonometric ratios. If needed, reduce fractions.


The 3 trigonometric ratios of the right triangle with respect to angle A are as follows:

sin A = 12 / 13

cos A = 5 / 13

tan A = 12 / 5

How to find angles of a right triangle using trigonometric ratios?

The side of a right angle triangle can be found using trigonometric ratios as follows:

Therefore, let's find the 3 trigonometric ratios with respect to angle A.

sin A = opposite / hypotenuse

sin A =  36 / 39

sin A = 12 / 13

cos A = adjacent  / hypotenuse

cos A = 15 / 39

cos A = 5 / 13

tan A = opposite / adjacent

tan A = 36 / 15

tan A = 12 / 5

learn more on trigonometric ratios here:


sam has a goal of walking 3 1/2 miles by the end of the day he walks 1 1/8 miles before lunch and 3/4 mile after resting what is the remaining distance in miles that sam needs to walk to reach his goal?

Show your work


Sam still needs to walk 7/8 of a mile to reach his goal.

How to determine how many miles that sam needs to walk to reach his goal

To find out how many miles Sam has already walked, we add the distance he walked before lunch (1 1/8 miles) to the distance he walked after resting (3/4 mile):

1 1/8 + 3/4 = 9/8 + 3/4 (since we need a common denominator of 8)

= 18/8 + 3/8

= 21/8

So Sam has already walked 2 5/8 miles.

To find out how much further he needs to go to reach his goal of 3 1/2 miles, we subtract what he's already walked from his goal:

3 1/2 - 2 5/8 = 7/2 - 21/8 (again, we need a common denominator of 8)

= 28/8 - 21/8

= 7/8

So Sam still needs to walk 7/8 of a mile to reach his goal.

Learn more about distance at


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