Victoria wants to make socially responsible purchases. What question should
she ask?
O A. Were fair labor practices used to make the item?
O B. What is the sales tax on the item?
O c. Can the item be purchased with a credit card?
D. How much does the item cost?


Answer 1


d how much does the item cost

Answer 2


I would say A, B, and D. Those are all very important things to look at when making a socially responsible purchase.


Related Questions

Inorganic substances that occur naturally in the earth?



Silicate Minerals.

Native Elements.







according to google

Hope this helps :)

From his studies of Coptic, Champollion knew that the Egyptian word for "sun" was pronounced rah. He wrote down the first two letters of that sound, RA. Next he put a question mark for the unknown middle hieroglyph. Then, at the end, he wrote SS, the sound of the last two hieroglyphs.

He studied the combination: RA ? SS. Suddenly he remembered a famous pharaoh whose name appeared in ancient Greek chronicles and also in the Biblical Book of Exodus: Rameses, or Ramesses. Could this be a hieroglyphic representation of Ramesses' name?

Based on the excerpt, what detail did Champollion need to conclude that the hieroglyphics might represent Ramesses’s name?

the pronunciation of the Egyptian word for sun
the meaning of the unknown hieroglyphic
the dates that Ramesses ruled Egypt
the part of the Bible in which Ramesses appeared


Answer A: did this last week

Answer: Umm so this answer is A correct me if im wrong


Which two of the following sentences from the
article include central ideas of the article?
1. The most famous printed
version of the Declaration of
Independence is emblazoned
with the words "In Congress,
July 4, 1776" at the top.
2. Interestingly, this document
was not officially signed on
that celebrated date.
3. The document, central to
founding the United States of
America, was created through
a process that took time
cooperation and revision,
4. It is believed that about 200
copies were published on July
5 and only about 25 still exist


Ndhxuxurhruuu wants me to come in today to 2727277477211 to pick up the kids from school today and I will make sure that I have a good day

. Trade flourished in the Assyrian Empire because
A. people craved Asian spices.
B. they invented the wheel.
C. they wanted to expand their empire.
D. there was a vast network of safe roads.


the answer this is question is C

The answer to the question is c

The state that we now call __________ was ceded by Spain to the United States as a result of the Adams-Onís Treaty.


It is d Florida Spain ceded to Florida to the united states in 1819 Adams onis treaty

What was exported by the Mauryan Empire?

A. tea
B. gold
C. spices
D. livestock



The mauryan Empire as exports were cloth timber ivory tortoiseshell spices and semi precious stones


spices just saying that other guys answer but simpler



Who was responsible for the settlement at Roanoke Island?

John Smith

John Cabot

Sir Walter Raleigh


Answer: Walter Raleigh


The Roanoke Colony refers to two attempts by Sir Walter Raleigh to found the first permanent English settlement in North America. The English, led by Humphrey Gilbert, had claimed St. John's, Newfoundland, in 1583 as the first North American English colony by royal prerogative of Queen Elizabeth I. Roanoke was second. The first Roanoke colony was established by governor Ralph Lane in 1585 on Roanoke Island in what is now Dare County, North Carolina, United States.Following the failure of the 1585 settlement, a second colony led by John White landed on the same island in 1587, and became known as the Lost Colony due to the unexplained disappearance of its population.

what mountainous areas are shown on the map?What country estabilished the settlements that are shown west of these mountains



blue ridge mountains, appalachian mountains. the french most often were the ones to settle west to the mountains, and had often contact with native americans. (i googled for the worksheet because no map was shown)


In the beginning, the Texans were able to fight off two surges by the Mexican attackers at the Alamo

True or false








correct me if I'm wrong

The belief in karma is said to



Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

If someone says or does something to somebody or something on purpose, then they would meet the same fate or damage they caused. This is the result of the belief of Karma.

is 2, 344 a natural number ,integer, irrational number, or a real number




It is a Natural, real number, integer


Alexander Hamilton served as john peter Zenger's lawyer and spoke these words at his trial:

The loss of liberty in general would soon follow the suppression of the liberty of the press so perhaps it is the best preservative of the whole.

which of the following summarizes this quotation

A. There can be no liberty without justice.
B. Freedom of the press helps ensure and protect all other liberties.
C. Allowing freedom of the press can lead to a loss of other liberties.
D. The judicial branch of government best able to defend citizens liberties.






It protects all other freedoms.



How were reservations supposed to “Americanize" the Plains tribes?



Indoctrinating the children

Schools often forced the pupils to dress like eastern Americans. They were given shorter haircuts. Even the core of individual identity  one's name was changed to "AMERICANIZE" the children. These practices often led to further tribal divisions. Each tribe had those who were friendly to American "assistance" and those who were hostile. Friends were turned into enemies.


The Dawes Act was an unmitigated disaster for tribal units. In 1900, land held by Native American tribes was half that of 1880. Land holdings continued to dwindle in the early 20th century. When the Dawes Act was repealed in 1934,, poverty,  were higher for Native Americans than any other ethnic group in the United States. As America grew to the status of a world power, the first Americans were reduced to hopelessness.


Sample response: Reservations forced the Plains tribes to renounce their old ways. The tribes were restricted from hunting, required to attend school, and made to convert to Christianity.



How did New Orleans differ from other American cities of the early nineteenth century?




The city of New Orleans differs from the rest of the United States in a few ways, especially in the nineteenth century. When we are talking about the city itself it was the largest port in the South and was exporting and importing many goods. When we are talking about the culture it is exceptionally different from other cities across the US. It is where Jazz originated and the city itself is very influenced by black culture. It is a city where many festivals are celebrated from a few cultures and it is a true melting pot inside the melting pot of cultures that is the US.


The duty of ___ is to give their votes for President.

A) Congress
B) citizens
C) Senators
D) Representatives
E) electors



D representatives


hope it helps you


In my opinion the way I understood your question id say Citizen


the duty of a citizen is to give their votes to the president

(that's how I understand your question)

Which aspect of governance is at the heart of the Monroe Doctrine?
Foreign Policy
Domestic Policy
Monetary Policy


the answer should be B

The aspect of government that the Monroe Doctrine rests upon is the aspect of B. Foreign Policy.

What was the Monroe Doctrine?

This was a policy by the United States that originated under President Monroe and related to European relations with Latin American nations.

This meant that it had to do with foreign policy because it was related to the affairs of other nations.

Find out more on the Monroe Doctrine at


A. translated the Bible into German
B. remained celibate until he died
C. believed communion of wine and wafer literally transformed into the bloody and
body of Christ
D. became more timid as the Protestant Reformation continued

Explain your answer






I hope it's right

What affect did Chinese technology have on Marco polo



Europe was not the only one that positively affected by Marco Polo's travels. Unsurprisingly, China, too, was affected in a positive manner. Marco Polo had introduced gunpowder to the Chinese. With this, the Chinese were able to utilize gunpowder to make not only fireworks, but military arms too.

Colonial soldiers won the Siege of Boston, even though they



even though they were were poorly trained compared to the British



Which practice was more likely to be accepted after the scientific revolution
than before?
A. Scientists deriving much of their knowledge from the Bible
B. Scientists claiming that the Earth was at the center of the solar
C. Scientists challenging traditional beliefs about the way the
universe works
D. Scientists attending universities controlled by the Catholic Church


It’s b hope that helped

The correct option is B). Scientists claiming that the Earth was at the center of the solar system.

What is Scientific revolution?

Scientific revolution was the drastic change in the scientific thoughts that was brought during the 16th and 17th centuries.

It was series of the events that was proved as most valid research in the development of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology etc. and changed the views of society about nature.

It resulted in the development of new knowledge systems.

Learn more about the scientific revolution here:-


How did the Transcontinental Railroad affect the speed of travel?




The trains were faster than horses. This made traveling faster

Question 5
Using Source 3, which statements explain how colonial settiers influenced Louisiana eiture
Select the two correct answers,
Music from the many cultures merged into a unique Lounúana sound,
Immigrants adopted the culture of Louniana upon arrival,
Traditions were forgotten and new ones were created,
Immigrants brought new foods and new ways of cooking to Louisiana,
Immigrants introduced Louisiana residents to fishing
Dillerent religions were blended into a single religion


Answer: A and D I believe


What are the major strengths and weaknesses of the Article of Confederation?



Strengths & Accomplishments

Government signed a treaty of alliance with France in 1778.

Government successfully waged a war for independence against the British.

Government negotiated an end to the American Revolution in the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783.

Government granted the free inhabitants of each state “all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the

several states.”

Government provided for the eventual admission of Canada into the Confederation.

Government passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which allowed the Northwest Territories to organize their

own governments. It allowed the eventual admission to the Union of no more than five states, and no fewer than

three, “on an equal footing with the original states.” The Ordinance also banned slavery from the region.

Government established the Departments of Foreign Affairs, War, Marine, and Treasury.


Congress had no power to coin money, therefore each state developed its own currency.

Congress was unable to regulate interstate and foreign commerce; some states refused to pay for goods they

purchased from abroad.

Congress was unable to impose taxes; it could only borrow money on credit.

No national court system was established to protect the rights of U.S. citizens.

No executive branch was established to enforce laws.

Amendments could be added only with the approval

of all 13 states.

Approval of 9 of 13 states was required to pass a

law in Congress.

One vote was allotted for each state, despite the

size of its population


1French colonists exploited the Vietnamese land and people. What does "to exploit" mean?

Help please well its a brain pop question



Expliot means to use unfairly.


Andy Percifield had been busy, too. There were only two days before the next game. He was determined that his school would do the right thing, no matter what the principal said. He had an idea: maybe the students themselves could write a letter against racism that could be read over the microphone in the press box to everyone at the game. It would have to be powerful enough to satisfy the protesting players and shame the racist fans.

–It’s Our World, Too!:
Young People Who Are Making a Difference,
Phillip M. Hoose

What details from the passage show why Andy wants to write a letter to be read at the game? Check all that apply.

“had been busy, too”
“only two days before the next game”
“no matter what the principal said”
“to satisfy the protesting players”
“and shame the racist fans”



“to satisfy the protesting players”

“and shame the racist fans"


It says so

“Only two days before the next game”, “to satisfy the protesting players”, and “and shame the racist fans” all show why Andy wants to write a letter to be read at the game. The correct options are B, D, and E.

What is the theme of a story?

The overarching meaning of a story might be referred to as the theme. It is the lesson the author is attempting to teach through the narrative. A story's topic is frequently a general life lesson.

It's clear from Andy's use of the phrase "only two days before the next game" that he has little time to find a solution to the racism issue for the future game. He, therefore, considers an immediate and efficient fix for the problem.

Andy wants to make a powerful statement against racism and educate the audience about the problem by writing and reading the letter.

Thus, the ideal selections are options B, D, and E.

Learn more about Game Story here:


what does 24 7 mean idk what it means


Answer: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


it basically means all the time

Answer:24 hours 7days a week it took me till the age 10 to figuer it out


How did the location of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro contribute to their development?



Explanation: Their location was near major trade routes. Their location near rivers provided rich soil that produced plentiful crops. Their location allowed crops to receive enough rainfall


Their location was near major trade routes.


5. Which Native American group allied with each country listed in the French
and Indian war?



The British colonists were supported at various times by the Iroquois, Catawba, and Cherokee tribes, and the French colonists were supported by Wabanaki Confederacy member tribes Abenaki and Mi'kmaq, and the Algonquin, Lenape, Ojibwa, Ottawa, Shawnee, and Wyandot tribes.

I hope this helps and have a great day! :)

Who wrote the albany plan and what was the purpose?



Benjamin Franklin suggested it.


The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies

describe what the industrial revolution was about?


Answer: The Industrial Revolution marked a period of development in the latter half of the 18th century that transformed largely rural, agrarian societies in Europe and America into industrialized, urban ones.

Credit: Saf

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