What are 2 things that took place in the agricultural sector that will contribute to the Great


Answer 1


The biggest problems for North Carolina farmers resulted from growing too much cotton and tobacco, the state's two main cash crops. (Farmers grow a cash crop for sale rather than for personal food or for feeding livestock.)


Related Questions




The answer is Error... :)


What primitive outpost did Spain plant?



The Spanish missions in California comprise a series of 21 religious outposts or missions established between 1769 and 1833 in what is now the U.S. state of California. Founded by Catholic priests of the Franciscan order to evangelize the Native Americans, the missions led to the creation of the New Spain province of Alta California and were part of the expansion of the Spanish Empire into the most northern and western parts of Spanish North America.


Following long-term secular and religious policy of Spain in Spanish America, the missionaries forced the native Californians to live in settlements called reductions,[3] disrupting their traditional way of life. The missionaries introduced European fruits, vegetables, cattle, horses, ranching, and technology. The missions have been accused of various abuses including genocide.[4] In the end, the missions had mixed results in their objectives: to convert, educate, develop and transform the native peoples into Spanish citizens.

By 1810, Spain's king had been imprisoned by the French, and financing for military payroll and missions in California ceased.[5] In 1821, Mexico achieved independence from Spain, although Mexico did not send a governor to California until 1824, and only a portion of payroll was ever reinstated (ibid.). The 21,000 Mission Indians produced hide, tallow, wool, and textiles at this time, and the leather products were exported to Boston, South America, and Asia. This trading system sustained the colonial economy from 1810 until 1830. The missions began to lose control over land in the 1820s, as unpaid military men unofficially encroached, but officially missions maintained authority over native neophytes and control of land holdings until the 1830s. At the peak of its development in 1832, the coastal mission system controlled an area equal to approximately one-sixth of Alta California.[6] The Alta California government secularized the missions after the passage of the Mexican secularization act of 1833. This divided the mission lands into land grants, in effect legitimizing and completing the transfer of Indian congregation lands to military commanders and their most loyal men; these became many of the Ranchos of California.

The surviving mission buildings are the state's oldest structures and its most-visited historic monuments. They have become a symbol of California, appearing in many movies and television shows, and are an inspiration for Mission Revival architecture. The oldest cities of California formed around or near Spanish missions, including the four largest: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco.

please help needed ASAP



Cause it doubled the size of the USA

Explanation: Dude I cant explain otherwise beside just looking at a map of the USA before and after the purchase

What was the name for the people who were considered to be so low that they were not even part of the Hindu caste system?





The amphtrac incorporated features of what other vehicles? Select All that apply


Because it was an amphibious

The amphtrac incorporated features of other vehicles like a boat and a tank.

The amphtrac

The amphtrac is a type of vehicle used by the United States Navy and army as a landing craft. The vehicles were able to carry troops and other vehicles from sea to shore during an amphibious attack.The amphtrac type of vehicle was first used during WWII.The amphtrac features were found in boats and tanks.

Thus option a boat and a tank are the correct answer.

Learn more about WWII here:


Complete Question

The amphtrac incorporated features of what other vehicles? Select ALL that apply.

A. a boat

C. a tank

B. a plane

D. a scooter

How did the three kingdoms period affect dynasties in China ?





The Three Kingdoms period started with the end of the Han dynasty and was followed by the Jin dynasty. The short-lived Yan kingdom in the Liaodong Peninsula, which lasted from 237 to 238, is sometimes considered as a "4th kingdom

How did alcohol production change when Georgia became
a royal colony?
A) Alcohol production increased.
B) Alcohol could only be produced in Savannah.
C) Alcohol production decreased.
D) Alcohol could be produced, but it could not be sold to other colonies.


The answer going to be d Hope this helps

Does las Casas believe the Spaniard’s actions to be in accordance with the beliefs of Christianity?


He believed that the conquest of the natives was an act of charity, for it brought them the benefits of civilization, religion, and trade with Spain. The colonists' exploitation of native labor, thus, was justified. Not surprisingly, the conquistadores and early settlers considered Sepúlveda their champion.

Describe the Manor Economy?



Manorialism or seignorialism was an organizing principle of rural economies which vested legal and economic power in a lord of the manor.


Manorialism, also called the manorial system, seignorialism, orgnorial system, political, economic, and social system by which the peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord. Its basic unit was the manor, a self-sufficient landed estate, or fief that was under the control of a lord who enjoyed a variety of rights over it and the peasants attached to it by means of serfdom. The manorial system was the most convenient device for organizing the estates of the aristocracy and the clergy in the Middle Ages in Europe, and it made feudalism possible. Under other names the manorial system was found not only in France, England, Germany, Italy, and Spain but also in varying degrees in the Byzantine Empire, Russia, Japan, and elsewhere. The manorial system’s importance as an institution varied in different parts of Europe at different times. In western Europe it was flourishing by the 8th century and had begun to decline by the 13th century, while in eastern Europe it achieved its greatest strength after the 15th century.

Which of the following reasons did the US Government use to justify dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945



You haven't given a list of options but ill list off some reasons, #1 The U.S explained that they thought Japan wanted world domination just like Hitler before he died, #2 too save American Lives, #3 Revenge for pearl Harbor


Hope this helps

what was the cause of the original political parties to form?



Se entienden como partidos políticos a entidades de interés público creadas para promover la participación de la ciudadanía en la vida democrática y contribuir a la integración de la representación nacional; quienes los conforman, comparten objetivos, intereses, visiones de la realidad, principios, valores y proyectos para ejecutar total o parcialmente en gobiernos democráticos de países.1​ Estos son los encargados de presentar candidaturas a ocupar diferentes cargos políticos. Para eso movilizan el llamado apoyo electoral. También contribuyen a organizar y orientar la labor legislativa, articulan y agregan nuevos intereses y preferencias en la ciudadanía.2​

Es esencial para contribuir a estructurar el apoyo político a determinados programas, intereses socio-económicos y valores. También interpreta y defiende las preferencias de los ciudadanos, forma gobiernos, y establece acuerdos políticos en el ámbito legislativo.3​

El concepto de partido político ha sido definido de diferentes maneras según el momento histórico y la específica realidad sociocultural. Stefano Bertolini lo define como un grupo de individuos que participan en elecciones competitivas con el fin de hacer acceder a sus candidatos a los cargos públicos representativos, y por su parte Ramón Cotarelo lo define como toda asociación voluntaria perdurable en el tiempo dotada de un programa de gobierno de la sociedad en su conjunto, que canaliza determinados intereses, y que aspira a ejercer el poder político o a participar en él mediante su presentación reiterada en los procesos electorales.


scientists can understand and learn about evolution by studying



scientists have studied evolution by looking back they often use fossils and other relics to understand how organisms have changed over time in order to survive.


Help meeee!!!!!! Pleasee







For which action did Ghana use its large army?
taxing the goods that came through Ghana’s trade routes
establishing a bureaucratic government
gaining the obedience of Ghana’s neighbors
plundering large amounts of gold for trade







Answer is C




A. Photography

C. chain stores

D. Mexicans
The answer is

C. Chain stores

Legacy of Roman Civilization
All free citizens should be protected by law
Governing by representatives of the people
Trial by jury
Which trait of classical Roman political thought could be added to the list?
O Veto power
Democratic elections
O Checks and balances
O Universal suffrage



Universal Suffrage


The process of amending the Constitution was made more difficult than passing a law
(25 points)
A.Changes should be made for very important reasons.
B.Two-thirds of state legislatures must approve a proposed amendment.
C.The new nation needed laws very badly.
D.The framers did not want the Constitution to be changed.


Answer: B. Two-thirds of state legislatures must approve a proposed amendment.


Because two-thirds of the state legislatures need to approve of a proposed amendment, this makes it harder. If the state legislatures disagree, rather than agreeing, then the proposed amendment will not go further into ratification.




because it is

A republic is
a government ruled by a king
a government where citizens vote for their leaders who rule on their behalf
a government where all citizens make laws and decisions for their country
None of the above



I think it’s a government where citizens vote for their leaders who rule on their behalf



Why is Mary known as the New Ark of the Covenant? Include three biblical passages that support this theory.



We all know that the Old Testament is full of stories, people, and historical events. A type is a person, thing, or event in the Old Testament that foreshadows something in the New Testament. It is like a taste or a hint of something that will be fulfilled or realized. Types are like pictures that come alive in a new and exciting way when seen through the eyes of Christ’s revelation. Augustine said that “the Old Testament is the New concealed, but the New Testament is the Old revealed” (Catechizing of the Uninstructed 4:8).

The idea of typology is not new. Paul says that Adam was a type of the one who was to come—Christ (Rom 5:14). Early Christians understood that the Old Testament was full of types or pictures that were fulfilled or realized in the New Testament.

Here are a few more examples of biblical typology:

✭Peter uses Noah’s ark as a type of Christian baptism (1 Pt 3:18-22).

✭Paul explains that circumcision foreshadowed Christian baptism (Col 2:11-12).

✭Jesus uses the bronze serpent as a type of his Crucifixion (Jn 3:14; cf. Nm 21:8-9).

✭The Passover lamb prefigures the sacrifice of Christ (1 Cor 5:7).

✭Paul says that Abraham “considered that God was able to raise men even from the dead; hence, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back” (Heb 11:19).

ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ❤


How did the U.S. government use propaganda posters to encourage Americans to support the war effort during WWI?



To gain supplies and men for the military, and money


Many Posters were used to stockpile rubber, and metal for the war effor, Bonds to grow the economay, and Men and woman to join the war effort such as uncles sam and rsie the riviter which inspired woman to work in factories.

Which statement best summarizes what US manufacturing had accomplished by 1900?



Which statement best summarizes what US manufacturing had accomplished by 1900? US manufacturing had surpassed industrialized Britain, and the United States had become the world's largest producer. US manufacturing had surpassed industrialized China, and the United States had become the world's largest producer.



US manufacturing had surpassed industrialized Britain, and the United States had become the world’s largest producer.

Which of these would have been supported by a Federalist?
direct democracy
a strong president
state currency
a bill of rights



B. a strong president


Federalists wanted a stronger central government. They didn't care about state currency, and most didn't think a bill of rights was necessary. I don't know what a direct democracy is.

Why was the Stamp Act a cause of the American Revolution?


It was a direct act on the colonist

Read this excerpt from "A Drop in the Bucket."

Finally, after more trial and error, Diane grabs a stainless steel bowl—just like the one in her kitchen—and presses clay in a ring around the curved bottom.

This excerpt shows that Diane is






Finally, after more trial and error, Diane grabs a stainless steel bowl—just like the one in her kitchen—and presses clay in a ring around the curved bottom. Because after many times failing, she keeps trying.




Which statement BEST describes the Vikings in Medieval Europe?

A:they never became part of Christian EUROPE

B:they created the largest land based empire in history

C: they were a roving group who raided towns to supplement their economy

D:they were instrumental in helping to drive Muslim invaders out of Western Europe





Vikings were incredibly well known and feared because of the way that the pillaged and raided villages to help them grow. D has to do with the Crusades. B would be the Mongols. A fits many people, but is not a great descriptor.

Which best explains why companies use celebrities to endorse their products? (pls helppp)



they can get more customer if cleb uses it and or shouts it out


i think its C


What is the only part of government that can "declare war"?



Head of congress


What was the Muslim ruler Akbar known for? A. writing poetry and a new code of law for his empire B. promoting the arts and building a magnificent monument to honor his wife C. learning from the Ottoman way of waging war and conquering vast territory D. mandating religious and cultural tolerance throughout his empire sunflower and beth answer thissss


The anwer is D. mandating religious and cultural tolerance throughout his empire

What is the relationship between the French in Louisiana and the native people?



They respected Native territories, their ways, and treated them as the human beings they were. The Natives, in turn, treated the French as trusted friends. More intermarriages took place between French settlers and Native Americans than with any other European group.


I think that's right.


was an administrative district of New France


The Articles of Confederation included all of the following weaknesses EXCEPT…

A.The lack of an executive or president

B.The inability to tax states

C.The power to regulate commerce

D.The provision for unanimous consent to amend the Articles of Confederation.





your answer is b yall

The weakness of the articles of federation included all apart from the power to regulate commerce.

The federal government in the confederation era did not have the power to regulate commerce.

The article did not give the congress the power to regulate trade. They were unable to offer regulations on trade between other countries and even the states in the United States.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/24210037?referrer=searchResults

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