what happens to willow in chapter 15 in counting by 7s


Answer 1
She found out her family died

Related Questions



"The Diary of Anne Frank" is a novel that was first published in 1947, and it tells the story of a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank, who kept a diary while hiding from the Nazis during World War II.

What is the novel about?

The diary was discovered after the war by Anne's father, Otto Frank, who survived the Holocaust, and it has since become a classic of modern literature.

Anne begins her diary in June 1942, just before her thirteenth birthday, and continues writing for two years while she and her family are in hiding. They hide in a secret annex in a building in Amsterdam along with another family, the van Daans, and a dentist named Mr. Dussel. Anne writes about her feelings, her hopes, and her dreams, as well as the struggles and tensions that arise from living in such close quarters with others.

Learn more about Anne Frank on!



Read the passage. What is the effect of the alliteration in the phrase "devil more dm'd”?
It reveals that Macduff fears Macbeth, though he tries not to show it.
It emphasizes the wickedness that Macduff sees in Macbeth.
It contrasts Macbeth with the people fighting to defeat him.
It suggests that Macbeth can be defeated only by something supernatural.


Answer: The effect of the alliteration in the phrase "devil more dm'd" is that it emphasizes the wickedness that Macduff sees in Macbeth. Thus, option B is the correct answer.  

Macduff wants to preserve his country, demonstrating his goodness and loyalty to Scotland, which is the antithesis of Macbeth's theme of good versus evil. This reveals Macduff's view that Macbeth is evil and twisted.

Why does April ask starr to fire her?

Only answer if u have read the book “The Hate U Give”





April asks Starr to fire her from the store because she feels guilty for not being there for Natasha on the day she was killed. April was supposed to work on the day of the shooting, but she called out sick and Natasha had to cover for her. April struggles with her guilt and believes that if she had been at work that day, she could have prevented Natasha's death. Therefore, she asks Starr to fire her because she doesn't feel worthy of the job and thinks that someone else could do better. Additionally, April is dealing with personal issues at home, and she believes that quitting her job will allow her to focus on herself and her family.

Lesson 21: Annotate Figurative Language


a pupil underlining or highlighting text in their textbook to make note of key concepts. a student underlining quotations or examples in a textbook. a reader remark.

What is annotate in English class?

It implies to add notes to a text you are reading in order to provide clarification, commentary, or opinions regarding the author's words. Reading challenging articles will become easier for you as you become more adept at annotation, which takes practise.

Annotate language – what is it?

Annotation of the language. Linguistic annotation, often known as corpus annotation, is the practise of labelling language information in written or auditory content. Annotators are responsible with locating and highlighting grammatical, semantic, or phonetic aspects in the text or audio data when using linguistic annotation.

To know more about Annotators visit:-



Instructions: Read the following case and answer questions stated after the case. (Word limit: 200 words)

Khursheed Anwar is 19 years old. He has great interest in IT – computer hardware and software, internet, programming languages, and the like. He wants to live a very successful life. His elder cousin, who is studying BBA, has asked him to craft a compelling personal vision as a first step to live a successful life. Khursheed drafted this personal vision: "After 10 years, I want to establish my own advertising company having a large client base, operate a successful travel agency, and run an exclusive boutique for upper-class clients. " He made several goals as per the advice of his "guru cousin. " His cousin had advised him to make goals SMART. He decided to get admission in a leading institute to study ACCA. Another goal that he made is to start learning guitar to impress and entertain relatives and friends in gatherings. He did SWOT analysis as per his cousin’s advice and in the strength quadrant he had listed computing, programming and physics.

Your task:

A. What is/are the actual problem/s of Khursheed Anwer?

B. What would you suggest Khursheed to rectify these issues based on your knowledge of personal vision, SMART goals, self-esteem and critical thinking?


The actual problem of Khursheed Anwer is not having a clear purpose or vision for his life. To rectify these issues, I would suggest that Khursheed should first focus on crafting a clear and specific vision for his life.

A. Khursheed Anwar's lack of a distinct life purpose or vision is his true issue. He has several IT-related interests, but no strategy for pursuing them. Furthermore, he lacks a grasp of the critical thinking, self-esteem, and SMART goals necessary for success.

B. In order to address these problems, I advise Khursheed to start by developing a distinct and detailed vision for his life. He needs to decide what his long-term and short-term objectives are, then make a plan to achieve them.

Additionally, he needs to learn more about SMART objectives, self-esteem, and critical thinking. He should also concentrate on honing his computer, programming, and physics abilities in order to boost his strengths quadrant.

To learn more about SMART objectives link is here



Select the correct answer. ''Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death''

How does the author develop ideas within the text?


by introducing his disagreement with members of the convention, summarizing the history of failed attempts of peaceful discussion, arguing for armed resistance to British rule, and making a call to action for members to get on board


by recognizing the committee's perspective, providing evidence of why they feel the way they do, arguing that they should continue to peacefully discuss, and stressing their safety over the need for immediate results


by calling for the committee members to recognize their errors in reasoning, providing evidence of their failed attempts at compromise, and pleading with them to try once more before waging war


by introducing the problem he has with committee members, explaining why the committee members' perspective is flawed, providing evidence of successful government overthrows, and giving committee members an ultimatum


By introducing his disagreement with members of the convention, summarizing peaceful discussion, arguing for armed resistance to British rule, and making a call to action for members to get on board.

What makes a good author?

A good writer makes their work easy to read, so knowing how to use commas is crucial. She writes in comprehensible, entertaining prose that is easy to understand by the reader. Writing well is a skill that is necessary for effective communication.

Who are the authors among us?

A person whose words have been published is a writer. A person is considered a writer if they create the concepts and content for their written work in addition to producing published work. Because of this, most authors are regarded as writers, albeit this is not true of all writers.

To know more about Author visit:



How does the August Wilson use stage directions to reveal the rising tension between the two characters?

A. By describing their reactions
B. By describing their physical interactions
C. By describing their relationship background
D. By describing their accomplishments ​


The August Wilson use stage directions to reveal the rising tension between the two characters is By describing their physical interactions.

The correct option is B.

What are characters and examples?

Character specifically refers to moral traits, ethical norms, beliefs, and the like: a guy of impeccable character. Individuality is defined as the distinguishing characteristics that set one apart from others: a lady with a strong sense of self.

Why does character matter more?

Because it teaches people the virtues that are necessary for peaceful coexistence with others, excellent character promotes the growth of responsible and ethical people. Character education may help kids develop important traits like responsibility and effort.

To know more about Character visit:



Directions: In three paragraphs, write a comparative analysis of which poem does a better job of including
the elements of Romanticism, "The Thorn" or "Casabianca"? Remember, I am not assessing if you get the
"right" poem. I am assessing how you identify and analyze the elements of Romanticism to argue and
defend your choice. Make sure you quote from both poems and include the elements of Romanticism that
you are focusing on. Your thesis is your position or which poem does it better.
Structure: First para: Introduce Romanticism and the poems. In the last statement include your thesis
statement (which poem does it better)
Second para: Analyze the language in the poems and argue the Romantic elements that the
poems display
Third para: Defend the poem of your choice and why. Ex: "The Thorn by William Wordsworth
demonstrates the elements of Romanticism
more effectively by..."
Use this as a guide:
Elements of Romanticism:
Idealism over Realism (or Dreams over Reality)


Answer:ong thats what i got


Your chart should include:

• at least two characteristics of the medical model and one image representing the medical model
• at least two characteristics of the bio-psycho-social model and one image representing the bio-psycho-social model
• at least two ways that the medical model and the bio-psycho-social model are the same


The Cognitive model is considered to be the one that most effectively explains psychological diseases. Since it contains many of the characteristics that are known to be the root causes of many psychological disorders it is widely accepted.

Why use the cognitive model?

Psychological illnesses are thought to be patterns of distressing and dysfunctional behavior in humans. Due to rigidity in behavior, personality disorders and mood psychology illnesses are categories for extremes in emotions.  The cognitive model is well recognized for having numerous factors that are thought to be the root causes of numerous psychiatric diseases.

Psychologists frequently utilize this model to identify or explain abnormalities. So, the model that best describes psychological problems is known as the Cognitive model since it is one that is made up of variables that are known to be the cause that may lead to many psychological disorders. An illustration of this is the idea that a person's irrational and negative thoughts are the fundamental aspect of thinking that informs all human conduct.

To learn more about Cognitive model, visit:



a magazine that targets specific industries is called a(n) _____ publication.


A magazine that targets specific industries is called a trade publication.

Trade publications are unique kinds of publications that serve the requirements and interests of experts in a certain industry or trade. In-depth coverage of themes unique to a certain profession or business sets them apart from general-interest periodicals like newspapers or consumer magazines.

Trade magazines are authored by subject-matter specialists and frequently include articles, news, product evaluations, and other data pertinent to the sector. They could also feature promotions for goods and services particular to the sector. Trade publications serve an important role in keeping professionals up-to-date with the latest developments in their industry, providing a platform for experts to share their knowledge and opinions, and fostering a sense of community among industry insiders.

To learn more about trade publications, refer to:



A magazine that targets specific industries is called a trade publication. A trade magazine is a magazine or newspaper that caters to persons who work in a specific trade or industry.

It is also known as a trade journal, trade paper, or (informally or disparagingly) a trade rag. The trade press is the collective name for this branch of publication. Members of the sector stay current on new advances thanks to trade magazines. It serves its audiences in this capacity in a manner akin to how scholarly or scholarly periodicals do. Trade magazines contain targeted advertising that generates revenue for the publication and sales for the advertisers while also offering readers sales engineering-style recommendations that may influence their investment and purchase decisions. Trade publications often have little to no general-audience advertising and advertising material that is focused on the sector in question.

To know more about publication refer :



How would you change the following passage from third person limited to third person omniscient? (Explain what you would add to the passage to change it.)
Diego looked over the edge. He thought about how far the ground was. The wind gusted. Whitney turned to him and said, "It's beautiful up here, huh?" Diego could
not think about beauty. All he could think about was not falling off the edge. He said, "Yeah, Whitney, it really is beautiful. Hey, how long do you want to stay up
here? Whitney laughed and said, "Let's stay up here the rest of our lives!" Diego grimaced. He was afraid that this scenario was all too likely.


To change the passage from third-person limited to third-person omniscient, the narrator's perspective needs to be expanded. In the third person omniscient, the narrator is all-knowing and can provide insight and information about the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. To achieve this, the narrator needs to be given an expanded perspective that includes the thoughts and feelings of both Diego and Whitney.

Revised passage:

Diego looked over the edge. He thought about how far the ground was. The wind gusted. Whitney turned to him and said, "It's beautiful up here, huh?" Diego could not think about beauty. All he could think about was not falling off the edge. He said, "Yeah, Whitney, it really is beautiful. Hey, how long do you want to stay up here?"

Diego wondered why Whitney was so carefree. Didn't she realize the danger they were in? He wished he could calm his racing heart and enjoy the stunning scenery, but all he saw was the possibility of a deadly fall. Meanwhile, Whitney's thoughts were of a different nature. She felt liberated and invigorated as if she had escaped the confines of the world below. When Diego asked how long they wanted to stay up there, Whitney laughed at the absurdity of the question. She felt like they could stay up there forever and never need anything else. This scenario was far from Diego's mind though. He could only think of slipping off the edge and failing to get back up.

Read each excerpt from Samuel Adams' "The Rights of the Colonists: The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting." Match the excerpt to the rhetorical appeal or rhetorical device used in the passage.


Now what liberty can there be where property is taken away without consent? Can it be said with any color of truth and justice, that this continent of three thousand miles in length, and of a breadth as yet unexplored, in which, however, it is supposed there are five millions of people, has the least voice, vote, or influence in the British Parliament? Have they all together any more weight or power to return a single member to that House of Commons who have not inadvertently, but deliberately, assumed a power to dispose of their lives, liberties, and properties, than to choose an Emperor of China?

A) Figurative language

The statute of the 13th of Geo. 2, C. 7, naturalizes even foreigners after seven years' residence. The words of the Massachusetts charter are these: "And further, our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby for us, our heirs, and successors, grant, establish, and ordain, that all and every of the subjects of us, our heirs, and successors, which shall go to, and inhabit within our said Province or Territory, and every of their children, which shall happen to be born there or on the seas in going thither or returning from thence, shall have and enjoy all liberties and immunities of free and natural subjects within any of the dominions of us, our heirs, and successors, to all intents, constructions, and purposes whatsoever as if they and every one of them were born within this our realm of England."

B) Ethos

All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another. When men enter into society, it is by voluntary consent; and they have a right to demand and insist upon the performance of such conditions and previous limitations as form an equitable original compact. Every natural right not expressly given up, or, from the nature of a social compact, necessarily ceded, remains. All positive and civil laws should conform, as far as possible, to the law of natural reason and equity.

C) Rhetorical question

In short, it is the greatest absurdity to suppose it in the power of one, or any number of men, at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights; when the grand end of civil government, from the very nature of its institution, is for the support, protection, and defense of those very rights; the principal of which, as is before observed, are Life, Liberty, and Property. If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation.

D) Pathos

Hitherto, many of the Colonists have been free from quit rents; but if the breath of a British House of Commons can originate an act for taking away all our money, our lands will go next, or be subject to rack rents from haughty and relentless landlords, who will ride at ease, while we are trodden in the dirt. The Colonists have been branded with the odious names of traitors and rebels only for complaining of their grievances.


The excerpts can be matched to the rhetorical appeals they represent as follows:

1. Rhetorical question

2. Logos

3. Ethos

4. Pathos

5. Figurative language

How to match the excerpts

To match the excerpts we have to understand the meaning of the rhetorical appeals. A rhetorical question is not meant to be answered because it simply paraphrases a thought. In the first paragraph, the question, "Now what liberty can there be where property is taken away without consent? is rhetorical in nature.

The second paragraph contains a reference to the  13th of Geo. 2, C. 7 and this is a form of logical reasoning. Also, pathos is used for emotional appeals in the fourth paragraph to talk about what is required for all men.

Ethos is used when we want to appeal to authority. The last paragraph makes use of figurative language in talking about the racketeering by the landlords.

Learn more about rhetorical devices here:



Final answer:

In 'The Rights of the Colonists', Samuel Adams uses rhetorical questions to invite thought, ethos to establish credibility, pathos to appeal to emotions, and figurative language to create vivid imagery.


The rhetorical devices used in Samuel Adams' 'The Rights of the Colonists' can be matched as follows:

The first passage uses a Rhetorical Question. By asking if the continent, with its vast population, has any influence in the British Parliament, Adams invites the readers to question the unjust representation and control of the British over the colonists. The second passage employs the device of Ethos. Here, Adams quotes from official documents to establish his credibility and strengthen his argument. In the third passage, Pathos is discernable. Adams appeals to the readers' emotions and sense of justice by discussing the right to resist oppression and maintain personal rights and freedoms. The last text qualifies as Figurative Language, since Adams artistically portrays the impending threat of loss to the colonists through vivid, metaphorical imagery.

Learn more about Rhetorical Devices here:



Describe how preparing for the festival affects Melantha. Use at least two details from the passage to support your answer


Melantha becomes anxious and restless as she prepares for the festival, as seen in her constant movement and her inability to focus.

Melantha feels that she is missing out on something important and wants to make the most of the festival. For example, the text states that Melantha "jiggled her foot" and "scanned the crowd" because she couldn't wait to see what was happening.

Additionally, she is described as being "distracted" and "not really listening" when her father speaks to her, further highlighting her preoccupation with the festival. These details suggest that preparing for the festival has a significant impact on Melantha's mood and behavior, as she becomes restless and impatient in anticipation of the event.

To learn more about mood and behavior, here


PART B: Which later quote from the story confirms your answer to Part A? Theseus and the Minotaur

a"Theseus walked carefully through the dark, foul-smelling passages of the labyrinth, expecting at any moment to come face-to-face with the creature."

b"He was picked up between the Minotaur's horns and tossed high into the air. When he landed on the hard cold stone, he felt the animal's huge hooves come down on his chest."

c"As the Minotaur bellowed in his ear and grabbed at him with its hairy arms, Theseus found a strength which he did not know he possessed."

d"Theseus felt all over the floor in the pitch darkness and kept thinking he had found it, only to realize that all he had was a long wiry hair from the Minotaur."


The conflict between the monarch and Theseus is set up, making monarch Minos the main obstacle that Theseus must overcome in the labyrinth.

Why did Theseus and the Minotaur come to be?

The Athenians' sacrifices ended when Theseus, the son of the Aegean ruler of Attica, went to Crete as one of the young people to be offered up. But once there, he vanquished the Minotaur and emerged from the labyrinth with the aid of Ariadne, Minos' daughter.

What is the history of Theseus?

The murder of the half-man, half-bull The main character of the most well-known legend about Theseus is the Minotaur. He refers to bringing Attica under Athenian rule as "dwelling together" or the synoikismos in Latin. He is regarded as the king who unites all.

To know more about Minotaur visit:-



What is the central idea of this excerpt from Cicero's De Officiis?

O It is cool to be kind.

O Kindness always comes with expectations.

O The value of kindness is defined by its purpose.

O Most people are kind because they want something in return


I believe it would be answer C - third option

What is the situation that Noonan believes will best insure that people will be able to pursue the American Dream (under what conditions)? What is she is trying to persuade audience to do?

Book: Death of a salesman


During their conversation, Noonan states that the best way to pursue the American Dream is through hard work, honesty, and having a good reputation.

What is Noonan  trying to persuade the audience to do?

Noonan is trying to persuade Biff and Happy to take responsibility for their lives and to work hard to achieve their goals. She is also suggesting that they need to have a good reputation, which is something that Willy Loman has lost due to his dishonesty and lack of integrity. By emphasizing the importance of hard work and honesty, Noonan is challenging Biff and Happy to be accountable for their actions and to strive for success in a more positive and ethical way.

The character Noonan in "Death of a Salesman" is a friend of Willy Loman's sons, and her appearance is brief.  Noonan believes that if a person works hard, tells the truth, and has a good reputation, they will be successful in life and able to achieve the American Dream.

Read more about Death of a Salesman here:



What is ironic about nonsense that the Aunt accuses Nicolas and section is one and two



The author uses irony to poke fun and criticize the Aunt. For instance, trip to Jagborough which is meant to spite Nicholas fails. Instead of being a punishment for the child, it became a treat for him whereas it became a torture to those who went. The Aunt’s conception of “the paradise”. The real paradise is the Lumber-room not the garden. This reveals the irony that the ideal world of an adult is dull and boring to that of a child.

b. By the end of Scene 3, we have met all ten characters who appear in the play. List these characters, and choose two or three adjectives to describe each character​


The ten individuals who enter the play even by end the Scene 3 along with a few descriptive words for each one .

Who were the characters?

1. Blanche DuBois, who is weak, deceptive, and theatrical

2. Stanley Kowalski, a domineering, violent brute

3. Stella Kowalski, a devoted and conflicted person

4. Harold Mitchell (Mitch) — courteous, reserved, and upbeat

5. Eunice Hubbell - feisty, amiable, and supporting

6. Steve Hubbell, who is dishonest, unreliable, and cunning

7. Pablo Gonzales, a brash, passionate individual

8. A Young Collector who is tenacious, endearing, and innocent

9. Wise, nurturing, and perceptive: A Black Woman

10. A professional, detached, and watchful doctor

To know more about Blanche DuBois visit:



please i need this TODAY In this module, Herman talks about knowing and loving yourself. This can be difficult, but the more we practice it and learn to appreciate our lives, the better we get at it and the easier it becomes.

Your culture plays a vital role in your identity and self-esteem, Herman said. Your culture includes your parents, peers, and others who help lay the foundation of your life.

Evaluate the statement above and share whether you agree with it. Reflect on your upbringing and the people who have influenced you. Do you agree that culture plays a vital role in who you are and the level of self-esteem you develop as you mature? Share whether you agree with the reasoning of his statement, and then provide evidence to support your opinion.

Identify whether you believe any of these statements are false, and then explain why. Please write in complete sentences.



Culture, defined as the customs, beliefs, and values shared by a group of people, can greatly impact one's development and self-concept. It provides individuals with a sense of belonging, identity, and purpose. Moreover, culture can influence how individuals perceive themselves and others, their attitudes, behaviors, and life goals.

For instance, if a person grows up in a culture that values education and achievement, they may develop a strong sense of self-esteem when they excel academically or professionally. Conversely, if a person grows up in a culture that stigmatizes mental health, they may develop a low sense of self-esteem and feel ashamed of seeking help.

Furthermore, our culture influences the people we surround ourselves with, such as our friends, family, and community. These people can have a significant impact on our self-esteem and identity. For example, if a person grows up in a community that values physical appearance, they may feel pressure to conform to certain beauty standards, which can affect self-esteem.

I agree that culture plays a vital role in shaping one's identity and self-esteem. Still, it is essential to recognize that culture is not the only factor that shapes who we are, and we have agency in shaping our lives and values. While our upbringing and cultural background may influence our beliefs and attitudes, we have the power to challenge and change them as we mature and encounter new experiences.

Final answer:

Culture plays a crucial role in our identity and self-esteem, shaping our values, beliefs, and practices. It influences how we perceive ourselves and enhances our self-understanding and love for ourselves.


I agree with Herman's statement that culture plays a vital role in our identity and self-esteem. Our culture, including our parents, peers, and others who are a part of our lives, essentially shapes us, instills in us a unique set of beliefs, values, and practices, and helps lay the foundations of who we are. In my own life, my upbringing has heavily influenced the person I have become today. For instance, the morals I was taught have shaped my character and the decisions I make, and the level of support from my family and peers have contributed significantly to my level of self-esteem.

Furthermore, in terms of knowing and loving yourself, culture plays a significant role too. Discovering who we truly are is inherently tied to understanding our cultural backgrounds. Honoring our cultural roots can bring us closer to loving and accepting ourselves as individuals. It is through knowing ourselves and our backgrounds that self-love comes more naturally.

Learn more about Culture and Self-esteem here:



read the following text from a student essay. how can the writer best improve his or her organization? when i was younger, one of my greatest joys was watching dad and mom cook in the kitchen. every night, without fail, dad would prepare beautiful, delicious dinners for me and mom to enjoy. my most vivid memories of him are seeing him at his desk, cutting recipes out of the newspaper to add to his culinary library. i'm constantly trying out new recipes that i find online. mom was a wonderful baker. without measuring a single ingredient, she would make the most astounding pies, cakes, and cookies. now i love to cook, too. i also like to bake many of the same things mom used to make. i will always be grateful to my parents for teaching me how to appreciate the art of cooking.


The writer can improve their organization by creating a clear and logical structure to the essay.

One suggestion would be to start with an introduction that sets the scene of the writer's love for cooking and their parents' influence. Then, the writer could dedicate a paragraph to each parent, highlighting their specific contributions to the writer's culinary skills. Finally, the essay could end with a conclusion that summarizes the writer's gratitude for their parents and their shared love for cooking. This would make the essay more focused and easy to follow. Additionally, the writer could use transitional phrases to connect each paragraph and make the flow smoother. Overall, the writer's use of the word "wonderful" to describe their mother's baking is a nice touch and could be expanded upon with specific examples or memories.

To know more about wonderful refer :



preparation and practice can help you deliver an effective speech, but cannot help to alleviate public speaking anxiety. group of answer choices no answer text provided. false no answer text provided. true


False. While preparation and practice cannot completely eliminate public speaking anxiety, they can definitely help to alleviate it to some extent.

Through preparation and practice, you can become more confident in your speaking abilities and feel more comfortable with your material, which can help to reduce anxiety. Additionally, techniques such as deep breathing and visualization can be used during preparation and practice to further reduce anxiety. The statement "Preparation and practice can help you deliver an effective speech, but cannot help to alleviate public speaking anxiety" is false. Proper preparation and consistent practice can indeed help in reducing public speaking anxiety by increasing confidence and familiarity with the material being presented.

To know more about speaking refer :




PART A: What is the central idea of the text?

ALarge bills can contribute to crime and may be phased out.

BPaying with big bills is convenient and protects your privacy.

CPeople cannot commit crimes with cards and cryptocurrency.

D Individuals are switching to digital money in order to prevent crime


The central idea of the text Individuals are switching to digital money in order to prevent crime. So the option D is correct.

As a means of reducing crime, using digital money, or money that is kept electronically and accessed through an internet platform, is becoming more and more common. Traditional payment methods like cash or credit cards are sometimes viewed as less safe and secure than digital money.

It is more difficult for criminals to access or use digital money for unlawful activities like money laundering or identity theft because it is transferred electronically. Additionally, the traceability of digital currency facilitates the tracking and investigation of shady transactions. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about digital money link is here



This is a riddle I am given to a adience at a play or concert what am I


This is a riddle "I am given to a audience at a play or concert, I am the music that fills the air."

I am the sound of joy, sorrow, and despair. I am the notes that make you sway, and the rhythm that lifts you away. I am the sound of a song. I am the melody that seizes your soul and heart. I am the tune that uplifts and soothes you. I am the harmony that fosters a sense of cohesion and community.

I am the beat's driving rhythm and the energy that keeps you moving. I am the song that never dies and the sound that might make you cry. I am the tunes that get you grooving and moving, the sound that transports you to a wonderful location.

I am the kind of music that can bring you joy, sorrow, and dreams. No matter where life takes you, I am the sound of happiness, sadness, and despair that you will always carry with you.

To learn more about riddle link is here



This is connected to the story Cry, the beloved Country


Your definitions for these words might be simpler and less precise than the definitions given in the dictionary.

How would your definition vary from that in a dictionary?

According to a dictionary:

   Bracken - a type of large fern with coarse, triangular fronds

   Forlorn - sad and lonely; feeling abandoned or deserted

   Veld - a type of grassland in Southern Africa, especially the high-altitude plateau of South Africa

   Matted - tangled or knotted, forming a dense mass

   Seep - a place where water or other liquid slowly oozes or flows out of the ground

   Kloof - a steep-sided, wooded valley or ravine in southern Africa

   Unshod - not wearing shoes or footwear; barefoot

   Nature - the physical world and everything in it, including all living and non-living things

   Coarse - rough or harsh in texture; lacking refinement or delicacy

   Desolate - deserted, barren, or uninhabited; bleak and empty.

Your definition might perhaps be:  "bracken" as "a kind of fern," "forlorn" as "really sad and lonely," "veld" as "a big grassy area in South Africa," "matted" as "all tangled up," "seep" as "where water comes out of the ground slowly," "kloof" as "a deep valley with trees," "unshod" as "not wearing shoes," "nature" as "the natural world with plants and animals," "coarse" as "rough or bumpy," and "desolate" as "a really empty and sad place."

Learn more about Cry, the Beloved Country​ here:



Lines 2151 - 2168: why do the playwrights have mr and mrs frank speak german in this part of the script?


In Act I, Scene 1 of "The Diary of Anne Frank," Mr. and Mrs. Frank speak German while they are still living in their home in Amsterdam before they go into hiding.

What is Amsterdam?
Amsterdam is the capital city of the Netherlands, located in the western part of the country. It is a major cultural and economic center, known for its canals, historical landmarks, and museums. Amsterdam is home to over 800,000 residents and is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year. The city is also known for its progressive attitudes towards social issues, including LGBT rights and drug policy.

The use of German in this part of the script serves to emphasize the fact that the Franks are a Jewish family living in an increasingly dangerous environment, where they are at risk of being persecuted by the Nazis who occupy the Netherlands.

By having Mr. and Mrs. Frank speak German, the playwrights are showing how the Franks are trying to assimilate and blend in with the dominant culture in Amsterdam. However, the use of German also serves to foreshadow the danger and fear that the family will experience when they go into hiding and are forced to confront the reality of the Nazi occupation.

Additionally, the use of German in this part of the script may be used to highlight the contrast between the Franks' previous life and the difficult situation they will soon find themselves in. By using a language that is associated with the Nazis and their persecution of Jews, the playwrights are showing how the Franks' world is about to be turned upside down and how they will be forced to adapt to a new and dangerous situation.

To know more about Nazis visit:

which of the following is true in the case of a works cited page

A sources are not included if the title of the sources are mentioned in the text
B font style and size are different from that of the composition

C all pages are not numbered

D none of the choices


Option A is correct.

A sources are not included if the title of the sources are mentioned in the text.

The works referenced page is accurate, right?

All the sources you used in your paper are listed on a works referenced page in a structured manner. You must properly construct your references list using MLA guidelines whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarise, or use material that you have read from an outside source.

Which of the following best describes the elements of a works cited page?

Make use of Times New Roman 12 point. Just one space should follow punctuation. Work cited should be center-spaced; it should not be bold, italicised, or underlined. Use the entry's first word to alphabetize the Works Cited page.

To know more about cited page visit:-



how many letters does the correct answer to this question contain?


The number of letters based on the riddle is four.

How to explain the riddle

Despite the fact that the puzzle has been around for years, this is undoubtedly one of the least logical ones that has recently gone viral. We have a lot more time to read riddles and consider the solutions now that so many people are staying at home during the coronavirus outbreak.

How many letters are in the answer to this riddle? is a common way to phrase the question for this puzzle. How many letters are there in the solution to this puzzle?

The answer is four” because the questioner is actually asking for a response where the answer itself describes the number of letters in the answer.

Learn more about riddle on;



One of many riddles making the rounds on social media asks how many letters are in the answer. The solution is actually not as intuitive as you might expect a riddle’s answer to be. ‘How Many Letters Are in the Answer to This Riddle?’ Can Be Confusing

What does the dialogue between Cleopatra and Charmian reveal about their relationship? A. It shows that Charmian is Cleopatra's subordinate, addressing Cleopatra with respect, but that Cleopatra treats her as a friend, confiding her feelings in her. B. It shows that Charmian is Cleopatra's subordinate, addressing Cleopatra with respect, and that Cleopatra treats her as a servant, expecting obedience. C. It shows that Charmian is Cleopatra's equal, giving Cleopatra advice, but that Cleopatra views her as an inferior, rejecting the comfort she offers. D. It shows that Charmian is Cleopatra's equal, attempting to comfort Cleopatra, and that Cleopatra treats her as a friend, confiding her feelings in her


"It shows that Charmian is Cleopatra's equal, attempting to comfort Cleopatra, and that Cleopatra treats her as a friend, confiding her feelings in her." the dialogue between Cleopatra and Charmian reveal about their relationship. Option D is the correct option.

A strong bond between Cleopatra and Chairman is evident in their conversation. The fact that Chairman tried to console Cleopatra demonstrates that she is a devoted friend who loves her queen very much. The fact that Cleopatra was willing to share her most intimate thoughts with Chairman demonstrates their strong degree of mutual respect and trust. Chairman’s refusal to take sides in the debate between Antony and Cleopatra, demonstrating her allegiance to Cleopatra and her desire to remain neutral in the conflict, is another evidence of this relationship.

It is evident that Cleopatra and Chairman have a close connection, which is marked by mutual understanding, support, and trust. The power disparity between Cleopatra and Chairman is also made clear throughout their conversation.

To learn more about Cleopatra link is here:



The complete question is:

What does the dialogue between Cleopatra and Chairman reveal about their relationship?

A. It shows that Chairman is Cleopatra's subordinate, addressing Cleopatra with respect, but that Cleopatra treats her as a friend, confiding her feelings in her.

B. It shows that Chairman is Cleopatra's subordinate, addressing Cleopatra with respect, and that Cleopatra treats her as a servant, expecting obedience.

C. It shows that Chairman is Cleopatra's equal, giving Cleopatra advice, but that Cleopatra views her as an inferior, rejecting the comfort she offers.

D. It shows that Chairman is Cleopatra's equal, attempting to comfort Cleopatra, and that Cleopatra treats her as a friend, confiding her feelings in her.

Ethos is speaker's ability to build credibility, establish himself/herself as an expert and/or convince the audience members that the speaker has their best interests at heart. How does this speaker build ethos? Feel free to also refer to the speaker's profile information from the ted.com webpage as you build your answer.

*Ted talk video* Takahar Tezuka
Title: The best Kindergarten you've ever seen​


Answer:  Takaharu Tezuka builds ethos in several ways throughout his TED Talk, "The Best Kindergarten You've Ever Seen."

First, he establishes himself as an expert in his field by introducing himself as an architect and sharing his experience designing schools and kindergartens. This establishes his credibility and demonstrates that he has the knowledge and expertise to speak on the subject.

Second, Tezuka's passion for the topic comes through in his enthusiastic delivery and use of humor. He clearly cares deeply about creating innovative and effective learning environments for children and wants to share his ideas with others.

Third, Tezuka uses personal anecdotes to connect with the audience and establish common ground. He shares stories about his own childhood and his experiences as a parent, which helps to create a sense of empathy and trust between him and the audience.

Finally, Tezuka's TED Talk features vivid examples and visuals of the kindergartens he has designed, which helps to demonstrate the effectiveness of his ideas and establish him as an authority in his field. Overall, Tezuka's use of personal anecdotes, enthusiasm, expertise, and visual aids all work together to build his ethos and establish him as a credible and trustworthy speaker.


Read the draft of a paragraph that Marta is writing. Marta wants to add a sentence that completes her characterization of the weed trimmer.
Move the sentence that best completes the paragraph into the blank.
I yanked the cord on the cranky old weed trimmer for the sixth time in a row. A few stifled coughs erupted from the antique garden
gadget, but not enough to bring it back from the dead. I desperately wanted to throw it in the garbage; I was tired of arguing with the grumpy
old tool. However, I couldn't just throw it away. I needed it to finish the job I started-the job I absolutely had to finish in order to get paid.
I yanked on the cord again.
Fortunately, this time the weed trimmer started right up.
Unexpectedly, the weed trimmer shook loudly and began to whirl.
To my surprise, the stubborn old machine slowly grumbled back to life.
I looked hopefully at the dusty machine as I pulled, and it finally started.


Finally, I realized the weed trimmer had one last bit of stubbornness left in it - it would start and run, but only when I held the choke open.

What is stubbornness ?

Stubbornness is an inflexible attitude or opinion that is resistant to change. It is the refusal to accept any new ideas or suggestions, and a refusal to change one's opinion or position even when presented with compelling reasons. Stubbornness is often seen as a negative trait, as it can lead to conflict and can prevent progress. In some cases, however, stubbornness can be a positive trait, as it can lead to perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. While stubbornness can lead to stubborn behavior, it can also be used to stand up for what one believes in and to be independent.

To learn more about stubbornness



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