what is the difference between first-wave and second-wave refugees from se asia? how was their new resettlement life like in the host country?


Answer 1

The terms "first-wave" and "second-wave" are often used to describe different waves of refugees from Southeast Asia who resettled in the United States after the Vietnam War.

Generally speaking, the first wave of refugees arrived in the late 1970s and early 1980s. They frequently belonged to the Chinese ethnic group, were educated, and had ties to the country, such as relatives who already resided there.

These refugees tended to be more financially secure and integrated into American society more readily.  

The second wave of refugees, who arrived in the 1980s and 1990s, were frequently from rural areas with lower levels of education and fewer ties to the US.

They had more difficulty adjusting to life in the United States because of things like language obstacles, a lack of career opportunities, and social isolation.

For such more question on Vietnam War:



Answer 2

The first-wave and second-wave refugees from Southeast Asia differ in terms of their reasons for leaving their home countries, their countries of origin, and the political and social contexts of their resettlement.

The first-wave refugees from Southeast Asia were primarily refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia who fled their home countries in the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the Khmer Rouge regime. These refugees were primarily resettled in the United States, Canada, and Australia in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The second-wave refugees, on the other hand, were primarily refugees from Burma, Indonesia, and the Philippines who fled their home countries in the 1990s and early 2000s due to ongoing conflicts, political persecution, and economic instability.

In terms of their resettlement experience, the first-wave refugees faced many challenges in their new host countries, including language barriers, cultural differences, and discrimination.

Learn more about Southeast Asia here:



Related Questions

yasmine has excellent verbal skills and relates well on an interpersonal level. according to holland, yasmine likely has a(n) personality type. group of answer choices


Yasmine has excellent verbal skills and relates well on an interpersonal level. According to Holland, Yasmine likely has a(n) Option c social personality type.

The following are extrovert traits: interest in others and things around them. This sort of character is spurred by outside variables and he was an impact on friendly climate. Extroverts enjoy being around other people. They are well-socialized and enjoy going out and meeting new people, so they don't like to be alone.

The "Big Five" is a suggested taxonomy or grouping for personality traits that was developed in psychological trait theory in the 1980s.The theory identifies extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism as the five fundamental personality traits. Extraversion is likewise regularly spelled as extroversion.

DISCLAIMER The question is incomplete.

Yasmine has excellent verbal skills and relates well on an interpersonal level. According to Holland, Yasmine likely has a(n) ____ personality type.

A) investigative

B) conventional

C) social

D) realistic

Learn more about the big five characteristics of a person:



would it be ethical to charge campers different rates depending on their family's socioeconomic status


Their family's socioeconomic status people with incomes over $24,900 are regarded to be of high socioeconomic status, whereas those with incomes of $24,900 or less are considered to be of low socioeconomic status.

The standing of a person according to his or her market value is referred to as socioeconomic status.A person who is deemed to have a high socioeconomic standing typically earns more than $24,900. These people may or may not have formal education.

On the other hand, persons with incomes that are equivalent to or below this level are seen as belonging to low socioeconomic status. Additionally, none of these people have a college degree. Many of the variances associated with differences in family structure are attenuated or eliminated when researchers take socioeconomic position into account.Siblings are more likely to get along because they feel special when their parents treat them differently, according to a study. a period of time during which kids are secure and largely unattended by their parents. Around the turn of the 20th century.

To know more about Socioeconomic status visit:



What physical features would be helpful to have nearby a new city?


The physical qualities that would be useful to have around a new city might vary based on a variety of aspects such as the city's location, temperature, and special demands.

However, some general physical characteristics that might be advantageous to be in close proximity to a new city include:

Sources of fresh water: Access to dependable and sufficient fresh water sources, such as rivers, lakes, or groundwater, is essential for human settlement and economic growth. It is necessary for the supply of drinking water, agriculture, industry, and sanitation.

Fertile and productive land: Having fertile and productive land nearby helps assist local agriculture and food production, which is critical for guaranteeing a stable food supply for the city and its population. Access to arable land may also mean access to leisure activities, open space, and natural resources.

Proximity to transportation infrastructure, such as roads, railways, airports, and ports, can expedite the flow of people, commodities, and services into and out of the city, hence boosting economic and social connectedness with other regions.

To learn more about sources of fresh water


if different unmatched groups of people are given each of two experimental treatments, the appropriate analysis is


The proper analysis is a between-groups analysis, sometimes referred to as an independent-samples t-test, if different unmatched groups of individuals are given each of the two experimental treatments.

This type of analysis is used to compare the means of two independent groups on a continuous dependent variable. The independent variable in this case is the experimental treatment, and the dependent variable is the outcome being measured.

To conduct a between-groups analysis, researchers typically first test for homogeneity of variance to ensure that the variances of the two groups are similar. If the assumption of homogeneity of variance is met, a t-test is conducted to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of the two groups.

If the assumption of homogeneity of variance is not met, a Welch's t-test may be used instead. This type of t-test is a modified version of the standard independent-samples t-test that does not assume equal variances between the two groups.

To learn more about t-test



when mr. arthur, a researcher, submits a paper to a journal for publication, other researchers who are familiar with his area of research carefully scrutinize the paper and recommend acceptance or rejection. this process is known as


The process that you are describing is known as peer review. Peer review is done to preserve the calibre of academic papers and to make sure that the research is accurate, legitimate, and relevant.

Before an article is accepted for publication, it is reviewed and evaluated by other experts in the field as part of the peer review process, which is a regular practise in academic publishing.

The paper's quality, validity, and originality are evaluated by the reviewers, together with its contribution to the field's body of existing knowledge.

They give the author(s) feedback, recommend changes if necessary, and offer suggestions to the editor on whether or not to publish the manuscript.

For such more question on peer review:



The keyword strategy is an example of a control strategy that children can use to improve their memory. True False


The statement "The keyword strategy is an example of a control strategy that children can use to improve their memory" is false.

There is no proof that youngsters may utilize the keyword technique as a control strategy to enhance their memory. Using particular words or phrases to help people recall information is known as a keyword strategy.

Repetition, imagery, and association are a few more techniques that have been demonstrated to be successful in enhancing children's memory. Repetition is the process of saying something over and over again to help it stick in your memory.

To aid in memory, visualization involves forming mental images. In order to make new information more meaningful and simpler, associations are made between it and previously learned material or experiences.

Learn more about keyword



True. The keyword strategy is an example of a control strategy that children can use to improve their memory. It involves associating new information with a familiar word or image, which can aid in recall and comprehension.

True. The keyword strategy is an example of a mnemonic control strategy that children (and adults) can use to improve their memory. The keyword strategy involves linking a new word or concept to a familiar word or image that sounds similar, which makes it easier to remember. For example, to remember the French word for "grapefruit" ("pamplemousse"), one could create a mental image of a grapefruit with a moose on top of it (the "pamp" part sounding like "moose"). Mnemonic strategies like the keyword strategy are useful tools for improving memory and can be particularly helpful for children who are learning new information in school.

Learn more about keyword strategy here:



A city charter most closely resemblesa. a budget.b. a constitution.c. a levy.d. an ordinance.


A city charter most closely resembles a constitution.

A city charter is a document that outlines the organization, powers, and functions of a city government. It resembles to the constitution in that it sets forth the basic rules and principles under which the city operates. While budgets, levies, and ordinances are also important components of city governance, they do not resemble a city charter as closely as a constitution.

The specific contents of a city charter can vary depending on the city and its unique needs and circumstances. However, all city charters are designed to establish the legal framework for how the city operates and governs itself, providing a foundation for its growth and development.

To know more about city charter - https://brainly.com/question/30943454


Gifts and talents of students with disabilities are often overlooked for each of the following reasons EXCEPTA) stereotypic expectations prevent teachers from identifying them.B) focus on assessment of disability without attention to talents.C) legally, students cannot have more than one label.D) narrow views of giftedness as global, high intelligence only.


Gifts and talents of students with disabilities are often overlooked for each of the following reasons EXCEPT C) legally, students cannot have more than one label.

A disabled person is defined as someone who has a mental or physical disorder that significantly affects one or more major living functions, such as seeing, learning, hearing, talking, or breathing.

Teachers assess the social, emotional, behavioral, physical, and intellectual strengths of their exceptional students. They speak with parents or guardians of students to learn more about their requirements. Based on this information, teachers develop individualized education programs and appropriate accommodations.

Students experiencing learning disabilities (LD) struggle to master basic skills or academic information because they struggle to use or understand spoken or written language. These challenges may impair a student's capacity to comprehend text, write, spell, think, talk, listen, or perform mathematics.

Learn more about students with disabilities here:



The correct answer is C) legally, students cannot have more than one label. This statement is incorrect as students can have multiple labels, such as having a disability and also being gifted.

However, the other options are all reasons why gifts and talents of students with disabilities are often overlooked. Stereotypic expectations prevent teachers from identifying them as having gifts and talents, while a focus on assessing disability can lead to overlooking talents. Additionally, narrow views of giftedness as only being high intelligence and global can lead to overlooking other talents and strengths. The remaining items on the list can all lead to the undervaluation of the skills and abilities of students with impairments. While a concentration on disability evaluation without attention to talents might result in a narrow perspective of the student, stereotypes about what teachers should be able to do with a student may impede teachers from identifying their potential.

Learn more about disability here:



Imagining how you might explain a text can be a good way to check whether you understand it. Using your own words to summarize what you read forces you to figure out what is most important in the text.

A good summary includes only the information from the text, not your opinion about it.

In Your Own Words
Write a brief, one- or two-sentence summary of this statement by U.S. president Ronald Reagan.


By bringing up Cuba's subjugation to Soviet influence, President Reagan hopes to catch the public's attention. From 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan, an American politician, presided over the country as president.

What message does the speech snippet from Ronald Reagan contain?

President Reagan mainly concentrated on international issues connected to the end of the Cold War during his second time in office. The topic of President Reagan's antagonistic relationship with the Soviet Union and his influence in Cuba following the Cuban Revolution in the 1950s might be highlighted in the speech snippet.

In his address, Reagan focuses on warning the populace and the public that the Soviet Union's presence in Cuba poses a threat to their interests since it could result in a conflict of interests between the two countries that could have major repercussions during the Cold War.

To learn more about President Reagan, visit:



the three basic sources of within any political system are force influence and authority


The three basic sources of power within any political system are force, influence, and authority. thus option A is the answer.

The three basic sources of power within any political system are force, influence, and authority. Force refers to the utilization of physical or coercive ability to accomplish political targets, while impact alludes to the capacity to convince or shape suppositions through different means, like media, publicity, or campaigning. Authority, then again, alludes to the power vested in a specific position or office, like chosen authorities or rulers, to simply decide and uphold regulations. These three wellsprings of force frequently cooperate and cover inside political frameworks, with various entertainers using various wellsprings of ability to accomplish their objectives. Understanding these wellsprings of force is essential to breaking down political frameworks and their elements.

Learn  more about political system:



The correct question is:

What are the three basic sources of power within any political system?

A: force, influence, and authority

B: force, influence, and democracy

C: force, legitimacy, and charisma

D: influence, charisma, and bureaucracy

Yes, that is correct. The three basic sources within any political system are force, influence, and authority.

A political system is the kind of political structure that can be acknowledged, noted, or otherwise stated by a state. It outlines how official government decisions are made. Democracies, monarchies, and authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are the main categories of political structures. Totalitarian and authoritarian governments are more unstable from a political standpoint since their rulers do not possess legitimate power and instead impose terror on the populace.

Force refers to the use of physical or military power to enforce laws or maintain order. Influence refers to the ability to shape the opinions, beliefs, and behaviors of others through persuasion or coercion. Authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce laws. These three sources interact and intersect in complex ways to shape the dynamics and functioning of a political system.

To learn more about Political system, click here:



What resource did the British try to trade to make up for the loss of revenue from banning the slave trade?


The British tried to make up for the loss of revenue from banning the slave trade by trading in goods such as tobacco, sugar, coffee, tea, cotton, and spices.

What is revenue?

Revenue is the total amount of money, or other forms of compensation, that is generated from a business or other organization through the sale of goods or services, or other activities such as investments or donations. It can also refer to income that is earned from activities that are not directly connected to the sale of goods or services, such as interest earned on investments. Revenue is the top line of a company's income statement, and is often referred to as the "bottom line" because it is the amount of money that the organization has after all expenses have been paid. Revenue is usually reported on a quarterly basis as part of a company's financial statements, and is used to measure the financial performance of a business and to compare it to other companies in the same sector.

To learn more about revenue



an ids comprises three logical components: analyzers, user interface, and _____.


An IDS comprises three logical components: analyzers, user interface, and Sensor.

A hardware or software programme that monitors the network or systems for illicit behaviour or policy breaches is known as an intrusion detection system. Any intrusion activity nor violation is often notified to an executive or centralised via a security data and event handling system.

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a kind of network security solution designed to detect vulnerability exploits against a specific application or computer. The intrusion detection system is also a passive device. The intrusion detection system monitors traffic or reports findings to an administrator.

A hardware or software programme that monitors an internet connection for malicious activity or policy breaches is known as an intrusion detection system (IDS). A security data bank and event control system are often used to report or gather any kind of malicious behaviour or violation.

learn more about Intrusion detection systems here:



an IDS comprises three logical components: analyzers, user interface, and interface modules.

Interaction and communication between various components of a computer system or software program are made possible by software interface modules. Depending on the particular needs of the system, interface modules can take on a variety of shapes, but their primary function is to offer a standardized method of information and command transfer between various components. Interface modules are typically essential features of contemporary computer systems and software applications because they allow the fusion and cooperation of many parts and systems. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are collections of procedures, tools, and protocols used to create software programs. Different software components can interact with one another uniformly thanks to APIs. The components of a software program that allow users to interact with the system are known as user interface modules. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs), command-line interfaces (CLIs), and other interface types can all be included in user interface modules.

Learn more about interface modules here:



thomas is studying for a vocabulary exam by merely repeating the words and their definitions over and over. which type of cognitive learning is this?


Thomas is reading up for a jargon test by only rehashing the words and their definitions again and again. This well-known form of cognitive learning is called rote learning.

Learning about the relationship between two distinct stimuli is known as associative learning. The stimuli could be anything from concrete things and events to abstract concepts like time, place, context, or categories.

This is the nonstop reiteration of a snippet of data to hold it in current memory for use in critical thinking or concession to long-haul memory.

Operant conditioning happens when a person learns to do things that make things better and not do things that make things worse. Envelops every one of the psychological exercises of people as they work to take care of issues or adapt to circumstances.

To learn more about jargon here



girls who mature early and boys who mature early seem to experience more subjective distress and emotional difficulties with transition to adolescense.True or False


The given statement "girls who mature early and boys who mature early seem to experience more subjective distress and emotional difficulties with the transition to adolescence" is true because early maturation can create a mismatch between their physical development and their cognitive and emotional development.

This discrepancy can lead to feelings of awkwardness and self-consciousness, making it challenging for them to navigate social situations with their peers.

Furthermore, early-maturing adolescents may be more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors and experience social pressures related to their advanced physical development, which can contribute to increased emotional distress.

Additionally, these individuals may face higher expectations from adults, who may mistakenly assume that their physical maturity corresponds with emotional and cognitive maturity.

In summary, the experience of early maturation during the transition to adolescence can be associated with greater subjective distress and emotional difficulties, due to a combination of social pressures, increased risk-taking behaviors, and misaligned expectations from others.

It is crucial to provide support and guidance to early-maturing adolescents as they navigate these challenges.

To know more about cognitive, refer here:



With ______ top companies form a network that can be likened to a spiders web
An American metocracy
Multinational Corporations
Interlocking directories


With interlocking directories, top multinational corporations form a network that can be likened to a spider's web.

This type of network is commonly referred to as an American metocracy, where a small group of elite individuals hold significant power and influence over a vast network of interconnected corporations. Interlocking directories refer to the practice of having members of one corporation's board of directors serve on the boards of other corporations, creating a web of shared interests and power. This type of network has both benefits and drawbacks, with some arguing that it fosters innovation and economic growth, while others claim it leads to monopolies and decreased competition. Regardless of one's perspective, it is clear that interlocking directories play a significant role in shaping the global economy.

To know more about interlocking directories   click on below link :



according to maltin, early betty boop shorts demonstrate the essential difference between fleischer's cartoons and disney cartoons, which is... group of answer choices disney's deals with a child's dreams; fleischer's depicts adult dreams disney's deals with a child's dreams; fleischer's depict adult traumas and emotions disney's deals with a child's traumas and emotions; fleischer's depict adult dreams disney's deals with a child's natural fears; fleischer's depicts adult traumas and emotions


According to Maltin, the essential difference between Fleischer's cartoons and Disney cartoons is that Disney's cartoons deal with a child's dreams, while Fleischer's depict adult dreams.

This means that the Fleischer cartoons tend to have more mature themes and subject matter, often featuring adult characters dealing with adult situations, whereas Disney's cartoons tend to be more focused on childlike wonder and imagination. Maltin suggests that this difference in approach may have been a factor in the popularity of Betty Boop, a character who embodied a more grown-up sensibility compared to the childlike innocence of many Disney characters.

Learn more about Disney's cartoons



Suppose that you are in a conversation with someone and that person tells you a lie. According to Grice's Cooperative Principle, that person is violating the maxim of:A. QualityB. QuantityC. RelevanceD. Manner


The principle includes four maxims: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. If someone tells a lie during a conversation, they are violating the maxim of quality, which requires that the information shared is truthful and accurate.

According to Grice's Cooperative Principle, when we engage in conversation, we assume that both parties are working together to achieve mutual understanding.

By knowingly sharing false information, the person is not contributing to the shared goal of mutual understanding and is instead hindering the conversation. In such a scenario, it is essential to recognize the violation of the maxim of quality and address it directly to ensure that the conversation can continue effectively.

To know more about quantity,refer to the link:



Data from a study published in an academic journal would be the BEST example of what kind of evidence? Question 13 options: a. quote from an industry leader b. data from a reputable source c. summary of an expert's theory d. internally collected data


Data from a study published in an academic journal would be the BEST example of data from a reputable source. The correct option is "B".

Academic journals are highly respected sources of information in the academic community. The peer-review process involved in publishing a study in an academic journal ensures that the research has been carefully reviewed by experts in the field and that the data presented is of high quality.

Data from an academic journal is therefore considered a reputable source of evidence, as it has undergone rigorous scrutiny and is generally accepted as reliable and trustworthy by other experts in the field. This type of evidence is highly valued in academic and scientific research, and is often used to support or refute theories or hypotheses.

The correct option is "B".

To know more about academic journal , click here.



Successful operation managers must be able to do all of the following except:
a) lead and motivate people.
b) use technology to make a manufacturer more productive.
c) advertise and sell the firm's product.
d) control production costs.
e) improved product quality.


Successful operation managers must be able to do all of the following except c) advertise and sell the firm's product. While advertising and selling the firm's product is important, this responsibility typically falls under the marketing department, not operations management.

Operation managers focus on leading and motivating people (a), using technology to make a manufacturer more productive (b), controlling production costs (d), and improving product quality (e). These aspects contribute to a content-loaded and successful operation in which technology plays a significant role in streamlining processes and reducing costs. In 120 words, the primary goal of an operation manager is to ensure the efficient and effective management of the production process, while advertising and selling products is generally the responsibility of a different department within the organization.

For more information on technology see:



Successful operation managers must be able to do all of the following except advertise and sell the firm's product. Therefore the correct option is option C.

While a little understanding of sales and marketing may be helpful for an operations manager, their main duty is to supervise the manufacturing process and make sure that goods are produced properly and efficiently.

An operations manager's primary responsibilities often involve inspiring and motivating staff, utilising technology to boost output, reducing production costs, and enhancing product quality.

These tasks are crucial for ensuring that the business' manufacturing processes are successful, efficient, and generate high-quality goods that satisfy the demands and expectations of its customers

For such more question on operation managers:



If you must study two or more subjects in the same study session, one reason to study dissimilar subjects such as literature and mathematics is that ________.
a. there will be less decay
b. there will be less likelihood of retrograde amnesia
c. there will be more time for elaborative rehearsal
d. you will decrease interference


If you must study two or more subjects in the same study session, one reason to study dissimilar subjects such as literature and mathematics is that you will decrease interference. The correct option is d.

Studying dissimilar subjects such as literature and mathematics in the same study session is beneficial because it helps decrease interference. Interference refers to the phenomenon where the learning of one subject can impede the learning of another, particularly when the subjects are similar in nature. By studying dissimilar subjects, you reduce the chances of information from one subject negatively affecting the retention of information from the other subject.

Studying literature and mathematics together is advantageous because they are distinct disciplines that require different cognitive processes. Literature focuses on reading, comprehension, and interpretation, whereas mathematics emphasizes problem-solving, logical reasoning, and calculation. This contrast allows your brain to engage different cognitive pathways, reducing the likelihood of interference between the subjects.

Additionally, studying dissimilar subjects can make your study session more engaging and enjoyable. By switching between different types of material, you can maintain your focus and interest in the subjects at hand, ultimately enhancing your learning experience.

In conclusion, studying dissimilar subjects such as literature and mathematics in the same study session can decrease interference, allowing for more effective learning and retention of information from both subjects. This approach can also make your study session more engaging and enjoyable. Hence, the correct option is d.

For more such questions on Study.



mita is 21 years old. she has two jobs and is attending a local college. however, due to her hectic schedule, she is experiencing several stressors that are contributing to physical ailments. mita does not want to take medication for her stress. the therapist at the college informs her to try to increase contact with friends as a means of decreasing her stress. this is referred to as



social support


harry has externalizing problems and often interrupts other children when they are playing. according to the text, the best approach for correcting harry's behavior is to


Harry has externalizing problems and often interrupts other children when they are playing. the best approach for correcting Harry's behavior is to gently explain to him that other kids don't like it when he barges in on their games.

Maladaptive behaviours directed at an individual's environment that impede or interfere with daily functioning are the hallmark of externalising illnesses (also known as externalising diseases). Individuals with externalising illnesses exhibit these unhelpful emotions and thoughts as behavior, as opposed to those with internalizing disorders who internalise (keep inside) these emotions and thoughts.

Externalizing disorders are sometimes known as disruptive behavior disorders (such as conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) or conduct difficulties in children. But externalising problems can also show up as adults. Adult externalizing illnesses include, for instance, disorders linked to alcohol and other drugs as well as antisocial personality disorder.

Learn more about externalizing here:



in contingency management, when you fine someone for speeding with a car, it is best described as . a. negative punishment b. positive punishment c. positive reinforcement d. negative reinforcement


In contingency management, when someone is fined for speeding with a car, it is best described as negative punishment. So the correct option is A.

Negative punishment involves removing a desirable stimulus (in this case, money) in response to an undesired behavior (speeding), which reduces the likelihood of that behavior being repeated in the future.In contingency management, the use of punishment is intended to reduce the frequency of a behavior. When someone is fined for speeding with a car, this is an example of positive punishment.

Positive punishment involves the presentation of an aversive consequence, such as a fine or penalty, to reduce the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future. In the case of speeding, the fine is intended to serve as a deterrent, making it less likely that the person will speed again in the future. However, it is worth noting that punishment may not always be the most effective or ethical way to modify behavior, and alternative approaches should also be considered.

Learn more about contingency management



in the simulation state, which class would students need to contact academic advising to add the course to their degree program because the course has a state specific requirement.


The class students would need to contact academic advising to add the course to their degree program because the course has a state-specific requirement is Academic Advisement for Degree Programs.

Academic advisors are available to answer questions and clarify any necessary details about the course as well as how it fits within a student’s particular degree program. Depending on the school, students may need to fill out paperwork or submit transcripts and other documents in order for the course to count towards graduation, and advisors can provide

guidance on this process. Ultimately, academic advising departments are an invaluable resource when considering courses with state-specific requirements so that students can get the most out of their educational experience and make sure they are meeting all of their goals.

To know more about degree program visit:



(T/F) Parties have been readily accepted since the founding of the country.


False,  Political parties have existed in the United States since the founding of the country, but they were not readily accepted by all.

Political parties began to exist soon after the United States was founded, but their acceptance and influence on politics have not been constant over the years. In fact, there have been times when parties were derided or even considered a threat to democracy.  While parties emerged soon after the formation of the country, their acceptance and role in politics have varied over time

For instance, in his farewell address, George Washington warned against the dangers of political factions, and early in the 19th century, there was a backlash against parties because of worries about corruption and the dominance of political elites. Additionally, certain people and organizations have consistently spoken in favor of a multi-party system or non-partisan politics. As a result, opinions on whether political parties are accepted in the United States have changed over time.

To know more about political parties refer to:



It is FALSE that Parties have been readily accepted since the founding of the country.

A political party is a group that organizes candidates to run for office in a particular nation. Parties may support particular ideologies or political objectives, and it is typical for party members to share similar political views.

As contemporary party organizations evolved and spread throughout the world over the past few centuries, political parties have grown to play a significant role in the politics of practically every nation. Unpolitical parties are relatively uncommon in a nation. While some nations only have one political party, others have many. Both democracies and autocracies use parties in their political systems, however democracies often have more political parties than do autocracies. Political scientists who believe that competition between two or more parties is an essential component of democracy believe that autocracies frequently have a single party in power.

To know more about political party



in which stage of group evolution does the group dissolve once the goal has been achieved, or alternatively, it dissolves through situations such as organizational restructuring? ○Performing


The answer is Adjourning. In the adjourning stage of group evolution, the group either disintegrates once the objective has been met or, alternatively, through events like organisational restructuring.

Adjournment marks the end of the team growth process. When the team's job is over and the group disbands, this stage takes place. The team members could split up or stick together to establish a new group. The time leading up to adjournment can be challenging for team members who have grown close.

The end of task behaviours and disengagement from relationships are part of the adjourning stage. A planned conclusion usually includes opportunities for participants to say their goodbyes individually as well as acknowledgment for participation and accomplishment.

Read more about  group dissolve at



The stage of group evolution in which the group dissolves once the goal has been achieved or through situations such as organizational restructuring is the Adjourning stage.

This stage is also known as the "mourning" or "deforming" stage and is characterized by the completion of the task or project, disengagement, and separation of the group members. It is the final stage in the Tuckman model of group development, which includes the stages of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning.

The team's performance ends during the adjourning phase. This may be the result of a number of things, like the team finishing its mission or breaking up because of a dispute. Regardless matter the cause, this is the point where the team's journey comes to an end. A group disbands at the adjourning stage when its goals have been achieved, membership has fallen, the group has lost support, or there are other internal or external factors at play. Groups should take time to consider their past experiences in order to draw any applicable conclusions and recognize their successes.

To learn more about Adjourning stage, click here:



list and discuss the four mechanisms of heat loss. which of these avenues plays the most important part during exercise in a hot/dry environment?


The four mechanisms of heat loss are radiation, conduction, convection, and evaporation. Radiation is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, while conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact with a cooler object.

Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, such as air or water, while evaporation is the process of converting liquid to vapor, which absorbs heat. During exercise in a hot/dry environment, the most important avenue of heat loss is evaporation. This is because sweating is the body's primary mechanism for dissipating heat in such conditions.

As sweat evaporates from the skin, it absorbs heat, cooling the body. In hot and dry environments, the body's ability to lose heat through radiation, conduction, and convection is limited, making evaporation the most critical mechanism for preventing heat-related illness. It is therefore essential to stay hydrated and maintain adequate fluid intake during exercise in hot and dry environments to ensure sufficient sweating and evaporation.

Learn more about heat loss here:



there are no standardized assessments available for outcome measures for people with autism.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects an individual's social communication and behavior.

While there is a wide range of standardized assessments for diagnosing ASD, it is important to note that there are no standardized assessments available specifically for measuring outcomes in people with autism.

One reason for this lack of standardized outcome measures is the diverse nature of ASD. Individuals on the spectrum exhibit a wide range of symptoms and abilities, making it challenging to develop a one-size-fits-all assessment tool. Additionally, the goals and needs of each person with autism vary significantly, further complicating the creation of standardized outcome measures.

To assess progress and outcomes in people with autism, clinicians and researchers often rely on individualized approaches, which include personalized goal setting and the use of multiple assessment tools. These tools can range from behavioral observations to parent and teacher reports, depending on the specific needs and goals of the person with autism.

In conclusion, although standardized assessments for outcome measures in people with autism do not currently exist, personalized approaches that consider the unique needs and goals of each individual have been proven to be effective. This highlights the importance of ongoing research and development to identify better tools and methods for tracking progress and outcomes in individuals with ASD.

For more about neurodevelopmental:



The areas you may not ask about when interviewing an applicant include:
A. The individual's work experience.
B. Whether the applicant is at least 18 years of age.
C. Whether there area any conditions or circumstances that would hinder the person's performance of the essential functions of the job.
D. The individual's credit standing.


The areas you may not ask about when interviewing an applicant include: The individual's credit standing. The correct option is D.

When interviewing an applicant, there are certain areas that employers must avoid to ensure a fair and non-discriminatory hiring process. While it is appropriate to ask about an individual's work experience (A) and confirm if they are at least 18 years of age (B), some questions may infringe on an applicant's rights and privacy.

Asking about any conditions or circumstances that would hinder the person's performance of the essential functions of the job (C) may lead to discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Instead, employers should focus on the applicant's ability to perform the tasks required, offering reasonable accommodations if necessary, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Inquiring about an individual's credit standing (D) is generally not appropriate, as it may not be relevant to their ability to perform the job. Additionally, using credit information in the hiring process can lead to discrimination against candidates from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. However, exceptions exist for positions where financial responsibility is a critical aspect of the role, such as finance-related jobs. In these cases, employers must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and obtain the candidate's written consent before conducting a credit check.

In summary, employers should focus on relevant qualifications and job-related factors during interviews and avoid questions that could lead to discrimination or violate the applicant's privacy.

For more such questions on Interviews.



Later research on risk taking found that group discussion leads to__
A) More cautious decision-making
B) Increased risk-taking behavior
C) No change in decision-making behavior
D) More aggressive decision-making


Later research on risk-taking found that group discussion leads to increased risk-taking behavior. The correct option is "B".

Research on group decision-making and risk-taking has shown that group discussions can have a significant impact on individual behavior. In particular, studies have found that group discussions tend to increase the amount of risk-taking behavior exhibited by individuals within the group.

This phenomenon is known as "risky shift" or "group polarization."The reasons for the risky shift effect are complex, but they are thought to be related to a number of factors. One possible explanation is that group discussions tend to emphasize the positive aspects of taking risks, such as potential rewards and benefits, while downplaying the negative consequences.

The correct option is "B".

To know more about risk-taking , click here.



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