What is the mean of transport?


Answer 1
the "means of transport," which refers to the different modes of transportation that people use to travel from one place to another. Some common means of transport include cars, buses, trains, airplanes, bicycles, and boats, among others. Each mode of transportation has its own advantages and disadvantages, and people often choose the means of transport that is most convenient, efficient, and affordable for their needs.

Related Questions

What is the speaker’s tone in part of your world song?


The song "Part of Your World" has a sad and melancholy tone from the speaker.

What kind of feeling is melancholy?

The displaceable or unfavourable components of melancholy are emotions of emptiness, loneliness, grief from loss, and the anxiety or dread that occasionally comes with longing. When something causes you to feel extremely down, you refer to it as melancholy.

Is melancholy positive or negative ?

In contrast to simple feelings like sadness, melancholy seems to be a rich and complicated form of condition. It involves both unpleasant and enjoyable emotions. As a result, it has components of positivity that simple melancholy does not.

To know more about Melancholy visit:



First, think about a difficult situation you had to get through. Then, explain how you were able to use
aspects of your personality to overcome the situation.
Only you and your instructor will be able to see this post, so you can think of this as a private
You might want to write about a tough time at work, an unpleasant situation with school, or a difficult
experience with a family member or friend. Think about how you were able to move beyond that hard
time and what personality traits helped you do it.


Answer: One of the most difficult situations I had to face was when I lost my job unexpectedly. It was a challenging time as I felt like I had lost my sense of purpose and direction. However, I was able to use my resilience and optimism to overcome this setback. I reminded myself that this was an opportunity to pursue new possibilities and explore different paths. I also reached out to my support network, including friends and family, which helped me stay positive and motivated. Through perseverance and a positive outlook, I was able to find a new job that aligned with my interests and goals, and I emerged from this experience with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.


The fanged boomslang snake delivers its venom by chewing on its victims.

active voice

passive voice


The statement "The fanged boomslang snake delivers its venom by chewing on its victims." is an active voice.

When a statement is written in the active voice, the subject is doing the action of the verb. The term "passive voice" describes a sentence structure in which the verb is acting on the subject. For instance, in the phrase "The cat chased the mouse," the verb "chased" is being carried out by the subject (the cat).

An illustration of active voice is this. In the sentence "The mouse was chased by the cat," the verb "chased" is acting on the subject (the mouse). The passive voice is seen here. Because it is more straightforward and brief, active voice is typically favoured in writing. However, in other circumstances, such as when the action's perpetrator is unknown, passive voice might be helpful.

This statement is in active voice because the subject of the sentence (the fanged boomslang snake) is performing the action (delivering its venom by chewing).

To learn more about active and passive voice link is here





Two sentences that develop the theme of doing the right thing are:

1. When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game but for some reasons was no longer enjoying it anymore. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her backpack, and she pictured the homework stuffed right down the bottom of the bag.

2. As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief.

What is a theme?

In literature, a theme refers to the main idea or underlying meaning of a literary work. It is the central topic or concept that the author is exploring, and it often reflects on the human condition, society, or the world at large.

In the two sentences above, we can see that when Naima disobbeyed her mother, she lacked inner joy but when she obeyed, she felt inner joy. This lends to the theme that doing the right thing brings joy.

Learn more about theme here:




1. When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game but for some reasons was no longer enjoying it anymore. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her backpack, and she pictured the homework stuffed right down the bottom of the bag. 

2. As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief.

Create an 8-10 multimedia presentation on the McCarthy-era trials.
I. Introduction
- The McCarthy era was a period in American history during the late 1940s and early 1950s characterized by a fear of communist infiltration in government and society.
- This fear was fueled by the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the belief that communists posed a threat to American democracy and national security.
- The era was marked by a number of trials and investigations aimed at rooting out alleged communists and their sympathizers.
- The trials had a significant impact on American society, shaping public opinion and political discourse for years to come.

II. Joseph McCarthy
- Joseph McCarthy was a U.S. senator from Wisconsin who rose to national prominence in the early 1950s by accusing government officials and others of being communists or communist sympathizers.
- McCarthy's rise to power was fueled by his aggressive tactics and ability to capture media attention.
- His methods included making unsubstantiated claims, using innuendo and character assassination, and exploiting fears of communist infiltration to gain support.
- McCarthy's tactics ultimately led to his downfall, as public opinion turned against him and he was censured by the Senate.

III. The Hollywood Ten
- The Hollywood blacklist was a list of individuals in the entertainment industry who were believed to have communist sympathies.
- The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated these individuals and demanded that they testify about their political beliefs.
- The Hollywood Ten were a group of writers and directors who refused to cooperate with the committee, citing their First Amendment rights.
- The Hollywood Ten were subsequently charged with contempt of Congress and sentenced to prison.

IV. Alger Hiss
- Alger Hiss was a former State Department official who was accused of being a communist spy by a former communist named Whittaker Chambers.
- Hiss denied the accusations, but was ultimately convicted of perjury for lying about his association with Chambers.
- The case became a cause célèbre, with supporters of Hiss arguing that he was the victim of a political witch hunt and opponents arguing that he was a dangerous communist spy.

V. Army-McCarthy Hearings
- The Army-McCarthy hearings were a series of hearings held by the Senate to investigate allegations made by McCarthy that the Army was harboring communists.
- The hearings were highly publicized and became a major turning point in McCarthy's career, as his tactics were exposed and he lost support from the public and his colleagues in Congress.
- The hearings also revealed the dangers of using accusations of communism for political gain and the importance of due process and the rule of law.

VI. Legacy of the McCarthy era
- The McCarthy era had a lasting impact on American society, shaping public opinion and political discourse for years to come.
- The era created a climate of fear and suspicion that led to the persecution of innocent people and the erosion of civil liberties.
- The trials and investigations of the era also had a chilling effect on free speech and political dissent.
- The legacy of the McCarthy era serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of using fear and hysteria for political gain and the importance of upholding the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

VII. Conclusion
- The McCarthy-era trials were a dark period in American history, characterized by fear and suspicion of communism and the erosion of civil liberties.
- The trials had a significant impact on American society and continue to be relevant today as we grapple with issues of free speech, political dissent, and the role of government in protecting individual rights.
- It is important to remember the lessons of the McCarthy era and work to uphold the principles of democracy and the rule of law in our own time.


The McCarthy era refers to a period in the United States in the 1950s characterized by intense anti-communist sentiment and government-led investigations of suspected communists and their sympathizers.

What was the era about?

Senator Joseph McCarthy played a prominent role in this era, using his position of power to launch investigations and hold public hearings that often targeted individuals without evidence or due process.

One of the most notorious aspects of the McCarthy era were the trials and investigations that were conducted to uncover supposed communist sympathizers. These trials often relied on flimsy or fabricated evidence, and many innocent people were accused, blacklisted from their professions, and had their lives ruined. The most well-known trial during this period was the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were accused of passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. They were ultimately convicted and executed in 1953, although the trial and its outcome remain controversial to this day.

Learn more about McCarthy on:



"decreases in state funding to colleges will result in cuts in educational programs, extracurricular offerings and financial aid" is an example of a(n):


"decreases in state funding to colleges will result in cuts in educational programs, extracurricular offerings and financial aid" is an example of a statement of cause and effect.

In the statement, it is explained how cuts to educational programmes, a fall in the number of extracurricular activities available at the institution, and a reduction in the amount of financial aid accessible to students will result from a reduction in state financing for institutions. Since colleges significantly rely on state financing to maintain their operations and offer resources for students, the connection between the cause (lower budget) and the consequence (programme cuts, etc.) is clear-cut and rational.

The quality and accessibility of higher education can therefore be significantly impacted by financial cuts, which may eventually have an impact on students' capacity to succeed in their employment and personal life.

Learn more about cause and effect:



"Decreases in state funding to colleges will result in cuts in educational programs, extracurricular offerings, and financial aid," is an example of a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a theory put up to explain a phenomenon. A hypothesis must be testable according to the scientific method for it to be considered a scientific hypothesis. Scientific hypotheses are typically based on prior observations that cannot be adequately explained by the current body of knowledge.

Professionals frequently express hypotheses in if/then statements, e.g., if someone consumes a lot of sugar, then they will get cavities in their teeth. These claims list particular variables and make predictions about the outcomes. In this instance, the sugar content is variable, and cavities are the outcome.

To learn more about Hypothesis, click here:



which terms are transition words that are used to introduce an example? also, in addition finally, therefore specifically, such as furthermore, mor



AlsoIn additionSuch asSpecificallyFor example

Hope this helped, if you need any assistance, just send a comment, and I'll be happy to help!

N'em Who appears to be the poem’s speaker? Point to specific evidence from the text that helped you arrive at your conclusion


The speaker in the poem "N'em" is a black woman, possibly a slave or a descendant of slaves.

Evidence to support this includes the use of dialect and nonstandard English, such as "N'em" instead of "them" and "dey" instead of "they," which suggests a Southern African American vernacular.

Additionally, the speaker describes the hardships and injustices faced by her ancestors, such as being sold and separated from family, which are experiences common to many African American slaves. The poem's themes of resilience and the preservation of cultural identity in the face of oppression further support the idea that the speaker is a black woman.

To know more about poem, here



--The complete question is, Who is the speaker in the poem "N'em"? Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.--

How does the diagram help you understand why drones can make such fast delveries? i-Ready


By providing a visual representation of a drone's design and functions, a diagram can help you better understand the underlying mechanics and technology that make fast drone deliveries possible.

What is a drone?
A drone, also known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is a type of aircraft that is operated remotely, typically by a human pilot using a remote control device or through pre-programmed instructions. Drones can range in size from small, handheld models to large, sophisticated aircraft capable of carrying heavy payloads and flying for extended periods of time.

For example, a diagram might show the different parts of a drone, such as the propellers, motor, and battery, and explain how each component contributes to the drone's ability to fly quickly and efficiently. It might also show how the drone is able to navigate and avoid obstacles, such as through the use of sensors and GPS technology.

By providing a visual representation of a drone's design and functions, a diagram can help you better understand the underlying mechanics and technology that make fast drone deliveries possible. It can also help you see how different factors, such as wind speed, altitude, and payload weight, can impact a drone's performance and speed.

To know more about GPS visit:

not to be a poet. question which lines most fully support an interpretation that the speaker feels the nonpoets of the modern world have a misguided perspective?


One possible set of lines that support this interpretation is:
"Not to be a poet
is a mistaken ambition.
Even the sculptor or painter
can't reproduce the poet's
vision or perspective."

In these lines, the speaker implies that being a poet is a superior or more desirable pursuit than being a sculptor or painter. They suggest that the poet has a unique "vision or perspective" that cannot be replicated by other artists or non-artists. By stating that not being a poet is a "mistaken ambition," the speaker implies that those who do not pursue poetry are missing out on something valuable or important. This could be seen as a critique of the non-poets of the modern world, who the speaker feels are misguided in their priorities and aspirations.

To know more about speaker refer :



Three methods and techniques Abraham Lincoln would use to reach the current world's audience in "a house divided"


"A House Divided" is a famous speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln in 1858, during a time of great political and social upheaval in the United States.

If Abraham Lincoln were to deliver this speech to a modern-day audience, there are several methods and techniques that he might use to reach his audience and convey his message effectively:

Use social media and digital communicationUse visual aidsUse storytelling and emotional appeals

Hence, these are the three methods or techniques that would be used by Abraham Lincoln to reach the current world's audience.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln, here:



Basic signal phrases in Expressing Beliefs or Conviction

Please answer. Thank you


Basic signal words for expressing conviction or beliefs include "I firmly believe that," "In my opinion," and "To my mind."

What kind of view would this be?

Using the phrases "United States of America was involved in the Vietnam War" and "United States of America was right to get involved in the Vietnam War," respectively, as an example. If a viewpoint is supported by facts and moral standards, it can be turned into an argument.

Anywhere in your sentence—at the start to introduce a citation, in the middle of a quotation, or at the end after the quotation has been given—may contain signal phrases and attributors. For instance, Barry Goldwater claims that the issue with guns is unrelated to the criminal problem that exists in this nation.

To know more about phrases visit:-



How does the narrator's tone shift during chunk 5?


The narrators tone is more positive and encouraging for most of chunk 5.

The narrator's tone refers to the attitude or mood conveyed by the narrator in a written or spoken work. It is often conveyed through the narrator's word choice, sentence structure, and overall style. The tone can be conveyed as serious, humorous, formal, informal, optimistic, pessimistic, or neutral.

The narrator's tone can influence the reader's perception of the story and characters, and can create an emotional response in the reader. The tone can shift throughout the narrative, reflecting changes in the story's plot or the narrator's perspective. Understanding the narrator's tone is important in analyzing and interpreting a piece of literature, as it provides insight into the author's intentions and the underlying themes of the work.

To learn more about narrators tone, here


If your university began using the phrase, "You can get there from here," in their new billboard ads, this is known as a
a. slogan.
b. cliché.
c. euphemism.
d tu quoque.


A cliché is an expression that has been used so frequently in literature, art, or everyday speech that it has lost its impact. Some people could even find these phrases annoying or trite. The correct answer is b. cliché.

As a result, the word "cliche" is sometimes used disparagingly to denote a lack of imagination or innovation.A cliche is a phrase or comment that is frequently used.

On the other side, euphemism is the use of inoffensive words to express rage or mockery. This is going to be the cliché. None of the aforementioned suggestions are revision techniques. The writer should consider the paper's aim before editing. Check to see if the main point was communicated. If there are sufficient supporting materials, the author should also revise.The paper's structure is that it is written in active voice.

To know more about Cliche visit:



What’s the difference


The differences in the points of view in the article "The Cowboy's Home on Wheels" and in the poem "The U-S-U Range" do contribute to the reader's understanding of life as a cowboy.

How to explain the point of view

The third-person point of view in the article provides factual information about an aspect of cowboy life, while the first-person point of view in the poem offers personal insights into a cowboy's thoughts and experiences on the range. This contrast helps the reader gain a more comprehensive understanding of the cowboy's lifestyle, as the article provides a broader view of historical and cultural context, while the poem gives a more intimate portrayal of an individual's experiences.

Therefore, option 1 is the correct answer: "The third-person point of view in the article presents facts about an aspect of cowboy life, while the first- person point of view in the poem offers insight into a cowboy's thoughts about life on the range."

Learn more about point of view on;



Click the image. help ?


this question doesn’t really make that much sense but i would go with b it makes the most sense out of all of the answers and also i didn’t read the paragraph before so it probably would have made more sense if u sent a pic of the paragraph as well but it’s fine anyways i think it’s B

A teacher wrote the following set of numbers on
the board:
20 b = 2.5
Explain why a +b is irrational, but b + c is rational.
a= V20
C= 225




From the equation 20b = 2.5, we can solve for b:

20b = 2.5b = 2.5/20b = 1/8

Therefore, b is rational.

a = √20 is irrational because 20 is not a perfect square.

c = 225 is a perfect square, specifically 15^2. Therefore, c is rational.

Now, we can evaluate a + b and b + c:

a + b = √20 + 1/8

Since a is irrational and b is rational, their sum (a + b) is irrational.b + c = 1/8 + 225

Since b and c are both rational, their sum (b + c) is rational.So, the reason why a + b is irrational but b + c is rational is because one of the terms in the sum is irrational in the former case and both terms are rational in the latter case.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Identify the tectonic plate boundaries.
transform boundary
convergent boundary
divergent boundary
Illustration depicts a two layer rectangular land block with trees. A cleft is represented in the middle and the right block upper layer, with three straight arrows, overlapping on the upper layer of the left block with four right curved arrows.
Illustration depicts a two layer rectangular land block with trees. A cleft represented in the middle divides the land into two blocks and three bidirectional arrows on each block shows horizontal displacement of the two blocks.
Illustration depicts a rectangular block of land with bushes and a cleavage in between represented by 4 bidirectional arrows.


The three types of tectonic plate boundaries are transform boundary, convergent boundary, divergent boundary.

What are tectonic plates and how are the three types different?

Tectonic plates are large, solid slabs of rock that make up the Earth's lithosphere, which is the outermost solid layer of the Earth. These plates are in constant motion, moving around on the underlying layer called the asthenosphere. The movement of the plates is due to the forces generated by heat in the Earth's core, and the plates move very slowly, at rates ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters per year. The movement of these plates can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the formation of mountains, and the creation of oceanic trenches.

The three types are:

Transform boundary: where two plates slip past one another in contrary directions.Convergent boundary: where two plates move towards each other, resulting in one plate being subducted (forced beneath) the other plate.Divergent boundary: where two plates move away from each other, resulting in the creation of new crust.

Learn more about tectonic plates here:



unit 5
1 Assessing an argument also involves looking out for what?

literary techniques

research techniques


irrational hatred


Assessing an argument also involves looking out for literary techniques

Option a is correct.

What exactly is argument assessment?

Finding out whether assertions (a) and (b) are true is how to evaluate an argument. When compared to faulty arguments, good arguments deliver on their promises. For evaluating arguments, philosophers have proposed two methods.

What aspects of arguments are evaluated?

While assessing an argument, clarity and relevancy are two aspects to take into account. Being able to correctly identify each premise and the argument's conclusion requires clarity, which is why it's so crucial. There must be no ambiguity in the terminology or terms used, and clarity makes sure that the problems are recognised.

To know more about literary techniques visit:-



Synthesizing information allows a reader to


synthesize information allows a reader to combine multiple sources of information into a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of a topic. By synthesizing information, a reader is able to identify common themes, patterns, and connections among the sources, and develop a deeper understanding of the topic as a whole.

The process of synthesizing information involves several steps, including identifying the main ideas and arguments presented in each source, analyzing the evidence used to support these ideas, and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each source. The reader must then compare and contrast the different sources, identify similarities and differences, and ultimately integrate the information from each source into a coherent whole.

Synthesizing information is an important skill for academic research, as it allows researchers to evaluate and analyze multiple sources of information in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of a topic. It is also a valuable skill for everyday life, as it enables individuals to make informed decisions based on a wide range of information sources.

(From, "A Civil Action")
In the final paragraph, why does the author focus on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water? How does this paragraph support the main idea of the selection? Highlight textual evidence and make annotations to explain your ideas.


In the final paragraph of "A Civil Action," the author focuses on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water to emphasize the gravity of the contamination issue and the dire need for a solution. The paragraph supports the main idea of the selection, which is the tragic consequences of environmental negligence and the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions.

The author highlights Anne's observations by stating, "Anne Anderson had been right. The water was terrible." This statement is significant because it confirms Anne's initial concern about the water quality and validates her efforts to bring attention to the issue. The author goes on to describe the extent of the contamination, stating that "the water was toxic," and that "the community had been drinking and cooking with poisoned water for years." This information underscores the severity of the situation and highlights the need for immediate action to protect the health and well-being of the community.

Furthermore, the author uses the paragraph to show the devastating effects of the contamination, stating that "the children of Woburn had been struck down by a cluster of rare and fatal diseases." By emphasizing the tragic consequences of environmental negligence on innocent children, the author makes a powerful argument for the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions and preventing similar tragedies in the future.

In summary, the author focuses on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water in the final paragraph to underscore the severity of the contamination issue and support the main idea of the selection, which is the tragic consequences of environmental negligence and the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions.

Define “ HISTORY” in Shakespeare terms


The histories, in addition to those of later Renaissance authors, aid in defining the history play subgenre.

Shakespeare's History

Shakespeare's "history" plays have comedy, tragedy, and all in between, much as the "comedies" of Shakespeare have some serious subjects and sad circumstances while the "tragedies" have some high hilarious moments. Shakespeare intended his plays, all of which are dramas produced for the public's amusement, to do nothing more than amuse. Shakespeare wasn't the one who divided his plays into categories like tragedy, comedy, and history; it was Shakespearian academics.   Unfortunately, our propensity to see the plays in that constrained way frequently has an impact on how much we appreciate them.

To know more about History visit:



according to the author, the giant gift of marita given from one village to another serve the function of


The author suggests that the giant gift of Marita served the function of strengthening social ties and promoting goodwill between the two villages.

According to the author, Marita's enormous gift, which was handed from one hamlet to another, fulfilled an important societal purpose. The gift was more than simply a tangible item; it also served as a symbol of the bond between the two towns. The providing community showed their respect and goodwill towards the receiving village by giving such a gift.

The act of giving and receiving the gift aided in promoting harmony between the two groups and greater social relationships. Furthermore, the exchange of such a wonderful gift would have probably caused a great deal of commotion and conversation among the peasants, reinforcing social ties.

Learn more about goodwill:



The correct question will be: What was the societal purpose fulfilled by Marita's gift and how did it promote harmony and social relationships between two towns?

A story that ends with I suddenly woke up and realized it was all about a dream


I was once strolling through a stunning woodland full of tall trees and chattering birds.

Story of a dream:

Unexpectedly, I came across a gorgeous pond that sparkled in the sunlight. I caught a glimpse of myself reflected in the water, encircled by unicorns and fairies. I have had greatest time in my life wandering the magical world and coming across mythological and talking animals.

Even the fairy queen personally invited me to a lavish ball, which I did. As the evening came to a conclusion, I discovered himself back just at pond saying goodbye to my new acquaintances. I rested my eyes as I was ready to dive back into the ocean and head back to my house. But as soon as I opened my eyes, I realized it was all about a dream.

To know more about dream visit:



What types of inmates did the treblinka concentration camp have?



The Treblinka concentration camp, located in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II, was primarily a death camp where prisoners were sent to be killed. The vast majority of the inmates at Treblinka were Jewish men, women, and children who were rounded up from ghettos and transported to the camp to be murdered in gas chambers.

In addition to Jewish prisoners, there were also some Roma (Gypsy) people and Soviet prisoners of war who were sent to Treblinka. The Nazis also used a small number of non-Jewish prisoners to perform various tasks within the camp, such as sorting and processing the belongings of the victims. However, the overwhelming majority of the inmates at Treblinka were Jews who were systematically murdered as part of the Nazi regime's genocidal campaign against European Jewry.

In terms of voice production, volume is dependent on the step of ______. a. breathing b. phonation c. resonation d. articulation.


In terms of voice production, volume is dependent on the step of phonation, which is the process of producing sound through the vibration of the vocal cords. Thus the correct option is B.

The amount of air pressure that flows through the vocal cords during phonation determines the loudness of a voice. Phonation, the process of producing sound through the vibrating of the vocal cords, is the main aspect that affects how loud or soft a voice is.

Even while breathing is crucial for creating the airflow required for phonation, the vocal cords ultimately control loudness. Although resonance and articulation are significant components of voice production, loudness is mostly determined by resonance.

Learn more about the phonation:



In terms of voice production, volume is dependent on the step of phonation.

In the case of sign languages, phonetics investigates the corresponding characteristics of sign. Phonetics is a subfield of linguistics that studies how humans make and interpret sounds. Phoneticians are linguists who focus on researching the physical characteristics of speech.

The study and systematic classification of the sounds made in spoken utterances is known as the system of speech sounds of a language or collection of languages.

What's an illustration of phonetics?

The distinction between the pronunciation of the letters "Z" and "S" in English is an illustration of phonetics. When we say "Z" aloud, our vocal cords twitch, but not when we say "S".

To know more about phonetics, click here:



Which sentence from the passage is a major supporting detail?
Robots could work faster and more accurately. (paragraph 7)
A single robotic "arm" or "hand" could do the work of
several humans. (paragraph 7)
With the rise of industrial robots, many unskilled laborers lost
their jobs. (paragraph 7)
Will super-intelligent androids obey their human
programmers? (paragraph 10)


The sentence from the passage that is a major supporting detail is this: With the rise of industrial robots, many unskilled laborers lost their jobs. (paragraph 7)

What is a suporting detail?

In the story, "An automated society," a supporting detail is found in paragraph 7 where the author shows that the rise of industrial robots caused many workers to lose their jobs.

A supporting detail is a piece of information that is used to support or explain a main idea or claim in a piece of writing. It is a specific fact, example, statistic, or anecdote that helps to clarify, illustrate, or prove the main point being made. The above detail supports the main point of the text.

Learn more about supporting details here:



What was an important effect of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England?
O People in England no longer had to pay taxes.
O Common law became more accessible.
• Judges were able to rule as they pleased
• The rights of the accused were done away with.


Blackstone's Commentaries just on Laws of England had a significant impact by making common law more approachable.

What resulted from Blackstone's Commentaries just on Laws of England, and why was it significant?

People could better comprehend the legal rights and obligations because to Blackstone's work, which offered a clear and succinct explanation of a common law.

This contributed to the creation of a more educated and well-informed society, which in turn led to the creation of a fairer and equitable legal system. It did not lead to tax payers ceasing to pay, judge's decision as they wished, or accused persons' rights being abolished.

To know more about Blackstone's work visit:



How is class presented throughout chapter 2 of the great gatsby


The great gatsby because the focus of this chapter is Tom's secret life, which Nick learns about when he meets his mistress and gets inebriated at her exclusive flat party in Manhattan.

What does Gatsby's character disclose in chapter 2?

Catherine, who has vivid red hair and lots of makeup, informs Nick that she has heard that Jay Gatsby is the nephew or cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm, who ruled Germany during World War I. Catherine also claims that she has heard that Jay Gatsby is a woman.

How does chapter 2 present Myrtle?

Chapter 2's description of Nick's initial encounter with Myrtle Wilson highlights a sensation of "vitality" flowing from her physical presence. Despite not being a particularly attractive woman, Myrtle exudes a life and energy that is irresistible.

To know more about great gatsby visit :-



Read Micah’s inference about Beowulf.

Beowulf does not fear death.

Read the passage from Beowulf.

If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day;
he will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall,
swoop without fear on that flower of manhood
as on others before. Then my face won’t be there
to be covered in death: he will carry me away
as he goes to ground, gorged and bloodied;
he will run gloating with my raw corpse
and feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy,
fouling his moor-nest. No need then
to lament for long or lay out my body:
if the battle takes me, send back
this breast-webbing that Weland fashioned
and Hrethel gave me, to Lord Hygelac.
Fate goes ever as fate must."

Which sentence or phrase from the passage most likely helped Micah make his inference?

it will be a gruesome day;
Then my face won’t be there to be covered in death:
if the battle takes me, send back this breast-webbing
Fate goes ever as fate must.


Answer: fate goes ever as fate must


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