what is the proportional relationship between x 2 6 8 10 and y 6 18 24 30


Answer 1

The proportional relationship is y = 3x.

What is the proportional relationship?

If the corresponding elements of two sequences of numbers, frequently experimental data, have a constant ratio, known as the coefficient of proportionality or proportionality constant, then the two sequences of numbers are proportional or directly proportional.

Here, we have


x:  2, 6, 8, 10

y:  6, 18, 24, 30

We have to find the proportional relationship between x and y.

So, we can see from inspection and visual observation that there is a proportional relationship between x and y.

6 = 3  2,  18 = 3  6, 24 = 3  8, 30 = 3  10.

Hence, The proportional relationship is y = 3x.

To learn more about the proportional relationship from the given link



Related Questions

In the graph below, line k with equation y = -k makes a 45° angle with the x- and y- axes.

Rx: (2, 5)

1. (-2, 5)
2. (-2, -5)
3. (2, -5)


In the graph, line k with equation y = -k makes a 45° angle with the x- and y- axes. The correct option is 1. (-2, 5).

What is a graph?

The angle formed by the line y = - x with the x-axis is 45 degrees, and the angle formed by the y-axis with the positive x-axis is 135 degrees.

The coordinates of the reflected point, when a point (p,q) is reflected over the line y=x, are (q,p)

Moreover, the coordinates of the reflected point, when point (p,q) is reflected over the line y= -x, will be (-q, -p).

Hence, the coordinates of the reflected point when point (2,5) is reflected over the line y= - x will be (-5,-2).

The point (2,5) will change to if it is reflected across the line y=x (5,2).

Therefore, the correct option is 1. (-2, 5).

Learn more about the graph, here:



Peter needs to borrow $10,000 to repair his roof. He will take out a 317-loan on April 15th at 4% interest from the bank. He will make a payment of $3,500 on October 12th and a payment of $2,500 on January 11th.

a) What is the due date of the loan?

b) Calculate the interest due on October 12th and the balance of the loan after the October 12th payment.

c) Calculate the interest due on January 11th and the balance of the loan after the January 11th pa payment.

d) Calculate the final payment (interest + principal) Peter must pay on the due date.

Please only serious answers ​



A. February 26th

B. $3,500 - Balance ≈ $6,697.26

C. $2,500 - Balance ≈ $4,263.46

D. $4,284.81

Step-by-step explanation:

a) What is the due date of the loan?

The loan term is given as 317 days, and the loan starts on April 15th. To find the due date, we will add 317 days to April 15th.

April 15th + 317 days = April 15th + (365 days - 48 days) = April 15th + 1 year - 48 days

Subtracting 48 days from April 15th, we get:

Due date = February 26th (of the following year)

b) Calculate the interest due on October 12th and the balance of the loan after the October 12th payment.

First, we need to calculate the number of days between April 15th and October 12th:

April (15 days) + May (31 days) + June (30 days) + July (31 days) + August (31 days) + September (30 days) + October (12 days) = 180 days

Now, we will calculate the interest for 180 days:

Interest = Principal × Interest Rate × (Days Passed / 365)

Interest = $10,000 × 0.04 × (180 / 365)

Interest ≈ $197.26

Peter will make a payment of $3,500 on October 12th. So, we need to find the balance of the loan after this payment:

Balance = Principal + Interest - Payment

Balance = $10,000 + $197.26 - $3,500

Balance ≈ $6,697.26

c) Calculate the interest due on January 11th and the balance of the loan after the January 11th payment.

First, we need to calculate the number of days between October 12th and January 11th:

October (19 days) + November (30 days) + December (31 days) + January (11 days) = 91 days

Now, we will calculate the interest for 91 days:

Interest = Principal × Interest Rate × (Days Passed / 365)

Interest = $6,697.26 × 0.04 × (91 / 365)

Interest ≈ $66.20

Peter will make a payment of $2,500 on January 11th. So, we need to find the balance of the loan after this payment:

Balance = Principal + Interest - Payment

Balance = $6,697.26 + $66.20 - $2,500

Balance ≈ $4,263.46

d) Calculate the final payment (interest + principal) Peter must pay on the due date.

First, we need to calculate the number of days between January 11th and February 26th:

January (20 days) + February (26 days) = 46 days

Now, we will calculate the interest for 46 days:

Interest = Principal × Interest Rate × (Days Passed / 365)

Interest = $4,263.46 × 0.04 × (46 / 365)

Interest ≈ $21.35

Finally, we will calculate the final payment Peter must pay on the due date:

Final payment = Principal + Interest

Final payment = $4,263.46 + $21.35

Final payment ≈ $4,284.81

I will be given brainliest!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

its the only possible answer because it needs to have a scale factor below one as A'B'C'D' is smaller than ABCD

Answer: 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

The corresponding side of AD is A'D'.

AD = 30

A'D' = 20

Scale factor = 2/3 because AD * 2/3 = A'D'

If I'm wrong, please tell me.

A rectangular mural measures 890 centimeters by 2891
centimeters. Hailey creates a new mural that is 66 centimeters


The perimeter of the rectangular mural after increasing the dimensions by Hailey is equal to 7826 centimeters.

Measures of rectangular mural are,

length = 890 centimeters

Width = 2891 centimeters

New mural is 66 centimeters longer.

The new dimensions of the  rectangular mural will be,

New  length = 890 cm + 66 cm

                     = 956 cm

New width = 2891 cm + 66 cm

                  = 2957 cm

The perimeter of the new mural can be calculated by adding up the lengths of all four sides,

Perimeter = 2(length + width)

⇒Perimeter = 2(956 cm + 2957 cm)

⇒Perimeter = 2(3913 cm)

⇒ Perimeter = 7826 cm

Therefore, the perimeter of Hailey's new mural will be 7826 centimeters.

Learn more about perimeter here



The above question is incomplete , the complete question is:

A rectangular mural measures 890 centimeters by 2891centimeters. Hailey creates a new mural that is 66 centimeters longer. What's is the perimeter of Hailey new mural?

g a generic drug is being tested to test its efficacy (effectiveness) at reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension (a.k.a. high blood pressure). in a randomized, double-blind experiment with 200 patients, 100 are given the name-brand drug (control group) and 100 are given a generic version of the drug (treatment group). in the control group, the average reduction in blood pressure is 15.2 mmhg with a standard deviation of 11.5 mmhg. in the treatment group, there is an average reduction of 14.6 mmhg and a standard deviation of 12.5 mmhg. neither group has any outliers. a researcher claims that this study shows the generic drug is not as effective as the name-brand drug. what would be the reply of a statistician? you have two attempts for this problem so choose wisely. if you do not receive 5 points in the gradebook after submitting this assignment then you have answered incorrectly. make sure to try it again before the deadline.


A statistician would reply that in order to determine if the generic drug is less effective than the name-brand drug, a hypothesis test needs to be conducted.

The null hypothesis (H0) would be that there is no difference in the average blood pressure reduction between the two drugs, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) would be that the name-brand drug has a higher average reduction in blood pressure than the generic drug.

To test these hypotheses, a t-test would be appropriate since we have two independent samples (control and treatment groups) with known means, standard deviations, and sample sizes. The t-test will provide a p-value, which can be compared to a chosen significance level (e.g., α = 0.05).

If the p-value is less than the significance level, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference in the average blood pressure reduction between the two drugs. If the p-value is greater than the significance level, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, meaning we do not have enough evidence to claim that the name-brand drug is more effective than the generic drug.

Learn more about hypothesis:



Determine the type of variable for:The number of counties in California.
Qualitative nominal
Quantitative Continuous
Qualitative ordinal
Quantitative discrete
Determine the type of variable for: The stages of childhood: Infant, Toddler, Preschooler, School age, Preteen, Teen
Qualitative nominal
Quantitative Continuous
Qualitative ordinal
Quantitative discrete
Suppose the average time for a class of 28 students (taken from a campus of 1200 students) to drive to campus was 23 minutes.
Select the choice
In the scenario above, 23 minutes is a parameter/ statistic , because 28 students is a sample/ population.
At a Track field, a coach keeps track of an athletes mile time. The coach reported that the mean mile time of a particular athlete was 7 minutes and the standard deviation of the mile time was 1 minute. Assume that the coach also gave us the information that the distribution of the mile time was bell shaped. Use the empirical rule to find:
What percent of the athlete's mile times are expected to be between 6 minutes and 8 minutes?
What percent of the athlete's mile times are expected to be between 4 minutes and 7 minutes?
What percent of the athlete's mile times are expected to be less than 9 minutes?


The type of variable for,

a. The number of counties in California: Quantitative discrete.

b. The stages of childhood: Qualitative ordinal.

c. In the scenario above, 23 minutes is a statistic, because 28 students is a sample.

d. Between 6 minutes and 8 minutes: Approximately 68% of the athlete's mile times are expected to be between 6 and 8 minutes, according to the empirical rule.

e. Between 4 minutes and 7 minutes: Approximately 68% of the athlete's mile times are expected to be between 4 and 10 minutes, according to the empirical rule.

f. Less than 9 minutes: Approximately 84% of the athlete's mile times are expected to be less than 9 minutes, according to the empirical rule.

In statistics, variables can be categorized into two types: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative variables describe characteristics or qualities that cannot be measured numerically, such as gender or hair color.

Quantitative variables, on the other hand, represent numerical values that can be measured or counted.

There are two types of quantitative variables: continuous and discrete. Continuous variables can take any numerical value within a range, such as age or weight.

Learn more about the type of a variable at



what is the surface are of a cylender when the radius is 6in and the height is 9 in



565.486677646 inches squared

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's recall the formula for the surface area of a cylinder:

[tex]A=2\pi rh+2\pi r^2[/tex]

Where r is the radius and h is the height.

We are given that the radius is 6 inches and the height is 9 inches.

Substitute the values and solve the equation, like so:

[tex]A=2\pi (6)(9)+2\pi (6)^2=\\A=2\pi (54) +2\pi(36)=\\A=108\pi +72\pi =\\A=180\pi[/tex]

Thus, in terms of pi, the surface area is equal to [tex]180\pi[/tex].

180 times pi is equal to approximately 565.486677646 inches squared.

Hello solve this, what is 9 x 5/7


Answer: 6 3/7

Step-by-step explanation:

9/1 x 5/7

If we multiply the numerators and denominators, we get 45/7 or 6 3/7 as a mixed number.


[tex]\frac{45}{7}[/tex] or 6.4285

Step-by-step explanation:

First, multiply 9 and 5, which gives you 45.


Then, divide 45 by 7.


That gives  you  [tex]\frac{45}{7}[/tex] or 6.4285

Hope this helps!

sharon is a good student who enjoys statistics. she sets a goal for herself to do well enough compared to her peers so that her standardized score on her statistics final is equal to her percentile rank (written as a decimal) among her classmates. scores on the statistics final are normally distributed. what goal did she set for herself?


Sharon's desired percentile rank of 0.78.

To determine the goal Sharon set for herself, we need to understand the relationship between standardized scores and percentile ranks.

In a standardized test, such as Sharon's Statistics final, the standardized score represents how well a student performed relative to the average score of the test-takers.

The percentile rank, on the other hand, indicates the percentage of test-takers that scored below a particular student.

In Sharon's case, she wants her standardized score to be equal to her percentile rank.

Therefore, her goal is to achieve a standardized score of 0.78 (written as a decimal) on her Statistics final.

This means she aims to score better than approximately 78% of her classmates, as indicated by her desired percentile rank of 0.78.

Hence her desired percentile rank of 0.78.

Learn more about Statistics click;







Step-by-step explanation:

26. yes because a straight line is formed

27. domain - -2 to 2

range -2 to 1


Yes, the graph is a linear function.

Domain: x∈[-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]

Range: y∈[-1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]

Step-by-step explanation:

A linear function is an expression that will form a straight line when graphed (or a graph that forms a straight line). These points form a straight line, so the function is linear.

The domain of the function is everything that x can be equal to. We can see here that the ordered points are:

(-2, -1.5), (-1.5, -1), (-1, -0.5), (-0.5, 0), (0, 0.5), (0.5, 1), (1, 1.5), (1.5, 2)

So, the domain of the function is all of the x values of the ordered pairs, or:

x∈[-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]

(the symbol next to the x means "belongs to.")

As for the range, it is everything that y can be equal to. Let us look once again at the ordered pairs. The range of the function is equal to the y coordinates of these ordered pairs, or:

Range: y∈[-1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]

Keep in mind that if the function contains more than one value for x or y, it is listed ONLY ONCE in the domain/range.

1. Find the height of the parabolic balloon arch for the prom when the position of the bottom anchors are at x = 3 feet and x = 7 feet. ​


The height of the parabolic balloon arch for the prom is 12.25 feet.

Using these assumptions, we can find the equation of the parabola that the arch follows as x = a(y-k)² + h, where (h,k) is the vertex and a is a constant that determines the shape of the parabola. We can find the value of a by using one of the points that the arch passes through, say (3,0):

3 = a(0-k)² + h h = 3 - a(k²)

Similarly, using the other point that the arch passes through, say (7,0):

7 = a(0-k)² + h h = 7 - a(k²)

Equating the expressions for h, we get:

3 - a(k²) = 7 - a(k²) a = -1/4

Substituting this value of a into one of the equations for h, say h = 7 - a(k²), we get:

h = 7 + 1/4(k²)

So the vertex of the parabola is at (h,k) = (7,0), and the equation of the parabola is x = -1/4(y² - 28y + 49).

To find the height of the arch, we need to find the y-coordinate of the vertex, which is k = 0. So the height of the arch is given by the distance between the vertex and the lowest point of the arch, which is the x-intercept of the parabola. To find the x-intercept, we set y = 0 in the equation of the parabola:

x = -1/4(0² - 28(0) + 49)

x = -1/4(49) = -12.25

However, since we are dealing with a physical object, the height cannot be negative. Therefore, we take the absolute value of the x-intercept, which gives us:

| -12.25 | = 12.25 feet

To know more about height here



Lin plans to swim 12 laps in the pool. She has swum 9.75 laps so far.

How many laps does she have left to swim? Use y
for the number of laps that Lin has left to swim.


Lin plans to swim 12 laps and has already swum 9.75 laps, so the number of laps she has left to swim can be found by subtracting 9.75 from 12:

y = 12 - 9.75

Simplifying the right side:

y = 2.25

Therefore, Lin has 2.25 laps left to swim.

which vaule of y makes the equation true 13 - y = 17 true?
pls help



y = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

13 - y = 17

y = 13 - 17 = -4


y = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

Alright so you shift the y to the other side:
13 = 17 + y

Now you shift the 17 to the other side,
y = 13 - 17 = -4

Hence, y = -4

Hope this helps and be sure to mark this as brainliest! :)

which expressions are equivalent to 8 13 ?


The next four equivalent fractions of 8/13 are:


What are some equivalent fractions of 8/13?

Equivalent fractions are fractions that represent the same value but have different numerator and denominator. To find equivalent fractions of 8/13, we can multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same non-zero integer.

In this case, we multiplied the numerator and denominator by 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, to obtain the next four equivalent fractions: 16/26, 24/39, 32/52, and 40/65. These fractions have different numerators and denominators, but they are equivalent to 8/13 as they represent the same value or amount.

Read more about equivalent expression



Complex numbers [tex]z[/tex] and [tex]w[/tex] satisfy [tex]|z|=|w|=1, |z+w|=\sqrt{2}[/tex].
What is the minimum value of [tex]P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|[/tex]?


Okay, here are the steps to find the minimum value of P:

1) Given: |z|=|w|=1 (z and w are complex numbers with unit modulus)


Find z and w such that these conditions are satisfied.

Possible solutions:

z = 1, w = i (or vice versa)

z = i, w = 1 (or vice versa)

2) Substitute into P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|

For the cases:

z = 1, w = i: P = |-1-4+2(1+i)i| = |-5+2i| = sqrt(25+4) = 5

z = i, w = 1: P = |1-\frac{4}{i}+2(1+\frac{1}{i})i| = |-3+2i| = sqrt(9+4) = 5

3) The minimum value of P is 5.

So in summary, the minimum value of

P = |w-\frac{4}{z}+2(1+\frac{w}{z})i|

is 5.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

In a race, 14 out of the 25 swimmers finished in less than 47 minutes. What percent of swimmers finished the race in less than 47 minutes? Write an equivalent fraction to find the percent. ​


We must first convert the given information into an equivalent fraction. The answer is 56%.

What is equivalent fraction?

Equivalent fractions have the same value or represent the same portion of a whole even though they may have different numerators and denominators.

To do this, we must multiply both the numerator (14) and denominator (25) by the same number so that the denominator equals 100.

To do this, we must multiply both 14 and 25 by 4.

This gives us 14*4/25*4 = 56/100.

To convert this fraction to a percent, we can simply divide the numerator by the denominator and multiply the result by 100.

Therefore, 56/100 * 100 = 56%.

This result can also be found by setting up a proportion. We can set up the proportion as follows:

14/25 = x/100.

To solve for x, we must multiply both sides by 100. This gives us 14*100/25 = x.

Hence, x = 56. Therefore, 56% of swimmers finished the race in less than 47 minutes.

For more questions related to proportion



need answer by 11:45am
The box plots display measures from data collected when 20 people were asked about their wait time at a drive-thru restaurant window.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 8.5 to 15.5 on the number line. A line in the box is at 12. The lines outside the box end at 3 and 27. The graph is titled Super Fast Food.

A horizontal line starting at 0, with tick marks every one-half unit up to 32. The line is labeled Wait Time In Minutes. The box extends from 9.5 to 24 on the number line. A line in the box is at 15.5. The lines outside the box end at 2 and 30. The graph is titled Burger Quick.

Which drive-thru typically has more wait time, and why?

Burger Quick, because it has a larger median

Burger Quick, because it has a larger mean

Super Fast Food, because it has a larger median

Super Fast Food, because it has a larger mean

Question 3

A charity needs to report its typical donations received. The following is a list of the donations from one week. A histogram is provided to display the data.

5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

A graph titled Donations to Charity in Dollars. The x-axis is labeled 1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, and 16 to 20. The y-axis is labeled Frequency. There is a shaded bar up to 2 above 1 to 5, up to 3 above 6 to 10, up to 1 above 11 to 15, and up to 7 above 16 to 20.

Which measure of variability should the charity use to accurately represent the data? Explain your answer.

The range of 13 is the most accurate to use, since the data is skewed.

The IQR of 13 is the most accurate to use, since the data is skewed.

The range of 20 is the most accurate to use to show that they have plenty of money.

The IQR of 20 is the most accurate to use to show that they need more money.

Question 4

The circle graph describes the distribution of preferred transportation methods from a sample of 400 randomly selected San Francisco residents.

circle graph titled San Francisco Residents' Transportation with five sections labeled walk 40 percent, bicycle 8 percent, streetcar 15 percent, bus 10 percent, and cable car 27 percent

Which of the following conclusions can we draw from the circle graph?

Together, Streetcar and Cable Car are the preferred transportation for 168 residents.

Together, Walk and Streetcar are the preferred transportation for 55 residents.

Bus is the preferred transportation for 45 residents.

Bicycle is the preferred transportation for 50 residents.

Question 5

The line plot displays the number of roses purchased per day at a grocery store.

A horizontal line starting at 1 with tick marks every one unit up to 10. The line is labeled Number of Rose Bouquets, and the graph is titled Roses Purchased Per Day. There is one dot above 1 and 2. There are two dots above 8. There are three dots above 6, 7, and 9.

Which of the following is the best measure of variability for the data, and what is its value?

The range is the best measure of variability, and it equals 8.

The range is the best measure of variability, and it equals 2.5.

The IQR is the best measure of variability, and it equals 8.

The IQR is the best measure of variability, and it equals 2.5.

Question 6

The histograms display the frequency of temperatures in two different locations in a 30-day period.

A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 14. A shaded bar stops at 10 above 60 to 69, at 9 above 70 to 79, at 5 above 80 to 89, at 4 above 90 to 99, and at 2 above 100 to 109. There is no shaded bar above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Sunny Town.

A graph with the x-axis labeled Temperature in Degrees, with intervals 60 to 69, 70 to 79, 80 to 89, 90 to 99, 100 to 109, 110 to 119. The y-axis is labeled Frequency and begins at 0 with tick marks every one unit up to 16. A shaded bar stops at 2 above 60 to 69, at 4 above 70 to 79, at 12 above 80 to 89, at 6 above 90 to 99, at 4 above 100 to 109, and at 2 above 110 to 119. The graph is titled Temps in Desert Landing.

When comparing the data, which measure of center should be used to determine which location typically has the cooler temperature?

Median, because Desert Landing is symmetric

Mean, because Sunny Town is skewed

Mean, because Desert Landing is symmetric

Median, because Sunny Town is skewed

Question 7

At a recent baseball game of 5,000 in attendance, 150 people were asked what they prefer on a hot dog. The results are shown.

Ketchup Mustard Chili

63 27 60

Based on the data in this sample, how many of the people in attendance would prefer mustard on a hot dog?






The drive-thru with typically more wait time is Burger Quick, because it has a larger median. The Option A.

Why does Burger Quick have a larger median for wait time?

The median is a measure of central tendency that represents the middle value of a set of data. In this case, the median wait time at Burger Quick is 15.5 minutes, while the median wait time at Super Fast Food is 12 minutes.

This indicates that, on average, customers at Burger Quick experience a longer wait time compared to customers at Super Fast Food. The larger median at Burger Quick suggests that there may be some longer wait times skewing the data towards the higher end which could be due to various factors such as slower service, or other operational issues at Burger Quick resulting in a longer wait time for customers at their drive-thru.

Read more about median



Which equations represent circles that have a diameter of 12 units and a center that lies on the y-axis? Select two options. x2 + (y – 3)2 = 36 x2 + (y – 5)2 = 6 (x – 4)² + y² = 36 (x + 6)² + y² = 144 x2 + (y + 8)2 = 36


The two options that represent circles with diameter 12 units and center on the y-axis are:

x² + (y - 6)² = 36

x² + (y + 6)² = 36

What is circles diameter?

The diameter of a circle is a straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and connects two points on its circumference. It is twice the length of the circle's radius.

The equations that represent circles that have a diameter of 12 units and a center that lies on the y-axis are:

x² + (y - 6)² = 36

x² + (y + 6)² = 36


For a circle with diameter 12 units, the radius is half of the diameter, which is 6 units.

Since the center of the circle lies on the y-axis, the x-coordinate of the center is 0.

The general equation for a circle with center (h, k) and radius r is (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r².

Using the given information, we substitute h = 0, k = ±6, and r = 6 to get the two equations:

(x - 0)² + (y - 6)² = 6² => x² + (y - 6)² = 36

(x - 0)² + (y + 6)² = 6² => x² + (y + 6)² = 36

Therefore, the two options that represent circles with diameter 12 units and center on the y-axis are:

x² + (y - 6)² = 36

x² + (y + 6)² = 36

To know more about circles diameter visit:



a kite flying in the air has a 94- string attached to it, and the string is pulled taut. the angle of elevation of the kite is . find the height of the kite. round your answer to the nearest tenth.


The height of the kite is approximately 68.4 ft.

To solve the problem, we can use trigonometry. We know that the string is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, with the height of the kite as one of the legs. The angle of elevation, which is the angle between the string and the ground, is also given. We can use the tangent function to find the height of the kite:

tan(46°) = height / 94

Solving for height, we get:

height = 94 * tan(46°)

Using a calculator, we get:

height ≈ 68.4 ft

Therefore, the height of the kite is approximately 68.4 ft.

We use the given angle of elevation and the length of the string to set up a right triangle with the height of the kite as one of the legs. Then, we use the tangent function to relate the angle to the height of the kite. Finally, we solve for the height using a calculator and round to the nearest tenth as requested.

Learn more about the height



Complete Question:

A kite flying in the air has a 94-ft string attached to it, and the string is pulled taut. The angle of elevation of the kite is 46 °. Find the height of the kite. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Solve for length of segment d.
= 4 cm
b = 12 cm
c = 6 cm
4. ? =
Enter the segment length tha
belongs in the green box.
If two segments intersect inside
or outside a circle: ab = cd


Answer: Using the given information and the formula ab = cd, we can write:

d = (ab) / c

We are given b = 12 cm and c = 6 cm. To find ab, we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

where a is the unknown length we want to find. Substituting the given values, we get:

a^2 + 12^2 = 6^2

a^2 + 144 = 36

a^2 = -108 (which is not a possible solution)

This means that the given values do not form a valid triangle. Therefore, we cannot find the length of segment d using the given information.

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve x^2 + 6x + 9 = 0 by graphing. Please enter the number part of your answer only.

If your answer has two numbers, enter them like this: x = 6 and -1 should be entered as "6, -1" (no quotes).




Step-by-step explanation:

You want the graphical solution to x² +6x +9 = 0.


The graph of the expression on the left shows it has a value of 0 when x = -3.

The solution is x = -3.


Additional comment

A graphing calculator is very helpful when you want a graphical solution.

If you want to graph this by hand, you can rewrite it as ...

  (x +3)² = 0

The graph of (x +3)² is a graph of the parent function y = x² after it has been shifted left 3 units. The graph will go through points (-5, 4), (-4, 1), (-3, 0), (-2, 1), (-1, 4). Of course the point at (-3, 0) indicates the solution is x=-3.

1. How many atoms are present in 8.500 mole of chlorine atoms?
2. Determine the mass (g) of 15.50 mole of oxygen.
3. Determine the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 108 g of helium.
4. Calculate the number of atoms in 147.82 g of sulfur.
5. Determine the molar mass of Co.
6. Determine the formula mass of Ca3(PO4)2.


The number of atoms in 8.500 moles of chlorine atoms is 5.12 × 10²⁴ atoms.The mass of 15.50 moles of oxygen is 248 g. The number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 10⁸ g of helium is 4.88 x 10⁷ moles of helium.The number of moles of sulfur in 147.82 g of sulfur is  4.61 moles of sulfur.The molar mass of cobalt (Co) is approximately 58.93 g/mol. The formula mass of Ca₃(PO₄)₂ is 310.17 g/mol.

What is the number of atoms?

The number of atoms in 8.500 moles of chlorine atoms can be calculated using Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10²³ atoms/mole.

So, the number of atoms in 8.500 moles of chlorine atoms would be:

8.500 moles × 6.022 × 10²³ atoms/mole = 5.12 × 10²⁴ atoms of chlorine.

The molar mass of oxygen is approximately 16.00 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of 15.50 moles of oxygen would be:

15.50 moles × 16.00 g/mol = 248 g of oxygen.

The molar mass of helium is approximately 4.00 g/mol. Therefore, the number of moles of helium in 1.953 x 10^8 g of helium would be:

1.953 x 10^8 g / 4.00 g/mol = 4.88 x 10⁷ moles of helium.

The molar mass of sulfur is approximately 32.06 g/mol. Therefore, the number of moles of sulfur in 147.82 g of sulfur would be:

147.82 g / 32.06 g/mol ≈ 4.61 moles of sulfur.

The molar mass of cobalt (Co) is approximately 58.93 g/mol.

The formula mass of Ca₃(PO₄)₂ can be calculated by adding the molar masses of all the individual atoms in the formula.

The molar mass of calcium (Ca) is approximately 40.08 g/mol, the molar mass of phosphorus (P) is approximately 30.97 g/mol, and the molar mass of oxygen (O) is approximately 16.00 g/mol.

Therefore, the formula mass of Ca₃(PO₄)₂ would be:

3 × 40.08 g/mol (for Ca) + 2 × (2 × 30.97 g/mol + 4 × 16.00 g/mol) (for P and O) = 310.17 g/mol.

Learn more about molar mass here: https://brainly.com/question/21334167


A vendor is using an 8-ft by 8-ft tent for a craft fair. The legs of the tent are 9ft tall and the tent top forms a square pyramid with a height of 3 ft. What is the volume, in cubic feet, of space the tent occupies?


The tent occupies 640 cubic feet of space.

What is volume of a space?

Volume is a measurement of the amount of three-dimensional space occupied by an object or substance. It is the measure of the amount of space that an object or substance occupies in three dimensions, typically expressed in cubic units such as cubic meters, cubic centimeters, or cubic feet.

For example, the volume of a cube can be calculated by multiplying its length by its width by its height (or side cubed):

V = l x w x h = [tex]s^3[/tex],

where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, h is the height, and s is the length of a side.

Volume is an important measurement in fields such as physics, engineering, architecture, and chemistry, where it is used to calculate quantities such as the amount of fluid that can be held by a container, the amount of material needed to construct a building, or the amount of a substance that can react with another substance in a chemical reaction.

The volume of the tent can be found by calculating the volume of the square pyramid and then adding the volume of the rectangular box formed by the tent's base.

The base of the tent is an 8-ft by 8-ft square, so its area is 8 x 8 = 64 square feet. The height of the pyramid is 3 ft, so its volume is:

V(pyramid) = (1/3) x base area x height

V(pyramid) = (1/3) x 64 x 3

V(pyramid) = 64 cubic feet

The rectangular box formed by the tent's base has dimensions of 8 ft by 8 ft by 9 ft, so its volume is:

V(box) = length x width x height

V(box) = 8 x 8 x 9

V(box) = 576 cubic feet

Therefore, the total volume of space the tent occupies is:

V(total) = V(pyramid) + V(box)

V(total) = 64 + 576

V(total) = 640 cubic feet

So the tent occupies 640 cubic feet of space.

To know more about volume visit:



fractions to decimals


Answer: 1 is .4

2. is .6

3 is .5

4 is .375

5 is .18

6 is .71

7 is .16

8 is .66 repeating

9 is .91

and 10 is .25

Step-by-step explanation:

to get all these and fractions to decimals in the future just divide the numerator by the denominator in other words the top number by the bottom number

1): 0.4

2): 0.67 or 0.7

3): 0.5

4): 0.37 or 0.4

5): 0.18

6): 0.42 or 0.5

7): 0.17

8): 0.7

9): 0.97 or 1

10): 0.25

A sprinkler can water a region with an 8 foot radius. A plant is 4 feet east and 6 feet north of the sprinkler. Is the plant in the sprinkler’s range? Why or why not?


The plant is not in the sprinkler's range since the distance between the sprinkler and the plant is greater than the radius of the sprinkler's range.

The distance between the sprinkler and the plant can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the longest side) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

In this case, the distance between the sprinkler and the plant is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs of length 4 feet and 6 feet:

distance = sqrt(4^2 + 6^2)

distance = sqrt(16 + 36)

distance = sqrt(52)

distance ≈ 7.21 feet

Since the distance between the sprinkler and the plant is greater than the radius of the sprinkler's range (8 feet), the plant is not in the sprinkler's range. Therefore, the plant will not receive water from the sprinkler.

Learn more about Pythagorean theorem here



Find the value of ‘x’
x =


The value of x, in the image given is calculated by applying the intersecting chords theorem, which is: x = 16.

What is the Intersecting Chords Theorem?

The Intersecting Chords Theorem, also known as the Ptolemy's Theorem, states that in a circle, if two chords intersect, then the product of the lengths of the segments of one chord is equal to the product of the lengths of the segments of the other chord.

In mathematical terms, if two chords, AB and CD, intersect at point E inside a circle, then:

AE × EB = CE × ED

Applying the theorem, we have:

5(x) = (x - 6)8

5x = 8x - 48

5x - 8x = -48

-3x = -48

x = 16

Learn more about the Intersecting Chords Theorem on:



Can someone help me ASAP? It’s due today


The only option that represents an independent event is: Option C: "Spinning a Spinner with eight evenly spaced sections, then spinning it again.".

How to Identify Independent Events?

Independent events are defined as those events whose occurrence is not dependent on any other event. For example, if we flip a coin in the air and get the outcome as Head, then again if we flip the coin but this time we get the outcome as Tail. In both cases, the occurrence of both events is independent of each other.

Looking at the given options, the only one that represents an independent event is "Spinning a Spinner with eight evenly spaced sections, then spinning it again.".

This is because each event does not depend on another one of the events being described.

Read more about Independent Events at: https://brainly.com/question/22881926


Calculate the slope of the line between pairs of points in each of the tables to determine which table represents a linear function? A. B. C. D.



Table D represents the linear function

y = x + 1.

for which data frequency is seasonality not a problem? group of answer choices monthly. weekly. annual. daily. quarterly.


Seasonality may be less of a problem for annual data frequency as there may be less variation due to the longer time interval.

What is annual data frequency?

Annual data frequency refers to data that is collected and reported on an annual basis. This means that the data points in the dataset represent a full year's worth of data, with one data point for each year. Annual data is often used in economic indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP) or unemployment rates, and can provide insights into long-term trends and changes over time.

What is GDP?

GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders during a specific time period, typically a year. It is used as an indicator of a country's economic health and growth. GDP is calculated by adding up the total spending on consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports (exports minus imports) during the period.

According to the given information

Seasonality may still be a problem for data frequencies of monthly, weekly, daily, and quarterly as certain patterns or fluctuations may occur within each of these time intervals. Seasonality may be less of a problem for annual data frequency as there may be less variation due to the longer time interval.

To know more about the GDP visit:



A triangle has two legs measuring 21 cm and 20 cm. Which of the following leg measurement will make a right triangle?


The leg measurement will make a right triangle is 21 cm.

What is hypotenous?

The longest side of a right-angled triangle, i.e. the side opposite the right angle, is called the hypotenuse in geometry.

Pythagorean theorem :

If p be the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle, q and r be the lengths of the other two sides, then

p² = q² + r²

The lengths of the other two sides of the given right-angled triangle are 20 cm and 21 cm. Put these values in the above theorem to get the desired result.

Now, p² = (20)² + (21)²

= 400 + 441 = 841

i.e. p = √(841) = 29

Therefore the length of the hypotenuse is 29 cm. The right angle traingle is 21 cm.

Learn more about hypotenuse, here:



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