Skiff's mom died recently, and his fisherman dad won't get off the couch to do anything but get another beer
Many people think that postal service is a recent invention. There has been postal service for over 4,000 years, Kings and emperors were the
first people to receive messages carried by runners or horseback riders. As writing developed, the messages were sent on clay tablets or parchment
scrolls. It was not until the 1500s in England that common people began to use the postal service.
What is the main point of this paragraph?
1. Messages were sent with runners.
O 2 Clay tablets were used for messages.
3. England had postal service in the 1500s.
O 4. Postal service has existed for thousands of years.
4. Postal service has existed for thousands of years.
Whose words are in
quotation marks in “When
I was One-and-Twenty”?