what kinds of problems did activists seek to address in the united states and western europe during the three decades from 1945 to 1975? select all that apply.


Answer 1


During the three decades from 1945 to 1975, activists in the United States and Western Europe sought to address a wide range of social, political, and economic problems. Some of the key issues that activists focused on during this period included:

Civil Rights: In the United States, activists worked to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans, and to secure voting rights and equal treatment under the law. In Western Europe, activists worked to address discrimination against minority groups such as immigrants and ethnic minorities.Women's Rights: Activists in both the United States and Western Europe sought to address gender inequality and secure equal rights and opportunities for women, including access to education, employment, and political representation.Anti-War Activism: The Vietnam War and other conflicts in the Cold War era spurred a wave of anti-war activism in the United States and Western Europe, with activists protesting against military intervention and advocating for peace and diplomacy.Environmentalism: The growing awareness of environmental issues and the impact of human activities on the natural world led to the emergence of environmental activism, with activists advocating for conservation, protection of natural resources, and sustainable development.Labor Rights: Activists in the United States and Western Europe worked to address issues such as low wages, unsafe working conditions, and lack of job security, and to secure better working conditions and workers' rights.

Overall, activists during the period from 1945 to 1975 sought to challenge established power structures and promote social, political, and economic equality and justice. Their efforts helped to bring about significant changes in laws, policies, and social attitudes, and continue to inspire activism and social change today.

Related Questions

When infantry got tired advancing through No Man's Land what did
they take cover in?


During World War I, when infantry got tired advancing through No Man's Land, they took cover in shell craters, which were formed by the constant shelling of the battlefield. These craters provided some protection from enemy fire, but they were also dangerous, as they could be filled with water or gas. Soldiers also dug trenches and dugouts, which provided more substantial cover and protection for troops. Trench warfare was a defining characteristic of World War I, as soldiers would spend days, weeks, or even months in these makeshift shelters.


when did the united states experience the highest level of inflation? in the gilded age of the late 1880's. in the great depression of the 1930's. in the oil shocks of the 1970's. during the great moderation from 1982-2008 during the great recession from 2008-2010.


The united states experience the highest level of inflation in the oil shocks of the 1970s.

The inflation United States was because of two surges in oil prices in 1970 Which caused the U.S. to experience its longest and highest inflation. An oil embargo caused the first surge in oil prices and it was implemented by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The decline in the production of oil is due to the Iranian Revolution and Iran–Iraq War which caused the second surge in oil prices. Because of these problems, the oil price quadrupled from $2.90 a barrel to $11.65 a barrel in January 1974.

To learn more about Inflation:



What diplomatic accomplishments were achieved during the Bush years in Libya, Pakistan, and China?


During the Bush years, diplomatic accomplishments included the normalization of relations with Libya, cooperation with Pakistan in the war on terror, and efforts to build a constructive relationship with China.

What are the accomplishments?

During the Bush years, there were several diplomatic accomplishments achieved in Libya, Pakistan, and China:

1. Libya: In 2003, Libya agreed to abandon its nuclear weapons program and renounce support for terrorism. This was a significant achievement, as Libya had previously been considered a rogue state and a sponsor of terrorism.

2. Pakistan: The Bush administration worked to strengthen relations with Pakistan in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The US provided significant aid to Pakistan, including military assistance, in exchange for its cooperation in the war on terror. The Bush administration also engaged in diplomacy with Pakistan over the issue of Kashmir, which helped to improve relations between India and Pakistan.

3. China: During the Bush years, the US and China worked to strengthen economic ties and engage in strategic dialogue. In 2006, the US and China established the Strategic Economic Dialogue, which aimed to promote cooperation on issues such as trade, investment, and energy. The Bush administration also worked to persuade China to play a more active role in addressing global challenges, such as climate change and nuclear proliferation.

To know more about diplomacy, visit:



Complete question is: Normalization of relations with Libya, cooperation with Pakistan in the war on terror, and efforts to build a constructive relationship with China, diplomatic accomplishments were achieved during the Bush years in Libya, Pakistan, and China.

the formal foundations of western theatre were established in


The formal foundations of Western theatre can be traced back to ancient Greece. In the 5th century BCE, the Greeks developed a theatrical culture that laid the groundwork for modern Western theatre.

Greek theatre was performed in open-air amphitheaters and included elements such as dialogue, chorus, actors, masks, and spectacle. The plays of famous Greek playwrights such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides set the standards for dramatic structure, character development, and a plot that continue to influence theatre today. Greek theatre also introduced the concept of the "three unities" - unity of time, place, and action - which emphasized a cohesive and structured approach to storytelling.

Additionally, Greek theatre had a strong religious and civic significance, often serving as a form of public entertainment, moral education, and political commentary. Western theatre also had a profound influence on other forms of performing arts, including comedy, tragedy, and satire.

To learn more about Western Theatre, visit here



The formal foundations of western theatre were established in

ancient Greece, around the 5th century BCE.

This period is known as the Golden Age of Greece, and it produced some of the most famous playwrights in history, including Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. These playwrights wrote plays that were performed in large open-air theaters in Athens, and the performances were attended by thousands of people.

The formal foundations of western theatre were established through the development of several key theatrical elements, including the use of a proscenium arch stage, the development of specific dramatic genres, such as tragedy and comedy, and the use of masks and costumes to represent characters.

The Greeks also developed the concept of the chorus, a group of performers who commented on the action of the play and provided a link between the audience and the characters on stage.

This period is known as the Golden Age of Greece, and it produced some of the most famous playwrights in history, including Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. These playwrights wrote plays that were performed in large open-air theaters in Athens, and the performances were attended by thousands of people.

The formal foundations of western theatre were established through the development of several key theatrical elements, including the use of a proscenium arch stage, the development of specific dramatic genres, such as tragedy and comedy, and the use of masks and costumes to represent characters.

The Greeks also developed the concept of the chorus, a group of performers who commented on the action of the play and provided a link between the audience and the characters on stage.

Overall, the formal foundations of western theatre were established in ancient Greece and have since been refined and expanded upon over the centuries. Today, theatre continues to be an important art form, with new plays being written and performed all over the world.

For more question on western theatre



The design of a Shinto temple would most likely draw attention to. answer choices. A. a code of moral rules. B. worship of foreign gods.
C. respect for the beauty of nature.


C. respect for the beauty of nature.

Historian and author, Leonard W.
Courie wrote that "Faith in religion
decreased after the plague." What
evidence from this account might
support Courie's claim?


After the epidemic, "religious faith declined," according to historian and novelist Leonard W. Courie. The text's proof is that Catholic clergy were so terrified of the epidemic that they refused to provide last rites or listen to sinners' confessions and confessions of sin. Many wished to make their final will and testament, according to the report, as well as to confess their sins to the priests.Priests, however, would not go into sick people's homes.

After the epidemic, did religious belief decline?

Following the plague, there was a decline in religious belief caused by both the deaths of so many clergy members and the ineffectiveness of prayer un preventing illness and death.  

Why were people's attitudes towards religion impacted by the plague?

Due to the widespread belief that the disease was God's retribution for wicked behavior, it had a profound influence on religion. Land and structures owned by the church were unharmed.

To know more about plague visit:-



The court system is organized to ensure that errors and mistakes can be corrected.
strongly disagree
strongly agree



It is strongly agreed that court systems are organized to ensures that any error or mistake can be corrected.


Courts in any form judicial or quasi-judicial performs the function to keep on check any error in law making or implementing.

Legislative makes the law and executive implement the law. It is only judiciary or the court that ensures that the law adheres the legal framework of the nation or not. If it does, it intervenes to correct such laws.

Read more about Judiciary and Court: https://brainly.in/question/754044

Why portugal and ottoman turkey involvedin the war b/n chirstiankingdom and muslim sultanates


Portugal and the Ottoman Turks were involved in the war between Christian Kingdoms and Muslim Sultanates because both empires had a vested interest in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

The Portuguese were interested in the spice trade and the wealth that came with it, while the Ottomans wanted to expand their empire into the Mediterranean and other areas of the world. The two sides also had a history of conflict, with the Portuguese and Spanish being involved in the Reconquista, which was the Christian reconquest of what had been Muslim territories in Iberia.

The Ottomans and the Portuguese had similarly been involved in clashes in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and India. Thus, when Christian armies fought against Muslim forces in the Middle East, the two empires were naturally drawn into the conflict.

To know more about Portugal , click here:



When was the federal government spending largest as a percentage of the economy?


The Pentagon and the military represent the vast majority of discretionary spending. This makes up more than half of the discretionary budget in the majority of years.

When did the amount spent by the government reach its peak?

High federal expenditures and budget imbalances frequently cause major confrontations. Federal spending increased by about 10 times compared to pre-war levels, reaching 20 percent of national production during World War I and 45 percent of GDP during World War II.

What effects might we expect from higher government spending?

Because of the increased government expenditure, there can be a multiplier impact. If government spending helps the unemployed find work, aggregate demand will increase even more since they will have more money to spend.

Learn more about federal expenditures: https://brainly.com/question/15688870


which of the following were true of the secularization of the christian concept of history in the 19th-early 20th centuries? which of the following were true of the secularization of the christian concept of history in the 19th-early 20th centuries? william blake's song jerusalem was viewed by many in england as being an expression of the optimism this secularization of the concept of christian history produced. the secularization of the christian concept of history viewed education and technological improvements as being instrumental in bringing in this kingdom. optimism reigned supreme throughout europe based on this secularization of the christian concept of history. the secularization of the christian concept of history taught that despite human effort, god was still the one who was needed to bring about the kingdom of god.


William Blake's song "Jerusalem" was viewed by many in England as being an expression of the optimism this secularization of the concept of Christian history produced.

The term "secularization of the Christian concept of history" refers to the shift that took place in the 19th and early 20th centuries in which the dominant narrative of history moved away from a religious framework towards a more secular one. This shift was influenced by various factors, including the Enlightenment, scientific discoveries, and technological advancements.The concept of the "Kingdom of God" was central to the Christian view of history, and its secularization meant that this idea was adapted to a more secular understanding of progress and human achievement. The secularized view saw education and technological improvements as instrumental in bringing about a better world.William Blake's song "Jerusalem" is an example of how this secularization of Christian history was expressed in art and literature. The song speaks of a new Jerusalem, a metaphor for a better world, which can be achieved through human effort. This idea of progress and optimism was widespread throughout Europe during this time period.

Learn more about secularization here:



Now, your own answer. Ensure your answer is at least two full paragraphs at a minimum and give SOLID reasoning for your opinion - give examples!
Write your opinion to one of these prompts:
a) The U.S should have not gotten involved with Vietnam AT ALL.
b) The U.S should have gotten involved because....
c) The U.S should not have pulled out of the war when we did because.....


The U.S involvement in Vietnam was a complex and controversial issue that deeply divided the American public during the 1960s and early 1970s. On one hand, many people believed that the U.S had no business getting involved in Vietnam and that it was a costly and unnecessary war that ultimately led to many deaths and a great deal of suffering. On the other hand, many others believed that the U.S had a duty to intervene in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism and protect democracy in Southeast Asia.

Those who opposed the war argued that it was a civil war between the North and South Vietnamese and that the U.S had no right to intervene. Furthermore, they pointed to the fact that many of the soldiers who were drafted to fight in the war came from lower-income families, while the wealthy and well-connected were able to avoid the draft altogether. This fueled a sense of injustice and resentment among many Americans and contributed to growing protests against the war.

Those who supported the war argued that it was part of a larger effort to contain communism and prevent its spread throughout the world. They believed that if the U.S did not intervene in Vietnam, the spread of communism would continue unabated, leading to greater instability and conflict in the region. They also pointed to the fact that the U.S had a long history of intervention in foreign conflicts and that this was just another chapter in that story.

Ultimately, the decision to get involved in Vietnam and to withdraw from the war were both complex and controversial, and there are strong arguments on both sides of the issue. It is important to remember the lessons of the Vietnam War and to strive for a world where conflict and violence are minimized, and justice and equality are promoted.

identify some of the factors that contributed to the red summer of 1919.


The Red Summer of 1919 was a period of intense racial violence that lasted from May to October of that year.

It was marked by a wave of riots, lynchings, and other acts of mob violence in cities and rural areas across the United States. The violence was concentrated in the Midwest and the South, particularly in African American urban communities. The factors that contributed to the Red Summer of 1919 include economic depression, increased racial tensions, labor disputes, and a lack of meaningful police intervention.

Economic depression was caused by the end of World War I and the economic recession that followed. Increased racial tensions were sparked by the rapid migration of African Americans from the South to the North in search of better economic opportunities and a better life. Labor disputes between white and African American workers resulted in strikes and labor unrest. Finally, police often failed to provide protection for African American communities, allowing mobs to engage in violent acts of racism and hate.

To know more about Economic depression, click here:



The American YawpChapter 18-Industrial AmericaQuiz.1. In the late nineteenth century, which American city had the largest meat processingindustry?
a. Chicago
b. New York
c. St.Louis
d. Dallas


a. Chicago had the largest meat processing industry in the late nineteenth century, according to The American Yawp Chapter 18-Industrial America.

The American Yawp is a free, online, and collaborative open educational resource that offers a comprehensive and dynamic overview of American history. It features a diverse array of primary and secondary sources, including texts, images, maps, and multimedia, that collectively paint a rich and complex portrait of the American experience. Through its innovative approach to storytelling, the American Yawp presents a multi-dimensional perspective on American history, addressing themes such as power, conflict, identity, and change. By engaging with the voices of various peoples and perspectives, the American Yawp encourages critical thinking and active participation in the ongoing conversation about the American past and its relevance to the present.

Learn more about American Yawp here:



In the late nineteenth century, the American meat processing industry was booming.

Among the cities that played a significant role in this industry, Chicago stood out as the largest meat processing city in the country. The Union Stock Yard and Transit Company, established in Chicago in 1865, became the center of the meatpacking industry, and the city became known as the "hog butcher to the world."

However, Dallas was not a major player in the meat processing industry during this period. While Dallas did have some meatpacking operations, they were relatively small-scale and did not have the same level of impact as the major meatpacking cities like Chicago.

In conclusion, while Chicago was the largest meat processing city in the late nineteenth century, Dallas did not play a significant role in the industry during this period.

For more question on booming



Evaluate the extent to which the years from 1865 to 1900 represent
change and/or continuity over time in relation to government corruption and
political patronage.


Each president's government was centered on preserving the spoils system, or the power of the president to engage in widespread political patronage. The president's selection of friends and associates to various political offices in this case amounted to favoritism.

What may serve as an example of corruption during the Gilded Age?

In this most notorious instance of Gilded Period corruption, several politicians accepted cash and stock bribes in return for authorizing exaggerated government financing for the construction of the transcontinental railroad. In addition, the Democrats sought a candidate who would support change in the face of rising political corruption.

What kind of patronage system existed throughout the Middle Ages?

The patronage system was one of the most significant social and cultural structures in the Middle Ages. In addition to financial assistance, patrons and their clients also formed relationships based on political and personal influence.

Learn more about political patronage: https://brainly.com/question/29870571


the late paleozoic ice age was most likely caused by


The late Paleozoic ice age was most likely caused by a combination of factors, including the movement of tectonic plates, which led to the formation of the supercontinent Gondwana, and a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels due to increased weathering and the proliferation of land plants.

During the Paleozoic era, which lasted from about 541 to 252 million years ago, the Earth experienced multiple episodes of ice formation and glaciation. These events, known as Paleozoic ice, were marked by the growth of massive ice sheets and glaciers that covered vast areas of the planet, particularly in the southern hemisphere. These ice formations had a significant impact on the Earth's climate and ecosystems, influencing sea levels, weather patterns, and biodiversity. Evidence of Paleozoic ice can be found in geological records, such as glacial deposits, striations, and dropstones, providing valuable insights into the Earth's ancient climate history and the processes that shaped our planet's landscapes during this time.

Learn more about Paleozoic ice here:



The late Paleozoic ice age, also known as the Carboniferous glaciation, was most likely caused by a combination of factors including tectonic activity, changes in the Earth's orbit, and changes in atmospheric composition.

During this time, the continents were clustered together in a supercontinent called Pangaea, which disrupted oceanic circulation and led to cooler temperatures. Additionally, variations in the Earth's orbit, known as Milankovitch cycles, also contributed to the cooling of the climate.

Finally, changes in atmospheric composition, particularly the buildup of carbon dioxide due to the spread of forests, may have played a role in initiating the ice age. The cooling climate led to the growth of glaciers in high latitudes, which eventually spread to lower latitudes and covered much of the southern hemisphere.

The late Paleozoic ice age lasted for approximately 30 million years and had a significant impact on the evolution of life on Earth.

For more question on tectonic activity



why did tobacco cultivation move westward in the 1830s? multiple choice question. tobacco farming had exhausted the land, so farmers had to switch to other crops. uprisings of enslaved people led to labor shortages in virginia and north carolina. many young tobacco farmers moved west


Tobacco cultivation moved westward in the 1830s for a variety of reasons.

All the options are correct.

One of the primary reasons was that tobacco farming had exhausted the land in the eastern states, so farmers had to move westward to find new land to cultivate. Additionally, uprisings of enslaved people led to labor shortages in Virginia and North Carolina, so farmers had to look elsewhere for new labor sources.

Lastly, many young tobacco farmers moved west in search of new opportunities, as they felt they could make more money further west. All of these factors combined to create an environment in which tobacco cultivation was driven westward in the 1830s.

All the options are correct.

To know more about Tobacco , click here:



the sequence of events from the time that a cross-bridge binds to a thin filament, through the movement, to the time that it is ready to bind again is known as the cross-bridge


The sequence of events that occurs from the moment a to a thin filament, through the movement, and up to the moment it is ready to bind again is referred to as the cross-bridge cycle.

This cycle consists of several steps that are tightly regulated by the presence of calcium ions and the availability of ATP. First, a cross-bridge binds to a thin filament, causing a conformational change in the myosin head that releases stored energy.

This energy is then used to move the thin filament towards the center of the sarcomere, resulting in muscle contraction.

After this movement, the cross-bridge releases the thin filament and is ready to bind to another site along the filament, repeating the cycle. This process is repeated many times during muscle contraction, allowing for the coordinated movement of muscle fibers.

The sequence of events from the time a cross-bridge binds to a thin filament, through its movement, until it is ready to bind again is known as the cross-bridge cycle. This cycle is crucial for muscle contraction.

This cycle is crucial for muscle contraction and involves multiple steps, including cross-bridge formation, power stroke, detachment, and reactivation.

Visit here to learn more about Muscle Contraction:



The sequence of events that occur from the time a cross-bridge binds to a thin filament, to the point where it is ready to bind again, is known as the cross-bridge cycle.

This cycle begins with the binding of the myosin head (cross-bridge) to the actin molecule of the thin filament, forming a cross-bridge between the two filaments. ATP is then hydrolyzed, causing the myosin head to change its conformation and move towards the center of the sarcomere (power stroke). This movement causes the thin filament to slide along the thick filament, resulting in muscle contraction.

After the power stroke, the ADP and phosphate molecules are released, and a new ATP molecule binds to the myosin head. This binding causes the cross-bridge to detach from the actin molecule, allowing it to return to its original conformation. The myosin head then becomes ready to bind to a new actin molecule, beginning the cycle again.

The cross-bridge cycle is a crucial process in muscle contraction, as it allows for the repeated binding and detachment of myosin and actin filaments, resulting in the sliding of the thin filaments along the thick filaments and the shortening of the sarcomere.

For more question on cross-bridge cycle



The __________ Sea was the world's fourth-largest lake before the Soviet Union diverted feeder rivers for irrigation, causing it to almost dry up.


Answer: The Aral Sea


Which of the following contributed most to the advancement of women's athletics?
A. the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut
B. the passage of Title IX
C. the ruling in Roe v. Wade
D. the overturning of California Proposition 8



The Passage of Title IX


Congress enacted Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which requires that no person be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex under “any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” It authorizes any federal agency

Describe the change that occur in the composition of the company Army



The composition of the British East India Company's army changed significantly over time, reflecting broader changes in the company's role and influence in India. In the early years of the company's presence in India, its army was composed primarily of European soldiers, who were often recruited from Britain or other European countries. These soldiers were typically better trained and better equipped than their Indian counterparts, and they played a significant role in establishing and maintaining British control over Indian territories.

However, over time, the East India Company began to rely more heavily on Indian soldiers, known as sepoys, to supplement its European forces. This was partly due to practical considerations, as the company needed to maintain a large and well-trained army to support its growing territorial ambitions in India. It was also due to political considerations, as the company sought to establish better relations with local Indian rulers and communities by hiring Indian soldiers and officers.

The sepoys were recruited from diverse backgrounds and regions of India, and they were typically paid less than their European counterparts. However, they were often well-trained and disciplined, and they played a crucial role in many of the company's military campaigns and battles. The sepoys also helped to bridge the cultural divide between the company and the local Indian population, as they often had a better understanding of Indian customs, languages, and traditions than their European counterparts.

However, the changing composition of the East India Company's army also contributed to tensions and conflicts between different groups within the army. This was particularly evident during the Indian Rebellion of 1857, when sepoys and other Indian soldiers rebelled against British rule and the perceived mistreatment of Indian soldiers by their European officers. The rebellion ultimately led to significant changes in the company's army, including the disbanding of the East India Company and the transfer of power to the British Crown.

Question 8 of 15 Charlemagne's significant achievements included: A. guaranteeing equal rights to people of all religious faiths. B. establishing written codes of lawrthroughout western Europe. C. reuniting the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches. D. forcing Muslim empires to abandon their territory in Spain.​


D, and for the most part it had me confused to, but my sis and my dad helped me. My dads Hess A whouldn’t be the best for this


b. establishing written codes of law throughout western Europe


test approved

Using the documents provided and your knowledge of world history, analyze the degree to wihich communist movements affected women's struggle for rights in the twentieth century


Communist movements in the twentieth century had a major impact on women's struggle for rights.

In countries with strong communist regimes, laws were passed that granted equal rights to women in the workplace, equal pay, and the right to vote. In some cases, women were even given leadership roles in the communist governments.

However, in other countries, the influence of communist movements on the struggle for women's rights was more limited. Communist movements in some countries were unsuccessful or too weak to have a meaningful impact on the rights of women, and in others, the communist governments were oppressive and limited the rights of women.

Overall, communist movements played an important role in the struggle for women's rights in the twentieth century, but their impact varied depending on the country.

To know more about Communist movements, click here:



Why is us blockading Cuba



Simple, because they are communist


Back in the Cold War, Cuba suffered a revolution with Fidel Castro, with help from Che Guevara, took over Cuba. The US, being the imperialist hypocrites they are, attempted to invade in the Bay of Pigs invasion, which failed, and the Cuban Missile Crisis happened (USSR places nukes in Cuba as a response to America putting nukes in Turkey and Italy.). Anyways, spoiler, the US never ends up invading Cuba, and Castro remained in power until his death in 2016. They still blockade them simply because they are still communist to this day, and that in my opinion is what causes suffering in the country. Not communism, but the sanctions and blockade on Cuba.

When children were used in factory worked they were kept safe and worked limited hours



When children were used in factory worked they were kept safe and worked limited hours is a False statement .

How were children employed as factory workers?

During the Industrial Revolution, factories and mines that needed workers grew. Children were ideal employees because they could work for less money, were typically smaller, so they could do their jobs in tight spaces, and were less likely to organize and strike over their appalling working conditions.

Five to six days a week, children in the mills typically worked eleven or twelve hours. Cotton was protected from breaking by moisture and heat, so windows were frequently closed. There were few government regulations regarding working hours and conditions during the Industrial Revolution. Kids frequently needed to work under extremely hazardous circumstances. They lost fingers or limbs while working with powerful machinery without training. They developed lung diseases while working in mines with poor ventilation.

To learn more about revolution visit :



Where were the people from who settled in new amsterdam


dutch. Germans, English, and Walloons (French speakers from today's Belgium) populated the colony along with Dutch nationals.

Bamabodhini patrika impacts in point wise



Bamabodhini Patrika was a Bengali language magazine published in the 19th century. It is considered a significant publication in the history of Bengali literature and played an important role in the Bengal Renaissance. Here are some of the impacts of Bamabodhini Patrika:

Promotion of female education: Bamabodhini Patrika was one of the first magazines in Bengal to promote female education. It encouraged women to pursue education and featured articles on women's education and empowerment.Literary contributions: The magazine featured literary works by prominent Bengali writers such as Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Rabindranath Tagore, and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. It also published works by female writers, which was unusual at the time.Social reforms: Bamabodhini Patrika advocated for social reforms such as women's rights, widow remarriage, and the abolition of caste system. It played a significant role in raising awareness about these issues and promoting social change.Language reform: The magazine played a key role in the development of the Bengali language. It introduced new words and idioms, and standardized the use of Bengali language in literature.Political impact: The magazine also had a political impact, as it supported the Indian independence movement. It featured articles on nationalism and the need for self-rule, and played a role in shaping the political consciousness of Bengali society.

Overall, Bamabodhini Patrika had a significant impact on Bengali literature, language, and society. It helped to promote social reforms, empower women, and raise awareness about political issues.

In a paragraph write a short summary explaining how World War I affected the women, minorities, and effected the civil liberties of everyone. You need to say was before the war for each group to fully explain how it changed life. You need seven sentences. You must indent. You will be graded on correct sentence structure


With thousands and thousands of men away from home, ladies filled manufacturing and agricultural positions on the domestic front. Others supplied help on the front traces as nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, translators and, in uncommon cases, on the battlefield.

How did World War 1 have an effect on women's rights?

The suffrage motion regarded stalled by using the first decade of the twentieth century. But World War I changed the dynamic and sooner or later bolstered the suffrage movement. The industrial needs of cutting-edge war intended that female moved into the labor pressure and contributed to the conflict effort on the home front.

Most notably, the aftermath of the fighting witnessed women gaining vote casting rights in many countries for the first time. Yet women's full participation in political existence remained limited, and some states did now not enfranchise their lady inhabitants until plenty later (1944 in France).

Learn more about World War 1 here:


What issue does the south carolina legislature have with congress? 2. What region(s) of the country would agree with the message? 3. What region(s) of the country would disagree with the message? 4. Does this document support the american system? how do you know? 5. What is the historical circumstance of this document? 6. Who is the intended audience of this document? 7. What is the point of view of the document? 8. What is the purpose of this document?


The issue the South Carolina legislature has with Congress is that the last session was unconstitutional.

The issue is related to the last session being unconstitutional, it is possible that South Carolina may have challenged the constitutionality of a particular law or action taken by the U.S. Congress during the last session. Without more information, it is difficult to provide further details or explanations.

This means that South Carolina may have argued that the law or action violated the U.S. Constitution, and therefore, was not legally valid. Challenges to the constitutionality of laws or actions taken by the federal government are not uncommon among states, and it is within their legal rights to do so.

To learn more about unconstitutional follow the link:



--The question is inappropriate, the correct question is:

What issue does the South Carolina legislature have with Congress? --

the antarctic treaty that presently holds national land claims at abeyance expired in 1991 and was replaced by the wellington agreement. group of answer choices true false


The Antarctic treaty that directly holds federal land shares at abeyance expired in 1991 and was returned by the Wellington agreement. Thus, this statement is False.

The Antarctic Treaty, which was marked in 1959, does not pass but instead has an unlimited period. The Accord does not identify or confirm any territorial assertions in Antarctica and carries such claims in suspension.

They are used to disarm Antarctica, to show it as a site gratis of nuclear trials and the removal of radioactive junk, and to confirm that it is used for soft goals only to facilitate global scientific alliance in Antarctica to set aside arguments over territorial authority.

To learn more about the Antarctic treaty



W.E.B. Du Bois, Frederick Douglass, and Booker T. Washington all blamed as one of the causes why black people were mistreated


He founded the NAACP in 1909 because he believed that people of colour frequently suffered racism and discrimination in the workplace and educational institutions. The organization's first goals were to help people of colour get an education and find employment.

Why are black people mistreated in washington?

Seattle was as committed to white supremacy as any place in America for the most of its history, resulting in a severely segregated city. The majority of jobs, the majority of communities and schools, the majority of shops, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial establishments, even hospitals, were all segregated from people of colour.

The system of harsh racial discrimination in Seattle, like in other western states, targeted not just African Americans but also Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, individuals with Mexican ancestry, and occasionally Jews.

To know more about discrimination, visit:



Other Questions
a tax of $4.50 is levied on the seller of the item below. the equilibrium price before the tax. $ the price that buyers effectively pay after the tax. $ the price that sellers effectively receive after the tax. $ the incidence of the tax on buyers is . $ the incidence of the tax on sellers is. $ Based on the excerpt, which is the most reasonable plot prediction? Farquhar may unknowingly walk into a trap. Farquhar will pursue the soldier from the North. Farquhar and the soldier may engage in an altercation. Farquhar and his wife will forget about the soldier. Which statement is true about oxygen in plants?ResponsesOxygen is stored in the plant for animals to consume and use for cellular respiration.Oxygen is stored in the plant for animals to consume and use for cellular respiration.Plants both produce and use oxygen for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, respectively.Plants both produce and use oxygen for photosynthesis and cellular respiration, respectively.Plants need to take in both carbon dioxide and oxygen for the process of photosynthesis.Plants need to take in both carbon dioxide and oxygen for the process of photosynthesis.Oxygen is produced only for photosynthesis and is not used for any other purpose. what principle describes the idea that adolescents are not only influenced by their parents but also influence their parents? HELP ASAP ______________________ are based on private enterprise.Traditional economiesCommand economiesMarket economiesMixed economies If your grade is a 68.9 and you have an assignment that is worth 100% how much would it take off your grade the alchemist questions santiago stops in tarifa to consult with an old woman about his recurring dream. what price does she charge him? Which of these statements includes ametaphor?He felt unwell and looked as pale assnow.She had teeth as white as pearls.I was as hungry as a horse."Thank you for your help, you're a star!"PLEASE PLEASE HELPPP Chapter 31: Care of Patients with Infectious Respiratory ProblemsMULTIPLE CHOICE1 nurse working in a geriatric clinic sees clients with cold symptoms and rhinitis. Which drug would be appropriate to teach these clients to take for their symptoms? a. Chlorpheniramine (Chlor- Trimeton) b. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) c. Fexofenadine (Allegra) d. Hydroxyzine (Vistaril) There are only Ured counters and g green counters in a bag. A counter is taken at random from the bag. The probability that the counter is green is 37The counter is put back in the bag. 2 more red counters and 3 more green counters are put in the bag. A counter is taken at random from the bag. The probability that the counter is green is 613 Find the number of red counters and the number of green counters that were in the bag originally a line segment is plotted in the coordinate plane. It has endpoints of (-3, -3) and (5, -3). The line segment is one side of a square. What is the area of the square? Help with following pleaseHelp with following please. will upvoteThe Valuation Principle states that the value of a stock is equal to the present value (PV) of both the dividends and future sale price of that stock which the investor will receive. True O False Suppose the market risk premium is 5.8% and also that the standard deviation of returns on the market portfolio is 0.26. Further assume that the correlation between the returns on ABX (Barrick Gold) stock and returns on the market portfolio is 0.7, while the standard deviation of returns on ABX stock is 0.35. Finally assume that the risk-free rate is 2.1 %. Under the CAPM, what is the expected return on ABX stock? (write this number as a decimal and not as a percentage, e.g. 0.11 not 11%. Round your answer to three decimal places. For example 1.23450 or 1.23463 will be rounded to 1.235 while 1.23448 will be rounded to 1.234) a solution is 0.0300m in both cro42- and so42-. slowly, pb(no3)2 is added to this solution. what is the concentration of cro42- that remains in solution when pbso4 first begins to precipitate? ksp of pbcro4 A dependent clause can act as which part of speech within the structure of a sentence?a. Verbb. Pronounc. Adjectived. Conjunction You bought a stock one year ago for $49.62 per share and sold it today for $56.11 per share. It paid a $1.77 per share dividend today.a.What was your realized return? b.How much of the return came from dividend yield and how much came from capital gain? which of the following is not an effective concluding transition?AccordinglyBy comparisonOn the wholeTherefore If f(x)={x+4 if x2 -x if x>2, what is f(4)?A. -2B. 4C. -4D. 0 the reasons behind the accelerating pace of globalization include:select one:a.lower barriers to international tradeb.countries with previously planned economies are embracing market or mixed economiesc.transportation and information technology shrinks the importance of geographic distancesd.all of these Choose a publicly traded company to research for the term. By law, publicly traded companies must file financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and these are readily available to us. Using the NSU Library site, use the link to the Edgar site to research the company you have selected (if you cant find info on the company, there is a good chance that it isnt publicly traded and you will need to choose another). We are looking specifically for the companys financial performance information. In the SEC filings, pay particular attention to the Annual Report (10-K) and Quarterly Reports (10-Q). These documents are pro-forma and relatively boring to read. Morningstar , Mergent, and Value Line summaries and analyses are focused on information current and prospective investors want to know. Compare the numbers and narratives in the last 10K with the Morningstar , Mergent, and Value Line reports.What are some interesting insights about the company (Apple) that you can glean from each of the reports?Does the financial outlook look good for future performance?What are some of the major risks the company is (or should be) concerned about?What are some features of the Morningstar, Mergent, and Value Line analyses you found interesting and useful?