What relationships are important to justyce


Answer 1
relationships with your family, friends, people you value in life

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Commas with Compound Sentences Practice
help please



1: Checkmark,2:idk, 3: X(after party), 4: Checkmark


Words like "gonna" and phrases like "where they do that at?" are examples of
Formal Language





The dictionary definition of colloquialism is:

- a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

- the use of ordinary or familiar words or phrases.

Hope this helps and have a great day :)

And please mark me brainliest if you can :)

Answer is Colloquialisms.

This is because words like “gonna,” “wanna,” “woulda” are all informal while “going to,” “want to,” and “would have” are all examples of formal words. Colloquialisms are informal words and “gonna” is an example of such. The informal words listed above are really slang words rather than proper words. These informal words are often or should be used when speaking to a friend or family instead of a boss or administrator. So yes, these are Colloquialisms. I really hoped I helped you !

Lines 80-93: In what four places does Poe repeat a word or phrase? What idea does the repetition of “to feel” emphasize? What impact does the repetition of the word “stealthily” have?



The repetition of the word "feel" is intended to create a pace of suspense and horror, as well as to make the reader feel the emotions the narrator and the old man feel. Thus, repetition represents the beating of the two men's hearts.

The recurrence of the word "stealthily" also suggesst how vile and deceitful the narrator is. In fact, he is entering the old man's house to kill him.


to manage strong or challenging emotions, a good first step is to:


What is this supposed to yk

Which sentence has the correct placement of a semicolon?
a Because Sarah is absent a great deal; she has a hard time keeping up nevertheless she is willing to
work overtime
D. Because Sarah is absent a great deal, she has a hard time keeping up; nevertheless, she is willing to
work overtime
e. Because Sarah is absent a great deal, she has a hard time keeping up nevertheless, she is willing to
work overtime
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



D. Because Sarah is absent a great deal, she has a hard time keeping up; nevertheless, she is willing to work overtime.

50 POINTS Write an essay on how characterization is used to express and develop the main themes in “Animal Farm”, choosing two from the following pairs: Napoleon/corruption of power The Pigs/social-class hierarchy The Animals/working-class loyalty Squealer/manipulation of language Use specific details from the story and information about historical events to describe how characters and their actions express and develop each of the two themes. Paragraph 1 Define “Characterization”. (research and make sure you cite your sources) (1-2 sentences) Why do you think characterization is used in the story? (2-3 sentences) Give a brief summary of Animal Farm and its theme. (2-4 sentences) Paragraph 2 Choose your first character. What does this character represent? (2-3 sentences) Describe this character and his/her contribution to the farm. (2-4 sentences) What makes this character important? (1-2 sentences) What’s the theme for this character and why is it important? (2-3 sentences) Paragraph 3 Choose your second character. What does this character represent? (2-3 sentences) Describe this character and his/her contribution to the farm. (2-3 sentences) What makes this character important? (1-2 sentences) What’s the theme for this character and why is it important? (2-3 sentences)



What is a theme and why is it important? Well, a theme is the message that the author is trying to convey throughout the story. It is important because the theme is one of the reasons why the author wrote it in the first place. "Animal Farm", a novella written by George Orwell, tells a story of a group of animals from Manor farm who rebel against their human farm owner. There are several characters in which their actions developed themes throughout the novel such as Squealer and Napoleon. Both characters' actions developed the themes of "using language as an instrument to abuse power" and "corruption".

First, both Napoleon and Squealer demonstrates the theme of "using language as an instrument to abuse power". One of the author's focal concerns in the novel is the way language can be used as an instrument of control. In the novella, Squealer is known to be manipulative for he is a vastly persuasive speaker. He uses language to make the animals doubt what they have witnessed firsthand and to accept and believe the falsehoods that Squealer tells them. According to the text, ""You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples."" This tells the readers that Squealer is quite good at making others agree on his beliefs. Napoleon is also one of the characters that demonstrates this theme. Although he is not a gifted speaker, he is still known for getting his ways. In the novella, Napoleon seemed to possess the trust of the animals. According to the text, it states, ""Comrades, do you know who is responsible for this? Do you know the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill? SNOWBALL!"" This tells the readers that Napoleon was blaming Snowball which then led to the animals believing what Napoleon said for one of the characters, Boxer, claimed that "Napoleon is always right."

Second, both Napoleon and Squealer demonstrates the theme of "corruption". The novella consists a lot of foreshadowing in which it creates the sense that the events of the story are unavoidable. the novella also unequivocally recommend that some other conceivable ruler would have been as terrible as Napoleon. According to the text, ""Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer—except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs."" This tells the readers that this is a form of corruption for it says that the farm had gotten richer while the animals, except for the pigs and the dogs, were left with nothing. In addition, Squealer demonstrates this theme for he represents the propaganda arm of the controlling class, which are the pigs. He usually takes the truth and spin it to create false accusations on Snowball or the others, to show that Napoleon has no flaws. According to the text, "the others said of Squealer that he could turn black into white." This tells the readers that Squealer is quite capable in manipulating anyone of anything. Napoleon uses this skill for his own benefits.

In conclusion, both Napoleon and Squealer's actions developed the themes of "using language as an instrument to abuse power" and "corruption". This is because both characters work together to be able to manipulate the other animals. They also take advantage of the other animals which then makes them corrupt and evil. In the novella, Squealer is talented in persuading and manipulating others. Napoleon on the other hand is not very gifted in speaking but is quite intimidating. Both in which are a result of them demonstrating the two themes.

It should be noted that Animal Farm was written by George Orwell and it was a story about a group of animals that rebelled against their owners.

A theme simply means the main idea that's conveyed in a story. In the novel, the theme of using language as an instrument that can be used to abuse power was demonstrated by Napoleon and Squealer. In their case, it can be deduced that Squealer was manipulative and a persuasive speaker.

Also, the theme of corruption was demonstrated in the novel. In this case, Squealer was corrupt and was known for lying. He was good at manipulating others.

Lastly, the theme of unity was demonstrated. The animals united before taking over power from the farm owners.

Learn more about Animal Farm on:


I need help on making a paragraph on culture but talking about Tradition and Rituals or Food. Anything will help!!!!



On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our cultures. It becomes a part of who each of us are. Many of us associate food from our childhood with warm feelings and good memories and it ties us to our families, holding a special and personal value for us. Food from our family often becomes the comfort food we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress. When I was sick as a kid, I couldn’t eat rice because I was too weak, so my mother would cook soup and bring it to bed for me. The smell and taste of the soup became something very familiar to me. Now, whenever I feel tired or stressed, I remember the soup my mom used to make for me and I feel hungry for that soup.

On a larger scale, food is an important part of culture. Traditional cuisine is passed down from one generation to the next. It also operates as an expression of cultural identity. Immigrants bring the food of their countries with them wherever they go and cooking traditional food is a way of preserving their culture when they move to new places.

Continuing to make food from their culture for family meals is a symbol of pride for their ethnicity and a means of coping with homesickness. Many open their own restaurants and serve traditional dishes. However, the food does not remain exactly the same. For example, some ingredients needed to make traditional dishes may not be readily available, so the taste and flavor can be different from the taste and flavor of the dishes that they would prepare in their home countries. Additionally, when immigrants sell food in another country, they do not only sell it to people from the same countries as them, but to people from different countries. Therefore, they have to alter the original dishes to cater to a wider range of customers with distinct tastes and flavor preferences. Alterations to original dishes can create new flavors that still retain the cultural significance of the dish.  

Which of the following describes a theme or the text the lottery



Even if something is cruel, people have the tendency to follow the crowd and participate.


The given question refers to the text The Lottery written by Shirley Jackson. It tells about a lottery that takes place in a village every year. All of the villagers participate, despite some of them initially not wanting to. The entire time we think that it's a typical lottery, but, in the end, it turns out that the villagers are choosing whom they're going to stone.

The options you were given are the following:

Even if something is cruel, people have the tendency to follow the crowd and participate. Sometimes a few people must be sacrificed to ensure the group’s survival.  Important decisions should not be made by lotteries. Traditions help people understand the past.

Based on the information about what the text is about, we can conclude that its theme is that, even if something is cruel, people have the tendency to follow the crowd and participate.

True or false please help


Answer: Trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

it’s true, it was mentioned

People who have Alzheimer's disease experience an increasing loss of brain function and cognition over time. Alzheimer's is characterized by a buildup of abnormal protein fragments that damage brain cells. Recently scientists have discovered an enzyme, BACE2, that decreases these abnormal protein fragments in the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease. Which statement explains how BACE2 most likely works?

BACE2 speeds up the reaction that breaks down the abnormal protein fragments.

BACE2 is a reactant that combines with the abnormal protein fragments.

BACE2 breaks down into smaller pieces that react with the abnormal protein fragments, forming more complex molecules.

BACE2 molecules link several abnormal protein fragments together, forming a complete protein.



BACE2 speeds up the reaction that breaks down the abnormal protein fragments.


BACE2 accelerates the reaction that breaks the fragments of abnormal proteins that cause Alzheimer's disease. With that, this enzyme is able to quickly cut these proteins, called beta-amyloid, into pieces so tiny that it takes the entire molecule to complete destruction. This is very innovative for the treatment of alzheimer's, although much research needs to be done to improve this process and not cause side effects.

Copy and paste the entire text of the Robots on Earth into a document. Read the article. Write a summary of the article: Write a main idea sentence for each paragraph of the article. Put your main idea sentences together to create the first draft of your summary paragraph and include a topic sentence. Revise your draft to make it more concise, effective, and objective. Proofread your paragraph for complete sentences, proper punctuation, and correct spelling. Remember that the summary should be objective and should not include your opinions or experiences.



where is the story

Changing positive statement to nagative statement​


Answer:How to change negative statement to positive with ease.

Examples : I hate you more than you could imagine.

I love you more than you could imagine.

He murdered Jessica. He saved Jessica. ...

And more....

How would a book written by an anthropologist about an indigenous group of people be different from an autobiography of one of the people's elders?



A book written by an anthropologist would be less connected to the lives and culture of the people and therefore would be more factual, while an autobiography would be written more personally and include some aspects of the culture in a more specifically connected way.

Read this excerpt from "The Day the Gulls Went Crazy" by
Susan E. Quinlan.
What is the author's purpose in this paragraph?
O to describe what Larry does with the gulls' eggs
to highlight how defensive gulls are of their nests
to explain how Larry used his cleverness to capture
Capturing and rebanding an adult gull is much more difficult
than capturing a small flightless chick. Resourceful as always,
Larry developed a special capture technique. He rigged up a
tool using a rope noose, monofilament fishing line, and a fishing
pole. Knowing the fight a two-and-a-half-pound adult gull might
put up, he scared the bird off its nest and replaced its fragile
eggs with dummy eggs. Next, he laid the noose around the nest
and moved away. A trail of fishing line led from the noose to the
fishing pole and reel in his hands. Crouching low, Larry waited
for the retum of the bird in need of rebanding. When the
moment was right, he reeled in the line, tightening the noose
around the gulls legs.
O to emphasize the materials that Larry used



to explain how Larry used his cleverness to capture  gulls


This is true due to the starting statement in the opening percepts about the gull and how difficult it happens to be to capture it. For Larry to be able to succeed, he has no other option than to improvise. He did this by "He rigged up a  tool using a rope noose, monofilament fishing line, and a fishing


Answer: to explain how Larry used his cleverness to capture  gulls

Explanation: k12

Jack refuses to hunt because Ralph asks him to.
True or



the answer is true becuase jack refused to hunt with ralph




I need help ASAP!

1) What contribution do you think you will make
to your country?

2) What contribution did Barack Obama make?


1. I will make the world a better place again

2. Barack Obama made the usa an even better country then it already was

Photosynthesis is the process through which plants produce sugar and oxygen. Photosynthesis can also take place in single-celled organisms like phytoplankton and other microorganisms.
The process of photosynthesis occurs differently from one organism to the next, but several features remain the same. In short, photosynthesis takes in water and carbon dioxide, uses sunlight as a catalyst, and produces oxygen and sugar. The plants release the oxygen through respiration. They digest or store the sugar.
Although the process seems simple, it is the most important event on the planet as far as animal life is concerned. Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis. Animals would not be able to breathe if it was not for this process. Herbivores live off these fruits and vegetables and form the basis of any food chain. Carnivores and omnivores would not be able to find food if it were not for these sugars. Were it not for the simple process of photosynthesis, the Earth would be an uninhabited planet.

Animals would not be able to breathe if it was not for this process.
How does this sentence help to develop the idea that photosynthesis is essential to animal life?

A. It shows that animals depend on this process for oxygen.
B. It suggests that photosynthesis occurs in all animals.
C. It suggests that photosynthesis takes place in the lungs.
D. It shows that animals depend on this process for food.


The answer is A. It shows that animals depend on this process for oxygen.

Photosynthesis is how Carbon dioxide (what we breathe out) is turned into Oxygen (what we breathe in)

If Photosynthesis never took place Oxygen would run out and animals would suffocate.

The deliberate irony Orwell uses is called doublespeak, which is when words are used not to convey meaning – but to undermine it – corrupting the very ideas that they refer to. "War is Peace" is one of 1984's doublespeak slogans. WHAT ARE THE OTHER TWO DOUBLESPEAK SLOGANS? *



Other doublespeak slogans are:

1. Freedom Is Slavery

2. Ignorance Is Strength


George Orwell, in his book, 1984 portrayed the use of doublespeak (doublethink). Doublespeak is a form of language which seeks to deliberately distort and reverse the meaning of words.

In his book, 1984, the Party used doublespeak (doublethink) as part of their campaigning which spreads propaganda and goes further to manipulate the public and even leadership. It is the ability of holding two beliefs that are contradictory and believed to be true.

So, in his book, the doublespeak examples that are seen are: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery and Ignorance Is Strength.

what is the central idea of saving the lost



Science Article




Because of their inability to respond, people in a vegetative state have always been a mystery to scientists. Until Adrian Owen made a groundbreaking discovery, the actual neurology was unknown.

Read this excerpt from "Rules of the Game."
“Ali-ya. So shame be with mother? She grasped my hand even tighter as she glared at me.
How does the use of the word glared affect the meaning of the text?
A.It emphasizes how angry Waverly's mother is with her daughter.
B.It shows how sad Waverly's mother is about Waverly's disrespect.
C.It illustrates how frightened Waverly's mother feels about her daughter's response.
D.It describes how proud Waverly's mother is with her daughter




Explanation: Waverly's mother felt angry because Waverly told her mother to stop bragging about her winning the chess games to random people because Waverly felt emberassed but Waverly's mother took it the wrong way and got angy instead of understanding how her daughter felt.


its b


The dictionary definition of ordinary is: with no special or distinctive features; normal.

This meaning of "ordinary" is which literary device?




In literature, any technique used to help the author achieve his or her purpose is called a literary device.

Which event from "Seventh Grade" is part of the story's rising action? Victor waits in line to receive his computer card. Victor lingers in his homeroom so he can be near Teresa. Victor agrees to help Teresa learn the French language. Victor goes to the library and checks out French textbook



Victor lingers in his homeroom so he can be near Teresa.


The rising action of a story is one part of the plot where the characters act or say in such a way that it builds up and creates suspense. It occurs before the climax of the story but acts or helps in building the suspense to the climax.

In Gary Soto's short story "Seventh Grade", the character Victor wants to impress Teresa, a girl he likes. So, he'd do everything in such a way that he's near her or that she will notice him. One scene which is a part of the rising action is when he lingers near his homeroom just to be near her.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.


Your answer is "Victor lingers in his homeroom so he can be near Teresa". :)


I just took the quiz and got 100% on Edg.

polo g or lil baby which one the best


Lil baby all the wayyyyy


Polo all the wayyy!!!!


He the goat❤

in "on imagination" by phillis wheatley, who is talking?​





paula hurried. stationn
A into
B Asif
C to the
D as through​



C. to the


I'm not sure. sorry


i dont understand your question

The literary tools used in creative nonfiction writing are more interesting than those in fiction.



Fiction/Poetry Techniques: Since creative non-fiction writing is such a hybrid and multi-faceted genre, it's often helpful to use/borrow techniques from fiction or poetry. Scenes, dialogue, narrative structure, setting, and an emphasis on language are all important aspects of creative nonfiction as well.


Which statement about point of view in this passage is true
A: The focus on the feelings of many characters shows that this passage uses a first-person point of view
B: The use of the pronouns he and their shows that this passage uses a third-person point of view
C: The use of nouns Bill and villains shows that this passage uses a first-person point of view
D: The focus on the feelings of only one character shows that this passage uses a third person point of view

The passage
On another occasion, a band of rustlers stole Bill's cattle, so he hunted down those villains and knocked out all their gold fillings That's the reason there's gold in them thar hills!​





The answer is B: The use of the pronouns he and their shows that this passage uses a third-person point of view.

What is Pronoun?

Pronoun is a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse.

Learn more about Pronoun here:



what is the main topic about exploring north america by lila eriksson



Portugal, Spain, France and England were transformed from small territories into nation-states with centralized authority in the hands of monarchs who were able to direct and finance overseas exploration.


please help I will mark brainlist if right. ​



my sis said it is number. 3 or could also be number. 4 but she was not too sure lol but it is much better if other pips give an answer too

The answer is “unlivable”

Rewrite the sentence by correcting the faulty parallelism, misplaced modifier, squinting modifier, or dangling modifier.
The scientist received high marks for his brilliance and because he was humorous.
TX 92



The scientist received high marks for his brilliance and his humour.


Faulty parallelism is an error in the structure of a sentence characterized by two parts of the sentence having different structures.

In spoken communication it can be easily heard, and although the intended meaning of the sentence can be understood, it usually confuses the listener and gives the impression of an uneducated speaker.

However, it can easily be corrected by rewriting sentence using only one structure for both parts. This particular sentence could be rewritten as:

1) The scientist received high marks for his brilliance and his humour.


2) The scientist received high marks because he was brilliant and because he was humorous.

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