What score do you need to pass SAT reading


Answer 1
You need 430 to pass the sat reading test
Answer 2
For eligible students, the concordant passing scale score shall be a score equal to or greater than four hundred and thirty (430) on the 200 to 800 scale for the SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) section, twenty four (24) on the 10 to 40 scale of the SAT Reading

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Foodball23 if you hate me you will answer this question if you don't hate me tell me so please and thank you







i dont hate you


What is globalization?

(it's a phys ed question. and that it doesn't have an option for that) ​



Globalization is the increasing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought on by cross-border exchange in products and services, and technology, flows of investment, people, and knowledge.



the process  by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale


who for sure can help me with something its due tonight if you cant dont answer



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A. literary
B. artistic
C. persuasive
D. musical

please help me​



B. Artistic

That's The Answer My Friend ❣️

Which of the following is NOT one of the Millennium Development Goals?
eliminating extreme poverty
improving access to clean drinking water
creating universal primary education
installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations



I would say D


I studied that last year, I dont

remember D

The only option that is not part of the millennium development goals is D. installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations

What are the Millennium Development Goals?

The UN millennium development goals are 8 in number and they are listed below;

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

2. Achieve universal primary education.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women.

4. Reduce child mortality.

5. Improve maternal health.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability.

8. Develop a global partnership for development

From the given options, the only one that is not part of the millennium development goals is D. installing authoritarian rulers in impoverished nations.

Read more about Millennium Development Goals at; https://brainly.com/question/23101674


how has America changed over the years​


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Exercise isn't just for fitness fanatics anymore.
Virtually nobody has a home phone.
We interact completely differently.
Dating means little more than swiping right.
TV has become a bottomless resource.
Anyone can become a celebrity.

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If I was caught in the hazard I would simply just die and give up
the options are not listed but i would try my hardest to survive until i was no longer able to

someone please help me with this!!!



50 and 50


2 halfs make a whole

The answer is 50/50

asdyrf are u awake yet did u stay up ??



ima go eat rq and add brainly on my phone so i can still talk to you without being on the computer


yall sorry no QT for yall it want let me do one


I’m soo confused about this question lol




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(A) rock composition (B) human activities (C) temperature changes
(D) soil order





mark me as brillianist and enjoy points





im trying to rank up


As used in line 43,"translate" most nearly means



A. convert


to translate something, you are converting it to a simpler term or for someone to better understand.

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Photo shows a row of concrete columns and beams that compose a bridge crossing a body of water.

A concrete bridge in Dallas, TX.



Students learn about the types of possible loads, how to calculate ultimate load combinations, and investigate the different sizes for the beams (girders) and columns (piers) of simple bridge design. They learn the steps that engineers use to design bridges by conducting their own hands on associated activity to prototype their own structure. Students will begin to understand the problem, and learn how to determine the potential bridge loads, calculate the highest possible load, and calculate the amount of material needed to resist the loads.

This engineering curriculum aligns to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Engineering Connection

Engineers who design structures must completely understand the problem to be solved, which includes the complexities of the site and the customer needs. To design for safety and longevity, engineers consider the different types of loads, how they are applied and where. Engineers often aim for a design that is strongest and lightest possible—one with the highest strength-to-weight ratio.

Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to:

List several examples of loads that could affect a bridge.

Explain why knowledge about various loads or forces is important in bridge design.

Describe the process that an engineer uses to design a bridge, including determining loads, calculating the highest load, and calculating the amount of material to resist the loads.

Educational Standards

NGSS: Next Generation Science Standards - Science

Common Core State Standards - Math

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association - Technology

State Standards

Suggest an alignment not listed above

Worksheets and Attachments

Load Combinations Worksheet (docx)

Load Combinations Worksheet (pdf)

Load Combinations Worksheet Answers (docx)

Load Combinations Worksheet Answers (pdf)

More Curriculum Like This

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Load It Up!

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Bridging the Gaps

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preview of 'Doing the Math: Analysis of Forces in a Truss Bridge' Lesson

Doing the Math: Analysis of Forces in a Truss Bridge

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preview of 'Strength of Materials' Lesson

Strength of Materials

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Pre-Req Knowledge

The students should have a familiarity with bridge types, as introduced in the first lesson of the Bridges unit, including area, and compressive and tensile forces.


We know that bridges play an important part in our daily lives. We know they are essential components of cities and the roadways between populations of people. Some bridges are simple and straightforward; others are amazingly complex. What are some bridges that you know that might be called simple bridges? (Possible answers: Log over a creek, bridges over streams.) What are some bridges you know that might be considered more complicated? (Possible answers: Golden Gate Bridge, other large bridges, bridges that carry both highway traffic and train traffic.) What makes some bridges simple and other complex? (Possible answers: Their size, multiple purposes, environmental conditions, environmental forces, material maintenance requirements, etc.)

One amazing example of a bridge's contribution to connecting people to other populations and places for both social and commerce reasons is the Sky Gate Bridge connecting people to Japan's Kansai International Airport, located in Osaka Bay.

It all started when the nearby Osaka and Tokyo airports were unable to meet demand, nor be expanded. To solve the problem, the people of Japan took on one of the most challenging engineering projects the world has ever seen. Since they had no land for a new airport, they decided to create the Kansai International Airport by constructing an entire island! On this new, artificial island, they built the airport terminal and runways. Then, they needed a bridge to access it. Spanning 3.7 km from the mainland in Osaka to the airport in an ocean bay, the Sky Gate Bridge is one of the longest truss bridges in the world and has an upper deck for auto transport and a lower, internal deck for rail lines.

Aerial satellite image shows urban shoreline, blue bay waters, and long bridge connecting shore to a rectangular island containing airport terminal and runways.

Satellite image of Sky Gate Bridge to Kansai Airport in Osaka Bay, Japan.



can you think of a possible explanation for the change in the thickness of the ozone layer in the years before the methyl bromide began to produce




Methyl bromide is a fumigant used to control pests in agriculture and shipping. Methyl bromide also depletes the ozone layer. Therefore, along with other countries, the United States has phased out production and consumption of methyl bromide with important exceptions for critical uses as well as quarantine and preshipment.

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h.. hey show the equation


send a picture of the equation

Jesse spent $75 on gym shoes at the mall. He now has $55 left. How much money did Jesse have before buying the shoes?


the answer is he started with $130 Because he started with an unknown number then subtracted $75 and was left with $55. Therefore we add $75 and $55 to get $130
He had 130 cuz 75 plus 55 equals 130 BOOM ANSWER

Can anyone help me in this question!!





im not sure but ive had this question before and im 99% sure its D

Which process moves molecules and has these traits?

–moves from high concentration to low concentration
–moves from uneven distribution to even distribution
–can occur when there is no membrane
active transport in a cell
passive transport in a cell








what are the similarities between home trade and foreign trade.​


All trade, whether domestic or interna­tional, arises from specialisation. As one region of a country brings the goods from other regions to make up the deficiencies, one country tries to bring goods and services, in which it has deficiencies, from other countries.

What is typically the best strategy to use when taking a test?
A. Leave questions you cant answer blank.
B. Erase all of your notes.
C. Use extra time to review your answers.
D. Hand in your test early and leave.
Please help


It’s definitely C. You can use common sense to figure out this question.

Cramming is a common study technique used to get ready for an exam or other performance-based test. Cramming is a technique used to memorize a lot of information quickly. It is most popular among students in high school and college. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the benefits of finishing test early?

It's best to cease studying 12 to 24 hours before the exam, advises Grunewald. You won't discover much fresh information.There is a far greater chance that you may confuse and stress yourself out. Flashcards are a useful study aid for those who are studying on short notice.

According to research, taking deliberate breaks (anywhere between 5 and 60 minutes) from studying to recharge your mind and body enhances your energy, productivity, and capacity for concentration. Remember that social media is not a good “purposeful break” (see the research).

Therefore, make sure your answers correspond to the right questions.

Learn more about test here:



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