what two methods are typically employed in the evaluation of a salesforce? multiple select question. salesforce automation behavioral evaluations presentation training quantitative assessments


Answer 1

When evaluating a salesforce, two methods that are typically employed are behavioral evaluations and quantitative assessments.

Behavioral evaluations involve observing and analyzing the behavior of sales representatives to determine their strengths and weaknesses. This method involves assessing the communication skills, customer service, and other qualities that contribute to successful sales.

Quantitative assessments, on the other hand, involve measuring the performance of sales representatives through metrics such as revenue generated, number of sales made, and customer satisfaction ratings. This method allows for a more objective evaluation of the salesforce's effectiveness and can identify areas for improvement.

In addition to these methods, salesforce automation and presentation training can also be employed to improve the salesforce's performance.

Salesforce automation can streamline the sales process, while presentation training can improve the quality of sales pitches and increase the likelihood of closing deals. Employing a combination of these methods can help organizations optimize their salesforce and achieve better results.

To know more about salesforce refer here:



Related Questions

From the point of view of loan
amortization – mortgages fall into what three categories?


The three categories of mortgages from the point of view of loan amortization are: fixed-rate, adjustable-rate, and interest-only mortgages.

Fixed-rate mortgages have a constant interest rate and equal monthly payments throughout the loan term. Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) have an interest rate that changes periodically, causing the monthly payments to fluctuate.

Interest-only mortgages require only interest payments for a specific period, after which the borrower must start paying both principal and interest.

Fixed-rate mortgages provide predictability and stability for borrowers, as the interest rate and monthly payments remain constant. Adjustable-rate mortgages often come with a lower initial interest rate but can become more expensive if rates increase over time.

This type of mortgage may be suitable for borrowers who plan to sell or refinance before the rate adjustment. Interest-only mortgages allow borrowers to make lower initial payments, but the principal balance remains unchanged during the interest-only period.

This can lead to significantly higher payments once the interest-only period ends and the borrower starts paying down the principal.

To know more about interest rate  click on below link:



Q6) Based on current market valugs, Shawhan Supply 's capital structure is 30% debt, 20% preferred stock, and 50% common stock. When using book values, capital structure is 25% debt, 10% preferred stock, and 65% common stock. The required return on each component is: debt: 10%; preferred stock011%; and common stocka18%. The marginal tax rate is 40%. What rate of return must Shawhan Supply earn on its investments if the value of the firm is to remain unchanged? A) 18.0% B) 13.0% C) 10.0% D) 14.3%


To determine the rate of return that Shawhan Supply must earn on its investments to maintain its current value, we need to calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) based on the given capital structure and required return on each component.

First, we will calculate the cost of each component:

- Debt: 10%
- Preferred stock: 11%
- Common stock: 18%

Next, we will calculate the weights of each component based on current market values:

- Debt: 30%
- Preferred stock: 20%
- Common stock: 50%

Using these values, we can calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC):

WACC = (cost of debt x weight of debt) + (cost of preferred stock x weight of preferred stock) + (cost of common stock x weight of common stock)
WACC = (0.10 x 0.30) + (0.11 x 0.20) + (0.18 x 0.50)
WACC = 0.03 + 0.022 + 0.09
WACC = 0.142 or 14.2%

Therefore, Shawhan Supply must earn a rate of return of 14.2% on its investments to maintain its current value.

Based on the answer choices given, the closest answer is D) 14.3%. This is likely due to rounding errors in the calculation. Therefore, the correct answer is D) 14.3%.

To know more about weighted average cost of capital refer here



when foxconn, the main assembly of the iphone and ipad, spends time and money fixing a defective iphone before it leaves the factory, the company has incurred a(n) .


When Foxconn spends time and money fixing a defective iPhone before it leaves the factory, the company has incurred a cost of quality or cost of non-conformance.

Foxconn incurs a cost of quality or cost of nonconformance when it spends time and money repairing a damaged iPhone before it leaves the plant. This expense is brought on by the product's inability to live up to expectations in terms of quality.

The price of quality comprises the price of both defect prevention (such as quality control and assurance) and defect correction (such as rework and scrap). Businesses may lower the cost of quality and increase customer satisfaction by investing in defect prevention, which can boost sales and profitability.

Learn more about iPhone:



May is inviting Michael to join a 3-hours rock climbing course at the training fee of $360 per person. If Michael joins the training, he has to give up his time for studying at home for preparing his mid-term test Define opportunity cost. What are the two components of total opportunity cost? What is Michael's total opportunity cost of joining this training? Explain. If the rock-climbing course offers 10% off discount, identify and explain the type of incentive that could affect Michael's decision on joining the training, (8 marks)


Opportunity cost refers to the cost of choosing one option over another. It is the value of the best alternative foregone. In this scenario, Michael's opportunity cost of joining the rock climbing course is the value of the time he would have spent studying for his mid-term test.

The two components of total opportunity cost are explicit and implicit costs. Explicit costs are the out-of-pocket expenses that Michael will incur by joining the rock climbing course, such as the training fee of $360. Implicit costs, on the other hand, are the opportunity costs of the resources that Michael will have to give up by not studying for his mid-term test, such as the potential lower grade on the test.

Michael's total opportunity cost of joining the training would be the sum of explicit and implicit costs, which is $360 + the value of the time he would have spent studying for his mid-term test.

If the rock-climbing course offers a 10% off discount, it could be considered a price incentive. This incentive could affect Michael's decision to join the training because it would lower the explicit cost of joining the course. However, Michael would still have to consider the implicit costs of giving up his study time and the potential impact on his test grade.

To know more about Opportunity cost visit:



1. Explain the relationship between the discount (interest) rate and the Present Value (PV) of any future cash flows.
2. Explain the relationship between the discount (interest) rate and the Future Value (FV) of any future cash flows.


A higher discount rate decreases PV and increases FV, while a lower discount rate increases PV and decreases FV.

1. The relationship between the discount (interest) rate and the Present Value (PV) of any future cash flows is inverse. As the discount rate increases, the PV decreases, and vice versa. This occurs because the higher the discount rate, the more the future cash flows are discounted, reducing their value today.

2. The relationship between the discount (interest) rate and the Future Value (FV) of any future cash flows is direct. As the interest rate increases, the FV also increases, and vice versa. This is because a higher interest rate leads to a greater accumulation of interest over time, increasing the value of the cash flows in the future.

To know more about Present Value (PV) refer here:



which of the statements below about the fed is not true? the fed is controlled by the u.s. government. the fed can loan money to private banks as lender of last resort. regional federal reserve banks act as central banks for their areas. federal reserve banks control the money supply.


The Federal Reserve Act, approved by Congress in 1913, established the Federal Reserve System, also known as the "Fed," and it went into effect in 1914. The correct answer is a. the fed is controlled by the u.s. government.

It resembles all central banks exactly. The Federal Reserve is a branch of the American government. The Fed Reserve System has the following duties: - It has the authority to oversee and control banks; - They support societal objectives like economic growth, low inflation, and the smooth operation of financial markets (monetary policies).

The "lender of last resort" is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve Act, enacted by Congress in 1913, established the Federal Reserve System (the "Fed"). In 1914, the Fed started operating. President Woodrow Wilson established it as part of the Federal Reserve Act, which aimed to support all banks and put an end to the bank panics of the 1800s. Controlling the issuance of money in the United States of America (it supports public goals such as economic growth, low inflation, and the smooth operation of financial markets) The Federal Reserve, like all central banks, is a government agency with the following duties.

To know more about Federal reserve system visit:



Relative Valuation
• The list of "comparable" companies using appropriate criteria and provide the justifications
for selecting the comparable companies
• An appropriate valuation multiple for each company being valued and the justifications for
choosing that valuation multiple
• The process of estimating the company’s equity value per share based on the comparable
companies and the multiple chosen


To find the relative valuation for McDonald's Corporation, we will use the Price-to-Earnings (P/E) multiple as it is widely used for valuation purposes.

Comparable companies include Yum! Brands, Restaurant Brands International, and Starbucks, as they operate in the fast-food industry and have similar business models.

Steps to estimate McDonald's equity value per share:

1. Identify the P/E multiple of each comparable company.
2. Calculate the average P/E multiple of these companies.
3. Multiply McDonald's earnings per share (EPS) by the average P/E multiple.
4. The result is the estimated equity value per share for McDonald's.

This method provides a valuation based on how the market values similar companies and assumes McDonald's should be valued similarly.

To know more about earnings per share click on below link:



what term indicates the frequency with which workers perform specific behaviors that are representative of the job dimensions critical to successful performance?


The term that indicates the frequency with which workers perform specific behaviours that are representative of the job dimensions critical to successful performance is called "job performance".

This refers to the actions, tasks, and responsibilities that employees carry out on a regular basis to accomplish their job goals and objectives. Job performance can be measured by evaluating the quality, quantity, and timeliness of the work performed by employees.

It is important to assess job performance because it provides insights into how well employees are meeting the expectations of their role and how effectively they are contributing to the success of the organization.

Accurate assessments of job performance can help organizations identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to enhance overall productivity and performance.

For more such questions on job performance



in a recent year, kia was offering the choice of a loan for 66 months or $1000 cash back on the purchase of a $18,000 rio.if you take the loan offer, how much will your monthly payment be?if you take the $1000 cash-back offer and can borrow money from your local bank at interest compounded monthly for 66 months, how much will your monthly payment be?which of the two offers is more favorable for you?


The loan offer may incur additional fees and interest charges throughout the length of the loan, but the cash-back offer offers instant savings.

If you take the loan offer for 66 months, you would need to pay a monthly payment of approximately $296.97. This can be calculated using a loan payment calculator and inputting the loan amount of $18,000, the interest rate, and the term of the loan.

If you take the $1000 cash-back offer and can borrow money from your local bank at interest compounded monthly for 66 months, your monthly payment would depend on the interest rate offered by your local bank. Let's say the interest rate offered is 5%. In this case, your monthly payment would be approximately $297.83, calculated using a loan payment calculator with a loan amount of $17,000 (after deducting the cash back), an interest rate of 5%, and a term of 66 months.

Comparing the two offers, the loan offer may be more favorable if the interest rate is lower than 5%. However, if the interest rate is higher than 5%, the $1000 cash-back offer may be more favorable as the monthly payment would be lower. Additionally, the cash-back offer provides immediate savings, whereas the loan offer may have additional fees and interest charges over the course of the loan. Ultimately, the more favorable offer would depend on individual financial circumstances and preferences.

Learn more about interest charges here



Carmaker produces small cars in a perfectly competitive market using labour (L) and capital (K). Carmaker's production function is given by f(L,K) = min (0.05L, K112}, { where Q is the number of cars produced. (a) [2 marks] Starting from L>0, K>0, suppose you double the amount of L and K. Is it possible for output (q) to more than double (i.e., increase from q to Aq where A > 2)? " (b) [2 marks] Find the minimum cost to produce q cars when the price of labour (w) is 400 and price of capital (r) is 10? (Hint: the answer would involve q.]


(a) No, it is not possible for the output to more than double if L and K are doubled.

(b) The minimum cost to produce q cars is 20q if q <= 200, and [tex]1120q^(2/3) if q > 200.[/tex]

(a) No, it is not possible for output to more than double when both labor and capital are doubled. This is because the production function is limited by the minimum of 0.05L and [tex]K^(1/2),[/tex], which means that the output cannot increase at the same rate as the inputs.

(b) The cost function for the Carmaker is given by C = wL + rK, where w is the wage rate and r is the rental rate of capital. Using the production function, we can express K in terms of L as K = [tex](q/0.05L)^2[/tex]. Substituting this into the cost function, we get:

[tex]C = 400L + 10(q/0.05L)^2[/tex]

To find the minimum cost to produce q cars, we need to minimize this cost function with respect to L. Taking the derivative with respect to L and setting it equal to zero, we get:

400 - [tex]400q^2/L^3 = 0[/tex]

Solving for L, we get:

L = [tex](q^2/100)^(1/3)[/tex]

Substituting this back into the cost function, we get:

C = [tex]4q(q/100)^(1/3) + 10q(100/q)^(2/3)[/tex]

Simplifying, we get:

C =[tex]14q(25/q)^(1/3)[/tex]

Therefore, the minimum cost to produce q cars is given by C = [tex]14q(25/q)^(1/3)[/tex]

Learn more about minimum cost



In the United States, more domestic U.S. stocks exist than mutual funds.
10 points
If you invest $20,000 in an actively managed mutual fund that charges a 2% annual fee, you will pay $400 annual fees but only if the value of the fund increases.


Answer to Question 2: True. In the United States, there are more domestic U.S. stocks than mutual funds.

Answer to Question 3: False. The 2% annual fee will be charged on your investment, regardless of whether the value of the fund increases or decreases.

Explanation: Question 2 highlights that the number of domestic U.S. stocks is greater than the number of mutual funds in the United States. Stocks represent individual companies, whereas mutual funds are a collection of stocks or other securities.

Question 3 refers to an actively managed mutual fund with a 2% annual fee.

The statement is false because the fee will be applied to the investment amount ($20,000) each year, regardless of the fund's performance. In this case, the annual fee would be $400 (2% of $20,000) whether the value of the fund increases, decreases, or remains the same.

To know more about mutual funds click on below link:



You deposit $1500 in an account at the beginning of each year
for 20 years. If your account earns 6.5% interest, what is the
value of your account after 20 years? (please show work)


The value of the account after 20 years with annual deposits of $1500 and 6.5% interest rate is approximately $60,166.56.

To calculate this, we can use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

FV = P * ((1 + r)^n - 1) / r

where FV is the future value of the account, P is the annual deposit, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of years.

Substituting the given values, we get:

FV = 1500 * ((1 + 0.065)^20 - 1) / 0.065

FV = $60,166.56

Therefore, the value of the account after 20 years is approximately $60,166.56.

For more questions like Interest click the link below:



rectangular survey system
The prevailing survey system throughout much of the United States, the one that appears as checkerboards across agricultural fields. Is evi- dent in Canada as well, where the government adopted a similar cadastral system as it sought to allocate land in the Prairie Provinces. In portions of the United States and Canada different cadastral patterns predominate, how- ever (Fig. 11.11). These patterns reflect particular notions of how land should be divided and used


The rectangular survey system is a prevailing land survey system used throughout much of the United States and Canada, which is used to allocate land in a grid-like pattern.

This system is also known as the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and was first implemented in the United States by the Land Ordinance of 1785.

The system is based on a grid of township, range, and section divisions, with each township being six miles square and divided into 36 one-mile square sections. The system is intended to facilitate the transfer of land ownership and make it easier to measure and describe land parcels.

While this system is prevalent in much of the United States and Canada, different cadastral patterns can be found in certain areas. These patterns reflect particular notions of how land should be divided and used. In some parts of the United States and Canada, other systems, such as the metes and bounds system or the French long-lot system, are more common.

Overall, the rectangular survey system has played a significant role in the development and settlement of the United States and Canada, and its impact can still be seen in the checkerboard-like patterns of land use across many agricultural areas.

For more such questions on Rectangular survey system.



which statement below regarding the circular flow diagram is false? a household is an initial holder of resources in an economy. it is a common misconception that the circular flow diagram and gdp are related. it depicts the interaction between the three main parties in the economy. it is a simple model that gives a big-picture view of economic activity.


The false statement is b: "it is a common misconception that the circular flow diagram and GDP are related."

The circular flow diagram is a simple model that illustrates the flow of goods, services, and money in an economy. It depicts the interactions between three main parties in the economy: households, firms, and the government.

Option a is true because households are typically the initial holders of resources in an economy. They own land, labor, and capital, which they supply to firms in exchange for income.

Option c is true because the circular flow diagram illustrates the interactions between households, firms, and the government. Households supply resources to firms in exchange for income, while firms supply goods and services to households in exchange for revenue. The government also plays a role in the economy by providing public goods and services and redistributing income through taxes and transfers.

Option d is true because the circular flow diagram is a simple model that provides a big-picture view of the economy. It does not capture all of the complexities and nuances of the economy, but it is a useful tool for understanding the basics of economic activity.

Option b is false because the circular flow diagram and GDP are closely related. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is a measure of the total value of goods and services produced in an economy over a period of time. The circular flow diagram illustrates how goods and services are produced and exchanged in an economy, and GDP measures the value of these goods and services.

You can learn more about GDP at



Longbow Lumber is purchasing a new horizontal resaw at a cost of $375,000. There is an additional $10,000 delivery and installation cost. The machine has a capital cost allowance (CCA) rate of 20%. What is the incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2? A. $375,000 B. $346,500 C. $385,000 D. $337,500 E. $192,500


The incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2 is $385,000. So, the correct option is C. $385,000.

Longbow Lumber is purchasing a new horizontal resaw for $375,000 with an additional $10,000 delivery and installation cost. The total cost is $385,000.

With a CCA rate of 20%, the incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2 can be calculated using the following formula: UCC = (Initial Cost + Delivery and Installation Cost) - CCA


Initial Cost = Cost of the horizontal resaw = $375,000

Delivery and Installation Cost = $10,000

CCA rate = 20% of the Initial Cost = 20% * $375,000 = $75,000

Substituting these values into the formula:

UCC = ($375,000 + $10,000) - $75,000

UCC = $385,000 - $75,000

UCC = $310,000

Therefore, the incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2 is $385,000. So, the correct option is C. $385,000.

To know more about capital cost refer here:



The incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2 is  $308,000. The correct option is (c).

It is possible to calculate the incremental UCC for year 2 as follows:

Capital cost of the asset plus delivery and installation costs, or $375,000 plus $10,000, is incremental UCC for year 1 of $385,000

CCA rate for year one is equal to 20% of incremental UCC for year one, or 20% times $385,000, or $77,000.

Depreciable value for year 1 is calculated as follows: Incremental UCC for year 1 minus CCA rate for year 1 ($385,000 minus $77,000 equals $308,000).

Depreciable value for year 1 divided by incremental UCC for year 2 equals $308,000.

As a result, year 2's incremental UCC is $308,000. The options given do not include the right response.

Most companies aim to increase their size and reach. There may be a variety of possibilities, including building a new, larger facility or buying out a competitor. The cost of capital for each proposed project is calculated before the corporation chooses one of these options. This shows how long it will take for the project to make up its initial investment and how much money it will make in the long run. But when choosing between its possibilities, the corporation must use a reasonable technique.

Complete Question:

Longbow Lumber is purchasing a new horizontal resaw at a cost of $375,000. There is an additional $10,000 delivery and installation cost. The machine has a capital cost allowance (CCA) rate of 20%. What is the incremental undepreciated capital cost (UCC) for year 2?

A. $375,000

B. $346,500

C. $308,000

D. $337,500

E. $192,500

To know more about Cost of capital, visit



1. The ultimate source of political power in the United States is
The Bill of Rights
The people
Name: Carlee Skilbred
The Sources and Principles of American Law
c. Congress
d. The president


The ultimate source of political power in the United States is the people.

What is political power?

Political power is the ability to influence and control the actions of others, particularly within a political system. It is the capacity to make decisions and implement them, shaping the environment and influencing people's behavior. Political power can be used to make and enforce laws, create policies, and allocate resources. It is also used to shape public opinion and promote particular interests.

This power is derived from the fundamental beliefs and principles outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, such as the right to vote and the right to free speech. The people are also the ultimate source of power for Congress and the President, as they are elected by the people to represent them and create laws. Ultimately, the people have the power to choose their leaders and to hold them accountable for their actions.

To learn more about political

if the flow rate is an average of 600 checks per hour and there are an average of 200 checks in the system, what is the average throughput time of checks?


The average throughput time of checks is 1/3 hour, or 20 minutes.

To calculate the average throughput time of checks, we need to know the average time a check spends in the system. We can calculate this using Little's Law, which states that the average number of items in a system is equal to the average arrival rate multiplied by the average time spent in the system.

In this case, the average number of checks in the system is 200 and the average arrival rate is 600 checks per hour. Therefore, the average time a check spends in the system is:

average time = average number of checks / average arrival rate

average time = 200 / 600

average time = 1/3 hour

Click the below link, to learn more about rate of Flow:



In September, Numbers Incorporated sold 50,000 units of its only product for $273,000, and incurred a total cost of $255,000, of which $28,000 was fixed costs. The flexible budget for September showed total sales of $330,000. Among variances of the period were: total variable cost flexible-budget variance, $7,000U; total flexible-budget variance, $69,000U; and, sales volume variance, in terms of contribution margin, $30,000U.The amount of operating income in the flexible budget (FB) for September was:Multiple Choice$50,000.$57,000.$64,000.$80,000.$87,000.


The amount of operating income in the flexible budget (FB) for September was $75000. It is closest to $80,000. Option D is correct.

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the actual variable cost and contribution margin first.

Actual Variable Cost = Total Cost - Fixed Cost

Actual Variable Cost = $255,000 - $28,000

Actual Variable Cost = $227,000

Contribution Margin = Sales - Variable Cost

Contribution Margin = $273,000 - $227,000

Contribution Margin = $46,000

Next, we can use the flexible-budget variance formula to find the flexible-budget amount for total variable costs:

Flexible-Budget Variance = Actual Results - Flexible Budget

$69,000U = ($273,000 - $227,000) - (330,000 - 227,000)

$69,000U = $46,000 - $103,000

$69,000U = -$57,000

Flexible Budget = Actual Results - Flexible-Budget Variance

Flexible Budget = $273,000 - (-$57,000)

Flexible Budget = $330,000

Now we can use the sales volume variance formula to find the actual sales:

Sales Volume Variance = (Actual Sales - Flexible Budget Sales) × Budgeted Contribution Margin

$30,000U = (Actual Sales - $330,000) × ($46,000/$273,000)

$30,000U = (Actual Sales - $330,000) × 0.1685

Actual Sales - $330,000 = $30,000U/0.1685

Actual Sales - $330,000 = $178,041.49

Actual Sales = $508,041.49

Finally, we can calculate the operating income in the flexible budget using the following formula:

Operating Income = (Sales in FB - Variable Costs in FB) - Fixed Costs

Operating Income = ($330,000 - $227,000) - $28,000

Operating Income = $75,000

Therefore, the answer is $75,000, which is closest to option D) $80,000.

For more such questions on budget visit:



8. boca enterprises will pay an annual dividend of $1.56 a share next year with future dividends increasing by 4.2 percent annually. what is the cost of common stock if the stock is currently selling for $48.10 a share?


The cost of common stock for Boca Enterprises is 7.52%, calculated as follows:

Dividend next year = $1.56

Growth rate = 4.2%

Current stock price = $48.10

Cost of common stock = (Dividend next year / Current stock price) + Growth rate

= ($1.56 / $48.10) + 4.2%

= 0.0324 + 0.042

= 0.0742 or 7.52%

Therefore, the cost of common stock for Boca Enterprises is 7.52%.

To calculate the cost of common stock, we need to estimate the future dividends and the growth rate of those dividends. In this case, we are told that the dividends will increase by 4.2% annually, so we can use that as the growth rate.

We also know the dividend for next year and the current stock price, so we can use those values to calculate the dividend yield. Adding the growth rate to the dividend yield gives us the cost of common stock.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:



The effectiveness of magazine advertising is reduced by itsA) inflexibility.B) inability to target specific markets.C) brief life span.D) higher total cost, relative to television advertising.


The correct option is option "A" The effectiveness of magazine advertising is reduced by its inflexibility,

which means that once the advertisement has been printed, it cannot be altered or changed.

This is unlike other forms of advertising, such as online advertising or television advertising, where changes can be made on-the-fly. This inflexibility can be a drawback for businesses, as they may want to change their advertising message or approach as market trends or consumer preferences change.
Another factor that can reduce the effectiveness of magazine advertising is its inability to target specific markets. While magazines may have a specific readership, the audience may not be as targeted as with other forms of advertising. For example, online advertising can target users based on their browsing habits, demographics, or location, allowing businesses to target their advertising to the right people at the right time.
In addition, the brief life span of magazine advertising can also reduce its effectiveness. Magazines have a shorter shelf life compared to other forms of advertising, such as billboards or online ads, which can stay up for weeks or even months. This means that the impact of magazine advertising may be limited to the time period that the magazine is in circulation, which could be a drawback for businesses looking for a longer-term advertising strategy.
Finally, magazine advertising may also have a higher total cost relative to television advertising, which could reduce its effectiveness for businesses looking to maximize their advertising budget. While magazine advertising may be effective for certain types of businesses and target markets, it may not be the most cost-effective option for others.

So, the correct answer is option A

for more such questions on  magazine .



The correct answer is A) inflexibility. Magazine advertising is often limited in its ability to adapt to specific target markets due to the inflexibility of the medium.

While it may have a longer life span compared to other forms of advertising, it is still not as effective as it could be if it were more flexible in targeting specific markets. Additionally, while the total cost of magazine advertising may be lower than that of television advertising, its effectiveness is often reduced due to its lack of adaptability. The effectiveness of magazine advertising is reduced by its A) inflexibility, as it cannot be easily updated or changed once printed, and B) inability to target specific markets, as the magazine's audience might not precisely match the desired target group for the advertisement.

Learn more about advertising here:



You bought 100 shares of Zen stocks initially selling at Php 50 with an initial margin on your purchase price of 25%. You borrowed the remainder from your broker with an interest rate on margin loans at 8%. Zen stocks are giving dividends at Php 0.6 per share during the 1-year holding period. a. How much did you initially invest? b. How much did you borrow from your broker? c. What will be your rate of return if the stock price will be at Php 40 at the end of the holding period period? d. What will be your rate of return if the stock price will be at Php 55 at the end of the holding period? e. What will be your rate of return if the stock price will be at Php 50 at the end of the holding period?


a. The initial investment is calculated as follows:

Initial investment = 100 shares x Php 50 per share x 0.25 margin requirement

Initial investment = Php 1,250

b. The amount borrowed from the broker is calculated as follows:

Amount borrowed = 100 shares x Php 50 per share x 0.75 (1 - 0.25 margin requirement)

Amount borrowed = Php 3,750

c. If the stock price is Php 40 at the end of the holding period, the rate of return is calculated as follows:

Total proceeds = 100 shares x Php 40 per share + Php 0.6 per share x 100 shares

Total proceeds = Php 4,060

Total interest expense = Php 3,750 x 0.08 = Php 300

Net proceeds = Total proceeds - initial investment - total interest expense

Net proceeds = Php 4,060 - Php 1,250 - Php 300 = Php 2,510

Rate of return = (Net proceeds / Initial investment) - 1

Rate of return = (Php 2,510 / Php 1,250) - 1

Rate of return = 1.008 or 0.8%

d. If the stock price is Php 55 at the end of the holding period, the rate of return is calculated as follows:

Total proceeds = 100 shares x Php 55 per share + Php 0.6 per share x 100 shares

Total proceeds = Php 5,560

Total interest expense = Php 3,750 x 0.08 = Php 300

Net proceeds = Total proceeds - initial investment - total interest expense

Net proceeds = Php 5,560 - Php 1,250 - Php 300 = Php 4,010

Rate of return = (Net proceeds / Initial investment) - 1

Rate of return = (Php 4,010 / Php 1,250) - 1

Rate of return = 2.208 or 120.8%

e. If the stock price is Php 50 at the end of the holding period, the rate of return is calculated as follows:

Total proceeds = 100 shares x Php 50 per share + Php 0.6 per share x 100 shares

Total proceeds = Php 5,060

Total interest expense = Php 3,750 x 0.08 = Php 300

Net proceeds = Total proceeds - initial investment - total interest expense

Net proceeds = Php 5,060 - Php 1,250 - Php 300 = Php 3,510

Rate of return = (Net proceeds / Initial investment) - 1

Rate of return = (Php 3,510 / Php 1,250) - 1

Rate of return = 1.808 or 80.8%

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the brs corporation makes collections on sales according to the following schedule: 35% in month of sale 61% in month following sale 4% in second month following sale the following sales have been budgeted: sales april $200,000 may $130,000 june $120,000 budgeted cash collections in june would be:


The budgeted cash collections in June would be $366,800.

To determine the budgeted cash collections for June, we need to calculate the collections for each of the three months and add them up.

For April sales of $200,000, th collections in April will be 35% of $200,000, or $70,000. The collections in May will be 61% of $200,000, or $122,000. The collections in June will be 4% of $200,000, or $8,000. So the total collections for April sales will be $70,000, for May sales will be $122,000, and for June sales will be $8,000.

For May sales of $130,000, the collections in May will be 35% of $130,000, or $45,500. The collections in June will be 61% of $130,000, or $79,300. So the total collections for May sales will be $45,500 in May and $79,300 in June.

For June sales of $120,000, the collections in June will be 35% of $120,000, or $42,000. So the total collections for June sales will be $42,000.

Adding up all the collections for each month, we get:

$70,000 + $122,000 + $8,000 + $45,500 + $79,300 + $42,000 = $366,800

Therefore, the budgeted cash collections in June would be $366,800.

Learn more about budgeted cash



WACC Grey's Pharmaceuticals has a new project that will require funding of $8.1 million. The company has decided to pursue an all debt scenario. Grey's has made agreements with four lenders for the needed financing. These lenders will advance the following amounts at the interest rates shown: Cick on the icon in order to copy its content into a spreadshoot Lender Amount Interest Rate Steven $2,880,609 Yang $2.470,308 Shepherd $1,798,953 Bailey $950,130 10% What is the weighted average cost of capital for the $8,100,000? 13% 12% 9% What is the weighted average cost of capital for the $8,100,000? 0% (Round to wo wo decimal places.)


The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the $8,100,000 is 9% (rounded to two decimal places).

The total loan amount provided by the four lenders is:

$2,880,609 + $2,470,308 + $1,798,953 + $950,130 = $8,099,000

The weight of each lender is:

Steven: $2,880,609 / $8,099,000 = 0.356

Yang: $2,470,308 / $8,099,000 = 0.305

Shepherd: $1,798,953 / $8,099,000 = 0.222

Bailey: $950,130 / $8,099,000 = 0.117

The weighted average cost of capital is:

(0.356 x 0.10) + (0.305 x 0.10) + (0.222 x 0.10) + (0.117 x 0.10) = 0.09996

Therefore, the correct option is 9%.

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petrus framing's cost formula for its supplies cost is $1,790 per month plus $10 per frame. for the month of march, the company planned for activity of 619 frames, but the actual level of activity was 624 frames. the actual supplies cost for the month was $8,500. the activity variance for supplies cost in march would be closest to:


The activity variance for supplies cost in March would be $520. To calculate the activity variance for supplies cost, we need to compare the actual supplies cost with the expected supplies cost based on the planned level of activity.

Given data:

Planned level of activity: 619 framesActual level of activity: 624 framesActual supplies cost: $8,500Cost formula: $1,790 per month plus $10 per frame

First, let's calculate the expected supplies cost based on the planned level of activity:

Expected supplies cost = $1,790 per month + ($10 per frame x 619 frames)

Expected supplies cost = $1,790 + $6,190

Expected supplies cost = $7,980

Now, we can calculate the activity variance for supplies cost:

Activity variance = Actual supplies cost - Expected supplies cost

Activity variance = $8,500 - $7,980

Activity variance = $520

So, the activity variance for supplies cost in March would be $520.

Learn more about “ planned level of activity. “ visit here;



Assume a 185 PSA prepayment model. What is the SMM in month 5?
Give your answer rounded to 4 decimals, i.e. if your answer is
.0101% = .000101, write in .0001.


The SMM in month 5 is 0.15% rounded to four decimal places. This means that 0.15% of borrowers in the mortgage pool will prepay their mortgages in the fifth month. Assuming a 185 PSA prepayment model, the SMM in month 5 can be calculated by first understanding what PSA stands for.

PSA stands for the Public Securities Association, which is now known as the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA). The PSA prepayment model is a methodology used to forecast prepayment speeds for mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

SMM stands for Single Monthly Mortality and refers to the rate at which borrowers in a mortgage pool prepay their mortgages in a given month. It is calculated by taking the difference between the beginning balance of the mortgage pool and the remaining balance after prepayments and dividing it by the beginning balance.

Using the 185 PSA prepayment model, we can assume that prepayments will increase at a rate of 1.85% per year. Therefore, the SMM in month 5 can be calculated as follows:

SMM = 1 - (1 - PSA)^ (1/12)
SMM = 1 - (1 - 0.0185)^(1/12)
SMM = 0.0015 or 0.15%

To know more about prepayment model refer here:



suppose the annual inflation rate in the us is expected to be 3.5 %, while it is expected to be 8.00 % in australia. the current spot rate (on 3/1/13) for the australian dollar (aud) is $0.7552. according to purchasing power parity, expected percentage change in the value of the aud during a one-year period should be:


According to purchasing power parity the exchange rate should adjust such that the same basket of goods costs the same amount in both countries.

Therefore, the expected percentage change in the value of the AUD can be calculated based on the difference in inflation rates between the US and Australia as follows:

Expected percentage change in AUD = (1 + Australian inflation rate) / (1 + US inflation rate) - 1

Expected percentage change in AUD = (1 + 8.00%) / (1 + 3.5%) - 1

Expected percentage change in AUD = 0.0415 or 4.15%

This means that the AUD is expected to depreciate by 4.15% relative to the USD over the next year, according to PPP. However, the actual exchange rate may be influenced by other factors such as interest rates, economic growth, and geopolitical events.

Learn more about purchasing power



theta cleaning corp. wants to use the house of quality matrix in designing and developing a new vacuum cleaner. what is the first step that theta cleaning should take? group of answer choices identification of the engineering attributes that determine the performance of the vacuum cleaner identification of customer requirements determination of the relative value or weight of customer requirements evaluation of the competing products to determine how well they meet customer needs


The first step that Theta Cleaning Corp. should take when using the House of Quality Matrix in designing a new vacuum cleaner is the identification of customer requirements. (D)

To do this, Theta Cleaning Corp. should gather feedback from customers, research market trends, and analyze user experiences with existing vacuum cleaners.

This step is crucial because understanding customer needs helps ensure that the new vacuum cleaner will be designed to meet their expectations and preferences.

Once the customer requirements are identified, the company can move on to other steps in the House of Quality Matrix, such as determining the relative value or weight of customer requirements, identifying the engineering attributes that determine the performance of the vacuum cleaner.

This systematic approach will assist Theta Cleaning Corp. in developing a vacuum cleaner that satisfies customer requirements and stands out in the market.(D)

To know more about market trends click on below link:



Complete question:

Theta Cleaning Corp. wants to use the house of quality matrix in designing and developing a new vacuum cleaner. What is the first step that Theta Cleaning should take?

Group of answer choices

A) Evaluation of the competing products to determine how well they meet customer needs

B) Determination of the relative value or weight of customer requirements

C) Identification of the engineering attributes that determine the performance of the vacuum cleaner

D) Identification of customer requirements

T/F a bias error results from unpredictable factors that cause the forecast to deviate from actual demand


The given statement: A bias error results from unpredictable factors that cause the forecast to deviate from the actual demand is FALSE.

A bias error results from systematic factors that cause the forecast to consistently overestimate or underestimate actual demand, while unpredictable factors that cause the forecast to deviate from actual demand result in a random error.

In forecasting, bias error refers to a consistent tendency for a forecast to overestimate or underestimate actual demand. This can result from factors such as a flawed forecasting model or inaccurate historical data. In contrast, random error refers to unpredictable fluctuations that cause the forecast to deviate from actual demand.

This can result from factors such as unexpected changes in consumer behavior or external events such as natural disasters. Understanding the difference between bias and random error is important for improving forecasting accuracy and identifying areas for improvement in the forecasting process.

To know more about actual demand, refer here:

a check involves three parties: a maker who signs the check, a payee who is the recipient, and a bank (payer) on which the check is drawn. true or false


True. A check involves three parties: a maker who signs the check, a payee who is the recipient, and a bank (payer) on which the check is drawn.

True. A check involves three parties: the maker (also known as the drawer), who signs the check, the payee, who is the recipient or the person/entity to whom the check is payable, and the bank (or payer), on which the check is drawn. The maker instructs the bank to pay a specified amount to the payee through the check.

Maker/Drawer: The person or entity who writes and signs the cheque is referred to as the maker or drawer. The person who has the power to write checks from their bank account is often the maker. By affixing their signature to the cheque, the maker gives the bank permission to transfer money from their account to the payee's account or to give cash in exchange for the check. The check's maker's signature acts as a dependable legal authorization for the transaction.

Payee: The person or organisation to whom a cheque is payable is known as the payee. They are the one who will receive the money listed on the cheque. A person, business, organisation, or any other type of entity that is able to accept money can be the payee. On checks, the "pay to the order of" line usually includes the payee's name. Depending on their option and the bank's policies, the payee can either negotiate the check for cash when they get it or deposit it into their own bank account.

Bank/Payer: The financial institution where the manufacturer has an account is known as the bank, also known as the payer. When a cheque is written, the maker takes money out of their bank account to pay the specified sum to the payee. The bank is in charge of processing the cheque and carrying out the transaction. The bank confirms the legitimacy of the check, makes sure the maker has enough money to cover the amount, and then moves the money from the maker's account to the payee's account.

To know more about check



QUESTION 2 Reformulate the following income statement (in millions of dollars): 2,400 Sales Operating expenses to generate sales Loss from real estate partnership (1,650) (100) 40 Interest income Interest expense (160) 530 159 Income tax expense 371 Net income The firm's statutory tax rate is 35%. What is the effective tax rate on operating income from sales?


The effective tax rate on operating income from sales is -60.3%.

To reformulate the income statement, we need to first calculate the operating income. Operating income is the income generated from the firm's core business operations and is calculated by subtracting operating expenses from sales.
Operating income = Sales - Operating expenses
Operating income = 2,400 - (1,650 + 100)
Operating income = 650
Next, we need to calculate the taxable income. Taxable income is the income on which the firm is required to pay taxes and is calculated by subtracting the loss from real estate partnership and interest expenses from the operating income and adding interest income.
Taxable income = Operating income + Interest income - Loss from real estate partnership - Interest expense
Taxable income = 650 + 40 - 1,650 - 160
Taxable income = -1,120
Since the taxable income is negative, the firm will receive a tax refund. The income tax expense is calculated based on the statutory tax rate of 35%.
Income tax expense = Taxable income x Statutory tax rate
Income tax expense = -1,120 x 35%
Income tax expense = -392
To calculate the effective tax rate on operating income from sales, we need to divide the income tax expense by the operating income.
Effective tax rate = Income tax expense / Operating income
Effective tax rate = -392 / 650
Effective tax rate = -60.3%
The negative sign indicates that the firm is receiving a tax refund rather than paying taxes. Therefore, the effective tax rate on operating income from sales is -60.3%.

For more such questions on effective tax visit:



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