What will be the time at 105 o W, when it is 9 AM at 75 o W?


Answer 1

It will be 11 AM  at 105 degrees west, when it is 9 AM at 75 degrees west.

To determine the time at 105 o W when it is 9 AM at 75 o W, we need to consider the time difference between the two longitudes. Each degree of longitude represents approximately 4 minutes of time difference. Therefore, the time difference between 75 o W and 105 o W is (105-75) x 4 = 120 minutes or 2 hours.

If it is currently 9 AM at 75 o W, then adding the time difference of 2 hours to this gives us a time of 11 AM at 105 o W. So, the time at 105 o W would be 11 AM when it is currently 9 AM at 75 o W.

Know more about longitudes here



Related Questions

The steep side of a sand dune, down which sand is slipping, is known as


The steep side of a sand dune down which sand is slipping is known as the slip face or the lee face.

The slip face is typically located on the leeward side of the dune, where the wind is blowing sand away from the dune crest and causing it to slide down the steep slope. The slip face is often steeper than the windward side of the dune, which is typically where sand is deposited and the dune is built up over time. The slip face can be a dangerous area for hikers or sandboarders, as the sand can give way and cause a sudden, rapid descent down the steep slope.Sand dunes are created by the movement of windblown sand particles, and their shape is determined by the interaction of wind direction and sand availability. The windward side of a dune is the side that faces the wind, where sand is deposited and the dune is built up over time. The leeward side of the dune, on the other hand, is sheltered from the wind and is typically steeper than the windward side.

Learn more about Sand dunes here:



The steep side of a sand dune, down which sand is slipping, is known as the slip face.

The slip face is formed due to the angle of repose, which is the steepest angle at which a material can remain stable without collapsing. When a sand dune reaches this angle, the sand starts slipping down the face of the dune, creating the slip face.

The slip face is constantly shifting and changing shape as the sand slips down the dune. The slip face can be dangerous to climb or traverse as it is unstable and can easily collapse under the weight of a person or object.

Additionally, the sand that slips down the slip face can create a sand avalanche, which can be dangerous and potentially deadly.

In some cases, the slip face can be used for recreation, such as sandboarding or sand sledding. However, it is important to take necessary precautions and follow safety guidelines to avoid injury.

to know more about sand dunes refer here:



short extensions of rock or other material that are placed at right angles to longshore drift to stop the longshore transport of sediments are called .


Short extensions of rock or other material that are placed at right angles to longshore drift to stop the longshore transport of sediments are called groin.

A groin is a long, thin structure used in coastal engineering that extends into the water from a beach to stop beach erosion or to catch and store sand which might otherwise flow along the beach face and shoreline area as a result of waves that are coming at an angle.

On the updrift side, a groin can successfully stabilise a beach, but on the downdrift side, where the groin construction prevents drifting sand from replenishing the beach, erosion is more likely to worsen. Several groin are frequently constructed in so-called groin fields, which can stabilise a broader beach area, in part to combat this tendency.

Know more about groin here



what is basin and range


The Basin and Range Province is a vast physiographic region covering much of the inland Western United States and northwestern Mexico. It is defined by unique basin and range topography, characterized by abrupt changes in elevation, alternating between narrow faulted mountain chains and flat arid valleys or basins.

paricutin is an example of a . group of answer choices shield volcano composite volcano cinder cone lava dome


Paricutin is an example of a Cinder Cone volcano. It is located in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, and it is considered one of the most famous and studied examples of a cinder cone volcano in the world.

Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano and are characterized by steep conical hills formed from the accumulation of loose volcanic fragments called cinders or scoria. These fragments are ejected from a single vent and accumulate around the vent to form a cone-shaped hill. Cinder cone volcanoes are typically small in size and have a relatively short lifespan compared to other types of volcanoes such as shield and composite volcanoes. Cinder cone volcanoes are relatively small in size and are formed by explosive eruptions that eject volcanic materials, such as cinders, ash, and rocks, into the air. As these materials fall back to the ground, they accumulate around the vent to form a cone-shaped hill. Cinder cones typically have steep slopes and a small summit crater that may or may not contain a lava dome or other type of volcanic feature.

Learn more about lifespan here:



the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized in the stars temperatures. true or false


True, the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized at the high temperatures found in these stars.

The hottest stars, also known as O-type stars, show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized at the high temperatures found in these stars. O-type stars have surface temperatures of around 30,000 kelvin, which is hot enough to ionize hydrogen atoms and strip them of their electrons. As a result, the spectral lines that are normally associated with neutral hydrogen atoms, such as the Balmer series, are very weak or even absent in the spectra of O-type stars. Instead, these stars show strong spectral lines associated with ionized elements, such as helium, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon, which are produced by the high temperatures and intense radiation fields found in these stars.

Learn more about O-type stars :



The correct answers for the statement ''the hottest stars show little evidence of hydrogen in their spectra because hydrogen is mostly ionized in the stars temperatures'' is True.

The hottest stars have such high temperatures that the majority of the hydrogen atoms in their atmospheres are ionized, meaning they have lost their electrons. When this happens, the hydrogen atoms no longer absorb or emit light at the same wavelengths as neutral hydrogen atoms.

As a result, there is little evidence of hydrogen in the spectra of these stars. Instead, other elements that are present in the stars, such as helium and carbon, produce the dominant spectral lines. This is why the spectra of hot stars look very different from those of cooler stars, which have more neutral hydrogen in their atmospheres.

To know more hydrogen,refer to the link:



the yellowstone supervolcano would produce massive amounts of ash. why would ash fall be such a problem?


 Ash fall from the Yellowstone supervolcano would be a major problem for several reasons. First, the sheer volume of ash could cause widespread respiratory issues and reduced visibility. Second, the ash could contaminate water sources, affecting agriculture and wildlife.

Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in the western United States, largely in the northwest corner of Wyoming and extending into Montana and Idaho. It was established by the 42nd U.S. Congress with the Yellowstone National Park Protection Act and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. The park is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially the Old Faithful geyser, one of its most popular. While it represents many types of biomes, the subalpine forest is the most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. While Native Americans have lived in the Yellowstone region for at least 11,000 years, aside from visits by mountain men during the early-to-mid-19th century, organized exploration did not begin until the late 1860s.

Learn more about Yellowstone here:



which of the following correctly describes the meaning of albedo? which of the following correctly describes the meaning of albedo? the lower the albedo, the more light the surface reflects, and the less it absorbs. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface reflects, and the less it absorbs. the higher the albedo, the more light the atmosphere absorbs. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface absorbs. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface emits.


B. The concept of albedo is as follows: the higher the albedo, the more light a surface reflects and the less it absorbs.

What is "albedo "?

The amount of light that a surface reflects is known as albedo. The albedo is equal to one in the event that it all reflects. The albedo is 0.3 if 30% of the light reflects. The amount of incoming solar energy, or light, that is immediately reflected back into space is determined by the albedo of the Earth's surface—atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces.

Albedo is the amount of sunlight (solar radiation) that a surface reflects. It is typically expressed as a percentage or a decimal number, with a value of 1 representing a perfect reflector and a value of 0 representing an absorber of all incoming light. The surface almost always refers to a planet like Earth when discussing albedo.

To learn more about albedo visit :



Complete question -

Which of the following correctly describes the meaning of albedo?

A . the lower the albedo, the more light the surface reflects, and the less it absorbs.

B. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface reflects, and the less it absorbs.

C. the higher the albedo, the more light the atmosphere absorbs.

D. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface absorbs. the higher the albedo, the more light the surface emits.

which of the following patterns of annual precipitation are caused by hadley cell circulation group of answer choices high amounts of rainfall during the summer in california low precipitation at the poles low precipitation on the leeward side of a mountain range high rainfall at 30n and 30s, with lower precipitation near the equator high rainfall at the equator


High rainfall at the equator is caused by Hadley cell circulation. This circulation pattern results in significant amounts of rainfall and precipitation in regions near the equator, as warm, moist air rises and then cools, releasing moisture in the form of precipitation.

The cooled, dry air then sinks back down to the surface near the poles, creating dry and arid conditions. This pattern is known as the Hadley cell circulation and plays a major role in global climate patterns. The Hadley cell is a large-scale atmospheric circulation pattern that transports heat and moisture from the equator to the tropics and beyond. It is driven by the temperature difference between the equator and the poles and the rotation of the Earth. The Hadley cell is responsible for many of the world's major climate zones and weather patterns. In the Hadley cell, warm air rises at the equator and moves towards the poles, where it cools and sinks back down to the surface. As it rises and cools, it releases moisture in the form of precipitation. This leads to high amounts of rainfall at around 30 degrees north and south of the equator, which is where the sinking air is the driest.

Learn more about temperature here:



volcanic bombs originate . group of answer choices as erupted magma blobs that partly congeal before falling to the ground as ash particles that join together in the eruptive plume and fall as cobble-sized objects


Volcanic bombs originate as erupted magma blobs that partly congeal before falling to the ground. These bombs are formed by ash particles that join together in the eruptive plume and fall as cobble-sized objects.

Volcanic bombs are a type of pyroclastic material that is ejected from a volcanic vent during explosive eruptions. They can be formed from a variety of magma types, including basaltic, andesitic, and dacitic. The type of magma and the explosivity of the eruption can determine the size and shape of the volcanic bombs. As the magma is ejected into the air, it cools and solidifies on the exterior due to the lower temperature of the surrounding air. This solidified exterior can then be shaped by the air into an aerodynamic form. As the volcanic bomb travels through the air, it continues to cool, and the interior of the bomb can solidify partially. However, the core of the bomb remains hot and molten due to the insulating effect of the solidified exterior. When the volcanic bomb falls to the ground, it can often be shattered upon impact, revealing the still-liquid interior. The size of volcanic bombs can range from a few centimeters to several meters in diameter, and they can travel several kilometers away from the volcano. The impact of volcanic bombs can be devastating to the surrounding landscape and infrastructure, and they pose a significant hazard to people living near active volcanoes.

Learn more about solidified here:



profile across kessler mountainif the distance between a and a is 1.5 miles, then what is the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile that you constricted above?


The vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile is Y/(5,280*X).

To calculate the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile, we need to know the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale.

This ratio is equal to the vertical exaggeration of the profile.Let's first convert the distance between points A and A on the profile to inches, since the scales are given in terms of inches.

If the distance between A and A on the profile is 1.5 miles, and the horizontal scale is X miles per inch, then the distance between A and A on the profile in inches is:

1.5 miles * (1/X miles per inch) = 1.5/X inches

Now, we need to find the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale, which will give us the vertical exaggeration.

If the vertical scale is Y feet per inch, then the ratio of the vertical scale to the horizontal scale is:

Y feet per inch / X miles per inch

To simplify this ratio, we need to convert the vertical scale from feet to miles. There are 5,280 feet in a mile, so:

Y feet per inch = (Y feet per inch) * (1 mile per 5,280 feet) = Y/5,280 miles per inch

Now, we can substitute this into the ratio:

(Y/5,280 miles per inch) / (X miles per inch) = Y/(5,280*X)

-----------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Assuming a horizontal scale of X miles per inch and a vertical scale of Y feet per inch, what is the vertical exaggeration of the topographic profile constructed across Kessler Mountain, if the distance between point A and point A on the profile is 1.5 miles?"-----------

To know more about topographic, click here.



activity 5.7 analysis and interpretation of igneous rock. You will be introduced to Igneous rock samples from your lab kit for this week: o Basalt - sample included o Granite - sample included o Obsidian - sample included o Pumice - sample included o Rhyolite - sample included o Andesite - use photos from the book Diorite - use photos from the book o Gabbro - use photos from the book o Scoria - sample included


According to where the molten rock hardens, igneous rocks are categorized into two groups: intrusive and extrusive. Intrusive Rocks that are igneous Magma becomes trapped in the Earth's interior and intrusive, or Plutonic, igneous rock is created.

Analysis and Interpretation of Igneous rock :Granite: Hard igneous rock known as granite contains crystals of several minerals that are easily seen.Basalt: It is a pumice-like, fine-grained igneous rock that is black in color. Pumice: A light igneous rock that contains tens of thousands of microscopic air bubbles.Obsidian: It has a glassy texture and a dark color. It is created from lava that is cooling too quickly for mineral crystals to form. Rhyolite: It shares many characteristics with granite, however it has a finer texture as a result of the Earth's surface's quick cooling.

To know more about intrusive and extrusive Igneous rock visit:



In Activity 5.7, you will analyze and interpret various igneous rock samples from your lab kit, including Basalt, Granite, Obsidian, Pumice, Rhyolite, Andesite, Diorite, Gabbro, and Scoria.

Igneous rocks are formed from the solidification of molten rock material called magma, which cools either beneath the Earth's surface (intrusive) or on the surface (extrusive). Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock, characterized by its dark color and fine-grained texture. It is formed from rapidly cooling lava flows and is commonly found in oceanic crust. Granite is an intrusive igneous rock, which means it cooled slowly beneath the Earth's surface. It has a coarse-grained texture and is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar minerals.

Obsidian is an extrusive igneous rock with a glassy texture and dark color. It is formed from rapidly cooling lava, which does not have enough time for mineral crystals to form. Pumice is another extrusive igneous rock, characterized by its light color and porous texture due to trapped gas bubbles in the rapidly cooling lava. It is often used as an abrasive material. Rhyolite is similar to granite in composition but has a fine-grained texture due to rapid cooling at the Earth's surface.

Andesite, Diorite, Gabbro, and Scoria are also igneous rocks with varying compositions, textures, and colors. Andesite and Scoria are extrusive, while Diorite and Gabbro are intrusive. To analyze and interpret these igneous rocks, you will examine their textures, colors, and mineral compositions. By understanding the characteristics of each rock, you can determine the conditions under which they formed and their significance in Earth's geological history.

For more such questions on Pumice



during the end permian mass extinction, the slowing of sea floor spreading resulted in an incresae of



the world's ocean basins


During the end Permian mass extinction, the slowing of sea floor spreading resulted in an increase of the world's ocean basins, causing sea level to drop about 200m.

During the End-Permian mass extinction, the slowing of sea floor spreading resulted in an increase in volcanic activity and a decrease in the rate of new oceanic crust formation. This contributed to the mass extinction event by altering the global climate and causing significant environmental stress on marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

The end-Permian extinction, which occurred about 252 million years ago, was the most severe extinction event in the history of life on Earth, with up to 96% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species going extinct. The exact cause of the extinction is still debated among scientists, but it is thought to have been triggered by a combination of factors, including massive volcanic eruptions, global warming, and changes in ocean chemistry. These factors led to a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing dramatic changes in climate and ocean conditions. The slowing of sea floor spreading during the end-Permian mass extinction is thought to have contributed to the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in two ways. First, the slower spreading rate meant that less new oceanic crust was being created, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that was being taken up and stored in the ocean. This, in turn, led to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which contributed to global warming.

Learn more about atmosphere here:



The climate of eastern Australia is _________ due to the flow of winds across the _________ Current. In Europe, winds blows across the __________ to make the climate _________.


The climate of eastern Australia is "mild and moist" due to the flow of winds across the "eastern Australian" Current.

In Europe, winds blows across the "North Atlantic Ocean" to make the climate "moderate and maritime".The eastern Australian Current is a warm ocean current that flows southward along the east coast of Australia, bringing warm water from the tropics to the cooler waters of the southern hemisphere. As the warm air from the ocean rises, it creates a moist and mild climate in eastern Australia, with abundant rainfall and moderate temperatures.In contrast, the North Atlantic Ocean is a large body of water that influences the climate of Europe through the movement of air masses across its surface. As warm, moist air moves northward from the Atlantic, it brings milder temperatures and precipitation to Europe, making the climate more moderate and maritime in nature. The North Atlantic Drift, a warm ocean current that flows northeastward from the Gulf of Mexico, also contributes to the mild climate of Europe by bringing warm water to the northern latitudes.

Learn more about  Australia here:



(q003) porosity decreases group of answer choices as sedimentary rock weathers. with decreasing compaction of sediments or rock. when rocks develop joints or faults. with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater.


Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. This process reduces the spaces between sediment particles, leading to lower porosity in the sedimentary rock.

Porosity is a measure of how much empty space there is within a rock or sediment. As sedimentary rock weathers, its porosity typically decreases. This can happen for several reasons. One reason is the decreasing compaction of sediments or rock. Over time, the weight of overlying sediment or rock can compress the sediments beneath it, reducing the amount of empty space within the rock. Another reason is when rocks develop joints or faults. These cracks in the rock can allow water to flow through and carry away small particles, reducing the porosity. Finally, porosity can decrease with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As mineral grains precipitate out of the groundwater, they fill in the empty spaces between sediment particles, reducing porosity.

Learn more about rock here:



Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As the minerals cement the sediment particles together, the spaces between the particles are reduced, leading to a decrease in porosity. This process is known as cementation and is a common process in the formation of sedimentary rocks.

Porosity decreases with the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. This process reduces the spaces between sediment particles, resulting in a decrease in porosity.The porosity of sedimentary rock refers to the volume of open spaces or voids within the rock that can hold fluids such as water, oil, or gas. As sedimentary rock weathers, its porosity can decrease due to a number of factors. One of the main reasons for decreased porosity is the compaction of sediments or rock over time, which reduces the amount of open space between grains. This can occur through natural processes such as the weight of overlying sediment or from tectonic forces. Another reason for decreased porosity is the cementing of sediments by mineral grains from groundwater. As water flows through sedimentary rock, it can deposit minerals such as quartz, calcite, or iron oxide that bind sediment grains together and reduce the volume of open space. Additionally, when rocks develop joints or faults, they can undergo physical deformation that decreases the porosity by reducing the volume of open space.Overall, the decrease in porosity of sedimentary rock can have important implications for the movement of fluids through rock, including groundwater, oil, and gas. Understanding the factors that affect porosity is therefore essential for many fields, including geology, hydrology, and resource exploration.

To learn more about cementing  click on the link below:



17. Which economic system supports the idea of a country's trade and industry to be controlled by (1 point)
private owners for profit?
Ofree market economy
O command economies.
O capitalism


A free market economy

which kind of plate boundary is exemplified by the thick, elevated crust known as the tibetan plateau and the himalayan mountains?


The kind of plate boundary that is exemplified by the topographical features of the border of Tibetan Plateau, and the Himalayan Mountains is called Convergent Boundary.

The border of of the Himalayas, and the Tibetan Plateau is made of geological rock slabs formed by the collision of the Eurasian Plate, and the Indian Plate that were formed at least 50 million years ago geologically. The said plate formation is persistent even to this date, and is also referred to as Continent-Continent style convergent plate.

Hence based on the aforesaid statements, it is concluded that the boundary connecting the Himalayas, and the Tibetan Plateau is a mixture of two slabs of continental convergent plates into one.

To know more about convergent plates;


a relatively large, symmetrical volcano that contains interlayered lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, and volcanic mudflows is a:


A relatively large, symmetrical volcano that contains inter layered lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, and volcanic mud flows is a Composite Volcano.

A volcano is a place where gases, ashes and molten lava escape to the ground. They are considered active, if such materials have been released out in the recent past.

The composite Volcanoes are characterized by eruptions of cooler and more viscous lava's than basalt. These volcanoes often result in explosive eruptions.

Along with heavy magma, heavy quantities of pyroclastic materials, ashes and various gases find their way to the ground. All these material accumulates in the vicinity of the vent openings resulting in formation of layers, and this makes the mounts appear as composite volcanoes.

Such volcanoes are built up by successive eruptions of domes, lava flows and pyroclastic flows and often experience large blasts that destroy large areas of their summits.

Mount Fuji, Mount Cotopaxi, Mount Shasta, Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier are some famous examples of composite form of volcanoes.

learn more about composite Volcanoes: https://brainly.com/question/14261445


You are most likely describing a stratovolcano, commonly referred to as a composite volcano. Large and symmetrical in shape, these volcanoes are made up of interlayered lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, and volcanic mudflows.

The volcano you are describing is likely a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. These types of volcanoes are typically large and symmetrical, composed of interlayered lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, and volcanic mudflows. They are characterized by explosive eruptions and steep slopes, and are commonly found at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is forced under another. Examples of stratovolcanoes include Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount St. Helens in the United States.

Learn more about stratovolcano here



Where did the Soviet Industrial power go when Operation Barbarossa kicked off?


Operation Barbarossa was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II, which began on June 22, 1941. At the time, the Soviet Union was a major industrial power, but the invasion disrupted its economy and caused significant damage to its industrial infrastructure.

The Soviet Union's industrial centers were primarily located in the western part of the country, which is where the invasion took place. The German army advanced quickly and captured many of these cities, including Minsk, Smolensk, and Kiev. The loss of these cities and their industrial output was a significant blow to the Soviet war effort.

They specifically targeted key industries such as oil refineries, steel mills, and factories producing military equipment. The Germans also destroyed railroads, bridges, and other infrastructure that was essential to transporting goods and materials.

Despite these setbacks, the Soviet Union was able to recover and rebuild its industrial capacity over the course of war. Soviet industry was able to produce massive amounts of military equipment and supplies, which played a crucial role in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany.

Learn more about Operation Barbarossa


When Operation Barbarossa kicked off, the Soviet Industrial power was forced to relocate eastward to evade the German invaders.

The Soviet Union possessed a vast industrial complex that was crucial to the war effort. To avoid capture by the invading German army, the Soviets relocated several of their industries eastward. This allowed them to continue manufacturing weapons and materials needed to combat the Germans.

However, there were some downsides to the transfer. The transfer of enterprises wreaked havoc on the Soviet economy and supply chain. Furthermore, many of the factories that were relocated did so in haste, resulting in damage or loss of vital equipment.

Despite these losses, the shift of Soviet industrial might allowed them to continue fighting the Germans and eventually played a critical part in their triumph on the Eastern Front.

To learn more about Operation Barbarossa, visit:


what type of metamorphism would most likely take place in the rocks underlying a continental plate experiencing the subduction of an oceanic edged plate ?


The type of metamorphism most likely to occur in rocks underlying a continental plate experiencing the subduction of an oceanic plate is called "regional metamorphism." This occurs due to the high pressures and temperatures generated by the subduction process.

When an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate, the high pressure and temperature conditions of the subduction zone can cause the metamorphism of the rocks within the continental plate. The weight of the overlying rock, combined with the heat and pressure generated by the subduction process, can cause the rocks to be transformed into new metamorphic rocks. This type of metamorphism is called regional metamorphism because it occurs over a large area and can affect rocks of different types and ages. The heat and pressure conditions are usually higher and more sustained than in other types of metamorphism, leading to the formation of distinct mineral assemblages and textures. Regional metamorphism can produce a wide range of metamorphic rocks, such as schist, gneiss, and migmatite. The specific type of rock that forms depends on the original composition of the rocks and the degree and duration of the heat and pressure applied.

Learn more about composition here:



This type of rock is formed when magma or lava cools and hardens.


Answer: Igneous rocks


Of the following statements about the characteristics of coastal waters, which is/are true?
Coastal waters are more affected than the open ocean by river runoff and tidal currents.
Coastal waters typically have high biologic productivities.
Coastal waters are rarely altered by human activities.
Coastal waters have high biologic diversity.
A very large percentage of the oceans' biomass is located in coastal waters.


All of the statements about the characteristics of coastal waters are true. Coastal waters are more affected than the open ocean by river runoff and tidal currents due to their shallow depths and proximity to land.

This leads to higher biologic productivities in coastal waters due to increased nutrient availability. Coastal waters are rarely left undisturbed by human activities, and are often subject to various forms of anthropogenic impacts, such as pollution, dredging, and overfishing.

However, this disturbance can also lead to higher biologic diversity in coastal waters due to the creation of niches and habitat complexity. Finally, a very large percentage of the oceans' biomass is located in coastal waters, due to the high productivities and diverse habitats that are found.

All the statements are True.

To know more about Coastal waters , click here:



deforestation can be slowed by which of the following? group of answer choices recycling more paper to reduce the need for pulpwood practicing shifting agriculture on forest land growing more timber on short rotations practicing clear cutting building new roads and homes in forest areas


"Deforestation can be slowed by recycling more paper to reduce the need for pulpwood."

Deforestation is the purpose-ful clearing of forest-ed land. Through-out history & in-to modern times, forests have be-en razed to make space for agri-culture & animal grazing, & to obtain wood for fuel, manu-facturing, & con-struction.

Deforestation can be slow-ed by having less, avoi-ding single use pack-aging, eating sustain-able food, & choosing re-cycled or responsibly-produced wood pro-ducts.

How can the problem of deforestation be solved?

1.Afforestation & proper manage-ment of grazing can help to so-me extent.

2.Plant-ing of shelter belts of plants, cont-rol on over grazing, stabili-zation of sand dunes by grow-ing tho-rny bushes.

To know more about deforestation click below:



which water source may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system? select one: a. ground reservoirs b. private water storage tanks c. cisterns d. swimming pools


The water source that may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system is: c. cisterns.

The water source that may be placed within strategic locations by some suburban and urban jurisdictions as a backup water supply system is C. Cisterns. Cisterns are containers designed for storing water, which can be placed underground or above ground, and are commonly used to collect rainwater for later use. In some jurisdictions, cisterns may be placed in strategic locations as a backup water supply system, especially in areas prone to droughts or water shortages. Ground reservoirs, private water storage tanks, and swimming pools may also be used for storing water, but they are typically not used as backup water supply systems in suburban or urban areas.

Learn more about  reservoirs here:



Natural levees are created during O low-flow conditions O none of the above -- all levees are man-made O floods o normal-flow conditions


The correct answer is "floods". Natural levees are created during floods when water overflows from its banks and deposits sediment on the edges of the river or stream.

These sediment deposits build up over time, creating natural levees that can help contain the water during normal-flow conditions or low-flow conditions. During a flood, water overflows from the banks of the river or stream and slows down, depositing sediment and other debris. Over time, these deposits build up, creating a natural ridge or levee along the banks of the river or stream. Natural levees are typically higher and more stable than the surrounding floodplain, and can provide some protection against future floods. However, they are not always effective in preventing flood damage and can be breached if the floodwaters rise too high.

Learn more about sediment :



Natural levees are created during floods when the water overflows the riverbanks and deposits sediment on the surrounding land. So, the correct option is  floods.

This occurs when a river overflows its banks, and the sediment carried by the floodwaters is deposited along the edges of the river channel. Over time, these deposits build up and form raised embankments known as natural levees, which can help protect the surrounding land from future flooding.

Therefore, natural levees are not created during normal-flow conditions or low-flow conditions. It is important to note that not all levees are man-made, as natural levees do exist.

To know more about floods refer here:



how have the natural hazards found in east asia influenced settlement patterns and government policies in the region?


two rock formations can be determined by examining the physical characteristics of the boundary between them. There are three main types of contact between rock layers: conformable, unconformable, and intrusive.

Conformable contacts occur when one layer of rock has been deposited on top of another with no significant break in sedimentation. Unconformable contacts occur when there is a break in sedimentation between two layers, often due to erosion or a period of non-deposition. Intrusive contacts occur when magma intrudes into pre-existing rocks and cools, forming a new igneous rock body that cuts across the pre-existing layers.

To determine the type of contact between the Ridpath Sandstone and Kavalier Shale, one would need to analyze the geological characteristics of the boundary between them, such as the angle of inclination, the presence of erosional features, or the presence of intrusive igneous rocks.

Learn more about Sandstone  here:



A student gathered four trays and four different kinds of rock samples — granite, limestone, marble, and sandstone. She tilted the trays, put a rock sample on the top end of each tray, and used a pump to force water continuously through a tube over the rocks for four days (96 hours). She collected data and recorded observations of each rock sample at the end of each day. The purpose of the student’s investigation is to determine —


The purpose of the student’s investigation is to determine the effects of weathering on various environments.

The term "weathering" describes how rocks and minerals break down and change as a result of being exposed to the elements. Physical, chemical, and biological forces all contribute to this natural process, which can have a variety of environmental repercussions.

The impact of weathering on the environment, the soil, and living things will be covered in this brief. The modification of the landscape is one of weathering's most noticeable consequences. Weathering has the power to erode mountains, form valleys and canyons, and sculpt the earth's surface through time.

Know more about weathering here



the ridge left behind by a glacier that outlines where the glacier has been is called:


The ridge left behind by a glacier that outlines where the glacier has been is called a moraine.

A moraine is a landform that is created by the deposition of sediments and rocks carried by a glacier. Moraines can occur both at the edge of a glacier and in the interior, and they can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, including ridges, mounds, and hills. However, the ridge left behind by a glacier that outlines where the glacier has been is called a "terminal moraine". Terminal moraines are typically found at the end of a glacier and mark the farthest point that the glacier advanced. Moraines can occur both at the edge of a glacier and in the interior, and they can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, including ridges, mounds, and hills.

Learn more about terminal moraine :



The ridge left behind by a glacier that outlines where the glacier has been is called a moraine.

Moraines are formed as glaciers move across the landscape, carrying rocks, sediment, and other debris with them.

As the glacier melts or retreats, it deposits this debris in a linear mound or ridge along its edges. Moraines can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from small ridges to massive hills that stretch for miles.

They are important indicators of past glacial activity and can provide valuable information about the history of a particular region.

Moraines can also be used to study changes in climate and the environment over time, as they can reveal information about the size and movement of glaciers during different periods in history.

Overall, moraines are a fascinating feature of our planet's geological history and offer important insights into the dynamics of our natural world.

To know more about moraine refer here:



As in the mining of coltan in Congo, coal mining in Appalachia has produced issues of ________. A) economic prosperity for local residents, but high prices for everyone else
B) job losses and air pollution
C) environmental damage and social and economic justice
D) industrial smog
E) black market activity for stolen and poached minerals


The correct answer for tis question is option (C) environmental damage and social and economic justice.

Coal mining in Appalachia has resulted in significant environmental damage, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water pollution from acid mine drainage. The coal mining industry has also been linked to health problems for local residents, including respiratory illnesses and increased rates of cancer. In addition, there are often issues of social and economic justice associated with coal mining in Appalachia, as the industry can exploit workers and leave communities with little economic opportunity outside of mining. There have also been concerns about the practice of mountaintop removal mining, which involves blasting off the tops of mountains to access coal seams, as it can cause long-term damage to the landscape and disrupt local ecosystems.

Learn more about mining :



Coal mining in Appalachia has produced issues of environmental damage and social and economic justice. The correct option is C).

This region, rich in coal resources, has been subject to extensive mining activities, leading to significant environmental impacts such as deforestation, habitat destruction, and water pollution. These environmental problems have affected the local ecosystem, wildlife, and overall health of the area.

Additionally, the social and economic justice aspect comes into play as many local residents, particularly those in low-income communities, have faced job losses, inadequate health care, and lack of access to education. The coal mining industry has provided some jobs, but they are often temporary and come with health risks due to exposure to hazardous materials and poor working conditions. Furthermore, the economic benefits generated by the mining industry have not been distributed equitably among the population, with many residents still living in poverty.

In conclusion, the coal mining activities in Appalachia have led to both environmental damage and issues related to social and economic justice, affecting the overall well-being of the local communities and their environment.

For more such questions on Environmental damage.



Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because a. the Moon is heavily cratered. b. all the craters on the Moon are old. c. the smooth part of the Moon is nearly as old as the heavily cratered part. d. all the craters on the Moon are young.


Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because the Moon is heavily cratered.

A is the correct answer.

Failed planets and smaller asteroids crashed into larger worlds between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago, leaving scars on their surfaces. Impacts in the solar system may have increased near the end of the conflict, during a time known as the Late Heavy Bombardment.

The large planets were responsible for the Late Heavy Bombardment because as they moved about, circling closer and further from the sun, they pushed many asteroids and other smaller solar system objects with them.

Strong evidence for a period of intense bombardment can be found in the age distribution of meteors observed on Earth, major impacts on the terrestrial planets and our Moon, clues to shock impacts in the asteroid belt, and other factors.

To know more about bombardment visit:



Scientists propose an early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System because the Moon is heavily cratered. So, the correct option is A. the Moon is heavily cratered.

The Moon has a lot of impact craters that indicate it has been hit by a lot of objects in the past. The craters on the Moon are not all the same age. Some are older than others. However, they all indicate that there was a time when the Moon was bombarded by a lot of objects. The smooth part of the Moon is nearly as old as the heavily cratered part, which suggests that the bombardment occurred early in the Moon's history.

The early period of heavy bombardment in the Solar System is thought to have happened about 4 billion years ago. During this time, the inner Solar System was full of debris left over from the formation of the planets. This debris included asteroids, comets, and other objects. These objects collided with the Moon and other planets in the inner Solar System, causing a lot of damage. The heavy bombardment period was not limited to the Moon.

Other objects in the inner Solar System also show evidence of being hit by a lot of objects during this time. The early period of heavy bombardment was a key event in the history of the Solar System. It is thought to have played a role in shaping the planets and their moons, and may have even played a role in the origin of life on Earth. So, the correct option is A. the Moon is heavily cratered.

For more such questions on Solar System



sand, gravel, and large boulders that are too large to be carried in suspension and, instead, move along the bottom of a stream channel callesd_____


Sand, gravel, and large boulders that are too large to be carried in suspension and, instead, move along the bottom of a stream channel called bed load.

The term "bed load" or "bedload" refers to a fluid's moving constituents that are carried down the stream bed. Wash load and suspended load are complimentary to bed load. Bed loads downstream are often smaller and more rounded than bed loads upstream.

Particles in the bed load are in either constant or sporadic contact with the bed because they are rolling, sliding, or saltating. The water column above the bed is where suspended sediment travels and rarely comes into touch with the bed.

To know more about bed load visit:



Answer: Sand, gravel, and large boulders that are too large to be carried in suspension and instead move along the bottom of a stream channel is called "bedload."

Explanation: Bedload consists of the sediment particles, like sand, gravel, and boulders, that are transported by rolling, sliding, or hopping along the streambed. These materials are too heavy to be carried in suspension, which means they are not floating within the water column. Instead, they move in direct contact with the streambed. The transport of bedload occurs through a process called saltation, where particles are momentarily lifted off the streambed by the force of the water and then settle back down due to gravity.

In summary, bedload refers to the sand, gravel, and large boulders that are too large to be carried in suspension and move along the bottom of a stream channel. These particles are transported through a process called saltation, which involves them being momentarily lifted off the streambed and then settling back down due to gravity.

For more such questions on boulders



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