When Juliet makes an allusion to Phoebus and Phaeton, what is she hoping will happen? Explain.


Answer 1



In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet makes an allusion to Phoebus and Phaeton in Act III, Scene 2, when she says:

"Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,

Towards Phoebus' lodging! Such a wagoner

As Phaeton would whip you to the west

And bring in cloudy night immediately."

Juliet is expressing her desire for nightfall to come quickly so that Romeo can come to her and they can spend time together. By referencing Phoebus, who is the Greek god of the sun, and Phaeton, who is his son and drives the sun chariot across the sky, Juliet is imploring the sun to hurry and set so that it will become dark and Romeo will be able to sneak into her chamber without being seen.

The story of Phaeton is one of reckless ambition and failure, as he attempts to drive his father's chariot across the sky but loses control and is ultimately struck down by a thunderbolt from Zeus. By alluding to Phaeton, Juliet is suggesting that the sun should move quickly and with great power, like Phaeton, in order to hasten nightfall and bring Romeo to her side.

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what is the age order of the twelve olympians in order from oldest to youngest? i know aphrodite is the oldest then hestia, demeter, hera, hades, poseidon, zeus then who comes


As you know Aphrodite is the oldest then Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus then comes Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus.

Olympian gods were the principal gods in Ancient Greek religion. The gods of Olympus were considered to be the most powerful gods in the Ancient Greek pantheon. They lived on the top of Mount Olympus, a mountain in northern Greece, and were believed to control the fate of humanity.

In Greek mythology, the first Olympian gods were the six siblings born of the union of Cronus and Rhea: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. Following them came their children, including Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and Dionysus. Aphrodite was born from the sea after Cronus castrated their father, Uranus.

To learn more about Olympians link is here



The complete question is:

What is the age order of the Twelve Olympians in order from oldest to youngest, beginning with Aphrodite and ending with Dionysus?

Select the correct text in the passage. which set of lines from act i, scene v, of shakespeare's twelfth night is a plea to olivia to come out of mourning, get married, and have children? viola: 'tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on: lady, you are the cruel'st she alive, if you will lead these graces to the grave, and leave the world no copy. … i see you what you are: you are too proud; but, if you were the devil, you are fair. my lord and master loves you. o, such love could be but recompens'd though you were crown'd the nonpareil of beauty!


The set of lines from Act I, Scene V, of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night that is a plea to Olivia to come out of mourning.

Plea to get married, and have children is "Lady, you are the cruel'st she alive, if you will lead these graces to the grave, and leave the world no copy." This line is spoken by Viola, who is disguised as Cesario and is trying to persuade Olivia to return Orsino's love. Viola is urging Olivia to let go of her mourning and embrace life, love, and the possibility of having children, as she believes that Olivia's beauty and graces should not be wasted by being buried with her in mourning. This passage is a reflection of the societal expectations of women in the Elizabethan era, where marriage and motherhood were considered essential for women.

To know more about Twelfth Night, visit:



Question 9
Match each vocabulary word with its definition.
Word Options ( 4 of 4 )
behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards

a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual

deep reflective thought

the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings


Conformity is the process of aligning attitudes, views, and behaviors to social norms, political ideologies, or similar viewpoints. Norms are unspoken, detailed norms that a group of people use to govern their relationships with one another.

What was the Romanticism movement in the eighteenth century about?

Late eighteenth-century philosophy, with its stress on feeling, imagination, and the unknown, gave rise to romanticism. In addition to having an impact on history, literature, religion, art, and family life, the Romantic movement offered a respite from the early Industrial Revolution's stresses.

What are the three contemplative techniques?

By soothing the body and mind, contemplative practices like yoga, mindfulness, deep breathing, and meditation can help alleviate stress.

Explain ecology.

Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with their natural environment. The distribution and abundance of life on Earth are influenced by both biotic and abiotic forces, which are related to living and nonliving things, respectively.

Conformity- action that complies with socially acceptable norms or criteriaRomanticism- a late 18th-century literary and artistic movement that prioritized creativity, subjectivity, and the value of the individualcontemplation- profound, meditative thinkingecology- the area of biology concerned with how organisms interact with one another and their physical environment.

Learn more about romanticism: https://brainly.com/question/1596946


Read the text and write in Spanish.

You are a student from Puerto Rico. Your baseball coach wants you to explain your activities after school. Write two (2) complete sentences in Spanish to describe what you do. Remember to use the vocabulary words from this lesson/course only. Use the following suggestions as a guide for your answer:

You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed: Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿.

*Note: The sample sentences in parentheses are just a guide to help you form your sentences. You must come up with your own original answers keeping academic integrity intact.

Write one complete sentence using the correct form of the verb competir to talk about something you do in your free time and one piece of clothing that you wear or don’t wear. (e.g., I compete in soccer with a T-shirt.)
Write one complete sentence using the correct form of the verb tener to describe whether you are hot or cold when you participate/play in this activity. (e.g., I am hot when I play


In English:

You are a student from Puerto Rico. Your baseball coach asks you to explain your activities after school. You tell him that go to practice and when you’re done, your mom picks you up and you go home. When you go home you usually grab a snack and sit down to do your homework. By the time you’re done with your homework, it’s time for supper. After supper you have freetime until it’s time for bed.

Translate to spanish:

Eres un estudiante de Puerto Rico. Tu entrenador de béisbol te pide que le expliques tus actividades después de la escuela. Le dices que vayas a la práctica y cuando termines, tu mamá te recoge y te vas a casa. Cuando llegas a casa, normalmente tomas un refrigerio y te sientas a hacer tu tarea. Para cuando hayas terminado con tu tarea, es hora de cenar. Después de la cena tienes tiempo libre hasta la hora de dormir.


the impact that ongoing changes in parent relationships of grade 11s could have on their ability to achieve academic goals​


Below are some possible ways in which these changes can affect students:

Emotional DistressFinancial InstabilitySupport System

What is parent relationships?

The ongoing changes in parent relationships of grade 11 students can have a significant impact on their ability to achieve academic goals.

Emotional Distress: If the changes in parent relationships are causing emotional distress or conflict, the students may have difficulty focusing on their academic goals. They may feel anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed, which can lead to a decrease in motivation and academic performance.

Financial Instability: Changes in parent relationships can also lead to financial instability, which can affect a student's ability to achieve academic goals. If there are financial difficulties, the student may need to work part-time or take on additional responsibilities at home, which can take away from their academic focus and responsibilities.

Lastly, Support System: Changes in parent relationships can also impact the student's support system. If there are changes in the family dynamics, the student may feel unsupported or unsupported by the family members they typically rely on. This lack of support can lead to a decrease in motivation and academic performance.

Learn more about parent relationships  from



squealer begins circulating information that snowball's wounds during the battle of the cowshed were caused by what


It is rumoured that during the Battle of the Cowshed, Snowball was openly fighting for Jones. It was claimed that during their conflict, Napoleon's teeth caused the wounds on his back.

The propaganda spread about Snowball's wound in the Battle of the Cowshed is that he was actually wounded by Napoleon himself. This is false, as it was actually a pellet from Mr. Jones' gun that caused Snowball's wound. However, Napoleon spreads the false story in order to discredit Snowball and make himself appear to be a hero.

He even goes so far as to build a monument to himself in the middle of the farm, and he lies to the other animals about Snowball's actions, claiming that Snowball was actually a traitor who was working against the animals all along. By doing this, Napoleon is able to gain the trust and loyalty of the other animals, and turn them against Snowball, ensuring that he remains in power.

To learn more about Battle of the Cowshed link is here



The complete question is:

What propaganda is spread about Snowball's wound in the Battle of the Cowshed?

Can somebody pls help me this is due today



I would say C or D


Not very sure about D because dogs will love you no matter what

5. Review lines 135–140 in Scene 4. What does Macbeth realize, and in what way does this speech reveal a change in Macbeth’s attitude from how he has felt in the past about his deeds?


In lines 135-140 of Scene 4, Macbeth realizes that his ambition has led him to a point of no return, where he must continue to commit more atrocities in order to maintain his hold on power. This speech reveals a significant change in Macbeth's attitude previously, he has been tormented by guilt and doubt, struggling with the morality of his actions.

He acknowledges that he is now fully committed to his course of action and cannot turn back, saying "I am in blood/Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more,/Returning were as tedious as go o'er." However, in this moment, he seems to have accepted his fate and embraced the role of a ruthless tyrant.

He no longer sees himself as a victim of circumstance, but rather as a powerful force who has taken control of his own destiny. This shift in perspective marks a turning point in Macbeth's character and sets him on a path towards his eventual downfall.

To lean more about Macbeth here:



PLEASE HELP 30 PTS!!!!! Answer the following worksheet questions. 1) Setting: What is the town like and where is it located? What is the culture like? 2) Setting: Where does your main character live? Describe the living space. (could take several paragraphs of detail) 3) Theme: What is the theme for the story and how will you weave it into the plot? What do you want to reader to learn? 4) Symbolism: (optional) What symbols will you use to support your theme and plot? What do they represent and how will you weave them into the story? 5) Tone: (optional) What will your tone be toward each of your three characters, and how will your readers discover these tones? 6) Mood: (optional) What will the mood be in an important scene of your story (quite possibly at the climax)? How will you create this mood? Be descriptive in your explanation.



1) Setting: The town is located in a small rural community in the Midwestern United States. It is a tight-knit community with strong family values and a close-knit social network. The culture is one that values hard work, community spirit, and the importance of looking out for one another.

2) Setting: The main character lives in a small two-bedroom house with a modest yard. Inside, the living space is cozy and simple, with worn furniture and faded wallpaper. The kitchen is small but functional, with white cabinets and a yellow tiled countertop. The bedrooms are simple and sparsely decorated, with just a few pieces of furniture and a few framed photographs on the walls.

3) Theme: The theme of the story is that the power of friendship and community can help one overcome any obstacle. This theme will be woven into the plot through the main characters’ interactions with each other, and their eventual success in overcoming their obstacles with the help of their friends and family. The reader will learn to appreciate the importance of having a strong support system in their life.

4) Symbolism: (optional) The main symbol used in the story will be a tree. The tree will represent strength, resilience, and friendship. It will be used throughout the story to symbolize the strength and bond of the main characters’ friendship and their support of one another.

5) Tone: (optional) The tone toward the main characters will be one of admiration and respect. The readers will discover this tone through the characters’ interactions with each other, such as the way they support one another and the way they celebrate each other’s successes.

6) Mood: (optional) The mood in an important scene of the story, most likely the climax, will be one of hope and determination. This mood will be created through the characters’ interactions with each other, their determination to succeed, and the symbolism of the tree. The characters will be surrounded by the warmth of their friendship and the hope of their success, and the tree will serve as a reminder of their strength and resilience.

use all of the given elements to write a complete sentence indicating where people are going. use the appropriate present-tense form of the verb ir and make any necessary changes?


Mrs. Castillo is going to the center, while the Gomez sisters are heading to the pool. Your uncle and dad are going to the football match. It's exciting to think about all the different activities people can do in their free time, and how they choose to spend it.

Mrs. Castillo may be going to the center to run errands or attend a class, while the Gomez sisters may be going to the pool to cool off and have fun. Your uncle and dad may be going to the football match to cheer on their favorite team, or just to enjoy the atmosphere of the game.

Regardless of their destination, it's important for people to take time for themselves and do things that they enjoy. Whether it's running errands, swimming, or watching a game, it's all part of the diverse tapestry of life.

To learn more about destination



Complete question:

use all of the given elements to write a complete sentence indicating where people are going. use the appropriate present-tense form of the verb ir and make any necessary changes.

Mrs. Castillo / the center

the Gomez sisters / the pool

your uncle and your dad / the football match

simone can effectively identify the best possible answers to multiple-choice test questions. this best


Multiple-choice test questions are those types of questions in which the test-taker is supposed to select the correct answer from the given options.

These are often used in exams as they are very versatile and easy to grade. Moreover, it saves time as compared to essay questions or open-ended questions, which takes longer to grade. Simone can follow these steps to identify the best possible answers to multiple-choice test questions.

The first step to answering a multiple-choice test question is to read the question carefully. Understand what the question is asking and what information is provided. Once you have read the question carefully, choose an answer that you think is correct.

Be careful not to select an answer just because it sounds good or you like it. Make sure it is based on the information provided in the question. Eliminate wrong answers: Sometimes it is easier to eliminate the wrong answers than it is to choose the correct one.

Look at each answer option and eliminate any that are clearly incorrect. This will help you narrow down the possible answers to choose from.

Before you submit your answer, make sure you have read the question carefully and checked your answer. Sometimes it is easy to miss something or misread the question.

By reviewing your answer, you can be sure you have selected the best possible answer. Simone can use these steps to effectively identify the best possible answers to multiple-choice test questions.

To know more about multiple choice test questions: https://brainly.com/question/28250294


Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 4 of The Tragedy of Macbeth. Macbeth has just learned that Fleance escaped the murderers Macbeth sent.

Macbeth. Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect;
Whole as the marble, founded as the rock

What does Macbeth mean when he says, "I had else been perfect; / Whole as the marble”?

A. Macbeth is now cold and solid because he has plotted against his king and country.
B. Macbeth feels like a well-rounded king until he hears the murderer speak.
C. Macbeth reacts to the murderer’s bad news by freezing up like a statue.
D. Macbeth is calm and confident until he learns that the attack on Fleance failed.



The answer is D. Macbeth is expressing regret about his current state, stating that he had previously been 'perfect' and 'whole as the marble'. This suggests that he was once calm and confident in his reign as king, but the news of Fleance's escape has shaken him and caused him to lose his sense of security.


Act I, Scene 2
The scene opens with King Claudius of Denmark giving a magnificently ostentatious speech on the death of his
brother and his marriage to Queen Gertrude, his sister-in-law and Hamlet's mother.
Define OSTENTATIOUS in the space below.


OSTENTATIOUS refers to something that is showy, extravagant, and intended to impress others with one's wealth or importance. In this context, King Claudius' speech is described as ostentatious because it is grand and elaborate, designed to showcase his power and authority.

More about the scene:

The second scene of Act I in William Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet," begins with King Claudius of Denmark giving a speech on the death of his brother, the former king, and his marriage to Queen Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. The speech is magnificently ostentatious, filled with grandiose language and excessive praise for the new queen, aimed at demonstrating his power and authority. However, it is clear that there is tension and unease beneath the surface, as the king's new marriage is seen as a betrayal by some.

This scene sets the stage for the rest of the play, as it establishes the central conflict of the story. Hamlet, the young prince, is deeply disturbed by his father's death and his mother's hasty remarriage. The contrast between the ostentatious public display of the king's power and the private emotional turmoil of the young prince highlights the themes of appearance vs. reality and the deceptive nature of power.

Overall, this scene serves as an important introduction to the characters and themes of the play, providing a glimpse into the complex relationships and tensions that will drive the narrative forward.

To know more about Hamlet, visit:



Which phrase best states the theme of this passage from Roosevelt's Four
Freedoms speech?
A. Peace versus the enemy's aggression
OB. International law versus an act of war
C. Presidents versus tyrannical dictators
D. Proper versus improper uses of force


Answer: D. Proper versus improper uses of force

Explanation: In this passage, Roosevelt discusses the necessity of distinguishing between proper and improper uses of force in order to maintain peace and protect the four freedoms.  He emphasizes the importance of using force only when it aligns with the principles of justice, morality, and collective security.

Roosevelt acknowledges the existence of tyrannical dictators and the need to confront them, but he also highlights the importance of employing force in a responsible and ethical manner.  He advocates for a clear distinction between the proper use of force to defend freedom and the improper use of force that leads to oppression and aggression.

Learn more about Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech here: https://brainly.com/question/26258002.

what is the literary purpose of the narrator stating that he is not mad at the beginning of the story?

(tell tale heart)


Answer: to show how the main character is insane but he believes that he is not

Explanation: the narrator says he isn't mad in order to explain the events that also prove that he's mad

**he wants to be perceived as sane**

Many animals survive by blending in with their background. A polar bear, for instance, has white fur to blend in with the Arctic snow. A rain-forest frog has green skin that makes it hard to see among the green trees. The sand-colored, lumpy sculpin fish looks just like a rock at the bottom of the sea. Which sentence would make a good concluding statement for the passage?
A. "Sculpin fish are difficult for predators to see. "
B. "Migrating to another place is another way that animals survive. "
C. "A tiger’s stripes blend in with the tall grasses in its environment. "
D. "Camouflage is just one of many helpful tools that animals use to survive in nature. "


The sentence that would make a good concluding statement for the passage is: D. "Camouflage is just one of many helpful tools that animals use to survive in nature."

This sentence effectively summarizes the main idea of the passage, which is that many animals use camouflage to blend in with their environment as a way to survive.

The sentence also suggests that there are other tools that animals use to survive, which encourages readers to continue thinking about the different ways in which animals adapt to their environments.

How can animal camouflage benefit them?

Organisms utilise camouflage, also known as cryptic colouring, as a form of defence or strategy to conceal their appearance, often to blend in with their environment. To conceal their location, identity, and movement, organisms utilise camouflage. Predators can sneak up on prey while prey may evade predators thanks to this.

Learn more about   camouflage



please help
What is the literal reason the speaker had to write this memoir?
-this is called exigence
-its for a space cat worksheet i have to do
-to answer the question read the memoir provided in the picture
-Cat stands for choices, appeals, and tone if you want to help me with that to :)


The primary purpose of the memoir was to explain how growing up in North Dokota was

How to explain the information

In general, the term "exigence" refers to the reason or motivation behind a piece of writing. It is the problem or situation that prompts the author to write. The exigence can be personal, cultural, social, or political in nature. Identifying the exigence can help readers understand the author's purpose for writing and the intended audience.

As for the CAT analysis, it stands for:

Choices: This refers to the author's stylistic and rhetorical choices, such as the words, phrases, sentence structure, and literary devices used in the memoir. Analyzing the choices can help readers understand the author's voice and perspective.

Appeals: This refers to the author's use of emotional, logical, and ethical appeals to persuade the audience. Analyzing the appeals can help readers understand how the author tries to connect with the audience and convince them of their point of view.

Tone: This refers to the author's attitude or mood conveyed through the language and style of the memoir. Analyzing the tone can help readers understand the author's feelings and intentions towards the subject matter.

Learn more about memoirs on



true or false. this sentence includes a possessive pronoun.the video game console was brand new. brainly


The given statement, this sentence includes a possessive pronoun the video game console was brand new is true because The video game console was brand new" includes the possessive pronoun "its.

A pronoun that indicates possession or ownership is known as a possessive pronoun. Possessive pronouns are frequently utilized in place of a noun or a noun phrase. Its function is to show ownership or possession. The pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs are all possessive pronouns.

Examples of possessive pronouns in sentences: Here are a few examples of how possessive pronouns are used in sentences: I can't find my keys. Have you seen them? Her hair was in a braid. I saw his car parked outside. I have some of your books at my house.

know more about possessive pronoun here



based on the passage, which statement is a fact? responses a the speaker was excited to be in love.the speaker was excited to be in love. b the speaker uses a boat as a metaphor.the speaker uses a boat as a metaphor. c the speaker feels life without meaning is preferable.the speaker feels life without meaning is preferable. d the speaker uses an island as a metaphor.


The passage states, "I am in love with a boat and the open sea, where the island is an emblem of life without meaning." This indicates that the speaker uses a boat as a metaphor.

B is the correct answer.

Based on the passage, the fact is that the speaker uses an island as a metaphor. The given passage states that the speaker compares life without meaning to an island. He says that it's a place with no potential or possibility of growth, an unending sense of isolation and loneliness, and the feeling that nothing will ever change.

Therefore, the speaker uses an island as a metaphor for life without meaning. So, the statement "the speaker uses an island as a metaphor" is a fact.

know more about metaphor here



who believes that gentle birth decends from ancient wealth? a the wife of bath b the franklin c the knight d the crone


The Wife of Bath is the one who believes that gentle birth descends from ancient wealth.

According to her, the gentility of a person's birth is inherited from their ancestors. She argues that one's wealth is not only determined by their ancestry, but also by their behavior, intelligence, and other qualities. She believes that a person's virtues should be judged by their behavior, not by their ancestry.

She goes on to explain that despite a person's ancestry, people should be judged by their own merits and character, not by their birth. In other words, she believes that a person's character is more important than their birthright. According to the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales, the Franklin thinks that gentle birth descends from ancient wealth. Furthermore, the Wife of Bath, the Knight, and the Crone all have varying views on this topic.

Therefore, correct answer is a the wife of bath.

know more about ancient wealth here



The passage below (paragraph 2) adds to the
development of the text mainly by
Mr. Emerson has declared that it is natural to believe in great men. Whether this is a fact, or not, we do believe in them and worship them. The Visible God of the New Testament is revealed to
us as a man of like passions with ourselves. We seek out our wisest and best man, the man who, by eloquence or the sword compels us to believe him such, and make him our leader, prophet, preacher and law giver. We do this, not because he is essentially different from us, but because of his identity with us. He is our best representative and reflects, on a colossal scale, the scale to which we would aspire, our highest aims, objects, powers and possibilities.
O A. providing the author's argument against Emerson's
leadership theory
• B. providing the author's argument on the importance of having a leader
• C. introducing the idea that humans tend to seek out leaders
D. introducing the idea that the best example of leadership is found in religious works


C. introducing the idea that humans tend to seek out leaders.

The passage mainly adds to the development of the text by introducing the idea that humans tend to seek out leaders who reflect their highest aims, objects, powers, and possibilities. The author argues that we believe in and worship great men, not because they are essentially different from us, but because of their identity with us.

More about the passage:

The passage highlights the idea that humans tend to seek out leaders who represent the best of themselves. The author acknowledges Mr. Emerson's argument that it is natural to believe in great men, but emphasizes that this belief is not based on a fundamental difference between the leader and the followers. Instead, the leader is seen as the best representative of the people's highest aims and possibilities, reflecting on a colossal scale the scale to which they would aspire.

The author also draws on religious examples, stating that the Visible God of the New Testament is revealed as a man of like passions with ourselves. This highlights the idea that even divine figures are portrayed as human-like, further emphasizing the idea that leaders are not fundamentally different from their followers.

Overall, the passage suggests that the importance of having a leader stems from the fact that the leader embodies the best qualities of the people they lead, rather than any inherent superiority.

To know more about passages, visit:



If we (have / not) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.​



If we do not have time this afternoon, we will meet tomorrow.

what does Lilia focus on when she describes Mr Pirzada, his family, and his life in eastern Pakistan ?


Lilia focuses on highlighting the cultural differences and similarities between her own life and Mr. Pirzada's, exploring themes of identity and belonging through her observations of his family, their customs, and way of life in eastern Pakistan.

More about Jhumpa Lahiri's short story:

Lilia focuses on Mr. Pirzada's traditional attire, his accent, and the food he brings with him to share during his visits. She also takes an interest in his family, asking him questions about their customs and beliefs, and showing empathy when she learns that they are in danger due to the political situation in their home country.

Through her observations of Mr. Pirzada and his family, Lilia explores themes of identity and belonging. She questions her own sense of identity as an Indian-American and wonders if she could ever truly understand Mr. Pirzada's experiences as a Pakistani immigrant in the United States. At the same time, she is drawn to Mr. Pirzada's culture and traditions, finding comfort and familiarity in his food and customs.

Overall, Lilia's focus on Mr. Pirzada, his family, and his life in eastern Pakistan allows her to gain a deeper understanding of herself and the world around her, while also highlighting the importance of cultural exchange and empathy in fostering understanding and connection between people from different backgrounds.

To know more about culture, visit:



Reasons why grade 11 students could experience positive changes within the friendships due to their renewed focus on academics


Grade 11 is a pivotal year for students when their academic ambitions and academic achievements start to become important and critical to their future. A renewed focus on academics in Grade 11 often leads to positive changes within friendships, as students begin to prioritize their academic achievements and relationships become more supportive.

First, a renewed focus on academics can create new friendships and strengthen existing ones. Students with a renewed focus on academics are often more proactive in seeking out individuals with similar interests and values. This leads to a shared appreciation for learning and an increased understanding of each other's academic and personal goals. Additionally, a focus on academics often leads to studying together, which strengthens relationships as students learn to rely on each other to stay motivated and encouraged.
Second, a renewed focus on academics can help to encourage meaningful conversations. When students are studying together, they can engage in deeper conversations about their academics, personal interests, and ambitions. This often helps to further build the connection and understanding between friends, creating a more supportive environment.
Finally, a renewed focus on academics can create a greater appreciation for one another. When a student sees a friend excelling academically, they will often become more appreciative of their successes, leading to a deeper respect and admiration of each other. This can then lead to an even stronger connection between the two friends.
Overall, a renewed focus on academics in Grade 11 can lead to positive changes within friendships. By creating new connections and strengthening existing ones, as well as encouraging meaningful conversations and greater appreciation for one another, Grade 11 students can experience a positive change in their friendships.

For such more questions on positive changes:



Part 1: What do you like best about your book so far? Why does your favorite part so far appeal to you?
Part 2: What is your favorite genre of book, and does this book seem to fit that genre? Why/why not?


you would have to tell me the name of the book in order to answer this question

You have read Against All Odds, determined the 5 W's, and written a central idea statement using the name it verb it strategy. Remember that the central idea statement should be one sentence that summarizes the main point of the story. You create this by combining the 5 W's into one sentence. If it is too much info and creates a run-on sentence, just include who what why. Where and when can be brought up later on in the objective summary.


lWhile you will no longer sincerely say your unique purpose announcement in the course of your speech, you will need to surely country what your focal point and foremost points are going to be. The declaration that displays your predominant points is in many instances recognized as the central idea declaration (or simply the central idea).

How do you write a central idea statement?

Writing your thesis statement/central thinking is a four step process:

Choose your topic.

Determine your customary purpose.

Write your specific reason statement.

Tie it all collectively by means of composing a clear concise thesis statement/central idea.

A thesis announcement helps your target market by using letting them know, truely and concisely, what you are going to talk about. A strong thesis statement will permit your reader to recognize the central message of your speech. You will choose to be as specific as possible.

Learn more about central idea statement here:


characters of jimmy valentine


Answer: Rose, Bobby, Jimmy etc...

which term best fits the following sentence? you are being in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion. (1 point) responses chronological chronological transitional transitional subjective subjective objective


The term that best fits the following sentence: "You are being objective in a summary when you have given the facts, details, and plot points without showing your opinion" is Objective.

A summary is a short, condensed version of a larger document, such as an article, essay, or research paper. Summaries can range in length from a couple of paragraphs to several pages depending on the length of the original work.

Summary writing entails condensing the primary points or themes of a larger document into a brief, easy-to-read format that provides readers with an overview of the work's primary arguments or topics.

Objectivity is a term that refers to the quality of being impartial or unbiased. Objective summaries provide the reader with an impartial and accurate overview of the original text's primary themes, ideas, or points. Objective writing avoids the use of personal pronouns or opinion language to present information in a neutral manner.

Instead of subjective language, objective writing employs factual and descriptive phrases, as well as third-person point of view, to give an impartial representation of the work's main topics or themes. Therefore, the term that best fits the following sentence is Objective.

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what two questions guided the speaker's research, and what inspired the questions our body language may shape who you are


The two questions that guided the speaker's research are the following: Can your body language shape who you are? AND Can you fake it until you make it?  

What inspired the questions is the fact that people are constantly influenced by their surroundings and environment.  Therefore, the speaker wanted to explore whether body language can have an impact on the way we feel, think and behave. Body language is one of the most powerful tools we can use to influence others and communicate our emotions, intentions and desires.

Through body language, we can signal confidence, competence, and credibility, and project an image of ourselves that is in line with our goals and aspirations. The speaker suggests that by adopting certain postures, gestures and facial expressions, we can change the way we see ourselves and the way others perceive us, leading to positive outcomes and increased well-being.

know more about Body language here



The ___ category is meant for project teams who wish to use new credit ideas or exceed existing credits.


The Innovation category is meant for project teams who wish to use new credit ideas or exceed existing credits.

The Innovation category is one of four categories in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system. This category, as the name suggests, emphasizes the importance of innovation and originality in achieving environmental sustainability.

This category is designed to encourage project teams to go beyond the conventional design and construction practices and to come up with new, innovative ideas to improve the building's overall environmental performance.

The main objective of this category is to reward projects for their achievements in achieving sustainable goals that are not covered by the other categories.

The Innovation category offers credits for projects that achieve significant sustainability results through innovative ideas, creative designs, and cutting-edge technologies.

To qualify for these credits, project teams must demonstrate that their innovative ideas exceed the requirements of the other LEED categories.

The credits offered under this category are experimental, and they are subject to change based on feedback from users. The Innovation category provides many benefits to project teams.

Additionally, the Innovation category provides an opportunity for project teams to experiment with new technologies and design strategies, which can be used to inform future building projects.

To know more about credit cards: https://brainly.com/question/26857829


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