which activity would best support third-grade students in developing an understanding of measuring with the metric system and creating graphs?


Answer 1

One activity that could support third-grade students in developing an understanding of measuring with the metric system and creating graphs is a science experiment that involves measuring and graphing plant growth.

Students could use metric units (e.g., centimeters, millimeters) to measure the height of plants over time and record their measurements on a chart or graph. They could also use other metric measurements, such as grams or milliliters, to track other aspects of plant growth, such as weight or water consumption.

This activity would not only help students develop a better understanding of the metric system but also provide opportunities for them to practice creating and interpreting graphs.

Learn more about metric system



Answer 2

Additionally, giving students opportunities to practice these skills independently and providing feedback and support as needed would be crucial in their metric system development.

One activity that would best support third-grade students in developing an understanding of measuring with the metric system and creating graphs is conducting a science experiment that involves measuring and recording data in metric units, and then creating a graph to visually represent the data. This hands-on approach would allow students to practice using metric units while also seeing the correlation between data and graphing. Providing clear explanations and demonstrations of metric units and graphing techniques would further support their understanding.

To learn more about metric system refer here:



Related Questions

the three components of hospital governance are group of answer choices


The three components of hospital governance include the board of directors, executive management, and medical staff. The correct option is B

1. Board of Directors: This group consists of appointed or elected individuals responsible for setting the hospital's overall strategy and ensuring that it aligns with the organization's mission and goals. They oversee the hospital's performance, financial management, and quality of care.

2. Executive Management: Led by the hospital's CEO or administrator, the executive management team translates the board's strategic direction into actionable plans. They manage day-to-day operations, allocate resources, and maintain compliance with regulations.

3. Medical Staff: The medical staff comprises licensed physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals responsible for providing patient care. They play a crucial role in hospital governance by participating in committees that address issues such as patient safety, quality improvement, and clinical practice guidelines.

In summary, hospital governance involves the collaboration of the board of directors, executive management, and medical staff to ensure the organization provides high-quality care and operates efficiently while meeting regulatory requirements.

To know more about medical staff refer here:



Complete question is:

the three components of hospital governance are group of answer choices

A) CEO (administration)

B) Director of Medical Staff

C) Board of Directors

The leader most closely associated with the viewpoint in this excerpt was A)William Jennings BryanB) William McKinleyC) William Howard TaftD)Woodrow Wilson


Leader most closely associated"" and ""viewpoint."".The excerpt mentioned in the question likely refers to a specific political or historical context. Therefore, it is important to understand the viewpoint being discussed in order to determine which leader is most closely associated with it.

To identify the viewpoint, it is necessary to analyze the language and ideas presented in the excerpt. This may involve identifying key phrases, considering the historical context, and understanding the perspectives of different groups or individuals involved. Once the viewpoint has been identified, it becomes easier to connect it to a specific leader.

In the case of this question, the answer choices are all names of prominent leaders from a particular time period or political context. By understanding the viewpoint presented in the excerpt, a student can determine which leader is most closely associated with it. It is important to consider the context in which each leader operated, their political beliefs and actions, and any relevant historical events or movements in order to make an informed decision.

Click the below link, to learn more about Viewpoint:



which of the following would be experienced during a euphoric high? group of answer choices intense tactile sensation time distortion feelings of intense elation and pleasure feelings of despair


The feelings of intense elation and pleasure. During a euphoric high.

which is often associated with drug use or certain medical conditions, an individual may experience intense feelings of elation, pleasure, and happiness. They may have an elevated mood, increased energy, and a heightened sense of well-being.

Other possible experiences during a euphoric high may include increased confidence, decreased inhibitions, and enhanced sensory perception. It is important to note that euphoria induced by drug use may be temporary and can have negative consequences on one's health and well-being.

It is always recommended to seek professional help if you or someone you know is experiencing a euphoric high or other concerning symptoms.

to know more about intense elation refer here


quora what other issues of personal health and lifestyle do you think biological anthropology could address?


Biological anthropology can address various personal health and lifestyle issues such as  Nutrition, Physical activity ,Stress management,  Sleep patterns, Disease susceptibility.

1. Nutrition: By studying the dietary habits of our ancestors and different cultural groups, biological anthropology can provide insights into optimal nutrition for human health.

2. Physical activity: The discipline can shed light on the types of physical activities that are beneficial for our well-being, based on evolutionary perspectives and cross-cultural comparisons.

3. Stress management: Biological anthropology can help us understand the impact of stress on our bodies and mental health, as well as the coping mechanisms that have evolved in different societies.

4. Sleep patterns: Investigating the sleep habits of diverse human populations and our ancestors can offer valuable information on how to improve sleep quality and overall health.

5. Disease susceptibility: By examining genetic and environmental factors, biological anthropology can contribute to our understanding of why certain individuals or populations are more susceptible to particular diseases, which can aid in developing targeted prevention strategies.

These are just a few examples of how biological anthropology can address personal health and lifestyle issues, ultimately contributing to the promotion of a healthier, more balanced way of life.

Know more about  anthropology  here:



write an analytical paragraph comparing and contrasting shia and sunni islam. your paragraph should explain what the two sects have in common, where they differ, and whether the similarities and differences are more inportant


Shia and Sunni Islam share common beliefs but differ in leadership and interpretation, with the differences being more significant.

Interpretation refers to the act of explaining, understanding, or making sense of something, such as religious texts or teachings, based on one's own perspective, knowledge, and understanding.

In the context of religion, interpretation involves analyzing and comprehending the meaning and implications of religious doctrines, scriptures, and practices.

It often involves applying personal or collective understanding, cultural context, historical context, and scholarly insights to derive meaning and guidance from religious sources. Interpretation can vary among individuals, communities, and sects, leading to different understandings and perspectives on religious teachings and principles.

Learn more about interpretation here:



The typical way for most slaves to express discontent was __________.
a. political protest
b. open, armed rebellion
c. passive resistance
d. participation in conspiracies


The typical way for most slaves to express discontent was c. passive resistance.

The reason for this choice is that slaves, due to their position in society and lack of resources, often found it difficult to engage in open, armed rebellion (option b) or political protest (option a).

They also might not have had the necessary connections or opportunities to participate in conspiracies (option d). Instead, slaves primarily relied on passive resistance as a way to express their discontent with their situation.

Passive resistance involved various subtle and nonviolent forms of defiance that allowed slaves to protest their conditions without directly confronting their masters or risking severe punishment.

Some examples of passive resistance include feigning illness, working slowly, breaking tools, or discreetly sabotaging work processes.

These actions allowed slaves to exert some control over their lives and resist their oppression without openly challenging the system of slavery.

In summary, the typical way for most slaves to express discontent was through passive resistance, as it allowed them to subtly defy their masters and protest their conditions

without engaging in more overt forms of rebellion that might have been too dangerous or impractical for them to undertake.

To know more about slaves refer here



as part of the experiment, he asks the participants whether they actually


As part of the experiment, the researcher asks the participants whether they actually followed the instructions given in the earlier part of the study.

This step is important to ensure that the data collected is accurate and reliable. It also allows the researcher to identify any potential confounding variables that may have affected the results of the study. By checking in with the participants, the researcher can gain valuable insight into their experiences and perspectives, which can inform future research in the field. A typical method used in research to evaluate the validity and reliability of the results is to ask participants if they followed the directions provided in an earlier section of the study. A manipulation check or a treatment check is the term for this method. An assessment of the success of the manipulation of the independent variable in a study, or the achievement of the desired effect, is known as a manipulation check. The researcher can determine whether the manipulation was successful and whether the study's findings are reliable by asking participants if they followed the directions provided in the earlier portion of the study.

Learn more about researcher here:



nicolas and adisa are very attentive parents. they are encouraging and warm, yet they are firm with boundaries and make sure the rules of the house are clearly communicated. when their kids make mistakes, nicolas and adisa try to use them as learning experiences, even when punishment is administered. what kind of parenting style is this?


The parents of Nicolas and Adisa are using the authoritative parenting as they are encouraging but firm with the boundaries.

Warm and encouraging parenting that also clearly defines boundaries and standards for behavior are characteristics of authoritative parenting.

Authoritative parenting the form of parenting where parents keeps the child under the boundaries but also encourage them to explore the world along with clearly following rules and straight communication.

When their kids make errors, they offer advice and encouragement and help them learn from the experience. Children under authoritative parenting tends to have a mature behavior as well as high self esteem and also better academics.

To know more about Authoritarian Parenting, visit,



when a commercial is shown or presented in between innings of a baseball game or after a television program ends, it is being inserted during a:group of answer choicestop of the hour breakcontrived breakcondensed breakhybrid breaknatural break


When a commercial is shown or presented in between innings of a baseball game or after a television program ends, it is being inserted during a contrived break.

A contrived break is a deliberate pause or interruption in a broadcast created for the purpose of inserting advertisements. It is different from a natural break, which occurs when a program ends or when a significant event happens, such as a halftime show during a sports game.

Advertisers prefer to place their commercials during contrived breaks because they know that viewers are more likely to pay attention to them during these pauses. By contrast, viewers may be less likely to pay attention during natural breaks because they may be more interested in the program itself.

To know more about commercial, click here.



King Henrv WIII is one of England's most memorable kings, After reading the text, what 3 events do you think be is most memorable for?


King Henry VIII is indeed one of England's most memorable kings, and there are several events that he is known for.

Here are three well known events:

His decision to break away from the Roman Catholic Church and establish the Church of England, which had profound religious and political consequences.

His six marriages and the controversies surrounding them, particularly his annulment of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon and his execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

His role in the English Reformation and his suppression of the monasteries, which transformed English religious life and helped to strengthen the power of the monarchy.

Read more about King Henrv WIII here:



Identify the characteristics of the classic organization development approach as depicted by Beckhard (1969). (Check all that apply.)
□Changing attitudes and behavior is the goal of the change effort.
□The bottom of the organization is committed and takes the initiative to the change process.
□It is short term, typically taking two or three months to achieve effective change in the organization.
□It is planned and includes a systematic diagnosis of the whole organizational system.


The classic organization development approach as depicted by Beckhard (1969) is characterized by:

□Changing attitudes and behavior is the goal of the change effort: True
□The bottom of the organization is committed and takes the initiative to the change process: False
□It is short term, typically taking two or three months to achieve effective change in the organization: False
□It is planned and includes a systematic diagnosis of the whole organizational system: True

In summary, the classic organization development approach focuses on changing attitudes and behaviors and involves a planned, systematic diagnosis of the whole organizational system.

To learn more about diagnosis, refer below:



what is the key difference between focused attention (for) meditation and open monitoring (om) meditation?


The key difference between focused attention (FA) meditation and open monitoring (OM) meditation lies in their respective approaches to attention.

In FA meditation, the practitioner focuses on a specific object, such as the breath or a mantra, and aims to sustain their attention on that object for an extended period of time. OM meditation, on the other hand, involves monitoring one's thoughts, emotions, and sensations without judgment or attachment, allowing them to come and go freely.

While both types of meditation can be beneficial for cultivating mindfulness and reducing stress, FA meditation may be better suited for improving concentration and attentional control, while OM meditation may be more useful for increasing awareness and insight into the workings of one's mind.

Learn more about meditation



dogs that had developed ________ after being strapped in a harness and given repeated shocks later did not try to escape when given the opportunity to do so.


Dogs that developed learned helplessness after being strapped in a harness and given repeated shocks, and how they later did not try to escape when given the opportunity to do so.

Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon where an individual, in this case, dogs, becomes conditioned to believe that they cannot change or control a situation due to previous repeated negative experiences.

In the experiment you mentioned, the dogs were strapped in a harness and subjected to repeated shocks, which they had no control over. As a result, they developed learned helplessness and started to believe that they could not escape or avoid the shocks, even if they tried.

When these dogs were later given the opportunity to escape from the shocks, they did not attempt to do so because they had already internalized the belief that their actions would have no effect on the outcome.

This demonstrates the powerful impact of learned helplessness on an individual's behavior and their willingness to engage in problem-solving or seeking a way out of a negative situation.

In order to overcome learned helplessness, it is crucial to retrain the individual to recognize that they do have control over their actions and can influence the outcome of a situation through their efforts.

To know more about learned helplessness, refer here:



marriages based on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure, as opposed to social obligation, are known as


Marriages based on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure are known as "companionate marriages."

These types of marriages prioritize the emotional connection between the partners over social obligation or economic benefits. Companionate marriages became more prevalent in the 20th century, as societal norms shifted away from arranged marriages and towards individual choice and autonomy. In a companionate marriage, partners often view each other as equals and share household and child-rearing responsibilities.

This type of marriage also values communication and emotional support, allowing partners to develop deep emotional bonds and a sense of intimacy. While social obligations and economic benefits may still play a role in some marriages, the emphasis on love, intimacy, and personal pleasure has become a defining characteristic of modern companionate marriages.

For more about companionate marriages:



since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has


Since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has become more complex.

Since couples have begun cohabiting in large numbers, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce has been observed through the following steps:

1. Increase in cohabitation: More couples are choosing to live together before getting married, leading to a higher number of cohabiting couples.

2. Different attitudes towards commitment: Couples who cohabit may have different attitudes towards commitment and marriage compared to those who do not cohabit before marriage.

3. Selection effect: People who choose to cohabit may be more likely to have characteristics that increase the risk of divorce, such as lower levels of education or lower income.

4. Relationship stability: Cohabitation before marriage may be associated with lower levels of relationship stability and satisfaction, potentially leading to a higher likelihood of divorce.

In summary, the positive relationship between cohabitation and divorce can be attributed to factors like differences in commitment levels, selection effect, and relationship stability. As more couples choose to cohabit, it becomes increasingly important to understand the potential implications on long-term relationship success.

For more about cohabitation:



On which day of the week does negative affect tend to be the highest?
A) Sundays
B) Mondays
C) Tuesdays
D) Wednesdays
E) Thursdays


Negative affect tends to be the highest on Sundays because people start to think and plan the workload to be done in the week. The correct option is Option A.

Sundays are meant to relax and enjoy but due to the workload of the upcoming week, it does have negative effects.

Monday and other days of the week other than Sunday are working days and people are ready to work mentally and physically.

Sundays are the days on which people prepare themselves mentally and physically to work for the week.

It often creates negative effects on people and develops stress and anxiety.

Learn more about the Negative effect:



The answer is B) Mondays.  Mondays tend to have the highest negative effect because people often experience a transition from the freedom and relaxation of the weekend to the responsibilities and stress of the workweek.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and exhaustion. This is because it is the first day of the work or school week, and people may feel overwhelmed or stressed by the tasks ahead.

Additionally, many people may have indulged in unhealthy habits over the weekend (such as staying up late or drinking alcohol) which can also contribute to a negative mood on Monday.

To know more about anxiety, click here:



a teacher is announces to her class, "if tommy turns in his homework tomorrow the entire class will get an extra 5 minutes of recess time. the teacher using a/an


A teacher is announces to her class, "if tommy turns in his homework tomorrow the entire class will get an extra 5 minutes of recess time. the teacher using a/an Hero procedure.

Hero procedure are the theories, methods, and strategies that are utilized to encourage learning are all included in the field of pedagogy, which is both the art and science of teaching. Understanding how to design and deliver lessons that are developmentally appropriate and in line with learning objectives and standards is necessary for effective pedagogy in physical education.

It likewise includes establishing a protected and steady learning climate, utilizing successful correspondence and criticism procedures, and surveying figuring out how to illuminate future guidance.

Learn more about pedagogy here



In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are
a) incidental learning and structured routines.
b) direct instruction and structured routines.
c) direct instruction and variable routines.
d) indirect instruction and structured routines.


In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are: incidental learning and structured routines. The correct option is A.

Incidental learning is a key concept in supporting students with deaf-blindness, as they may miss out on opportunities to learn from their environment due to their sensory impairments.

Practitioners and parents should ensure that they provide these students with multiple opportunities to explore their surroundings and engage in meaningful experiences, promoting the development of essential skills.

Structured routines, on the other hand, provide a sense of predictability and security for students with deaf-blindness. By creating a consistent daily schedule and environment, these students can better understand and anticipate what is happening around them. This can lead to increased independence, self-confidence, and overall well-being.

To effectively support students with deaf-blindness, practitioners and parents should:

1. Provide a variety of experiences that promote incidental learning, such as tactile and sensory activities, social interactions, and opportunities to explore new environments.

2. Establish structured routines that help students understand the sequence of daily events, with consistent cues and expectations. This can be achieved by creating visual schedules, using tactile or auditory prompts, and maintaining consistency in the environment.

3. Regularly review and adjust routines and learning opportunities based on the individual needs and progress of the student, ensuring that they continue to grow and develop new skills.

By focusing on incidental learning and structured routines, practitioners and parents can support students with deaf-blindness in reaching their full potential and becoming active, engaged members of their community.

To know more about incidental learning, refer here:



Complete question:

In addressing the needs of students with deaf-blindness, two principles that practitioners and parents should keep in mind are

a) incidental learning and structured routines.

b) direct instruction and structured routines.

c) direct instruction and variable routines.

d) indirect instruction and structured routines.

T/F: Stuttering is a result of language that is learned incorrectly upon acquisition.


Stuttering is not a result of language that is learned incorrectly upon acquisition is False.

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by disruptions in the normal flow of speech, often manifesting as involuntary repetitions, prolongations, or blocks in the production of sounds, syllables, or words. These disruptions can interfere with effective communication, but they do not result from incorrect language learning.Stuttering has a complex etiology, with factors such as genetics, neurophysiology, and environmental influences playing a role in its development. Research has shown that there is a strong genetic component to stuttering, with multiple genes being implicated in its occurrence. Neurophysiological studies have also revealed differences in brain structure and function in people who stutter, including abnormalities in the speech motor areas and auditory processing regions.Environmental factors, such as stress or a high linguistic demand, can exacerbate stuttering, but they do not cause it. It is important to note that stuttering is not a reflection of a person's intelligence or language abilities. Individuals who stutter are typically able to understand and use language at the same level as their peers who do not stutter.In summary, stuttering is not a result of incorrect language acquisition but is rather a complex speech disorder with genetic, neurophysiological, and environmental factors contributing to its development. It is essential to understand this complexity to provide appropriate support and interventions for individuals who stutter.

For more such question on Stuttering



true or false 9. this technique incorporates both positive and negative staining methods.


The answer is: True. Some staining techniques do incorporate both positive and negative staining methods to provide better contrast and visualization of cellular structures.

Positive staining involves the use of dyes that bind to specific cellular components, while negative staining involves staining the background, leaving the cellular components unstained. By combining these methods, researchers can achieve a more detailed and informative view of the specimen.

Know more about cellular components



How did Robert F. Kennedy’s actions promote equal treatment between races?


Robert F. Kennedy was an ardent advocate for civil rights and racial equality.

What is civil rights?

Civil rights are rights that protect individuals from discrimination based on their membership in a particular group or class. These rights are established by law and are intended to ensure that all individuals are treated equally regardless of their gender, race, religion, national origin, or other personal characteristics.

He worked as the United States Attorney General from 1961 to 1964 and during this time he put forward a number of initiatives to promote equal treatment between races. Kennedy worked to ensure the enforcement of civil rights legislation and the protection of African American voting rights. He also played a key role in the desegregation of the University of Mississippi in 1962. Furthermore, Kennedy worked to ensure that African Americans had access to quality education, employment opportunities and housing. He also worked to ensure that African Americans were represented in the justice system and he often spoke out against racial injustice. Through his work and advocacy, Kennedy made significant progress in promoting equal treatment between races.

To learn more about civil rights

which guidelines should be followed when giving positive reinforcement? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. be clear about what behavior is desired. give rewards as soon as possible. combine punishment and positive reinforcement. administer punishment in private.


The correct guidelines that should be followed when giving positive reinforcement are Be clear about what behavior is desired and give rewards as soon as possible.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping behavior. When giving positive reinforcement, it is important to be clear about what behavior is desired. This means that the person receiving the reinforcement should know exactly what they did to earn the reward.

For example, if a child cleans their room and receives a sticker for doing so, it should be clear that the sticker was given for cleaning the room. This helps to reinforce the desired behavior and increases the chances that the behavior will be repeated in the future.

To know more about reinforcement, click here.



older middle-class americans had a problem with coney island. that problem had to do with which of the following? group of answer choices the fact that they could not control their worker's every moves. the fact that young men and women were unchaperoned. the rampant prostitution. the fact that it was segregated. the pleasure working class americans were affording themselves


The problem that older middle-class Americans had with Coney Island had to do with "the fact that young men and women were unchaperoned."

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Coney Island became a popular destination for working-class Americans seeking leisure and entertainment. However, as Coney Island grew in popularity, it also attracted young men and women who were unchaperoned. This was a cause of concern for older middle-class Americans who believed that young people should be supervised and that unchaperoned interactions between young men and women could lead to moral decay.

Therefore, the problem that older middle-class Americans had with Coney Island had to do with the fact that young men and women were unchaperoned, and they viewed this as a threat to traditional values and morality.

according to veith, what is one negative side effect of postmodernism’s attacks on humanism?


Veith argues that one negative side effect of postmodernism's attacks on humanism is the loss of a shared understanding of what it means to be human.

Veith, a cultural critic and author, argues that postmodernism's rejection of traditional ideas and institutions, including humanism, has led to a loss of a shared understanding of what it means to be human.

Humanism, with its emphasis on reason, individualism, and the inherent value of human beings, provided a foundation for much of Western culture and thought. However, postmodernism's skepticism of grand narratives and the search for objective truth has undermined these ideas, leading to a fragmentation of identity and a lack of a unifying worldview.

This loss of a shared understanding of humanity has implications for ethics, politics, and society as a whole. Without a common understanding of human nature and values, it becomes difficult to create a stable and just society.

Veith's argument highlights the tensions between postmodernism and humanism and their effects on contemporary culture.

To know more about postmodernism’s attacks, refer here:

nineteen-year-old angelo spent most of his adolescence exploring his values, possible career options, and political beliefs. angelo has high self-esteem, strong moral values, and favorable views toward college and work. angelo demonstrates characteristics of identity . question 6 options: a) achievement b) moratorium c) foreclosure d) diffusion


Based on the information provided, Angelo demonstrates characteristics of identity achievement. Identity achievement refers to the stage in which an individual has explored various options and has committed to a set of values, beliefs, and goals.

What do you mean by  identity achievement?

Angelo's exploration of his values, possible career options, and political beliefs suggests that he has gone through the process of exploring and considering various options.

Additionally, his high self-esteem, strong moral values, and favorable views toward college and work suggest that he has made commitments to certain goals and values. Therefore, Angelo's characteristics align with the definition of identity achievement.

To know more about identity achievement visit:



which association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions?


The prefrontal cortex association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions. Here option B is the correct answer.

The human frontal lobe is involved in a wide range of higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. Within the frontal lobe, the prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in integrating information from other association areas and using this information to reason and plan actions.

The prefrontal cortex is located at the front of the brain, just behind the forehead, and is composed of several distinct regions. These regions are interconnected with other areas of the brain, allowing the prefrontal cortex to receive input from multiple sources and integrate this information to guide behavior.

Studies have shown that damage to the prefrontal cortex can result in deficits in executive functioning, including impairments in working memory, attention, and decision-making. These findings suggest that the prefrontal cortex is essential for integrating information from other association areas and using this information to plan and execute complex behaviors.

To learn more about prefrontal cortex



Complete question:

Which association area in the human frontal lobe receives information from other association areas and uses this information to reason and plan actions?

A) Primary motor cortex

B) Prefrontal cortex

C) Somatosensory cortex

D) Occipital cortex

absolute rulers from many cultures have claimed that their authority is a manifestation of the will of the gods (or god). but which, if any, of these artworks show rulers who derived their power specifically from a sun god?


Many absolute rulers throughout history claimed that their power was derived from the will of the gods, or a specific god, with the sun god being a common choice. The artwork of these cultures provides evidence of this belief, including the depictions of the ruler receiving the divine blessing or connecting with the sun god.

One of the most famous examples of a ruler who derived his power from a sun god is the Pharaoh Akhenaten of ancient Egypt. He was known for promoting the worship of Aten, the sun disk, as the supreme deity of Egypt. Akhenaten believed that he was the sole intermediary between Aten and the people, and his absolute power was derived from this connection to the sun god. This is evident in the artwork of his reign, such as the famous ""Boundary Stelae"" which depict Akhenaten receiving the rays of the sun directly from Aten.

In ancient Persia, the king was believed to be the earthly representative of Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian god of light and wisdom. Ahura Mazda was often associated with the sun, and the Persian kings claimed that their power was derived from this divine connection. This is reflected in the artwork of the Persian Empire, including the famous reliefs at Persepolis, which depict the king receiving the divine blessing from Ahura Mazda.

Click the below link, to learn more about Absolute rulers:



list odysseus' tales in the order that he tells them. What patterns of meaning do you find emerging from this order?


Odysseus tells his tales in the following order: Cicones, Lotus Eaters, Cyclops. The tales are told in such a manner initially as to describe why the gods turned against him.

The primary operating base of the Cicones during the time of Odysseus was the town of Ismari (or Ismarus), which is located at the foot of Mount Ismara on the southern coast of Thrace (in contemporary Greece). In Book 2 of the Iliad, it is claimed that they joined the conflict on the side of the Trojans led by Euphemus.

Odysseus and his warriors surprise Ismari in the ninth book of Homer's Odyssey, kill most of the Ciconians they come across, and take the women as slaves. Odysseus and his army are forced to flee on their ships when later Ciconia reinforcements attack and massacre a large portion of the invading Achaeans.

Learn more about Cicones Here:



Odysseus' tales can be found in Homer's epic poem, "The Odyssey." The tales are shared by Odysseus as he recounts his adventures to the Phaeacians. Here is the order in which he tells them:

1. Departure from Troy
2. The Cicones
3. The Lotus-Eaters
4. The Cyclops (Polyphemus)
5. Aeolus and the Winds
6. The Laestrygonians
7. Circe's Island
8. Journey to the Underworld
9. The Sirens
10. Scylla and Charybdis
11. The Cattle of the Sun (Helios)
12. Calypso's Island (Ogygia)

One pattern of meaning that emerges from this order is the theme of temptation and its consequences. In many episodes, such as with the Lotus-Eaters, Circe's Island, and the Cattle of the Sun, Odysseus and his crew face various temptations. Succumbing to these temptations often leads to negative consequences, delaying their journey home.

Another pattern is the concept of hospitality and its importance in ancient Greek society. Encounters with various characters, like the Phaeacians and Circe, showcase the value placed on being a good host and respecting guests.

Lastly, the sequence of events reveals the challenges Odysseus must overcome to prove his intelligence, cunning, and perseverance. This further emphasizes the traits of an epic hero and Odysseus' ability to survive against all odds.

Overall, the order of Odysseus' tales serves to illustrate the moral lessons, cultural values, and heroic traits valued in ancient Greek society.

To read more about The Odyssey click here



what do the numbers tell us about which immigrants congress quizlewtconsidered most and least desirable? why do you think no quotas were established for countries in the western hemisphere?


The Immigration Act of 1924 established quotas for the number of immigrants that could enter the United States from various countries. The quotas were based on the percentage of each nationality present in the US population according to the 1890 census.

This favored immigrants from northern and western Europe, who were already well-represented in the US, while limiting immigration from southern and eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. This system was intended to restrict the influx of what many Americans at the time saw as "undesirable" immigrants, including Jews, Italians, and other groups.

No quotas were established for countries in the Western Hemisphere because it was believed that these countries would provide a steady stream of desirable immigrants who could help build the American economy.

Learn more about Immigration Act of 1924



according to cherlin the weakening of social norms that define peoples behavior in a social insitution is know as


According to Andrew Cherlin, the weakening of social norms that define people's behavior in a social institution is known as institutional deinstitutionalization.

This describes the process through which the formal laws, frameworks, and standards that control institutions of society like marriage, education, and religion lose their influence and effectiveness in policing behaviour.

For instance, institutional deinstitutionalization in the context of marriage refers to the weakening of norms and expectations surrounding marriage, such as the expectation of faithfulness and lifetime commitment, which can result in a rise in divorce rates and non-marital cohabitation.

According to Cherlin, institutional deinstitutionalization is a crucial aspect of contemporary societies and has important ramifications for both people and the operation of social institutions.

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Miranda is standing at the corner of a 7 m by 11 m field. She needs to go to the corner diagonally opposite from where she is standing. How much shorter is it if she cuts across the diagonal instead of walking around the perimeter of the field? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter. the martin company reported net income of $15,800 on gross sales of $87,000. the company has average total assets of $122,200, of which $107,000 is property, plant and equipment. what is the company's return on investment? (round your final answer to 1 decimal place.) multiple choice 18.2% 71.2% 14.8% 12.9% A bus traveled on a level road for 2 hours at an average speed 20 miles per hour faster than it traveled on a winding road. The time spent on the winding road was 3 hours. Find the average speed on the level road if the entire trip was 225 miles. A firm needs to perform a specific function or 12 years. Two mutually exclusive equipments are being considered. Equipment A which has a 3-year life, requires an outlay of $2,000 and expects to yield an annual net cash flow of $1,500 for each of the 3 years Equipment B, which has a 6-year life, requires an outlay of $1,000 and expects to yield an annual net cash flow of $850 for each of the 6 years. The firms cost of capital is 12%.(a) Show which equipment should be chosen(b) Calculate the NPV (with replacement) of equipment A over the 12 year period. jensen company has $350,000 of bonds outstanding. the unamortized premium is $6,200. if the company redeemed the bonds at 101, what would be the gain or loss on the redemption? a statement in one function can access a local variable in another function. true or false For #1 - 6, use the information given to write the equation of the line in slope intercept form.1. Line where slope is -32 and y-intercept is 71. Line where slope is 5 and x -intercept is 21. Line going through the points (-1, -5) and (4, -2)1. Line going through the points (0, 1) and (2, -2)1. Line where m = 4 and and b = -761. Line that passes through the points (1, 3) and (4, 12) with a y-intercept of 0 infants of diabetic mothers are usually large, with an abnormally large body. this is called the manufacturing overhead budget at levetron corporation is based on budgeted direct labor-hours. the direct labor budget indicates that 7,300 direct labor-hours will be required in august. the variable overhead rate is $8.80 per direct labor-hour. the company's budgeted fixed manufacturing overhead is $136,510 per month, which includes depreciation of $25,110. all other fixed manufacturing overhead costs represent current cash flows. the company recomputes its predetermined overhead rate every month. the predetermined overhead rate for august should be: the ________ interactions allow bone to be strong, somewhat flexible, and highly resistant to shattering. The Legend of King ArthurTraditional1A long time ago, a baby named Arthur was born in a castle in Britain. His parents were the king and queen. Because the castle was under constant attack, Arthur's parents sent him to live with another family in the countryside. When Arthur was a boy, the king died.2One day a stone appeared that had a large sword stuck inside it. Carved on the sword were these words: "Whoever pulls this sword from the stone will be Britain's new king." Many brave men tried to pull out the sword, but none of them could move it an inch.3Years passed, Arthur became a young man, and the sword remained stuck in the stone. When Arthur's stepbrother, Kay, needed a sword, Arthur pulled the sword from the stone. He didn't realize the sword was special. Word about what Arthur had done spread, and he became King of Britain. Arthur kept the sword, called Excalibur, for the rest of his life and used it to fight many battles.4Arthur was a good king. He invited the knights of Britain to meet in his castle. There, the knights sometimes argued over who would sit at the head of the rectangular table. To stop the knights from fighting Arthur had the men sit at a round table instead. At this table, no man held more power than any other. The men became known as the Knights of the Round Table.5Arthur and the knights had many adventures. They helped people in need, and they fought dragons and other powerful creatures. Arthur kept Excalibur with him always.Before Arthur died, he asked his friend, Bedivere, to throw Excalibur into a nearby lake. Bedivere couldn't part with the beautiful sword, but he finally closed his eyes and threw Excalibur into the lake. When Bedivere reopened his eyes, he saw a woman's hand reach out of the lake and catch the sword. The magical Lady of the Lake took Excalibur under the water to keep it safe. When Bedivere told Arthur what he had seen, the great king died in peace.Which word best describes King Arthur?A CalmB AmbitiousC WiseD Foolish Suppose you believe that Du Pont's stock price is going to decline from its current level of $ 83.10 sometime during the next 5 months. For $ 353.63 you could buy a 5-month put option giving you the right to sell 100 shares at a price of $ 75 per share. If you bought a 100-share contract for $ 353.63 and Du Pont's stock price actually changed to $ 87.27 , your net profit (or loss) after exercising the option would be ______? Show your answer to the nearest .01. Do not use $ or , signs in your answer. Use a - sign if you lose money on the contract. A plane lands on the runway and slows from 758 km/sec to 30 km/sec in 48 seconds, what is the planes acceleration? after a long bone has formed, it can continue to increase in length due to growth that occurs at the epiphyseal plate, which is also called the which of the following statements about the upper and lower control limits of a control chart is true? group of answer choices the upper control limit of an x-bar chart does not depend on the average range r-bar. the lower control limit of a p chart will always be a negative value. the upper and lower control limits for a p chart depend on the sample size. the upper and lower control limits of an r chart are always the same distance from r-bar. you want to obtain a sample to estimate a population mean. based on previous evidence, you believe the population standard deviation is approximately . you would like to be 90% confident that your estimate is within 2.5 of the true population mean. how large of a sample size is required? n T/F : Changing the value of the Enabled property of an object in code statements can be used to make an object appear on the form during program execution. eight-year-old terry's performance on an intelligence test is at a level characteristic of an average five-year-old. terry's mental age is: Which of these is an example of dramatic irony in this play? A. The review committee is unaware of Miranda's talent. B. Miranda is trying to help Sai who is better than her. C. The athlete who won first place is being punished. D. Sai does not know she has won the first-place medal. discuss the pros and cons of federalism?