Which of the following selections best summarizes this excerpt from Mississippi Solo: A River Quest?


Answer 1

Answer:the answe is b

Explanation:i got it right

Related Questions

For this unit's reflection, consider the process you have gone through as you revised your paper so far—the introduction and literature review. What have you found to be most helpful for you? What would you share with others about your process? What techniques, tips, and methods have you used to help the process go more smoothly for you? You can also describe methods that were not as helpful to you and what you would like to do in the future that you think might be better


In general, the most helpful technique for revising a paper is to step back and take a break after writing the first draft. This allows the writer to come back to the paper with a fresh perspective and identify areas that need improvement.

Another helpful technique is to seek feedback from others, whether it be a peer, teacher, or writing tutor. Feedback can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement and help the writer to refine their ideas and arguments.

In terms of methods that may not be as helpful, it's important to avoid being too attached to specific ideas or phrases in the first draft. Sometimes, the best way to improve a paper is to be willing to cut or change sections that are not working. Additionally, it's important to avoid procrastination and set clear deadlines for completing each stage of the writing process.

To learn more about writing process, here



Reading Skills Workbook, M-STEP Daily Practice, Grade 7
Which word could best be used in place of principle?
Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that
scientists and others use to make decisions.

A Problem
B Theory
C Experiment
D Error


Experiment - best be used in place of principle. "A Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that scientists and others use to make decisions."

when ishmael speaks at the conference, he . a. starts sobbing b. reads a speech c. speaks from the heart d. includes a rap song


The answer is c. Ishmael speaks from the heart at the conference in "A Long Way Gone".

In "A Long Way Gone," Ishmael Beah talks at a meeting and his methodology is to talk from the heart. He depicts his excursion as a kid officer in Sierra Leone, and how he went to rap music as a method for adapting to the savagery and injury he encountered. In the book, he lauds rap music as a deliverer and, surprisingly, framed a rap bunch with his companions prior to being enrolled by the military.

During his restoration, Ishmael proceeded to compose and perform rap music as a type of treatment. He ultimately turned into a representative for the Unified Countries, utilizing his encounters to bring issues to light about kid fighters and supporter for their recovery.

At the point when Ishmael talks at the meeting, he shares his story and talks really about his encounters. He doesn't depend on a pre-arranged discourse or read from notes, however rather talks from the heart, sharing his feelings and the effect of his encounters. His trustworthiness and weakness have a strong effect on the crowd.

To learn more about another incident conference who speaks from heart, refer:



The complete question is:

What does Ishmael do when he speaks at the conference in "A Long Way Gone"? Does he start sobbing, read a speech, speak from the heart, or include a rap song?

What is the best summary of the passage? A. Maria and the narrator are hiking in the forest and looking for a place to camp. They spot some Douglas Firs and are so enchanted by their beauty that they forget about their campground. After picking up trash from the forest and taking pictures, they come to a treacherous-looking bridge, and on the other side, they find a campground which is uninhabited. B. While looking for a campground in the forest, Maria and the narrator spot a lot of trash, including candy wrappers and rice packets. They begin to collect the trash, and later when they spot some Douglas Firs, they become so enchanted by their beauty that they forget about their campground. Finally, they reach a place where they spot a bear. C. While looking for a campground, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs in the forest. On their way, they find a trail of half-eaten food, and Maria picks up the trash while the narrator takes pictures of the trees. Finally, they arrive at an uninhabited campground, and when they spot a bear near the bushes, it drops an empty package of peanuts and scampers away. D. Out in a forest, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs that are supposed to survive for hundreds of years. They search for a place where they can camp, and on the way they find a lot of trash. Maria picks up the trash, while the narrator takes pictures of the trees, and soon, they arrive at an uninhabited campground. While fixing the tent, they spot a bear in the bushes.


Answer: C. While looking for a campground, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs in the forest. On their way, they find a trail of half-eaten food, and Maria picks up the trash while the narrator takes pictures of the trees.  Finally, they arrive at an uninhabited campground, and when they spot a bear near the bushes, it drops an empty package of peanuts and scampers away.

Explanation: This summary captures the main events and details mentioned in the passage. It mentions the admiration of the Douglas Firs, the discovery of trash, Maria's action of picking up the trash, the narrator taking pictures, the arrival at an uninhabited campground, and the encounter with a bear dropping an empty package of peanuts.

line 12, "and nothing stands but for his scythe to mow," is best paraphrased as


Should be rendered as. Everything exists to be destroyed at some point.

This means that although the young man is currently attractive, "parallels" — or wrinkles — will ultimately show, just as they did on the poet.

Shakespeare says in the final couplet that having children can help you "brave" or face Time (or Death) when he comes to take you because children can help you do this. Of course, both Time and Death are frequently personified with a scythe, with Death as the Grim Reaper.

And explores the parallels in the brow of beauty, feeding on the rarities of the truth of nature, leaving nothing but the grass for his scythe to slash: Get the Line-by-Line Analysis for every poem we analyse by unlocking all 238 words in this analysis of Lines 9–12 from "Sonnet 60: Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore."

To learn more about Paraphrased  visit .



The prompt of the essay is : is space a daring adventure or dangerous risk?
If you could help me come up with a hook for the introduction that would be great. I will reward 30 points


Here are a few hook ideas for your essay introduction:

1. "Space: the final frontier." This iconic phrase from Star Trek captures the sense of adventure and exploration that has always drawn humans to the stars. But is space really a daring adventure, or is it a dangerous risk that we should avoid?

2. Imagine standing on the surface of a distant planet, looking up at the stars and feeling the weight of history and possibility bearing down on you. For centuries, humans have dreamed of exploring space, but is that dream worth the risks involved?

3. From the first time humans looked up at the night sky, we have been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. But as we push farther and farther into space, we must ask ourselves: are we embarking on a daring adventure, or are we taking a dangerous risk that could have dire consequences for our planet and our species?

4. Space travel has always been a risky business. From the early days of rocket launches to the modern era of space tourism, astronauts and cosmonauts have faced countless dangers and challenges. But is the thrill of exploration worth the potential dangers of space travel?

how does speech at the march on washington (lewis) stand out to the passage ? explain why it is effective. Use MLA citation style to document the passages?


The speech given by John Lewis at the March on Washington in 1963 stands out due to its powerful and emotional content, which effectively conveyed the urgency and importance of the civil rights movement. Lewis, who was just 23 years old at the time, spoke as the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and represented a younger generation of activists who were committed to nonviolent protest and direct action.

How to explain the Speech

One of the most striking aspects of Lewis's speech is his use of vivid and evocative language to describe the experiences of African Americans who were fighting for their rights. He speaks of being "beaten, arrested, and jailed" for participating in peaceful protests and describes the struggle for civil rights as a "revolution of values" that is necessary for the survival of democracy.

Lewis also uses repetition and rhetorical devices to emphasize his message and drive home the importance of the civil rights movement. He repeatedly states that the time for change is now, saying "We cannot wait; we cannot be patient," and calls on his audience to join him in the fight for justice: "So I appeal to all of you to get into this great revolution that is sweeping this nation. Get in and stay in the streets of every city, every village and hamlet of this nation until true freedom comes."

Overall, Lewis's speech is effective because it combines personal experience with a clear and urgent call to action. He speaks with conviction and passion, inspiring his listeners to take up the cause of civil rights and work towards a better future for all Americans. His words continue to resonate today and serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice.

Learn more about speech on:




"O Father, all my life your fame

as a fighting man has echoed in my ears —

your skill with weapons and the tricks of war —

but what you speak of is a staggering thing,

beyond imagining, for me. How can two men

do battle with a houseful in their prime?"

—The Odyssey,




upon his father's word Telemachus

ran to the room where spears and armor lay.

He caught up four light shields, four pairs of


four helms of war high-plumed with flowing


and ran back, loaded down, to his father's side.

He was the first to pull a helmet on

and slide his bare arm in a buckler strap.

—The Odyssey,


Based on the two passages, how has Telemachus changed since he first met up with Odysseus?

Based on the two passages, how has Telemachus changed since he first met up with Odysseus?


Telemachus is now a confident warrior instead of a hesitant young man. He's picked up some weapons and is prepared to battle with his dad. In the face of peril, he has grown more courageous and self-assured.

Telemachus has transformed into an enthusiastic warrior from a hesitant young man who lacked the confidence and wisdom to defend himself. He is resolved to battle for justice and restore his father's honor because he has accepted his duty as Odysseus' son.

He is now less hesitant to defend his convictions and has grown more self-assured in his ability. He is determined to fight for his father and his people and is willing to take chances. He is now a leader, inspiring others with his guts and tenacity in addition to his own people. No matter how difficult the obstacles, he is adamant about facing them.

To learn more about Telemachus link is here



11. Read the sentence and select the TYPE of noun or pronoun that corresponds with the bolded word.
Some of our FRIENDS want to get together to form a study group.


As a noun in the sentence, the word "friends" is bolded.  A collective noun is exemplified by this.

What do you mean by noun and pronoun?

A noun identifies a person, animal, or thing. Pronouns are terms such as he, she, yourself, mine, who, this, and someone. Pronouns frequently refer to or fill the position of a noun or noun phrase. A determiner determines the type of reference that a noun possesses.

What is the difference between a pronoun and a noun?

Nouns are words that are used to describe objects, people, animals, locations, attributes, actions, and ideas. Pronouns A pronoun is a term that can replace a noun or a noun phrase. Verbs Verbs are words that describe events, acts, or states of being. There are numerous forms of each verb.

To know more about noun or pronoun visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

Read the sentence and select the type of noun or pronoun that corresponds with the bolded word.

Some of our friends want to get together to form a study group.

demonstrative pronoun

collective noun

abstract noun

reflexive pronoun

Friends is bolded

Why do you think the author told the story of
the Holocaust in this symbolic way? Who is this
story directed to?


If the story in question is "Maus" by Art Spiegelman, it is likely that the author told the story of the Holocaust in a symbolic way in order to convey the complex emotional and psychological impact of this historical

Describe holocaust

The Holocaust was a genocide that occurred during World War II, in which Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, systematically murdered around six million Jews, as well as millions of other marginalized groups, including Romani people, homosexuals, people with disabilities, and others.

The Holocaust was characterized by the use of concentration camps, gas chambers, and other methods of mass extermination. It was a devastating and traumatic event that left lasting scars on the survivors, their families, and the world at large.

To know more about holocaust visit:



Why does the author mention Lou Reed in the fourth paragraph?


Option C is correct.

To describe how MP3s are compressed from song files on CDs into smaller.

What is the passage's narrator's personality clear to the reader?

An adjacent motivates the storyteller to triumph. Veterans of conflict make the narrator nervous. The narrator wants to coach people with disabilities to run.

A passage usually identifies the storyteller?

one who narrates stories; a storyteller. A fictional work's point of view is chosen by the narrator. The story is considered to be in the first person if the narrator actively participates in all of the story's events. A third-person narrative is one that is written by a narrator who is not a protagonist.

To know more about Lou visit:-



What is the name of your article?

What is the opinion or call to action in this editorial?

What evidence does it use to make its argument?

How persuasive do you find the editorial? Is it effective?

What do you notice about the language and tone of the editorial? About other choices the writer(s) have made?



An opinion piece is a newspaper or magazine article that primarily communicates the author's point of view on a subject.

What are editorial or opinion pieces?

It is a prose essay that presents the viewpoint of a writer or other entity that is not a member of the publication's editorial board. An English-language North American newspaper or magazine usually publishes an op-ed.

How would you characterise the writing's language and tone?

Language includes the selection of words, their emphasis, and the alignment and punctuation of sentences. Tone describes the author's use of language to express attitude.

To know more about opinion piece visit:-



How does the interaction between Talon and Pidge enhance
the mood of the novel? Cite evidence from the text to
support your analysis.


The interaction between Talon and Pidge in the novel enhances the mood by adding a sense of tension and conflict, as well as creating a contrasting dynamic between the characters.

What is the interaction?

The above  is evident in the text through their dialogues and actions. For example, in one scene, Talon confronts Pidge about a decision he made that went against Talon's wishes. The text describes Talon's tone as "sharp" and his demeanor as "menacing," while Pidge is described as looking "defensive" and "nervous." This interaction creates a sense of unease and tension, as Talon's aggression and Pidge's apprehension are palpable, adding to the mood of the novel.

Furthermore, the contrast between Talon and Pidge's personalities and motivations also enhances the mood. Talon is portrayed as hot-headed, impulsive, and driven by his own agenda, while Pidge is more cautious, calculated, and concerned about the consequences of their actions. This contrast adds complexity to their interactions, creating a sense of conflict and intrigue that adds to the overall mood of the novel.

Read more about interaction  here:



We can deduce here that the interaction between Talon and Pidge could potentially enhance the mood of the novel in a few ways. For example, if Talon and Pidge's interaction is tense or confrontational, it could create a sense of danger or unease that sets the tone for the rest of the story. On the other hand, if their interaction is more friendly or playful, it could establish a sense of camaraderie or lightheartedness that carries throughout the book.

What is the mood of a novel?

The mood of a novel refers to the atmosphere or emotional tone conveyed by the author's writing, which can influence the reader's emotions and feelings while reading.

The mood can be created through various literary elements such as imagery, setting, characterization, and dialogue. It can be described using a variety of adjectives, such as dark, light-hearted, suspenseful, romantic, melancholic, etc.

Learn more about mood on https://brainly.com/question/12550552


Vertex C is common to which two triangles?​



Vertex C is common to triangles ABC and CBD.

The statement clearly identifies two triangles, ABC and CBD, and states that they share a common vertex, which is C. This means that vertex C is one of the three points that make up both triangles.

Identifying shared vertices is important in geometry, as it can help with determining congruence or similarity between triangles, as well as identifying common angles or lines. It's important to know the common vertices of triangles when solving problems or proving the congruency or similarity of different triangles.

To know more about triangles, here



--The complete question is, Which vertex is common to which two triangles?​ ABC,CBD--

It was the morning that we fell apart
A thorn was digging deep inside my heart
She smiled, but I knew that we were hurt
And of the wrong we were both alert

We were best friends, and this was our first fight
Somehow we still wanted to make things right
Jenny, I am sorry, I was the first to say
We should not end our friendship this way

Ally, you are right. I am sorry, too.
Let's work it out; what are we to do?
Jenny asked and looked into my eyes
We weren't yet saying our last goodbyes

Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem.
All the lines end in the same rhyme.
Every other line in this poem rhymes.
The even lines share a rhyme.
Each pair of lines shares a rhyme.


Each pair of lines in this poem rhymes with the other.

The correct option is D.

What is a rhyme in poetry?

In rhyme, syllables are repeated, often towards the end of a verse line. In rhymed syllables, all sounds typically come after the final stressed syllable. Rhyme is one of the first literary components we are taught, although it can be difficult to apply rhyme well.

Why is rhyme so significant?

Children and newborns learn about words, sounds, and language production through rhyme. Early reading abilities are developed in youngsters through hearing and employing rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. Early brain development depends on the repetition of words, concepts, and abilities because it lays the groundwork for early learning.

To know more about Rhyme visit:



The external dialect of revelation - concealment includes the idea that we want our relationship to be like others while also being unique. True or false?


The given sentence is false. The external dialect of revelation-concealment refers to the tension in a romantic relationship between wanting to reveal aspects of oneself to the partner and wanting to keep some aspects concealed. This dialect involves a desire to balance the need for intimacy and connection with the need for privacy and autonomy.

In contrast, the dialect of integration-separation refers to the tension between the desire to merge with one's partner and the desire to maintain independence and individuality within the relationship.

Both dialects are a natural part of the dynamic interplay that characterizes romantic relationships, and the key to a healthy relationship is finding a balance between these competing desires.

To know more about dialect:



True. The external dialect of revelation - concealment refers to the desire to present oneself and one's relationships in a certain way to the outside world while also maintaining a level of privacy and uniqueness.

This can be seen in the way individuals present their romantic relationships on social media, for example, wanting to showcase their love while also keeping certain aspects private. The concept of concealment plays a role in this desire to balance openness and privacy in relationships. This concept of external dialect of revelation involves the balance between sharing and concealing aspects of a relationship, which can lead to similarities with other relationships, while still preserving the distinct aspects that make it special.

Thus, the statement is true.

To know more about Concealment, click here:



What happened when researcher upvoted posts early on?

A) They became popular more quickly than other posts

B) They were shared more often but not necessarily upvoted

C) They were viewed to have more validity than other posts

D) They became overall more popular than downvoted posts


They became popular more quickly than other posts happened when researcher upvoted posts early on. Option A is correct.

In the article, "The Science Behind Why No One Agrees on the Best Time to Post on Social Media," the researchers found that when they upvoted posts early on, those posts became more popular than other posts that were not upvoted. This is because upvoting gives posts more visibility, and once a post receives some initial traction, it is more likely to continue to gain popularity.

This phenomenon is known as the bandwagon effect, where people are more likely to follow or support something that is already popular. Therefore, the act of upvoting a post early on can greatly influence its success and popularity on social media platforms. Hence Option A is correct.

To learn more about bandwagon effect, here



Please write a 1-2 page essay on food waste. Use information from the movie to explain why it is such a problem, ways people are cutting down on waste, and what you think we could change to cut down on waste in our everyday lives. What are some changes you think we could make here on campus to cut down on the amount of wasted food? What are ways that we can use wasted food in a positive way?

the movie was called "the story of food waste" but you dont have to watch it the facts listed were:Over the course of the film, some startling statistics are thrown at us: one-third of processed food is never eaten, and 90% of wasted food (U.S.) ends up in landfills at a cost of 1 trillion dollars and elevated methane levels.

It may be two spaces between each word if you would like but I need a 1-2 page essay for it.



Food waste is a major problem in the world today. According to the movie "The Story of Food Waste", one-third of processed food is never eaten, and 90% of wasted food in the U.S. ends up in landfills at a cost of 1 trillion dollars and elevated methane levels. This is a huge problem for the environment and for people who are struggling with hunger.

There are many ways that people are cutting down on food waste. One way is by composting food scraps instead of throwing them away. Composting turns food waste into nutrient-rich soil that can be used to grow more food. Another way is by donating excess food to food banks and other organizations that help people who are struggling with hunger.

To cut down on waste in our everyday lives, we can start by planning our meals ahead of time and only buying what we need. We can also store our food properly to make it last longer. For example, storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator can help them stay fresh longer.

Here on campus, there are many changes we could make to cut down on the amount of wasted food. One idea is to start a composting program where students can bring their food scraps to be composted. Another idea is to donate excess food from the dining halls to local food banks.

There are also many ways that we can use wasted food in a positive way. For example, we can use food scraps to make vegetable broth or stock. We can also use overripe fruit to make smoothies or baked goods.

In conclusion, food waste is a major problem that affects both the environment and people who are struggling with hunger. However, there are many ways that we can cut down on waste and use wasted food in a positive way. By making small changes in our everyday lives and working together as a community, we can make a big difference.

Correct the sentence by adding a comma or commas. If the sentence is already correct, don't add any commas. Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy Evan?



"Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy, Evan?"


You would add the comma to make it clear that the person is asking Evan the question, because without the comma it could be taken as though the toy was called/named Evan. If the name was at the beginning of the sentence you would put a comma after it before it asks the question.

Please click thanks and don't forget to rate!


Did you apologize to Manuel and Hector for breaking their toy, Evan?


The story of an hour
Lines 48–49: Why is this description ironic, especially in light of the information given at the beginning of the story about Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble”?


In "The Story of an Hour," the description in lines 48-49, "Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body," is ironic because it suggests that Mrs. Mallard is experiencing a sense of liberation and euphoria, even though she has a heart condition that the beginning of the story establishes as a serious health concern.

The irony is that Mrs. Mallard's heart condition is assumed to be a physical ailment, but it also serves as a metaphor for her emotional state. At the beginning of the story, Mrs. Mallard is described as having a "heart trouble," which is initially assumed to be a physical ailment. However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that her heart trouble is also an emotional affliction caused by her unhappy marriage and the societal constraints placed upon her as a wife.

The description of Mrs. Mallard's physical reaction to her newfound freedom is ironic because it suggests that the emotional release she experiences is so powerful that it overcomes her heart condition. This creates a sense of tension and suspense for the reader, as they wonder whether Mrs. Mallard's physical body will be able to withstand the emotional intensity of her feelings.

In conclusion, the description of Mrs. Mallard's physical reaction to her newfound freedom is ironic because it suggests that her emotional release is so powerful that it overcomes her heart condition, which is established as a serious health concern at the beginning of the story. The irony highlights the tension between Mrs. Mallard's physical and emotional states and creates a sense of suspense for the reader as they wonder how her body will respond to the emotional intensity of her feelings.

(a) Interpret In step 4, the author writes about the “challenge of building resilience.” What does “building resilience” mean in practical terms? (b) Assess What seems to be the most critical factor in building resilience?


"building resilience" means developing the ability to bounce back from difficult situations. It involves cultivating mindset and developing skills that allow an individual to cope with stress, adversity, and uncertainty.

What seems to be the most critical factor in building resilience?

The text suggests that several factors contribute to building resilience, including having a supportive social network, maintaining a positive outlook, practicing self-care, and cultivating problem-solving skills. However, the most critical factor in building resilience is perhaps one's mindset or attitude towards adversity. Those who view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning and believe in their ability to overcome obstacles tend to be more resilient than those who have a negative outlook or feel helpless in the face of adversity. Thus, developing a growth mindset and a sense of self-efficacy may be the most important factors in building resilience.

To know more about building resilience visit:



Write a story that explains two heads are better than one


Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived two brothers named Jack and Tom. Jack and Tom were known throughout the kingdom for their intelligence and problem-solving skills. They were always able to find solutions to the most challenging problems, and this made them very valuable to the king.

One day, the king summoned Jack and Tom to his palace and presented them with a difficult challenge. He had received a message from a neighboring kingdom that threatened war if the king did not give them a large sum of money. The king needed to find a way to deal with this threat without going to war.

Jack and Tom put their heads together to come up with a solution. They spent many hours discussing the problem and analyzing the situation from different angles. They looked at the kingdom's finances, the enemy's military strength, and the possible diplomatic solutions.

As they worked, they realized that they each had different strengths and perspectives. Jack was great at analyzing financial data and coming up with creative solutions, while Tom was an expert in military strategy and diplomacy. Together, they were able to come up with a plan that utilized both of their strengths.

They presented their plan to the king, and he was impressed with their solution. He implemented their plan, and it was successful in avoiding war and protecting the kingdom.

From that day on, Jack and Tom worked together on every problem that the kingdom faced. They became known as the two heads that were better than one. Their teamwork and collaboration saved the kingdom many times over, and they were regarded as heroes by the people.

The moral of the story is that when people work together and combine their strengths and perspectives, they can achieve great things. Two heads are better than one, especially when it comes to problem-solving and decision-making.

what is an essay hook for distractions making us and twitchy?


Do you ever have problems concentrating while doing task?

The order of the bad news and explanations. What is the best way to ensure the audience understands the bad news?


The best way to that the audience understands the bad news is to clarify the details with the evidence and justify the statement.

The facts that influence to the audience about the bad news is negative impact on the environment. So there are few preventions that must be taken to inform the bad news to the public. The most important step is to give clear information. The readers must not be confused by the information that is given to them because this leads to misunderstanding.

The next step is to be honest with the information and provide accurate information with proof. It is also very important to get few measures that has to be taken for the reaction of the audience after they listen to the bad news. The audience must be motivated to take the news in the positive way.

The most important thing to be done is to give a buffer statement in the starting of the news this helps the audience to divert there mindset and also the effect of the bad news will not impact. The way of presenting the information is also very important because it will ensure to break the information.

It is very important to note the tone of language because the audience may be tensed by the way of the information is provided. So the essential thing is to provide the alternative resources for the problem that has been caused.

So it is important to redirect the bad news and provide positive feedback to the people. The bad news can be about war, employees strike, accident or death of any popular person. So there must be proper techniques that must passive the negative information.

The important points to be noted are to maintain the order of the bad news is:

TrustClearPassive noteHonestAlternative solutionAvoiding legal liability

To know more about order of the bad news and  best way to ensure the audience understands the bad news follow the link below:




When delivering bad news, it is important to prioritize the order in which you present the information. To ensure that your audience fully understands the bad news, it is recommended to first provide a brief explanation of the situation and the context in which the news is being delivered.

This can help to prepare the audience for what is to come and provide a foundation for their understanding. Next, it is best to deliver the bad news clearly and directly, without sugarcoating or minimizing the impact. This can be difficult, but it is important to be honest and transparent with your audience. After delivering the bad news, it is essential to provide a thorough explanation of the situation and the reasons behind the decision or event that has occurred. In summary, to ensure that your audience fully understands bad news, prioritize the order in which you present the information, deliver the news clearly and directly, provide thorough explanations and additional support, and remain empathetic throughout the delivery.

To know more about summary refer :



Fill in the blanks below with the correct word from the word bank: (supporting, central idea, topic)
______________+ ____________details= __________


There are many limited resources available to address Virtual Meetings Laws?

oblarion How is the narrator's story about his brother Ritchie's argument with R
Owens important to the development of a central theme in the passage?
A. It emphasizes the importance of the narrator's need to always follow in his
brother's footsteps.
anur B.
It highlights the church's inability to confront issues of racism head on.
It reinforces the idea that the narrator and his family struggle because they
are biracial to identify with their church community.
D. It suggests that the Ritchie identifies more with his African heritage than his
mother or brother.


D. It shows that Ritchie identifies more with his African origin than with his mother or brother.

What occurred in Fallen Angels Chapter 3?

Jenkins admits that he is only in the army because his father, a colonel, wants him to start a military career. He admits to Richie that he believes he is going to die, but Richie tells him that most troops never fire their weapons.

What is the primary conflict in Fallen Angels?

A significant conflict Richie struggles to accept the harsh reality of war, which contradicts the myths about war that he held before going into it.

To know more about Fallen Angels  visit:



In "Araby," at the end of the story the young boy
a. decides to bring Mangan's sister
b. buys nothing
c. leaves Ireland
d. decides his uncle is a fool
e. buys a chalice


b. buys nothing.

Araby; mangan's sister; vendors

At the end of "Araby," the young boy realizes the futility of his quest to buy a gift for Mangan's sister at the bazaar called Araby. The bazaar is closing, and most of the vendors have already packed up and left. The boy feels disillusioned and ashamed, realizing that his infatuation with Mangan's sister was misguided and that his pursuit of her was a fantasy. He leaves the bazaar without buying anything and feels a sense of bitterness and resentment towards himself, his uncle, and the world around him.

To know more about araby:



The child discovers in "Araby" that his affection for Mangan's sister is in vain, despite the event's exotic-sounding name, and that he will not have enough money to buy a gift for her. The correct answer is b. buys nothing.

He is unaware that Mangan's sister harbours romantic affections for him as well. He just finds out that she is sad that she can't go to Araby because of a prior obligation. By the time "Araby" comes to a close.

The young kid has come to terms with the futility of his attempt to purchase a gift for Mangan's sister at the Araby fair. The majority of the vendors had already finished packing up and leaving the bazaar as it closes.Realising that his obsession with Mangan's sister was misdirected and that his pursuit of her was a fiction, the youngster is disheartened and ashamed. He walks out of the market empty-handed, feeling furious and resentful towards himself, his uncle, and the world in general.

To know more about Araby visit:





Answer: C

Explanation: I would say this because they do not say exactly how much time it takes, meanwhile people know vaguely how long it takes to do the other mentioned activities.

what ultimatum does polonius deliver to ophelia (lines 132-137)? based on what ophelia has previously said about hamlet, what emotions might her statement in line 137 conceal?


Polonius's ultimatum to Ophelia is "To thine own self be true, / And it must follow, as the night the day, / Thou canst not then be false to any man. Her statement in Line 137 likely conceals a sense of sadness, pain, and regret.

Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!" (Lines 132-135). Ophelia responds by saying "I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, / As watchman to my heart" (Lines 136-137).

Given Ophelia's previous statements about her love for Hamlet and her loyalty to him, her statement in Line 137 likely conceals a sense of sadness, pain, and regret. Despite her love for Hamlet, she knows that she must obey her father's wishes and stay away from him.

This is likely an emotional struggle for Ophelia, as she may feel like she is betraying Hamlet and her own feelings by following her father's advice.

To learn more about Hamlet link is here



How does telivison watching make children unimaginative



It blocks fresh thinking.So it makes the child viewer dull. He cannot distinguish between the real and the fantastic . His brain becomes as soft as the cheese and he looses his power to think and imagine things. Like this eventually the child becomes unimaginative.

It’s creates a dull image for children instead of the children creating imaginative images in the minds
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