which one of the following is a derived SI unit?
A.newton B.meter C.mole d.Kilogram ​


Answer 1




I'd say meters, cause it's the SI unit of length,

which is a Derived Quantity.

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What is the difference between phi and theta?


ANSWER: The coordinates used in spherical coordinates are rho, theta, and phi. Rho is the distance from the origin to the point. Theta is the same as the angle used in polar coordinates. Phi is the angle between the z-axis and the line connecting the origin and the point.

How Can the human ear detect the sound



Sound waves enter the outer ear and travel through a narrow passageway called the ear canal, which leads to the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates from the incoming sound waves and sends these vibrations to three tiny bones in the middle ear.


The eardrum vibrates from the incoming sound waves and sends these vibrations to three tiny bones in the middle ear. These bones are called the malleus, incus, and stapes.

A chestnut-colored horse mates with a white-colored horse to produce a roan-colored offspring. What type of inheritance pattern does this genetic expression represent? A. Artificial selection B. Codominance C. Incomplete dominance D. Multiple alleles E. Polygenic inheritance



The correct option is B.



The type of inheritance pattern is codorminance because in codorminance the two alleles in the gene are expressed, no allele was able to masked the express on the other allele. The chestnut colored horse allele is expressed likewise the white

colored allele too is expressed none of the two alleles mask the Expression of the other, the two are expressed to give offsprings roan colored which is an indication of the two expression.




Pllzzzz help I will mark u as a brainliest



You dont need BRAINLY there is an app called slader where you scan the textbook barcode and it shows you the answers for the question in the textbook.


Consider a 400g baseball thrown from a height of 1.8m at 35m/s:

a. What is the gravitational potential energy of the baseball?

b. What is the elastic potential energy of the baseball?

c. What is the kinetic energy of the baseball?

d. What is the total mechanical energy of the baseball?




According to Newton’s First Law of Motion, what will happen to a baseball thrown in outer space



The baseball will stay in motion until another force act upon it.



Newton's First Law of Motion is that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Due to the lack of gravity in space, until a different outside force acts upon the object, the baseball will continue to move at a constant speed in the same direction for all time (until acted upon by something else).

what is measurement ?​



Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event



Measurement is the assignment of a number to a characteristic of an object or event, which can be compared with other objects or event

If the x-component of velocity is 27m/s and the y-component of velocity is -23 m/s, what is the resultant vector?



35.47 m/s


[tex]r = \sqrt{( - 23)^{2} + (27) ^{2} }[/tex]


Why is there no weather on the Moon?



the moon has no atmosphere, and it cannot trap heat or insulate the surface.


the moon is too small. ... With weak gravity, gases that are emitted from the surface quickly are lost to outer space.

What will most likely happen if a sound wave moves from the air through a solid? It will increasein wavelength It will decrease in speed It wil increase in speed It will decrease in wavelength.​



C. it will increase in speed


on edge 2020 :)


It will increase in speed.


sound waves travel the fastest through solids, slower through liquids, and slowest through gases

Ben has two carts with masses of 0.1 kg and 0.2 kg. He pushes the smaller cart toward the larger cart and they collide. The smaller cart rebounds back in the direction it came from. He measures the force on the smaller cart from the larger cart to be 5 N. What was the magnitude of the acceleration of the smaller cart?



The acceleration of the smaller cart is 50 m/s²


The given masses of the carts are 0.1 kg and 0.2 kg

The direction in which the small cart bounces = In the revers to its initial direction

The force exerted by the larger cart on the small cart = 5 N

Therefore, we have;

Force acting on smaller cart = Mass of smaller cart  × Acceleration of the smaller cart

∴ The acceleration of the smaller cart = Force acting on smaller cart/(Mass of smaller cart)

The acceleration of the smaller cart = 5 N/(0.1 kg) = 50 m/s²

The acceleration of the smaller cart = 50 m/s².

How could you categorize or classify the five major types of



Contact forces can be classified according to six types: tensional, spring, normal reaction, friction, air friction, and weight. Noncontact forces: Forces that take place when two objects do not touch. These forces can be classified according to three types: gravitational, electrical, and magnetic.


Which of the above beak depth vs time graphs represent the change in finch beak depth that would occur due to successive years of above average rainfall?





I just did it :)


It is A


I did it and got a 100

Estimate the total mass of ocean on earth


1/4400 total mass on earth , weighting about 1,450,000,000,000,000,000 short tons of water

A train rolls at a constant speed of 10 m/s across a horizontal track. A child standing on the flatbed of the train throws a ball so that it appears to move straight up to an observer standing next to the track. a. What is the horizontal speed of the ball relative to the observer?



The answer is 10m/s


Given that the child is in the train, and that the train is moving at a speed of 10m/s, and also the child is standing on the flatbed, hence the child is not moving, therefore the velocity of the child is 10m/s relative to the observer

Also, when the child throws the ball horizontally relative to the observer the horizontal speed is also 10m/s.

therefore the speed of the ball is also 10m/s to the observer

What is meant by the term total internal reflection? What two conditions must be met for total internal reflection to occur?





Total internal reflection, in physics, complete reflection of a ray of light within a medium such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium. The phenomenon occurs if the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called the critical angle.

The conditions required for total internal reflection (TIR) to occur are:

1)the light must be travelling from a more dense medium into a less dense medium (ie glass to air)

2)the angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle.




how does shape of object affect friction



There are three types of friction.

1. Slanting friction

2. Sliding friction

3. Rolling friction

In the first two types of friction, the body of the object will come in contact with the irregularities on the surface more than in the case of rolling friction, thus a heavy box in square shape will have more friction than a heavy-duty vehicle.

This is also the reason why all vehicles are having wheels as they reduce friction and makes transportation easier and many people suggest to use a small log of wood to be placed on the bottom of a heavy box with flat bottom so it can moved easily due to reduction of friction

If the object is in Circle shape then you the friction a flat bottom then it will have increased friction

You throw a ball straight up into the air at a velocity of 15 m/s. You want to know how high above your hand the ball will be at exactly 2.5 sec after you released it. You must SHOW ALL WORK to receive credit!!! Of the 5 motion variables - Vi, Vf, a, ΔX, and T, identify which one you are solving for and the magnitudes and directions of all of the others that are known: Which of the motion equations is best to use to determine the height of the ball? How high is the ball above your hand at 2.5 sec after you throw it?






Velocity = 15m/s

Time = 2.5secs


Distance above your hand the ball will be at exactly 2.5secs

using the equation of motion:

ΔX = ViT + 1/2aT²

ΔX is the distance

Vi is the velocity of the ball in air

a is the acceleration due to gravity

T is the time taken

Since the ball is thrown straight up, a = -g

ΔX = ViT - 1/2gT²


ΔX = 15(2.5) - 1/2(9.8)(2.5)²

ΔX = 37.5-30.625

ΔX = 6.875m

Hence the ball will be 6.875m above your hand at 2.5secs after you throw it.

many atoms of each element are in one molecule of 2-heptanone?


A chemical structure of a molecule includes the arrangement of atoms and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together. The 2-HEPTANONE molecule contains a total of 21 bond(s) There are 7 non-H bond(s), 1 multiple bond(s), 4 rotatable bond(s), 1 double bond(s) and 1 ketone(s) (aliphatic).

:/ hope this helps

A surfer travels for 45 min at an average speed of 0.6 kilometers per min. How far does he travel in that



you would do multiplication, d=rt. (distance=d rate=r time=t).


You already have all the variables figure out so just plug in the numbers.

For an easier equation you would just do .6*45=27, the 27 is the total kilometers in 45 minutes.

In the real world could the roller coaster car reach the top of the second hill if the second hill were as high as the firsts hill


In the real world where some energy is transferred to the environment as heat and sound the rollercoaster will not reach the top of a second hill if identical height.

Answer: No, it couldn’t. Energy leaves the system in the form of heat as the roller coaster cars travel from the top of one hill to the next. The vehicles have less total energy, so the potential energy at the top of the second hill must also be less. The cars wouldn’t be able to achieve the height of the first hill.

Explanation: Make sure to change some of it because it's from Edmentum!!

What is the relationship between the tilt of the Earth on its axis, latitude, and temperature?



The combination of more direct rays of sunlight and more hours of daylight causes the hemisphere tilted toward the sun to receive more solar radiation and to have warmer temperatures. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, latitudes between the equator and 90°N (the North Pole) are experiencing summer.

Hope this helps :) :) :)

Describe the nucleus of the atom.



The atomic nucleus is the small, dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom, discovered in 1911 by Ernest Rutherford based on the 1909 Geiger Marsden gold foil experiment. Almost all of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus, with a very small contribution from the electron cloud.

HeLp AsAp!!!!!! How long would it take you to hop 30 meters based on your speed for the 5-meter trial? Show your work!

Hopping =

Distance-5 m







Given parameters:

Distance = 30m


Time  = ?


The time it will take to hop a distance of 30m using the speed for the 5m trial is the duration of the trip.

 The speed for the 5m trial  = 1.46m/s


    Speed  = [tex]\frac{distance}{time}[/tex]

      Distance = speed x time

      time  = [tex]\frac{distance }{speed}[/tex]

Input the parameters and solve;

     time  = [tex]\frac{30}{1.46}[/tex]   = 20.5s

When an object is said to be in free fall, the object is actually moving..


... moving initially with the acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s^2)

The town of Seaside needs to build a new power plant. The old coal burning plant produces too much pollution and is no longer safe. The mayor decides that he will do some research on alternative forms of energy like nuclear power plants and solar power plants.

What types of resources should the mayor use to conduct his research? Why would these be considered reliable sources of information and why? What types of resources are reliable? How can he use what he learns to make the best decision for the town?


The mayor is making a good decision to do research into renewable forms of energy. Not only does coal produce pollution, it also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Plus, the supply of coal is a finite source. It is considered a natural resource instead of renewable. That means that eventually the supply of coal will run out at some point. Renewables do not encounter such a problem.

So it's smart to look into alternative forms of energy such as nuclear or solar. The benefit of nuclear is that it produces a lot of energy and does so efficiently. The downside is that it's that accidents would lead to disastrous outcomes (eg: the nuclear disaster in Japan). Also, there's the issue of what to do with the nuclear waste. The waste itself is very dangerous and it must be buried underground sealed in thick containers. This is an expensive operation. The rate of decay of the material takes a long time, which means that future generations hundreds of years down the line will have to deal with the waste.

Solar is a cleaner alternative to nuclear, but unfortunately it is not as efficient compared to nuclear power. You need a lot of solar panels in a vast open area to be able to get the energy to power many homes. Places out in the desert are a good choice to put the solar farms because the sun shines intensely there and not many people (or no people) live out in remote areas such as that one.

Because the town is called Seaside, it seems like this town is on the coast. If so, then the mayor should look into wind power to complement solar power. Wind along the coast is often very intense due to the sea current and jet stream. The downside to wind power is that some days the wind doesn't blow at all. The mayor could also look into tidal power which harnesses the flow of the tides coming in and out. If a major river is nearby (that flows into the ocean) then s/he could consider hydroelectric power as well. There are many renewable options to pick from. Each option has its pros and cons, so it's up to the mayor to weigh what exactly their needs are and how efficiently they want electricity. Mixing various options is possibly the best idea since you get a bit of each pro/con from all the options mentioned.

A wagon with a mass of 35 kg is pulled so that it accelerates from 0 m/s to 30 m/s in 15
Remember to show all work!
a. What is the acceleration of the wagon?

b. What is the force required to get this acceleration?

Plz help me



a = v-u/t

a is the acceleration of the body

v is the final velocity

u is the initial velocity

t is the time


v = 30m/s

u = 0m/s

t = 15secs


a = 30-0/15

a = 30/15

a = 2m/s²

Hence the acceleration of the wagon is 2m/s²

b) Force = mass * acceleration


Mas of the wagon = 35kg

acceleration a = 2m/s²

F = 35*2

F = 70N

Hence the force required to get this acceleration is 70N

if you go three times around a complete circular lawn of raidius r and reach the starting point, then the displacement is zero. true or false





the starting point is zero so if you go back to the starting point it'll be zero since displacement is where you left off.

Describe an organism that might live in an extreme environment such as inside a volcano, deep in the ocean, or in an icy cave.



If you haven’t read about the shark found swimming in and out of a segment of an undersea volcano, then you really need to get up to date.



There are shrimp found in underwater volcanoes

A driver of a car traveling at -15m/s applies the brakes, causing a uniform acceleration of +2.0m/s2. If the brakes are applied for 2.5s, what is the velocity of the car at the end of the braking period? How far has the car moved during the braking period?


Given :

Initial velocity, u = -15 m/s.

Acceleration , a = 2 m/s².

Time taken to applied brake, t = 2.5 s.

To Find :

The velocity of the car at the end of the braking period.

How far has the car moved during the braking period.

Solution :

By equation :

[tex]v = u+at\\\\v=-15 + 2\times 2.5\\\\v=-10 \ m/s[/tex]

Now, distance covered by car is :

[tex]s=ut+\dfrac{at^2}{2}\\\\s=(-15)(2.5)+\dfrac{2(2.5)^2}{2}\\\\s=-31.25\ m[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

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