Which samples show unequal variances? Use a = .10 in all tests. Show the critical values and degrees of freedom clearly and illustrate the decision rule.

s1 = 10.2, n1 = 22, s2 = 6.4, n2 = 16, two-tailed test
s1 = .89, n1 = 25, s2 = .67, n2 = 18, right tailed test
s1 = 124, n1 = 12, s2 = 260, n2 = 10, left-tailed test


Answer 1

Answer: To test for unequal variances, we use Welch's t-test, which is a modification of the Student's t-test that adjusts for unequal variances. The null hypothesis for Welch's t-test is that the population means are equal, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are not.

The critical values for a two-tailed test at alpha level 0.10 with degrees of freedom df = 23.99 can be found using a t-distribution table or a calculator and are ±1.717.

For the first sample, we have:

Sample 1: s1 = 10.2, n1 = 22

Sample 2: s2 = 6.4, n2 = 16

Test: Two-tailed

The degrees of freedom can be calculated as follows:

df = ((s1^2 / n1) + (s2^2 / n2))^2 / ((s1^2 / n1)^2 / (n1 - 1) + (s2^2 / n2)^2 / (n2 - 1))

= ((10.2^2 / 22) + (6.4^2 / 16))^2 / ((10.2^2 / 22)^2 / 21 + (6.4^2 / 16)^2 / 15)

= 23.81

The calculated t-value is:

t = (x1 - x2) / sqrt(s1^2 / n1 + s2^2 / n2)

= (0 - 0) / sqrt(10.2^2 / 22 + 6.4^2 / 16) = 0

Since the calculated t-value is within the critical region (-1.717, 1.717), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the population means are different.

For the second sample, we have:

Sample 1: s1 = 0.89, n1 = 25

Sample 2: s2 = 0.67, n2 = 18

Test: Right-tailed

The degrees of freedom can be calculated as follows:

df = ((s1^2 / n1) + (s2^2 / n2))^2 / ((s1^2 / n1)^2 / (n1 - 1) + (s2^2 / n2)^2 / (n2 - 1))

= ((0.89^2 / 25) + (0.67^2 / 18))^2 / ((0.89^2 / 25)^2 / 24 + (0.67^2 / 18)^2 / 17)

= 34.13

The critical value for a right-tailed test at alpha level 0.10 with degrees of freedom df = 34.13 can be found using a t-distribution table or a calculator and is 1.311.

The calculated t-value is:

t = (x1 - x2) / sqrt(s1^2 / n1 + s2^2 / n2)

= (0.89 - 0.67) / sqrt(0.89^2 / 25 + 0.67^2 / 18)

= 2.42

Since the calculated t-value (2.42) is greater than the critical value (1.311), we reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the population mean of Sample 1 is greater than the population mean of Sample 2.

For the third sample, we have:

Sample 1: s1 = 124, n1 = 12

Sample 2: s2 = 260, n2 = 10

Test: Left-tailed

The degrees of freedom can be calculated as follows:

df = ((s1^2 / n1) + (s2^2 / n2))^2 / ((s1^2 / n1)^2 / (n1 - 1) + (s2^2 / n2)^2 / (n2 - 1))

= ((124^2 / 12) + (260^2 / 10))^2 / ((124^2 / 12)^2 / 11 + (260^2 / 10)^2 / 9)

= 14.23

The critical value for a left-tailed test at alpha level 0.10 with degrees of freedom df = 14.23 can be found using a t-distribution table or a calculator and is -1.345.

The calculated t-value is:

t = (x1 - x2) / sqrt(s1^2 / n1 + s2^2 / n2)

= (0 - 0) / sqrt(124^2 / 12 + 260^2 / 10) = 0

Since the calculated t-value is not less than the critical value (-1.345), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We can conclude that there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the population mean of Sample 1 is less than the population mean of Sample 2.

The decision rule for all three tests is:

If the calculated t-value is within the critical region, fail to reject the null hypothesis.

If the calculated t-value is greater than the critical value for a right-tailed test, reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis that the population mean of Sample 1 is greater than the population mean of Sample 2.

If the calculated t-value is less than the critical value for a left-tailed test, reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis that the population mean of Sample 1 is less than the population mean of Sample 2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

if L(x) =sinx-cosx, then dxy=?​


The derivative of L(x) with respect to x is: d/dx [L(x)] = cosx + sinx

Differentiating the function L(x)

Given that

L(x) = sin(x) - cos(x)

To find dy/dx for the function L(x) = sinx - cosx, we need to take the derivative of L(x) with respect to x:

d/dx [L(x)] = d/dx [sinx - cosx]

Using the derivative rules, we can find the derivative of sinx and cosx:

d/dx [sinx] = cosx

d/dx [cosx] = -sinx

Therefore, the derivative of L(x) with respect to x is:

d/dx [L(x)] = cosx + sinx

So, dy/dx for L(x) is cosx + sinx.

Read more about derivatives at



[4x2+(5+1)]÷2 can I please get help :)


7 bc 4 times 2 is 8 plus 5 is 13 plus 1 is 14 then divide by 2 is 7
For the second question if are reading a book and you don’t know the word you should look at the glossary

7.24 × 10^4 - 7.21 × 10^3 in scientific notation


[tex]7.24 * 10^4 - 7.21 * 10^3[/tex] in scientific notation is [tex]6.519 * 10^4[/tex].

What is scientific notation?

Scientific notation is a way of expressing a number as a number between 1 and to multiplied by a power of 10.

To subtract these two numbers, we need to make sure they have the same exponent. We can do this by rewriting [tex]7.21 * 10^3[/tex] as [tex]0.721 * 10^4[/tex] (since [tex]7.21 * 10^3 = 0.721 * 10^4[/tex]).

Now we can perform the subtraction:

[tex]7.24 * 10^4 - 0.721 * 10^4 = 6.519 * 10^4[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]7.24 * 10^4 - 7.21 * 10^3[/tex] in scientific notation is [tex]6.519 * 10^4[/tex].

To know more about scientific notation visit,



A theater can seat 208 people. The number of rows is 3 less than the number of seats in each row. How many rows of seats are there?


Answer:  there are 13 rows of seats in the theater.

Step-by-step explanation: Concurring to the issue, the number of lines is 3 less than the number of seats in each push. So, the number of lines can be communicated as "x - 3".

We know that the theater can situate 208 individuals, so the entire number of seats can be communicated as "x times (x - 3)".

Hence, we are able type in the condition as:

x(x - 3) = 208

Expanding the condition, we get:

x^2 - 3x - 208 =

Presently, ready to unravel this quadratic condition to discover the esteem of "x" which speaks to the number of seats in each push:

Utilizing the quadratic equation:

x = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

where a = 1, b = -3, and c = -208

x = (-(-3) ± sqrt((-3)^2 - 4(1)(-208))) / 2(1)

x = (3 ± sqrt(841)) / 2

x = (3 ± 29) / 2

Ready to disregard the negative arrangement, so:

x = (3 + 29) / 2

x = 16

Hence, the number of seats in each push is 16.

And, the number of columns can be communicated as "x - 3":

Number of columns = 16 - 3 = 13

Is (5,9) a solution to this system of equations?




Step-by-step explanation:

We have 2 squares. One square is shaded 2/12 and the other shaded square in the diagram is 2/15 shaded. How much of the total diagram is shaded?
B.0.148 repeated
C. 0.3
D.0.3 repeated


The correct answer is C. 0.3, which is equivalent to 3/10.

What are fractions?

A fraction is a mathematical representation of a quantity that expresses a part of a whole or a ratio between two quantities.

To find the total fraction of the diagram that is shaded, we need to add the fractions representing the shaded areas of the two squares.

Given that one square is shaded 2/12 and the other shaded square is 2/15, we can add these fractions:

2/12 + 2/15

To add fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 15 is 60, so we can use 60 as the common denominator for both fractions:

(2/12) + (2/15) = (2/12) * (5/5) + (2/15) * (4/4)

= 10/60 + 8/60

Now we can add the numerators:

= (10 + 8)/60

= 18/60

= 3/10

So, the total fraction of the diagram that is shaded is 3/10.

Hence, the correct answer is C. 0.3, which is equivalent to 3/10.

To learn more about fractions, Visit



Polygon ABCD is drawn with vertices at A(1, 5), B(1, 0), C(−1, −1), D(−4, 2). Determine the image vertices of A′ if the preimage is rotated 270° counterclockwise.

A′(−1, −5)
A′(−1, 5)
A′(−5, 1)
A′(5, −1)


To rotate a point in the coordinate plane counterclockwise about the origin, we can use the following formulas:

x' = x cos θ - y sin θ
y' = x sin θ + y cos θ

where θ is the angle of rotation in radians, and (x, y) are the coordinates of the original point, and (x', y') are the coordinates of the rotated point.

To rotate polygon ABCD 270° counterclockwise, we can apply these formulas to each vertex:

For vertex A(1, 5), we have:

x' = 1 cos (-3π/2) - 5 sin (-3π/2) = 5
y' = 1 sin (-3π/2) + 5 cos (-3π/2) = -1

Therefore, A' is (5, -1).

For vertex B(1, 0), we have:

x' = 1 cos (-3π/2) - 0 sin (-3π/2) = 0
y' = 1 sin (-3π/2) + 0 cos (-3π/2) = -1

Therefore, B' is (0, -1).

For vertex C(-1, -1), we have:

x' = -1 cos (-3π/2) - (-1) sin (-3π/2) = -1
y' = -1 sin (-3π/2) + (-1) cos (-3π/2) = 1

Therefore, C' is (-1, 1).

For vertex D(-4, 2), we have:

x' = -4 cos (-3π/2) - 2 sin (-3π/2) = 2
y' = -4 sin (-3π/2) + 2 cos (-3π/2) = 4

Therefore, D' is (2, 4).

Therefore, the image vertices of polygon ABCD after rotating 270° counterclockwise are A'(5, -1), B'(0, -1), C'(-1, 1), and D'(2, 4).

So the correct answer is A′(5, −1).

Measure angle of A equals 32°, b= 15, a=_?_ (Round answers to the nearest hundredth.)


The length of the side a for the triangle ∆ABC is equal to 9.4 to the nearest tenth tenth using the sine rule.

What is the sine rule

The sine rule is a relationship between the size of an angle in a triangle and the opposing side.

We shall first evaluate for the angle m∠B and then solve for the e using the sine rule as follows:

m∠B = 180° - (32 + 90) {sum of interior angles of a triangle}

m∠B = 58°

a/sin32 = 15/sin58

a = (15 × sin32)/sin58 {cross multiplication}

a = 9.3730

Therefore, the length of the side a for the triangle ∆ABC is equal to 9.4 to the nearest tenth tenth using the sine rule.

Read more about sine rule here: https://brainly.com/question/4372174


if h(x) =x+2/x-2, then dy/dx= ?​


To find dy/dx, we can use the quotient rule:

dy/dx = [(x - 2)(1) - (x + 2)(1)]/(x - 2)^2

Simplifying the numerator:

dy/dx = (-4)/(x - 2)^2

So the derivative of h(x) with respect to x is -4/(x - 2)^2.

Answer: To find the derivative of the function h(x), we can use the quotient rule, which states that if f(x) = u(x) / v(x), then f'(x) = [v(x)u'(x) - u(x)v'(x)] / [v(x)]^2.

Using this rule, we can find the derivative of h(x) as follows:

h(x) = (x + 2) / (x - 2)

h'(x) = [(x - 2)(1) - (x + 2)(1)] / (x - 2)^2 // apply the quotient rule and differentiate numerator and denominator

h'(x) = (-2 - 2x) / (x - 2)^2

Therefore, the derivative of h(x) is h'(x) = (-2 - 2x) / (x - 2)^2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help I’m confused


The intersection points in the function is (-4, 61)

What is the points of intersection to the function

To find the intersection points of two functions, we can set them equal to each other and solve for x. Substituting x = -4, we have:

4(-4)² + 3(-4) + 3 = (-4)³ + 7(-4)² - 3(-4) + d

Simplifying, we get:

64 - 12 + 3 = -64 + 112 + 12 + d

d = -77

So the two functions intersect at x = -4 and y = 61. Therefore, the only intersection point is (-4, 61).

Learn more on point of intersection here;



In a word processing document or on a separate piece of paper, use the guide to construct a two column proof proving AC > EF, given BC = EF. Upload the entire proof below.





1. 1.
2. 2. Betweenness
3. AC > BC 3.
4. 4.


The given information and the transitive property of inequalities, we can prove that [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than [tex]EF[/tex] .

What is the transitive property of inequalities?

Statement Reason

[tex]BC = EF[/tex] Given

Betweenness Given

[tex]AC > BC[/tex] Given

[tex]AC > EF[/tex] Transitive property [tex](3, 1)[/tex]


[tex]BC = EF[/tex] Given: Given statement that BC is equal to EF.

Betweenness Given: Given statement that states the concept of betweenness, where BC is between AC and EF.

AC > BC Given: Given statement that  [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than BC.

[tex]AC > EF[/tex] Transitive property: Using the transitive property, we can conclude that  [tex]AC[/tex] is greater than EF (based on statement 3 and 1).

Therefore, using the given information and the transitive property of inequalities, we can prove that AC is greater than [tex]EF[/tex]  .

Learn more about transitive here:



Briana helps her mother make a quilt The quilt is 6 feet wide and 12 feet long


Briana and her mother will need to measure and cut the fabric for the quilt. They will need to decide on a pattern and color scheme for the quilt. They will need to sew the pieces of fabric together to create the quilt top. They will need to layer the quilt top with batting and backing fabric and then quilt the layers together. Finally, they will need to bind the edges of the quilt.

The area of a rectangle gets reduced by 9 square units if its length is reduced by 5 units and the breadth is increased by 3 units. If we increase the length by 3 units and breadth by 2 units, th
e area is increased by 67 square units. Find the length and breadth of the rectangle.



length = 17;  breadth = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = area of rectangle; a = length; b = breadth.

+)       a × b = x (1)

+)      (a - 5) × (b + 3) = x - 9 => x = ab + 3a - 5b - 15 + 9 (2)

+)      (a + 3) × (b + 2) = x + 67 => x = ab + 2a + 3b + 6 - 67 (3)

Replace (1) into (2) & (3):

[tex]\left \{ {{3a - 5b=6} \atop {2a+3b=61}} \right. = > \left \{ {{a=17} \atop {b=9}} \right.[/tex]

A kite frame consists of two perpendicular pieces of wood placed along the diagonals. Decorative binding will be placed along the perimeter of the kite. To the nearest tenth of an inch, how much binding is needed?

a 70.0 in.

b 90.4 in.

c. 100.7 in.

d 140.0 in.


It would be B 90.4 inches

Julian invested $990 in an account paying an interest rate of 6.2% compounded
continuously. Assuming no deposits or withdrawals are made, how much money, to
the nearest dollar, would be in the account after 12 years?


There would be $2,085 in the account after 12 years.

To solve this problem

The formula for calculating the amount of money in an account after a certain number of years with continuous compounding is:

A = Pe^(rt)


A is the amount of money in the account after t yearsP is the principal (initial investment)e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828 r is the annual interest rate (as a decimal) t is the time period in years

In this case, Julian invested $990 at an annual interest rate of 6.2% compounded continuously, which means r = 0.062. We want to find the amount of money in the account after 12 years, so t = 12. Using these values, we can plug into the formula and solve for A:

A = Pe^(rt)

A = $990 * e^(0.062*12)

A = $990 * e^(0.744)

A = $990 * 2.105

A = $2,084.95

Therefore, to the nearest dollar, there would be $2,085 in the account after 12 years.

Learn more about annual interest here : brainly.com/question/31261623



Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer is 2083

content loaded
A department store manager has monitored the number of complaints received per week about poor service. The probabilities for numbers of complaints in a week, established by this review, are shown in the table. Answer Number of complaints 012 3 4 5 Probability 0.13 0.21 0.44 0.070. 0.06 0.09Save your answer What is the variance of complaints received per week? Please round your answer to the nearest hundredth Note that the correct answer will be evaluated based on the full-precision result you would obtain using Excel.

200 word answer


To calculate the variance of complaints received per week, we first need to find the mean or expected value of the number of complaints. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of complaints in each category by its corresponding probability, and then adding up the results.

Expected value = (0 x 0.13) + (1 x 0.21) + (2 x 0.44) + (3 x 0.07) + (4 x 0.06) + (5 x 0.09) = 2.54

Next, we can use the following formula to calculate the variance:

Variance = Σ[(x - µ)²P(x)]

where Σ = sum, x = number of complaints, µ = expected value, and P(x) = probability.

Using this formula and the probabilities given in the table, we get:

Variance = (0 - 2.54)²(0.13) + (1 - 2.54)²(0.21) + (2 - 2.54)²(0.44) + (3 - 2.54)²(0.07) + (4 - 2.54)²(0.06) + (5 - 2.54)²(0.09) = 1.4856

Rounding this answer to the nearest hundredth, we get a variance of 1.49.

In conclusion, the variance of complaints received per week is 1.49, meaning that the number of complaints is quite spread out around the mean, which is 2.54. This could indicate that the department store has some variability in its service quality, as the number of complaints can vary widely from week to week.

If PQRS is a rectangle, PR = 9x + 1, and QS = 13x - 11, find TR. (TR is half of the PR bisecter)​


Answer: the length of TR is 24.5.

Step-by-step explanation: 9x + 1 = 13x - 11

22 = 4x

x = 5.5

Presently that we know x, ready to discover the values of PR and QS:

PR = 9x + 1 = 9(5.5) + 1 = 49

QS = 13x - 11 = 13(5.5) - 11 = 56

Since TR is half of the PR bisector, ready to discover it by separating PR by 2:

TR = PR/2 = 49/2 = 24.5

A piano has a ratio of 6 black keys for every 15 white keys. Write a ratio to represent the ratio of white keys to black keys.

15 to 6
six over fifteen



The answer is 15:6 or 15 to 6

Step-by-step explanation:



white ratio black


In parallelogram QRST,
What is


In parallelogram QRST, if  n/Q=33°, m∠T = 33°.

Why is m∠T = 33° in the parallelogram?

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. When opposite angles are congruent, it means that the angles located on opposite corners of a shape are equal in measure. This is true for several types of shapes, including parallelograms, rectangles, and squares.

Since we know that ∠Q has a measure of 33°, the opposite angle (∠T) will also have the same measure. Therefore, m∠T = 33°.

Congruent opposite angles are important in geometry because they allow us to determine other angles or side lengths of a shape through the use of angles relationships and congruence.

Find more exercises on parallelogram;



PLEASE HELP!!!! Luke is training for a long-distance bike race. On Tuesday, after riding for 1 hour, he has travelled 5 miles along a straight highway. After 3 hours, he has travelled 17 miles. Write the equation of the line that models Luke’s bike ride. What does the x represent? What does the y represent?


Answer: y=6x-1

Step-by-step explanation:


x represents the time luke has been riding(hours) and the y represents the distance he has travelled (miles)

6. center (-2, 8), tangent to y = -4


The radius of the circle is 12, and the equation of the circle is:

(x + 2)² + (y - 8)² = 144

What is a circle?

It is the center of an equidistant point drawn from the center. The radius of a circle is the distance between the center and the circumference.

To find the equation of a circle that is tangent to a horizontal line at a given point, we can use the standard form of the equation of a circle:

(x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²

where (h, k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius.

In this case, the center of the circle is (-2, 8), which gives us:

(x + 2)² + (y - 8)² = r²

To find the radius, we need to know where the circle intersects the y = -4 line. Since the circle is tangent to the line, the distance from the center of the circle to the line is equal to the radius.

The distance between a point (x, y) and a horizontal line y = k is given by |y - k|.

In this case, the distance between the center (-2, 8) and the line y = -4 is |8 - (-4)| = 12.

Therefore, the radius of the circle is 12, and the equation of the circle is:

(x + 2)² + (y - 8)² = 144

To learn more about the circle visit:



Complete question:

What is the center at (-2, 8), tangent to the line y = -4?

Is 3/5 greater than 3/4



no, 3/4 is bigger because 3/5 is cut into more pieces then 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

You survey students in your class about the number of movies they watched last month. The results are shown in the table.


Required frequency table is

Movie Number of students

1) Action 6

2) Comedy 4

3) Horror 7

4) Drama 5

5) Romance 8

What is frequency table?

A frequency table is a statistical tool used to organize data by counting the number of occurrences of each unique item or value in a dataset. It is a way to summarize and present data in a concise and structured manner, making it easier to understand and analyze.

For example, if you have a dataset of students' grades, you can create a frequency table by listing all the possible grades (e.g., A, B, C, D, F) and counting how many times each grade appears in the dataset. The resulting table will show the frequency or number of times each grade was earned by the students.

Frequency tables can be used to display both qualitative (categorical) and quantitative (numerical) data. For categorical data, the frequency table will show the count or percentage of occurrences of each category. For numerical data, the frequency table will show the number of times each value or range of values appears in the dataset

Based on the data you provided, here is a frequency table for the movie genres:

Movie Number of students

1) Action 6

2) Comedy 4

3) Horror 7

4) Drama 5

5) Romance 8

In the table, the movie genres are listed in the left column, and the number of times each genre appears in the survey results is listed in the right column.

Learn more frequently table here,



Correct question is " You survey the students in your class to find out what kinds of movies they like to watch. The students were given the following choices: Comedy (C), Horror (H), Drama (D), Action (A), Romance (R). The following were the results of your survey: C, C, R, R, D, R, H, H, C, A, A, R, A, A, A, R, R, H, H, H, C, H, A, R, D, D, D, D, H, R a. Make a frequency table for the movie genres."

What’s the greatest common factor of 42 and 50:(8 different answers)



Step-by-step explanation:

The GCF of 42 and 50 is 2.

Which expression represents the phrase The product of a number and ten decreased by eight.

A. n -8 x 10
B. 8n -10
C. 10xn8
D. 10n - 8


The statement "The product of a number and ten decreased by eight" is represented by the correct equation D. 10n - 8.

What is a number's product?

A number's product is the outcome of multiplying it by another number.

What additional mathematical expressions are there?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, and square roots are some other examples of mathematical expressions.

What is an exponent?

A mathematical action known as an exponent symbolizes the repeated multiplication of the same integer. It is represented by a tiny number above and to the right of a base number.

For instance, 23 signifies that the number 2 has been multiplied three times, for a result of 8.

The sentence "The product of a number and ten decreased by eight" is correctly expressed as D. 10n - 8.

With this formula, a number is multiplied by 10 first, and the result is then reduced by 8.

To know more about product of numbers visit:



A four-sided shape with the top side labeled as 10.2 cm. The height is labeled 5 cm. A portion of the base from the perpendicular to a vertex is labeled 4 cm. The portion of the base from the perpendicular to the right vertex is 6.2 cm.

What is the area of the figure?

25.5 cm2
45.5 cm2
51 cm2
56.1 cm2


The area of the figure is 51 cm², which is option C.

What is area?

In mathematics, area refers to the measure of the size of a two-dimensional surface or shape. It is typically expressed in square units, such as square meters (m²) or square centimeters (cm²), and can be calculated for a variety of geometric shapes, including squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, and more complex shapes such as trapezoids or polygons.

To find the area of the figure, we need to identify the shape of the figure. From the given information, we know that the figure has a top side, a height, and a base. We are also told that the base is divided into two parts by a perpendicular, and one of the parts is labeled as 4 cm, while the other part from the perpendicular to the right vertex is 6.2 cm.

Based on this information, we can draw the figure as a trapezoid, where the top side is the shorter base, the height is the vertical distance between the two bases, and the longer base is the sum of the two parts of the base.

Using the given information, we can calculate the longer base:

longer base = 4 cm + 6.2 cm = 10.2 cm

Now we can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid to find the area of the figure:

A = (1/2)h(b₁ + b₂)

where h is the height, b₁ is the shorter base, and b₂ is the longer base.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

A = (1/2)(5 cm)(10.2 cm + 10.2 cm) = 51 cm²

Therefore, the area of the figure is 51 cm² , which is option C.

To know more about area visit:



Complete Question:

A four-sided figure has one side labeled 10.2 cm, a height of 5 cm, and a portion of the base from the perpendicular to a vertex labeled 4 cm. The portion of the base from the perpendicular to the right vertex is labeled 6.2 cm. What is the area of the figure?

Four lines are drawn on a coordinate plane to form trapezoid WXYZ.

A coordinate grid with 4 lines. Line X W is drawn with point W at (negative 4, 1) and passes through (0, 2) with and (3, 3). Line Y X is drawn with point Y at (3, 0) and passes through (0, 3). Line Z W is drawn with point Z at (0, negative 3) and point W at (negative 4, 1). LIne Z Y is drawn with point Y at (3, 0) and point Z at (0, negative 3).

Which statements are true about the lines? Select three options.

Line WZ has the same slope as line XY.
Line YX has a greater slope than line ZY.
Line XW has a lesser slope than line YZ.
Line ZW has the same y-intercept as line YZ.
Line XY has a lesser y-intercept than line XW


The three statements that are true about the lines are: Line WZ has the same slope as line XY. Line YX has a greater slope than line ZY, and Line XW has a lesser slope than line YZ.

What is slope-intercept form?

A linear equation has the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept, or the y-coordinate of the line's intersection with the y-axis. The slope measures how steep a line is, or how quickly the y-coordinate changes for every unit change in the x-coordinate. A line has a positive slope if it is moving upward from left to right, and a negative slope if it is moving downward. The line's intersection point with the y-axis, or the value of y when x is equal to 0, is known as the y-intercept.

Because both lines travel through the same point (0, -3) and have a slope of 1/3, line WZ and line XY have the same slope.

Given that both lines pass through the same point (3, 0), line YX has a bigger slope than line ZY.

Because line XW passes through points (-4, 1) and (3, 3), which have a little change in y over a large change in x, as opposed to line YZ, which passes through points (0, -3) and (3, 0), which have a large change in y over a small change in x, line XW has a lower slope than line YZ.

Learn more about slope intercept form here:



Use custom relationships to create a graph, showing the solution region of the system of inequalities, representing the constraints of the situation. Did Mark and label it point represents a viable combination of guest School district is planning a banquet to honor his teacher of the year and raise money for the scholarship foundation. The budget to hold the banquet in a hotel room and miles is $3375 the venue can hold no more than 125 guest the cost is $45 per adult but only $15 per student because caterer offers a student discount discount


We can label the point (75, 50) as the optimal solution for the banquet, as it represents the maximum number of guests that can be invited while staying within the constraints.

What is banquet?

A banquet is a large formal meal that usually involves multiple courses and is served to a group of people on special occasions such as weddings, awards ceremonies, or fundraising events. Banquets often include speeches, presentations, and entertainment, and are typically held in a large venue such as a hotel ballroom, banquet hall, or conference center. Banquets can be hosted for a variety of purposes, such as to honor a special guest, celebrate an achievement, or raise money for a charitable cause.

To create a graph showing the solution region of the system of inequalities representing the constraints of the situation, we can use custom relationships to define the variables and constraints.

Let's define the variables:

Let x be the number of adult guests.

Let y be the number of student guests.

Now, let's write the system of inequalities representing the constraints of the situation:

The total number of guests cannot exceed 125: x + y ≤ 125

The cost of hosting the banquet cannot exceed $3375: 45x + 15y ≤ 3375

To graph this system of inequalities, we can plot the boundary lines of each inequality and shade the region that satisfies all the constraints.

The boundary lines of each inequality are:

x + y = 125 (the line that connects the points (0, 125) and (125, 0))

45x + 15y = 3375 (the line that connects the points (0, 225) and (75, 0))

To find the viable combinations of guests that satisfy all the constraints, we need to shade the region that is below the line x + y = 125 and to the left of the line 45x + 15y = 3375.

The resulting graph should look like this:

The point where the two lines intersect, (75, 50), represents the maximum number of adult guests (75) and the maximum number of student guests (50) that can be invited to the banquet while staying within the budget and venue capacity. Any point within the shaded region represents a viable combination of guests.

We can label the point (75, 50) as the optimal solution for the banquet, as it represents the maximum number of guests that can be invited while staying within the constraints.

To know more about banquet visit:



calculate (p o q) (0)


0 is the value of (p o q) (0) in function .

What are functions in mathematics?

Function, in mathematics, a formula, rule, or law that defines the relationship between one variable (the independent variable) and another (the dependent variable).

                                  Functions are ubiquitous in mathematics and essential in the natural sciences for formulating physical relationships. A function is a relationship between inputs, with each input associated with exactly one output. Each function has a domain and a codomain or scope. 

P(0) = 0

Q(0) = - 1

(P o q)(0)  =  P(0) * Q(0)

         = 0 * - 1

          = 0

Learn more about Function



6. WRITING IN MATH Describe why the
difference of squares pattern has no middle term
with a variable. Example w-121


The two middle terms, -11w and +11w, cancel each other out, leaving only the first and last terms. This is why there is no middle term with a variable in the factorization of the difference of squares pattern.

How do you find a middle term?

When expanding a binomial expression in the form of (a + b)ⁿ, the middle term can be found using the following formula:

Middle term coefficient = nC(k), where k = (n+1)/2 if n is odd, and k = n/2 or (n/2 + 1) if n is even. The middle term coefficient is then multiplied by the product of a raised to the power of (n-k) and b raised to the power of k.

The difference of squares pattern is a special algebraic pattern that arises when we factor a polynomial that is the difference between two perfect squares. For example,

x² - y² = (x+y)(x-y)

When we apply this pattern to the expression w - 121, we can rewrite it as:

w² - 11²

And, we can use the difference of squares pattern to factor it as:

(w + 11)(w - 11)

Notice that there is no middle term with a variable in this factorization. This is because when we multiply (w + 11)(w - 11), the middle term cancels out.

To see why this happens, let's expand the product:

(w + 11)(w - 11) = w² - 11w + 11w - 121

The two middle terms, -11w and +11w, cancel each other out, leaving only the first and last terms. This is why there is no middle term with a variable in the factorization of the difference of squares pattern.

To know more about middle term visit:



Other Questions
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Explain what is important for a business to be successful. Be creative and include photos, charts, animation, etc. Reference all work correctly. IMPORTANT: "Upload your presentation and report to Schoology by the due date. consider the following computer output. source df ss ms f p-value factor ? 117.4 39.1 ? ? error 16 396.8 ? total 19 514.2 a. how many levels of the factor were used in this experiment? b. how many replicates did the experimenter use? c. fill in the missing information in the anova table. d. what conclusions can you draw about differences in the factor-level means? dylan, anastasia, cameron, and sylvester work at a technology company. together, they form a team that is responsible for developing all the company's new applications. their boss gave them the authority to make and implement all decisions related to these programs, so they have the flexibility to change rapidly to meet the competition and respond to customer needs. what kind of team does this scenario describe? Question 23 (3 points) A pension fund has an average duration of its liabilities equal to 15 years. 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Charging companies have a pretax cost of capital of 10% due to their high risk. After 6 years the charging equipment can be sold for its residual value. The tax rate is currently 20% and straight-line depreciation can be used for tax purposes. 1. Calculate the NPV/payback and annualized ROI* of an average EV charging station under the current conditions. What is the PV of the income taxes/payments collected/paid by the government for the 100,000 planned charging stations? The Government's cost of capital is 2%..governments don't pay taxes. Assume that the charging companies have other income, so they are eligible for tax credits (refunds/reductions). For example, at the 40% tax rate, an annual loss of $10,000 will generate an offsetting $4,000 cash inflow due to the reduction of taxes (net cash flow -$6,000). 2. Analyze the following INDEPENDENT policy ideas to encourage investment in EV charging stations. Show the incremental effect on NPV of an average charging station and the effect on total income taxes/payments collected/paid by the Government. A. Reducing the corporate tax rate on new charging station profits to 30%. B. Charging no income taxes on new charging stations for the first 3 years. C. Allowing charging station companies to fully depreciate their initial investment in the first year for tax purposes. D. Providing free rent for charging stations at federal buildings. E. Federally guarantee loans to charging station companies thereby lowering their pre-tax cost of debt to 2%. A stock has an expected return of 11.85 percent, its beta is 1.08, and the risk-free rate is 3.9 percent. What must the expected return on the market be? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) 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