which teaching strategy is most likely to help english learners construct a mental model of a text’s meanings?


Answer 1

Put simply, one of the most fundamental teaching strategies for English language learners is to put yourself in their shoes.

Learning more about the particular requirements of English language learners and the best methods for teaching them can be very beneficial for educators who work with them. These consist of:

improved and simplified lesson planningenhanced capacity to track goals and accomplishments of studentsthe fulfilment of changing young people's lives as they learn to communicate in a language that might be somewhat complicated.

Five teaching strategies to help English learners.

Cultivate relationships.Be culturally aware.Teach language skills across all curriculum topics.Speak slowly and be patient.Prioritize “productive language.”

To learn more about teaching strategies please click on below link.



Related Questions

the civil rights protests inspired some native americans, just as they did so many other groups, to organize a political movement. which is one such movement?


The civil rights protests inspired some native americans, just as they did so many other groups, to organize a political movement, one such movement is American Indian movement.

Civil rights are referred to as the personal rights that are guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Civil rights include protection from unlawful discrimination.

American Indian Movement is militant American Indian civil rights organization was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1968 by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Eddie Benton Banai, and George Mitchell. Later, Russell Means became a prominent spokesman for the group. Its original aim was to help Indians in urban ghettos who had been displaced by government programs that had the effect of forcing them from the reservations.

To know more about civil rights, click below-



to kick a soccer ball with your foot, which skill-related component of fitness is most important?


The skill-related component of fitness that is most important for kicking a soccer ball with your foot is power.

Power is the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements. Kicking a soccer ball with your foot requires a lot of force and power to generate the velocity needed to propel the ball towards the goal. The other skill-related component of fitness that is also important for kicking a soccer ball with your foot is speed, which is the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in the shortest possible time. Speed is important when you need to move quickly to kick the ball before the defenders get to it.The skill-related component of fitness that is most important for kicking a soccer ball with your foot is power.

learn more about fitness here



you do not have to report unofficial foreign travel to the security office.


The given statement, "You do not have to report unofficial foreign travel to the security office." is false.

Unofficial foreign travel refers to traveling to a foreign country without the consent or knowledge of one's government. It is usually done for personal reasons such as sightseeing, visiting family, or taking part in leisure activities.

Unofficial foreign travel is often done without the proper paperwork or visas, which can lead to legal and financial consequences. It is important to research the laws of the country you are visiting before embarking on unofficial foreign travel, as well as to consider the potential risks associated with it.

-------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"You do not have to report unofficial foreign travel to the security office. (True/False)"---------

To know more about security, click here.



crude rates refer to: group of answer choices a specific age group. a specific gender. the total population. the total population of one ethnicity


Crude rates refer to:  the total population. In this case, the correct option is C.

In a crude rate, the entire population is included in the denominator. A specific rate is a rate that assesses morbidity or mortality for a specific population or set of diseases.Crude and age-specific incidence rates are equal to the total number of new cancer cases diagnosed in the population category of interest in a given year, divided by the population at risk for that category, and multiplied by 100,000. A crude rate is the number of new cases (or deaths) occurring in a specified population per year, typically expressed as the number of cases per 100,000 at risk.

To know more about crude rates here



Crude rates refer to the total population of a certain demographic, such as a specific age group, gender, or ethnicity.

It is a measure of the overall rate of a certain health outcome in a population, such as a disease, mortality rate, or morbidity rate. Crude rates are calculated by dividing the total number of events in a population by the total population size of that demographic. This number is then multiplied by a constant, usually 100,000, to create a rate per 100,000 individuals.

The resulting rate can be used to compare the health outcomes of different populations and to track changes in health outcomes over time. Crude rates can also be used to compare the health outcomes of a population to the health outcomes of the entire population.

For example, a crude rate of a certain disease in a certain age group can be compared to the overall rate of the disease in the total population.

Learn more about mortality rate visit:



which term refers to bizarre or false beliefs that often have a paranoid, grandiose, persecutory, or religious overtone?


The term that refers to bizarre or false beliefs that often have a paranoid, grandiose, persecutory, or religious overtone is delusions.

Delusions are defined as fixed false beliefs that are not in keeping with a person's cultural or personal background. These beliefs are held with conviction despite evidence to the contrary. They are not simply a result of a lack of knowledge or information and they can be highly resistant to change.

Delusions can manifest in various ways, such as paranoid delusions, grandiose delusions, and religious delusions. Paranoid delusions refer to false beliefs of persecution, such as believing that someone is out to harm or kill them. Grandiose delusions refer to false beliefs of inflated importance, power, knowledge, or identity. Religious delusions refer to false beliefs that have a religious overtone, such as believing one is a chosen messenger of God.

Delusions are a symptom of several mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and delusional disorder, and can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life and functioning.

Learn more about grandiose



do violent video games contribute to youth violence?


There is ongoing debate in the scientific community about whether or not there is a causal link between playing violent video games and youth violence.

Some studies have found a correlation between the two, while others have not. Additionally, there are many other factors that can contribute to youth violence, such as a history of violence in the home or community, access to firearms, and mental health issues. It's important to note that a correlation does not imply causation, and more research is needed to understand the relationship between violent video games and youth violence.Violence is the use of physical force with the intent to harm or kill someone. It can take many forms, including physical assault, sexual assault, domestic violence, and hate crimes. It can be committed by individuals, groups, or governments, and can have serious physical, emotional, and societal consequences.

To know more about violence please refer:



What are the key Enlightenment ideas that influenced the development of our government institutions and explain their influence?


The principles of justice, equality, and liberty advanced by the Enlightenment paved the way for the American Revolution and the succeeding Constitution. Democracy did not emerge overnight.

What exactly are Enlightenment ideas?

During the Enlightenment, it was believed that human reason could help people learn the facts of the universe, religion, and politics and that these truths could then be applied to better humankind's lot in life.

Another crucial principle was to always be skeptical of conventional wisdom and to do a logical analysis of everything. The Enlightenment also promoted religious tolerance and the notion that people's private and moral decisions should not be subject to outside pressure.

The ideas of the Enlightenment were largely responsible for both the French and American Revolutions. The Enlightenment is also credited with giving rise to the notion that society is a social compact between the rulers and the ruled.

Learn more about the Enlightenment ideas with the help of the given link:



Write an expository piece about an important historical figure and how he/she made an impact on society


One of history's most significant and important individuals, Abraham Lincoln had a profoundly positive impact on society and the constitution.

Lincoln was raised on the frontier, primarily in Indiana, and was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky. He completed his education on his own and went on to practise law, lead the Whig Party, hold office in the state of Illinois, and represent Illinois in the US Congress. Lincoln's canonization started almost immediately. His life was contrasted with that of Jesus Christ just a few days after his passing. A praising crowd saw Lincoln as a self-made man, a liberator of slaves, and a Union hero who had sacrificed his life to set others free. Fatherhood was bestowed to President Lincoln, a hero, a "lawgiver" and was also called the "Masterpiece of God".

Learn more about lawgiver here:


1. describe the process of nociception using the four phases of: transduction transmission perception modulation


Transduction, transmission, modulation, perception are the four phases. The brain mechanisms for encoding and processing unpleasant sensations are known as nociception.

Nocifensive stimuli, such as inflammatory response brought on by ancillary injury or disease, cause the central nervous system to become activated, which results in nociceptive pain.

Transduction: A trigger, such as force, thermal energy, or metabolic irritability, undergoes transduction when it is changed into a neuron  or action potential. This takes place at the terminals of sensory neurons known as nociceptors, which are responsive to this kind of activation.

Transmission: The process of transmitting pain signals from the outer to the central nerve system is known as transmission. Along the nociceptors' axons, signals are sent. In the spinal cord's dorsal horn cord, primary nociceptive sensory neurons fibers make connections with second-order neurons. From this point, neurons send signals to reflex arcs, the brainstem, the thalamus, and the hypothalamus in order to control an avoidance reaction.

Modulation: The modulation of pain is the up- or down-regulation of pain signals in the brain and spinal cord. Because of the central nervous system's intrinsic modulatory activity, many of these signals never make it to consciousness.

Perception: The awareness of a particular bodily location that is frequently painful is known as the perception of pain. It relies on the limbic system and cortex receiving pain signals from the thalamus. At this stage of the pain processing process, social and environmental signals, as well as cultural conditioning and prior personal experiences, all affect how the pain experience is perceived.

Learn more about transduction here



how does kane describe the state of moral or ethical discourse today? what does it have to do with the image of the tower of babel?


In the Bible story, the inhabitants of Babel work to construct a tower that would reach heaven. The Bible has one of the most sorrowful and profound tales.

Tower of Babel legend There was a single common dialect among all people, as seen in the earlier chapters of the Bible, where everyone spoke the same language. The inhabitants of the earth, now skilled builders, desired to build a city with a tower that would reach the heavens.

The Tower of Babel story is told in Genesis 11:1–9.Bible readers can learn from the episode about the value of unity and the sin of pride.Additionally, the story shows why God sometimes uses a dividing hand to intervene in human events.

Learn more about Bible.



Refer to your Expeditions in Reading book for a complete version of these texts.

How are the ideas presented in "Make Your Own Microscope" and "Stick to Real Microscopes" different?

"Make Your Own Microscope" describes how smartphone microscopes can be used in the lab, but "Stick to Real Microscopes" only focuses on how portable they are.

The first text explains how easy it is to build a smartphone microscope, but the second text gives examples of problems people have when making the conversion.

The first text focuses on the low cost of smartphone microscopes, but the second text provides evidence that these devices may be even more expensive than real microscopes.

"Make Your Own Microscope" asserts that magnifying power is highest in smartphone microscopes, but "Stick to Real Microscopes" disagrees


By employing a lens with a short focal length, the magnifying power of a microscope can be improved. But it can't keep going up forever.

By employing a lens with a short focal length, the magnifying power of a microscope can be improved. But it can't keep going up forever. If light enters the tube from the side, it will affect how well the microscope works. Line the inside of the tube with black paper to increase the function of the microscope. Any extra light will be absorbed thanks to this. [2] The black paper is optional if you choose a thick, opaque material like PVC. Make sure not to get adhesive on the inside of the lens and use a moderate amount of glue. Prior to moving forward, let the glue dry. Use focal lengths that are short. You may, for instance, reuse the lenses from temporary.

To know more about employing refer :





By employing a lens with a short focal length, the magnifying power of a microscope can be improved. But it can't keep going up forever. If light enters the tube from the side, it will affect how well the microscope works. Line the inside of the tube with black paper to increase the function of the microscope. Any extra light will be absorbed thanks to this. [2] The black paper is optional if you choose a thick, opaque material like PVC. Make sure not to get adhesive on the inside of the lens and use a moderate amount of glue. Prior to moving forward, let the glue dry. Use focal lengths that are short. You may, for instance, reuse the lenses from temporary.

To know more about employing refer :


shawn loves to snowboard. he enjoys preforming areial tricks after launching off high jumps. the higher in the air he foes and the farther he travels, the better. which thoery best explains shawn's motivation to snowboard


Shawn's desire to snowboard is best explained by the self-determination theory since he is involved in an activity that is consistent with his interests and values and is motivated by a sense of autonomy and competence.

Self-Determination Theory helps explain Shawn's drive to snowboard and pull off aerial acrobatics (SDT). People are driven to do things that satisfy their basic psychological needs, such autonomy, competence, and relatedness, in accordance with SDT. Shawn's demand for autonomy, or the capacity to decide for himself and direct his own activities, is probably what motivates him to snowboard and pull off aerial acrobatics. Shawn is able to express himself and make decisions that are consistent with his own beliefs and interests by snowboarding and pulling off aerial stunts. His need for competency, or the need to feel competent and effective in his activities, can also be used to explain why he wants to fly higher and farther.

learn more about Self-Determination Theory here:



Fill up the following table related to similarities and differences between religions.​


Stephen Prothero, a scholar, refers to these similarities as "family resemblances," which are shared characteristics among the world's religions.

How do the five main religions compare to one another?The similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam extend beyond the fact that they are all monotheistic religions with Middle Eastern roots. There are striking parallels between the ideas of sacrifice, righteous deeds, charity, hospitality, peace, justice, pilgrimage, an afterlife, and loving God with all of one's heart and soul.Stephen Prothero, a scholar, refers to these similarities as "family resemblances," which are shared characteristics among the world's religions. Rituals, sacred days, and places of assembly are part of every faith. Every religion teaches its adherents the proper conduct for fellow humans.                      

To learn more about religions refer to:



a private security officer is working at a nightclub as a bouncer, and the nightclub owners ask the bouncer to call a special number when the alcohol commission came to the club. what is the ethical response to this situation?


The private security guard should inform the client of the issue with the behavior and decline the assignment.

What phrase best describes a set of rules outlining how a person should conduct themselves at work?

An ethics code is comparable to a conduct code. These are both sets of guidelines for appropriate conduct for members of an organization.

Which form of communication is not required to be disclosed in court?

The attorney-client privilege is one such right that has been around for a while and is recognized in all legal contexts. Unless the client agrees to it, communications between an attorney and a client made with the intention of receiving legal advice.

To know more about ethics, visit:



when robin hood and his band of merry men steal from the rich to give to the poor, giving to the poor is an example of:


when robin hood and his band of merry men steal from the rich to give to the poor, giving to the poor is an example of Redistribution.

The story of Robinhood is well known and is studied by almost all the students in their primary division. Robinhood is a tale of a gutsy man who used to steal goods from the rich people. However he was a hero among the poor people because he redistributed the stolen items among the poor people and did not keep anything for himself. Redistribution is the process of collecting several items from a person and distributing it to other person. The person to whom the goods are redistributed are in more need than the person who has the goods. Government of various countries also sometimes redistribute different commodities to the people in need through various schemes.

Learn more about Redistribution at:



david was already feeling stressed about a deadline he was having trouble meeting. when he went to make photocopies of an important graph, he saw a sign on the copier saying it was out of order. an immediate jolt of rage ran through david's system, and he kicked the machine and broke his toe. what did david experience?


David's reaction to the broken photocopier is an example of emotional dysregulation, which occurs when an individual's emotional response is out of proportion to the situation at hand.

In this case, the broken photocopier may have been seen as an obstacle or setback to David's deadline, and his emotional response of anger and impulsiveness may have been a way of coping with the stress and pressure he was already feeling. David's response also highlights the impact of emotional regulation on impulse control. When an individual is emotionally dysregulated, they may have difficulty controlling their impulses, which can lead to impulsive behavior. In David's case, his impulsivity led him to kick the machine and break his toe, which is an action that he likely would not have taken if he had been in a calmer state of mind. Furthermore, David's experience also  shows the importance of stress management. When we are under high levels of stress, we may be more prone to emotional dysregulation and impulsive behavior. It's essential to find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist. In summary, David experienced emotional dysregulation, impulsivity, and the impact of stress on his behaviour. His reaction highlights the importance of emotional regulation, impulse control, and stress management in our daily lives.

Learn more about emotional dysregulation here:



critical thinking is a(n) blank process that involves engaging with ideas and not settling for simple answers.


Critical thinking is a problem-solving process that involves engaging with ideas and not settling for simple answers.  

Making logical, well-considered decisions out of reasoned reasoning is what critical thinking entails. It is a mode of thinking in which you question all of the arguments and conclusions that you are exposed to rather than just accepting them out of hand. It needs an interest in the evidence used to back up a particular claim or conclusion. Critical thinkers are those who ask questions like, "How do you know that? Are there other options when given additional pieces of information? and "Is this decision based on evidence or gut feelings?"

To know more about Critical thinking click below:



Critical thinking is a(n) Active process that involves engaging with ideas and not settling for simple answers.

crucial thinking is the evaluation of available records, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgment. The situation is complicated; several special definitions exist, which generally encompass the rational, skeptical, and unbiased evaluation or evaluation of authentic evidence. critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective wondering.

It presupposes assent to rigorous requirements of excellence and aware command in their use. It involves powerful verbal exchange and problem-solving competencies as well as a commitment to conquer native egocentrism and sociocentrism. The truth seeker considered and meditated on this question and got here to the realization that getting away violates all of the matters that he holds better than himself: the legal guidelines of Athens and the guiding voice that Socrates claims to pay attention.

To learn more about Critical thinking visit here:



what are the monuments devoted to cesar chavez and what do they celebrate?


Monument National Chavez. Northeast of Los Angeles, in the tranquil "La Paz" location in the Tehachapi Mountains, César Chávez is honored along with the difficulties and victories of the farm worker movement.

For what was Cesar Chavez recognized?

César Chávez, a Mexican-American farmworker, labor organizer, and civil rights campaigner, improved working conditions for agricultural laborers. Chávez was raised on a family farm in Yuma, Arizona, where he first saw the difficult working conditions faced by farm employees.

They were frequently unpaid, forced to live in shacks in exchange for their labor, and regularly exploited by their employers. They also lacked access to essential services like healthcare. They had no way to strengthen their position without speaking with one voice.

Chávez altered that when he committed his life to secure recognition for farm workers' rights, motivating and uniting them to form the National Farm Workers Association, which ultimately evolved into the United Farm Workers.

Learn more about cesar chavez with the help of the given link:



timothy is interested in the property because of its historic nature and location. his good friend horace currently lives in one of the upstairs units. timothy is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. does adam need to provide reasonable accommodations for timothy to get to his friend's apartment upstairs?


Additionally, it's worth noting that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) also applies to multi-family housing and also requires landlords to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to both new construction and existing buildings and requires that buildings be accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs. This means that the landlord may have to make modifications to the common areas, such as the entrance and exits, and may have to install ramps and other accessibility features. In this case, since Timothy's friend Horace already lives in one of the upstairs units, it can be assumed that the building is being used as a place of residence, which is also covered by the FHA. It is important to note that if the building is classified as a "historic building" it is still required to comply with the accessibility requirements, but some modifications may be allowed under certain circumstances. In summary, as a landlord, Adam is obligated to provide reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including wheelchair accessibility, in order to provide equal opportunity to use and enjoy the dwelling. This may involve making changes to the building, such as installing ramps or a lift, and should be discussed between Timothy and Adam to find a solution that works for both parties.

Learn more about Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) here:



which was not a goal of the progressive movement? responses improving farm conditions improving farm conditions eliminating political and business corruption eliminating political and business corruption bringing government closer to the people bringing government closer to the people reducing social problems reducing social problems


The progressive movement did not aim to improve farm conditions. To enhance American society, progressives sought to establish a system that was more transparent and accountable.

The Progressive Era in America saw a great deal of social activity and governmental reform with the aim of getting rid of monopolies, corruption, waste, and inefficiency. The main themes ended when America entered World War I, however the cost and efficiency elements continued throughout the 1920s. Progressives worked to address challenges like industrial expansion, urbanisation, immigration, corruption in government, and the high concentration of industrial ownership in monopolies. Due to these negative effects of industrialization, the Progressive movement was born. Progressive reformers sought to regulate the private sector, strengthen worker and consumer protections, bring to light misconduct in the government and big business, and generally develop society.

Learn more about Progressive movement here



A hasty reader believes that the interval given in thetable is a 95% confidence interval for the mean heightof willow plants in this region of the park. Find theactual confidence level for the given interval. 64. Blink When two lights close together blink alternately?


Theactual Confidence level is 66%.

t ∗ =1 This is one standard deviation. And,  df=11

Using the t distribution table the closest t we  can get for 11 degrees of freedom is 1.08

t=1.088  A = 1.088 t = 1.088 corresponds with a tail area of

0.15  so this is a 70 percent confidence interval.

tcdf(−1,1,11)=0.661  Enter the values on the graphing calculator for invT

Confidence level is 66%.

A confidence interval (CI) is a range of estimates for an unknown parameter in frequentist statistics. A confidence interval is calculated at a specified confidence level; the 95% confidence level is most commonly used, but other levels, such as 90% or 99%, are occasionally used.

The confidence level represents the long-run proportion of CIs that theoretically contain the true value of the parameter (at the given confidence level). For example, 95% of all intervals computed at the 95% level should contain the true value of the parameter.

Learn more about  theactual



Full Question: When two lights close together blink alternately, we "see" one light moving back and forth if the time between blinks is short. What is the longest interval of time between blinks that preserves the illusion of motion? Ask subjects to turn a knob that slows the blinking until they "see" two lights rather than one light moving. A report gives the results in the form "mean plus or minus the standard error of the mean." Data for 12 subjects are summarized as

                 251 ±  45

(in milliseconds). A hasty reader believes that the interval given in the report is a 95% confidence interval for the population mean. Find the actual confidence level for the given interval.

how did the location of Oregon contribute to the struggle to control the area 


Both the U.S. and Britain valued the Oregon Territory highly. He informed the British that Oregon Territory would not be shared, which ultimately resulted in the Pig War (U.S.). The treaty's signing in 1846 was significant for Manifest Destiny because it demonstrated that the United States was prepared to battle for westward expansion.

What Does Oregon Have a Name For?

The state of Oregon is well-known for its varied scenery and abundance of outdoor recreation activities, which include gorgeous bike paths, luxuriant woods, and stunning lakes. Oregon is a true outdoor enthusiast's heaven, from the deep Carter Lake to the majestic Mount Hood.

Do people like living in Oregon?

Living in Oregon seems to be a current popular choice for everyone. Did you know that Bend, Oregon, has one of America's two fastest growing cities? The nicest things about Oregon include its easy-going attitude and access to breathtaking scenery, a wealth of outdoor activities, excellent breweries, and fantastic brews.

To know more about Oregon visit:



How can a small contained fire be extinguished most easily?Use a fire extinguisherUse waterCall the instructorSmother the fire with a small container (i.e., a beaker)


Option D, A small contained fire can be most easily fire extinguish by smothering it with a small container, such as a beaker. It is important to remember that in any case safety.

This is because smothering a fire cuts off its oxygen supply, which is necessary for the fire to continue burning. Using a small container can also work, but it depends on the type of fire extinguish and the type of fire. Using water can be dangerous as it can cause the fire to spread and can cause burns. small container , Calling the instructor is important but it should be in addition to other actions to smothering extinguish the fire with a  small container. It is important to remember that in any case, safety should always be a top priority and the proper techniques and fire extinguish equipment should be used to smothering  extinguish a fire.

Learn more about fire extinguish here:



what did suleiman the lawgiver and shah akbar the great have in common?


Suleiman created a code of rules that established a system of justice throughout his kingdom, earning him the title "the lawgiver" among Muslims.

Architecture, the arts, and literature flourished during the reigns of Suleyman the Lawgiver and Akbar. Suleyman the Magnificent, also known as Suleyman the Lawgiver, and Akbar the Great are both renowned for their military prowess in significantly expanding their empires, their religious tolerance, their political and economic reforms, and their support for their societies' artistic and cultural endeavors.Akbar the Great successfully incorporated non-Muslims into the Mughal Empire, grew the empire to control most of the Indian subcontinent, and established a powerful centralized administration via political and economic reforms.Through his conquests and the growth of the Ottoman Empire,Suleiman the Lawgiver rose to become one of Europe's most powerful tyrants. He is renowned for his reforms to the legal and taxing systems.

To know more about Suleiman please refer:



As Palestinian children gaze through a bullet-ridden fence in their neighborhood and learn that Israeli soldiers fired those bullets, they also learn they are Palestinian. This experience is an example of the __________________ components of socializ


Palestinian residents in Sheikh Jarrah, an occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood, began protesting Israel's plan to expel them from their houses to make room for Jewish settlers.

Many of the families are refugees who were forcibly displaced around the time of Israel's creation as a state in 1948 and resided in Sheikh Jarrah. Since Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank in 1967, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah have been repeatedly targeted by Israeli authorities, who employ discriminatory legislation to systematically deprive Palestinians of their land and houses in order to benefit Jewish Israelis.

In response to the protests in Sheikh Jarrah, thousands of Palestinians across Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) marched in solidarity.

Learn more about to Palestinian



place in order the steps in designing and executing an experiment.


An experimental design is a set of procedures used to test a hypothesis methodically. A good designing of an experiment necessitates a thorough understanding of the system under investigation.

To investigate causal linkages, experiments are utilised. You adjust one or more independent variables and see how they affect one or more dependent variables.
An experiment can be designed in five steps; consider your variables and how they relate to one another, create a specific and testable hypothesis, create experimental treatments that will manipulate your independent variable, assign subjects to groupings based on whether they are between subjects or inside subjects, and make a plan for measuring your dependent variable.

Choose a representative sample and control for any extraneous variables that may impact your results in order to draw appropriate conclusions. Consider an observational trial instead if random assignment of participants to control and treatment groups is impracticable, unethical, or extremely difficult.

Learn more about conclusions here:


The complete question is:

Place in order the steps required for designing and executing an experiment.

What is the book about "Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (14th Edition)" studying?


An Introduction to Special Educationof Expectional Learners focuses on outstanding students and classroom techniques, as well as the psychological, social, and medical elements of impairments and giftedness.

What is the meaning of exceptional learners?

An exceptional learner is a person who, due to differences in sensory, physical, neurological, temperamental, or intellectual ability, and/or the type or range of past experience, requires a modification of the conventional school curriculum to optimise his or her operating level.

What is the concept of exceptionalities?

This word is intended to avoid the stigma connected with disability, race, language, and other designations. It is a broader phrase that encompasses all kids who may benefit from specialised special education teaching, instructional accommodations, or a number of additional assistance to succeed in school.

To know more about Exceptional Learners visit:



cynthia is more than a moody child. she is often extremely irritable, angry, and has frequent and severe temper outbursts. cynthia may have


Based on the provided information, Cynthia may have disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) refers to a mental health condition that causes intense, chronic irritability and frequent anger outbursts in children. It refers to a childhood condition of extreme irritability, anger, and frequent, intense temper outbursts. It is normal for children to experience periods of moodiness, DMDD is more severe and longer lasting. DMDD symptoms go beyond a being a “moody” child. Children with DMDD experience severe impairment that requires clinical attention. The temper outbursts are out of proportion in intensity and duration to the situation. The condition can disrupts the child’s daily life.

Learn more about Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder:



what makes the rongorongo texts nearly indecipherable?


Rongorongo texts are nearly impossible to read (indecipherable) because they change so frequently.

Reverse boustrophedon, the writing technique used in authentic rongorongo literature, alternates the directions of each word. Lines of text are engraved in thin fluting carved into the wood on one-third of the tablets. The glyphs themselves are representations of geometric, anthropomorphic, animal, plant, and artifact shapes. The unique protuberances on either side of the skull of many of the human and animal forms, probably symbolizing eyes, include glyphs 200 Glyph 200 and 280 Glyph 280.

Individual texts are typically identified by a name and a single uppercase letter, as Tablet C, the Mamari Tablet. The somewhat ambiguous names, such as the Oar, the Snuffbox, the Small Santiago Tablet, and the Santiago Staff, may be descriptive or point to the location of the item.

Learn more about Rongorongo texts here:



which goals can be accomplished through effectiveness? self-presentational goals social goals relationship goals all of the options are correct.


The goals which can be accomplished through effectiveness are self presentational goals, social goals and relationship goals which means all are correct, hence option D is the right answer.

Effectiveness is the situation of higher productivity that is person is able to give better outcome not just in number but also in quality for the input that they give in. It is highly beneficial in all the orders of society be it professional or personal because greater efficiency saves our time, money and also brings greater laurels. It helps one in identifying their best of the potential, keeps one motivated and focused. In general, goals are set to meet our expectations and requirements within the time frame that we set and effectiveness helps us achieve these goals much before the time.

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Graph the line Y=1/3x-5 In a multicellular organism such as a dog or cat which structures listed would present the greatest in number? 4. On Earth the average atmospheric pressure at the surface is 1013254 Pa. If we assume that theradius of Earth is 6,4 x 10 m and the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s, what is the mass ofEarth's atmosphere? Hint: You will need to use the equations for force, pressure, and the surfacearea of a sphere, but you will need to anabyze the units to confirm how these get combined.) USCthe following values to solve this problem, {6 pts}1 atm = Peame= 101325 Pa; Rew =64x10%m; g=9.8 mV/s?Ending units: according to irving janis, which of the following procedures is effective in preventing groupthink? predict products and balance H2SO3 (aq) + KOH (aq) how many years does involuntary manslaughter carry ? your european friends tell you they are pleased because their new car gives them 15 kilometers per liter of fuel. translate this into miles per gallon so you can decide whether to be impressed. use the conversion factors that one mile is 1.6 km and one gallon is 3.8 liters. According to Kirkman, Jones and Shapiro (2000), one reason employees resist being on a team in the workplace is Consider the following incomplete method, which is intended to return the number of integers that evenly divide the integer inputVal. ; Assume that inputVal is greater than 0.public static int numDivisors(int inputVal){int count = 0;for (int k = 1; k 0 According to the graph, what is the value of the constant in the equation below? The release of which substance is represented by the arrows? What central idea about the government of the united states is expressed in the 1879 speech by chief joseph? a. the government has misunderstood the wishes of indigenous peoples. b. the government has not even been willing to listen to indigenous peoples. c. the government has made many false promises to indigenous peoples. d. the government can never lessen the pain suffered by indigenous peoples. Un automvil tiene una velocidad inicial de 5 m/s, durante 10 segundos , acelera 2m/s2 cul es su velocidad final en m/s? cash flows from financing activities identifies cash receipts and cash payments related to which of the following types of accounts? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. common stock interest payable bonds payable notes receivable 11. Angel made 1 1/3pounds of trail mix for ahike. Is there a way Angel can break upthe trail mix into four bags? Explain. What is the horizontal line test for inverse functions? Any ideas?In concave equilateral pentagon ABCDE, angle A = angle B = 108 degrees. What is the degree measure of angle E? Choose the measurement closest to 300 cm: 30 ft, 300 in. or 120 in an object travels in a circular orbit. if the speed of the object is doubled, its centripetal acceleration will be Why did the Israelites migrate into and settle Canaan?