Your job is to write a basic blurring algorithm for a video driver. The algorithm will do the following: it will go through all pixels on the screen and for each pixel, compute the average intensity value (in red, green and blue separately) of the pixel and its 8 neighbors. (At the edges of the screen, there are fewer neighbors for each pixel.) Let's say the number of pixels on the screen is n. Then what is the order of the number of arithmetic operations (additions and divisions) required?
a. The number is order of n 4 .
b. The number is order of n2.
c. The number is order of n
d. The number is order of n3.


Answer 1
I’m pretty sure answer is B let me know if I’m wrong

Related Questions

The fraction 460/7 is closest to which of the following whole numbers?


I don’t see any of “the following numbers”

Consider a Stop-and-Wait protocol. Assume constant delays for all transmissions and the same delay for packets sent and ACKs sent. Assume no errors occur during transmission.
(a) Suppose that the timeout value is set to 1/2 of what is required to receive an acknowledgement, from the time a packet is sent. Give the complete sequence of frame exchanges when the sender has 3 frames to send to the receiver.
(b) Suppose that the timeout value is sent to 2 times the round trip time. Give the sequence of frame exchanges when 3 frames are sent but the first frame is lost.



question a) answer:

At the moment when it sends the package, then it has a waiting time for the acknowledgement from the receiver, however, the time will be split in two when the frameset size becomes two, meaning that two packages have been sent together, causing the receiver to acknowledge only one package.

question b) answer:

The timeout is equal to two times.

In cases when the frame size is 3, the frame will be lost since the timeout turns to be 2 times. Because the sender has to wait for the acknowledgement, therefore it will send other of the parcels.

Find the maximum value and minimum value in milesTracker. Assign the maximum value to maxMiles, and the minimum value to minMiles. Sample output for the given program:
Min miles: -10
Max miles: 40
Here's what I have so far:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArraysKeyValue {
public static void main (String [] args) {
final int NUM_ROWS = 2;
final int NUM_COLS = 2;
int [][] milesTracker = new int[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int maxMiles = 0; // Assign with first element in milesTracker before loop
int minMiles = 0; // Assign with first element in milesTracker before loop
milesTracker[0][0] = -10;
milesTracker[0][1] = 20;
milesTracker[1][0] = 30;
milesTracker[1][1] = 40;
//edit from here
for(i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i){
for(j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; ++j){
if(milesTracker[i][j] > maxMiles){
maxMiles = milesTracker[i][j];
for(i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i){
for(j = 0; j < NUM_COLS; ++j){
if(milesTracker[i][j] < minMiles){
minMiles = milesTracker[i][j];
//edit to here
System.out.println("Min miles: " + minMiles);
System.out.println("Max miles: " + maxMiles);



See Explanation


Your program is correct and doesn't need an attachment.

However, there's a mismatch in placement of curly braces in your program



I've made corrections to that and I've added the corrected program as an attachment.

Aside that, there's no other thing to be corrected in your program.

Use another compiler to compile your program is you are not getting the required output.

Read the following code:

x = 1

while(x < 26)


x = x + 1

There is an error in the while loop. What should be fixed?

1. Add a colon to the end of the statement

2. Begin the statement with the keyword count

3. Change the parentheses around the test condition to quotation marks

4. Use quotation marks around the relational operator


This is python code.

In python, you are supposed to put a colon at the end of while loops. This code does not have a colon after the while loop, therefore, you need to add a colon to the end of the statement.

The error to be fixed in the while loop is to add a colon at the end of the while statements.

x = 1

while (x<26)


     x = x + 1

This is the right code;

x = 1

while(x < 26):


   x = x + 1

The actual code , the while statement is missing a colon at the end of it.

The code is written in python. In python while or for loops statements always ends with a colon.

In the error code, there was no colon at the end of the while loop.

The right codes which I have written will print the value 1 to 25.

learn more on python loop here:

What is the maximum number of VLANs that can be configured on a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol? Why?



4096 VLANs


A VLAN (virtual LAN) is a group of devices on one or more LAN connected to each other without physical connections. VLANs help reduce collisions.

An 802.1Q Ethernet frame header has VLAN ID of 12 bit VLAN field. Hence the maximum number of possible VLAN ID is 4096 (2¹²).  This means that a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol can have a maximum of 4096 VLANs

A lot of VLANs ID are supported by a switch. The maximum number of VLANs that can be configured on a switch supporting the 802.1Q protocol is 4,094 VLANS.

All the VLAN needs an ID that is given by the VID field as stated in the IEEE 802.1Q specification. The VID field is known to be of  12 bits giving a total of 4,096 combinations.

But that of 0x000 and 0xFFF are set apart. This therefore makes or leaves it as 4,094 possible VLANS limits. Under IEEE 802.1Q, the maximum number of VLANs that is found on an Ethernet network is 4,094.

Learn more about VLANs from

Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing


I believe the answer is A. because he has to listen to what the people tell him and he information he has to think about and make a choice on what to reply with.

I hope this helps and its correct please let me know if its wrong have a great day//night.

Plz answer me will mark as brainliest ​




Operating System


B1:B4 is a search table or a lookup value



lookup value


the language is Java! please help


public class Drive {

   int miles;

   int gas;

   String carType;

   public String getGas(){

       return Integer.toBinaryString(gas);


   public Drive(String driveCarType){

       carType = driveCarType;


   public static void main(String [] args){

       System.out.println("Hello World!");




I'm pretty new to Java myself, but I think this is what you wanted. I hope this helps!

Using Phyton

Write a program with the following functions.

function 1: Accepts 2 strings as arguments. returns true if the second string is a part of the first string.


def something(string1, string2):

return True if string2 in string1 else False

This would be the most concise way of writing this function.

Seamus has too much text in one cell but wants all the information to be visible at once. What should he do? force the text to wrap force the text to spill-over truncate the text force the text to be inserted to next cell



A: force the text to wrap


Just took the test and got it right!!! Hope this helps :D


A) Force the text to wrap


Did it on ed2020

21. Duplicating a layer merges all of the layers and discards anything that is
not visible. True or False


the answer is false. Because it just makes a copy, including all parts of the program.
The answer is false

Jax needs to write a block of code that will organize a list of items alphabetically. Which function should he use? append() print() sort() order()


In python, the sort() function will alphabetically sort a list of strings

To write a block of code that will organize a list of items alphabetically  In python, the sort() function will alphabetically sort a list of strings.

What is python?

A high-level, all-purpose programming language is Python. Code readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, which makes heavy use of indentation. Python uses garbage collection and has dynamic typing. It supports a variety of paradigms for programming, including functional, object-oriented, and structured programming.

Python is a popular computer programming language used to create software and websites, automate processes, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose language, which means it may be used to make many various types of applications and isn't tailored for any particular issues.

Sorting in Python simply means putting the data in a specific format or order. The order of the data pieces can be sorted either ascendingly or descendingly. Python programming contains certain built-in functions that allow you to sort the list's elements, just like C++ and Java.

Therefore, Thus option (C) is correct.

Learn more about python here:


Write a program whose inputs are three integers, and whose output is the smallest of the three values. Use else-if selection and comparative operators such as '<=' or '>=' to evaluate the number that is the smallest value. If one or more values are the same and the lowest value your program should be able to report the lowest value correctly. Don't forget to first scanf in the users input.

Ex: If the input is: 7 15 3
the output is: 3

You should sketch out a simple flowchart to help you understand the conditions and the evaluations needed to determine what number is the correct answer. This type of tool can help determine flaws in a logical design.



The Program written in C is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int num1, num2, num3, smallest;

   printf("Enter any three numbers: ");

   scanf("%d", &num1);    scanf("%d", &num2);    scanf("%d", &num3);

   if(num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3) {

       smallest = num1;


   else if(num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3) {

       smallest = num2;


   else {

       smallest = num3;


   printf("Smallest: ");

   printf("%d", num3);

   return 0;



This line declares necessary variables

int num1, num2, num3, smallest;

This line prompts user for input of three numbers

   printf("Enter any three numbers: ");

This lines get input for the three numbers

   scanf("%d", &num1);    scanf("%d", &num2);    scanf("%d", &num3);

The following if/else statements determine the smallest of num1, num2 and num3 and assigns to variable smallest, afterwards

   if(num1 <= num2 && num1 <= num3) {

       smallest = num1;


   else if(num2 <= num1 && num2 <= num3) {

       smallest = num2;


   else {

       smallest = num3;


The next two lines print the smallest value

   printf("Smallest: ");

   printf("%d", num3);

What are two examples of items in Outlook?

a task and a calendar entry
an e-mail message and an e-mail address
an e-mail address and a button
a button and a tool bar



a task and a calendar entry




its A) a task and a calendar entry


correct on e2020

In Microsoft windows which of the following typically happens by default when I file is double clicked



when a file is double clicked it opens so you can see the file.


The government of a country wants to know how much inbound tourism (number of tourists visiting from other countries) is contributing to the country’s economic prosperity. The research firm hired to conduct this study surveys 10,000 residents on their favorite spots to visit in the country and how much money they spend on leisurely activities

a. How could the use of a sample like this threaten the value of the study’s outcomes?

b. How might the flawed sample affect the usefulness of the results?


Answer and Explanation:

A. The study by the research team may not reflect the purpose of the research which is to know how much inbound tourism is contributing to the economy. They are sampling the population on their favorite spots to visit( which may be too narrow here) and what their leisure activities are (which are not the only things tourists spend on). Also 10000 residents may be too small as a sample to reflect more accurate study outcome representative of the population.

2. A flawed sample which is a sampling error would not represent the population as the results from sample would contradict population results

what is the provincial capital of lumbini province​



hope it helps..


Butwal(recently changed again) , Rupendhai District

write a program that calculates the total grade for N classroom exerices as a perfentage. the user should input the value for N followed by each of the N scores and totals.



earned = 0

total = 0

exercises = int(input("Enter the number of exercises: "))

for i in range(exercises):

   score = int(input("Enter score" + str(i+1) + ": "))

   total_score = int(input("Enter total score for exercise " + str(i+1) + ": "))


   earned += score

   total += total_score

print("The total is %" + str(earned/total * 100))


*The code is in Python.

Set the earned and total as 0

Ask the user to enter the number of exercises

Create a for loop that iterates number of exercises times. For each exercise;

Ask the user to enter the score earned and total score of that exercise

Add the score to the earned (cumulative sum)

Add the total_score to the total (cumulative sum)

When the loop is done, calculate the percentage, divide earned by the total and multiply the result by 100, and print it

Which of the following is NOT a period of the Middle Ages?
Early Middle Ages
O Late Middle Ages
O High Middle Ages
O New Middle Ages
allowing is NOT an artifact of the Information Age?


High middle ages is the answer

The one that is not a period of the Middle Ages is the High Middle Ages. The correct option is c.

What are different ages?

The Middle Ages, which roughly correspond to the years 500 to 1400–1500 BCE, is the term used to describe this time of European history. The phrase was initially used by academics in the 15th century to refer to the time frame between their own era and the dissolution of the Western Roman Empire.

The period between the fall of Imperial Rome and the start of Early Modern Europe is referred to as the “Middle Ages” for this reason. The reason the Middle Ages are known as the Dark Ages is that life was hard and brief in Europe, and contrasted with the orderliness of classical antiquity.

The time period in European history from roughly 500 AD to 1500 AD. This time period's early years are commonly referred to as the Dark Ages.

Therefore, the correct option is c, High Middle Ages.

To learn more about the middle ages, refer to the link:


Write a Python code to ask a user to enter students' information including name,
last name and student ID number. The program should continue prompting the
user to enter information until the user enters zero. Then the program enters
search mode. In this mode, the user can enter a student ID number to retrieve
the corresponding student's information. If the user enters zero, the program
stops. (Hint: consider using list of lists)​


database = ([[]])

while True:

   first_name = input("Enter the student's first name: ")

   if first_name == "0":

       while True:

           search = input("Enter a student ID number to find a specific student: ")

           if [] in database:


           if search == "0":


           k = 0

           for w in database:

               for i in database:

                   if i[2] == search:

                       print("ID number: {} yields student: {} {}".format(i[2], i[0], i[1]))

                       search = 0

   last_name = input("Enter the student's last name: ")

   id_number = input("Enter the student's ID number: ")

   database.append([first_name, last_name, id_number])

I hope this helps!

What is his resolution amount


I think it’s 92 I mean yh

sum_even Write a program that reads an integer 0 < n < 2^32, returns the sum of all digits in n that are divisible by 2. For example, if n = 341238 the output would be 14, because it is the sum of 4 + 2 + 8. Hint: a signed int may not be enough.



Written in Python

n = int(input("Num: "))

sum_even = 0

if n > 0 and n < 2**32:

     strn = str(n)

     for i in range(0,len(strn)):

           if int(strn[i])%2 == 0:

                 sum_even = sum_even+ int(strn[i])



This line prompt user for input

n = int(input("Num: "))

This line initializes sum_even to 0

sum_even = 0

This line checks for valid input

if n > 0 and n < 2**32:

This line converts input to string

     strn = str(n)

This line iterates through each digit of the input

     for i in range(0,len(strn)):

This if condition checks for even number

           if int(strn[i])%2 == 0:

This adds the even numbers

                 sum_even = sum_even+ int(strn[i])

This prints the sum of all even number in the user input


Read the following code:

n = 3

while(n <= 5):


n = n + 1

What output would be produced for the given values of n?

A. 0 1 2 3 4

B. 1 2 3 4 5

C. 2 3 4

D. 3 4 5


The code will print out 3 4 5

Answer choice D is correct.

The output that would be produced for the given values of n is 3 4 5. The correct option is D.

What are codes?

Codes Program is a free developer platform where programmers can learn and share their knowledge. It is regarded as the simplest application development method, and it is frequently used as the standard (method).

Fixing code well into the software program because they discovered an error while composing the program, then he will modify the program, and then they will fix it again.

Less formally, code refers to text written for markup or styling languages such as HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Good code is written in such a way that it is readable, understandable, covered by automated tests, not overly complicated, and does the job well."

Therefore, the correct option is D. 3 4 5.

To learn more about codes, refer to the below link:


Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is online decision support system. Because the decision support systems process the data, evaluate and predict the decision, and helps the decision-makers,  and offer real time information immediately in making the decision in an organization. So the correct answer to this question is the decision supports system.

Why other options are not correct

Because the transaction processing system can only process the transaction and have not the capability to make the decision for the future. Office support processing system support office work, while the batch processing system process the task into the batch without user involvement.   however, online executive processing does not make decisions and offer timely information to decision-makers in an organization.

Jason works as a financial investment advisor. He collects financial data from clients, processes the data online to calculate the risks associated with future investment decisions, and offers his clients real-time information immediately. Which type of data processing is Jason following in the transaction processing system?

online decision support system
online transaction processing
online office support processing
online batch processing
online executive processing



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is an online decision support system. Because the decision support systems process the data, evaluate and predict the decision, and helps the decision-makers,  and offer real-time information immediately in making the decision in an organization. So the correct answer to this question is the decision supports system.

Why other options are not correct

Because the transaction processing system can only process the transaction and have not the capability to make the decision for the future. Office support processing system support office work, while the batch processing system process the task into the batch without user involvement.   however, online executive processing does not make decisions and offer timely information to decision-makers in an organization.

Answer: the answer is A.

Explanation: He has to listen to what the people tell him and think about the information he has and make a choice on what to reply with.

What is the critical path?

Calculate the minimum overall project completion time and identify which activities are critical by filling out the chart below-forward and backward pass.

What is the maximum time to complete the projects?

Early start Early Finish late start Late finish Slack Critical path?


Please answer and thank you




Explanation:yeeees quen                   HI SISTERS HI SISTERS

What are the benefits of computer?



online toutoring.

helpful games give mind relaxation.

Increase your productivity. ...
Connects you to the Internet. ...
Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste. ...
Helps sort, organize, and search through information. ...
Get a better understanding of data. ...
Keeps you connected.

The intentional defacement or destruction of a website is called: Group of answer choices spoofing. cybervandalism. cyberwarfare. phishing. pharming.





The intentional defacement or destruction of a website is called cybervandalism. This ultimately implies that, cybervandalism is carried out or done by someone through the use of computer technology such as an internet to destroy data (informations).

Additionally, the defacement or destruction of a website simply means changing the appearance and data relating a website. Some of the tools use for cybervandalism is a file transfer protocol (FTP), structured query language (SQL) injection etc.

In may 2005, President Donald Trump's Wikipedia web page was vandalized by an attacker.

It should be noted that intentional defacement or destruction of a website is called cybervandalism.

Cybervandalism can be regarded as the damage or destruction which is been carried out in digital form.

It may involves the cyber vandals which involves the defacing of a website.

Therefore, cybervandalism serves as intentional defacement or destruction of a website.

Learn more about cybervandalism at;

Compare and contrast between flowcharts that involve:
-simple logic flow and

-simple logic flow with a two way branch



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The solution to this question is given in the attached word file.  

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