your sister is skeptical that generic drugs are as effective as brand name drugs because generics cost so much less. she asks for your opinion. what should you tell her?
a. Generic and brand name drugs are required to be identical in active and inactive ingredients.
b. The active ingredients for both are identical, but fillers and other active ingredients may differ.
c. Generics are manufactured outside the U.S., and therefore, the ingredients are unregulated.
d. The active ingredients in generics are similar to those in brand name drugs, but are not guaranteed to be identical.


Answer 1

I would tell my sister that generic and brand name drugs are required to be identical in active and inactive ingredients.  The correct answer is option a.

The reason why generic drugs are less expensive is because they do not have to undergo the same research and development costs as brand name drugs. Once a brand name drug's patent expires, other manufacturers are able to produce and sell generic versions of the drug.

These generic drugs are required to meet the same standards for quality, strength, and purity as brand name drugs. The FDA also conducts regular inspections of manufacturing facilities to ensure that these standards are met.

While there may be slight differences in fillers and other inactive ingredients, the active ingredients in generic drugs are identical to those in brand name drugs. In fact, many doctors and pharmacists recommend generic drugs as a safe and effective alternative to more expensive brand name drugs.

Therefore, option a is correct.

For more such questions on  generic drugs, click on:


Related Questions

With a managed health care plan all _________ care must be covered as if it were provided on an in-network basis.
A.Routine healthcare


D. Emergency. Managed care plans typically require that emergency care must be covered as if it were provided on an in-network basis.

This means that if a patient experiences a medical emergency, they can seek care at any hospital or emergency room, regardless of whether the facility is in their network, and the plan will cover the cost of the care as if it were in-network. This is intended to ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate care during emergencies, without worrying about the cost of the care.

However, it is important to note that managed care plans may have different requirements for emergency care coverage. For example, some plans may require that patients notify the plan or their primary care provider within a certain amount of time after seeking emergency care in order to ensure coverage. Patients should review their plan documents carefully and ask their healthcare provider or plan representative if they have any questions about their coverage for emergency care.

To know more about Emergency


The nurse is performing an assessment on a client with a diagnosis of Bell's palsy. The nurse should expect to observe which finding in the client?
Facial drooping
Periorbital edema
Ptosis of the eyelid
Twitching on the affected side of the face


In a client with a diagnosis of Bell's palsy, the nurse should expect to observe (a) 'facial drooping' as the primary finding.

Bell's palsy is a condition that causes sudden, temporary weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles on one side of the face. This leads to facial drooping, which is a common and noticeable symptom of the condition. This symptom can be observed in the client with a diagnosis of Bell's palsy.

Option B, periorbital edema, is not typically associated with Bell's palsy. Ptosis of the eyelid (option C) is not a common finding in Bell's palsy and is more commonly associated with other neurological conditions, such as myasthenia gravis.  Twitching on the affected side of the face (option D) may occur in some cases of Bell's palsy, but it is not a consistent or defining characteristic of the condition.

Therefore, (a) 'facial drooping' is the correct option.

Learn more about palsy:


Which two respiratory infections are caused by viruses
A.tuberculosis and influenza
B.influenza and the common cold
C.the common clod and strep throat
D.strep throat and influenza


B is the correct answer.
They are both caused by viruses but they are many different viruses that they are caused by like influenza viruses or seasonal coronaviruses.
B bcz tb is weird and can be caused by a bunch of diff things

people who find it difficult to cope with stress maybe experiencing health problems or disorder what are example of these



Anxiety, depression and personality disorder.


Hope it helps :) !!!

Yes, chronic stress can have negative impacts on a person's physical and mental health. Some examples of health problems or disorders that can be exacerbated by stress include:

1. Anxiety disorders: These are mental health conditions characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, or anxiety about everyday situations. Stress can trigger or worsen symptoms of anxiety disorders.

2. Depression: Chronic stress can lead to depression, a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.

3. Cardiovascular disease: Prolonged stress can lead to high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke.

4. Digestive problems: Stress can affect the digestive system, leading to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

5. Insomnia: Stress can interfere with sleep, leading to insomnia, a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep.

6. Chronic pain: Stress can exacerbate chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, or headaches.

7. Immune system suppression: Prolonged stress can suppress the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

It's important to seek help from a healthcare professional if you are experiencing chronic stress or symptoms of any of these health problems.

Pls mark!

Which of these conditions is a respiratory disease caused by nicotine and tobacco use?

type 2 diabetes
high blood pressure
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Answer: D (COPD)


a heart attack is an external stressor, and a new job is an internal stressor.


The given statement "a heart attack is an external stressor, and a new job is an internal stressor" is false because a heart attack is not an external stressor, but rather a physical medical event that occurs within the body.

A heart attack happens when there is a blockage in one or more of the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients, leading to damage to the heart muscle. While stress can be a contributing factor to heart disease, a heart attack itself is not considered an external stressor.

On the other hand, a new job is an example of an external stressor. It is an event or situation that is outside of the individual's control and can cause stress or anxiety. Starting a new job can be a significant life change that involves adjusting to new responsibilities, colleagues, and workplace culture. This type of stressor is considered external because it originates from the environment rather than from within the body.

Therefore, the given statement is false.

To learn more about external stressor


The question is incomplete. the complete question is:

a heart attack is an external stressor, and a new job is an internal stressor. True/False.

Answer these 3!!

1. what is meant by the statement that "you are only as strong as your weakest angle?"

2.Discuss the proposed causes of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). What type of muscle activity is thought to be the primary cause of DOMS?

3. How would you answer this question - "To lift an object safely, one should lift with the back STRAIGHT, SLIGHTLY BENT, or FLEXED?<=Choose One and explain why


1. The statement "you are only as strong as your weakest angle" means that if any part of a person's body or any component of a system is weak, then the entire system or body is weakened.

2. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a type of muscle pain that occurs a day or two after intense physical activity.

3. To lift an object safely, one should lift with the back slightly bent. This is because when the back is bent, the vertebrae are better aligned and the spine is in a more neutral and stable position.

What is eccentric muscle contractions?

Eccentric muscle contractions are contractions in which the muscle lengthens while it is contracting. This type of contraction is common in activities such as running and jumping, and is responsible for controlling the landing and deceleration of movement.

This means that if one component of a system is weak, it can weaken the entire system and make it vulnerable to failure.

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is thought to be caused by eccentric muscle contractions, which are contractions that cause the muscle to lengthen as it contracts. This type of muscle activity can cause microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, leading to inflammation and soreness.

To lift an object safely, one should lift with the back slightly bent. This is because when the back is bent, the vertebrae are better aligned and the spine is in a more neutral and stable position. This helps to protect the spine from injury and strains, which can occur if the spine is too straight or flexed. Additionally, lifting with the back slightly bent helps to keep the load close to the body, which reduces the strain on the muscles and helps to prevent injury.

For more questions related to vertebrae


this early form of psychology tried to explain human thought and action in terms of how they worked to allow people to thrive and survive. this perspective is called:


Functionalism is the perspective that explains human thought and thrive, action in terms of survival and adaptation to the environment.

The point of view that attempted to make sense of human idea and activity as far as how they attempted to permit individuals to flourish and endure is called functionalism. This early type of brain research arose in the late nineteenth 100 years and was vigorously impacted by crafted by Charles Darwin and his hypothesis of development.

Functionalists accepted that psychological cycles and conduct filled a need in assisting people with adjusting to their current circumstance and accomplish their objectives.

They were keen on concentrating on subjects like consideration, discernment, memory, and cognizance, and accepted that these psychological cycles could be perceived by looking at their capability in the bigger setting of human way of behaving and endurance.

Functionalism established the groundwork for later schools of brain research, including behaviorism and mental brain science.

To learn more about another example of people to thrive and survive, refer:


The early form of psychology that attempted to explain human thought and action in terms of how they worked to allow people to thrive and survive is called evolutionary psychology.

This perspective focuses on the role of natural selection in shaping human behavior and argues that certain traits and behaviors have evolved because they have helped our ancestors survive and reproduce. Evolutionary psychology seeks to explain why we do the things we do by examining how they may have contributed to our ancestors' success in the past.

Evolutionary psychology is a theoretical approach in psychology that examines cognition and behavior from a modern evolutionary perspective. It seeks to identify human psychological adaptations with regards to the ancestral problems they evolved to solve. In this framework, psychological traits and mechanisms are either functional products of natural and sexual selection or non-adaptive by-products of other adaptive traits.

To know more about evolutionary psychology click here:


Of the following, which would most readily induce a vitamin K deficiency? a. Achlorhydria b. Antibiotic therapy c. Presence of oxalic acid in food


Of the following, the choice that would most readily induce a vitamin K deficiency is option B: antibiotic therapy.

A class of fat-soluble chemicals known as vitamin K play important roles in cardiovascular health, bone growth, and clotting. Infants are born with low to undetectable vitamin K concentrations and elevated levels of protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonism (PIVKA), as the transport of vitamin K via the placenta is inefficient.  

The body produces less vitamin K on its own as a result of some antibiotics. The body's ability to utilize vitamin K could be compromised by other antibiotics. Celiac illness may cause fat malabsorption and vitamin K insufficiency in patients. Prothrombin time lengthening or bleeding are typical symptoms of vitamin K insufficiency.

To know more about Vitamin K deficiency, refer:


Of the given options, antibiotic therapy would most readily induce a vitamin K deficiency. Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of intestinal bacteria, including those that produce vitamin K.

Without these bacteria, the body may not be able to produce enough vitamin K on its own, leading to a deficiency. Achlorhydria (a lack of stomach acid) can also affect vitamin K absorption, but it is not as common as antibiotic-induced disruption of intestinal bacteria. Oxalic acid in food can interfere with the absorption of calcium, but it does not directly impact vitamin K levels.

The term "vitamin K" describes a class of fat-soluble substances. Numerous proteins required for coagulation, bone growth, and cardiovascular function depend on vitamin K. Significant bleeding, poor bone growth, osteoporosis, and an increase in cardiovascular disease can all be consequences of vitamin K insufficiency. The National Academy of Science Food and Nutrition Board states that the sufficient consumption for men and women is 120 and 90 ug/day, respectively, based on the dietary requirements of healthy individuals.

To know more about vitamin K deficiency, click here:


A client is being treated for acute low back pain. The nurse should report which of these clinical manifestations to the health care provider (HCP) immediately?
diffuse, aching sensation in the L4 to L5 area
new onset of footdrop
pain in the lower back when the leg is lifted
pain in the lower back that radiates to the hip


When a client is being treated for acute low back pain, The nurse should report the new onset of footdrop to the health care provider (HCP) immediately. The correct answer choice is "new onset of footdrop"

This is because footdrop, which is a difficulty in lifting the front part of the foot, can indicate nerve compression or damage, such as from a herniated disc, that requires immediate medical attention.

Other manifestations like diffuse aching sensation in the L4 to L5 area, pain in the lower back when the leg is lifted, and pain in the lower back that radiates to the hip, are common symptoms of acute low back pain and may not require immediate reporting to the HCP.

Therefore, "new onset of footdrop" is the correct choice.

For more such questions on footdrop, click on:


Accommodation of the eye experiences its sharpest decline between ____ years of age.
a. 30 and 35
b. 40 and 59
c. 60 and 79
d. 20 and 29


The accommodation of the eye refers to its ability to focus on objects at varying distances. The accommodation gradually declines with age, but the sharpest decline typically occurs between 40 and 59 years of age. Therefore, the correct answer is b. 40 and 59.
Final answer:

The accommodation of the eye refers to the eye's ability to adjust its focus to clearly see objects at varying distances. This ability experiences its sharpest decline between 40 and 59 years of age.


The term 'accommodation of the eye' refers to the ability of our eyes to change its focal length, by adapting its lens shape, to see clearly at different distances. As we age, this function deteriorates due to the loss of elasticity in the lens, meaning we might struggle to see objects up close or far away with the same clarity. The most significant decline in the accommodation of the eye occurs between 40 and 59 years of age, which is choice b.

Learn more about Eye Accommodation here:


Which activity takes place between weeks 28 and 40 of pregnancy?
O The baby begins to move.
O The embryo becomes a fetus.
O The zygote becomes an embryo.
O The baby gains weight rapidly.



By process of elimination on what I know has already happened by the third trimester, the answer must be D


When is a teen most likely to drink?
when the teen lives in a city
when the teen's friends drink
when the teen is an only child
when the teen's family is wealthy


Answer: When a teen’s friends drink


Seeing others around them drink may pressure a teen into drinking themselves, it’s effectively peer pressure.

Answer: when the teens friends drink

Explanation: cuz most of the time teens take after there friends and do similar things to there friends decisions

During middle childhood and preadolescence, the child is responsible for _____.
a. ​when food is served
b. ​what foods are available
c. ​how much he or she eats
d. ​recognizing the cause-effect pattern of meals



C. How much he or she eats.


During middle childhood and pre adolescence, the child is responsible for how much he or she eats.

the msa reimburses for ________________________ that are not _________________________ by the subscriber’s health plan


The MSA reimburses for out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not covered by the subscriber's health plan.

This means that if the subscriber incurs medical expenses that are not covered by their insurance, they can use the funds in their MSA to reimburse themselves for those expenses.

However, it's important to note that not all health plans qualify for an MSA and there are limits to how much can be contributed to the account each year.

Additionally, any unused funds in the account at the end of the year do not roll over, so it's important to use the funds before the end of the year to avoid losing them.

To know more about medical expenses click on below link:


Health education and health promotion are terms that can be used interchangeably. F. True or False?


The statement " Health education and health promotion are terms that can be used interchangeably." is false because both operate at different levels and with different approaches so they cannot be used interchangeably.

While health education and health promotion share similar goals, they are not interchangeable terms. Health education is the process of providing individuals and communities with information, resources, and skills to make informed decisions about their health.

It aims to increase knowledge and awareness of health issues and encourage behavior change. Health promotion, on the other hand, is a broader concept that involves creating a supportive environment for health and well-being. It encompasses a range of activities and strategies that address social determinants of health and promote healthy lifestyles, policies, and systems.

While health education is an important component of health promotion, it is only one of many strategies used to achieve health promotion goals. Other strategies may include policy change, community mobilization, advocacy, and environmental interventions.

Health education and health promotion are both important for improving public health outcomes and decreasing health disparities, but they work at different levels and with different techniques. As a result, they can't be utilised interchangeably.

For more such questions on Health education, click on:


Dr. Smith wants to use a lot of free text in his EHR. What should be your response?


If Dr. Smith wants to use a lot of free text in his EHR, my recommendation would be to caution him about the potential drawbacks of doing so.

While free text can be useful for capturing detailed patient information, it can also be time-consuming to document and can lead to inconsistencies in documentation across different providers. Additionally, free text can be difficult to analyze and extract meaning from using data analytics tools, which can limit the potential insights that can be gained from the EHR.

Instead, I would suggest that Dr. Smith consider using structured data fields whenever possible, as these can be easily searched, analyzed, and shared between providers. Structured data also allows for more accurate and consistent documentation of patient information. If there are certain pieces of information that are not well-captured by structured data, then free text can be used in a limited and strategic way to supplement the structured data.

know more about patient information here


a patient is about to begin etanercept (enbrel) therapy but has a positive tuberculin skin test. the nurse will expect this patient to:


When a patient is about to begin etanercept (Enbrel) therapy but has a positive tuberculin skin test, the nurse will expect the patient to undergo further evaluation for tuberculosis (TB).

This is because etanercept can increase the risk of reactivating latent TB, a condition where TB bacteria are present in the body but the immune system keeps them under control.

If the patient is found to have active TB, etanercept therapy should be delayed until TB treatment is completed.

If the patient is found to have latent TB, the nurse will expect the patient to receive treatment for TB before starting etanercept therapy.

The standard treatment for latent TB is a 9-month course of isoniazid, although other regimens may be used depending on the patient's individual circumstances.

It is important for the nurse to monitor the patient closely for signs and symptoms of TB while on etanercept therapy, as well as to educate the patient on the importance of seeking medical attention if any symptoms develop.

This will help to ensure that the patient receives timely treatment if TB reactivation occurs.

To know more about etanercept, refer here:


A concept map is best described as which of the following?
A. Specific assumption or prediction that can be tested to determine its accuracy
B. The process of individuals deciding if an item is a member of a category by comparing it to established category elements
C. Category that groups objects, events, and characteristics on the basis of common properties
D. Visual representations of concept's connections and hierarchical organization


A concept map is best described as a visual representation of a concept's connections and hierarchical organization. Option D is the correct answer.

A concept map is a visual tool that presents the relationships between different ideas and concepts in a hierarchical manner.

It is a graphical representation that allows individuals to see the big picture of a concept and understand how different components of a concept are connected to one another.

Concept maps are commonly used in education as a tool for promoting critical thinking, organization, and analysis of complex ideas.

The map helps students identify the relationships between different concepts and provides a visual representation of how they are connected.

Learn more about the concept map at


Many children and teenagers are drinking an excess of sugared soft drinks and other sugar-containing beverages and much less milk than ever before. This exchange of soft drinks for milk can compromise bone health because milk is a rich source of which of the following bone-building nutrients?
-vitamin D
-vitamin K


Milk is a rich source of calcium, which is an essential mineral for building and maintaining strong bones. Calcium plays a critical role in bone formation and helps to keep bones strong and healthy. Correct option is Calcium and Vitamin D.

Additionally, milk is often fortified with vitamin D, which is important for bone health as well. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the diet and aids in bone mineralization, which is essential for proper bone development and maintenance.

Sodium and vitamin K are not typically associated with bone health. Sodium is an electrolyte that plays a role in regulating fluid balance in the body and is not directly involved in bone formation. Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and other physiological processes, but it is not a primary nutrient for bone health.

Learn more about “ Vitamin D “ visit here;


The exchange of soft drinks for milk can compromise bone health because milk is a rich source of calcium, which is a bone-building nutrient. Calcium is an essential mineral for building and maintaining strong bones, and it is especially important during childhood and adolescence when bones are still growing and developing.

Milk also contains other bone-building nutrients such as vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium, and vitamin K, which helps to regulate bone metabolism. Sodium, on the other hand, can actually have a negative impact on bone health when consumed in excess, as it can cause the body to lose calcium and other important minerals.

Therefore, it is important for children and teenagers to consume adequate amounts of calcium and other bone-building nutrients through a balanced diet that includes sources such as milk, cheese, yogurt, leafy green vegetables, and fortified foods. Limiting sugary drinks and consuming them in moderation can also help to promote overall health and prevent other health problems such as obesity and dental decay.

To know more about metabolism


Place the steps of bone fracture repair in the correct order1. a fracture hematoma forms2. a fibrocartilaginous callus forms3. a bony callus form4. the bone is remodeled


The correct order of bone fracture repair is: hematoma formation, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation, bone remodeling.

Bone break fix is a complicated interaction that includes a few phases. The right request of these stages is as per the following:

A break hematoma structures: When a bone is broken, veins inside and around the bone are harmed, bringing about draining and the development of a blood coagulation called a hematoma. The hematoma goes about as a framework for the following phase of bone fix.

A fibrocartilaginous callus shapes: The hematoma is bit by bit supplanted by fibroblasts, which produce collagen filaments and other extracellular framework proteins. This outcomes in the development of a delicate, sinewy tissue known as a fibrocartilaginous callus. The callus settles the break site and gives a system to the testimony of new bone tissue.

A hard callus structures: Osteoblasts, particular bone-shaping cells, relocate to the break site and start to create new bone tissue. The fibrocartilaginous callus is progressively supplanted by a hard, hard callus made of woven bone. This interaction can require a little while to a while, contingent upon the seriousness of the crack.

The bone is redesigned: After some time, the hard callus is renovated into mature bone tissue. This interaction includes the slow supplanting of woven bone with lamellar bone, which is more grounded and more coordinated. The renovating system can require a while to quite a long while, and is impacted by variables like age, diet, and movement level.

In rundown, bone break fix includes the development of a hematoma, the development of a fibrocartilaginous callus, the development of a hard callus, and the renovating of the bone. These stages are fundamental for reestablishing the strength and capability of the broke bone.

To learn more about fibrocartilaginous callus, refer:


The correct order of the steps of bone fracture repair is:

1. A fracture hematoma forms
2. A fibrocartilaginous callus forms
3. A bony callus forms
4. The bone is remodeled

To explain further, when a bone is fractured, the first step is the formation of a fracture hematoma, which is a blood clot that forms at the site of the break. This hematoma provides a framework for the next stage of repair.

Next, a fibrocartilaginous callus forms. This is a collection of cells that produce cartilage and fibrous tissue, which help to bridge the gap between the broken bones. This callus acts as a temporary stabilizer while the bone begins to heal.

As the healing process continues, the fibrocartilaginous callus is gradually replaced by a bony callus. This callus is made up of mineralized bone tissue and is much stronger than the fibrocartilaginous callus.

Finally, the bone is remodeled as it heals. This means that the bone tissue is reshaped and restructured to restore its original strength and shape. The entire process of bone fracture repair can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the fracture.

To know more about bone fracture repair click here:


The gray wolves of the Northern Rocky Mountain region vomited after eating poisoned sheep meat. The wolves formed the association of feeling ill with preying on sheep. In this example, feeling ill is the?


In this example, feeling ill is the unconditioned response (UCR) as it is an involuntary response to the ingestion of the poisoned sheep meat.

The UCR is a natural response that occurs without any prior conditioning or training. The wolves vomiting after eating the poisoned sheep meat is a reflex action that is beyond their control.

The association between feeling ill and preying on sheep is an example of classical conditioning, where an association is formed between a conditioned stimulus (preying on sheep) and an unconditioned response (feeling ill).

Over time, the conditioned stimulus (preying on sheep) becomes associated with the unconditioned response (feeling ill), and the wolves may avoid preying on sheep as a result.

For more question on UCR click on


the nurse detects signs of digoxin toxicity, which relevant assessment findings is the nurse most likely to report to the prescriber?


The nurse is most likely to report the following relevant assessment findings to the prescriber for digoxin toxicity: Nausea, Vomiting, Anorexia, Bradycardia, and Visual disturbances (such as yellow or green halos around objects).

Digoxin is a medication commonly used to treat heart failure and certain arrhythmias. However, digoxin toxicity can occur when the drug accumulates in the body, usually due to a high dosage or impaired elimination. Signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity can vary but often include gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, and anorexia, as well as cardiac manifestations like bradycardia. Visual disturbances, such as yellow or green halos around objects, can also occur. These symptoms should be reported to the prescriber promptly, as digoxin toxicity can be life-threatening. The prescriber may need to adjust the medication dosage or order additional tests to monitor the patient's digoxin levels.

To learn more about Digoxin please visit:


Getting outside or going for a run is a good way to refocus your perspective and gain better
control of your emotions.
O A. True
O B. False


Answer: 100% true


Any food item that is exposed to animal waste may contain it. Symptoms may include fever and abdominal cramps.
Choose matching definition


The term that describes food items that are exposed to animal waste and may contain it is Salmonella.

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can be found in the intestines of animals and humans, as well as in the environment. It can contaminate food items, particularly those that come from animals, such as meat, poultry, and eggs.

Consuming food contaminated with Salmonella can lead to food poisoning, which can cause symptoms such as fever, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Symptoms typically appear within 12 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food and can last for up to a week.

It is important to handle food items safely to prevent Salmonella contamination. This includes washing hands and surfaces thoroughly, cooking meat and poultry to the appropriate temperature, and avoiding cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods.

Proper food handling and storage can help prevent the spread of Salmonella and other harmful bacteria in the kitchen and beyond.

For more such questions on Salmonella, click on:


Therapists' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are likely to be
misleading because
A) therapists typically minimize the seriousness of their clients' symptoms when
therapy begins.
B) clients typically emphasize their problems at the start of therapy and their wellbeing
at the end of therapy.
C) therapists typically blame their own therapeutic ineffectiveness on clients'
D) clients tend to focus on their observable behavioral problems rather than on their
mental and emotional abilities.
E) therapists typically overestimate their clients' potential levels of adjustment


The correct answer is B) clients typically emphasize their problems at the start of therapy and their wellbeing at the end of therapy. This is because a client's subjective view of their own progress and wellbeing can be biased and influenced by the therapist's perceptions.

What is therapy?

Therapy is an umbrella term used to describe a range of treatments aimed at helping people improve their mental, emotional and physical health. During therapy, a person can talk through their feelings and experiences to gain a better understanding of the issues they may be facing and develop helpful strategies to manage these issues. Therapists are trained professionals who provide a safe and non-judgmental environment in which clients can talk and be listened to.

How is diagnosis carried out in therapy?

Diagnosis in therapy is typically carried out using a combination of communication, observation/assessment, and mental health testing. Patients may be asked questions about their feelings, behaviors, and medical history, and their responses are used to identify patterns or issues that can be addressed by the therapist. The therapist may also observe the patient during the session to help determine their diagnosis, either through questioning or nonverbal communication. Having the patient complete a mental health assessment may also be helpful in diagnosing mental health disorders or identifying areas of concern.

To know more about Health, visit:


the chronic degenerative neuromuscular disease that results in total body paralysis but does not affect mental acuity is __


The chronic degenerative neuromuscular disease that results in total body paralysis but does not affect mental acuity is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

ALS is a progressive disease that affects the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary muscles. As the disease progresses, the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control muscle movement degenerate and die, leading to muscle weakness, atrophy, and eventually, total paralysis. However, ALS does not affect mental acuity, so individuals with the disease typically retain their cognitive abilities and can communicate using alternative methods, such as eye-tracking devices or speech-generating devices.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. ALS belongs to a group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases, which are characterized by the gradual degeneration and death of motor neurons, the nerve cells that control voluntary muscles.

The early symptoms of ALS can vary from person to person, but typically involve muscle weakness, stiffness, and twitching, as well as difficulty with speaking, swallowing, and breathing. As the disease progresses, the muscle weakness and atrophy become more widespread, leading to difficulty with basic movements such as walking, climbing stairs, and lifting objects. In the later stages of the disease, individuals with ALS may become completely paralyzed and require assistance with all activities of daily living.

Currently, there is no cure for ALS, and treatment is focused on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. Medications such as riluzole and edaravone can help slow the progression of the disease, and physical therapy and assistive devices such as wheelchairs and communication aids can help maintain mobility and communication abilities. Despite ongoing research efforts, the cause of ALS is still not fully understood, although genetics, environmental factors, and other factors may all play a role in the development of the disease.

To know more about neuron


The chronic degenerative neuromuscular disease that results in total body paralysis but does not affect mental acuity is known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease.

ALS affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement, leading to weakness and eventual paralysis in all parts of the body, including the arms, legs, and respiratory system. Despite the devastating physical effects of ALS, it is important to note that the disease does not typically impact mental acuity or cognitive function. This means that individuals with ALS are fully aware of their surroundings, and often retain the ability to communicate and engage in intellectual activities.The exact cause of ALS is unknown, although it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for ALS, and treatment options are limited to managing symptoms and improving quality of life. However, ongoing research and clinical trials offer hope for future breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of this debilitating disease.

For more such questions on neuromuscular disease



Which are personal risk factors for wanting to join a gang? Check all that apply.

receiving poor grades in school

having a family member in a gang

thinking about the uncertainties in life

hearing others discuss being in a gang

feeling isolated from the popular in-crowd


Having a family member in a gang is a personal risk factor for wanting to join a gang, option (b) is correct.

This is because individuals who have family members involved in gangs are more likely to be exposed to the gang lifestyle and its associated activities, which can lead to an increased interest in joining a gang.

Receiving poor grades in school, hearing others discuss being in a gang, and feeling isolated from the popular in-crowd can also be risk factors for gang involvement, but they are not personal risk factors specifically related to having a family member in a gang, option (b) is correct.

To learn more about gang follow the link:


The complete question is:

Which is a personal risk factor for wanting to join a gang?

a) receiving poor grades in school

b) having a family member in a gang

c) hearing others discuss being in a gang

d) feeling isolated from the popular in-crowd

The nurse cares for the client diagnosed with acute cholecystitis. The client states, "My stomach hurts all the way up to my right shoulder. I am nauseated and have vomited twice." Which order should the nurse carry out first?A. Insert NG tube and attach to intermittent low suction.B. Trimethobenzamide 200 mg rectally 3x/daily.C. Morphine 15 mg IM q4h PRN.D. NPO


The first order the nurse should carry out for the client diagnosed with acute cholecystitis is (D) NPO (nothing by mouth).

The first priority in the care of a client diagnosed with acute cholecystitis is to maintain NPO status (nothing by mouth) to rest the gallbladder and prevent further inflammation. This is important because it helps to prevent further irritation and complications by allowing the gastrointestinal system to rest and heal. After addressing the client's immediate need, the nurse can proceed with the other interventions as needed.

The client's symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting are all indicative of cholecystitis and the nurse should withhold all oral intake until further orders are given by the healthcare provider. Orders for pain management and antiemetics may be given once the client's NPO status is established. The insertion of an NG tube with intermittent low suction may be considered in severe cases of cholecystitis, but it is not the first priority in this situation.

Therefore, the correct option is (D) 'NPO'.

Learn more about cholecystitis:


D. NPO. The priority action for the nurse to carry out first for a client with acute cholecystitis who reports pain, nausea, and vomiting is to initiate NPO (nothing by mouth) status.

NPO status is important to help reduce further stimulation of the gallbladder and prevent further inflammation or complications. The client may require fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy and medications to manage pain and nausea, but these interventions should not be initiated until the client's NPO status has been established.

Option A, inserting an NG tube and attaching to intermittent low suction, may be necessary in some cases to relieve gastric distention and prevent aspiration, but this is not the priority action at this time.

Option B, administering Trimethobenzamide 200 mg rectally 3x/daily, may help to manage nausea and vomiting, but this is not the priority action at this time.

Option C, administering Morphine 15 mg IM q4h PRN, may help to manage pain, but this is not the priority action at this time. Additionally, opioids should be used with caution in clients with acute cholecystitis, as they can cause spasms in the biliary tract and worsen the condition.

To know more about nausea


the nurse is reviewing documentation from the previous shift. the nurse is correct when determining the patient has a stage iii pressure ulcer based on which note?


Without reviewing the actual documentation, it is difficult to determine which note would indicate a stage III pressure ulcer. However, in general, the nurse would look for specific characteristics in the documentation that are consistent with a stage III pressure ulcer.

These characteristics may include:

A full-thickness loss of skin with visible subcutaneous tissueA crater-like appearanceNo exposed muscle or bonePossible drainage or slough (dead tissue) presentPossible undermining or tunneling

If a note contains language that describes these characteristics, it may indicate a stage III pressure ulcer. However, it is important to note that only a qualified healthcare provider should make an official diagnosis of a pressure ulcer.

Learn more about   pressure ulcer


The nurse reviews the documentation from the previous shift and finds the following note: The patient has a pressure ulcer on the sacrum measuring 4x3 cm.

The wound presents with full-thickness skin loss, exposing subcutaneous tissue.

There is no exposed muscle, tendon, or bone.

Surrounding skin is erythematous and edematous, with no signs of tunneling or undermining.

The wound bed is moist with moderate serous drainage and minimal slough.

A hydrocolloid dressing has been applied, and the patient has been repositioned for offloading.

Patient education regarding pressure ulcer prevention and care has been provided. Will continue to monitor and document wound progress.

Based on this note, the nurse is correct in determining that the patient has a Stage III pressure ulcer due to full-thickness skin loss and exposed subcutaneous tissue.

For more such answers on Pressure Ulcer


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