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Natural selection, adaptations, genetic variation, and population evolution are all related in terms of changes in phenotypes overtime. Evaluate which statement appropriately describes the relationship between the concepts of natural selection, adaptations,genetic variation, and population evolution and select the best choice.A)8)Genetic variation exists in a population. Some of the genetic variationresults in different phenotypes. The phenotypes that enhance survival arecalled adaptations. Individuals with well-adapted phenotypes are moreLikely to survive and reproduce, leading to population evolution overgenerations.Adaptations exist in certain individuals in a population. The increase inadaptations causes an increase in genetic variation. The adaptations thatenhance survival lead to larger populations, which further increasesgenetic variation. Individuals with well-adapted phenotypes are moreLikely to survive and reproduce, leading to population evolution overgenerations.Genetic variation is high in a population, but random events cause it todecrease. Populations with fewer individuals and lower genetic diversityare able to undergo natural selection when selective pressures are high.The increase in selective pressure causes an increase in adaptations thatare better suited for survival This results in an evolutionary change of apopulationSelective pressures exist in nature and cause changes in a population.Populations with high selective pressures have higher rates of geneticchange, leading to an increase in genetic variation, Increased geneticvariation leads to some individuals having well-suited adaptations. Thepresence of these new adaptations is evidence that the population haschanged, or undergone evolutionoD)