7. Nonconformist literature is best described as...
a piece of writing that is crazy and outlandish
a piece of writing that is not conventional
a piece of writing that is fantastical in nature
a piece of writing that is conventional
1 point


Answer 1
I’m pretty sure that the answer is B a piece of writing that is not conventional

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why does your voice matter?



A voice gives your opinions a platform, and gifts you with the opportunity to have perspective and knowledge on things that matter. No two voices are the same, each voice has something different to say.

What evidence supports the position that the media does not accurately portray gang life?


There is a significant amount of evidence to support the position that the media does not accurately portray gang life. Here are some examples:

What evidence supports the position that the media does not accurately portray gang life?

Exaggeration and sensationalism: Media outlets often exaggerate or sensationalize stories about gang life, making it seem more dangerous and violent than it actually is. This can create a distorted view of gang life that is not representative of the reality.

Stereotyping: The media often relies on stereotypes when depicting gang members, portraying them as one-dimensional, violent criminals who are beyond redemption. This reinforces negative perceptions of gang life and can lead to further stigmatization of gang members.

Limited perspective: Media coverage of gang life tends to focus on the most extreme examples, such as gang-related shootings and drug busts. This limited perspective ignores the complex social and economic factors that contribute to gang involvement, and does not accurately represent the full range of experiences of those involved in gang life.

Read more on media here:https://brainly.com/question/26152499


You are learning about a microscopic change that altered the course of human history. Research and/or think of another small change that has had far-reaching effects. Discuss that “small change” and its far-reaching effects here. (5-7 sentences required for full credit.)


One example of a small change that had far-reaching effects is the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928.

Discuss the discovery of penicillin and its far-reaching effects.

One example of a small change that had far-reaching effects is the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928. This accidental discovery occurred when Fleming noticed that a mould, which had contaminated a petri dish of Staphylococcus bacteria, had prevented the bacteria from growing. This led to the identification and isolation of penicillin, a type of antibiotic that could be used to treat bacterial infections.

The discovery of penicillin had a profound impact on medicine and human health. Prior to its discovery, bacterial infections were often deadly, and there were no effective treatments available. Penicillin quickly became the go-to treatment for a wide range of infections, including pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. Its availability and effectiveness revolutionized modern medicine, and it has saved countless lives around the world.

In addition, the discovery of penicillin paved the way for the development of other antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant drugs, which have further advanced our ability to treat infections. However, the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have also contributed to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is now a major global health concern. Overall, the discovery of penicillin demonstrates how a small change can have far-reaching effects and transform our understanding of a particular field or area of study.

To learn more about discovery, visit:



What words could replace convictions as the clergymen uses it in the second sentence of the statement? what is the impact on the reader of the opening phrase of the statement.


Depending on the desired connotation, a number of phrases might be used in place of convictions inside the clergymen's speech.

What other words may be used in lieu of convictions with in two sentences of the statement by the clergyman?

Beliefs, values, principles, opinions, or viewpoints are a few examples. We know via hard experience," which is used as the statement's first sentence, immediately gives the reader a sense of gravity.

It suggests that the next assertion is grounded in actual experience rather than merely being based on theories or abstract ideas. This expression also implies that the problem being solved is urgent and of significant importance.

To know more about clergymen's visit:



Unpopular opinion: BO3 has the best zombies



BO3 does have the best zombies


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Why didn’t she leave Bruno with his parents?



maybe she was busy or Bruno's parents were in danger?


sorry if this didn't help you have a good day

Compose a paragraph explaining the similarities and differences of the three genres/styles of writing. about Fields of Blood: My Life As a Prison Laborer?


The memoir "Fields of Blood: My Life as a Prison Laborer" can be analyzed in three different genres/styles of writing: narrative, descriptive, and persuasive. In terms of similarities, each genre emphasizes different elements of the story. The narrative genre prioritizes the sequence of events of the author's life as a laborer in prison. The descriptive genre provides vivid imagery and sensory details of the harsh realities and experiences the author faced. The persuasive genre aims to convince readers of the injustices and inhumanities of the prison system. Despite these differences, each genre serves to convey the author's personal experience and perspective of the systemic issues of the criminal justice system in the United States as a prison laborer.

What change, if any, needs to be made In sentence 24? À Change can also to could also BE Delete the comma after wearing C Change are moving to is moving D No change needs to be made in this sentence. Q​


The word "can" should be changed to "could" in sentence 24 to signify a potential or hypothetical circumstance. This means that the proper phrase is: Not everyone agrees, but some people believe that masks could also help stop the flu from spreading.

What's the best way to end this sentence?

What elements must a construction include in order to qualify as a sentence? The answer is that it needs to have both a subject and a predicate. The phrase "She sleeps" serves as an example of a succinct, complete sentence. She is the subject, and the predicate is that she sleeps.

What is two whole sentences?

When two complete phrases are placed next to one another without a comma or other connecting word, run-on sentences result.

To know more about completes visit:



What type of Figurative language is curiosity killed the cat


The phrase "curiosity killed the cat" is an idiom, which is a type of figurative language. It means that excessive curiosity or prying can be dangerous or harmful.

The phrase is not meant to be taken literally, as it is highly unlikely that a cat would die simply from being curious. Instead, it is a way of warning against being too nosy or meddling in other people's business.

Idioms are a common type of figurative language that are often used in everyday speech and can add color, humor, or emphasis to a conversation. They can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand, as they often do not follow standard rules of grammar or syntax.

To learn more about Idioms, here



My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked, so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighbor's lawn, and the consoling proximity of millionaires—all for eighty dollars a month.

Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water, and the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there.

The contrast created between East Egg and West Egg suggests that

the main character feels comfortable in all social situations.
Nick will experience a series of financial pitfalls as the story unfolds.
the story’s conflict will be based on wealth and appearances.
the story will be presented from a number of differing perspectives.


the main character is not intimidated by the wealth of East Egg.

In the context of the Thelma and Louise story in the module, suppose that Louise discovers Thelma's action (confess or don't confess) before choosing her own actionBased on the payoff matrix provided, Louise willa. confess whether or not Thelma confessed.b. not confess only if Thelma confessed.c. not confess only if Thelma didn't confess.d. not confess regardless of whether or not Thelma confessed.e. confess only if Thelma did not confess


If Louise discovers Thelma's action before choosing her own action in the Thelma and Louise story, her decision will depend on Thelma's action and the corresponding payoff in the matrix. The Correct option D

If Thelma chooses to confess, Louise will choose to confess as well, since this would result in the lowest jail time for her.

If Thelma chooses not to confess, Louise will choose to not confess if she is risk averse, as this would result in the lowest total jail time for both of them. However, if Louise is risk-seeking, she may choose to confess, as this would result in a higher potential payoff for her (5 years in jail instead of 6 months).

In summary, Louise's decision will depend on Thelma's action and her own risk preference.

Learn more about Louise story



Complete Question:

Which of the following is a possible decision that Louise would make if she discovered Thelma's action (confess or don't confess) before choosing her own action in the Thelma and Louise story, based on the provided payoff matrix:

a. confess whether or not Thelma confessed.

b. not confess only if Thelma confessed.

c. not confess only if Thelma didn't confess.

d. not confess regardless of whether or not Thelma confessed.

e. confess only if Thelma did not confess.

Which words from the Which of the following sentences can be revised to eliminate redundancies?
The coast of Florida is home to many unique sea creatures like the manatee.
The Golden Gate Bridge leads from the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean.
Nebraska's primary farm products are cattle, hogs, soybeans, and wheat.
The tall skyscrapers in New York City maximize the space of a small area.
passage help to create a dark or grim tone?


The huge skyscrapers in New York City maximise the space of a tiny location, making that response the best one out of all the others. Redundancies can be removed from this sentence by editing it.

How can writers avoid repetition and wordiness?

Wordiness and repetition elimination is a crucial writing skill. Eliminating passive voice is a good place to start. Repeated words should also be found and removed. Prepositional and appositive phrases should also be checked for and made sure they are relative.

Why should you cut down on wordiness and repetition in your writing?

When a writer uses words, phrases, and concepts more than once when they might be left out without losing significance, this is known as redundancy. However, more crucially, it tends to make your writing difficult to read.

To know more about redundancies visit:



Is calamity an abstract noun ?


Yes, calamity is an abstract noun. It refers to a disastrous event or a great misfortune, which is not something that can be physically touched or seen, and therefore it is an abstract concept.
No, "calamity" is not an abstract noun. It is a concrete noun that refers to an event that causes great harm or distress, such as a disaster, tragedy, or catastrophe. Abstract nouns, on the other hand, refer to concepts or ideas that cannot be perceived with the senses, such as love, happiness, or justice.
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• Prompt 1: There is one door you pass every day that is always locked. However, one day, you pass by and it's slightly ajar. You decide to walk in. Plan a narrative about what you find and what happens when you enter.

now Include the final draft of your narrative below. Use this checklist to be sure you have included all required elements:
 an exposition that introduces a protagonist and a setting
 rising action that introduces the conflict and two events that develop the conflict
 a climax in which the protagonist must make a decision to resolve their conflict
 falling action that reveals what happens after the protagonist’s decision
 a resolution that contains the protagonist’s reflection and a theme (or lesson learned)
 well-developed characters, conflict, and setting
 at least two narrative techniques (dialogue, flashback, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, pacing, or sensory details)
 temporal words and phrases that clarify the passage of time for your reader
 at least 500 words in length


Every day, I passed by the same door. It was always locked, and I never gave it much thought. But one day, as I walked by, I noticed that it was slightly ajar. I hesitated for a moment, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to walk in.

The room was dark and musty, and I could feel the dust in the air. I took a few steps forward and noticed a faint light coming from the corner of the

Read the passage. In 1803, Congress approved the treaty that finalized the Louisiana Purchase. The size of the United States almost doubled. Jefferson still held hope that the territory contained the famed and elusive Northwest Passage, a water route from the eastern United States to the Pacific Ocean, but because this land had not yet been explored by White settlers, Jefferson and Congress were in the dark about exactly what they had purchased. Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis, his private secretary, and William Clark, an associate of Lewis’s, to explore the territory. Without the help of Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman Lewis and Clark met in the Rocky Mountains, it is unlikely their expedition would have been as successful as it was. Which text structure is used in this passage?

chronological order


The text structure used in this passage is chronological order.

Louisiana Purchase pact

In the Louisiana Purchase pact, which was signed between the United States and France, the U.S. paid $15 million for around 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River. The agreement was signed on April 30 in Paris and ratified on October 20 by the U.S. Senate. The whole Mississippi River valley and the port of New Orleans, a significant entry point for American trade, were included in the acquisition of the land. The acquisition significantly increased the size of the United States' western possessions and effectively doubled its size. The Louisiana Purchase also made the American West more accessible for settlement and westward migration. James Monroe and Robert Livingston negotiated the agreement on

To know more about Chronological Order, on the link :



Kindly help ASAP:)
Read the following text, which is an advertisement for a climbing holiday in Greece.
Analyse the text, focusing on form, structure and language. [25]

Kalymnos is a beautiful Greek island. Its fantastic limestone cliffs make it a paradise
for sport climbing at all grades. Just add sun, sea, secluded beaches, friendly people,
delicious food and great weather and you understand why it’s a world-class climbing
Small boats will take you from island to island with clear water and amazing beaches.
It is a great place to chill out after climbing. Beach bars, snorkelling, kayaking, great
food, fishing, diving, scooter tours, yoga: Kalymnos offers it all. This island has made
a big impression on those that go and return year after year.

Kalymnos has become one of the most popular rock climbing destinations in the world.
The variety of climbing is endless. For beginners, intermediate as well as experienced
climbers there are slabs, technical walls, and steep caves with tufas1. The different
climbing areas on the island are close to one another and easy to get to. And they often offer breathtaking views over the Mediterranean sea and the island of Telendos. Finally, a mild climate and the warm hospitality of local inhabitants have made Kalymnos a favourite amongst rock climbers.
The Kalymnos climbing holiday will be geared towards your individual abilities and
aspirations. Depending on where you are in your climbing career, our climbing guides
can focus their attention on your lead climbing skills, which might involve rope
awareness, clipping practice and teaching you how to thread anchors. Or they will aim
to improve your movement skills and teach you how to climb more efficiently so you
can climb harder routes than you have ever climbed before. Some climbers take the
opportunity to improve their mental approach to climbing. For instance to learn to deal
with fear of falling or failing. Either way, your instructors will aim to give you the best
possible climbing experience.

Saturday: arrival on Kos, take the ferry to Kalymnos, settle in your accommodation.
Meet and greet dinner
Sunday: single pitch sport climbing with certified guide
Monday: single pitch sport climbing and coaching
Tuesday: climbing and coaching
Wednesday: rest day
Thursday: climbing and coaching
Friday: climbing and coaching
Saturday: departure

We don’t have a set list of crags, though some of our favourite climbing areas on
Kalymnos are: Afternoon, Arginonta Valley, Lambda (on the island of Telendos),
Palionisos, Odyssey and Grande Grotta.

Greece is known for its very hot summers. In the winter there are not many flights to
Kos. Spring and autumn are therefore the best times of year to go climbing on Kalymnos.We organise climbing trips to Kalymnos in May and October, when it is not too hot, the sea is warm and the days are long.

Your accommodation will be located in Massouri/Myrties, which is where the climbers
on the island prefer to stay because of its restaurants, bars, climbing shops, minimarkets and beaches. It is within walking distance to some of Kalymnos’ most popular crags, like ‘Grande Grotte’, ‘Afternoon’, ‘Panorama’ and ‘Poets’. For those wanting to explore Kalymnos, transport is readily available. You can either go by bus or taxi or rent a scooter. Most climbing venues are within walking distance of your accommodation and the water taxi port to take the ferry to the island of Telendos is just down the road.

• 7 nights accommodation including breakfast
• 5 days guided climbing and coaching
• Maximum instructor–client ratio is 1:6
• Transport to/from crags

• Fly to Kos
• Ideal for those climbing grade F5 up to F7B+
• Inland and sea-cliff climbing
• Limestone slabs, vertical walls and steep overhangs
1tufas: limestone rock formations



The text is an advertisement for a climbing holiday in Greece. It is written in a brochure style with headings and bullet points, making it easy to navigate and read. The text is split into several sections, each with a different focus, such as the focus of the holiday, itinerary, accommodation, and what is included.


The text is structured with an introduction, followed by three main sections: "Focus of the Kalymnos Climbing Holiday," "Kalymnos Climbing Holiday Itinerary," and "Kalymnos Weather & Climate." The introduction provides an overview of Kalymnos and the reasons why it is a world-class climbing destination. The first section describes the different types of climbing available and how the instructors will tailor the holiday to individual abilities. The second section outlines the itinerary for the week-long holiday, and the third section gives information on the best time of year to visit Kalymnos for climbing.


The language used in the text is descriptive and engaging, using powerful adjectives to create a sense of excitement and adventure. For example, "fantastic," "paradise," "secluded," "breath-taking," and "favourite." The text uses specific technical terms related to climbing, such as "single pitch sport climbing," "lead climbing skills," and "thread anchors," which would be familiar to experienced climbers. The text also includes information on the location, such as the different crags and climbing areas, the type of rock formations, and the accommodation available. The text is written in a persuasive tone, encouraging readers to book the holiday and describing it as the "best possible climbing experience."

I am Caribeña, island grown. Spanish is in my flesh,ripples from my tongue, lodges in my hips:the language of garlic and mangoes,the singing in my poetry, the flying gestures of my hands.-"Child of the Americas,"Aurora Levins MoralesHow is the speaker portrayed in this passage? having a first-person speaker is appropriate to the poem's purpose because it emphasizes the:______.a. as a confident and self-aware personb. as someone who is confused about conflicting identities b. as a product of multiple cultures


The speaker portrayed in this passage as a product of multiple cultures. So the option c is correct. Having a first-person speaker is appropriate to the poem's purpose because it emphasizes the emotion. So the option c is correct.

The speaker in this passage is a proud Caribeña, or Caribbean person, who celebrates her heritage and identity. She speaks of the Spanish language not just as a set of words but as a part of her physical being, woven into her flesh, her tongue, and her hips.

She celebrates the language of garlic and mangoes, the singing of her poetry, and the flying gestures of her hands, all of which reflect her many cultures. So the option c is correct.

Having a first-person speaker in the poem allows for a more intimate and direct connection between the reader and the speaker. It emphasizes the emotion of the poem, as the speaker is able to express their feelings in an unfiltered way.

By using a first-person speaker, the reader is able to more clearly understand the emotions that the speaker is conveying.  So the option c is correct.

To learn more about Child of the Americas link is here



The complete question is:

I am Caribeña, island grown. Spanish is in my flesh, ripples from my tongue, lodges in my hips: the language of garlic and mangoes, the singing in my poetry, the flying gestures of my hands.-"Child of the Americas, "Aurora Levin's Morales. How is the speaker portrayed in this passage?

a. as a confident and self-aware person

b. as someone who is confused about conflicting identities

c. as a product of multiple cultures

d. as someone disconnected from their heritage

Having a first-person speaker is appropriate to the poem's purpose because it emphasizes the:______.

a. narrator's point of view

b. imagery

c. emotion

d. symbolism

Freedom in 1984 is a misnomer representing a false sense of freedom.
for example ....


In George Orwell's tragic book "1984," the idea of opportunity is depicted as a misnomer, addressing a misguided feeling of opportunity. This is clear in different parts of the novel, for example,

Thought Police: In the extremist society portrayed in "1984," the Idea Police screen and control the contemplations and convictions of people. This harsh reconnaissance takes out the opportunity of thought and articulation, as even the smallest deviation from the Party's philosophy is heartlessly rebuffed. The Party's control of data and steady observation makes a deception of opportunity, where people are reluctant to offer their actual viewpoints and assessments.

Doublethink: Doublethink is an idea in "1984" where people are expected to hold two disconnected convictions at the same time and acknowledge them as evident. This bending of the truth is forced by the Party to keep up with its power and command over the majority. Doublethink takes out the opportunity to think basically and freely, as people are compelled to acknowledge Party publicity undeniably.

Newspeak: Newspeak is the Party's language in "1984" intended to restrict and control correspondence. It expects to limit the scope of thought by killing words and ideas that could be utilized to communicate difference or insubordination. This control of language confines opportunity of articulation and autonomous idea, as people are denied of the resources to completely explain their thoughts and sentiments.

Absence of Security: In "1984," the Party continually screens and attacks the protection of people through telescreens, stowed away receivers, and witnesses. This absence of security denies people of their individual flexibility and makes a culture of dread and doubt, where individuals are hesitant to communicate their actual selves or participate in confidential discussions or exercises.

To learn more about George Orwell's tragic book


studies show that brushing every day with gleam toothpaste will extend the life of your teeth. this is an example of what fallacy?


According to studies, using Gleam Toothpaste to wash your teeth every day will increase their lifespan. This is an illustration of the misconception known as conflict inflation.

1. Fallacies are typically separated into "formal" and "informal" categories. When something opposes or subverts this basic tendency, a fallacy is created. How is it that incorrect thinking can look good.

2.An argument is typically regarded as being fallacious not just because it makes a mistake, but also because there is a chance that someone can be misled by the mistake.

3. A crucial skill is the capacity to tell a true argument from a misleading one. It's an important component of critical thinking, and it can prevent you from believing fake news.

A logical fallacy could deceive you into drawing conclusions that you'll later come to regret.

To learn more about fallacy visit:



Identify Patterns Use the symbols 'andº to mark the meter of lines

10–13 of the sonnet; use letters of the alphabet to identify the rhyme

scheme. What type of rhythmic pattern, or meter, do these lines follow?


The rhyme scheme of lines 10–13 of the sonnet are line 10 'With this same key Shakespeare unlocked his heart,' A. Line 11 'And I with leave his words to your allow,' B. Line 12 'All passions far above my shallow art,' A. Line 13 'His elder sister's influence doth avow.' B. These lines follows iambic pentameter rhythmic pattern.

When two words end in the same sounds, they are said to rhyme; this is a poetic device that is frequently used. While rhyme is not always necessary, as in the case of free verse or haiku, rhyme can enhance the beauty and depth of your poetry.

The rhymes in a rhyming poem typically follow a pattern. For instance, the pattern can be that the first and second lines rhyme with the third and fourth, respectively. You might also make two consecutive lines that rhyme. A rhyme system is a group of letters that stands for a poem's rhyme scheme. These are referred to as "letter variables," and capital letters are used to denote which lines rhyme with one another.  

To learn more about rhyme scheme link is here



Work with your group to create two lessons. The first lesson should be a written set of instructions for learning and applying a skill of some kind. Use text features and graphics to make the instructions easy to understand. The second lesson should be an oral set of instructions for learning and applying the same skill. This second lesson might take the form of an audio recording, a video, or an in-person presentation. Use media of any kind to make these instructions easy to understand, or find a way to make up for a lack of media.
When you get done, share your written lesson with one group in your class and your oral lesson with another group in your class. Each of those groups will attempt to follow your instructions to learn and to apply the skill. At the same time, your group will follow the instructions in lessons from two other groups. When all the groups are finished, you will exchange feedback and make changes before turning in your two lessons.
Follow your teacher's guidance about how the lessons should be shared, which tools to use, how to form groups, and so on. Here in the practice guide, record your group's progress by answering the questions, and submit your portion of the group project. However, keep in mind that you are responsible for making sure both lessons meet all the requirements of the assignment, so be sure to help other members in your group as needed.

1. Form groups. Your teacher will decide how big each group should be and which students should be assigned to what group.
Work with your group to pick a skill you will teach in your lessons. Remember that the skill shouldn't require special equipment or a lot of materials. It should also be something a person can complete in less than half an hour, is usually taught in school, and is an actual skill, not just a fact or a piece of information to memorize.
Once you select a skill, figure out how to apply it and teach it. Use online research to help you, if needed.
Selecting and putting a skill into practice is the first challenge your group will face. Be sure to use the strategies you learned for successful group work to stay on track, settle disagreements, show respect, and make sure everyone participates.
In the space below, describe the skill your group has chosen.

2. With your group, plan your written set of instructions. Figure out each part of the skill the reader must learn to apply the skill. Then figure out how you will arrange the parts in your lesson. Also figure out how you can use graphics and text features to make the lesson easy to understand. Take notes in the space below.

3. Now work with your group to plan your oral set of instructions. Decide what form the oral instructions will take: audio, video, or in-person presentation.
Also discuss how you will make up for not being able to rely on text (and perhaps graphics) as much as you did in the written lesson. Finally, if your oral lesson is not audio only, discuss how you might use media to help listeners understand the instructions. Take notes in the space below.

4. Talk to your group about how to divide the work involved in the project and choose roles. Below, record each group member's role. Also describe your role and which part of the project is your responsibility.

5. Complete your part in the group project. Then, when everyone is ready, meet with your group to put the parts together.
In the space below, show the part of the project you completed yourself, if possible. If not possible, describe how you contributed.

6. Now it's time for your group to publish your lessons or present them to other groups. One group in your class will access your written lesson. A different group will access, or listen to, your oral lesson.
Combine your text and media into files and make them available online for other groups to access. If your oral set of instructions is meant to be presented in person, now is the time to give that presentation. Your teacher will decide which group will be the audience for each of your lessons.

7. Follow the instructions in the lessons other groups in your class give you. As you learn and apply each skill, discuss with your group how well the other group taught that skill.
In the space below, record feedback for each group that gave you a set of instructions to follow. Point out both the positive qualities of their lesson and ways it could be improved. Be polite, helpful, and constructive.


This improves pupils' spoken language abilities and gives them practise in a skill needed to master written language. Hold on to the gaze.

What do directions in education mean?

Instruction is the process of imparting knowledge and involving pupils in learning. (2) Curriculum is the planned content and strategy used to introduce pupils to a certain body of information and set of abilities; instruction is the way a teacher schedules time and activities to carry out that content and strategy.

What exactly do spoken instructions entail?

Our ability to communicate knowledge, thoughts, and emotions verbally is known as oral language. Therefore, improving ELs' oral language requires improving their listening and speaking abilities, both of which are closely related to their ability to understand what is being read and to express themselves in writing.

To know more about instructions visit:



List at least 10 questions about your college or career choice and provide simple answers to the questions. Do not copy and paste answers from Web sites. You need to use your own words to paraphrase the information you find.

Can you write about yourself. Doesnt matter to me. Thank you!


Several issues pertaining to careers are Describe Yourself to Me. Why Do You Deserve This Position the Most? Why Are You Seeking This Job? What prior experience has aided you in this position lately?

What inquiries would you make while deciding on a career?

self-reflection queries related to careers. What piques my interest? What are my present abilities? What type of personality am I? What kind of education or training is required for me to reach my job goals? What is the future of employment in this field? What is the perfect work-life balance for me? Is my current career making me happy?

What is a decent question to ask oneself in order to determine your job path?

1. Do you prefer working on your alone or in a group? This issue is one of the most critical while thinking about your job route. It can decide your level of productivity, efficiency, and enjoyment at work.

To know more about career questions visit:



Which inference is supported by the underlined
portion of the passage on page 1?

Although the Chunnel is perceived to be an
underwater tunnel, the majority of it is actually underground.

Tunnels similar to the Chunnel may be built, but none is likely to be greater in size and scale.

The Chunnel was impressive for its time, but modern technology makes it seem more commonplace.

Although it was built decades ago, the Chunnel remains exceptional by current standards.


We can see here that the inference that is supported by the underlined portion of the passage on page 1 is: A. Although the Chunnel is perceived to be an underwater tunnel, the majority of it is actually underground.

What is inference?

Drawing conclusions or passing judgment based on data, logic, and context is the process of inference.

Making an educated guess or forecast about something that is not clearly stated includes utilising the knowledge that is currently accessible.

Inferences are frequently based on hints or data that can be observed or gleaned from a range of sources, such as text, pictures, and other types of media.

We can see here that inference usually gives us the conclusion of a particular matter.

Learn more about inference on https://brainly.com/question/25913650


In Part 1 of Fahrenheit 451, the Montag begins to question why society has accepted the rule of a totalitarian government that burns books as a form of censorship.

After reading the Common Lit article, "Following the Crowd" use the information in the article to analyze why the society in the novel has accepted this rule. Why are they “following the crowd” instead of speaking up and/or taking action? What specific evidence from the article provides clues as to why the people might or might not rebel? Then, provide your personal thoughts/reactions to the article.


The search for information is a major theme in Fahrenheit 451: Part 1. Montag struggles with the decision of whether he should continue his quest for knowledge or follow the example of his wife, his coworkers, and his fellow citizens and only accept entertainment in place of genuine study.

Montag starts to question society because of which character?

Montag's unexpected encounter with Clarisse, a perceptive and nonconformist adolescent, makes him reevaluate his worldview, and as a result, he starts to doubt his civilization.

Montag starts to wonder about what.

Montag begins to doubt his own principles and views after meeting Clarisse, and he is curious to know more about her and the reasons behind her unconventional way of thinking.

To know more about totalitarian government visit:-



Which is the mood created in this excerpt?



The mood that was made in this excerpt was bewilderment . (Option B.)

What is mood of a passage?

The mood of a section is the feeling or atmosphere established by the writer in relation to the story's topic.

Bewilderment is defined as a condition of bewilderment. Lori was unsure if the parents were joyful or unhappy during the photo shoot based on the extract.

As a result, the emotion generated is bewilderment.

Mood in literature refers to the narrative's atmosphere. Setting, attitude, and descriptions all contribute to mood. Because mood and setting are inextricably linked, they may be regarded individually to some extent. The aura of emotion that surrounds the tale is referred to as the atmosphere.

Learn more about mood:



Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question:

Read the excerpt from Lori's memoir project.

I look at the old photo and really consider it for the first

time. How did my parents feel that fateful day? Did

they express joy when they heard the news? My

mother grasps my father's arm tightly; was happiness

in that tiny gesture? My father's lips are taught and

compressed together-a face he makes when waiting.

What is it in their postures that makes my own heart

beat faster, willing the belief that their wishes had been

answered right after the camera clicked?

Which is the mood created in this excerpt?

A. contemplation

B. bewilderment

C. uncertainty

D. disappointment

What can be inferred in the work of teachers?


Answer: It can be inferred that teachers are always working to better teach their students.

Summary of catcher in the rye chapters 1-5


The novel, " The catcher in the rye", involves the main character and narrator, Holden, who is introduced in the opening chapter by Salinger.

In the first chapter, the reader and the psychologist to whom he is speaking are equally engaged by the first- and second-person narration. The second chapter is primarily devoted to Holden's encounter with Mr. Spencer.

He portrays him as an old, frail teacher who was often hunched over in class. In chapter three, Holden continues to despise authority as he discusses Mr. Ossenburger, the man for whom his dorm is named. Holden views Ossenburger as just another con artist. The majority of Salinger's fourth chapter takes place in the dorm's men's room, or "the can," as Holden so beautifully refers to it.

Holden characterizes Stradlater as a fake fool who can't hold a meaningful conversation while having a good-looking physique and a beautiful build. The fifth chapter expands on Holden's habits and convictions introduced in the earlier chapters.

To know more about the characters, refer:



8 unit 5
Cassidy is giving a speech to a group of conference attendees, most of whom are strangers. What language register should Cassidy use?

The register used at home.

The register the majority of the audience would use.

A very formal register in case anyone important is in the room.

The register used with friends.


I believe the answer is C, if her boss showed up it is important to be formal and prepared for her meeting.

what is douglass's position in the speech "the hypocrisy of american slavery, july 4 1852"? how does douglass reveal his viewpoint to the reader?


The goal of Douglass's speech "The Hypocrisy of American Slavery" (presented on July 4, 1852) is to embarrass the American people, in particular the Rochester, New York, citizens who asked the former slave to deliver a speech on a day honouring American freedom.

What figurative language does the hypocrisy of American slavery use?

America is unfaithful to the past, present, and sincerely vows to be false to the future, according to the anaphora. Because fire, not light, is what is needed; thunder, not a soft downpour, is what is needed. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake, to use hyperbole.

In his speech on July 4, Frederick Douglass addressed whom?

Mr. President, Douglass addresses you as he begins his remarks. Good people, good neighbors. He is most likely not addressing to the president of the United States in this instance, but rather the leader of the Anti-Slavery Society. It is noteworthy that Douglass views himself as a citizen and on a par with the onlookers.

To know more about douglass visit:



Write an expository essay about the benefits of space exploration.
Your expository essay must be based on this prompt and topic, and it must
incorporate ideas and information found in the sources provided.
Use your best writing to complete an essay that


I'm afraid we can't write an essay, but we can give you some kick-up on your topic of the "benefits of space exploration."

Benefits of Space Exploration:

Improves health careProtects our planet and its environmentOffers scientific and technical jobsImproves our everyday livesEnhances our safety on EarthMaking scientific discoveriesSparking youth's interest in scienceHelps to cooperate with countries around the world

Check out this website for more information on these kick-ups:


Make sure you don't depend on this website, use other websites. Make sure they are credible and trustworthy. If you want to know how to find a credible and trustworthy site, I'll teach you. Just send a comment.

Add more research. Search up the following keywords to help search: How does space exploration ______________?

Fill in the blank.

ex. How does space exploration improve health care?

How does space exploration protect our planet and its environment?


Cite sources and add a bibliography, which is a section at the end of an article or writing that lists the sources used for the text, along with a quote from a famous scientist. If you can, add photos with captions, and don't forget to cite the image source. Remember to use paragraphs and indent at the beginning of each one. To indent, use the "tab" button on your keyboard.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

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