A company is criticized because only 13 of 43 people in executive-level positions are women. The company explains that although this proportion is lower than it might wish, it’s not surprising given that only 40% of all their employees are women. What do you think? Test an appropriate hypothesis and state your conclusion.


Answer 1

To test whether the proportion of women in executive-level positions is significantly lower than the proportion of women in the company as a whole, we can perform a hypothesis test.

Null Hypothesis: The proportion of women in executive-level positions is equal to or greater than the proportion of women in the company as a whole.

Alternative Hypothesis: The proportion of women in executive-level positions is significantly lower than the proportion of women in the company as a whole.

Using a significance level of 0.05, we can perform a one-tailed z-test for the difference in proportions.

Assuming a total sample size of 43 executives and a proportion of women in the company as a whole of 0.4, we find that the expected number of women in executive-level positions would be 43*0.4 = 17.2.

Using a z-test, we find that the test statistic is z = (13-17.2)/sqrt(0.4*0.6/43) = -1.89.

Using a z-table, we find that the p-value for z = -1.89 is approximately 0.029.

Since the p-value is less than the significance level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the proportion of women in executive-level positions is significantly lower than the proportion of women in the company as a whole. The company's explanation is not sufficient to account for the observed discrepancy.


Related Questions

The area of a rectangular room is 750 square feet. The width of the room is 5 feet less than the length of the room. Which equations can be used to solve for y, the length of the room? Select three options. y(y + 5) = 750 y2 – 5y = 750 750 – y(y – 5) = 0 y(y – 5) + 750 = 0 (y + 25)(y – 30) = 0



y² -5y = 750750 -y(y -5) = 0(y +25)(y -30) = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

You want three equations that can be used to solve for the length (y) of a room that is whose width is 5 feet less than its length and whose area is 750 square feet.


The area of the room is the product of its length and width. We are given that the length is y, so the width is (y-5) and that product is ...

  A = LW

  750 = y(y -5)

This equation can be rearranged into several different forms:

  y² -5y = 750 . . . . . . . multiply it out

  750 -y(y -5) = 0 . . . . . subtract the right side expression

  (y +25)(y -30) = 0 . . . . factor it

Simplify 6^2/6 x 6^12/6^8


Step-by-step explanation:

6^2 / 6^1   x    6^12 / 6^8   =

6^(2-1)      x    6^(12-8)   =

6^1          x    6^4   =

6^(1+4)  =   6^5     or  = 7776

7. Fill in the bubbles to indicate whether
each expression is linear or not linear.
5x Linear or Nonlinear
6x+1 Linear or Nonlinear
10xy Linear or Nonlinear
17 Linear or Nonlinear
4x^2 Linear or Nonlinear


The type of the relation are

Linear: 5x, 6x + 1 and 16Nonlinear: 10xy and 4x^2

Indicating whether each expression is linear or not linear

A linear expression is an algebraic expression in which each term has a degree of 1 (or 0), and the variables are raised only to the first power.

In the given expressions:

"5x" and "6x + 1" have only the variable "x" raised to the power of 1, making them linear."10xy" has the variables "x" and "y" both raised to the power of 1, making it nonlinear."17" is a constant term and has a degree of 0, making it linear."4x^2" has the variable "x" raised to the power of 2, making it nonlinear.

Therefore, the linear expressions are "5x", "6x + 1", and "17". The nonlinear expressions are "10xy" and "4x^2".

Read more about linear relations at



You have a credit card with a balance of $754.43 at a 13.6% APR. You have $300.00 available each
month to save or pay down your debts.
a. How many months will it take to pay off the credit card if you only put half of the available money
toward the credit card each month and make the payments at the beginning of the month?
b. How many months will it take to pay off the credit card if you put all of the available money toward the
credit card each month and make the payments at the beginning of the month?
Be sure to include in your response:
the answer to the original question
• the mathematical steps for solving the problem demonstrating mathematical reasoning


a. It will take 7 months to pay off the credit card. b. it will take 4 months to pay off the credit card.

Define APR?

APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It is the interest rate charged on a loan or credit card, expressed as a yearly percentage rate. The APR takes into account not only the interest rate, but also any fees or charges associated with the loan or credit card.

a. If you put half of the available money each month toward the credit card, then you are paying $150.00 per month towards the credit card balance. We can use the formula for the present value of an annuity to find how many months it will take to pay off the credit card:

PV = PMT × ((1 - (1 + r)⁻ⁿ) / r)


PV is the present value of the debt

PMT is the payment amount per period

r is the monthly interest rate

n is the number of periods

Substituting the values, we get:

754.43 = 150 × ((1 - (1 + 0.011333)⁻ⁿ) / 0.011333)

Simplifying and solving for n, we get:

n = log(1 + (PV ×r / PMT)) / log(1 + r)

= log(1 + (754.43×0.011333 / 150)) / log(1 + 0.011333)

= 6.18

Therefore, it will take approximately 7 months to pay off the credit card if you put half of the available money each month toward the credit card.

b. If you put all of the available money each month toward the credit card, then you are paying $300.00 per month towards the credit card balance.

754.43 = 300 ×((1 - (1 + 0.011333)⁻ⁿ) / 0.011333)

Simplifying and solving for n, we get:

n = log(1 + (PV × r / PMT)) / log(1 + r)

= log(1 + (754.43× 0.011333 / 300)) / log(1 + 0.011333)

= 3.43

Therefore, it will take approximately 4 months to pay off the credit card if you put all of the available money each month toward the credit card.

To know more about APR, visit:



what is the weight of a 38kg child


the weight of the child is 83.78 pounds

Solve: 24b=6
A b=1/6
B b=1/2
C b=1/3
D b=1/4​



D. b=1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

5. Apply Math Models A science teacher uses a fair spinner
simulate choosing 1 of 5 different field trips for her classes.
spinner has 5 equal sections, each representing a different
trip. The teacher spins the spinner 50 times and records the
results in the table below.


Experimental and theoretical probabilities do not match; Field Trip B is the most popular with 32% relative frequency.

What is frequency?

Frequency refers to the number of times an event or observation occurs within a given period, sample size, or population. In the context of data analysis, frequency is often used to describe how often a particular value or category appears in a dataset or sample. It can be expressed as an absolute frequency (the actual number of times an event occurred) or a relative frequency (the proportion or percentage of times an event occurred compared to the total number of observations).

The experimental probability of selecting each field trip can be calculated by dividing the number of times each trip was selected by the total number of spins. For example, the experimental probability of selecting Field Trip A is 8/50 = 0.16 or 16%, the experimental probability of selecting Field Trip B is 16/50 = 0.32 or 32%, and so on.

The theoretical probability of selecting each field trip is 1/5 or 0.2 or 20%. This is because the spinner has 5 equal sections, and each section represents a different trip.

The experimental and theoretical probabilities do not match exactly. For example, the experimental  of selecting Field Trip B is 0.32 or 32%, while the theoretical probability is only 0.2 or 20%. This could be due to chance or random variation, as the teacher only spun the spinner 50 times. With a larger sample size, the experimental and theoretical probabilities should converge closer to each other.

The relative frequency of selecting each field trip can be calculated by dividing the number of times each trip was selected by the total number of spins, and then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage. For example, the relative frequency of selecting Field Trip A is (8/50) x 100 = 16%, the relative frequency of selecting Field Trip B is (16/50) x 100 = 32%, and so on.

Based on the data, Field Trip B appears to be the most popular, as it was selected the most number of times (16 times out of 50 spins).

To know more about frequency visit:



Commplete Question:

A science teacher uses a fair spinner to simulate choosing one of five different field trips for her classes. The spinner has 5 equal sections, each representing a different trip. The teacher spins the spinner 50 times and records the results in the table below:

Field Trip Number of times selected

A                8

B                16

C               9

D                12

E                5

Apply math models to analyze the data and answer the following questions:

What is the experimental probability of selecting each field trip?

What is the theoretical probability of selecting each field trip?

Do the experimental and theoretical probabilities match? If not, what could be the reason for the difference?

What is the relative frequency of selecting each field trip?

Based on the data, which field trip appears to be the most popular?

Help fast please, it should be asap please


The function has a vertical asymptote at x = 1, x-intercepts are x = 1 and x = 5, hole at x = 5 and horizontal asymptote is y = 0.

Define rational function

A rational function is a function that can be expressed as the ratio of two polynomial functions. In other words, it is a function of the form f(x) = p(x)/q(x), where p(x) and q(x) are polynomial functions and q(x) is not equal to zero for any value of x.

To plot the rational function f(x) = (x² - 6x + 5)/(-x + 1)

Vertical asymptote: The denominator of the function (-x + 1) is equal to zero when x = 1.

Therefore, there is a vertical asymptote at x = 1.

x-intercept: To find the x-intercept, we set the numerator equal to zero and solve for x:

x² - 6x + 5 = 0

This quadratic equation can be factored as:

(x - 5)(x - 1) = 0

Therefore, the x-intercepts are x = 1 and x = 5.

y-intercept: To find the y-intercept, we set x equal to zero:

f(0) = (0² - 6(0) + 5)/(-0 + 1) = 5

Therefore, the y-intercept is (0, 5).

Hole: The function has a hole at x = 5 because both the numerator and the denominator become zero at x = 5.

Horizontal asymptote: To find the horizontal asymptote, we need to compare the degrees of the numerator and the denominator. The degree of the numerator is 2 and the degree of the denominator is 1, so the horizontal asymptote is y = 0.

Now, we can plot the function by choosing some values of x and calculating the corresponding values of y:

x y = f(x)

-1 4

0 5

0.5 3.25

1 undefined

2 -1

Image is attached below.

To know more about asymptote, visit:



You have a jar of marbles, each marble is numbered 1-35. 10 Marbles are Blue, 12 Marbles are Green, and 13 Marbles are Red. You draw a random marble.What is the probability that you pull out a marble that is Green or an even number.


The probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is  28/35

Calculating the probability

The total number of marbles in the jar is 35, of which 10 are blue, 12 are green, and 13 are red.

We need to find the probability of drawing a marble that is green or an even number.

First, let's find the number of even-numbered marbles.

Out of 35 marbles, 17 of them are even-numbered (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34).

There are 12 green marbles, and 17 even-numbered marbles,

Therefore, there are 12 + 17 - 1 = 28 marbles that are either green or even-numbered.

The probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is


So the probability of drawing a marble that is green or even-numbered is  28/35

Read more about probability at



Que alguien me resuelva este ejercicio


Tan (210°-150°)

Tan= (60°)

Exact value of Tan(60°) = √3

Don has an album that holds 700 photos. Each page of the album holds 7 photos. If 24​% of the album is​ empty, how many pages are filled with photos​?


Answer: 76 pages

Step-by-step explanation:

700 photo spaces = 100%

-The total

168 photo spaces = 24%

-The number of empty spaces in the album.

- Find 24% of 700:

70(10%) x 2 = 140

7(1%) x 4 = 28

140 + 28 = 168

532 photo spaces = 76%

- The number of photos in the album

700 - 168 = 532

Finding the number of pages.

-As we know 1 page holds 7 photos, if we had 532 photos we'd have to divide it by 7 to see how many pages all the photos would be held in.

532 ÷ 7 = 76.

Find the surface Area

Math step by step Answer


(a) The total surface area of the triangular prism is 560 in².

(b) The surface area of the cuboid is 944 ft².

(c) The surface area of the cylinder is  678.58 in².

What is the surface area of the cuboid, cylinder and prism?


The surface area of the cuboid is calculated as;

S.A = 2(12 x 16  +  12 x 10  + 16 x 10)

S.A = 944 ft²


The surface area of the cylinder is calculated as follows;

S.A = 2π x 6 (6 + 12)

S.A = 678.58 in²

The surface area of a triangular prism can be calculated by summing the areas of its individual faces.

A triangular prism has three rectangular faces and two triangular faces.

The formula for the surface area of a triangular prism is:

Surface Area = Area of triangular faces + Area of rectangular faces

To calculate the area of a triangular face, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle:

Area of a triangle = (base × height) / 2

Given that S₁ = 8 in, S₂ = 12 in, S₃ = 8 in, and the length between the two triangular faces is 18 in, we can proceed with the calculations.

The area of the triangular face with dimensions S₁ = 8 in and S₂ = 12 in is:

Area of triangular face 1 = (8 in × 12 in) / 2 = 48 in²

The area of the triangular face with dimensions S₂ = 12 in and S₃ = 8 in is:

Area of triangular face 2 = (12 in × 8 in) / 2 = 48 in²

The area of the triangular face with dimensions S₃ = 8 in and S₁ = 8 in is:

Area of triangular face 3 = (8 in × 8 in) / 2 = 32 in²

Now, let's calculate the area of the rectangular faces.

Area of rectangular face 1 = 18 in × 12 in = 216 in²

Area of rectangular face 2 = 18 in × 12 in = 216 in²

Finally, we can sum up all the areas to get the total surface area of the triangular prism:

Surface Area = Area of triangular faces + Area of rectangular faces

Surface Area = 48 in² + 48 in² + 32 in² + 216 in² + 216 in² = 560 in²

Learn more about surface area here: https://brainly.com/question/76387


Find three consecutive integers such that 4 times the first added to the third is 92
Solve quickly Thanks


The three consecutive integers are 18, 19, and 20.

What is consecutive integers?

Consecutive integers are integers that follow each other in order, without any gaps, and differ by 1. For example, 3, 4, and 5 are consecutive integers because they follow each other in order and differ by 1.

According to question:

Let's assume that the three consecutive integers are x, x+1, and x+2. Then, according to the problem statement:

4x + (x+2) = 92

Simplifying this equation, we get:

5x + 2 = 92

Subtracting 2 from both sides, we get:

5x = 90

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:

x = 18

Therefore, the three consecutive integers are 18, 19, and 20. We can check that these integers indeed satisfy the condition given in the problem:

4 times the first integer is 4*18 = 72, and when we add the third integer 20 to it, we get 72 + 20 = 92, as required.

To know more about consecutive integers visit:



A particular sound wave can be graphed using the function y= -1sin 5x. Find the period of the function



The period of a sine function of the form y = a sin bx is given by:

period = (2π) / |b|

In this case, the function is y = -1 sin 5x, which can be rewritten as y = -sin(5x). So, we can see that b = 5.

Substituting b = 5 into the formula, we get:

period = (2π) / |5|

period = π / 5

Therefore, the period of the function is π/5.

Your Equifax score is 650, Transunion at 600, and Experian at 635, what is your mean score? Round to the nearest whole point.


The mean score is 628.

What is mean?

In statistics, the mean is a measure of central tendency, which represents the average value of a data set. It is also known as the arithmetic mean and is calculated by adding up all the values in the data set and then dividing by the number of observations in the data set. The formula for calculating the mean is:

mean = (sum of all values) / (number of observations)


To find the mean score, you need to add up the three scores and then divide by 3:

(650 + 600 + 635) / 3 = 628.33

Rounding to the nearest whole point, the mean score is 628.

To know more about Mean visit the link



Help me thank you
click the screenshot for more info


Answer: The actual difference between the numbers is:

87.71 - 5.8 = 81.91

Therefore, Yasmine's estimate was 81, and the actual difference between the numbers is 81.91. Brainliest?

Step-by-step explanation:

To round 87.71 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the ones place, which is 1. Since 1 is less than 5, we round down to 87. To round 5.8 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the ones place, which is 8. Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up to 6.

Using these rounded values, Yasmine estimated the difference between the numbers to be 87 - 6 = 81.

The actual difference between the numbers is:

87.71 - 5.8 = 81.91

Therefore, Yasmine's estimate was 81, and the actual difference between the numbers is 81.91.


Yasmine estimated the difference to be 82. The actual difference is 81.91.

Step-by-step explanation:

The rounded whole number of 87.71 is 88 and the rounded whole number of 5.8 is 6.

So, the difference between the numbers 87.71 and 5.8 by rounding each number to the nearest whole numbers will be

(88 - 6) = 82.

The actual difference between the numbers 87.71 and 5.8 is (87.71 - 5.8) = 81.91.

Therefore, Yasmine estimated the difference to be 82. The actual difference is 81.91.

A survey stopped men and women at random to ask them where they purchased groceries, at a local grocery store or online.

What percent of the people surveyed shop at a local grocery store? Round your answer to the nearest whole number percent.


63% of people Surveyed shop at a local grocery store.

What is percentage ?

A number can be expressed as a fraction of 100 using a percentage. The word "%" stands for percentage.

For instance, 50% represents 50 out of 100, or 0.5 in decimal form. Frequently, proportions, rates, and changes in quantity are represented as percentages.

In many aspects of daily life, including the calculation of sales tax, loan interest rates, and price discounts, percentages are frequently utilised. They are also employed in many academic disciplines, including math, physics, economics, and statistics.

What are proportions ?

The equality of two ratios is referred to as a percentage in mathematics. A ratio is a comparison of two amounts or values;

it is frequently stated as a fraction.

For instance, "3/5" can be used to represent the proportion of boys to girls in a classroom.

An assertion of equality between two ratios is a proportion.

For instance, the ratio of males to girls is the same as the ratio of boys to all pupils,

hence the sentence "3/5 = 6/10" is a proportion.

Analysis: -

people surveyed at store = 45

total no. of people = 72


Percent of peopla = 45/72  x100

= 0.625 × 100

= 62.5 %

= 63 %

63% of people Surveyed shop at a local grocery store.

To learn more about percentage visit:



Find each value or measure.

x = _____

mJK=_____ degrees

mMJ=_____ degrees

mLMK=______ degrees

(30 points) will give brainiest for effort


The value or measure of following are :-

x = 17.18°

∠JK = 143.78°

∠MJ = 116.48°

∠LMK = 47.17°

What is an arc?

A segment of a circle called an arc is made up of two endpoints on the circle and the curve that connects them.

Since the two lines JL and MK intersect at the center of the circle at point N, the angles formed by them are inscribed angles of the circle. Moreover, the angles formed by an inscribed angle and its corresponding arc are equal. Therefore, we can write:

∠JNK = ½ arc JNK = ½(5x+23)° = 2.5x + 11.5°

∠KNL = ½ arc KNL = ½(17x-41)° = 8.5x - 20.5°

We are also given that arc MNJ and LNK are similar, so their corresponding angles are equal. Similarly, arc MNL and JNK are similar, so their corresponding angles are equal. Let's use these facts to find x:


The arc MNJ is equal to the sum of arcs MNL and LNK. Therefore, we have:

½(5x+23)° + ½(17x-41)° = ∠MNJ + ∠LNK

2.5x + 11.5° + 8.5x - 20.5° = 2∠MNJ

11x - 9° = 2∠MNJ


The arc MNL is equal to the sum of arcs MNJ and JNK. Therefore, we have:

½(5x+23)° + ½(8.5x-20.5°) = ∠MNL + ∠JNK

2.75x + 1.5° = 2∠JNK

1.375x + 0.75° = ∠JNK

Since ∠MNJ = ∠LNK and ∠MNL = ∠JNK, we can write:

2∠MNJ + 2∠JNK = 360°

Substituting the expressions we found for ∠MNJ and ∠JNK, we get:

22x - 18° = 360°

22x = 378°

x = 17.18° (rounded to two decimal places)

Now that we know x, we can find the values of the other angles of arc-

∠JNK = 1.375x + 0.75° = 24.43°

∠KNL = 8.5x - 20.5° = 119.35°

∠MNJ = (11x - 9°)/2 = 92.05°

∠LNK = ∠MNJ = 92.05°

∠MNL = 360° - ∠MNJ - ∠JNK = 243.52°

∠JK = ∠JNK + ∠KNL = 143.78°

∠MJ = ∠MNJ + ∠JNK = 116.48°

∠LMK = 360° - ∠MNJ - ∠JNK - ∠KNL = 47.17°

To know more about angles of arc visit:



Suppose you want to make your own model of the geologic time scale. You decide to make a timeline with a scale of 1 centimeter equals 1 million years. Remember that 100 cm is equal to 1 meter, which is a little longer than 3 feet.


A timeline that spans 541 centimeters would be equivalent to a length of 5.41 meters or approximately 17.75 feet.

What is the unit conversion?

Unit conversion is the process of converting a quantity expressed in one unit of measurement to another unit of measurement that is equivalent in value. The need for unit conversion arises because different units are used to measure the same physical quantity in different countries or regions, or in different fields of study.

Making a model of the geologic time scale with a scale of 1 centimeter equals 1 million years means that each centimeter on the timeline represents 1 million years of geologic time.

To create the model, we can start by determining the total length of the timeline we want to create.

Let's say we want to include the entire Phanerozoic Eon, which spans approximately 541 million years.
To represent this on our timeline, we would need a total length of 541 centimeters.

However, we need to keep in mind that 100 cm is equal to 1 meter, which is a little longer than 3 feet.

Therefore, a timeline that spans 541 centimeters would be equivalent to a length of 5.41 meters or approximately 17.75 feet.

To  learn more about the unit conversion visit:



A farmer is building a fence to enclose a rectangular area against an existing wall, shown in the figure below. Three of the sides will require fencing and the fourth wall already exists. If the farmer has 176 feet of fencing,
what is the largest area the farmer can enclose?


Answer: 46 ft by 92 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

The largest area is enclosed when half the fence is used parallel to the wall and the other half is used for the two ends of the fenced area perpendicular to the wall. Half the fence is 184 ft/2 = 92 ft. Half that is used for each end of the enclosure.

Construct the confidence interval for the population mean


A 90% confidence interval for µ is (8.92, 9.28).

What is statistics?

Statistics is a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of numerical data.

The formula for a confidence interval for the population mean is:

CI = x ± z * (σ / sqrt(n))

where x is the sample mean, σ is the population standard deviation, n is the sample size, z is the z-score associated with the desired confidence level, and CI is the confidence interval.

Given the values provided:

c = 0.90

x = 9.1

σ = 0.6

n = 45

First, we need to find the z-score associated with a 90% confidence level. We can use a standard normal distribution table or a calculator to find that z = 1.645.

Then, we can plug in the values and calculate the confidence interval:

CI = 9.1 ± 1.645 * (0.6 / sqrt(45))

= 9.1 ± 0.176

= (8.92, 9.28)

Therefore, a 90% confidence interval for µ is (8.92, 9.28).

To learn more about statistics from the given link:



A walk alongside a railway track is represented on a map by an 86 mm straight line.

The walk is 17.2 km.

What is the scale of the map?


First we turn the 17.2 km into mm. To do that we turn it into 17,200 m then into 1,720,000 cm then into 17,200,000 mm. Then we just divide 17.2 million by 86 so 17,200,000÷86=200,000. so we know that the scale of the map is 1:200,000. Also pls mark as brainliest answer thx.

In Math town,60% of the population are males and 30% of them have brown eyes. Of the total math town population 28 % have brown eyes. What percentage of the females in math town have brown eyes?
A) 20%
B) 24%
C) 25%
D) 28%


Therefore , the solution of the given problem of percentage comes out to be D) 28% is the right response.

What is percentage?

The shorthand "a%" is used in statistics to represent a number or metric that may be expressed as a percentage of 100. Additionally strange spelling include "pct," "pct," as "pc." The approach that is most frequently employed for this is the percentage symbol ("%"). Any hints or set proportions of any part for the total are also unknown. Since numbers commonly add up to 100, they are effectively integers.


According to the facts provided, 30% of the male population and 60% of the people in Math Town are male.

This suggests that between 30% and 60% of people have brown eyes.

Let's figure out what proportion of the entire population is equal to 30% of 60%:

=> 30% of 60% = (30/100) * (60/100)

=>  0.3 * 0.6

=>  0.18 or 18%

Therefore, brown eyes are present in Math Town's overall population of 18%.

Since the only other gender listed is females and we are aware that 18% of the population as a whole has brown eyes, we can infer that 18% of women also have brown eyes.

Therefore, D) 28% is the right response.

To know more about percentage visit:



Alex scored 7/20 of the points in a basketball game. How many of the team's 120 points did Alex score?​



Step-by-step explanation:

I think its 42 because 7/20ths of 120 is 42

7/20 x 120 =42

A right rectangular prism has a base with an area of 25 1/2 square feet and a volume of 153 cubic feet. What is the height, in feet, of the right rectangular prism? Please help!!



[tex]25.5h = 153[/tex]

[tex]h = 6[/tex]

The height is 6 feet, so A is correct.

Michelle did an anyonymous survey and collected her friends' credit scores. The scores she found are listed in the table below. What is the
mean credit score in this group? (Round to the nearest whole point, if applicable.)

a. 698

b. 695

c. 676

d. 703


to find the mean you add al the numbers together and divide it by how many numbers there were. so to find the mean it would be (682+612+756+674+714+790+668+652+776)÷9=702.6 which can be rounded up to 703. Also pls mark as brainliest answer

Help me this is a Screensho



21.8 - 0.1 = 21.7

21.7 is 0.1 less than 21.8


The answer is 21.7

Step explanation

21.8 - 0.1 = 21.7

I hope it helped you.

Please Mark me brainliest

Find the area of the shaded region. The graph depicts the standard normal distribution of bone density scores with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.


Answer: 0.6954

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the area between two z scores, in this case P(-0.82<z<1.29), we can either use a z score calculator or a standard normal distribution table, which I will use for this.  

The probability of P(-0.82<z<1.29) = P(z<1.29)-(z<-0.82).

To find P(z<2.01), we use a positive z score standard normal distribution table and find that P(z<1.29)=0.9015

Using a negative z score standard normal distribution table, we can find that (z<-0.82)=0.2061.

So,  P(-0.82<z<1.29) = P(z<1.29)-(z<-0.82)=0.6954.

1 1/4 - 1 1/5

Pls answer it today!


answer: 1/20
1 1/4=5/4 = 25/20
1 1/5=6/5 = 24/20


fraction form: 1/20

decimal form:0.05

The ability to determine the age of some individuals can be difficult if there are not quality government records of birth. Bone growth takes place at the growth plates at the end of long bones. Once all growth plates​ fuse, growth​ stops, and an individual is considered a biological adult. The age at which growth plates fuse for males is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 18.8 years and a standard deviation of 15.1months. Complete parts​ (a) through​ (d).


The answers to each question are:

(a)  0.351.

(b)  0.317.

(c)  20.24 years.

(d)  16.

What is the mean and standard deviation?

The standard deviation is a summary measure of the differences of each observation from the mean. If the differences themselves were added up, the positive would exactly balance the negative and so their sum would be zero. Consequently, the squares of the differences are added.

(a) What is the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 18 and 20 years?

To answer this question, we need to standardize the values of 18 and 20 using the mean and standard deviation provided. Let X be the age at which growth plates fuse for males. Then,

Z = (X - mean) / standard deviation

Z for X = 18 is (18 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -0.53

Z for X = 20 is (20 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = 0.53

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being between -0.53 and 0.53, which is approximately 0.351.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 18 and 20 years is 0.351.

(b) What is the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 16 and 18 years?

We need to standardize the values of 16 and 18 using the mean and standard deviation provided.

Z for X = 16 is (16 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -2.03

Z for X = 18 is (18 - 18.8) / (15.1/12) = -0.53

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being between -2.03 and -0.53, which is approximately 0.317.

Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected male has growth plates that fuse between the ages of 16 and 18 years is 0.317.

(c) What is the age at which growth plates fuse for the top 5% of males?

We need to find the age X such that the probability of a male having growth plates fuse at an age less than X is 0.95 (since 5% is the complement of 95%).

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the Z-score corresponding to the 95th percentile, which is approximately 1.645.

Then, we can solve for X using the formula:

Z = (X - mean) / standard deviation

1.645 = (X - 18.8) / (15.1/12)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

X = 18.8 + (1.645)(15.1/12) = 20.24

Therefore, the age at which growth plates fuse for the top 5% of males is approximately 20.24 years.

(d) What percentage of males have growth plates that fuse before the age of 16?

We need to find the probability of a male having growth plates fuse before the age of 16, which is equivalent to finding the probability of Z being less than -2.03 (calculated in part (b)).

Using a standard normal distribution table or a calculator, we can find the probability of Z being less than -2.03, which is approximately 0.0228.

Therefore, approximately 2.28% of males have growth plates that fuse before the age of 16.

hence, the answers to each question are:

(a)  0.351.

(b)  0.317.

(c)  20.24 years.

(d)  16.

To learn more about the mean and standard deviation visit:



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