Assume a firm is a cash cow and earns a a constant stream of earnings per share in perpetuity. The company retains no earnings and pays out everything as dividends. EPS = Div . What is the stock price under this scenario? P. = • If the company has opportunities in the future to forgo dividends and invest, what would be the stock price today? P = = 0 =


Answer 1

The stock price in this scenario would be lower than in the first scenario.

If a firm is a cash cow and earns a constant stream of earnings per share (EPS) in perpetuity and pays out everything as dividends, we can use the dividend discount model (DDM) to calculate the stock price.

The DDM formula is:

P = D / r

Where P is the stock price, D is the dividend per share, and r is the required rate of return.

In this scenario, EPS = Div, so we can use EPS instead of Div in the DDM formula.

P = EPS / r

If the company has no opportunities to invest and retains no earnings, it will pay out all of its earnings as dividends, and the EPS will be equal to the dividend per share. Therefore, we can use the EPS as the dividend in the DDM formula.

So, the stock price in this scenario would be:

P = EPS / r

If the company has opportunities in the future to forgo dividends and invest, the EPS will be lower than the dividend per share because the company will retain some earnings to invest in future opportunities. In this case, we can use the dividend payout ratio to estimate the EPS.

Dividend payout ratio = Div / EPS

If the company retains a portion of the earnings to invest in future opportunities, the dividend payout ratio will be less than 100%. Let's say the dividend payout ratio is 60%. This means that the company pays out 60% of its earnings as dividends and retains 40% to invest.

So, the EPS would be:

EPS = Div / (Dividend payout ratio) = Div / 0.6 = 1.67 x Div

Using the EPS in the DDM formula, the stock price in this scenario would be:

P = (1.67 x Div) / r

In this scenario, since the company has opportunities to invest, the required rate of return (r) would be higher than in the first scenario.

This is because investors would require a higher return on their investment if the company is retaining earnings to invest rather than paying them out as dividends. Therefore, the stock price in this scenario would be lower than in the first scenario.

To know more about stock price refer to-


Related Questions

Companies raised capital through several different sources: A. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Debt (5 marks) B. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Common Share (5 marks) C. Explain the Advantage and Disadvantage of Preferred Shares (5 marks)


Debt allows companies to raise capital without giving up ownership or control, but it increases financial risk and requires regular interest payments.

Common shares give investors ownership and potential for dividends and capital gains, but dilutes control and can be affected by market fluctuations.

A. Debt:


Interest on debt is tax-deductible, which lowers the overall cost of borrowing.


The interest and principal payments must be made regardless of the company's financial performance, which can create a cash flow burden.

If the company defaults on its debt obligations, it can lead to bankruptcy or other legal issues.

B. Common Shares:


Common shares do not have a fixed maturity date, so the company does not have to repay the investment unless it decides to buy back the shares.


The company's profits are shared among a larger number of shareholders, reducing the earnings per share for existing shareholders.

C. Preferred Shares:


Preferred shares provide a fixed dividend rate, which can be attractive to investors seeking a stable income stream


Preferred shares can be less liquid than common shares, as they may not be traded as frequently on public stock exchanges.

for more such questions on Debt


the management of gamespeople designed a comprehensive strategy that unifies advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion activities creating a consistent message. this effort to promote a positive brand image represents a(n) program. group of answer choices


This effort to promote a positive brand image represents an C. integrated marketing communication program.

An integrated marketing communication (IMC) programme is a strategic approach to marketing communication that entails coordinating and integrating different promotional elements, like advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion, to create a unified and consistent message that promotes a positive brand image and supports the organisation's marketing objectives.

The goal of an IMC programme is to make sure that all promotional activities are coordinated and consistent in conveying the desired message to the target audience. IMC programmes recognise that customers obtain information from many sources. Organizations may develop a better and more successful promotional campaign that maximises the impact of each promotional element and forges closer relationships with clients by employing an integrated approach to marketing communication.

Complete Question:

The management of GamesPeople designed a comprehensive strategy that unifies advertising, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion activities creating a consistent message. This effort to promote a positive brand image represents a(n) ________ program.

A. global marketing

B. interactive promotion

C. integrated marketing communication

D. unified segmentation

You are going to rent a venue for a fashion
show. The venue will you have in mind is an old
theatre that lends itself well to the event with
excellent sight lines for the audience. However, the
décor and lighting plan by your artistic director for
your fashion show may compromise safety.
Here is the issue:
Drapes over the ceiling area will obscure the normal
lighting and will prevent the fire sensors and
sprinklers from working correctly. Also, there are a
number of props that may hinder access into and out
of the venue. On the other hand, the audience
expected is quite small. Answer the following
a) What are some of the safety risks associated with
this event?
b) In your opinion, who is responsible for the safety
of the venue and the audience?
c) How could the risk be reduced?
) What should the evacuation plan include?


a) Some safety risks associated with this event may include:

The potential for fire hazards due to obstructed fire sensors and sprinklers caused by the décor and drapes.

Restricted access to exits and entrances due to the presence of props or other set pieces, which could impede evacuation in case of an emergency.

b) The responsibility for the safety of the venue and the audience falls on both the event organizer and the venue management. As the organizer, you are responsible for ensuring that the event complies with safety regulations and guidelines.

The venue management is responsible for ensuring that the venue is up to code and safe for use.

c) The risk can be reduced by taking the following measures:

Reviewing and following safety regulations and guidelines.

Ensuring that the venue is up to code and safe for use.

Removing any props or set pieces that obstruct access to exits and entrances.

Installing additional safety measures, such as additional fire detectors, sprinklers, or safety barriers.

d) The evacuation plan should include the following:

Clearly marked exit signs and routes.

Regular safety drills and rehearsals.

Assigning designated safety personnel to monitor the event and assist with evacuation.

Communication systems, such as loudspeakers or walkie-talkies, to relay important safety messages to attendees.

Identifying and designating safe zones for attendees to gather in case of emergency.

A designated meeting spot outside the venue for attendees to gather after evacuation.

to know more about fire hazards refer here


Find the value of a bond maturing in 10 years, with a $1,000 par value and a coupon interest rate of 13% (6.5% paid semiannually) if the required return on similar-risk bonds is 14% annual interest (7% paid semiannually). The present value of the bond is $ (Round to the nearest cent.)


The present value of the bond is $849.62.

To calculate the present value of the bond, we need to discount the future cash flows (coupon payments and principal repayment) at the required rate of return. The semiannual coupon payment is $32.50 ($1,000 x 6.5% / 2), and the number of coupon payments is 20 (10 years x 2). Using the formula for present value of an annuity, we get the present value of coupon payments as $556.86.

The present value of the principal repayment is $292.76 ($1,000 / (1+0.07)^20). Adding these two present values gives us the total present value of the bond as $849.62.

For more questions like Bond click the link below:


​_____________________________ are the three alternative ways an international​ division's operating units can be organized.
A. Export​ departments, sales​ departments, or marketing departments
B. Local product​ groups, regional product​ groups, or world product groups
C. Geographical​ organizations, regional​ organizations, or global organizations
D. Local​ offices, foreign​ offices, or global offices
E. Geographical​ organizations, world product​ groups, or international subsidiaries


C. Geographical corporations, regional organizations, or international businesses are the 3 alternative methods an worldwide department's running units can be organized.

Geographical businesses involve dividing the international division via geographic areas, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas. every region operates independently and is answerable for adapting the corporation's products and advertising techniques to fulfill the precise wishes of the vicinity.

Regional organizations group countries within a place that proportion comparable traits, such as language, lifestyle, or economic conditions. This technique lets in for more performance in operations and advertising.

International organizations integrate operations across all international locations and regions, with a centralized control shape. This approach allows for extra coordination and consistency in operations and advertising, but may not be as flexible in responding to local marketplace conditions.

Learn more about Geographical corporations:-

Regional organizations, or international businesses


C. Geographical corporations, regional organizations, or international businesses are the 3 alternative methods an worldwide department's running units can be organized.

Geographical businesses involve dividing the international division via geographic areas, including Asia, Europe, and the Americas. every region operates independently and is answerable for adapting the corporation's products and advertising techniques to fulfill the precise wishes of the vicinity. Regional organizations group countries within a place that proportion comparable traits, such as language, lifestyle, or economic conditions. This technique lets in for more performance in operations and advertising.

Learn more about Geographical corporations here:-


Suppose you want to buy a $1,000 par value bond that pays $27 interest each quarter and with a maturity of 7 years from now. If you require 10% rate of return with quarterly compounding, how much should you be willing to pay for this bond? (Round your answer to two decimal point)


You should be willing to pay $1,124.25 for this bond.

To calculate the present value of the $1,000 par value bond that pays $27 interest each quarter and matures in 7 years, with a required 10% rate of return compounded quarterly, follow these steps:

1. Determine the total number of periods (quarters) until the bond matures: 7 years × 4 quarters = 28 quarters
2. Calculate the required quarterly rate of return: 10% annual rate / 4 quarters = 2.5% per quarter or 0.025 in decimal form
3. Calculate the present value of the bond's interest payments (also known as the annuity portion): PV(Annuity) = $27 × (1 - (1 + 0.025)⁻²⁸)) / 0.025 ≈ $551.63
4. Calculate the present value of the bond's par value at maturity: PV(Par Value) = $1,000 × (1 + 0.025)⁻²⁸ ≈ $572.62
5. Add the present values of the annuity and par value portions to determine the total present value of the bond: $551.63 + $572.62 ≈ $1,124.25

You can learn more about the rate of return at:


general piping has 9 warehouse locations across the country that they are considering consolidating to 3. the current inventory value is 3,767,137 dollars. what is your estimate of the future value of inventory after consolidation?


If General Piping decides to consolidate their nine warehouse locations into three, there will likely be some changes in the inventory value. The current inventory value of 3,767,137 dollars will need to be redistributed among the three new locations.

It is difficult to estimate the exact future value of inventory after consolidation as there are many factors that can affect the value, such as demand, supply, and market conditions. However, it is reasonable to assume that there may be some cost savings associated with consolidation, such as reduced transportation costs, lower overhead expenses, and increased efficiency.

To estimate the future value of inventory after consolidation, General Piping should conduct a thorough analysis of their inventory levels, sales data, and customer demand. They should also consider the potential impact of any changes in the market, such as shifts in consumer preferences or changes in the competitive landscape.

Overall, consolidating warehouse locations can be a smart move for companies looking to reduce costs and improve efficiency. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential impact on inventory levels and make informed decisions based on thorough analysis and data.

For more questions on: warehouse


11. What is the approximate yield to maturity for a $1000 par value bond selling for $900 that matures in 14 years and pays 10 percent interest annually? 12. A preferred stock pays a dividend of $16 per year. If the stock sells for $108, what is the required rate of return?


The approximate yield to maturity for the bond is 11.48% and the required rate of return for the preferred stock is 14.81%.

To calculate the approximate yield to maturity for the bond, we need to use the following formula:

YTM = (Annual Interest Payment + ((Par Value - Market Price) / Years to Maturity)) / ((Par Value + Market Price) / 2)

Substituting the values given in the question:

Annual Interest Payment = $1000 x 10% = $100

Par Value = $1000

Market Price = $900

Years to Maturity = 14

YTM = ($100 + (($1000 - $900) / 14)) / (($1000 + $900) / 2)

YTM = ($100 + $7.14) / ($950)

YTM = 11.48%

Therefore, the approximate yield to maturity for the bond is 11.48%.

To calculate the required rate of return for the preferred stock, we need to use the following formula:

Required Rate of Return = Annual Dividend / Stock Price

Substituting the values given in the question:

Annual Dividend = $16

Stock Price = $108

Required Rate of Return = $16 / $108

Required Rate of Return = 0.1481 or 14.81%

Therefore, the required rate of return for the preferred stock is 14.81%.

To know more about rate of return refer to-


as per the report that concerns jordan, how is womenomics defined?


"Womenomics" is a term used to describe the economic empowerment of women in Jordan. It refers to a set of policies and initiatives aimed at increasing women's participation in the labor force, promoting women's entrepreneurship and business development, and reducing gender-based barriers to economic growth.

The concept of Womenomics in Jordan was introduced in a report published in 2015 by the Jordan Strategy Forum (JSF) titled "Womenomics: The Economic Empowerment of Women in Jordan."

The report identified a number of challenges facing women in the Jordanian labor market, including social and cultural norms, limited access to education and training opportunities, and discrimination in the workplace.

To address these challenges, the report proposed a range of policy recommendations, such as increasing access to education and training for women, promoting female entrepreneurship and business development, providing incentives for companies to hire and promote women, and implementing policies to support work-life balance and parental leave.

To know more about entrepreneurship here:


If the nominal interest rate is 5.6 percent, and the expected inflation is 1.7 percent, then using the Fisher Equation, the real interest rate must be - (Round to 4 decimal places; for example, 0.0268


The real interest rate in this scenario is 3.9%. This means that if you were to invest money at a nominal interest rate of 5.6%, but inflation is expected to be 1.7%, your real return on investment would only be 3.9%.

The Fisher Equation is an economic principle that helps us understand the relationship between the nominal interest rate, the real interest rate, and inflation. It states that the real interest rate is equal to the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate. So, in this case, we can use the Fisher Equation to calculate the real interest rate as follows:
Real interest rate = Nominal interest rate - Expected inflation rate
Real interest rate = 5.6% - 1.7%
Real interest rate = 3.9%

This is because the inflation will eat into your returns and reduce the purchasing power of your money over time. It's important to consider the real interest rate when making investment decisions, as it gives you a more accurate picture of the potential returns on your investments.

For more such questions on interest rate


which marketing function takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity?


The marketing function that takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity is the function of "distribution" or "logistics."

Distribution or logistics is the marketing function that involves the planning, implementation, and control of the physical flow of products from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

In the case of seasonal fruits and vegetables with a short shelf life, it is crucial to have a well-planned and efficient distribution network that ensures the timely delivery of the products to the consumers.

The distribution function must take into account factors such as transportation, storage, packaging, and handling to ensure that the products reach the market in optimal condition. It is also essential to have a network of intermediaries such as wholesalers, retailers, and distributors who can help in the efficient distribution of the products.

Effective logistics and distribution can help in reducing wastage and ensuring that the products reach the consumers when they are still fresh, which can result in increased sales and profits. Therefore, the distribution function takes on significant importance when dealing with seasonal fruits and vegetables that offer a short shelf life and selling opportunity.

For more questions like Marketing click the link below:


An excise or "sin" tax is levied on the sale, manufacture, or use of all of the following except:snackscigarettesliquorgasoline


Excise or “sin” taxes are taxes that are levied on the sale, manufacture, or use of goods and services that are usually considered unhealthy or immoral.

This typically includes items such as cigarettes, alcohol, and gasoline. However, snacks are not typically included in this category as they are not considered to be unhealthy or immoral.

Snacks, unlike the other items, are not considered to be addictive and do not have the same health risks associated with them. As a result, most governments do not levy an excise tax on snacks.

Know more about manufacture here


which of the following situations best describes collaboration as an approach to managing conflict? multiple choice emphasizing both cooperation and assertiveness doing nothing to address a problem cooperating with another party without asserting one's own interests paying some attention to another party's concern but with little cooperation being unwilling to recognize another party's concern


The situation that best describes collaboration as an approach to managing conflict is "emphasizing both cooperation and assertiveness". Option A is answer.

Collaboration is a problem-solving approach that involves both parties working together to find a mutually beneficial solution. It requires a willingness to listen to each other's concerns and needs, and a commitment to finding a solution that works for both parties. Collaboration involves a high level of assertiveness in stating one's own needs and concerns, as well as a high level of cooperation in working with the other party to find a solution that meets both sets of needs.

Option A is answer.

You can learn more about collaboration at


The quantity X tfollows an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift 3 and volatility 2. Suppose X0 = 100. What is the probability that X1 is at least 100? Recall that for an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift μ and volatility σ, the change in time interval τ is normally distributed with mean μτ and variance σ2τ.'


Arithmetic Brownian motion is a stochastic process that models the behavior of a variable that changes continuously over time.

It is characterized by a drift term and a volatility term, which determine the expected trend and the level of randomness in the process, respectively. In this context, the quantity X follows an Arithmetic Brownian motion with drift 3 and volatility 2, which means that X is expected to increase by 3 units per time unit on average, and the magnitude of this change is likely to be within 2 units with a certain level of uncertainty.

Given that X0 = 100, the question asks for the probability that X1 is at least 100. This can be interpreted as the likelihood that X increases or stays the same over the time interval from 0 to 1. To compute this probability, we need to use the properties of normal distribution, which is the distribution of the change in X over a time interval τ. Specifically, we can use the mean and variance of X1 - X0, which are μτ and σ^2τ, respectively, to calculate the probability that X1 is greater than or equal to 100. This involves standardizing the normal distribution using the z-score formula and finding the corresponding probability from a standard normal table or calculator.

Overall, the probability that X1 is at least 100 depends on the specific values of μ, σ, and τ, as well as the initial value X0. In this case, we can use the given parameters to compute the probability using the method described above.

For more about Brownian motion:


Consider the following table, which gives a security analyst's expected return on two stocks for two particular market returns:
Market Return Aggresive Stock Defensive Stock
8% 3.0% 4.8%
20 31 14
a. What are the betas of the two stocks?
Beta A _____
Beta D _____
b, what is the expected rate of return on each stock if the market return is equally likely to be 8% or 20%? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) Rate of return on A _____ %
Rate of return on D ______ %
c. c. If the T bill rate is 7%, and the market retum is equally likely to be 8% or 20%, what are the alphas of the two stocks? (Negative values should be indicated by a minus sign. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) Alpha A ______ %
Alpha D ______ %


a. Beta A = (31%-3.0%)/(20%-8%) = 2.8; Beta D = (14%-4.8%)/(20%-8%) = 0.7

b. Expected rate of return on A = 0.5(3.0%) + 0.5(31%) = 17.00%; Expected rate of return on D = 0.5(4.8%) + 0.5(14%) = 9.40%

c. Alpha A = 17.00% - [7% + 2.8(8%-7%)] = 6.36%; Alpha D = 9.40% - [7% + 0.7(8%-7%)] = 2.03%

a. To find the betas of each stock, we use the formula for beta: (return on stock - risk-free rate) / (return on market - risk-free rate). Beta A = (31%-3.0%) / (20%-8%) = 2.8; Beta D = (14%-4.8%) / (20%-8%) = 0.7.

b. To find the expected rate of return on each stock, we use the formula: expected rate of return = probability of high return * high return + probability of low return * low return. For stock A, expected rate of return = 0.5(3.0%) + 0.5(31%) = 17.00%; for stock D, expected rate of return = 0.5(4.8%) + 0.5(14%) = 9.40%.

c. To find the alphas of each stock, we use the formula: alpha = actual return - [risk-free rate + beta * (market return - risk-free rate)]. For stock A, alpha = 17.00% - [7% + 2.8(8%-7%)] = 6.36%; for stock D, alpha = 9.40% - [7% + 0.7(8%-7%)] = 2.03%.

For more questions like Rate click the link below:


when price levels rise faster than income: select one: a. the result is pressure on reimbursement. b. it is referred to as deflation. c. it is referred to as inflation. d. significant cost pressures occur.


The correct answer is c. It is referred to as inflation when price levels rise faster than income.

Inflation is a situation where the general level of prices for goods and services in an economy is increasing over time. When inflation occurs, the purchasing power of money decreases, and it takes more money to buy the same goods and services.

Inflation can be caused by a variety of factors, including an increase in the money supply, a decrease in the supply of goods and services, or an increase in demand for goods and services.

When inflation occurs, it can have a number of negative effects on the economy. It can lead to reduced consumer spending, increased costs for businesses, and a decrease in the value of savings and investments. Inflation can also put pressure on government and private sector budgets, as they may have to pay more for goods and services than they had planned for.

For more questions like Inflation, click the link below:


an option with over 9 months to expiration held in a margin account has:


An option with over 9 months to expiration held in a margin account has a longer-term contract and increased risk exposure.

In a margin account, options with over 9 months until expiration are considered long-term contracts. These options give the holder more time to decide whether to exercise the option or let it expire.

Since they have a longer duration, there is increased risk exposure due to market fluctuations and changes in the underlying asset's value. The longer the time until expiration, the higher the chance that the asset's value could change significantly, either benefiting or negatively impacting the option holder.

Additionally, holding long-term options in a margin account may require higher margin requirements due to the increased risk exposure. It is essential to manage these risks and monitor the account's margin requirements closely to avoid potential liquidation or margin calls.

To know more about margin account click on below link:


what are the goals of monetary policy? maximum employment and stable prices zero unemployment and stable prices zero unemployment and zero inflation maximum employment and zero inflation


The goals of monetary policy are to achieve maximum employment and stable prices in the economy. This is typically done through adjustments in the money supply and interest rates.

The objective is to create conditions that support sustainable economic growth while keeping inflation under control. While achieving zero unemployment and zero inflation may be desirable, it is not always feasible as there are always factors that can affect the economy and create fluctuations in employment and prices.

Therefore, the primary goals of monetary policy are to achieve maximum employment and stable prices, with the understanding that some level of inflation and unemployment may still exist.

To know more about employment,refer to the link:


a)The following balance sheet relates to XYZ ltd for the period ended 31ST December 2018
Sh. ‘000’ Sh. ‘000’
Non-Current Assets 32,500
Current Assets 42,875 75,375
Financed by:
Liability and owner’s Equity 12,500
18% Debentures (Shs. 1000 par) 16,000
10% Preference Shares 6,250
Ordinary Shares (Sh. 10 par) 12,500
Retained Earnings 28,125 75,375
Additional Information;
The debentures are now selling at Sh. 950 in the market and they will be redeemed 10 years from now
By the end of the last financial period, the company had declared unpaid sh. 5 per share dividends. Dividends are expected to grow at an annual rate of 10% in the foreseeable future. Currently, the company’s shares sell at sh. 38 per share in the stock exchange
Preference shares were issued in 2015 and their prices have remained the same over the years and corporate Tax rate is 30% p.a.
Compute the company’s WACC (10 Marks)
b)Highlight 4 reasons in support of cross boarder listing (4 Marks)
c)Explain 3 managerial functions of a finance manager (6 Marks)
d) Describe 3 types of partners in a partnership (6 Marks)
e)Agency costs refer to costs incurred by shareholders in trying to control management behavior and actions and therefore minimize agency conflicts. Outline 4 of those costs (4 Marks)


a) The company's WACC is 11.3%.

WACC = (E/V x Re) + ((D/V x Rd) x (1 - Tc)), where

E = market value of equity

D = market value of debt

V = total market value of the company (E + D)

Re = cost of equity

Rd = cost of debt

Tc = corporate tax rate

Using the given information, the cost of equity (Re) is 16%, the cost of debt (Rd) is 9.5% (since the debentures are selling at a discount of 5%), and the market value of equity (E) is 12,500, with a market value of debt (D) of 16,000. Substituting these values into the formula yields a WACC of 11.3%.

b) Four reasons to support cross-border listing are:

Increased visibility and access to a larger investor base

Increased liquidity and potential for better pricing of shares

Improved corporate governance and transparency

Ability to raise capital in multiple markets

Cross-border listing can provide many benefits to a company, including increased exposure to a larger pool of potential investors, improved liquidity and pricing of shares, enhanced corporate governance and transparency, and access to capital in multiple markets. Additionally, it can help diversify a company's shareholder base and reduce its reliance on a single market.

c) Three managerial functions of a finance manager are:

Financial Planning and Analysis

Investment and Capital Budgeting

Risk Management

A finance manager is responsible for overseeing a company's financial operations and making strategic financial decisions. Some of the key managerial functions of a finance manager include financial planning and analysis, investment and capital budgeting, and risk management.

These functions involve forecasting future financial performance, identifying investment opportunities and evaluating potential risks, and developing strategies to manage financial risk.

d) The three types of partners in a partnership are:

General partners - have management control and unlimited liability for the partnership's debts

Limited partners - have no management control and limited liability for the partnership's debts

Silent partners - provide capital but have no management or decision-making authority

Partnerships can have various types of partners, including general partners who have management control and unlimited liability for the partnership's debts, limited partners who have no management control and limited liability for the partnership's debts, and silent partners who provide capital but have no management or decision-making authority.

e) Four types of agency costs include:

Monitoring costs - incurred by shareholders to monitor management actions

Bonding costs - incurred by managers to signal their commitment to act in the best interest of shareholders

Residual loss - the loss that occurs when the manager's incentives are not aligned with the shareholders' interests

Opportunistic behavior - actions taken by managers to pursue their own self-interest at the expense of shareholders.

Agency costs are incurred by shareholders in their effort to monitor management behavior and actions to minimize agency conflicts. Four types of agency costs include monitoring costs, bonding costs, residual loss, and opportunistic behavior. These costs can be significant and can affect a company's financial performance and shareholder value.

For more questions like Cost click the link below:


5. Yield to maturity and future price
A bond has a $1,000 par value, 10 years to maturity, and a 8% annual coupon and sells for $980.
a. What is its yield to maturity (YTM)? Round your answer to two decimal places.
__ %
b. Assume that the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years. What will the price be 2 years from today? Round your answer to the nearest cent.


Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. If the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years, the price be 2 years from today will be approximately $1,720.34.

(a) Yield to maturity (YTM) is the total return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. In this case, the bond has a $1,000 par value, 10 years to maturity, and an 8% annual coupon rate. The bond is currently selling for $980, which means it is priced at a discount.

To calculate the yield to maturity, we need to find the interest rate that makes the present value of the bond's cash flows equal to the current market price. Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can calculate that the YTM is approximately 8.26%. This means that if the bond is held until maturity, the total return will be 8.26% per year.

(b) If the yield to maturity remains constant for the next 2 years, we can use the present value formula to calculate the future price of the bond. We know that the bond has a 10-year maturity, so there will be 8 years remaining in 2 years' time. The coupon payments will remain the same at 8% of the par value, or $80 per year.

Using a financial calculator or spreadsheet, we can calculate that the future value of the coupon payments over the remaining 8 years is approximately $634.47. We also need to calculate the future value of the $1,000 par value, which is $1,085.87.

Adding these two values together, we get a future price of approximately $1,720.34. This assumes that the yield to maturity remains constant over the next 2 years.

To know more Yield to maturity about refer here:


The difference between the yields of long-term bonds and the yields of short-term bonds issued by the same corporation at the same time is usually caused by the difference in maturities (maturity risk premium). (True/False) If 10-year T-bonds have a yield of 6.2%, 10-year corporate bonds yield 7.9%, the maturity risk premium on all 10-year bonds is 1.3%, and corporate bonds have a 0.4% liquidity premium versus a zero liquidity premium for T-bonds, what is the default risk premium on the corporate bond? (Multiple Choice) a. 1.46% b. 1.51% c. 1.60% d. 1.30% e. 0%


True. The default risk premium on the corporate bond is 1.51%. The maturity risk premium is the difference between the yields of long-term bonds and the yields of short-term bonds issued by the same corporation.

This premium is primarily driven by the difference in maturities. In this case, the 10-year T-bonds have a yield of 6.2% while the 10-year corporate bonds yield 7.9%.

Thus, the maturity risk premium on all 10-year bonds is 1.3%. Additionally, corporate bonds have a liquidity premium of 0.4% versus a zero liquidity premium for T-bonds. When combined, this results in a default risk premium of 1.51% on the corporate bond.

In conclusion, the difference between the yields of long-term bonds and the yields of short-term bonds issued by the same corporation at the same time is usually caused by the difference in maturities. In this particular case, this premium is 1.3%. Additionally, corporate bonds have a liquidity premium of 0.4%, resulting in a default risk premium of 1.51%.

Know more about maturity risk here


on january 1, a company issued and sold a $470,000, 3%, 10-year bond payable, and received proceeds of $464,000. interest is payable each june 30 and december 31. the company uses the straight-line method to amortize the discount. the carrying value of the bonds immediately after the first interest payment is:


The carrying value of the bonds immediately after the first interest payment is $469,700.

To calculate the carrying value of the bonds immediately after the first interest payment, we need to first determine the amount of discount that was amortized during the period.

The discount on the bond is calculated as the difference between the face value of the bond ($470,000) and the proceeds received from the sale ($464,000), which is $6,000.

Since the bond is a 10-year bond with semi-annual interest payments, there will be a total of 20 interest payments made over the life of the bond. Each interest payment will be for $470,000 x 3% x 6/12 = $7,050.

Using the straight-line method, we can calculate the amount of discount that will be amortized each period as follows:

Discount amortized per period = Total discount / Number of periods

Discount amortized per period = $6,000 / 20

Discount amortized per period = $300

Therefore, the carrying value of the bonds immediately after the first interest payment will be:

Carrying value = Face value of bond - Discount amortized

Carrying value = $470,000 - $300

Carrying value = $469,700

Learn more about carrying value at:


If a 20 percent increase in the price of an energy drink results in a decrease in the quantity demanded of 25 percent, demand for the energy drink is in this range. A. inelastic B. elastic C. unit elastic D. vertical


If a 20 percent increase in the price of an energy drink results in a 25 percent decrease in the quantity demanded, demand for the energy drink is in the elastic range (B). This is because the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price, indicating that the demand is sensitive to price changes.

This is because the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price. In this case, a 20% increase in price led to a 25% decrease in quantity demanded, indicating that the demand is sensitive to price changes. This means that a small increase in price leads to a relatively large decrease in the quantity demanded, indicating that the demand for the energy drink is elastic.Elastic demand refers to a situation where a small change in the price of a good or service leads to a relatively large change in the quantity demanded. In other words, when the price of a good or service increases, the demand for it decreases significantly, and when the price decreases, the demand increases significantly. This happens when there are readily available substitutes for the product or service or when it is considered a luxury item that consumers can do without if the price increases.

Learn more about quantity here:


If a 20 percent increase in the price of an energy drink results in a decrease in the quantity demanded of 25 percent, then the demand for the energy drink is elastic. This is because the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price, indicating that consumers are responsive to changes in price.

To determine the elasticity of demand, economists look at the percentage change in quantity demanded that results from a given percentage change in price. If the percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than the percentage change in price, then demand is said to be elastic. This means that consumers are very responsive to changes in price, and a small change in price can lead to a large change in the quantity demanded.

In the case of the energy drink, a 20 percent increase in price led to a 25 percent decrease in quantity demanded, indicating that demand is elastic. This means that consumers are sensitive to changes in the price of the energy drink, and are likely to reduce their consumption if the price increases.

Inelastic demand, on the other hand, occurs when the percentage change in quantity demanded is less than the percentage change in price. This means that consumers are relatively insensitive to changes in price, and are likely to continue purchasing the product even if the price increases.

Unit elastic demand occurs when the percentage change in quantity demanded is equal to the percentage change in price. This means that the dollar value of sales remains constant as the price changes, indicating that consumers are neither more nor less responsive to changes in price.

Vertical demand, or perfectly inelastic demand, occurs when the quantity demanded does not change in response to changes in price. This is often the case for essential goods like medication, where consumers are willing to pay any price to maintain their health.

Click the below link, to learn more about Elastic:


1. The preferred stock of Rail​ Lines, Inc., pays an annual dividend of​ $7.50 and sells for ​$50.15 a share. What is the required rate on this​ security?
A. 16.95 percent
B. 10.97 percent
C. 18.94 percent
D. 14.96 percent
E. 12.96 percent


The required rate of return on a preferred stock is the return that an investor expects to receive in order to compensate for the risk of investing in that stock.

To calculate the required rate on the preferred stock of Rail Lines, Inc., we need to use the dividend discount model formula, which states that the required rate of return equals the dividend divided by the price of the stock plus the growth rate of the dividend.

In this case, the annual dividend is $7.50 and the price of the stock is $50.15 a share. We don't have information about the growth rate of the dividend, so we'll assume that it's zero, which means that the dividend will remain constant over time.

Using the formula, we get:

Required rate of return = $7.50 / $50.15 + 0 = 0.1494 = 14.94%

Therefore, the answer is D. 14.96 percent.

This means that an investor who purchases this preferred stock expects to earn a return of 14.96% per year in order to compensate for the risk of investing in this stock. This return is higher than the return on a risk-free investment, such as a U.S. Treasury bond, because the preferred stock carries a higher risk of default.

To know more about risk-free investment refer here


QUESTION 35 For any project, you can change the patter of cash flows over its economic life so that more is received in the early years and less in the later years relative to an Initial evaluation, the NPV: A. will go down relative to the initial estimate B. will go up relative to the initial estimate C. will not change the timing of when cash flows we received does not change D. It depends


The effect of changing the pattern of cash flows over a project's economic life on the project's NPV will depend on the size of the cash flows and the prevailing cost of capital.

The effect of changing the pattern of cash flows over a project's economic life on the project's NPV will depend on the size of the cash flows and the prevailing cost of capital.

If the cash flows are large and the cost of capital is low, it is possible that changing the pattern of cash flows to make more cash flows occur in the early years and less in the later years may result in a higher NPV than the initial evaluation. This is because the present value of early cash flows is higher than the present value of later cash flows when the cost of capital is low.

On the other hand, if the cash flows are small and the cost of capital is high, changing the pattern of cash flows to make more cash flows occur in the early years and less in the later years may result in a lower NPV than the initial evaluation.

know more about cash flows here


Complete question is :-

QUESTION 35 For any project, you can change the patter of cash flows over its economic life so that more is received in the early years and less in the later years relative to an Initial evaluation, the NPV:

A. will go down relative to the initial estimate

B. will go up relative to the initial estimate

C. will not change the timing of when cash flows we received does not change

D. It depends on the size of the cash flows and the prevailing cost of capital.

ou borrow $36,500 from a bank at 14% interest compounded monthly and can afford $500 monthly payments. How many months will it take for you to pay back the loan in full (rounded)? a. 164.5. months b. 189.3 months c. 127.5 months
d. 88.9 months
e. 97.2 months


It will take approximately 189 months (rounded) to pay back the loan in full with monthly payments of $500 at a 14% interest rate compounded monthly. The correct option is b.

To answer this question, we need to use the formula for the monthly payment of a loan, which is P = (r(PV))/(1-(1+r)^(-n)), where P is the monthly payment, r is the monthly interest rate (14%/12), PV is the present value of the loan ($36,500), and n is the number of months.

Plugging in the given values, we get P = ($500), r = (14%/12), PV = ($36,500), and solving for n, we get n = 189.3 months.

It is important to note that this calculation assumes that the monthly payments are made on time and in full each month. Any missed or late payments could affect the total length of the loan repayment period.

To know more about monthly payments refer here:


if the reserve ratio is equal to 10% then what is the value of the money multiplier? enter a number rounded to two decimal places.


The value of the money multiplier when the reserve ratio is 10% is 10.00.

To calculate the money multiplier when the reserve ratio is equal to 10%
Money Multiplier = 1 / Reserve Ratio
First, convert the 10% reserve ratio to a decimal by dividing by 100:
Reserve Ratio = 10% / 100 = 0.1
Next, plug the reserve ratio into the formula:
Money Multiplier = 1 / 0.1 = 10

Learn more about Money multiplier-


Once the profit-maximizing output where MR = MC is determined,
price is set by
subtracting the marginal cost from total revenue.
the demand curve.
making it equal to MR = MC.


Once the profit-maximizing with marginal cost output where MR = MC is determined, price is set by  the demand curve. The correct answer is: b. the demand curve.

Once the profit-maximizing output where MR (marginal revenue) = MC (marginal cost) is determined, price is set by the demand curve. This is because the demand curve reflects the prices that consumers are willing to pay for each level of output.

To find the price at this output level, simply move vertically up from the profit-maximizing output point until you reach the demand curve. The corresponding price on the demand curve is the price at which the firm should sell its product to maximize profit.

Profit-maximizing refers to the strategy or goal of maximizing the profits of a business or organization.

to know more about marginal cost refer here


The IIA defines data analytics as "The process whereby data is identified, consolidated and quality checked and put into a format where analysis can be done with the goal ofA.Initiating opportunities for discussions with senior management and the board."B.Obtaining relevant results for the benefit of the organization."C.Providing operational, financial, and other data to the organization."D.Identifying useful information that better supports corporate decision making."


The IIA defines data analytics as the process of identifying, consolidating, and quality checking data to prepare it for analysis with the goal of identifying useful information that better supports corporate decision making.

This involves obtaining relevant results for the benefit of the organization, providing operational, financial, and other data to the organization, and initiating opportunities for discussions with senior management and the board. Ultimately, data analytics is a critical tool for organizations to make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

Know more about initiating opportunities


When do the effects of warranty obligations affect the statement of cash flows? Multiple Choice eBook Print When the sale of merchandise is made When the worranty obligation is recognized When there is a settlement of a warranty claim made by a customer None of these answer choices are correct


The effects of warranty obligations affect the statement of cash flows when there is a settlement of a warranty claim made by a customer (option c).

When a customer's warranty claim is settled, the effects of warranty obligations have an impact on the cash flow statement. This is because a warranty claim settlement involves a cash outflow to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the defective product, which is classified as an operating activity in the statement of cash flows.

Recognition of warranty obligations and sales of merchandise do not directly impact cash flows and are therefore not included in the statement of cash flows. It is important for companies to properly account for warranty obligations and their impact on cash flows to accurately reflect their financial position and performance.

For more such questions on cash flows, click on:


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