ecclesiastes is best known for what refrain (a repeated phrase)?


Answer 1


Everything is Vanity


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what does hi meme in memes.


The term "hi" in memes is often used to express a simple greeting or acknowledgement, usually in a humorous or ironic way. It originated from a popular internet meme known as "Supa Hot Fire".

What is the meme about?

Hello! "Meme" refers to a cultural phenomenon that spreads from person to person within a society. Memes can take many forms, such as images, videos, phrases, or even behavior. They often rely on humor, irony, or satire to convey a message, and they can be used to express opinions, beliefs, or ideas.

The phrase "hi haters" was then used as a catchphrase in various memes and eventually evolved into simply "hi" or "hello" being used as a playful or sarcastic greeting in online humor. The meaning and usage of memes can be constantly evolving and changing, so it's important to keep up with current trends and context to fully understand their meanings.

Read more about meme here:


Answer: Hi usually means sarcasm or just being a plain goof ball

T/F: many bilinguals report that they have different sense of self, depending on which language they are using.




Many bilinguals report that they have different senses of self, depending on which language they are using.

how can portions of text be emphasized? select all that apply.



Other ways to achieve emphasis

Use a question after series of statements

Place subordinate clause in front of main clause

Include short sentences (using variety sentences makes text seem choppy, but including them from time to time keeps readers’ attention and emphasizes particular part of text)

Use contrasting words or phrases.

1. चित्र को ध्यानपूर्वक देखिए और इससे संबंधित 6-8 पंक्तियों की एक कविता बनाइए। कंज हिंदी-8​



you can't catch a fly with honey, but you can catch all the honeys being fly!


that's the answer to ur question.

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Which research questions would be most effective way to get information about this controversial



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2. What are the potential risks and benefits of using genetically modified organisms in food production?

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Answer: Love is so awesome and you need to cherish those that give you backhand beaters and sidehand pumpys!


The quantity of gold and silver Spain took in its conquest of the Aztecs and the Inca was worth more than 100 percent of the value of all of the gold accumulated in Europe over the previous several centuries.The enormous amounts of gold and silver that the Spanish took from Mexico and the Andes between 1520 and 1540 transformed the global economy. Consider the amount in context:


the Spanish Crown received an estimated $1.86 billion in gold and silver from the Americas between 1520 and 1540. This was more than double the amount of gold and silver that had been accumulated in Europe over the previous two centuries.

what does hi mean in memes.



Heyy, or other greetings is an Internet slang term that can be interpreted as a greeting

Hi in memes just mean like a regular hello or how are you? Basically its just saying high but in a funny way

in the united states, public opinion is less divided by class than it is in europe. true or false



Studies of public opinion in the 1940s found most citizens had high levels of knowledge about govt. and policy False

100 points!!HELP FAST (05.02 LC)

Match each term with its definition.

Match Term Definition
A pair of rhyming lines in a poem A) Simile
The attitude of the speaker toward the subject B) Personification
A comparison of two unlike things using like or as C) Rhyme scheme
The rhythm, or beat, of a poem D) Alliteration
A figure of speech that gives humanlike qualities to something nonhuman E) Hyperbole
Repetition of beginning sounds in words F) Meter
The pattern found in poetry that occurs at the end of the lines, often represented by matching letters like ABAB, CDCD G) Couplet
A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis H) Tone



Okay calm down...

A) Simile: A comparison of two unlike things using like or as.

B) Personification: A figure of speech that gives humanlike qualities to something nonhuman.

C) Rhyme scheme: The pattern found in poetry that occurs at the end of the lines, often represented by matching letters like ABAB, CDCD.

D) Alliteration: Repetition of beginning sounds in words.

E) Hyperbole: A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis.

F) Meter: The rhythm, or beat, of a poem.

G) Couplet: A pair of rhyming lines in a poem.

H) Tone: The attitude of the speaker toward the subject.


(G) Couplet) A pair of rhyming lines in a poem

(F) Tone) The attitude of the speaker toward the subject

(B) Rhyme scheme) The pattern found in poetry that occurs at the end of the lines, often represented by matching letters like ABAB, CDCDG) 

(C) Simile) A comparison of two unlike things using like or as

(E) Meter) The rhythm, or beat, of a poem

(D) Personification) A figure of speech that gives humanlike qualities to something nonhuman

(H) Alliteration) Repetition of beginning sounds in words

(A) Hyperbole) A figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis 


6th grade online school ELA module 5 exam? I did it and its right

yw :))

Independent individuals __________.
live without human interaction
are irresponsible and controlling
make confident decisions about their lives
avoid the complicated relationships



The answer is C

make confident decisions about their life

You are signing a story that takes place in the late 1800s. How many indicate the setting to your audience



It should be noted that the settings to the audience can be indicated by C. Show examples that are specific to the time period.

A setting in literature simply means the time frame and the location where the action of a narrative takes place.

When one is signing a story that takes place in the late 1800s, one can indicate the setting to your audience by showing examples that are specific to the time period.

What is the best English translation of moverunt

-she will move

-they will have moved

-she will be moved

-they moved

What is the best English translation of pugnaverant

-he fought

-you were fighting

-they had been fought

-they had fought

Choose the 1st person plural pluperfect active form of adoro, adorare, adoravi, adoratus




-adoratae erimus



moverunt: they moved

pugnaverant: they had fought




what is one important theme in Trifles? How do symbols help develop that theme? Use evidence from the text support your answer.

*for this you must use the R. A. C. E method. No shorter than 5 sentences. *


Note that o ne important theme in Susan Glaspell's play Trifles is the marginalization of women in male-dominated societies.

What is the explanation for the above response?

The male characters disregard the women's observations and insights throughout the play, implying that their worries are inconsequential and unnecessary.

The women's capacity to solve the riddle of the dead bird and comprehend its symbolic importance, on the other hand, demonstrates their intelligence and their unique perspective as women. The bird, which represents Minnie Foster's trapped and stifled soul, is a strong symbol that contributes to the development of the issue of women's subjugation in patriarchal society.

Glaspell uses this emblem to highlight the dehumanization of women and the necessity for their voices to be heard and respected.

Learn more about Susan Glaspell at:


Refer to one or more details from the text to explain the disagreement between the speaker and his father over fruit. Base your answer both on evidence that is directly stated and ideas that you infer from clues in the text.


In the text, the speaker and his father have a disagreement over fruit, which can be inferred from clues in the text. One possible clue is a direct statement from the speaker that they prefer to eat fruit when it is ripe and sweet. This statement suggests that the speaker values the taste and quality of the fruit.

What is the disagreement?

The speaker describes how his father finds joy in simple pleasures like fruit from the orchard and how he doesn't care about owning expensive possessions or chasing after wealth. This implies that the father values the simplicity and natural beauty of life, including the simple pleasure of enjoying fruit.

On the other hand, the speaker's admiration for his father's simple ways may suggest that the speaker shares his father's perspective. However, it's possible that the speaker's father's perspective may not align with the values of the broader society or with the speaker's own desires for material possessions or wealth. This could potentially lead to a disagreement between the speaker and his father, where the father's contentment with simple pleasures clashes with the speaker's desire for more materialistic pursuits.

Read more about disagreement here:


See full text below

Refer to one or more details from the text to explain the disagreement between the speaker and his father over fruit. Base your answer both on evidence that is directly stated and ideas that you infer from clues in the text. In my father is a simple man.​

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